COMMISSIO N EUROP EAN COMMU N ITIES \ -goM(?S) 258 finat Bnraeelee 15 June 1978 u*wrnsn;rffisBuRGtt

*r"';K.-& GIFT- t*-.,, J t

SEPz T "rW


Proposal for a couvcru oBcrsror (rmc)

authorizing prolongation or taoit rener,ral of certain trad,e agreenonts ooncluded. between the lt[enber States and. third. oountries

(subnttted. to the Corncll by the Copnission)

c0M(?8) a58 riuet



In fn tnplementatlon of Article 3 of thc Councll Deciglon of 16 December 1959 (1) on the progresolve atandardizatlon of .agreements concernlng corooercial relationg betveen Menbar Statee and third countrles and on negotiation of Couuunity agreementa, the Coraniseion proposee to the Council that the Meaber Statee should be authorized to ertend, a:rpreesly or tacitly, tbe tra.d,e agreenents annerad to tbe attached proposal for a Council decision. Tho a4reeoenta ln queetion oongtltute the thtrd, batch for 19?8 and. explre or due to be terulnated betveen r Augrrst and 3r ootober 19?8.

The prior coneultetlon epeclflcd. ln Artlole 2 of thig DeciEion was erecuted. \r rrltten proceduro. The outpone wes the recognltion on 15 lr,ay lgTB that tho Fedsral Republio of Gerua4r hts denoruried tts a4reernent of 2o.12.1950 wlth [omay and lta a€reemant of 02.]e"1.954 witb Sultzerland,, and, that the cond,itione under rrhicb the otber agreaaurte csuld, be extended for a flrrther year bad boen f\rlftl1c

2. The coEElealon considers lt app;oplate to point out, noreover, that thc proposalg for authorlzing the Meabgr StEtee to renew or ertend,, erpreae\r or tacit\r, cartaln agreementa ln thlg batoh for e firrther one-yoar period are by Eo Boano lad,lcet!,vc of argr poclsloa lt nlght adopt nsrl tlqe these agreenots oooo trp for ttaetnlo

(r) , a. L 326 of a9.r2or969r p. 39


.1, Proposal for a COUNCIL I'.!ECISION authorizing:' prolongation or ta~it renewal of certain trade' agreements ~t:onc:luded betwe~n the M~mbet' States and third ~ountries I


Having regard to the Treaty establ ishin~ the European Eco•,omic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof; ,.

Having regard to the Council Decision 69/494/EEC of 16 (1) on the progressive standardization of agreements concerning commercial relations between Member States and third countries and on the negotia~ions of Community Agreements, and in particular Article 3 thereof, ·

Having regard to the proposal from theCommission, I

Whereas tac~t extension beyond the end of the transitional.. period has already been authorized in the case of the Agr~ements listed in the Annex hereto by the Council under its Decisions of 28 ~anuary 1969 <2>, 26 <3>, 30 June 1969 <4>, 15 (5), 17 Oc~ober 1969 (6), 8 December 1969 <7>,

~ 20 December 1969 (8), 6 ~9), 8 <10>, 13 (11), 29 September 1970 <12), 23 November 1970 (13>, 25 (14), 18 October \ 1972 (15>, 22 (16>, 2 Oct9ber 1974 (17), 16 <18) and 20 September 1976 (19), a:nd 18 Juq 1977 (20); ··'··

(1) O.J. No~ L 326, 29.12.1969, p. 39. (2) O.J. No. L 43, 20.02.1969, p. 15. (3) OeJe No. L 159, 01.07.1969, p. 20. (4) O.J. No. L 169, 10.07.1969, p. 2 .. (5) O.J. No. L 238, 23.09.1969, p. 9. (6) O.J. No. L 266, 24.10.1969, p. 32 .. ( 7) O.J. No. L 323, 24.12.1969, p. 10. (8) O.J. No .. L 6, 09.01 .. 1970, (9) p. 1. O.J. No .. L 36, 14 .. 02.1970, p • 29 .. • (10) O.J .. No .. L 133, 18.06 .. 1970, p. 14. ( 1 1) OoJ• No. L 157, 18.07o1970, Oe 29. (12) O.J .. No. L 225, 12.10.1970, p. 24 .. ( 13) O.J. No. L 262, 03.12.1970, P- 18., (14) O.J. No. L 248, 09.11.1971, P• 7. (15) O.J .. No. L 250, 06.11.1972, o. 1. (16) O.J. No. L 301~ 30~10.1973, p. 30. (, 7) O.,J .. No .. L 276, 11.10~1974, o .. 37" (18) O.J. No. L 247, 23.09.197SF p. 29., (19) O.J .. No~ L 270, 02.~0a1976, p., 26, (20) O.J. No. L 197, 04.~8ol977, p~ 26.

- ~------~-- --...... ·- ·-- ...... - . . . - ..... ___ -·---- -2*

Hhereas the tntember States concerned havp, r{th c vlev to avoiding {nterruption {n the'lr cornmerciat retatlons uith 5he'third countriss ta,lcerned based on agree- ment, reque.rted euthor{zatton to prptong or t"enev the abovementioned Agreenents;

t/hereas authorization has to be granted onty to maintain commerciat rei.ations betyeen the &lember States and the third countries concerned on the basis of Agreements, pending their reptacernent by Communi-ty agreements to be negotiated; yhereas such authorization shouLd npt, therefore, adversety affect the obtigation incurnbent upon the Hember States to,pvoid, and, uhere appropriate to et'iminate, anY incompatibiLity betveen such agreemFnts and the provisions of Community [au;

'r,Jhereas the prorrisions of the {nstruments to be either prolonged or reneved vouId not, furthermore, during the perigd under consideration, constitute an obstacte to the imptenrentation of the conmon commercial, pol"icy;

Uhereas the Member States concerned have dectared that the protongation or tacit renevat of these ejreements uputd not constitute an obstacte either to the openlng of Community negotlatiops vith the third countries csncerned or to the transfer of the commJ'rciat fabric thereof to"Community Agreements, nor vou[d it, during theperlodunder co6rsfderat{on, hinder the adoption of the Deasures necessary to comptetc the standard{setlon of the {rport arrangements apptied by thc various tlenber State,B;

Uhereas at the conctusion of the consuttations provided for in Articte ? of the Doci sion 69/494/Wc it uas estabtlshed, as the aforesaid dectarations by the l'lember States conflrm, that the provisione of the agreenents to be protonged or reneved vouid not, during the perio,l under considerat.ion, constitute an obstactq to thc lr*ptehentation of the common commerclaL poticy;

.: tlhereas, in the clrcumstances, the fgreements concerned may be either protonged or tacitty rcneucd for a pcrlod not arceeding one yea?,



I ..1 .. o. ?. .dq@ v

ArtrE!.9 1

i, the The trade agfeements betueen !the Meurber States an

Th{s Dec{s.lon lr sddfGssed to tlre }tenbqi statGs.

OonG at Brusscts, Fon the Counclt, The President,

I \

o AIJ;OATO . BITI-AGE 3n40 i A}IBI$G - .AilNEX - AI\FrElt .--,...- luerdu efter oB daterlag TredJeland i Af,talcna art . jcrlaen6eloo I . e l,Ier vide- r' . rt ! r e f/relcc

€d-@--.@-G-# nacb gatua due Abkoooeae J.blau f HltEIled- Drittland 1 Art und \le:'llinAerung etaot t or and riate o! Agrecmeat l)rolonSoci Hecnber Stato frtrd $'po ::eneY€d until country date I'Accord Ichfanc"' Etot aeabre PeTe ticrs i Nature ct ,dc I opria F:'cro- ga t:on ou I on I recondutt: Scadenza doPo lla c dcto dall'accordo 6trto oeobro Peeac lctzo trrro I a prorega q il rinnovo

Aard on datuu van bGt akkoord Verval43tu5 Lld -Staat Derdc land Da verlengrug

I ].195o1 3L. ] .19o Bril:Lgx Gricc . Accord cooaerctal 9' .' Jjgoa . Accord conoerclel Eir,J.r95o, ,L.LZ.lg?9 .a Protocol'er ct t+,195r: I r 1). i cgrced nlnutert : Ilchange do lottrcc )O. lr.I96rl ! I

. oB I DtlW4RT Itgeatlal ' Bendela- g . betallngeaftalo 25.11 .19571 ,1.12.L97 1.19 8o ELfcnbtaskYtten SandaleefteIo 2r.1r.19651 9. i I.L980 Irak i !: rnlcl.raf talo 1r. r.1950i 1), I farael I 1r,r1 .tiszl 1,.11 .19'79 latrls :reudvekal ingcrftalo A9.1I.19*81 28.11 .1979 I 79 Portugal Va r eud ve kol, I n gea lcslo 2. 6.f-g5c ,l "12"1.9

DElESCgLAI{D Arablacb,c Ro- Abkomoen i.lber den publik Ag5rPten trlohtreaverkobr 19. 2.]956 ,L.L2.197,9 Argentlaicn i Hrndel.s- und Zahlungaabkomaea 25.11 .L95i ,].12 .lya itbloplen i Wlrler;hafte- und t. 2;.,..rg6"1 }1.1,2.19?9 I Ilandeloabliooaen luatralloa I Listc der. Einf,ubrkontiBgoB to )1,.]e .l?n Braoilloa I Eandelaabkoaaaa I.7"1955: 5L.r2.LW I I I I t -../... -?o

I Chlle &rotokoll ilbor BandslP- DEsrScEIi.lrD i 51.12,19V9 (Fortoetaun6) I und Zahlungoverkehr ?.11"1956 I Dahoas Ui.rtechaftaabkomoen :.9.5.1951 )L "12 "L9V9 .12 1979 El fenbolakUsta tdlrtechafteabkonmoa 18"12'L951 ,I " Flnnlaad Notenvecheel 5'1a"1969 2"1a. $fr I '11'n 0ahun l' Uirtechaf teabkonften ' ? "1962 ,1,i2.lgf Guinec uirtechaftsabkommen 19" \.t962 ,1"12 ,:9f Iral( Eaodeleabkouaen ?.iO.195I L3. ]. 19Eo Japan Eandeleabkomoan 1' ?'1960 31 "L2.1979 Kaaerun lianrleleebkormea 8" ,.1962 )1 .12.19?9 Xenis trlirtschsfle- uad 4.LA Sandelcabkommen "196i+ 3r.:.2.Lgf Xongo i',I rt echa f tsabkonnes )O"10" 1952 ,1.r2 "tgf [tadagaoknr 'Jirtechaftaabkonmen 6. 6"L962 .T 31".]'e.L9?9 ltarokko Handelsabkcaoen und 4.196I Brlefvechsel 15. .Lg1r9^ Protoko1l 25. I.]961+ ,1,,le I Nouoceloah Handcleablcomcon 20. I+"I959 ]1" 12 "l9n i Nlger Uirtgcheftaabkoaaon 1l+" 5^1951 ,1.r2.1979 I .l Nigerl* Handalsablromnen 25. 3.'L96, ,1.Ia,19h I

I 0sterrcteh Ba ndeleabkoaoen 11. 5.1954 Briefwc'cbeel und )1.r2"1979 ProtokoItr eI" r.196) 0bervoltn Ulrtocha ftsabkonoen 8.6.1961 ]r , r? .lgn Peklotan Eaud,rIsebkomruea uad ProtokoII g" 5.195? ,I.12 .:Jgn Paraguay Bondoleabkomoen 25, 7.1955 ]1"12 .1977 Schvolc Euaa tzprotokol.l o B. g . 1 9Tl 31.12.1979 Saobla Virtechafteabkornoen 1O.12,1955 ,1 "12.19D Slerra Iaoae! tJirtschaftesLkonroen I). 9.195) )L.1e.r979 Sooa!.la Han d'oleabkoameu rg. l.1g6a }}'12.1979 Srl Lanka Baadelaabkooaen I. l+"I955 ]I"I2.19'rO S(idafrlka. Llete der Elafuhrkoatlngonto 3r" 8.L979 Tonaanla Eandela- und'rlirtsGbatte- ' abkoooen 5.' g"lg5a ],r.L2,r979

I i ri t I n"./.o. -!-

DiTITSCEIATD ?gchcd -i Ulrf.achaf tsabkoarccn ]1. 5.L96, (Forisetzun8) X\rne sles Eendelerbkormen usd . 29" I"I95O I I Zuaatzprotokoll ' 2f,"1?.L)5, , 5r.1?.1979 Uganda 8a nccicabkortsaa L?" !.r954 ir.12 .lgB I I Zen i:a1efrl- i I kan i cche Ulrtscha f r:eabkooacn 29"J2. Lg()z I ,I.12.19 ?9 Pepublik I Z;rporo . . ..: Eandeolabl:ooa.n ,O.1O. t951 ,:.Ie.1979

m.L\ct Argentlne I Accord coanerclal et. de. po ieaent 29.l,L.L95? ,I.12.19.79 t. Autrlcbs Aecord c^trmerclal et irotocol e 26. ?.L96' ]1.1:.1979 Espagnc Accord eomnerctcl 2?.LL.L96, )1.1 o.:.g?g frrra Accord comnercial ct l+. 6.1959 ) ichango da lettree 23. 2.1959 t 5r.12 "19?g Iolcndc Accord 6conoaique 6.17.t95I )1.1,2.LgD \ frraEl /.ccord courlclclc,l 10. ?.L97, ) Pro coeolo . 16. L.L967 ,r.12.1979 lJchangc de lettrca 2b.12.I958 1 .Iepoa J.ccord coutocrcial ot pr.otocole lq.5.L9G, ro.1.1980 Pro r,oco1 e 26. ?.L956 l Hexlquc /lccord cooaerclal 1I . 7.L95O 28.11 .1979 lfcrvigo Accorj coruaorclal ,. 7.I95I ) ProtocoJ e 2, t.l95o ,1.12.1919 Echangr. do lcttrec 6. 2"L964 I Portugal Arran6cment cotrnenc{sl e5,}.195L ,1.12 J2n Suide Accord co:mcrctal ,. ).191i9 ,1.I 2.lyf SulcEe Accord ccoaercial eL.ll.196? ,L.lz"lgD firr1ut9 Accord comnerclal ,1 . 8.1 ,1.6 ,l.iz.J.g79. Yougoalavic Accord conasrclal 25. L.1954 Protoco'L o 6. 5.L?7o ,L.l2.J ?fr rBETA}ID Noruay Irade Agreement 2. 7.1r51 5L.].Z.LgD ITALIA Afgantctaa. J.ccordo comnercial,e ro.1e.]950 ?r.]',:,.lg?g Argentl,aa lr'cordo conrnarclale c scanbio dl note 25.LL,L957 ,1.12.1979 I Caaedi Moduo vivogd'l oogrtat., I I cia].o lr.tg48 l 28, ,L.l2"Lg?g I a I i

,../or. -4-

I I zo. 2.1955 ,1979 Ccata Bica Hoduc vfvendl, cota- 1e.11 TTALII "'l merctale. e aqaubto 25. 6"19r, tl I /l I Ci, notc i 9,197 9 ed minuttra )1.:.e.1959 50. Gluppono Agrc I co6o Guatoaala Modus vlvendf, ]1,12,L9?9 merc i alo 6.6"1"916 9"r95, )o"11.1979 frak Accordo conngrcialt 5O. aB ? "1967 51.12 "L979 .i Hatr"ta Accordo eotiloorclale " I 28" 1.1951 Harocco f.ccsrdo commerclale )1.L2,r979 Proiocollo 24. 2"1961 l eomnslPrcialc 15" 9'191{9 I r 979 I Heaetrco Accordo ' ]1.12. Protoeollo 28)-o.1961 ? I I Scamblo dl aPto 20' 'L961 lo.1"1r5r ro. 1,1980 Pak*atan Aecordo contritrcialc I 8, ?,1959 23. 1.1980 Fcre.6uaY Accordo coffimarciale Portogallo Aecordo eorilm rrc ialo e scambto di note. 4. ,.]961 I )1 .12 .Lg79 Scanbio dl letter! 2g.4"1959 3I.12.1979 Repubbl{.ca hotocollo comoterclalc araba d'Eglt to t 10"11 I 5:..12 "Lyf Siria Accordo corcmercialc 'L955 i ) Suniete i"ecordo eomnerc{a1q o 2}"1}'195I I ,t protbcolxo oaal'zl;;ti'-i"-g"riSf "12.19?P ' 21" 3 I ,l.1a.rgh NEDERIA}ID Arabiccbo Ro- Hsndeleov€rGenkonst "195' Publtek EgYPte I I Handala- en Arsont lnlii i )I b c' t a1 i n g eo1" €tFaonkoass 25.1r.L95? "1.2 "r9p I 6.9.1949 I 51"12 .Lgn T\rrlti Jo Eandelsakkoqrd I coomelr€tal et i Accord a UEBL Argent tne I de paienent u 5.rr.1957 )I.L? "L9?9 50. FiuLando Accord eorunqrclal 8"11 "195' .9"19?9 Paktstas Accord coungrcl,al 15" )"1954 ,r.12 "Lg79


SpaJ.n T:'ade and PrYmento \ Ag rc- ement 21.6"1.9E8 of 1( i extendcd by exclrangioa d. ,L"Ie,19?9 I no ters endrn,B wltb r tbat of I

qr* i