Mercedes College Mercy Vine From the Principal Issue No 3 – 7 March, 2008 Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of the Mercedes College Community My Absence Many of you may already be aware that I will be away from the Membership of the 2008 Mercedes College Council is: College for some weeks in the near future. Tony Ward Parent Elected Member, Chairperson A CIS Team Visit Colleen Tomlian Council Nominated Member, Next week I will be a member of a Council of International Schools Deputy Chairperson (CIS) Visiting Team at a school in Queensland. You will recall that Sam Arnold Parent Elected Member we hosted such a CIS Visiting Team in 2006 as we underwent a Simon Marsh Council Nominated Member whole school review and gained accreditation. This is important Jo Milne Parent Elected Member work and I hope I will be able to give the school constructive Samiko Munro-Callisto Council Nominated Member feedback to help them with their future planning as we were Tim Rogers Council Nominated Member assisted in the past. I am convinced I will learn much from Deirdre White Parent Elected Member observing the processes and procedures of the school and thus Peter Daw Ex-officio Member Mercedes will also benefit from my participation. As much as we Steve Bowley Invited found the 2006 CIS visit to be of great value it will be nice to be on the other side this time! One further member is to be nominated by Archbishop Wilson and this appointment will be in place by the next meeting. I thank these International Student Programme (ISP) work and a Visit to members of our community for the generous way in which they our Mercy Beginnings give their time to ensure our College is responsibly led into the From 25 March to 10 May (Weeks 8, 9, 10 of this term and Weeks future. 1 & 2 of Term 2) I will be overseas on International Student Programme (ISP) business. While I am away I will also be taking Waite Reserve the opportunity to visit Catherine McAuley’s House at Bagot Street Due to ongoing water concerns, once again it is looking increasingly in Dublin, an experience I am greatly looking forward to in order to unlikely that we will be able to access Waite Reserve as a venue for gain a better sense of the life and times of Catherine McAuley and our winter sporting programme. As in 2007, if this facility is thus assist me in deepening my Mercy spirituality. unavailable we will be making alternative arrangements. Bill Gaynor and other members of the Sport Staff work very hard to I have always endeavoured to undertake ISP work in holiday time ensure our students have access to the highest quality facilities so I am here at Mercerdes during the term, however, in this case it available. We will be seeking venues that are of close proximity to is impossible. I travel overseas to meet with parents of our current the College and will keep you informed as the situation becomes students to provide them with progress reports, to engage clearer. prospective enrolments and to meet with the Agents who broker the enrolment process. Quebec Exchange We have welcomed and farewelled our Quebec Exchange students While I am away Tony O’Doherty, Paul Wadsworth and Julie Hann and staff over the past days and have enjoyed their company in will deal, as they normally do, with matters concerning their level of between. I thank the billeting families for their hospitality, I know school and will work in partnership to deal with any Reception to our Mercedes students are waiting in excited anticipation for their Year 12 matters. The College has an experienced return visit to Quebec. The students from Rochebelle have had an Executive Leadership Team who will also give the three Assistant interesting and exciting time, some even more so than others! Principals any support they need during this time. I will also be contactable if the need arises.

The College Council Last week the College Council met for Coming Events the first time for 2008. I am pleased to Peter Daw 10 March Adelaide Cup Holiday announce Tony Ward was elected as 12 March Orientation Walk Principal Chairperson for 2008 and will be ably 13/3/08 Year 8 Immunisations assisted by Colleen Tomlian as his 14/3/08 Year 9 & 10 Class Party Deputy. 17/3/08 Council Meeting 18/3/08 Photo Day: R-12 Leadership, Music, Summer Sports 21-24/3/08 EASTER 25/3/08 Year 7 Retreat Mercedes College Newsletter Page 2

A Friday thought… climate change. Perhaps a moment pondering and praying his words would be of value ………… A rare win for the little heard people over ‘development’. The long-running saga that is Victoria Park has, seemingly, come to God, Creator and Sustainer, an end. Or is it a beginning? With the decision by the SAJC free us from ignorance about your gift of Earth. to vacate the park after 160 years of horse racing have come Inspire us to act together in respect for your gift and change our ways two reactions, each diametrically opposite to the other. On the as we relate to Earth’s rhythms with humility. one hand there is the always present ‘develop at all costs’ May we welcome the truth when scientists speak of climate change, lobby, which endorses anything that either provides And reject false pathways designed to confuse. entertainment or makes money, preferably both. On the At this point in history, help us to urge our politicians t o take moral other, there is the much smaller community voice seemingly in decisions and urgent action in negotiating sustainable living. constant need to be heard in defence of Adelaide’s heritage Ground all our thoughts in your revealing Scriptures and the wisdom of parklands. Whether it’s the Adelaide Oval extensions, holy women and men who have gone before us to help build proposals for the railyards, a range of other intrusions, and the new creation as followers of your Cosmic Son. now Victoria Park, the justifying arguments of “we’re only Give us a discerning spirit to work with the ecological and the human, taking a little bit” or “no-one uses it anyway” are constantly the social and the economic realities of this world, and instil in us a spirit trotted out to support yet another incursion. And when the of respect and compassion able to imagine pathways of harmony. Amen. lesser heard voices are raised in opposition, they are Peter Williams Director of Mission condemned as anti-Adelaide or anti- progress.

For once, the challenge has been – at this stage – successfully mounted to redefine ‘progress’, to reassert the priority of our inherited environment over bread and circuses. In the process, the State Government has backed off from the dual use grandstand project, aware perhaps that while many people in marginal electorates may not make much noise, they do vote and they have not necessarily supported the proposal. The Adelaide City Council has been derided by many in the media as a small group with too much clout, although the independent weekly paper has more kindly promoted it as a body of conservation. Lord Mayor Michael Harbison has moved quickly out of the blocks to promote the new possibilities which now arise, that the park could become a world class people’s park, with greater and more sympathetic access for people in general to enjoy this rare gem on the city’s edge.

All this has come during Lent, the time we are invited to look deeply into ourselves. Pope Benedict, speaking on St Augustine at an audience in January, said “the presence of God in man is deep and at the same time mysterious. It can however be discovered and recognised deep down in oneself”. Just perhaps, God is speaking to us through the messiness of this debate. Just perhaps it is symbolic of the ongoing struggle – for much bigger stakes – around the world, for protection and nurturing of our earth. For respecting our heritage and coming to a greater understanding of the gift we have received and are challenged to protect.

There are a range of Church social teaching principles concerning our environment and some speak powerfully to the local debate. They include the need to consider the common good, promoting authentic not super development, the rights of future generations and the need to preserve the earth community’s bio-diversity. Somehow, while the challenges to Victoria Park pale almost into insignificance in comparison with major environmental concerns, the effort to raise our voices to ‘nurture our earth’ here in Adelaide can become emblematic of our broader commitment. The notion DONATIONS of EASTER that we might ‘think locally, act globally’ certainly resonates. EGGS Father Charles Rue, Columban Coordinator of the Justice, We will be collecting Easter Eggs for Sister Peace and Integrity of Creation Office in Australia, has Kate for the Women’s Prison. These can penned a prayer which relates to environmental issues and to be left at the Rose Garden Office. Any donations gratefully received.

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From the Junior School 28 March Yrs 4-7 Zone Athletics at Scotch College I would like to officially announce and congratulate Loretta 4 April Years 3, 4 & 5 Class Party Romano who has accepted a two year position at Discovery 11 April End of Term 1 College in Hong Kong as team leader and classroom teacher. Julie Hann This means Loretta will be leaving Mercedes at the end of Assistant Principal Term 2. While she will be greatly missed this will be a very Head of Junior School exciting new chapter for Loretta and her family. Discussions International Baccalaureate PYP Awards are currently underway to ensure that Loretta’s classroom role We congratulate the following Junior School students who and PYP coordination are well planned and ensure continuity received Awards at our most recent assembly. of learning. The Mercedes community will be notified as soon as this has been completed. Learner Profile Awards

Inquirers: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire The enthusiasm, team spirit, and excitement evident in the the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show Years 4-7 Sports Day last Thursday was a joy to see. For me, independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and I loved watching the children’s faces as they put in that extra this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. effort to do their best for their team. The focus on achieving Madeleine Meeks 3GM, Michael D’Antuono 3GM personal bests in a variety of events and the opportunity to Knowledgeable: They explore concepts, ideas and issues that score house points in these endeavours meant participation have local and global significance. In doing so, they acquire for all. I am sure there must have been some tired bodies at in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad the end of the day. Whilst Dalton was victorious on the day it and balanced range of disciplines. Oliver Kirkbride 1KQ seemed that all the children felt like winners. In his address Thinkers: They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills Jeff Wray congratulated the children on their performances, critically and creatively to recognise and approach complex and acknowledged that the amount of personal bests was problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. substantial. Congratulations children! My sincere thanks to Ruby Briffa RRM, Labrina Nikoloutsopoulos 3HI, Jeff Wray and the PE department for their tireless work in Caitlin Prentice 4NB, Lachlan Abbot 4NB making this day run so smoothly. Also to our wonderful band Principled: They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong of teachers and parent helpers who took on a variety of roles sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the and were constantly heard encouraging the children. individual, group and communities. They take responsibility I am always amazed that in life we are able to participate in for their own actions and the consequences that accompany many forms of study to prepare us for a variety of roles in our them. Tom Schilling 1EM, Freyja Stevens 2MR lives. Yet the most important role, being a parent, is one in Caring: They show empathy, compassion and respect which many of us learn on our feet, often with a trial and error towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a approach. We live in a very complex world and being an personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive effective and loving parent is equally complex and challenging. difference to the lives of others and to the environment. The recent Mark Le Messurier workshop was not only Kate Matthews 5MS entertaining, but provided some great tips in understanding Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own our ch ildren as they grow and develop and go through learning and experience. They are able to assess and different life stages. understand their strengths and limitations in order to support

their learning and personal development. Lachlan Marryat 5MS While Mark shared a number of useful strategies, one that is important for supporting your child’s organisation and PYP Attitudes ultimately better performance, was the use of visual schedules Curiosity: Being curious about the nature of learning, about at home. This could take the form of purchasing a small the world, its people and cultures. Jordan Loechel RCO whiteboard for your child/children to write up important Commitment: Being committed to their own learning, reminders for the week, a planning schedule for a homework persevering and showing self-discipline and responsibility. task (e.g. Monday – use internet to find relevant sites, Tuesday Luke Warburton RCO – highlight interesting and relevant information, etc.) This Empathy: Imagining themselves in another’s situation in particularly supports children who may be inclined to leave order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as things to the last night which can be very stressful for the to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives of whole family. Some families enter ‘what’s on for the week’ on others. Cooper Dowie 5MB, James Galpin 5MB a calendar, and discuss this on Sunday nights so that everyone knows the week ahead and is responsible for their own Action Award commitments. I am sure you have seen our teachers use It is an explicit expectation of the Primary Years Programme visual strategies consistently as it is well known that these that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action. This support students in their learning. Pleas e look out for further action is student initiated and will either extend their learning sessions run by Mark this year. or have wider social impact. It can be collaborative or individual but will always be purposeful and beneficial whether Junior School Dates to Remember simple in form or complex in nature. Action is seen as a 14 March Caritas Day demonstration of student’s empowerment as a direct result of 17 March R-3 Swimming Carnival the expectations underpinning the PYP. Congratulations to 18 March Photos: JS Leaders, summer sports and Olivia Hynes (1KQ) for taking responsible action around our co -curricular activities (please bring Mercedes school environment. correct uniform if you need to change) Loretta Romano 21 March Good Friday PYP Coordinator

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From the Middle School different foods from different countries. SRC Everyone in the class Congratulations to our recently elected Student Representative tried at least one thing Council members who were presented with their badges at our that they had never recent Middle School Assembly. These students have an tried before. We important role of ensuring that the student voice is heard discovered such things within the College, as well as the organisation of student as dragon fruit activities and fundraisers at the various year levels. We wish (Indonesia) Dutch these students well and know they will serve the Middle liquorice (Holland) School well in these important leadership roles. and piroshki (Russia)

Year 6 SRC: Year 9 SRC: After having a great Oliver Marshall Erin Murray time in the market we Rachel Kowalski Madeleine D’Angelo walked to North Ellen Watson Bernadette Klavins Terrace to look at the Year 7 SRC: Rebecca McCarthy plaques in the ground Hilary D’Angelo Nicholas Dowling about people who had Caitlin Connell Eleanor Wardleworth migrated to Australia and helped shape our State. Before having lunch Elleni Penfold Mia Gaynor we went to look at the War Memorial building and tried to find someone Year 8 SRC: Joshua Weber who had the same last name as us. All the groups then went and had Kevin Hsiao Jasmine Cocks lunch in a shady, grassy area. Damien Quick Henry Wilson Alice O’Connell Upon arriving at the Migration Museum we split into two groups. Both Hollie Kerr groups were guided through the museum with a tour guide who told us Tierney Barron many stories and showed us many different maps. The guides each had their own personal experience of their family migrating to Australia; one Year 7 House Captains was from England, one from Greece and the other from India. We spent Congratulations also to the following Year 7 students who an hour looking at all the displays through the decades. take up leadership roles within their House groups this year. These students have already displayed outstanding leadership Altogether, the day was really interesting and a new experience for at the recent Year 4-7 Swimming Carnival and Athletics everyone. We all agreed we had learnt something we didn’t know before Carnival. we went on the excursion! Sarah Crocker 7CJ Barry: Victor Bergamin, Emma Bischoff Sarah Crocker, Liam Ryan Year 4-7 Sports Day McAuley: William Cernev, Edward Cronin Thank you to Mr Jeff Wray, the Physical Education teachers Georgina Hewett, Rebecca Turci and the Year 4-7 class and home group teachers who worked Fitzpatrick: Kelly Bergamin, Patrick Gillis tirelessly at the recent 4-7 Sports Day. The day was designed Luke Heaslip, Eliza Sheridan to encourage maximum student participation with all students Dalton: Angus Burns, Hamish Hill competing in the 100m, 800m, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Isabella McRae, Elizabeth Ward Put and Discus. Team points were gained according to Class Parties performance standards which have also been used in Physical Thank you to David and Julie Martin for hosting the Year 8 Education lessons, allowing all students to contribute to their Class Party on Friday 22 February. The hospitality was teams total and encouraging them to achieve their personal wonderful and the evening proved an excellent opportunity to best in each of their events. As could be expected the catch up with old friends and welcome new parents to our students participated in the day with great enthusiasm, Mercedes community. matched only by the encouragement and support given by the staff and parents who attended and assisted on the day. Well The Year 9/10 Class Party will be hosted by Nick and Fiona done to everyone involved! Twizell on Friday 14 March and the Year 6/7 evening on Paul Wadsworth Friday 28 March at the home of Heather and Paul Sambrook. Assistant Principal I look forward to seeing you at these coming events. Head of Middle School

Year 7 Migration and Markets Excursion On Thursday 21 February the Year 7 students visited the Year 6 Camp Fun at the Year 6 Camp held at Adelaide Hills Wilderness Lodge Migration Museum and the Central Markets as part of their ongoing class work on migration. The following reflection gives you an idea of the activities in which students were involved.

On 21 February all three Year 7 classes went to the Central Market, North Terrace and the Migration Museum for a Humanities excursion. We were exploring the origins and impact of migration on our society. First, 7CJ went to the Central Market for about an hour. We split into five groups and went around the market filling in sheets about the

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From the Senior School Uniform Since the introduction of the red-card system in the Senior Year 10 Report School last year, the standard of uniform and grooming has It has been an exhilarating start to the year for the Year 10 improved. I do remind parents and guardians, however, that students in their first year of the Senior School, as well as for the term break is not an appropriate time to get a second tutors and teachers of Year 10. piercing for girls, any piercing for boys or unnatural hair colours, tips or highlights. Students who are not adhering to Piloting the Future SACE requirement that the students the uniform and grooming policy outlined in the diary will be prepare for their future through specific studies, Mr Bill sent home until they do so. Deegan has designed a course with Ms Samantha Reynolds and Mr Ian d e Boar. This initiative of Mr Deegan’s through Finally I would like to make a point about punctuality both to his work as Career Guidance Counsellor incorporates the school and class. With the introduction of the earlier school Career Voyage, and interview times will be scheduled in day this year, it is very important that students are not late to relation to subject selection and other issues to supplement class or to morning admin, which begins at 8:35am. the programme being taught in class. Mr Deegan hopes to have an interview with all Year 10s later in the year to discuss May your Easter and Term 1 holiday break be safe and their interests and to explain the structure of Year 11 and provide a well earned opportunity to re-charge and return beyond. ready for a busy Term 2. Ashley Coats To begin the year all Year 10 students undertook a series of Year 11 Coordinator ability, personality and interests measures provided by PKF Organisation Development, School Services. Written reports Year 12 thus far…. and an evening feedback session to parents will follow shortly. Week 6 has dawned upon us, yet it would seem only moments ago that students were officially welcomed to their first day of More! Yes, many of the Year 10 students hosted a Quebec Year 12. The past weeks have been chock-a-block full of student for their visit from Rochebelle College in Quebec. interesting times for our Senior students. This meant brushing up on spoken French and enjoying finding out about Canada and the way of life there. One As soon as the term began, preparations amongst the student student even got to see kangaroos in the back garden of their body were in full swing for the annual Swimming Carnival and host family – an unbelievable, unscripted performance that I would like to commend the efforts of the Physical Education will be a great travel story. department, with the able assistance of sport leaders and house captains, in organising and operating a most successful This promises to be a most interesting year for the students as event. Spirits were high throughout the day and the they focus on their own personalities, talents, interests and enjoyment of being able to celebrate in vibrant costumes was future career. I wish all the Year 10s a great year – it will be embraced by all. Despite being unceremoniously dunked busy and hopefully, very fulfilling! during the Novelties events, I too enjoyed the carnival with a Elizabeth Bondar great group of Year 12 people. Year 10 Coordinator A focus on our Lenten journey, begun with a special liturgy, Year 11 Report was perhaps enhanced this year by the timely offering of a I would like to mention how much I enjoyed meeting so many reconciliatory olive branch by Prime Minister Rudd. The parents at the Senior School Introduction Evening and regret opportunity for some of our students to be present in Elder not being able to attend the class party. I am very happy with Park for the televised apology was memorable and their the way the 2008 Year 11 cohort are settling in this year, sincerity in reporting on their experiences at a subsequent clearly there is no substitution for a strong partnership school assembly was a great example to their fellow students between teaching staff and parents. Year 11 Community and staff. Service is well underway and we are already getting positive feedback about our caring students, If you have any queries I certainly feel the class of 2008 have commence their year in about Community Service please contact Mr Peter Williams as earnest and have begun as they mean to finish. Their soon as possible. commitment to both their studies and extra curricula activities has been dedicated to this point and I pray and encourage Up-coming Events: them to maintain their efforts over the remaining part of the · Term 1 reports will be given to the students on the term. They have begun their battles well and are certainly final day of term. Please discuss these with your worthy warriors! daughter/son and contact me if you have any Michael Francis concerns. Year 12 Coordinator · In Term 2 Year 11 SACE students will be undergoing their week of work experience. It is very Please feel free to contact me at any time. God Bless. important that students begin to secure their work Tony O’Doherty experience placements now as it is a very competitive Assistant Principal process and students from other schools are also Head of Senior School trying to find placements at this time. Please contact Mr Bill Deegan if you have any enquiries.

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Family Matters · When children have a real say in what happens and where everyone feels their views are listened to, a very special Parenting Tips – Families that work well relationship with trust and intimacy helps building a Just as a loving, caring family can help a child develop good healthy family. self esteem, so an unhappy, fearful family can lead to low self Continued next Newsletter esteem and a range of problems for a child. Sometimes Source: Extract: Parent Easy Guide #36 with unhelpful ways of doing things, habits and patterns, form in permission Parenting SA, Government of South Australia our families without us realising this has happened. We often Anne Way just know that life seems harder and not enjoyable anymore as College Psychologist R-12 a parent. You may find it useful to think about how your family works. Careers & Subjects

Make time for talking and listening My focus this week is upon the Year 11 students and their · Families where a wide range of feelings are expressed organisation of a Work Placement for Week 8 of Term 2, 16- seem to be healthier: feelings such as joy, excitement, 20 June inclusive. While this date sounds as if there is plenty anger and fear. of time, it is amazing how difficult it can become to find a · Often parents forget that talking with children can be meaningful placement if it is left too late. As I outlined in the difficult and that they think in different ways from grown- last Mercy Vine, many schools organise Work Experience at ups. Try to remember how it was for you. The people this time because it is the natural break between the two you liked were probably those who listened to what you semesters. This means that competition for places is ‘fierce’. had to say. Students at Mercedes College are very fortunate in that many · Listening means not only hearing the words but working good placements can be organised by accessing the members out what your child is feeling behind the words. of our own school community. My strong encouragement to · Listen without jumping in with answers or lecturing or students is to try to organise a placement with someone who either knows you or knows of you, as often that experience is criticising. Remember what it feels like when you want to better organised and more directly relevant to your interests. I talk and have someone just listen. have a list of placements we have used in the past and quite a · Check that you’re hearing your child correctly by number of those employers are current or past Mercedes repeating what you have heard but in different words. parents. I encourage any students and/or parents who have Show you are interested with brief fill-ins like “Mmm, go any questions or concerns about Work Experience to come on” or “Really!” and see me and I will be only too happy to help. · ‘Put down’ messages, threatening and blaming are likely to make your child feel bad or hopeless. On a related issue, I have a number of Old Scholars who ring and visit to ask me questions about careers and work Show affection, encouragement and appreciation opportunities. These past students are high achieving, very · Children and adults feel good when they are encouraged capable and personable people who are looking for part-time and appreciated. Let your child know what you love and and sometimes full-time employment opportunities. I know like about them. there are many past and current parents who would be happy · Show affection, give hugs, be thoughtful and kind. to have a Mercedes student working for them or with them · Teenagers who remember being praised, kissed or hugged and I encourage any parents who may have any opportunities during the previous week are likely to do better at school available to contact me and I will ‘connect’ you with those past than those who don’t have this experience. students. · Take time to ask what each family member has done each In Year 10, many of our students in the Career Development day and show interest in each other’s lives. Programme are completing their ‘Career Voyage’ and should · Most people find it easier to criticise than praise, so make in the next week or so bring home a report detailing career an effort to think about the positives and tell your child and course possibilities. I am still to confirm a date for the what you have noticed. Information Evening related to the testing conducted by PKF · No one should be left out or made to feel the odd one Sch ool Services. I will send a letter to Year 10 parents as soon out in a family. as the results are available. · Allow each person to be excited about their personal interests and show respect and tolerance. In the meantime, if there are any questions relating to subjects or careers, please do not hesitate to contact me. Share the chores and the power Bill Deegan · Help children to take on responsibilities so that as they Subject & Careers Advisor get older you allow them to have more say over their own lives. STUDENT ABSENCES · The younger the child the more you should be in control, Parents are reminded of their responsibility to but begin early, giving them chances to do things for contact the College if a student will be late to themselves with careful watching. school or absent for the day. · Use adult power wisely. Keep control through humour Please ring the Rose Garden Office on 8372 3241 and encouragement, not with punishment or threats. In or Reception on 8372 3200 BEFORE 9.30am. less healthy families there is a never-ending fight for Upon the student’s return, please place a note in control which is unhelpful to children. the diary regarding the absence for the Home Group/Class Teacher.

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Learning Assistance Programme (LAP) Guitar Gurus – Yr 6 up Monday 8:30-9:00 Strathspey Music Room World Music Ensemble Friday 8:30-9:00 Senior Music Room Mercedes Orchestra Thursday 3:45-5:00 Senior Music Room Do you remember the TV series, “The Perfect Match?” It Stage Band Tuesday 3:45-5:00 Senior Music Room seems like just last week some of us were glued to the Jazz Ensemble Thursday 8:00-9:00 Senior Music Room television set to watch, with some amusement, as young Junior Stage Band Tuesday 8:30-9:15 Strathspey Music Room couples tried to find someone special to share time together. School Choirs R-7 In school time Strathspey Music Room Senior Choir (Yrs 7-12) Monday lunchtime Drama Room Cathy and I seem to be spending a lot of time each day looking for the ‘perfect matches’ for our students and It is expected that students who are part of specialist music volunteers. A positive relationship and friendship is at the here at the College participate in at least one ensemble. We heart of the LAP programme and it is important that we do would also like to encourage any instrumental students to join the best we can to ensure we find just the right combination. these groups. Even if your son/daughter learns externally So far, we have matched over 50 pairs and we are slowly with another teacher they are more than welcome and are working our way through the list! encouraged to participate.

We have been delighted with support and interest from some The students are cooperating extremely well so far despite new parents, grandparents, wider community members and camps, sports days and other activities, however some of the Year 12 students. Each volunteer brings with them special groups are finding it hard to establish routine. So pleas e gifts of time, dedication, talent and care and it is a privilege for encourage your music students to come and bolster any of the us to see them settle in happily with their new friends. We groups. have welcomed back many of our “oldies” – volunteers who have been with us for many years. Some of our volunteers Mrs Cullity and Miss Logan are really pleased with the Year 8s have been with us for five years or more. What would we do who have turned up for the Senior Choir so far but are without them all? wondering where the magical Years 7, 9, 10 and 12 students are! Along with our Year 12 contingent this year, we are delighted to welcome some International Students to our LAP team of Mr Hooper will be conducting Solo Performances in specialist mentors. One young lady is looking forward to getting to classes over the next 2 weeks in preparation for the Soloist know her new friend – via the virtual classroom and the Concert on Thursday 13 March. School of the Air. This Year 12 student from China will be working with a Year 6 student living in remote South Most instrumental hire invoices have been sent to families. Australia. They may never meet face-to-face! We can’t wait to There are still a few outstanding and they will be sent to you see how this perfect match unfolds. very soon. Thank you to the parents of the string students for being patient with the new hire instruments. Your Mercy Luke Petito and Renee Briggs are our Year 12 LAP Leaders spirit is outstanding and we are endeavouring to sort out all and they have been busy recruiting their fellow students and the hiccups with the instruments and restringing some of them helping us with our matching. Our Year 5 LAP Leaders, to ensure a better sound. Lucas Krivicic and Kate McBride greet us with a smile each morning as their young legs run around the school to check if We would like to welcome Mr Greg Tillett who will be joining the LAP students who are scheduled for the day are in fact at us to teach a few extra trumpet and trombone students. school. Thank you to these four great LAP leaders for 2008. Celine Beaton-Smith Music Coordinator Our exciting year has begun!! Penny Penhall School Fee Accounts Cathy Cronin LAP Coordinators Thank you to all those families who have forwarded payment of their Term 1 2008 fee account, or have contacted the Music News from Strathspey and College and set in place a periodic payment arrangement for Beyond 2008 school fees.

Term 1 fees were due for payment in full on 29 February The following is our current list of Ensembles available in the 2008. If you have overlooked payment please attend to this at College. the earliest possible opportunity.

Fleur de Lis (formerly Tuesday 8:00-9:00 Burke Room Strathspey Chamber Ensemble If we have not received payment within 14 days of the due String Ensembles – 2 Thursday 8:15-9:00 Strathspey Music Room date – by 14 March 2008, and no communication has been groups still evolving received, a late fee of $50 will be applied to tuition Flute Ensemble Wednesday 8:00-9:00 Senior Music Room accounts and will appear on the end of March Tax Flute Quartet Yrs 8-12 Wednesday lunchtime Senior Music Room Invoice/Statements. Please do not hesitate to contact me if Senior Guitar Wednesday 3:30-4:15 Strathspey Music Room you require assistance. Ensemble (by Audition) Heather Burns Junior Guitar Friday 8:15-8:45 Strathspey Music Room Ensemble Telephone: 8372 3221 Email: [email protected]

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International Baccalaureate Awards International Students: Learning Ceremony Programmes and the World Culture Club

The Preparation for Secondary Education Programme (PSEP) Each year an International Baccalaureate Awards Ceremony is commenced with 8 International Students. Whilst they are held at the Adelaide Town Hall to acknowledge the most completing their Intensive English course at the Language outstanding students from the schools in Adelaide offering the Centre in Angas Street they also come to Mercedes for 4 IB Diploma. Certificates of Distinction are awarded to lessons once a week. So far we have 8 students, 5 from China, students who achieve a point score of 40 or more and 2 from Korea and 1 from Macau. Certificates of Merit are awarded to students who achieved the highest possible grade of 7 in one or more subjects.

Pictured: Principal Mr Peter Daw, Head of Senior School Tony O’Doherty meeting with the father of Chinese student Tian Chen while visiting Beijing late last year.

The main aim of this programme is to prepare these Pictured: Chris Alexandrides, Lucy Arrowsmith and Andrea Fairlie International Students for mainstream courses for the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the South Australian On Monday evening 18 February, five of our IB Diploma Certificate of Education (SACE). It also prepares them graduates from 2007 were formally congratulated and socially and emotionally in the Australian lifestyle with a recognised for their outstanding achievements in the Diploma comprehensive Orientation Programme tailored for students at the 2007 Awards Ceremony held in the Adelaide Town from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Main Hall. This year the ceremony was hosted by St Peters College. subjects taught in the PSEP are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology.

Our Dux of the College for 2007, Lucy Arrowsmith, was The students look forward to coming to Mercedes College to awarded a Certificate of Distinction for achieving a point meet staff and students as they become familiar with their new score of 43 and was also awarded Certificate of Merit for environment. Students currently at the Language Centre and achieving grades of 7 or merits in 5 subjects, English A1 HL, PSEP course are: Choi Oi Ieng, Jin Zheng Liang, Koh Min Indonesian B SL, History B SL, Biology HL and Chemistry Hyung, Li Wei, Park Aron, Tan Haoheng, Xia Xianbang, Zhao HL. Kai Peng Zheng was also awarded a Certificate of Dongwan. Distinction and a Certificate of Merit for achieving merits in 3 subjects, Chemistry HL, Physics SL and Mathematics HL. The Mercedes College Support Programme (MESP) is in full swing with all Years 8-10 International Students receiving Certificates o f Merit were awarded to Christopher tutorial style learning for 5-8 lessons a week in Room 26. Alexandrides for Chemistry HL, Christopher Bierton for Support is provided in almost all subjects as students are not Indonesian B HL and Economics SL, Andrea Fairlie for familiar with the variety of research/collaborative style and IB Indonesian B SL and Yang Jun Li for Economics SL. tasks. All students meet frequently to receive advice and strategies on managing their studies, time and homework.

Mercedes College congratulates these outstanding graduates On the social side, the World Culture Club was busy on from 2007. These congratulations are extended to all our Chinese/Korean New Year as they distributed ‘lucky red graduates from 2007 who were all outstanding and achieved packets with special Chinese sweets’. The lockers of Senior results at their very best. This is demonstrated by the School students were festooned with red ‘good luck’ signs as following statistic. 83% of our graduates for 2007 achieved a we welcomed the Year of the Rat. Home group teachers of TER of 90 or more putting them all in the top 10% nationally. International Students spent time explaining the significan ce of Chinese New Year to all our local students. As we prepare Seventeen Year 11 IB students completed French B SL in for a ‘traditional annual dinner’ on 6 March at T-Chow 2007 as an Anticipated Subject and achieved outstanding Restaurant in the city, we welcome staff, students and results with 9 students achieving the highest grade of 7. We Homestay families to join us again on this very enjoyable also congratulate these students on their outstanding results. evening. Asian food fest, competitive sports, bowling nights George Filander and barbeques are some of the events the World Culture Club IB Diploma Coordinator (WCC) is planning in the ‘Year of the Rat’. Kala Nathan-Thompson Academic Advisor and Learning Programmes Coordinator

Mercedes College Newsletter Page 9

Mercedes-Rochebelle Exchange

Our 40 Quebec students have been enjoying a busy two weeks, both with their hosts and their organised programme. Our host families have been busy too, picking up at Mercedes at 10:15 pm, dropping off at 6:15 am and 7:15 am! Families have organised myriad activities for the weekends with their Quebec students. I am sure our students are looking forward to their return trip via Paris at the end of the year when they will head for the snows of the Quebec winter to stay with their same “twin”.

Our next and 5th cycle of this exchange will be in 2010 when the Quebeckers will come here at the same time, with our trip taking place at the end of that year. Lesley Davies

Quebec Exchange 2008 The anticipation has been growing for weeks as 40 host families waited to find out who their Rochebelle billets were. Finally on 20 February the day arrived. The weary students of Rochebelle High School in Quebec travelled for 25 hours to meet with their twin, here at Mercedes College, and to spend two event filled weeks in Adelaide. Already, the exchange students have been to the museum, Tandanya where they experienced the Aboriginal culture, and are enjoying the beautiful sites of Kangaroo Island.

Last week, my Quebec twin and I went to the beach together. She was very excited when she saw the waves crashing onto the shore and felt the sand under her toes. We also enjoyed a day at Cleland Wildlife Park with the kangaroos and koalas, and shopping in town. I didn’t realise how these things we experience every day are so different to their experience in Quebec.

The Quebeckers travelled here, expecting to see kangaroos hopping around in our backyards, and dying to taste traditional Australian food. With one week remaining we plan to share many good times, and memories with them, waiting in excitement for our trip at the end of this year. Anastasia Rizos

Mercedes College Newsletter Page 10

Mercedes Parents and Friends PHOTO DAY Association All Summer Sports, Leadership and Co-Curricular photos will I attended the Year 8 Class Party on 22 February at Julia and be taken on Tuesday 18 March 2008 (Reception – Year 12). David Martin’s house. What a great evening. I can’t Students need to wear formal summer uniform (blazers) for recommend too much how important it is for parents to attend these events – it is a great opportunity to meet other all Leadership and Co-Curricular photos, however, appropriate sports attire will be required for all sports photos. parents in your child’s year level and also get to know teachers outside of the school environment. There must have been More information will be distributed to students at a later 100 parents at this function, so don’t forget your Year Level date. Class Party. Alessandra Miles

Donna and Andrew Cheesman hosted the Reception, Yr 1 and Yr 2 class party on 29 February. I have heard from very From the Sports Desk reliable sources that this event was extremely successful and very well attended. The summer season of sport is quickly coming to a close with the final minor round swimming meeting scheduled at Please note the upcoming list of Class Parties. We thank all Pembroke for 19 March and the best performing eight the host families for their generous hospitality. qualifying schools to meet at St Peters College on 26 March. Mercedes does not have the depth it had in previous years so Year 9 & 10 it will be a terrific job from our band of dedicated swimmers if Friday 14 March 2008 we do qualify from the 21 starters in the competition. Hosts: Fiona and Nick Twizell 29 Wilpena Avenue, Eden Hills Performances to date have been very good with 2nd places at Immanuel, Westminster and Pembroke against Sacred Heart, Year 6 & 7 Westminster, Adelaide High, Scotch, Pembroke and CBC. Friday 28 March 2008 Our meeting at Pembroke against these teams and Rostrevor Hosts: Heather and Paul Sambrook will be our toughest assignment with the final mid week 1 Grant Avenue, Rose Park competition against Pembroke and CBC. Thank you to the band of enthusiastic swimmers who have done such a great Year 3, 4 & 5 job so far. This Friday evening is the State Relay Friday 4 April Championships at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. Hosts: Tony and Barbara Ward 5 Aerial Road, Belair Tennis has commenced the finals series and Matt Smith’s report is worthy of a good read. Cricket concludes on 5 April. The evening of Thursday 21 February was one to remember. Pre-season training for 1st teams in football, netball, basketball Some 50 plus parents gathered in the Carmel Bourke Library and soccer has commenced. Football will be conducted at and were given the low down on parenting their child. Mark Glenside Oval and soccer will take place on Waite Oval, Le Messurier entertained all with what can only be described pending its ongoing availability. Many schools are as a passionate insight into our children’s thought processes experiencing the closure of facilities due to the lack of rain and and how and where we as parents fit in. A big thank you to all insufficient water for keeping the venues in good shape. The who attended and to those MP&FA members who assisted facilities are being assessed on an ongoing basis by those in and provided light refreshments afterwards. There will be two charge of these areas. more presentations later in the year. More information later. We are being assisted by the Department of Recreation and I commend to you the Entertainment Books which will again Sport with finding a venue for the eventual replacement of be a fundraiser for the MP&FA. You may order them on the Glenside Oval and we are hopeful of the possibility of using yellow form accompanying this newsletter or purchase one any amenity that avails itself as a soccer venue during winter from The College Shop. You should now have your Buzz should Waite Oval be unavailable again. Parents need to be Books, please contact the College if there are any queries in aware that venues during these months will involve significant this regard. travel.

Until next time, As can be seen, March is an extremely busy month for both Cheers swimming and athletics. Our secondary boys competed in the Tony Adey Secondary School B Grade swimming on Tuesday against Mercedes Parents & Friends Association Chairperson some very big schools. The secondary girls compete in the Email: [email protected] Catholic Girls Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 12 March and both Boys and Girl’s teams come together on Wednesday Second Hand Uniform Shop 19 March to compete in the Catholic Coeducational Due to uniform changes shorts have been removed Swimming Carnival. All meetings commence with swimmers from sale and will now be donated to charity. checking in at 6:15pm at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. continued next page All grey trousers are still available until end of term.

Mercedes College Newsletter Page 11

From the Sports Desk (cont) The Open Girls Water Polo team has started the year on a great note. Unfortunately this year we have needed to replace The Knockout athletes compete on Monday 17 March at coach Graham Litster, who moulded the girls into the players Santos Stadium in a bid to qualify teams for the State final on they have become. We welcome back James Canale who has Tuesday 25 March. Sports Day was conducted at Santos led the girls to dominating wins over the last 2 w eeks, beating Stadium today in quite warm conditions. House Captains Sacred Heart College by 3 goals and Seymour College by 9. have been doing a very good job of encouraging their charges The girls’ determination and willingness to learn new skills and to attend training and the fitness levels generated will be most techniques is applauded and the results clearly show they are a helpful on the day as was seen in 2007. The Sports Medicine persistent bunch. Some strong swimming by Emily White and personnel’s 2007 feedback to us was that they had surprisingly Ella Shanahan helped the girls score off some fast breaks and low numbers of stressed athletes and this was clearly due to goalie Angela Bevan stood tall in goals. The girls are their levels of preparation. Cooling devices (mist fans) improving each week and their determination is faultless. I provide athletes with some relief at the finish line when the hope to report their continued success in the near future. weather is quite warm. Due to the long weekend, there will be NO SATURDAY Parents of swimmers who were successful in winning awards matches on 8 March. This round will be considered a BYE at the Swimming Carnival as well as those who performed well round for all Basketball and Softball teams. Weekday at the Sports Day will be presented with awards in Gleeson competitions will continue as scheduled. Hall on Wednesday 12 March from 8:40am to 9:15am. Caroline Guirguis Parents are most welcome to attend. A special guest will be 8-12 Girls Sports Coordinator Mrs Henningsen, an Old Scholar and mother of Anne Marie who still holds the 100m record for girls from the early 1970s. Swimming Wednesday Night Competitions Bill Gaynor Last week our swimmers attended Pembroke and competed in our third carnival. Although we had some outstanding 8-12 Girls Sport performances the team finished second out of three, defeating The Catholic Girls’ Competition is well underway with a CBC. All our swimmers are dedicated members of our school number of teams having success on a weekly basis. Our co mmunity who continue to represent Mercedes with pride. I Softball teams are dominating both the Senior and Junior extend my thanks to Mr Gaynor and the parents who competitions. The two Senior teams have shown excellent continually support the team. form against their competitors under the guidance of Bernie Whiting and Angela Perkins. Mercedes Green has some great I also extend an invitation to all students and parents to join strength with our seasoned Year 12 players. Mercedes Gold us for training at the Balyana Centre on Thursday mornings has some up and coming talent with the likes of Claire Castree from 7:30am. The pool is as warm as a bath and the company and Connie Vartzokas showing their talent in an Open is great. We also provide a bus which returns students to the competition. Our three Junior sides, under the guidance of College and a light breakfast. Pip Ward, Briana Cuthbertson and Kate Cunningham are Michael Ebert proving to be too strong for their opposition. Excellent pitching by Chloe Skrlj and Emily Canale and sound catching Cricket by Gabriella McEvoy, Sophie Kedzior and Jordan Sideris have Mercedes 9A Vs Rostrevor 9A strengthened the sides and we look forward to seeing big The toss was a vital one to win. We chose to bowl on a damp things from the teams. The Open Girls Knockout team with pitch and our bowlers bowled exceptionally well. James Venn Coach Bernie Whiting, will play a round robin tournament kept it very tight with 1/6 off 6 overs and Luke Crocker took against Aberfoyle Park, Tatachilla Lutheran College and 3/25. Jamie Conlon chipped in at the end with 3/11. Adelaide High School for a chance to challenge for the Bowling them out for 96 seemed like an easy target, especially Statewide Knockout Championship. after an opening stand of 67 with Nick Davis making 40. Then we suffered a middle order collapse but the tail was able Girls Basketball has reported numerous wins in the Saturday to get us over the line. We ended up being bowled out for morning competition. Under the watchful eye of coaches 116. A great win! Luke Borda, Dean Witford, Bill Marsh, and Brian Thomas the Ross Pickering teams have exhibited skill and determination. With five teams in the competition the College is in a position to dominate this term. Some teams are new to basketball and have shown perseverance with a tough start to the season. I look forward DELAMERE TRAFFIC to reporting on their continued progress in the next Mercy Vine. Due to the increased number of cars, children and parents collecting their children, we ask for your Beach Volleyball has also proved to be a popular ch oice for patience, courtesy and understanding to come to the Senior girls this term. With eight teams in the Tuesday and fore.

Wednesday night competition we have a strong presence. The These are very busy and congested times of the day, girls have shown enthusiasm and eagerness to compete both both before and after school, and we should all set an at a social and competitive level. example to our children when collecting or dropping them at school by doing our utmost to show our cooperation and concern for others.

From the Development Office

You will have noticed the progress of many aspects of our THE CUT OFF DATE TO PURCHASE A PAVER IS THE major 2007 – 2008 Redevelopment Project outlined on new END OF MARCH. signage which has been installed at the main entrance of the College. 2007 saw the installation of water filtration and For more information please contact the storage under Maryvale Oval which will have a substantial Development Office environmental impact at a time of major water shortages. You may have noticed the further development of new [email protected] sporting facilities in this area. The Delamere Avenue entrance [email protected] along with ‘Kiss & Drop” has been enhanced and extended, providing safer facilities for our students. If you would like to see more information about the Redevelopment Project or other aspects of the Mercedes And of course we look forward with excitement and community please visit the newly updated website: anticipation to the completion of the major building project and surrounds in the coming weeks. These facilities include a 10 classroom block with additional technology and facilities, With best wishes Lecture Theatre, Chapel office and student services. An important addition will be the courtyards and landscaping Suzanne Moorhead which will surround this beautiful facility. With this in mind Director of Marketing and Development I commend to you our major fundraising project which commenced in 2007. Many families purchased a Paver to go in the Community Courtyard. As the completion date is only weeks away the time has now come to implement this venture.

Those who have already purchased a Paver will receive a letter with details of your request from the Development Office in the coming days. We ask you to check the details and confirm they are correct. For those of you who have not yet purchased a Paver, we commend this to you and enclose an order form for you to complete and return to the College. We have already sold 350 Pavers….it would be wonderful to double this amount!

540 Fullarton Road Springfield South Australia 5062 T 08 8372 3200 F 08 8379 9540 E [email protected] W ABN 93 414 320 696 CRICOS Provider 00365D Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc. operating as Mercedes College

*Final Opportunity Mercedes College 2007 – 2008 Redevelopment Project Community Courtyard Development We invite you to be a part of the future vision of Mercedes College by participating in the Community Courtyard Development. Why not purchase a paver in your child’s name, your family name or year group? *This is the final opportunity to purchase pavers prior to the completion of the development.

The cost of each paver is $100 (tax deductible). Requested text ______I would like to purchase ______paver/s at a cost of $100 each. ______(Text is limited to the name and years at the school. Maximum 32 characters.) Payment details: Please make cheques payable to The Mercedes College Building Fund Name______Please charge my Credit Card Mastercard Visa American Express Address______

Card No. ______Postcode______

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