(12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP18,010 P2 Stemkens (45) Date of Patent: Sep
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USO0PP18010P2 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP18,010 P2 Stemkens (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 11,2007 (54) DIASCIA PLANT NAMED ‘DIASTRAPIN’ (51) Int. Cl. A01H 5/00 (2006.01) (50) Latin Name: Diascia barberae Varietal Denomination: Diastrapin (52) US. Cl. ..................................................... .. Plt./263 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. Flt/263 (75) Inventor: Henricus G. W. Stemkens, Hoom (NL) See application ?le for complete search history. (73) Assignee: Syngenta Seeds B.V., EnkhuiZen (NL) Primary ExamineriKent Bell (74) Attorney, Agent, or F irmiBruce Vrana ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (57) ABSTRACT patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. A new and distinct cultivar of Diascia plant named ‘Diastrapin,’ particularly distinguished by its light coral (21) Appl. No.: 11/375,517 ?owers and trailing habit. (22) Filed: Mar. 14, 2006 1 Drawing Sheet 1 2 Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Color readings were taken in the greenhouse under ambi Diascia barberae. ent light. Color references are primarily to The R.H.S. Varietal denomation: ‘Diastrapin’. Colour Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society of London. BACKGROUND OF THE NEW PLANT TABLE 1 The present invention comprises a new distinct cultivar of Di?erences between the new cultivar ‘Diastrapin,’ its parents Diascia, botanically known as Diascia barberae. and a similar cultivar The new cultivar is propagated from cuttings resulting ‘Diastrapin’ ‘AOO75-l ’ ‘A00 64- l ’ ‘Diastis’ from the cross of ‘A0075-1’ and ‘A0064-1’. ‘A0075-1’ is a Flower color Light coral Pink Coral Coral pink ?owering Diascia. ‘A0075-1 ’ is not commercially Plant shape Trailing Upright Trailing Upright available and is not known by any synonyms. ‘A0064-1’ is Flower size Medium Small Large Large a coral ?owering Diascia. ‘A0064-1’ is not commercially available and is not known by any synonyms. Both ‘A0075 1’ and ‘A0064-1’ have not been patented. ‘Diastis’ has a commercial name of ‘Flying Colors Coral’ and is patented as US. Plant Pat. No. 13,950. As a result of this cross the present cultivar was created in 2001 in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands and has been repeatedly asexually reproduced by cuttings in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands The plant: and Sarrians, France over a three-year period. It has been Classi?cationiBotanical: Diascia barberae. found to retain its distinctive characteristics through succes ParentageiFemale parent: A seedling named sive propagations. The new variety is stable and reproduces ‘A0075-1’ is one of our seedlings from our true to type in successive generations of asexual reproduc A-generation of plants bred in 1996. Pollen parent: A tion. seedling named ‘A0064-1’ is one of our seedlings from our A-generation of plants bred in 1996. This new Diascia plant is an annual in most climatical 25 Growth habitiTrailing. Zones in the US, only in Zones 8, 9 and 10 it is a perennial Plant heighti20i30 cm. plant. Speading area ofplant.i24i36 cm. Growth rateiVigorous. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING StrengthiVery good. This new Diascia plant is illustrated by the accompanying 30 Branching characteriFreely branching and lateral photographic drawing which shows blooms, buds and foli branching at every node. age of the plant in full color, the color shown being as true Quantity of branches.i60i80 branches per plant. as can be reasonably obtained by conventional photographic The stem: procedures. Diameteri2 mm. 35 ShapeiTetragonal. Coloril37B. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW CULTIVAR Lengthil 8*24 cm. The following detailed descriptions set forth the distinc Anthocyan pigmentationiAbsent. tive characteristics of this new Diascia. The data which Length of internodeiVegetative growth: 1(L16 mm. de?nes these characteristics were collected from asexual Generative growth: 15*20 mm. reproductions carried out in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands. The PubescenceiNot pubescent. plant history was taken on 10 week old plants, cultured in The foliage: 10.5 cm containers, and blossomed under natural light in a Phyllotaxis.4Opposite, decussate. greenhouse. Number of leaves per lateral stem.i20*60. US PPl8,0lO P2 3 4 Shape of blade.4Cordate. Number ofpetalsiFive: tWo upper banner petals, tWo TextureiUpper side: Smooth. Lower side: Smooth. lateral petals and one larger basal lip petal. Attachment to leafiPetiolate. Shape of the banner petalsiApex rounded, base VenationiPinnate. fused. Color ofveinsiUpper side: 139C. LoWer side: 138C. Shape of the lateral petalsiApex rounded, base Leaf margin.4Crenate. fused, loWer surface modi?ed into nectar spurs. Leaf base.4Cordate. Shape of the basal lip petali Apex truncate, base Leaf apex.iAcute to rounded. fused. Length.il6i24 mm. Petal margin of all petalsiEntire. Petal surface textureiSmooth. Widthil4i22 mm. Size of the banner petalsiLength: 3*5 mm. Width: Depth ofincisioniLess than 1 mm. 4*7 mm. ColoriUpper side: 139A. LoWer side: 138B. Size of the lateral petalsiLength: 2*4 mm. Width: PubescenceiNo pubescence. 3*6 mm. Length of petiole.i2i3 mm. Size of the basal lip petaliLength: 8*l4 mm. Width: Diameter ofpetiole.ili2 mm. l0il4 mm. Color ofpetiole.il39A. SpuriLength: 8*l0 mm. Diameter: li2 mm at petal Petiole surface textureiSmooth. attachment. Color: 39B. The bud: Number of?owers per raceme.i20*40. Peduncle lengthil 2*24 mm, depending on season. FragranceiNo fragrance. Peduncle diameteri2i3 mm. Lastingness of the bloomiNeW ?orets continue to Peduncle shapeiLong and threadlike. open in one raceme over a period of 16 days. Peduncle coloril39A. Lastingness of one ?oweriAbout 4 days depending on Size of the bucliLength: 3 mm. Diameter: 3 mm. temperature. Shape of the bud.4Oval. Flowering seasoniDepending on climate from Color ofthe buclil 84C. March until December. Number of buds per lateral branch.i2(%35. The reproductive organs: SepalsiColor both surfaces: 137B. Number: 5, AndroeciumiStamen number: Three. Anther shape: parted. Length: li2 mm. Width: li2 mm. Shape: TWo-lobed. Anther siZe: Less than 1 mm. Anther Elliptic, apex acute, base truncate. Margin: Entire. color: YelloW 7C. Amount of pollen: Very much Texture: Smooth. pollen. Pollen color: YelloW 8B. Bracts.4Color upper side: 137A. Color loWer side: GynoeciumiPistil number: 1. Stigma shape: 137B. Arrangement: Sessile. Number: One under Rounded. Pistil length: 2*3 mm. Style length: li2 neath every pedicel. Length: li2 mm. Width: li2 mm. Style color: Green 141C. Stigma color: Green mm. Apex: Acute. Base: Subcordate. Margin: Entire. White 157B. Ovary color: Green 141C. Texture: Smooth. The fruit and the seed: Pedicles.4Color: 141C. Shape: Threadlike. Length: Seed setiNo fruit development nor seed set has been 6*8 mm. Diameter: Less than 1 mm. observed. The ?oWer: The roots: In?orescence length.i4i6 cm. Type of rootsiFibrous. In?orescence diameteri3i5 cm. Rooting habitiFine and freely branching. Flower widthil 8*26 mm. ColoriWhitish, Nl55A. Flower length.il8i24 mm. Physiological and ecological characteristics: Flower depth.i6il2 mm. Disease/pest resistanceiPlants of the neW Diascia Flower aspectiTipped upWard and outWard. have not been noted to be resistant to pathogens or BorneiSolitary. pests common to Diascia. FormiZygomorphic, ?ve lobed, double nectar spur. Temperature toleranceiPlants of the neW Diascia ClusteriRaceme. have been observed to tolerate temperatures from 0 ColoriUpper surface: 41C. On the tWo upper banner to 35 degrees C. petals there is a small yelloW (color 9B) indentation What is claimed is: just above the reproductive organs. LoWer surface: 1. A neW and distinct cultivar of Diascia plant named 39B. On the tWo upper banner petals there is a small ‘Diastrapin,’ as substantially illustrated and described light yelloW (color 8C) indentation at the base. herein. Overlapping of the petalsiSeparate. * * * * * U.S. Patent Sep.11,2007 US PP18,010 P2 my .