The American Ornithologists' Union and Bird Conservation
The American Ornithologists’ Union and Bird Conservation: Recommitment to the Revolution1,2 John W. Fitzpatrick3 ________________________________________ Introduction Exactly one hundred years ago, with North America in large-scale, long-term conservation of American birds full-fledged environmental crisis, prominent members of and their habitats will be accomplished only via explicit the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) participated coordination among a large and diverse constituency of in major political and social upheaval. A century of organizations and individuals. At national meetings in unrestrained exploitation had reached catastrophic Estes Park, CO (Finch and Stangel 1993, Martin and proportions, with Passenger Pigeons and Eskimo Finch 1995), Cape May, NJ (Bonny et al. 2000), and Curlews representing only the tip of an iceberg. Birds as Asilomar, CA (Ralph and Rich this volume) and at diverse as parakeet, egrets, ducks, terns, and plovers countless smaller ones in between, the methods and were plummeting. AOU leaders, led by one of the goals of PIF have remained steadfast over its first union’s founders and first editor of The Auk (J.A. Allen), decade: find consensus, prioritize action plans, and had argued publicly and lobbied privately alongside mobilize new resources among public agencies, private civic leaders to establish the continent’s first wildlife NGOs, academic professionals, and natural-product protection laws and to monitor their consequences. industries in order to leverage expertise and capacity in a Based on these efforts, the conservationist President collective effort to protect bird populations. Theodore Roosevelt would create over fifty national wildlife refuges by Executive Order and sign dozens of A catchy rallying cry, “keep common birds common,” bills containing conservation statutes before leaving differentiated PIF’s approach early on from the narrower office.
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