TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBLIC Ubkak 312 NORTH CAYUGA STREET 21 YQI.1X. ITHACA, NEW ITHACA, NEW YOBr \a*$q below. frequented of the glens, in and around Ithaca, is the into the basin a hundred and fifty feet During Ithaca Gorge, which lies about three-fourths of a mile the hewing out of these steps, a workman accidently with north-east of the centre of the city. By following out fell down the precipice to the chasm below, yet place the name of Aurora street to the north, we come to a neat little out injury, thus, gaining for this bridge, spanning Fall Creek, from where is caught the first glimpse of the finest cascade of all, the ''Ithaca Fall." It is a foaming cataract, 150 feet in height and just as broad, with cliffs towering a hundred feet above on either side, the water circling round a dark eddy at its base,it winds in a tranquil,romantic course through the leafy groves of the plain, murnmringly continuing its journey to the lake. It is the second largest cataract in the State,nearly equalingin height the Niag ara Falls, and surpasses in every respect the Trenton Falls and the cascades of the Genesee. It is a tremen dous scene, with its immense volume of water pour ing over the jagged rocks in a snow-white and flowing veil and is indescribably beautiful. Just beyond the bridge there is a pretty little lodge guarding the en trance to the Gorge, from which a more charming view of the falls can be obtained. Following the walk winding along the almost perpendicular hillside, the ascent of which is at first steep and tortuous, a short


Tumble." "Johnson's While. still following this path, and ascending a long stairway cut in the solid rocks, we stand on the brink of a precipice more than three hundred feet higher than the point from which we started, and a few feet further on we have another similar picture to the. one we first saw, or "Forest Fall," " Ithaca only it is not so high or wide as the Fall." It is sixty feet, and is appropriately named from the densely wooded sides of the ravine. Passing through a thicket of pines,our path then descends into the bowels of the gorge, and following this along the bed of the stream, the next bright scene is presented Fall," by the "Foaming thirty feet high, the steep banks of which are romantically lined with cedars and Fall," hemlocks. Next in turn we. find the "Rocky RESIDENCE OF C. D. STOWELL. where the water rushes along in a tumultuous torrent See J. C. Stowell & Son. and pours down a distance of fifty-five feet into a third amphitheatre. Over the stream a little above turn brings the visitor to a shady and delightful nook, Rest," a place to he and appropriately named, "The colossal basm is dream the summer day awav. This high and is more than two hundred and fifty feet cast from the made almost black by the shadows from the cedars the steeply sloping walls and covering across. The grandest feature face of the rockv wall Fall" of the view is the "Ithaca itself, lying directly describe its in front No pen can adequately beauties, camera picture no painter's brush or photographer's with the naked eye to its charms, but must be seen the most be fullv appreciated, for it is indisputably the walk beautiful of them all. Following Avmding and summit around the midway between the pool come upon another terrace, semicircular walls, we obtained. *rom this from which a finer full view is aouind the amphitheatre, place the path leads us -1 xl T" through the trees w CORNELL LIBRARY. thicklv shaded at all times, a id as it bounds down the carrh glimpses of the wate rock)' a staircase, of swinging foot-bridge is suspended on wires ragged Avail. Then ascend g tall, creel: wav rt. h a plateau on a hwel. where the quietlv winds its romantic about twenty slams, we v sale the a s; u]e- bee cliff's and how fr<" and are cor :)letely fascinated, line; leafy -s, with 1 lie talis, Glen.' rives tin name of "Sylvan N<-a izina- awful it at the water a: X takes the t-.-ip sa down ITHACA, NEW YORK.

ing the end of this glen, we take to the bed of the in scenic effects. To get a good view of the Falls from with a high of rock stream, ledge jutting out in front below you take a path made in solid rock, "coliseum," partly partly of us and enter the a perfect amphi an easy slope, to the bottom of the ravine, then by a theatre of immense proportions of overtower- and one the most winding path through a grove up to the ing wall of rocks. These rocks rise four hundred feet, where the water falls in a single leap 215 feet, break ing into a beautiful silvery veil, on either side. In height of rocks and wildness of scenery this glen far surpasses the well-known Watkins Glen. To gaze upward at the sky, from the depths of this Ravine, is to awaken emotions foreign to the ordinary surround ings and associations of mankind. To descend from the glare and heat of noonday, by gently circling and guarded pathways, to the awful stillness and cool of this ancient river bed is to effect a transition words cannot make understood. In all ways the contrast afforded by this resort with the ordinary life of monot ony and routine is its chief charm. In the immediate neighborhood attention is directed to the "Upper Ravine" in which is situate the famous " Tocally a Bowl" " Devil's Punch ; the Gun Factory of 1812 "; a " The Spring of Undine in the main ravine ; the a " Gothic Door opening grandly on the right and the a " Lady of the Mist sitting meditatively nearthe foot of the matchless Falls.


A drive of between six and seven miles from Ithaca brings one to the head of this gorge and the beautiful ITHACA FALLS. valley from which the ravine opens was evidently the Used of the Cascadilla by courtesy School. See page 15. bed of an ancient lake. A small chamber curiously hollowed out by nature, to resemble a huge, old-fash important features of the Gorge, and at last we stand ioned square fire-place, is a short distance within the iii amazement at that wonderful gazing truly cascade, defile in the cliff on the rig;ht. The most prominent listening to the thundering and roar of "Triphammer Gorge" Falls," Fall" feature of "Enfield is "Lucifer which, until it becomes deafening. This fall gets its when you behold, makes one shrink back in amaze- name from the heavy beating, as of a mighty pulse, clearly distinguishable in the midst of the mighty uproar. I

TAUGHANNOCK FALLS, of celebrity throughout Central New York, is upon the west shore of Cayuga Lake, nine miles from the City of Ithaca, the site of Cornell University. This region has long been noted for its magnificent scenery, the scenery of the Lake alone equalling Lake George, and the Gorge, four hundred feet deep, with the rocks rising perpendicular that height, for a inile on either side. The Falls making a single leap of two hundred and fifteen feet, and breaking from the top into a veil," "pendant, snowy combined with the scenery of the upper and lower ravines, are said by hundreds who have visited Switzerland, to surpass anything they have ever seen. No words, however, can convey a just idea of the commingled beauty, grandeur and sublimity. The pencil has made the attempt, but has sadly failed to do it justice. It well repays a trip across the State. It makes a charming resort to heated and crowded city people, and Mr. H. D. Freer, of the Ithaca Hotel, has recently purchased the Taug hannock House which he has reconstructed through healthful out, and it is now one of the most and at LUCIFER FALLS. summer homes to be found in the State. The tractive Used by courtesy of the Cascadilla School. See page 15. table of the house is supplied from its own exclusive vegetable garden with the choicest of products. ment, for you find yourself on the very brink of a Taughannock Glen is beautifully wild and romantic, mighty precipice over which the creek pours its the ages divided as it is by the Falls, during past, into waters to break in foam on jutting rocks, and finally each from two distinct parts widely differing the other to take a desperate plunge into a great basin 140 feet ). ITHACA, NEW YORK. below. Directly facing the first leap of the falls, the GLEN WOOD pa. li descends rapidly to the bottom of the ravine. Is reached by a four-mile sail on the lake or a drive wikto the stream can he crossed to the generally op of five miles over the hills from Ithaca and is a most posite side and the most view of the entire j striking delightful location for a summer residence. On either fall is obtained. About "275 feet above, tree-crowned side the hills slope from the level of the lake to a cliffs appear and the water climbs to meet the clouds height of about 150 feet. On its way to join the " in front. Cascades of conceivable form and " every waters of the lake a brook runs through the Glen height, and narrow channels which deep sometimes and at a distance of 3o0 feet progress is barred by a conceal in their rumbling depths the I in its fiercely .running | high precipice. Through a narrow opening face water, follow each other in such rapid and agreeable I fifty feet below the top the water pours in a glassy succession, that the spectator is at once lost in wonder I sheet with a direct fall of about twenty feet, thence and delight at its picturesque beauty. bounding down from rock to rock accomplishes the i remaining distance of seventy feet by a series of pretty i cascades. On the north side it flows over a rocky bed through a miniature gorge. The characteristics of this fall are similar to that of the first, but it is not so | high, the water having a fall of only about seventy feet. A succession of"rapids and wooded dells make j attractive the ramble and a more charming scene can not be imagined. The drive is made attractive from Ithaca by charming hits of glen and lake scenery,with numerous little waterfalls.

. CASCADILLA GLEN. j Bursting from a wild deep glen on east hill, the | Cascadilla Creek ripples through the village between willow fringed banks, and the finest point of observa- | tion is had from the bridge which spans the ravine, Staircase," directly above the "Giant's the most im portant of the cascades, which derives its name from the massive step of rock over which the water tumbles forty-five fleet in a flood of spray. As far as the eye can see above, are a series of pretty little cascades closely embosomed in rocky and arborescent banks. There are no large falls in this glen, but the bed of the stream is formed to a great extent of broad plates of

BUTTERMILK GORGE. Which from the whiteness of its foaming waters is Falls." properly named "Buttermilk Its crest is 100 feet above the plain and the slope easy of ascent. measures 350 feet. Some distance back from the brink of this wonderful fall, the water is whipped into spray down the ragged slope of a second cascade ninety feet high. Ragged cliffs tower upon each side and curve around monstrous bowl. Directly in front, from a dismal cleft, the water comes trickling down, a lace-like fringe, draping the front of a semi circular bulging rock which seems to choke the mouth of the cavernous defile. This is many thought to by Rock." resemble a pulpit and has been named "Pulpit sports of the re One of the most weirdly fantastic the water gion, is a narrow flun:e-iike passage where has worn innumerable pot-holes and carved tracery natural on the dark walls. Nearlv at the head of this on the tunnel is a fall of twent v feet and standing top beautiful series of of this, bv looking up the stream, a is seen six picturesque cascades, one above the other of twenty- splashing in the sun-light, A rare cascade five- feet blocks the wav after a bend and the banks column suddenly rise more than 100 feet, A tapering with graceful of stone gray with lichens, and draped base withferns. eliiiirhnr Vines and festooned about its CASCADILLA RAVINE. as' 'Monu- Uh> above wall. This is known 1 c of pat.-'* Ue as just the Used >v .-urte.^y Cascadilla School. See 15. opav side an incomplete a if. t h'oek"and on the ite ! - vards. Several rock and 1 water ; 1:- Con 1 ion column rises a few pretty merrily bounding from one 1 pic- i ikes an ei above these pillars and a magnificent another, almost continuous series of a< -:< < are ];,!;(. the ture casca-. es mid ;ijjd is had from bridge, justify the poetic name of iua ]j,(J -alley dilla." are to and the ridge of T\, ,iv more wj i j ]....:(];.; !,,!<}:. Jtb;-ie;t along many beautiful falb have give. brief sketches of ' SOli 1.01 the principal ones INDUSTRIES OF ITHACA.

Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. The marked success its use and have expressed their surprise and gratifica attendant upon the career and operation of this con tion at the comfort with which a usually painful oper cern is of such pronounced and obvious character as to ation is performed. Dentistry in all its branches is demand more than ordinary attention in making a re attended to and his offices are finely fitted up and all view of this city. It was incorporated in 1865 with a that skill and painstaking can do in the dental art, capital of $150,000.00. The plant consists of a three assisted by the best modern appliances, is at the com story building 98x130 feet in size, thoroughly sup mand of his patrons, who are assured that they can plied with a full line of machinery and appliances and know exactly what results are to be expected from furnishes employment to thirty men. They are each operation. manufacturers of the celebrated Ithaca Calendar Clock which is absolutely perfect, and indicates perpetually Gray & Patterson, No. 7 E. State street, Post Office the hour of the day, the day of the week and month, Building. In providing for the insuring classes of the month of the year, and is furnished with calen Ithaca, both fire and life, the most perfect facilities dars printed in the English, French, German, Swedish, and advantages for insuring are enjoyed by the above Portuguese, Spanish and Italian languages. These firm which has earned general recognition and gener clocks are made in six ous patronage. The ty different styles and firm is the out-come of are outfitted with any the two oldest insur first class move ance agencies of this ments. They make city, that of Geo. L. the clock to suit any Gray & Co. and R. E. special room, in any Post & Son. The lat wood or design that ter business was pur may be desired. Every chased by Mr. L. E.

calendar is thorough Patterson in 1 8 S 9 , ly tested before being when he consolidated fitted in the case, by with Geo. L. Gray,-and means of a special ma the present firm name chine invented for that was adopted. They purpose by which they represent eighteenFire are run through all the Insurance companies, changes of eight years all well-known for of time. None are their solidity and sub shipped until they stantial worth and have passed this test, with combined assets and are proved in all ofover$200, 000, 000. 00. respects accurate and They also represent reliable. Three traveling salesmen are employed first-class Accident, Boiler, Plate-glass and Cyclone and their clocks are sold in all parts of the civilized Insurance companies. In Life Insurance they are * Life" world and have gained a reputation unequaledbyany. agents for the 'New York and last year did a It is the only perfectly reliable calendar clock manu very large business in this portion of the State factured in the world and much skill and ingenuity for that company, in this department, Mr. Mansfield, have been expended in bringing it to its present a widely known Life Insurance man is interested. We state of perfection. It can. be found in every reliable believe, that there is not, to-day, a single country jobbing house and jewelry store, and the annual out agency in the State that can equal this one. They also put is ? cut. 14.000 clocks. The concern also manu transact a general Real Estate business, buy and sell facture many speJa:+i>-^ in walnut, brass and iron, and look after the estates of non-residents, and their such as money drawers, advertising clocks and novel facilities and advantages for doing a general Insur I>Iesr-* ties. The officers of the concern are F. C. ance and Real Estate business are excelled by none. Cornell, president; C. H. White, treasurer; J. n. -& Selkreg, secretary and G. W. Miller, manager, all Whne "Burdick, Opposite Post Office, There are gentlemen who are known for their business qualifi few lines of busmen better represented in Ithaca than cations and their establishment is both an honor to the drug trade. Among the largest stores of this des themselves and a credit to the city. cription, is that of Messrs. C. H. White and D. W. Burdick, who established their enterprise about and 13 N. Tioga Frank E. Howe, Nos. 9, 11 street. twenty-three years ago. Their store is 25x100 feet, Dr. Howe has been identified with this important pro with basement, which is lavishly stocked with the fession in Ithaca for tho past fifteen years and in 1SS6 very best and p+"ic+\, ;-my Lm^, unemicals, to his first called the attention of the public method of Proprietary jvrcdicincs, an elegant line of Toilet atten- teeth without pain, of which he makes a Article- **nl Perfumeries, Cigars, etc. Special filling J have been ,<->\x is paid competent specialty. Many thousand fillings inserted to Prescriptions, none but bv the use of nis preparation, while hundreds ^xerks handling such. They also deal extensively r themsel^^ or patic-^ andbesi- *rn diRta/nt. cities have availed . all kinds of Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Glass: 28 ITHACA, NEW YORK. their extensive retail trade, they also enjoy alucrative present firm assuming charge six years ago. The wholesale business. Two clerks find employment here, works consist of the machine and assembling shops and both Mr. White and Burdick are expert pharma two stories high 36 x 125 feet, with an L 21 x 30 feet ; cists, and by their gentlemanly demeanor make their polishing shops 21 x 30 feet and one-story high ; forge store a pleasant resort for all who enter. shop and case-hardening room 20 x 36 feet, one-story soldering and brazing room 1Sx20 feet and several Ithaca Gun Company. An industry that has done other structures, all of brick. The entire plant is much to make the name of Ithaca known throughout equipped with the most improved tools, and the most of which a special has the world is the manufacture of the Ithaca Gun, ah machinery, is of character, been made on the premises. but the best article now acknowledged to be indispensable to every Nothing expense sportsman. This gun contains all the standard points skilled labor is employed and neither time nor stop- spared department of the busi called for in a gun of first quality, such as the is inthe manufacturing in which are employed men. The pro lever action, rebounding lock, low hammer and patent ness, seventy prietors are Dwight L. H. Smith and George compensating fore-end. The simplicity of construc Mclntire, reputation tion is a feature that will be appreciated by every Livermore, all of whom enjoy an excellent

finish of the Ithaca in all their dealings a large circle of business sportsman, while the style and among Peifer or other acquaintances. gun is equal to the Parker, Colt, any simplest and best gun first-class gun, in fact it is the im ETafional Bank. Few manufactured in the world. One of the many First banking houses in the Ham- can show a record of greater provements in the manipulation of the Itnaca country prosperity than the which was organized under merless Gun is the attachment of their cocking device, above, remove at the national in 1861. capital stock which enables them to put on and barrels banking laws, The without reference of the bank is $250,000.0.0 with a surplus of 50,000.00 all times, same as Hammerless Gun, thus the arid a general business in all its branches Is to the gun being cocked or not, avoiding banking tension on the transacted. The First National is necessity of the continued mainspring thoroughly oblige one to cock it equipped for the prosecution of its busiuess the when the gun is not in use, or the barrels. An examination of the accounts of corporations, firms and individuals will before replacing directory- has im receive prompt and careful attention. The gun will convince the sportsman that it many possessed other is made of the most prominent and experienced provements and advantages not by any up best gun for the business men of this section and its officers are hammerless gun and that it is the Breech- manufacturers of Fine Messrs. Douglass president, John _C. money They are Boardman, Double- vice-president, and B. Loading Guns, Hammer and Hammerless Stowell, Henry Lord, cashier, hard all of whom extend financial when needed and Barrel Shot Guns, and make a specialty of close, warranted. Ine are the greatest in development of the all of which are j_ among factors shootine: t?uns,' fully' ' ,J " ' '' "", r the resources of Ithaca. busine >'ears a8> ITHACA, NEW YOBK. 29

H. Platts & A. Co., No. 10 and 12 East State street. the rear of the store, both places being thoroughly In no line of business is a gratifiying condition of equipped with the necessary appliances. About five trade more noticeable than in that relating to cigar head of cattle and from ten to twenty lambs, sheep manufacture, and to no house can it be more justly and calves are killed weekly and four men are applied than to employed. As a meat emporium, Mr. Wortman's 'that of the above. place has won a reputation that ranks it at the head The factory com of quite a respectable list of competitors. prises four floors, A. E. Chipman, No. 10 E. State street. One of the two of which are most progressive business houses in this city is that 20x80 feet and of the above gentleman, who has been in business MANUFACTURERS two floors 66x80 here since 1888. His store-room is 20x100 feet and ^fe^. feet in where r^S f^s^ f^^ size, here can be found all the latest styles and novelties of fortyskilled cigar Parlor and Chamber Furniture, Upholstery makers are stead Goods, Tapestries, Lace Curtains, Baby Carriages and every ily employed.The thing that is new, novel and desirable in this line. He total product for also occupies a three-story ware-house, 10x100 feet in last year reached size, for storing surplus stock and doing all kinds of fine: cigars. thehandsome ag Upholstering Work and Repairing, which is promptly gregate of 1,500,- attended to and neatly executed. He employs six ta? |=^j pdggjq^ ^sfe^ 000 cigars. They people and one wagon, and his trade is very extensive are the manufac throughout the city and surrounding country. turers of that fa W." and Cele J. C. Stowell & Son, Nos. 17, 19 and 21 State brated ten cent street. The wholesale grocery trade in this city has a representative in the above firm. cigar, the "Ulti worthy Tho house matum," which was established twenty-one years ago, since which is a hand-made time it has year by year grown and extended until it cigar with Ha has attained its present large proportions. The prem vana filler,Suma ises occupied are one building four stories high with basement and one three with tra wrapper, the story building basement, superior of which each floor 60x115 feet in dimensions,thoroughly equipp has never been ed for the rapid conduct of the business, with steam ele discovered, and is vator and other conveniences. A strictly wholesale considered by business is done in Groceries and produce of all kinds, XXXX connoisseurs, an including Pillsbury's Flour, Sugars, Coffees, and Shelf and easy smoker of Spices, Fancy Goods, Tobaccos Cigars^ Dried and Green -^^-^-~^?^^~^^ taste and Flavoring Extracts, Wooden-ware, " "" ~v and in short required the r fine flavor. Noth Fruits, everything by trade, all of the best grades and quality. One of their ing butthe very best stock is used inthe make-up ofthis cigar, and last year the firm manufactured 1,000,000 specialties is provisions of all kinds, such as Hams, " Ultimatums." of They are about to present to the Butter, Cheese, Lard, Dried Meats, Fish, etc., having Record" for the preservation of goods a ware public, the "Our five cent cigar, which will, these cold-storage house in the rear of store which undoubtedly, in a short time become a prime favorite the is three stories with smokers. The trade of the house extends to all high and 30 x 40 feet in size. In the different depart ments twelve men and two teams find parts of the country and three traveling men are em employment, ployed. The foundation of this vast enterprise was while two traveling men look after the trade of the laid in 1863. Mr. A. H. Platts being with the house house which is extensive throughout Southern New York and Northern shipments for the past twenty years as a partner. The present Pennsylvania, Large firm was established two years ago and consists of of Butter, Cheese, Lard, etc., are made throughout A. H. Platts, J. B. Delano, P. Crise and A. L. Niver, the Eastern States and as far south as Washington, all of whom are well known and respected in this D. C. The firm is composed of Messrs. J. C. Stowell, community. who has been in business here since 1835, and his son,

L. S. Wortman, No. 16 N. Aurora street. One of the most important and admirable features of this city's business institutions, is her Meat Markets. Principal among such establishments is that of the above gentleman, who in 18S6 succeeded to a business established by his father many years ago. The prem ises occupied are large and spacious, equipped with large refrigerators for the preservation of the immense stock of Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, which can at all times be found here. Hams, Shoulders, Bacon Sausages in their and Bologna; Head-cheese and season form specialties which have a wide reputation with trade is ousi- connoisseurs. An extensive wholesale enjoyed C. D. Sto'^V-tfi'e Ithaca's enterprising young ,- does a large business to ness and their house is of and Mr. Wortman shipping _~n, in every way worthy located on eastern cities. His slaughter house is the 'a^j success it has attained and the respect in which it Sausage r out-skirts of the city, and the Factory is is held by the entire community. so ITHACA, NEW YORK. Fall Creek Mills, One of the industries upon Reading. Writing and Bar-rooms. In fact, every which Ithaca pride herself may justifiably is the department of the house is kept first-class in all manufacture of a superior grade of flour, and the respects. The dining room will seat ioo guests and largest establishment of the kind is that of Mr. A. M the table is a special feature, provided with all the delicacies and luxuries in season. The house is heated by steam, has electric call bells, hot and cold water and employment is furnished to twenty polite assistants. "The proprietors. Messrs. C. H. Wilcox, B. F. Slocum paid C. A. Bush are experienced hotel men whose courteous maimers and social qualities have gained for them a host of friends throughout this section.

Uri Clark, State street. Among the large num ber of elegantly fitted store-rooms on the main thoroughfare of this city, is that of Mr. Uri Clark, who is one of Ithaca's pioneer business men, having been in business here for the past thirty years. Iu Hull, wdio thirty years ago, succeeded to the business his store-room which is 22x70 feet in size, he employs which was established about years ago. The forty two clerks, and his stock, is one of the largest and mill is a large three story structure 10x100 feet in size. finest in the city, comprising everything in the way of with an L two stories high and 30x10 feet in used size, fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Bric-a- for storage purposes. Its motive power is furnished brae, etc. His stock is always large and complete two water wheels, one of eighty-eight and one of by and a specialty is made of Guns, Fishing Tackle. sixty horse power, and is provided'with an Odell Ammunition, Sporting Goods, etc. Mr. Clark is a system full roller rollers in process, twenty all, giving practical watch-maker and offers special inducements a of 200 bbls. per and employment to capacity day, to purchasers. eight men. Nothing but the very best grades of flour are "Superlative," manufactured and their specialties are Godfrey & Gilbert, No. 31 South Cayuga street. which is made of mixed spring and winter wheat We take pleasure in mentioning in this review the Spring," Minnesota Hard made entirely of Minnesota j machine shop which was founded in ISSf) by Messrs "Bonney" wheat, and of winter wheat. The above are E. O. Godfrey and R. Gilbert. Their premises consist all patent, For family use their brands are "Fall of a two story building 32x115 feet in size, which is Creek," Harvest"' "Vienna," Standard, "Golden and equipped in a splendid manner for the externa /e busi and judging from the immense demands made ness they carry on. They employ seven men and are on the firm for their products, these brands certainly themselves, among the most experienced and skillful have no superior. Grain is bought for cash, and all machinists in this State. They are large manufac kinds of feed and meal is ground to order. One travel turers of Horse Hoes and Cultivators of their own ing man looks after the trade of the house, which is patterns, which have a large sale on account of their very extensive in this city and within a radius of 100 durability and usefulness. Shaftings, Pulleys, miles. Mr. Hull, a gentleman of affable and pleasant Hangers, Plows, Scrapers. Stove Repairs, Boat Cast manners, gives his personal attention to the mill. ings, Feed Bunks and Hay Racks, 'and a specialty is made of repairing machinery of all kinds and manu and 30 North Aurora street. Fred Atwater, Nos. 31 facturing to order all kinds of special castings and such Ithaca is to be congratulated on numbering machinery, all of which are made up promptly to houses as the above among her merchants. The busi order. This is one of the live and progressive manu ness elates its origin to 18S0 and Mr. Atwater carries facturing establishments of the Mr. Godfrey on two distinct enterprises, that of a first-class retail grocery and a bakery. In the bakery there are em ployed four men, and Bread, Cakes, Pies, Buns, Rolls, etc., form the specialties of this department, while in the grocery a full stock of staple and fancy goods, produce and fruits of all kinds, iii fact everything usually found in a first-class house of this kind. Five people are employed in the store, which is 32x60 feet used for stor in size, and another room 16x60 feet, is age purposes. Mr. Atwater is -ooked upon as one of the staunch and reliable merchants of Ithaca.

The Clinton House, corner Cayuga and Seneca streets. The above house is the oldest hotel in the lboo. It city, having been conducted as a hotel since is a massive four-story brick structure, well arranged purpose and numbers seventy-five and adapted for the S\-H^R'rv; well- furnished large and ventilated rooms, comfortably throughout. Guests of the homo enjoy all the com and ro ive a care and atten was with Tacman forts of a first-class hotel Pirns. for over vwenty vears v-n^ is the of one a a man tion that cannot fail to make stay any practical in all annora ef machine i-vmk.

handsome while was <{.. in V " pleasure, It also contains rotary halls, Mr. OdOort for ars foreman r.f i parlors and a spacious oil ice. which is connected with foundry with the same firm. O-f ITHACA, NEW YORK. Andrews & Slocum, No. 17 E. State street. A houses as that of Mr. Sisson, who two years ago review of Ithaca would be anything but complete, succeeded H. Iv. Jones, and ranks with the best in this unless it contained some mention of the above house. section. His parlors are well appointed and nicely The premises consist of one floor and basement 20x80 stocked with a choice selection of Foreign and feet in size, and Domestic Woolens, Cassimeres, Cheviots, etc., of the in their stock can latest styles and patterns. Ten people are employed be found every and one expert cutter, who are at all times under his thing and any- personal supervision. He guarantees elegant styles, perfect fit and his trade is ( thing pertaining continually increasing, owing

. to staple and fan to his affable and polite manners. cy groceries, can ned goods, etc. D. B. Stewart & Co., Nos. 15, 17 and 19 South \ They are also ex Tioga St. The wholesale grocery trade of Ithaca is tensive bakers one of its leading business interests, and the house of and supply a D. B. Stewart & Co., is the most prominent represen r- large trade with tative of that interest. This well known house is cer their famous a been established in 1S71 England" tainly pioneer, having by ton," f"New Win DeLano & Co., who after several changes |,v Bread, Cakes, were succeeded by the present firm two years ago. Buns, Rolls and The building occupied for business purposes is a large Con- a full fine of and commodious structure two stories high, with spec- |]; fections. A basement, 80x80 feet in dimensions. A tour of in li!ialty is made of spection was. made through the different departments ban- catering for the and we can assert that a better ' by writer, safely quets, weddings, arranged or more complete stock of Groceries and '" parties, etc., and Provisions cannot be found in this state. A strictly regard- they are wholesale business is done and a full line of every ed as the caterers i,', thing pertaining to the wholesale grocery trade can be of the city. Five found here, all of the best grades and sold at lowest clerks in thestore market quotations. A specialty is made of the finest ! and men two in brands of Teas and Coffees. They are extensive f: ' 'Zalacca" the bake-shopare coffee roasters and their special brand has employed. The no superior in purity and strength, and is unequaled es- business was in quality. They are also extensive manufacturers of "Nabob" v^ys^'tablished as far cigars, among them the famous 5-cent cigar, back as 1883 and which has been made by Mr. Stewart for the past 20 tlie present firm which is composed of Messrs. I. C. years, and stands in high repute among all consumers Andrews jand C. H. Slocum took charge in and 1891, as an excellent and first class weed in every respect. conduct their on principles that are "Fultorn" they business The another excellent 5-cent cigar; and the "Journal" never failing of success. They make a specialty of celebrated 10-cent cigar, which is made of Ice Cream and of all put in shapes Ices flavors up Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper, and is considered delivered to customers. orders given prompt Outside by experts to be the finest smoke in the market to-day, attention. having that fine flavor and mellow taste peculiar to fine cigars. In the cigar department ten men are em A. B. Dale, Office, First Door Next of Post Office. ployed, in the store nine men and two teams, while Of all arts, architecture may be ranked as the most five traveling men look after the interests of the firm useful to man, while the others are only decorations, on the road. The individual members of the firm are and no edifice should be built without being passed upon by a competent architect. One of the leading firms engaged in this line of indiistryln Ithaca is that ' of Mr. A. B. Dale, at the above location, where he can be consulted at all times. He is an architect of twenty-nine years experience, and a practical man in his profession nature having endowed him with a taste for this profession, he has made it a favorite study, and is prepared at all times to furnish plans for all kinds of public and private buildings. It would be impossible in a work of this character to enumerate even a respectable portion of the many structures erected through the enterprise of Mr. A. B. Dale, but we may mention the Ithaca House, Masonic, Wilgus, Sprague and Gregg Blocks,. Journal Building and Wm. Esty, Mrs. Sprague, Wm. Bostwick, J. L. Whiting, Wm. Andrews and Judge Boardman's residences, and a score or more of others. E. S. Sisson, No. 58 E. State street. The well Messrs. D. B. Stewart, E. C. Stewa ti. M. Lovell

c-v dressed portion of this community is in a decided and B. F. Tompkins, all of when "natives to the born" majority, and owe the stylish and well made appear manor and gentlemen v*rho have no superior i ance of their garments to such merchant tailoring commercially or socially, . this community. 00 ITU rVCA, NEW YORK.

Ithaca Hotel. The residents of this citv have every gards light and ventilation, is absolutely perfect. In reason to be proud of the palatial "Ithaca,'" Hotel it is displayed a most carefully selected stock of which opened its doors to the public in 1S72. The foreign and domestic goods of the most stylish is a four building story brick structure 160x140 feet in patterns and colors, which, in the hands of artistic cutters and skilled journeymen, are made up into

-i .~ elegant and perfect fitting garments, the house basing itc: reputation upon the stylish appearance of its patrons. Part cf the third floor is used for manufac turing purposes, and twenty-five hands and two skilled cutters are employed. The business has been i> ! m established for the past nine years and Mr. Griffin's *&' house is certainly the foremost in its line in this

1 . '' -rf^.^Af$'. i . section.

u -'Is'S^.1 Reynolds & Lang, Nos. 17 and 10 Green street. In ,|:i;|:; the department of iron works. Ithaca has the best facilities for manufacturing, which are not surpassed. IWf: rival, and the whose card heads this *3*!i by any company [Ay brief sketch is. without doubt, the largest and most .] extensive of its kind in this section. The ground >K; --^e^V'i/s-1 occupied by them is HOxlOo feet in size on which is AJ? ! erected a three story machine shop lnx60 feet, one i story foundry 10x5o feet, three story pattern shop ' 21x80 feet, one story boiler shop -F'xCn feet. size. The rooms are large, airy and well arranged, and several other buildings which are thoroughly and the hotel can provide accommodations for 2<>0 equipped with all the machinery, tools ami guests. The room which is a marvel of i necessary dining 1 appliances and where from twenty -five to thirty beauty, will seat 175 guests, and is in charge of com i skilled mechanics are engaged in the manufacture of petent and skillful stewards. The cuisine is unexcelled '" " ; Queen engine with steel boiler and which is and all the delicacies that the market affords are to be Daisy designed to meet the found on the fable. There are spacious parlors, read especially steady increasing demand for an engine and boiler simple in construc ing, reception, billiard and sample rooms, and all tion, of a few parts, durable, easily managed, and other appurtenances to be found iu the larger cities. City" economical in the use of fuel. The "Forest The house has 120 comfortably furnished sleeping traction engine, which is the lightest, simplest, most apartments which are in communication will: the economical, powerful and effective traction engine offices on the ground floor electricity. A specialty by built in the world. In fact it numbers ail the advan is made of banquets, dinners, etc., to large furnishing tages of a perfect machine which can be said of parties. Mr. H. D. Freer who has had charge of the hardly anv other in the market, and which has given it a house for the last five years, is one of the most ex farming- decided preference with the intelligent perienced hotel men in the country and has hosts of community. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Land warm friends among the commercial tourists. Rollers. Plows, Horse-hoes and Cultivators of their then- a- own patterns which have a wide repuia.uion for R. A. Heggie & Bro., No. J E. State street. The and Post Malls Lock- foundation of the above concern was laid as far hack durability labor-saving powers, shoes, Sash-weights, etc., and general and as and it is one of the leading establish jobbing 1S76, to-day City." " of all kinds is made a specialty. are ments of the kind in the Forest The firm is repairing They also extensive dealers in Rubber ami Leather Belting, most eligibly located in commodious quarters. Hose. Packing, Iron -pipe, Steam and Emmie feet in size, and their stock in trade consists of Fitting Supplies. The trade; of the concern extends all over Jewelry of all kinds, except the shoddy articles ; their this State. Pennsylvania and states. This assortment of Diamonds and precious stones being adjoining enterprise was started in lsOO J. S. d large and varied. Gold and Silver Watches. Silver by Reynolds, Fine Silk Umbrellas and Optical both of Ware, ^{)(^: *.;V'-i are foreign and domestic manufacture. The firm located -s*- -' - also manufacturing jewelers, the factory being of in the rear of tic store, and make a specialty of the, better College Badges and Medak Charms, etc., also give spc-iai atl-ntiou to laneFi grade onlv/ Thev '?'*' two com- Watch aiid Jewelry Repairing and emplov

_n e petent assistants. 'Messrs. R. A. and \\ . C. Deg leVMers and are both practical watchmakers and -i , interests have succeeded in advancing tie v onsme a/o-a aa'tv. to a full ami high ."rece

:n < eaieral George Griffin, No. 9 N. 1 .ga streeta *' ran ueo<: lan-ine-s it appearance, aud for the of (Jeorge -foe Ml of Mr. he truthfullv said that !he sa > nl of 1 he kind in bs,H . I a J. B. wont in. w 1 10 IO! >m is without doubt the i mast best Fang Frifim s~ f ! underslai del ails of tntsha - inr e eXCenii ie palatial all en hi this entire section, not e\e pl- who Eochcsu.c- )A large, well selves icai mechanics ml have and Fie\,ilo. 'it a stores of ores' a' as ni advan i lie i nl i of thF < u v. Oimr ion, and, re arranged s'oro, ">.>:V<~> feet b 33 ITHACA, NEW YORK.

* D, H. Wanzer, No y 'eo selection of imported and domestic Wooleny. H."AV;mz,!,U'',ni -treet and F. finest State street. Mr. I). pattern and artistic hi whe-e name heads Cassimeres. etc.. unique in this no sketch, is stranger ii.- j..'onl" replenished from tinv to time lo t < F Ithaca. design which are kept done business - suitings. most care having anion u at ior no F-w iban with fresh and most stylish The particular attention given to * ful and is making up q vuirvn irt-viru ci tjlt-c\ g these goods in suits and a perfect fit and satisfaction

I- are fa is guaranteed in all cases. About fourteen hands experienced employed, all of whom are well skilled and utilized rW^ iu their trade, and part of the third floor is ^ artistic cutler is for manufacturing purposes. An retained and Mr. Atwater is a business man of ability 33' ,fl ircsi and intelligence, to which the success of his enter g/;l t A .nl prise is in a large measure due. FANCY GROCERIES. a I! W'"PR Wilgus Block. Ens Geo. W. Melotte, M. D. S., V "'J twenty- above gentleman established himself here ' The - - 3 ! -1 ij;N; ciJA.:Ji ^ x c : four vears ago and occupies handsome and commo dious (Offices m the Wilgus Block, completely equipped j; - rv i. , . ; e,l^: ig aar -j with all the modern improvements designed for the Fn preservation of natural teeth, and his practice is wide

' ' * ' 1 attention given to 1 I * and extensive. possible is the , a I Every

a.^"ajiU care of patients and in all its difficult - -I I dentistry '^EjM-'I features and phases is performed, making a specialty s.~_r__ ._ FC^-ii* without V \ of the insertion of teeth, plates, the "' by " crown" " gold and bridging process. Dr. Melotte is the inventor of several dental appliances, and is too K' -^ Front?- further- rj 0 out h Aurora St. -*90 E Stat-: 3t rP.O'.T well known in this community to need any comment at our hands.

twenty-five years. He occupies a fine stand at the above number, including one floor and basement M. W. Qmick, No. 5 and 7 State street. Among the 25x70 feet with an L 22x10 feet in size, at number '.iO many prosperous and enterprising houses of Ithaca, East State street, employs six assistants, and keeps that of the above gentleman can justly lay claim to busy two delivery wagons. He handles choice family a position, in the front ranks. The business was ' groceries of every description, and his extensive trade established in JsS5 by J. L. Whitten, Mr. Quick attests the fine quality of his goods. He keeps in ! assuming control July last, since which time it has stock everything the house-keeper needs, including all j been an unqualified success. He occupies one four : the leading brands of Flour, Teas, Coffees, Bread and storv building. 25x7o feet with basement, and a three Fake- Cakes, Fruits, Vegetables, etc.. and all his goods are story building 2.">xl00 feet, which is used for the is refunded. warranted as represented, or vcur money shop and shipping room. A general line of Crackers, ; Mr. Wanzer also makes a specialty of line Fuller and Cakes. Caddies and Confections are manufaci urcd. 'New- through his practical expedience in the ousmess, with a specialty of his celebrated brand of long " possesses a thorough knowledge and appreciation of Process Bread, which has the largest sale in this every detail of it. city. From ten to twelve barrels of flour are utilized per day and from seventeen to twenty people find employment. A large trade is transacted within a Fred W. Brooks, No. 51 E. State street. Altogether, tins establishment is a model of taste and richness in

the- ~ ' ~ -'.--:- artistic and ^AASZTJ-JTAJ-AAfJ-j: -- '- dssign that speaks volumes for '_.-;>; S,S. -~_ *

SVANUr ' CTuRiKQ aayp'-cgw--?" .stock the -' executive of the proprietor. The is a 'j -. a--, '> ability"

complete assortment of :0^^-lFe:S-^^ largest and most j- finest,Diamonds,' i Imported \m en Fold Watches and Fine Jewelry, ' -.:.-.. "T_i . W , 1 Em AAR. _^ ' Ulass : rj-j-J-j-.r Rich Cut A\ are. ~J-J~_ r^W . : China -- and Decorated -- "Ware, ."RX-.-Z2 -.. =_ 1 M r~i M -N., Fmbrellas and ],'. Fine h-i ! , Ornaments, Bronzes. Lamps, ^ )n | F-Cf found in Western Few York. The show |^ Ti " Canes to lie _ coaFECTioraiR. ; n l::- o ! ? ' k i- " ' ':.,'.,ur and their ; i actube^. . marvels in. their way. ,;-jt| windows are display ]'^' ;** in ^ ' v ?- The store ; p5 ]*>% ; com ents. spread out in glittering array ._ ti 11 F\ r.i ^- einplovment is given to three h n ':i '^ room is 22x70 feel, and ;

: :..: ,'r...... ^,... organized this business in ------ij clerks. Foritt ec Blocks

' -' x- ! when Mr. Buritt A- b"-S < 1SF conducted it until i'^75 i i 1 % ;:i and F';; ry" - t.- : .-. , .;: ' > . i~r.. , . proprietor. is ; .J became -fie He ' Brooks ' retired and Mr. ^Fvg '#% '' '' i g jOr-M^C^: T^"" J ot years ~" r jeweler _ .! a praci ical watch-maker and many ha- grand and experience and thai he made a growing room for question. success of his venture, there m no

radius of t-wtv miles owing to the o, tin y. B. riavater. N'>. or> R- Sir ie street. One of the superiority tins euv, is that._ot e'o M;. M W. (Flick gives his personal atF'ntioe I'epuiar taiFa-ing estai'iialma.-nt of dlterprF" to the -nt depai tments and e.:,- Fshed Ins diif his m this eeI.,.'. abctver,e,.,,.,> gemoonloiian.leman. who standing communif"-. is iugb. here in March, l-a. He carriesies tie iai'gest raid particuiaFy 34 ITHACA, NEW YORK.

Jamieson & McKinney, No. 9 S. Cayuga street. In and Decorations. All of these goods can be found descriptive sketches of the writing various enterprises here in infinite variety, quantity, quality, style and carried on in this hive of busy industry, the firm price. They also occupy a three story structure with under notice should by no means be omitted from the basement 30x160 feet m size, for the manufacture of Furniture and Upholstery Ware, Picture Frames, and make a specialty of Flat Top Desks, which are neat in appearance, handsome in finish and durable, and all kinds of Upholstering and Repairing is neatly executed. The foundation of this vast enterprise was laid by mjU U UU"U U LIU LI Utl'Ul Bool in who conducted it with marked JAMIESON & Mc KINNEY. Henry 1872, success until 1890, when it was incorporated with a capital stock of $30,000.00 on the co-operative plan. Thirty men are employed, all of whom are stock holders in the concern, which is officered by Henry Bool, president ; P. A. Campbell, vice-president; E. N. Corbin, secretary and treasurer,who with E. C. Cor bin and C. L. Wagner also constitute the directory. So attractive and inviting is their store that it enjoys not only most of the trade of discriminating people here abouts,but has vast numbers of regular and transient customers from adjacent states. The officers are gentlemen of pronounced business ability, and of courteous manners, making them immense favorites with their many friends and patrons.

fr- - ir"Ai ^.fe^jyi^a^^ Bush & Dean, No. 53 E. State street. The extensive establishment of this firm deserves considerable men pages of this volume. In 1873 Mr. John M. Jamieson, tion in these pages. It is the most spacious and inaugurated the business and in 1871 admitted to elegant Dry Goods emporium of Ithaca, their store room the largest on State a partnership Jas. A. McKinney, who had been with being street, having frontage of feet and a depth of 120 feet. It is him from the start, and they have built up as fine and twenty heated has a cash system and growing a trade as any similar house in western New by steam, railway many other improvements which rapid con York. A great deal of outside work is clone by them facilitate the duct of the business. in western and southern New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and New Jersey. Their premises comprise, one Eight polite and atten tive clerks are employed floor and basement, 25x100 feet in size, and two floors in the rear 20x30 feet each. Their works are in the different depart-; and ments and the basement; thoroughly equipped with all the essential tools is utilized for machinery and a number of skilled mechanics find storing purposes. Their employment in the prosecution of their extensive trade is unsurpassed business. All kinds of Plumbing, Gas Fit by any sim-; ilar house in the and ting, Steam and Hot Water Heating is done with city is made of the best promptness and despatch, and the firm are wholesale up and most fashionable and retail dealers in Pipe. Fittings, Radiators, Valves, people of the communi Boilers, Bath-tubs, Rubber Hose, Gas Fixtures and ty. in the ail goods generally found in a first-class house of this Everything of foreign and do-i kind. Furnaces, Steam and Hot Water Heaters of an way Jamieson mestic Ladies infinite variety are also handled. Messrs. Dry Goods, and Gents & are both practical engineers and Fifrhishing McKinney of compete with Goods, etc., the plumbers and are thoroughly able to very best grades, makes and other houses and furnish plans and estimates free. styles can be found here! The Bool Co., First Co-operative company. Occupy in endless variety. The; with a frontage of the ing a magnificent four story structure specialty house, ;{| and of a Ladies of sixty-five feet and a depth of 162 feet however, is and!!! Misses' elegant plate Wraps and most handsome appearance, with its all that elegant m design Fine Silks and glass windows, displaying is Cloaks, J and Furniture Dress imported. and costly in material of Upholstery Goods, com direct from first hands wares. The house of The Bool at all times |;| Co., " Ithaca. The and in the latest style mands the attention of the stranger in storage of sur and novelties. The fourth floor and basement is used for are used to dis stock is as newcMJl plus stock. The firsc and third floors varied, \ ^ stock' articles of home and valuable as that of \ play a of furniture and unique Sixteenth house in this line of trade in the country. The comfort and adornment, such as Easy Chairs, any business was established thirteen years ago Jack Centurv Wares, Divans, Secretaries, Desks, Baby by son & who were succeeded years Carnages, Etchings. Paintings and Picture Frames Bush, five later by tasteful the present which is composed of F, M. Bush The second floor is devoted to everything new, firm, Antique and O. L. both of whom are esteemed in useful in Carpets, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, Dean, highly stock of W all Papers all circles for their reliability and spirit. etc and a new, rich and varied enterprising ITHACA, NEW YORK, C. M. Titus. The demand for real estate during the for the advancement and development of real estam past year.has in Ithaca, at least, been a sure indication ! than any other citizen. He has just added another addition to the city of forty lots. These lots are par j eels of land, favorably situated for suburban homes. \ gardening and fruit growing purposes. The soil : ?H' choice and well adapted to 9'. known to be producing Elm ; raspberries, currants, apples, STRegr. Ithtea. -* grapes, strawberries, 'ft, ! etc. They are located in one of the many delightful ; spots of the city and we can refer to none offering | more advantages and promises for future develop- i ments than the Titus West Side Addition. This ! property is easy of access, most excellent water is V j easily obtained and new streets and avenues are now 1 | being laid out and graded, and this addition is not | only the most available but the finest of all in Ithaca. The lots, than which there are no more desirable in t> the city, have found purchasers, and Ui already many our advice to those who are looking for a profitable and safe investment, is at once to call on or address, C. M. Titus, Ithaca, N. Y. i

IT*' ir' I I Williams Bros., Phenix Iron Works. The manu STREET - I facture of Machinery forms a very important branch of the iron trade of this city. Among the establish L. '" O o jk 2 ments exclusively engaged in. this line of enterprise is the above concern, which was established in 1869 by Bostwick & Williams who were succeeded in 1872 by Williams Bros., and who in turn were succeeded in 1883 1 s by Roger B. Williams. The premises are aooxaea)0x3a feet in dimensions, on which are erected the several buildings necessary for the construction of their pro 0 <^ ducts. are equipped and appointed It Zi They thoroughly in every particular and the class of work turned out here is unexcelled by any similar establishment. The line of manufacture consists of the "Ithaca Wheel << 0 Rake," n of which over 80,000 have been sold, and has taken 150 first premiums. It is made to do its work well, of good material, simple and durable, and will rake grain or stubble. It has a broad-cast plaster and grain sower attachment, which is easily regulated and used. It has spring steel, oil tempered teeth, which are always ready for auv kind of raking. The "Ithaca Rake" Wheel with self-dumper which for simplicity. 1 durability, and ease of operation is not equaled. The Engine," "Ithaca Portable which numbers all the ad vantages of a perfect machine and contains many patented improvements of great value and con /r. ' venience. Plaster and Grain Broad-cast Sowers. patent Straw and Feed which have o Cutters, many * 3 5 improvements not to be found in others. The 'Ithaca Patent Lumber Wagon." "Eagle. Power Punch." which in construction is a combination of eccentric and crank motion, strongly geared, a heav} balance wheel and run with tight and loose pullers, being adapted to boiler and sheet iron work. Wed F ols and machinery of all kinds are also manufactured. These implements have passed entirely through the experi mental age, and for many years have found a ma- 1 v market in all parts of this country, Germany, Aus tralia, South. America audi other foreign countries. ;ue trade being looked after by three traveling ns.u. Agricultural Implements, Engines. Boilers and Machinery of all kinds are made to order and : aiaind. From forty to fifty skilled workmen are empb-vrd in ibis the various departments and the importune*, of business to the city of Ithaca can hardly bees, man d. its the ( VJ{v, Itba-;. of the faith placed in future by many who IF B. Williams is also president of th It 1- have made investments. is a strong assertion, but Savings Bank and is known as one of the mo libe Titus has done undoubtedlv true, that Mr. C. M. more and prog Ssive citizens 36 ITHACA, NEW YORK.

The Ithaca Drop Forge Company. One of the feet, with basement, and most centrally located. The latest acquisitions to the manufacturing industries of store-room is a marvel of brilliancy, being filled to Ithaca is the above, which was incorporated with a repletion with the finest stock of all the latest style "Youman," capital stock of $50,000.00 about six months ago. The hats, the for which Mr. Angell including Gents' has the exclusive sale in this city, and Furnish ing Goods and Novelties of every description, in both foreign and American styles. In addition, he makes a specialty of his shirt department and guarantees a fit and satisfaction to every customer in this line. Mr. Angell numbers among his patrons the most stylish and neatest dressed gentlemen of the city, and he justly deserves the unqualified success with which he is meeting.

Blackman Bros., Cor. State and Cayuga streets. This is one of the largest and most thoroughly equipped and reliable grocery houses in Ithaca. The premises consist of a store-room 50x70 feet and the stock carried ris large, comprehensive and carefully selected, embracing all kinds of family groceries,. staple and fancy, of the very best quality. The base are 30x60 equipped with all works feet, thoroughly ment 50x70 feet, part of the second floor, and a ware and employment given to the necessary machinery, is house 50x70 feet are used for the storage of surplus seven men. Here make a of they specialty Drop stock, and three clerks and two delivery wagons are in all its branches. are the exclusive Forging They utilized to supply the wants of their many customers. manufacturers of the Champion Chain Pipe Wrench, Their specialty is shipping of Fine Butter, Cheese, which are taken apart so that if part easily any and Farm Produce, to southern and eastern states, breaks it can be replaced. are also manufacturers They always having on hand large orders for these goods, of the Hague Expansion Horse which allows Shoe, which they furnish at the lowest market quotations. perfect the same as if bare. It is the the foot freedom, The business is of thirty-nine years standing and was shoe fit to use on a colt's undeveloped and only feet, bought three years ago by Messrs. J. K. and C. L. will cure contracted feet and corns the by allowing Blackman, who by dint of energy, enterprise and circulation. are made in all blood its natural They strict attention to business have built up the business where been intro sizes and weights, "and they have to its present magnificent proportions. duced have gained the title of the "Practical Common Shoe." Sense Horse The concern is officered by some T. J. Stephens, No. 13 Tioga street. Among the who are sure to meet of Ithaca's prominent citizens skillful Marble and Granite dealers, is Mr. Stephens, enterprise. with universal success in their new who succeeded in 1S69 to a business that was estab lished in 1852. His premises consist of a two story Tompkins County National Bank. Among the display and store room 20x35 feet in size where he shows a large fine of Marble and Granite Monumental banks of this city the above is particularly worthy of publication. insti Work in beautiful designs and of commendatory notice in this This many every descrip and a work 10x18 feet in where the tution was established in 1836 and in 1865 it became a tion, shop size, and is done. Mr. Stephens is the National Bank. A general banking business is done lettering finishing largest dealer in his line in the and as an expert in all its branches. It has a paid-in capital stock of city v workman and letterer has no equal. $150,000.00, with $27, 00 undivided profits and a surplus of 810,000.00. In connection with the bank The Autophone Co. Another concern which has business conduct safe-deposit vaults of im ing they gained a world-wide reputation is The Autophone Co., mense proportions which are gi great value and which was established twelve years ago with a-capital importance to the general public. The vault has been and care and is as constructed with every precaution as the of completely fire and burglar-proof ingenuity exercised in the man can make it. Great care will be protection management of this department and ample will be given against for valuables of every description destruction the depredations of thieves as well as by separate from the fire. Each compartment is entirely obtain access to its con others and only the renter can and rent at tents The compartments are four sizes $20.00 per annum. The $5.00, s.10.00, $15.00 and institution are Messrs. L. L. officers of this worthy vice-president Treman, president ; J. C. Gauntlett, gentlemen stand and H. L. Hinckley, cashier, and no than they. higher in the community

stock of $50,000.00 for the manufacture of these in H Angell, No. 41 E. State street. Mr. Henry : enterprise 18S8 and enjoys struments. are made in two styles, namely established his in They Angell Organ" Organ." mens hatter and The "Gem Roller and "Concert Roller the distinction of being the exclusive occupied is 22x70 These musical marvels no paper but the music furnisher i" the citv. The store employ ITHACA, NEW YORK. o(

is obtained from a roller furnished with pins similar from any action of the secretions of the mouth and it to those of a music box. All the working parts of the same time perfectly compatible to the tissues, so the mstrument are easy accessible and the whole as that mouths congested and inflamed by the use of durable and well made as the best sewing machine. vegetable bases make a speedy and permanent recov ery by the use of aluminum bases, which have for the past two years given the most perfect satisfaction. Treating inflamed and diseased conditions of the mouth with crown and bridge work and artificial teeth on any base form the specialties. Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction of the teeth, and by their local anaesthetic, a new prepara tion, make the extracting of teeth perfectly painless. All the gentlemen of this firm are fine operators and deeply versed in the mysteries of dental surgery and mechanical dentistry. Any work intrusted to them cannot fail of satisfaction, as they give patrons the benefit of every known modern improvement to insure first-class work with the least inconvenience to the patient.

Nothing has been omitted to give this grand instru ment J. A. No. 124 W. State street. its crowning qualities of extreme simplicity and Bidwell, Visitors to dmability. The reeds are of organ size and their vol- the cemetery in and around Ithaca have often men of tioned the extreme of her ume tone and full sustaining and carrying powers beauty monuments, much equal of'which is due to the above who that of a full organ. By the aid of new and gentleman, occupies a 22x50 feet and a room automatic machinery they are enabled to produce music workshop display 22x32 feet in size. shows a stock of rollers in large numbers, so as to furnish them to the Here he fine Marble and Granite etc. public at a price not exceeding the average cost of Monuments, Headstones, He employs sheet music. That the Roller Organ is a perfect musi three men including his two sons, who are expert cal instrument is attested by the fact that the last workmen, and have no equals for doing work in year's sales reached 11,000 organs and 200,000 music elaborate styles and elegant finish. Mr. Bidwell estab lished the business five years ago and rollers. Nothing could be more desirable than one of numbers his these instruments which will produce all the latest business and personal friends by the hundreds. music of the day, as well as the costly organ or piano without the skill requisite to the perform requiring Edwin M. Hall, No. 13 W. State street. In every ance on those instruments. are of remarkable They city, in every department of trade among the many sweetness and power, purity of tone and of substan successful houses in the various lines of commercial tial construction. The plant consists of three floors enterprise, however well all may succeed some one 120x200 feet and contains all the intricate machinery will stand out conspicuously as a leader in each especial and appliances necessary in the construction of these branch. In the carpet trade of this section the house instruments. Forty-five people are employed and the of E. M. Hall stands pre-eminent. It would be impos Roller Organ can be found throughout the United sible within the limits of a brief sketch like this to States and foreign countries. The officers are Messrs. enumerate and describe even a portion of the vast, H. A. St. John, president, andH. M. Hibbard, secre tary and treasurer ; both gentlemen are pronounced business men, and progressive in every sense of the term..

Drs. T. S. & J. B. Howe, Nos. Land 1.1 Bates

Block. 6.The people in the larger cities have no advan tage ove^ the residents of Ithaca in access to skilled dentists. The Drs. Howe stand at the head of the profession in this community and occupy an elegant suite of rooms in the Bates Block, which are equipped with all the latest and most modern instruments and appliances. The office was first opened by Dr. F. S. Howe in 1857, who in 1887 admitted his son, J. B., a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, to part nership. In May, 1891, his younger son, Fred. B., who is also a graduate of the same college was admitted. They are among if not the first to adopt remedies for filling teeth without any pain whatever. We were shown the Aluminum Dental Appliance Company's outfit for casting, crowns, bridge and dental plates, partial and complete,.with their prepared pure alumi num bases, which combine great stiffness, conductiv varied and magnificent stock carried m aU seasons strength and with the most Suffice it to o^w tasteful and uc ity, lightness, durability say that evevylFrng , perfect adaptability to the mouth and comfort to the ful in Carpets, I)rau'--F^. Oil-cloths, Mattiugs, Ante he- wearer. They are non-oxidizable and entirely free Rugs, Curtain

' .oil - l .. .iirrH-isgrn-A^------Chas. S. Seaman, Nos. 14 and 16 W. State street. Ithaca can boast of several enterprises which for completeness in all respects will bear comparison with country. illustration any in the A prominent of this fact is to be seen in the stables of Mr. Seaman. He commodious w occupies a two story building 78x132 finds a .y, market in all parts of the U. S. owin interior as perfectly i3 feet in size, the of which is i^ Toughness and superiority over all others. Thr o* Rag" acquaintance with the needs ac tons of arranged, as long "Gray is the daily out-put, and off- easiness cam animals and the other details make demand is so great throughout the country for 40 IT'KAOA, NEW YORK. paper, that it has necessitated tK running of the mill and each year has seen it increased and enlarged. The ^ day and night, and i-o universally acknowledged to interior is very attractive and the stock is complete in b.-a. be the ^^er on the market. Special sizes and Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware, Umbrellas and kinds of paper are made to order and the capacity of Canes, Fine Fishing Tackle and a thousand and one the mills is about eight tons per day. The grade of things in the way of jewelry. He is agent for and "Rockford" paper manufactured by Mr. Laney for paper bags is makes a specialty of the and "Boree & Courvoisier" equal to any and excelled by none. Through brilliant Watches. The specialty of the house is management and strict attention to business on the Diamonds and Precious Stones, a large stock of which part of the proprietor, this concern and its products is carried. Three polite clerks are employed and Mr. have reached their present immense proportions. Mr. Brown is an expert repairer and has a fine knowledge Laney also operates a large establishment in Elmira, of the business in general. were he manufactures tinware and buys for cash all are safe in assert the rag paper stock and other material used in the Perry & Co., Sage Building. We manufacture of paper also rubber, bone, metal, old ing that nowhere can there be found a finer stock of ana" iron, etc. He employs upward of 100 hands is a Clothing and Furnishing Goods than that of Perry & of the mush punctual, practical, business man, with whom it is a Co. in this city. This house is not one pleasure to do business. room concerns which spring up in an hour to perish almost immediately. Established in 1885 its name has been a synonym of high character, fine business Ithaca Savings Bank. Under a safe, conservative talent and careful attention paid to the wants of and wise management this institution has attained a patrons. Whatever is best in the market in the way foremost position among the prominent savings banks of Boys', Youth's and Men's Clothing, Furnishing of the country. The bank receives deposits which are Shirts,' Goods, etc., which are imported directly from invested in real estate, first-class mortgages, govern first hands and of the latest styles and patterns, is state and bonds, constituting a security ment, city always to be found at this place. The storeroom is a safe. At the date of its last statement its absolutely large and commodious one and employment is fur number deposits were $809,000, surplus $109,000 and two- nished to polite clerks. Mr. O. A. Perry, the of depositors 4,046. It was incorporated under the proprietor, will be found honorable in all his dealings state laws in 1868 and its present officers are Roger B. and his house has prospered as it deserves to prosper. Williams, president, and Wm. J. Storms, treasurer, while the directors number many of Ithaca's most P. Stephens, No. 8 E. State street. The people of prominent and wealthy citizens. The bank has just Ithaca are to be congratulated on being possessed of completed a massive four-story structure of architec one of regulated meat markets in western tural and an ornament to the city at a cost of beauty New York. Mr. Stephens is an ex $70,000.00 in which will occupy handsome quar they perienced butcher and also possesses ters. The room will be twenty-eight feet banking a rare skill in the preparation of the square and the trustees room 15 x 20 feet in size, all of different kinds of Sausages, and has which will be elegantly furnished and equipped with a his place of business fitted up with massive fire-proof vault, containing a large Herring steam and other facilities for their other conveniences. burglar-proof safe and many manufacture. His storeroom is 25x100 feet, neatly arranged and Mention of E. W. Wolcott, No. 3 W. State street. equipped with a refrigerator for the the business interests of Ithaca would be incomplete preservation of his products. He of which Mr. without touching on that of furniture, also occupies the second and third floors for storage the E. W. Wolcott on West State street, is probably purposes, Lard Rendering, and does quite a wholesale proprietor of the business he best known. He is sole snipping business in Pork and Lard. His slaughter which time he has ex established February 1st, since house is located on the out-skirts of the city and he built the handsome perienced great prosperity and up kills weekly from three to four head of cattle. Mr. consists of four trade he now enjoys. His place floors, Stephens enjoysja, large trade in all kinds of Fresh and to and it is 25x80 feet, which are devoted furniture, Salt Meats, and employs four men and one team. He can get identi the boast of Ithaca people that they established his business in 1842 and is a straight for ot and qualities in all kinds ward man with friends. cally the same styles business many here than inthe larger furniture at much lower prices pride m the cities Mr. Wolcott takes a carrying G. W. Frost, corner State and Aurora Streets. This and his store is modern and attractive things, city is well supplied with many large, first-class gro Chamber^ thoroughly stocked with Parlor and Suits, cery stores; among which must be classed in the fore Side Fancy Chairs of all descriptions, Stands, Easels, most rank that of Mr. G. W. Frost, who has been in Extention and Centre Springs and Mattresses, the grocery business . at the present location for the boards, Carriages Tables, together with a fine line of Baby past twenty-four years. He occupies two floors, the people and repairing and of same 35 x 50 upper etc He employs three dimensions the being feet. The

UDhols+ering- reasonable done on short notice and floor is utilized for storage while the store " is purposes, higher as a business man and room and complete stock of terms No one stands contains a fresh Staple Wolcott. and gentleman than Mr. E. W. Fancy Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Provisions, Flour, American luxuries, Canned and Shelf Goods, Street. The chaste in short found in an establishment C B Brown, No. 31 E. State everything usually in pure and Whole productions so displayed of this of the best quality, and elaborate brilliantly kind, fresh, largest stores in the city are some. Mr. Frost employs four clerks and two teams this one of the jewelry efforts olden and gives detail of the business his personal contrast with the clumsy every in striking of established this business m 1m o attention. timps Mr Brown