MOLDOVA COUNTRY ECONOMIC MEMORANDUM Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Moldova Rkindlin Economic Dnmism Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized MOLDOVA COUNTRY ECONOMIC MEMORANDUM Moldova Rkindlin Economic Dnmism WORLD BANK Mcroconomics & Fiscl Mnmnt Globl Prctic Europ nd Cntrl Asi Rion ©2019 Intrntionl Bnk for Rconstruction nd Dvlopmnt / Th World Bnk 1818 H Strt NW Wshinton DC 20433 Tlphon: 202-473-1000 Intrnt: www.worldbnk.or Publiction dt: April 2019 This work is product of th stff of Th World Bnk with xtrnl contributions. Th findins, intrprttions, nd conclusions xprssd in this work do not ncssril rflct th viws of Th World Bnk, its Bord of Excutiv Dirctors, or th ovrnmnts th rprsnt. Th World Bnk dos not urnt th ccurc of th dt includd in this work. Th boundris, colors, dnomintions, nd othr informtion shown on n mp in this work do not impl n judmnt on th prt of Th World Bnk concrnin th ll sttus of n trritor or th ndorsmnt or ccptnc of such boundris. Rihts nd Prmissions Th mtril in this work is subjct to copriht. Bcus Th World Bnk ncours dissmintion of its knowld, this work m b rproducd, in whol or in prt, for noncommrcil purposs s lon s full ttribution to this work is ivn. An quris on rihts nd licnss, includin subsidir rihts, should b ddrssd to World Bnk Publictions, Th World Bnk Group, 1818 H Strt NW, Wshinton, DC 20433, USA; fx: 202-522-2625; -mil:
[email protected]. Preface In its Moldova 2020 report, the Government outlined seven priorities necessary to propel the economy to a higher growth path -- based not on remittance-financed consumption but on an export-driven model.