STEPHEN H. LEKSON Museum of Natural History University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0218 303-492-6671, fax 492-4195 [email protected]


8/02 – University of Colorado: Curator of Anthropology, Museum of Natural History; and Associate Professor & Professor ('07), Anthropology.

8/97-8/02 University of Colorado: Curator of Museum Studies, Museum of Natural History; and Assistant Professor, Anthropology.

5/95-8/97 University of Colorado: Acting Curator of Anthropology and Research Associate, Museum of Natural History.

6/92-1/95 Crow Canyon Archaeological Center: President & CEO.

8/90-5/92 Museum of New Mexico: Curator of Archaeology.

1/87-7/90 Arizona State Museum: Research Associate.

5/76-5/86 Chaco Center: Archaeologist.

6/74-5/76 Eastern New Mexico University: Research Archaeologist.

5/73-4/74 University of Tennessee, TVA Projects: Project Director.

5/72-5/73 Case Western Reserve University, Upper Gila Project: Project Director


Ph.D. 1988 Anthropology, University of New Mexico. Dissertation: Sociopolitical Complexity at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

Cert. 1981 Surveying and Cartography, Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute.

M.A. 1978 Anthropology, Eastern New Mexico University. Thesis: Settlement Patterns in the Redrock Valley of the Gila River, New Mexico.

B.A. 1972 Anthropology (honors), Case Western Reserve University.

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HONORS AND AWARDS Plenary or Featured Speaker: Plenary Speaker, Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, 1995; Plenary Speaker, Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary, 1991 & 1996; Bandelier Lecturer, New Mexico Archaeological Society Annual Meeting 1991 & 2005; Distinguished Lecturer, Southern Methodist University 2001; Plenary Lecturer, Colorado Archaeological Society Annual Meeting 2001; Cynthia Irwin- Williams Memorial Lecturer, Eastern New Mexico University 2002; Plenary Speaker, Texas Archaeological Society Annual Meeting 2003; Banquet Speaker, Midwest Archaeological Conference 2006. Book awards: Borderlands Book of the Year (Ancient Lands, Ancestral Places, 1993); American Association of Museums Award of Distinction (Chaco Canyon: A Center and Its World, 1994); Colorado Book Award Finalist (Canyon Spirits, 2005). Poster Award: Society for American Archaeology ("Chaco and ," 1996)

GRANTS, CONTRACTS & FELLOWSHIPS 2009 Chimney Rock Interpretive Association: “Chimney Rock,” $58000. 2008 National Park Service RM-CESU: "Dinosaur National Monument," $16000. 2008 National Park Service NAGPRA: "Museum Documentation," $75000. 2008 National Park Service NAGPRA: "Repatriation/Reburial," $14250. 2008 University of Colorado: Innovative Grant Program, "Pottery of the Ancient Southwest," $22850. 2008 National Science Foundation, Archaeology: "Pinnacle Ruin," $41882. 2007 National Park Service NAGPRA: “Museum Documentation,” $75000. 2007 National Park Service NAGPRA: "Repatriation/Reburial," $15000 2007 National Park Service NAGPRA: "Repatriation/Reburial," $15000 2007 University of Colorado: CARTSS grant "Yellow Jacket: Collaborative Archaeology at a Major Mesa Verde Site," $3800. 2007 University of Colorado: GCAH visiting scholar grant (Scott Ortman, Jonathan Till), "Yellow Jacket: the Largest Mesa Verde Town," $800. 2006 National Park Service NAGPRA: “Museum Documentation,” $75000. 2005 National Park Service RM-CESU: “Fort Union NAGPRA,” $10000. 2005 National Park Service NAGPRA: “Museum Documentation,” $75000. 2004 National Park Service NAGPRA: “Museum Documentation,” $75000. 2004 National Park Service RM-CESU: “Fort Union Ethnohistory,” $30000. 2004 University of Colorado: CRCW, “Aztec Ruins Geophysical Project,” $504. 2004 National Park Service NAGPRA: “Museum Documentation,” $75000 2004 Colorado State Historical Fund: “Yellow Jacket Collections,” $62843 2003 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship; $40000 2003 Clements Research Fellowship, Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University $38500 (declined by SHL)

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2003 University of Colorado: CRCW special projects grant, “Sand Island: Time Etched in Stone,” $2060. 2003 University of Colorado: GCAH research grant, “Warm Spring Apache Ethnohistory;” $1000 2003 University of Colorado: CRCW research grant, “Archaeological Survey, Alamosa Creek, New Mexico;” $4335 2002 University of Colorado: CRCW grant-in-aid, “Pinnacle Ruin;” $4500. 2002 University of Colorado: GCAH visiting scholar grant (Peter Peregrine, Lawrence U.), “Southwest, Southeast, and Mexico,” $750. 2002 University of Colorado President’s Fund for the Humanities, “Mimbres Lives and Landscapes,” $4900. 2001 University of Colorado President’s Fund for the Humanities, “Sand Island: Time Etched in Stone,” $3500. 2000 University of Colorado: CRCW grant-in-aid, “Canada Alamosa Project;” $4125. 1998 University of Colorado: JFDA award; $5000. 1997-2004 National Park Service: “Chaco Synthesis;” $10000 (1997), $36218 (1998), $96987 (1999), $73238 (2000 extended to 2004). 1997 Colorado State Heritage Fund: “Dolores Data Conversion and Analysis;” $74435. 1997-1998 National Geographic Society: “Bluff Great House Project;” $18,000 (1997), $16000 (1998) (co-PI with C. Cameron). 1995 National Park Service: “Natural Bridges National Monument Archaeological Survey;” $10000. 1992-1995 Private, foundation, state and national agency sources: development for Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez CO; $600000+ per year. 1990 New Mexico Historic Preservation Division: “Chiricahua Apache History and Ethnohistory Conference;” $5000. 1990 Wenner-Gren: “Anasazi Cultures in Transition Conference;” $7000, (co-PI with W. Lipe). 1983 Bureau of Reclamation and New Mexico Historic Preservation Division: “Sierra County Rio Grande Project;” $14000.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Association for the Advancement of Science American Anthropological Association Council on Museum Anthropology Human Relations Area Files (Board of Directors, 2003-2007) American Association of Museums Society for American Archaeology World Archaeological Congress Archaeological Institute of America Register of Professional Archaeologists Archaeological Society of New Mexico

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New Mexico Archaeological Council Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society Arizona Archaeological Council Colorado Archaeological Society Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists (Executive Board, 2001-2004) Southeastern Archaeological Conference

REVIEW AND EDITORIAL SERVICE , editorial board, 1987-1990; editor, 2006 – Archaeology, editorial board, 2001-2002; contributing editor, 2003 – Time & Mind, editorial board, 2007 – Native Peoples, editorial board 1993-1995 Scientific American’s Discovering Archaeology, editorial board, 1998-2000 Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, editorial board Colorado Prehistoric Contexts, 1997-1999 Colorado Historic Contexts, 2001-2007 Manuscript review: Current Anthropology; American Anthropologist; American Antiquity; Journal of Anthropological Research; Journal of Anthropological Archaeology; Journal of Field Archaeology; New Mexico Historical Review; University of Arizona Press; University of New Mexico Press; Oxford University Press; University Press of Colorado; University of Utah Press; Cotsen Institute of Archaeology. Proposal review: National Science Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Geographic Society; Colorado Historic Preservation Fund.

TEACHING (University of Colorado, Boulder) 1997 -- Museum and Field Studies: Introduction to Museum Studies (MUSM 4011/5011), Seminar in Museum Issues (MUSM 6116), Practicum in Anthropology (MUSM 4912/5912), Field Methods (MUSM 5462). 1995 -- Department of Anthropology: Introduction to Archaeology (ANTH 2200), Archaeological Field Research (ANTH 4350/5350), Environmental Archaeology (ANTH 4330), Anthropological Perspectives: Contemporary Issues (ANTH 4180); Archaeology and Contemporary Society (ANTH 5460); Seminar: Archaeology of Selected Areas (ANTH 7140); Seminar: Archaeology (ANTH 7030).

Graduate Students (date of degree): Karin Swain (MA 1998), Nicolette Meister (MA 1999), Tilly Laskey (MA 1999), Rita Cordalis (MA 2000), Anne Cornell (MA 2000), Dana Schaar (MA 2000), Michelle Leonard (MA 2000), Judy Newland (MA 2000), Joel Tyberg (MA 2000), Brian Yunker (MA 2001), William Urich (MA 2001), Chad Landsman (MA 2001), Mike Larkin (MA 2001), Ingrid Walsh (MA 2001), Tristan Tolland (MA 2001), JJ Lonsinger (MA 2001), Rebecca Latanich (MA 2001), Betsy Bennett (MA 2001), Erik Heikennen (MA 2001), David Cain (MA 2002), Julie Marino (MA 2002), Abby Bentz (MS 2004), Heidi McCann

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(Cert 2005), Heidi Quist (MS 2005), Brad Caldwell (MS 2005), Lindsay Jones (MS 2006), Brenda Todd (MA 2005, PhD), Katy Putsavage (MS 2008, PhD), Erin Baxter (MS), Morgan Seamont (MA), Isabel Tovar (MS), Erica Garcia (MS), Audrey Gayou (MS).

RESEARCH Principal Investigator, Chimney Rock Project, Archuleta County, Colorado; Summer 2009. Principal Investigator, University of Colorado-Human Systems Research Cañada Alamosa Project, Socorro County, New Mexico; Summer 2000, Summer 2001, Summer 2002, Summer 2003, Summer 2004, Summer 2008. Principal Investigator, Yellow Jacket Analysis; Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009. Principal Investigator, Aztec Ruins North Geophysical Prospection Project, San Juan County, New Mexico; Summer 2004 Co-Principal Investigator, University of Colorado Bluff Great House Project, Bluff, Utah; Fall 1995, Summer 1996, Summer 1997, Summer 1998 (with Catherine M. Cameron). Crew Chief, Lower San Pedro River Survey, reconnaissance survey of San Pedro River, Pinal County, Arizona; Desert Archaeology; Spring 1990. Consultant, Lake Roosevelt Study, excavation of platform mound sites in the Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona; Arizona State University; Winter 1989. Principal Investigator, Palette Project. Lindley Foundation, Tucson, Arizona. 1988-1989. Consultant, Rye Creek Project, excavation of pit-house sites in upper Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona; Desert Archaeology, Fall-Winter; 1989. Project Director, Ojo Caliente Reconnaissance, survey of historic and prehistoric sites on the Old Warm Springs Apache reservation, Socorro County, New Mexico; Human Systems Research, Tularosa, New Mexico; Fall 1988. Ceramic Analyst, Arizona Interconnection Project, ceramic analysis of sites along 200-mile linear survey from Red Hill to Deming, New Mexico; Zuni Archeological Program, Zuni, New Mexico; Winter-Spring 1987-1988. Crew Chief, Coronado National Forest Clearance Surveys, survey of upland areas in Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties; USDA Forest Service, Tucson, Arizona; Summer 1987. Archaeologist, Aztec Mapping Project, survey of sites in and around Aztec Ruins National Monument; National Park Service; Summer 1987. Assistant Crew Chief, Continental Ranch Mitigation Project, Pima County, Arizona, excavation of Pioneer and Colonial period Hohokam site; Institute for American Research; Spring 1987. Project Director, Cottonwood Draw survey, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, survey of large El Paso phase architectural sites; Human Systems Research; Winter 1986-1987. Principal Investigator, LA 5421 Mimbres Project, analysis of materials from large Three Circle- Mimbres phase site; Arizona State Museum; Summer-Winter 1986. Principal Investigator, Sierra County Rio Grande Project, Sierra County, New Mexico, reconnaissance survey of 60 miles of Rio Grande Valley and 40 miles of its tributaries; New Mexico State Historic Preservation Research Grant; Spring 1984, Summer-Fall 1985. Director of Survey, University of New Mexico Field School, Sierra County, New Mexico, sample

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survey of Palomas Creek Drainage; Summers 1982 and 1983. Archaeologist, Chaco Project, Chaco Canyon National Monument and Albuquerque, New Mexico, excavation of 29SJ629 and Pueblo Alto, outlier survey, architectural, ceramic and lithic analyses; National Park Service; Spring 1976-Summer 1986. Assistant Director, stabilization program, Salmon Ruins, Bloomfield, New Mexico; San Juan County Museum; Winter 1975. Assistant Director, ceramics laboratory, Puerco River Valley Project, Guadelupe and Portales, New Mexico, analysis of ceramics and survey data from Middle Rio Puerco; Eastern New Mexico University; Spring-Fall 1975. Assistant Director, ceramics laboratory, San Juan Valley Archeological Project, Bloomfield and Portales, New Mexico, analysis of ceramics and survey data from Salmon Ruins Chacoan outlier; Eastern New Mexico University; 1974. Project Director, small projects, Division of Contract Archeology, clearance and inventory surveys in southeastern New Mexico; Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico; 1974. Principal Investigator, Redrock Valley Survey, Redrock, New Mexico, inventory survey of 10 miles of Gila River Valley; Upper Gila Project, Fort Burgwin Foundation; Spring 1974. Project Director, Columbia Reservoir Mitigation Project, Columbia, Tennessee, excavation of Late Archaic site; University of Tennessee; Fall-Winter 1973. Project Director, Hartsville Reactor Mitigation Project, Dixon Springs, Tennessee, testing of Woodland and Mississippian sites; University of Tennessee; Summer 1973. Project Director, Villareal II Site, Gila, New Mexico, sample surface collection and testing of extramural areas of Mimbres-Salado phase site; Upper Gila Project, Winter 1973. Crew Chief, Columbia Reservoir Survey Project, Columbia, Tennessee, inventory survey of floodpool area; University of Tennessee; Spring 1973. Assistant Project Director, Cayson West Site, Blountstown, Florida, excavation of Fort Walton phase temple mound site; Case Western Reserve University; January 1973. Crew Chief, Marquette Mission Project, St. Ignace, Michigan, excavation of historic fort; Michigan State Parks Division; Fall 1972. Project Director, Villareal II Site, Gila, New Mexico, excavation of Salado phase site; Upper Gila Project, Fort Burgwin Foundation; Summer 1972. Assistant Project Director, Big Burro Land Exchange, Gila National Forest, New Mexico, excavation of Three Circle, Mimbres and Animas phase sites; Fort Burgwin Foundation; Spring 1972. Assistant Project Director, Saige-McFarland Site, Cliff, New Mexico, excavation of Three Circle- Mimbres phase site; Upper Gila Project, Case Western Reserve University; January 1972. Laboratory Assistant, Archaeological Sediments Analysis Lab, Case Western Reserve University; Fall 1971. Crew Chief, Saige-McFarland Site, Cliff, New Mexico, excavation of Three Circle-Mimbres phase site; Upper Gila Project, Case Western Reserve University; January and Summer 1971.

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Books & Monographs (refereed, peer-reviewed)

2009 A History of the Ancient Southwest. SAR Press, Santa Fe. 2007 The Architecture of Chaco Canyon. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. (Editor and author/co-author of two chapters.) 2006 Archaeology of the Mimbres Region, Southwestern New Mexico, U.S.A. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1466, Oxford. 2006 The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. (Editor and author/co-author of three chapters.) 2002 Salado Archaeology of the Upper Gila, New Mexico. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 1999 Chaco Meridian: Centers of Political Power in the Ancient Southwest. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek. 1990 Mimbres Archaeology of the Upper Gila, New Mexcio. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 1987 Nana’s Raid: Apache Warfare in Southern New Mexico, 1881. Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso. 1984 Great Pueblo Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. National Park Service, Santa Fe. 1983 The Outlier Survey: A Regional View of Settlement in the San Juan Basin. National Park Service, Santa Fe. (Junior author with Robert P. Powers and William B. Gillespie.) 1983 The Architecture and Dendrochronology of , Chaco Canyon. National Park Service, Santa Fe. (Editor and author/co-author of three chapters.)

Books & Monographs (other)

2008 Pueblo Archaeology in Kiva. Kiva 74(2),whole number (Editor, special issue). 1997 Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in New Mexico. Bureau of Land Management Heritage Education Program, Dolores. (Junior author with Catherine M. Cameron) 1995 Elephant Butte-Eastern Black Range Region: Journeys from Desert Lakes to Mountain Ghost Towns. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro. (Junior author with R. Lozinsky and R. Harrison.) 1993 Ancient Lands, Ancestral Places. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe. (Editor and senior author with Rina Swentzell and Catherine Cameron.) 1989 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Rio Grande Valley in Sierra County, New Mexico. The 27(2), whole number. 1971 The Stailey Cave Collection. Southwestern New Mexico Research Reports 6. (Senior author with James R. Ross and James E. Fitting.)

Book Chapters (refereed, peer-reviewed; italics = student co-authors)

in review The Southwest, Iberia, and Their Worlds. In Comparative Archaeologies: Iberia and

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the Southwest, edited by Katina Lillios. Oxbow. in review Comparative Complexities: Iberia and Southwest. In Comparative Archaeologies: Iberia and the Southwest, edited by Katina Lillios. Oxbow. (Senior author with Pedro Diaz-del-Rio). in review The Good Gray Intermediate: Why Native Societies of North America Can't be States. In Ancient Complexities: New Perspectives in Pre-Columbian North America, edited by Susan Alt. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. in review Southwestern New Mexico and "The Land Between." In The Land Between: Southeastern Arizona in History and Prehistory, edited by Henry Wallace. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 2009 Lost Cities, Prairie Castles: Mesa Verde, Manitou Cliff Dwellings, Bent's Old Fort and the Fort Restaurant. In The Archaeology of Meaningful Places, edited by Maria Nieves Zedeno and Brenda Bowser. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2008 The Chaco Meridian. In American Indian Places, edited by Frances H. Kennedy. Houghton- Mifflin, New York. 2007 The Changing Face of Chetro Ketl. In Architecture of Chaco Canyon, edited by Stephen H. Lekson. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. (Senior author with Thomas Windes and Patricia Fournier.) 2007 An Introduction to Chacoan Architecture. In Architecture of Chaco Canyon, edited by Stephen Lekson. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2007 Europe and the Buildings Without History. In Canyon Gardens: The Ancient Pueblo Landscapes of the American Southwest, V.B. Price and Baker H. Morrow, editors. University of New Mexico Press. 2006 Lords of the Great House. In Palaces and Power in the Americas, edited by Jessica Christie and Patricia Sarro. University of Texas Press, Austin. 2006 Southeast, Southwest, Mexico: Continental Perspectives on Mississippian Polities. In Leadership and Polity in Mississippian Societies, Brian Butler and Paul Welch, editors. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Papers 33, Carbondale. (Junior author with Peter N. Peregrine.) 2006 Chaco Matters: An Introduction to Chaco Archaeology. In The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon, edited by Stephen Lekson. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. 2006 Architecture. In The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon, edited by Stephen Lekson. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. (Senior author with Thomas Windes and Peter McKenna.) 2006 Chaco from the South. In The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon, edited by Stephen Lekson. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. (Junior author with Andrew Duff.) 2005 Complexity. In in the Twentieth Century, edited by Linda Cordell and Donald Fowler. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2005 Chaco and Paquime: Complexity, History, and Landscape. In North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy Pauketat and Diana Loren. Blackwell. 2004 Pueblo IV in the Chihuahuan Desert. In The Protohistoric Pueblo World: A.D. 1275-1600,

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edited by E. Charles Adams and Andrew Duff. University of Arizona Press. (Senior author with Art McWilliams [UA] and Michael Bletzer [SMU]) 2001 Presidents, Precedents, and Pundits. In Anasazi Regional Organization and the Chaco System (second edition), edited by David E. Doyel. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. 2000 Great! In Great House Communities Across the Chacoan Landscape, edited by John Kantner and Nancy Mahoney. University of Arizona Press. 2000 Salado in Chihuahua. In Salado, Jeffrey S. Dean, editor; University of New Mexico Press. 1999 Great Towns in the Southwest. In Great Towns and Regional Polities in the Prehistoric Southwest and Southeast. Jill Neitzel, editor; University of New Mexico Press. 1999 Was Casas Grandes a Pueblo? In The Casas Grandes World, Curt Schaafsma and Carroll Riley, editors. University of Utah Press. 1997 Anasazi Towns in Context. In Anasazi Architecture and American Design. Baker Morrow, editor; University of New Mexico Press. 1996 Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona. In The Prehistoric Pueblo World A.D. 1150-1350. Michael Adler, editor; University of Arizona Press. 1994 Thinking About Chaco. In Chaco Canyon: A Center and Its World. Mary Peck, editor. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe. 1993 Regional Organization and the American Southwest. In Anasazi Regional Organization and the Chaco System, edited by David Doyel; Anthropological Papers 5, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. (Junior author with David Doyel.) 1993 Anasazi Ritual Landscapes. In Anasazi Regional Organization and the Chaco System, edited by David Doyel; Anthropological Papers 5, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. (Junior author with John R. Stein.) 1992 The Architecture of the Ancient Southwest. In The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes. Richard F. Townsend, editor. Art Institute of Chicago. 1991 Settlement Patterns and the Chacoan Region. In Chaco and Hohokam: Prehistoric Regional Systems in the Arid Southwest. Patricia Crown and James Judge, editors; School of American Research. 1990 Cross-cultural Perspectives on the Community. In On Vernacular Architecture: Paradigms of Environmental Response. Mete Turan, editor; Gower. 1989 ? In The Architecture of Social Integration In the Prehistoric Pueblos. William Lipe and Michelle Hegemon, editors; Occasional Publication No. 1, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. 1989 The Great Pueblo Period in Southwestern Archaeology. In Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture. Nicholas C. Markovich, Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, and Fred G. Sturm, editors; Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1986 Introduction. In Small Site Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, by P.J. McKenna and M.L. Truell. Publications in Archaeology 18D, National Park Service, Santa Fe. 1984 Prehistoric Settlement Along the Palomas Drainage, Southern New Mexico. In Prehistoric Use of the Eastern Slopes of the Black Range, New Mexico, M.C. Nelson, editor. Technical Series 1. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology.

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1984 Standing Architecture at Chaco Canyon and the Interpretation of Local and Regional Organization. In Recent Research on Chacoan Prehistory, W.J. Judge and J.D. Schelburg, editors. Reports of the Chaco Center 8, National Park Service. 1983 Southwestern Archaeology. In Borderlands Sourcebook, E.R. Stoddard, R.L. Nostrand and J.P. West, editors; University of Oklahoma Press.

Book Chapters (other) in press The North American Oikoumene. In Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy R. Pauketat. Oxford University Press, New York. (Junior author with Peter N. Peregrine) in press Chaco's Hinterlands. In Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy R. Pauketat. Oxford University Press, New York. in press Red Paint People: The Eastern Chiricahua Apache. In Mimbres Lives and Landscapes, edited by Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon. SAR Press, Santa Fe. in press The Anaszai. In Archaeologica, Global Book Publishing, Lane Cove, Australia. 2008 Great Houses; and Cultural and Social Interactions and Migrations. In Archaeology in America, edited by Francis McManamon. Greenwood, Highlands Ranch. 2008 Safford & Samarqand. In Crossroads of the Southwest: Culture, Identity, and Migration in Arizona's Safford Basin, edited by David Purcell. Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge 2008 Chaco Panache: Feathers and 11th Century Political Power. In Chasing Chaco, Papers in Honor of Frances Joan Mathien, edited by Regge N. Wiseman, Thomas C. O'Laughlin, Cordelia T. Snow and Cathy Travis. Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico 34. Allbuquerque. (Junior author with Catherine M. Cameron.) 2005 Mimbres, Hohokam and Anasazi. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Mogollon Conference, edited by Lonnie Ludeman. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 2005 Anasazi Pueblos of the Ancient Southwest. In Canyon Spirits. (Lead essay in photo book by John Ninnemann). University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. [Colorado Book Award Finalist] 2004 Foreword. In Chimney Rock: The Ultimate Outlier, edited by J. McKim Malville. Lexington Books. 2004 Architecture: Chaco’s Central Matter. In In Search of Chaco: New Approaches to an Enduring Enigma, edited by David Nobel. School of American Research Press. 2001 Landscape and Polity: The Interplay of Land, History and Power in the Ancient Southwest. In The Road to Aztlan, edited by Virginia M. Fields and Victor Zamudio-Taylor. Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 2001 Chaco, Aztec and Paquime: The Origins of Casas Grandes. In From Paquime to Mata Ortiz: The Legacy of Ancient Casas Grandes, edited by Grace Johnson. San Diego Museum of Man.

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2001 Foreword. In Chaco Society and Polity, edited by Linda Cordell, W. James Judge, and June- el Piper. New Mexico Archaeological Council Special Publication 4. (senior author with Karin Burd) 2001 Early Hohokam; and Early Mogollon. In Encyclopedia of Prehistory. Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember, editors. Kluwer Academic/Plenum. (senior author with Devin White) 2000 Ojo Caliente: Apache Reservation and Military Post. In Fort Craig: The United States on the Camino Real, edited by Charles Carroll and Lynne Sebastian. Bureau of Land Management, Socorro. 1999 Unit Pueblos and the Mimbres Problem. In La Frontera: Essays in Honor of Patrick H. Beckett, Meliha Duran and David Kirkpatrick, editors. Archaeological Society of New Mexico. 1999 Scale and Process in the Southwest, Past and Present. In Affiliation Conference on Ancestral Pueblo Peoples of the Four Corners Region, Philip Duke editor. National Park Service and Fort Lewis College, Durango. 1997 “The Chaco Phenomenon” and “Alfred Vincent Kidder”, The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, Brian M. Fagan, editor; Oxford University Press. 1997 Points, Knives and Drills of Chaco Canyon. In Ceramics, Lithics and Ornaments of Chaco Canyon. Joan Mathien, editor; Publications in Archaeology 18G, National Park Service. 1996 Scale and Process in the Southwest; and, Shaping the Pueblo World: the Southwest After 1150. In Interpreting Southwestern Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns. Paul Fish and J. Jefferson Reid, editors; Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers. 1994 Approaches to Understanding Southwestern Prehistory. In Understanding Complexity in the Prehistoric Southwest, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, George J. Gumerman and Murray Gell-Mann, editors, Addison Wesley. (Senior author with Linda Cordell and George Gumerman.) 1992 Salado of the East; and Perro Salado or Salado Peril? Remarks on the Second Salado Conference. In Proceedings of the Second Salado Conference. Richard Lange, editor; Arizona Archaeological Society. 1992 Mimbres Art and Archaeology. In Archaeology, Art, and Anthropology: Papers in Honor of J.J. Brody. Meliha Duran and David T. Kirkpatrick, editors; Archaeological Society of New Mexico. 1990 Sedentism and Aggregation in Anasazi Archaeology. In Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory, Paul Minnis and Charles Redman, editors; Westview Press. 1989 The Community in Anasazi Archaeology. In Households and Communities. Scott MacEachern, David J.W. Archer, and Richard D. Garvin, editors; The Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. 1989 Regional Systematics in the Later Prehistory of Southern New Mexico. In Fourth Jornada Mogollon Conference Collected Papers. Meli Duran and Karl W. Laumbach, editors; Human Systems. 1989 Chipped Stone Tools From Pueblo Alto. In Investigations in the Pueblo Alto Complex, New

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Mexico, Francis Joan Mathien and Thomas C. Windes, editors. Publications in Archaeology 18F, Vol. 3. National Park Service. 1986 Mimbres Riverine Adaptations; and The Mimbres Region. In Mogollon Variability. C. Benson and S. Upham editors; Occasional Paper 15, New Mexico State University Museum 1986 The Architecture of Talus Unit, Chaco Canyon. In Prehistory and History in the Southwest, N. Fox, editor. Archaeological Society of New Mexico. 1984 Mimbres Settlement Size in Southwestern New Mexico. In Recent Research in Mogollon Archaeology, S. Upham, and others, editors. Occasional Papers 10. Department of Anthropology, New Mexico State University 1983 Chacoan Architecture in Continental Context. In Proceedings of the First Anasazi Symposium. J.E. Smith, editor; Mesa Verde Museum Association. 1982 Architecture and Settlement Plan in the Redrock Valley of the Gila River, Southwestern New Mexico. In Mogollon Archaeology. P.H. Beckett, editor; Acoma Books. 1981 Tenth Century Developments in Chaco Canyon. In Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico. (Junior author with W. James Judge, William B. Gillespie, and H. Wolcott Toll.) 1975 Artifact Assemblages at the Salmon Site. In Investigations at the Salmon Site. Cynthia Irwin-Williams, editor. Eastern New Mexico University. (Senior author with C.M. Cameron) 1973 Human bone. Appendix B in An Early Mogollon Community: Preliminary Report on the Winn Canyon Site, by J.E. Fitting. The Artifact 11 (1-2), whole number. 1973 Groundstone. Appendix C in Four Archaeological Sites in the Big Burro Mountains, J.E. Fitting, editor; COAS Monographs 1.

Journal Articles (refereed, peer-reviewed; italics = student co-authors)

2002 Migrations in the Southwest: Pinnacle Ruin, Southwestern New Mexico. Kiva 68(2). (Senior author with C. Nepstad-Thornberry, B. Yunker, D. Cain, T. Sudar-Laumbach, K. Laumbach.) 2002 War in the Southwest, War in the World. American Antiquity 67(4). 1997 Museums and the Market: Exploring Santa Fe. Nonrenewable Resources 6(2). 1995 The Abandonment of Chaco Canyon, the Mesa Verde Migrations, and the Reorganization of the Pueblo World. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 14(2) (Senior author with Catherine M. Cameron.) 1995 Introduction. In Migration and the Movement of Southwestern Peoples. Special issue, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 14(2). 1988 The Idea of the Kiva in Anasazi Archaeology. Kiva 53(3). 1988 The Chaco Canyon Community. Scientific American 259(1). (Senior author with Thomas C. Windes, John R. Stein, and W. James Judge.) 1988 The Mangas Phase in Mimbres Archaeology. Kiva 53(2).

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1984 The Dating of Casa Grandes. Kiva 50(1). 1983 The Dating of the Hubbard Mound and Other Tri-Wall Structures. Southwestern Lore 49(4). 1981 Cognitive Frameworks and Chacoan Architecture. New Mexico Journal of Science 21(1).

Journal Articles (other)

2009 Amending the Meridian: A Scholar Revisits the Southwest's Most Controversial Theory. Archaeology 62(1). 2006 Salado Archaeology in the “Area Between.” Archaeology Southwest 20(2). 2004 A Continental Perspective for North American Archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record 4(1). (Senior author with Peter Peregrine.) 2004 Pinnacle Ruin. Archaeology Southwest 18(2). 2004 Herbert Yeo’s F Sites. Archaeology Southwest 18(2). 2002 Chaco: Evil Empire or Shangri-La? Smoking Mirror: Newsletter of the Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. 9(12). 2001 Flight of the Anasazi. Archaeology 54(5). 2000 A New Synthesis of Chaco Canyon Archaeology. Anthropology News 41(9). (Senior author with Karin Burd.) 2000 Ancient Chaco’s New History. Archaeology Southwest 14(1). (Guest editor and author.) 1999 War and Peace in the Ancient Southwest. Scientific American’s Discovering Archaeology 1(3). 1997 Rewriting Southwestern Prehistory. Archaeology 50(1). 1996 Post-Plenary Reflections: Telling Archaeology. SAA Newsletter 13(3). 1995 Tracking the Movements of an Ancient People. Archaeology 48(5). 1995 The Cottonwood Spring and Indian Tank Sites. Artifact 33(2). (Senior author with Alan Rorex.) 1993 Chaco, Hohokam, and Mimbres: The 11th and 12th Centuries in the American Southwest. Expedition 35 (1). 1993 Ruins of the Four Corners, Villages of the Rio Grande. El Palacio 98(2). 1993 The Surface Archaeology of Southwestern New Mexico. Artifact 30(3). 1991 Mysterious Mimbres Leave Behind Modern Legacy. New Mexico Magazine 69(8). (Senior author with Bruce Bernstein.) 1990 The Southwest's Remarkable Mimbres People. Archaeology 43(6). 1987 Great House Architecture of Chaco Canyon. Archaeology 40(3). 1986 Mesa Verde-Like Pottery Near T-or-C, New Mexico. Pottery Southwest 13(4). 1985 Largest Settlement Size and the Interpretation of Socio-political Complexity at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Haliksai: UNM Contributions in Anthropology 4. 1985 The Sierra County Rio Grande Project. UNM Anthropology 3(5). 1982 Labor Investment in Chacoan Building. In Papers of the San Juan Basin Symposium, New Mexico Archaeological Council Newsletter 4(5-6). 1977 Sherds as Units of Analysis. Pottery Southwest 4 (3).

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1974 A Bead Cache from the Saige-McFarland Site. Artifact 11(4). (Junior author with Timothy C. Klinger.) 1974 Villareal II: A Preliminary Report on an Animas Phase Site in Southwestern New Mexico, Awanyu 1(2). (Senior author with Timothy C. Klinger.) 1974 A Mimbres Stone Effigy Vessel. Artifact 11(4).

Reviews in press Trincheras Sites in Time, Space, and Society (Fish, Fish, and Villalpando). Cambridge Archaeological Journal. in press Exploring Variability in Mogollon Pithouses (Roth and Stokes). Journal of Anthropological Research. 2009 A New Deal for Chaco Canyon (Review of The Chaco Experience [Van Dyke]). Current Anthropology 50(3). 2009 Archaeology Without Borders (Webster and McBrinn). Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19(2). 2008 Zuni Origins (Gregory and Wilcox). Journal of Field Archaeology 33(3). 2008 Great Houses of Chaco Canyon (Campbell). Journal of Anthropological Research 64(2). 2006 Centuries of Decline During the Hohokam Classic Period at Pueblo Grande (Abbott). American Antiquity 71(4). 2005 Curating Archaeological Collections (Sullivan and Childs). Museum Anthropology 28(2). 2002 : Mirror of the Cosmos (Chappell). American Scientist 90(6). 2002 Anasazi America (Stuart). American Antiquity 67(1). 2002 The Archaeology of Communities (Marcello and Yaeger). American Anthropologist 104(1). 2002 Archaeology of the Ojasen (41EP289) and Gobernadora (41EP321) Sites, El Paso County, Texas (Shafer, Dockall and Brewington). Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society. 2002 Constructing Frames of Reference (Binford). American Scientist 89(6). 2001 Casas Grandes and Its Hinterlands (Whalen and Minnis). Journal of Field Archaeology 28:216-222. 2000 Man Corn (Turner). Journal of Arizona History 41(2):209-210. 1999 Chaco “Death Squads” (Review of Man Corn [Turner and Turner] and Prehistoric Warfare in the Ancient Southwest [LeBlanc]) Archaeology 52(3). 1998 A Tale (and Tally) of Many Cities. (Review of The Limits of Settlement Growth [Fletcher].) Current Anthropology 39(4). 1996 Landscape with Ruins: Archaeological Approaches to Built and Unbuilt Environments (review article). Current Anthropology 37(5). 1993 Peoples of the Southwest (exhibit, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology). American Anthropologist 95(1). 1991 Dynamics of Southwest Prehistory (Cordell and Gumerman). American Indian Quarterly, Fall.

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1990 A Study of Pueblo Architecture (Mindeleff) American Antiquity 55(3). 1985 Bis sa’anni (Breternitz and Doyel). Kiva 50(2-3).

TRANSLATIONS, REPRINTS, ETC in press Great Pueblo Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Percheron Press, “Foundations of Archaeology” series. (Reprint of 1986 book with new introduction.) 2008 War in the Southwest, War in the World. In Reading Archaeology, edited by Robert J. Muckle, Broadview Press. (Reprint of 2002 article.) 2002 Der Exodus der Anasazi. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial: Moderne Archaologie. (Translation of 2001 article.) 2001 Flight of the Anasazi. In Year of Discovery 2000, [no editor], Hatherleigh Press. (Reprint of 2001 article.) 2001 Chaco Death Squads. In World History, edited by David McComb, McGraw Hill. (Reprint of 1999 review article.) 2000 Chaco Meridian. Associated Services for the Blind of Philadelphia. (Audio tape of 1999 book.) 2000 Rewriting Southwestern Prehistory. In Literacy and Learning: Strategies for Middle and Secondary School Teachers, by Karen K. Allan, Houghton Mifflin. (Reprint of 1997 article; also in second edition, by Karen K. Allan and Margery Miller, 2004.) 1994 The Chaco Canyon Community. In Scientific American Special Issue: Ancient Cities, edited by Norman Hammond. (Reprint of 1988 article.) 1986 Great Pueblo Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. (Revised edition of 1984 book.)

MUSEUM EXHIBITS, CATALOGUES, PANELS (italics = student co-curators)

2007 Co-curator: Temple of the Warriors: Rebuilding a Maya Monument. University of Colorado Museum. (with Inga Calvin) 2006 Co-curator: Legacies from Navajo Looms. University of Colorado Museum (with Linda Cordell) 2005 Curator: Ancient Cliff Dwellings, University of Colorado Museum. 2003 Co-curator: Mimbres Landscapes and Lives, University of Colorado Museum. (with Michelle Hegmon, Margaret Nelson, Linda Cordell) 2002 Co-curator: Stories Etched in Stone: The Rock Art of Sand Island, University of Colorado Museum. (with Anne Phillips.) 2002 Co-curator: Windows to the Past, Doors to the Future (Centennial Exhibit), University of Colorado Museum. (with Deane Bowers.) 2001 Curator: Earl Morris Exhibit upgrades, University of Colorado Museum (senior curator with Michael Larkin and Richard Wilshusen) 2001 Trail signage, Bluff Great House Site, Southwest Heritage Foundation, Bluff, Utah (senior

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author with Jonathan Till) 2001 Catalogue essay: “Landscape and Polity: The Interplay of Land, History and Power in the Ancient Southwest”. In The Road to Aztlan, edited by V. Fields and V. Zamudo- Taylor, Los Angels County Museum of Art. 2000 Consultant: Hall of the Americas, Huston Museum of Natural History. 2000 Gallery Panelist: “Eyes Wide Shut”, University of Colorado Art Gallery 1999 Program review panel: Museum Studies Program, University of Nebraska. 1999 Panelist: “Natural and Cultural Resources”, NPS Intermountain Region Interpretation Conference, Albuquerque 1998 Gallery Panelist: Jaunne Quick-to-see Smith, University of Colorado Art Gallery 1997 Consultant: ‘Archaeology as Science’ NSF sponsored exhibit design conference, Arizona State Museum. 1993 Curator: 'Blue Stone and Shell: Jewelry of the Ancient Southwest' Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Museum of New Mexico 1992 Primary design team: 'Here, Now, Always,' permanent exhibit, Museum of Indian Art and Culture, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bruce Bernstein, Ed Ladd, Rina Swentzell, & Ted Jojola) 1992 Catalogue essay: “Architecture of the Ancient Southwest” in The Ancient Americas, edited by Richard F. Townsend, Art Institute of Chicago. 1985 Curatorial consultant: Elephant Butte State Park Visitors' Center permanent exhibit; New Mexico State Parks and Monuments Division. 1983 Consultant: Chaco Canyon National Park Visitors' Center permanent exhibit; National Park Service Interpretive Center. 1983 Consultant: 'The Chaco Phenomenon' Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico.

CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA – chair or organizer (support/funding)

2007 Honoring Linda Cordell. 72nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Austin. (Co-chair with C.M. Cameron, B.J. Mills, and M.C. Nelson) 2003 Distinguished Archaeologist Series, William Longacre. (Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder.) 1997 – 2002 Chaco Synthesis program; seven conferences at Boulder CO, Durango CO, Tempe AZ, Tucson AZ, Albuquerque NM, Santa Fe NM, Chaco Canyon NM (With numerous co- organizers.) (National Park Service and various host institutions). 2000 Chaco Synthesis – What’s Happening? Southwest Symposium, sponsored session, Santa Fe. 1995 Telling Archaeology: Parks, Museums, Print, and Video; Plenary Symposium, Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN. 1992 Ceramics of the Upper San Juan Drainage Conference, Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM (with C. Dean Wilson) (Bureau of Land Management). 1992 Demographic and Geographic Scale in Southwestern Prehistory, symposium, Third

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Southwest Symposium, Tucson AZ. 1990 Apache Archaeology and Ethnohistory Conference, New Mexico Archaeological Council, Truth-or-Consequences, NM. (NM State Historic Preservation Div.) 1990 Pueblo Cultures in Transition Conference, Crow Canyon Archaeological Research Center, Cortez CO. (co-organizer with William Lipe) (Wenner-Gren). 1988 Adoption of Agriculture in the Southern Southwest, symposium, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Phoenix AZ. 1984 Mimbres Archaeology Outside the Mimbres Valley, symposium, Third Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces NM. 1978 San Juan Basin Conference, Albuquerque NM. (University of New Mexico and National Park Service)

PAPERS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS (italics = student co-authors)

2009 Chaco Meridian: The Prequel. 74th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta GA. 2008 Migrations in the Mimbres Region. 15th Mogollon Conference, Silver City NM. 2008 Discussant, "Tension and Transitions: Religious Ideologies in the Pueblo Southwest, AD 1250 to 1450." 73rd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver B.C. 2008 Historiography and Archaeological Theory at Bigger Scales. 11th Southwest Symposium, Tempe AZ. 2007 States of Mind, States of Confusion: Historical Contexts of Native State-like Entities North of Mexico. 72nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Austin TX. 2007 Linda Cordell's Excellent Southwestern Adventure. 72nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Austin TX. (Junior author with G. J. Gumerman) 2007 Discussant, "The Animas-La Plata Project: Cultural Diversity on a Changing Landscape." 72nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Austin TX. 2006 Post Classic North America. La Vias del Noroeste, Third International Colloquium, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff AZ. 2006 Continuity and Discontinuity in Pueblo Religion. 71st Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, San Juan PR. 2006 Discussant, “Case Studies in Comparative Archaeology.” 71st Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, San Juan PR. 2006 The History of History in Southwestern Archaeology. 10th Southwest Symposium, Las Cruces NM. 2005 Safford from the Upper Gila. Safford Conference, Arizona Archaeological Council, Safford AZ. 2005 Distance and Perception in North American Archaeology. 70th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City UT.

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2005 Discussant, “Agency Within the Periphery.” 70th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City UT. 2005 In the Shadows of Grandeur. 70th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City UT. (Junior author with T.C. Windes.) 2004 Mimbres Beyond the Mimbres Valley. Thirteenth Mogollon Conference, Silver City NM. 2004 Compared to What? Distance and Perception in Chacoan Archaeology. Salmon Ruins Conference, Farmington NM. 2004 Mexico and All Points North. 69th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Montreal. 2004 Tracing 13th Century Anasazi Migrations into Southwestern New Mexico. 69th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Montreal. (Junior author with Curtis Nepstad-Thornberry.) 2004 A Continental Perspective for North American Archaeology. Ninth Southwest Symposium, Ciudad Chihuahua, Chihuahua. (Senior author with Peter Peregrine.) 2003 Chaco, Cahokia, and Mexico. 68th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee WI. (Senior author with Peter Peregrine.) 2003 Discussant, “Culture, Memory, and the Movement of Peoples.” 68th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee WI. 2003 Continental Perspectives on Mississippian Polities. 20th Annual Visiting Scholar Conference, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL. (Junior author with Peter Peregrine.) 2003 What Happened at Chaco? American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Denver CO. (Senior author with Catherine M. Cameron.) 2002 Sky Determines: Visions of the Ancient Southwest. 101st Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, New Orleans LA. 2002 The New Ancient Southwest. Cynthia Irwin-Williams Lecture Series, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales NM. 2002 Mesa Verde in Southern New Mexico. 75th Pecos Conference, Pecos NM. 2002 Political Dynamics in the Northern San Juan. 67th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Denver CO. 2002 Discussant, “Ritual, Religion, and Symbolic Behavior.” 67th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Denver CO. 2002 Discussant, “Reconstructing a Sense of Place.” 67th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Denver CO. 2002 People and Pots: A Syllogism. 8th Biennial Southwest Symposium, Tucson AZ. 2001 Complexity? In the Southwest? 100th Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association, Washington DC. (Junior author with Catherine Cameron.) 2001 Southwest and Mexico. 100th Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association, Washington DC. 2001 Cannibal Questions. AAA-sponsored symposium “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social Violence,” 66th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans LA.

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2001 Mesa Verde Migrations in Southern New Mexico. 66th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology New Orleans LA. (Second author with Brian Yunker and others.) 2001 Mesa Verde Migrations and Cultural Transformations AD 1250-1350. 66th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans LA. (Junior author with William Lipe.) 2001 Discussant, “Architectural Analysis as Archaeological Method.” 66th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans LA. 2001 Writing Prehistory. Distinguished Lecturer, Anthropology Department, Southern Methodist University. 2001 Space and Its Discontents in Southwestern Archaeology. Chac Mool Conference, Calgary, Canada. 2000 The Fourteenth Century in the Northern Chihuhahua Desert. Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, NM. 2000 There Goes the Neighborhood: The Pinnacle Site in Socorro County, NM. Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces NM. (Junior author with Brian Yunker.) 2000 Pilgrimage and Political Procession in the Ancient Southwest. Symposium: Pilgrimage and Ritual Landscape in Pre-Columbian America. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC. (Junior author with Gretchen Jordan.) 2000 Mesa Verde Sites in Southern New Mexico and Chaco Synthesis: A Progress Report. Pecos Conference, Dolores, CO. 2000 Lords of the Great House: Structures of Power in the Ancient Southwest. 65th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archeaology, Philadelphia, PA. 2000 War in the Ancient Southwest. Colloquium, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 2000 Southwestern Warfare, Resource Unpredictability, and Socialization for Fear. Southwest Symposium, Santa Fe, NM. 2000 Chaco Synthesis: Work In Progress. Southwest Symposium, Santa Fe, NM. 1999 At the Edge of the Chacoan World: The Bluff Great House. 64th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Chicago IL. (Senior author with Catherine Cameron, Daniel Falt, Jonathan Till and Chris Ward). 1999 Southwest, Southeast and Mexico. Symposium: Long-Distance Contacts In the Pre- Columbian New World. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC. 1998 The Spatial Structure of the Ancient Southwest. 63rd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Seattle WA. 1998 On the North Frontier of the Chacoan World: The University of Colorado’s Bluff Great House Project. 63rd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Seattle WA. (Second author with Catherine Cameron and others.) 1998 The Origins of Government: Community Dynamics, Communication Thresholds, and the Evolution of Political Structure in Pre-Urban Societies. Summer Workshop: Modeling Complexity in Social Systems. Colorado Center for Chaos and Complexity Summer Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder CO.

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1998 Space, Time, and NAGPRA. Durango Cultural Affiliation Conference, Fort Lewis College, Durango CO. 1997 Apache Economies. Mangas Coloradas Conference, Las Cruces NM. 1997 Magic Numbers, Emergent Order, and Local Theory. Keynote address, University of New Mexico Graduate Anthropology Symposium, Albuquerque NM. 1997 Singular and Peculiar: Uniquity and Local Theory in Archaeological Logic. 62nd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Nashville TN. 1997 Emergent Order and the Archaeology of Government. Colloquium, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder CO. 1997 Aztec: Regional Center of the Mesa Verde World. Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Golden CO. 1997 Chaco, Aztec, and Paquime: Political History of the Ancient Southwest. School of American Research Colloquium, University of New Mexico Colloquium, University of Arizona Colloquium. 1996 Mogollon Mirabilis, Hillbilly Hohokam, or Annexed Anasazi –What Was Mimbres, Really? Mogollon Conference, Silver City NM. 1996 Chaco, Aztec and Paquime. Annual Briefing, National Science Writers Association, Baltimore 1996 A Deep History of the Southwest. Oxford V: Cultural Aspects of Astronomy, Santa Fe NM. 1996 Chaco and Casas Grandes. 61st Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans [SAA Poster Award]. 1996 Chaco + Casas. Southwest Symposium, Tempe AZ. 1995 Telling Archaeology. Plenary Session, 60th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis MN. 1995 The Logic of Regional Synthesis. 60th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archeology, Minneapolis MN. 1995 Mimbres Symposium, Plenary Session. Pecos Conference, Silver City NM. 1995 New Perspectives on Chaco, Symposium. Durango Conference on Southwestern Archaeology, Durango CO. 1995 Pueblo Origins: North and South. SMU-in-Taos Colloquium series, Fort Burgwin NM. 1994 Chimney Rock and Chaco. Chimney Rock Symposium, Anasazi Heritage Center, Dolores CO. 1994 Chaco, Cahokia, and Complexity. 59th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim CA. 1994 Great Towns in the Southwest. Great Towns and Regional Polities Symposium, Amerind Foundation, Dragoon AZ. 1993 Abandonment of Chaco Canyon and the Reorganization of the Anasazi World. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC. (Senior author with Catherine M. Cameron.) 1993 The Logic of Regional Synthesis. Third Anasazi Symposium, Farmington, NM. 1993 Shaping the Pueblo World: The Southwest After 1150. Invited presentation, The Current Status of Research in the American Southwest, 58th Annual Meeting of the Society

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of American Archaeology, St. Louis MO. 1992 The Museum and the Antiquities Market. Invited presentation, Antique Indian Art Dealers Association Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1992 Salado in Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona. Keynote address, Second Salado Conference, Globe AZ. 1992 Great Towns in the American Southwest. 57th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburg PA. 1992 Harm and Harmony : Large Scale Ecology in the Ancient Southwest. Plenary address, 42nd Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary, Canada. 1991 Anasazi Communities in Context. Anasazi Architecture and American Design Conference, CO. 1991 Pre-Pueblo Style: Pit-houses in the Greater Southwest. Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Conference, Santa Fe NM. 1991 The Palette in Hohokam Prehistory. 56th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans LA. 1991 Managing Federal Archaeological Collections. Arizona-New Mexico Museum Associations Annual Meeting, Santa Fe NM. 1990 Southeastern Salado in Southwestern New Mexico. Sixth Mogollon Conference, Silver City NM. 1990 Southwestern Prehistory. Santa Fe Institute Workshop on the Evolution of Southwestern Society, Santa Fe NM. 1990 Pueblo III in Central and Southern New Mexico. Pueblo Cultures in Transition, Crow Canyon Research Center, Cortez CO 1990 Mimbres Multi-Componency. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas NV. 1990 Pueblo Cultures in Transition: Report of a Conference. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas NV. (Junior author with William Lipe.) 1990 Anasazi Ritual Landscapes. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas, NV. (Junior author with John R. Stein.) 1990 Regional Organization of the Southwest and the Chaco Anasazi. 55th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas, NV. (Junior author with David E. Doyel.) 1990 Southern Apache Subsistence. Apache Ethnohistory and Archaeology Conference, Truth-or- Consequences NM. 1990 The Warm Springs Apache Reservation and the Ojo Caliente U.S. Army Post, New Mexico. Fort Craig Conference, Socorro NM. 1990 Landscapes and Cuisines in the Ancient Southwest. Second Southwest Symposium, Albuquerque NM. 1989 Discussant, Symposium on the Lake Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, Arizona Archaeological Council Meeting, Phoenix AZ. 1988 The Community in Anasazi Archaeology. Households and Communities, 21st Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Canada.

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1988 Late Cultural Dynamics in Southern New Mexico. Fifth Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico. (Senior author with Karl W. Laumbach.) 1988 The Great Pueblo Period in Southwestern Archaeology. Featured presentation, Conference on the Pueblo Style, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1988 Ethnohistoric Geography of Hunting-Gathering and Agriculture in the Southern Southwest. 53rd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Phoenix, Arizona. 1988 Sedentism and Aggregation in Southwestern Archaeology. First Southwest Symposium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. 1987 Rethinking Chacoan Archaeology. Invited paper, Seminar Series, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. 1987 Chacoan Settlement Patterns. Advanced Seminar, Chaco and Hohokam, School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1987 The El Paso Phase, Casas Grandes and the Classic Period Hohokam. Fifth Jornada Conference, Tularosa, New Mexico. 1987 The Saige-McFarland Site and Mimbres Archaeology. Pecos Conference, Pecos, New Mexico. 1986 Fifty-four Years of the Mangas Phase in Mimbres Archaeology. Fourth Mogollon Conference, Tucson, Arizona. 1986 Kiva and pit-house in Anasazi archaeology. Third Anasazi Conference, Monument Valley, Arizona. 1986 Earthen Architecture in the Eastern Anasazi Area. Third Anasazi Conference, Monument Valley, Arizona. (Senior author with John R. Stein.) 1985 Regional Systematics in the Later Prehistory of Southern New Mexico; Fourth Jornada Conference, Tularosa, New Mexico. 1985 Mimbres and Jornada Archaeology in the Rio Grande Valley, Sierra County, New Mexico. Pecos Conference, Salinas National Monument, New Mexico. 1985 The Idea of the Kiva in Southwestern Archeology. 50th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Denver, Colorado. 1984 Mimbres Riverine Adaptations; Third Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1984 The Mimbres Region; Third Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1984 Largest Settlement Size as an Index of Socio-political Complexity; Society for American Archaeology, Portland, Oregon. 1983 The Ladder Ranch Surveys: An Evaluation of Method; Society of Independent Anthropologists, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Senior author with Barbara J. Mills.) 1983 Great Pueblo Architecture of Chaco Canyon; American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois. 1983 Archaeology of the Rio Grande Valley, Sierra County, New Mexico; Third Jornada Conference, El Paso, Texas. 1983 East Socorro District Class II Survey; Rio Abajo Conference on the Archaeology and History of the Socorro District, Socorro, New Mexico. 1982 Settlement Patterns on Middle Palomas Creek, South Central New Mexico; Second Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

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1982 Maximum Settlement Size in the Mimbres Mogollon; Second Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1982 Labor Investment in Chacoan Building; New Mexico Archaeological Council San Juan Basin Symposium, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. 1981 Chacoan Architecture in Continental Context; First Anasazi Symposium, Mesa Verde, Colorado. 1981 Architecture in Archaeology; Symposium Series, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1981 Standing Architecture and the Interpretation of Local and Regional Organization of Chaco Canyon; 46th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, San Diego, California. 1980 Chipped Stone Tools of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico; Pecos Conference, Mesa Verde, Colorado. With Catherine M. Cameron. 1980 Architecture and Settlement in the Redrock Valley of the Gila River, Southwestern New Mexico; First Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1979 Cognitive Frameworks and Chacoan Architecture; New Directions in Native American Art History, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1978 Architecture of the Bonito Phase of Chaco Canyon; American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, California. (Senior author with W. James Judge.)

SELECTED TECHNICAL REPORTS (italics = student co-authors)

2007 Investigations at the Pinnacle Ruin. In Cañada Alamosa Project: Preliminary Report on the 2004 Research Season, edited by Karl W. Laumbach. Human Systems Research Report 2004-19, Las Cruces. (Senior author with Gail Bleakney, Toni Laumbach and Karl Laumbach.) 2004 Preliminary Report on Geophysical Testing at Aztec North Great House, Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico. Submitted to the National Park Service. (Appendices by Laurence Conyers, Jennie Strum, Kristin Safi and Joya Tetrault). 2002 Testing at Pinnacle Ruin. In Cañada Alamosa Project: Preliminary Report on the 2001 Research Season, edited by Karl W. Laumbach. Human Systems Research Report 2001-6, Las Cruces. 2001 Preliminary Report on the 2000 Research Season, Featuring Excavations at the Pinnacle Ruin, Cañada Alamos, New Mexico. Human Systems Research Report 2011, Las Cruces. (Senior author with Karl Laumbach, Curtis Nepstad-Thornberry, Brian Yunker, Toni Laumbach, David Cain, David Hill and Jim Wakeman.) 2001 Southwestern New Mexico. In The Archaeological Record of Southern New Mexico, edited by Susana R. Katz and Paul Katz. State Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. 2000 Preliminary Report on the 1998 Field Season at the Bluff Great House. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Report submitted to the Southwest Heritage Foundation, Bluff UT. (Junior author with Catherine M. Cameron.)

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1998 Reconnaissance Survey of the San Juan River Between Four-Corners and Bluff, Utah. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, Blanding UT. 1997 Preliminary Report on the 1997 Field Season at the Bluff Great House. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Report submitted to the Southwest Heritage Foundation, Bluff UT. (Junior author with Catherine M. Cameron.) 1997 Report on the 1996 Excavations at the Bluff Great House. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Report submitted to the Southwest Heritage Foundation, Bluff UT. (Second author with Catherine M. Cameron and William E. Davis.) 1995 Archaeological Survey of Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah. University Museum, University of Colorado. Report submitted to National Park Service, Moab UT. 1992 Ethnohistory of the National Park Service Ojo Caliente Study Area, Socorro County, New Mexico. Human Systems Research, Inc., Las Cruces, New Mexico. Report submitted to National Park Service, Santa Fe. 1992 Archaeological Overview of Southwestern New Mexico. Human Systems Research, Inc. Las Cruces, New Mexico. Report submitted to the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. 1992 The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Vol. 1: Introduction and Site Description. Center for Desert Archaeology Anthropological Papers 11(1). (Fourth author with M.D. Elson and others.) 1990 Ceramic Analysis. In Archaeological Studies Along the Arizona Interconnection Project Transmission Line Corridor, Andrew Fowler, editor. Zuni Archaeological Program Research Series 5. 1990 Cultural Resources of Elephant Butte Reservoir, Caballo Reservoir, and Percha Diversion Dam, Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico. Report prepared for Complete Archaeological Service Associates, Cortez. 1989 Archaeological Synthesis and State Plan for Historic Preservation, Southwestern New Mexico. Human Systems Research, Las Cruces; Report prepared for the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. 1989 The Mimbres Culture. Report prepared for the Mimbres Culture Study, National Park Service, Santa Fe. 1989 Historic Properties Management Plan for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Painted Rocks Reservoir Project, Southwestern Arizona. Institute for American Research, Technical Report 88-6; Report submitted to the Corps of Engineers. (Second author with Allen Dart and Henry D. Wallace.) 1988 A Reconnaissance of the Warm Springs Apache Indian Reservation, Socorro County, New Mexico. Human Systems Research, Tularosa, New Mexico. (Senior author with Karl W. Laumbach and Peter J. McKenna.) 1987 Archaeological Survey of the Cottonwood Spring and Indian Tank Sites, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Human Systems Research, Tularosa, New Mexico; report submitted to White Sands Missile Range. Senior author with Alan Rorex.

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1986 Small project clearance surveys, Coronado National Forest. On file, Coronado National Forest, Tucson. Senior author with Chris Schrager. 1985 History and Prehistory of the Rio Grande Valley, Sierra County, New Mexico. Report submitted to the State Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe, New Mexico; on file, Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe, New Mexico and Bureau of Reclamation Southwest Region Office, Amarillo. 1984 1983 Site Survey Along the Palomas Drainage, Southern New Mexico. Report of the University of New Mexico Field School. On file, State Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. New Mexico. Senior author with Margaret C. Nelson. 1984 A reconstruction of Tcihene (Warm Springs Apache) subsistence. On file, New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. 1983 The East Socorro District Class II Survey. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management Socorro District Office, Socorro. (Senior author with LuAnn Wandsnider.) 1983 The political history of Elephant Butte Dam. On file, Bureau of Reclamation Middle Rio Grande Project Office, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. 1982 History of Sierra County, New Mexico. On file, Geronimo Springs Museum, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and New Mexico State Archives and Record Service, Santa Fe. 1982 University of New Mexico archaeological field school in Sierra County: Survey strategy and tactics. On file, State Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe. 1981 Architecture in archaeology: A critical bibliography of sources for theory. On file, Clark Field Archives, University of New Mexico; Albuquerque. 1979 Measured Elevations of Six Ruins in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico; on file, NPS Chaco Center, Santa Fe. (Senior author with Peter J. McKenna and Jerry L. Livingston.) 1978 Excavations in the north room block, Pueblo Alto, Chaco Canyon; on file, NPS Chaco Center, Santa Fe. 1975 Archaeological surveys of eight proposed pipelines and one proposed dehydration plant, Lea and Eddy Counties, New Mexico; on file, Division of Contract Archaeology, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. Senior author with Catherine M. Cameron. 1974 Archaeological surveys of thirteen proposed pipelines in Eddy County, New Mexico; on file, Division of Contract Archaeology, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. 1974 Survey and Excavations in the Proposed Columbia Reservoir, Tennessee; on file, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1973 Excavations at 40 Su 3, Hendersonville, Tennessee; report submitted to the Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee; on file, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1971 Misari: A Neolithic site on the Han River, Republic of Korea; on file, National Museum, Seoul, ROK.


2009 Chimney Rock and Its World. Chimney Rock Interpretive Association, Pagosa Springs CO.

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2009 A History of the Ancient Southwest. Archaeological Institute of America, Denver CO. 2009 Chaco Anasazi. Interview in "The Great Squeeze," Tiroir A Films. 2008 Mimbres and Casas Grandes: Erasing the Borders. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Silver City NM & Casas Grandes CHIH. 2008 Yellow Jacket, Pinnacle Ruin, and the Mesa Verde Migrations. Southwest Seminars, Santa Fe NM. 2008 Mesa Verde's Worlds. Archaeological Institute of America, Toledo and Springfield OH. 2008 A Millennium on the Meridian. Arizona Archaeological & Historical Society, Tucson AZ. 2007 Chaco Meridian Revisited. Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder CO. 2007 Chaco Canyon in Depth. Archaeological Conservancy, Chaco Culture National Historical Park NM. 2007 The Rest of the Rio: Archaeology of the Rio Grande Valley from Socorro to El Paso. Southwest Seminars, Santa Fe NM. 2007 Ann and Earl Morris at Canyon de Chelly and Chichen Itza. University of Colorado Museum, Boulder CO. 2006 Chaco Canyon: An 11th Century Pueblo Capital. Archaeological Institute of America, Denver CO. 2006 Hopi Ancestry: An Artistic and Archaeological Journey with Michael Kabotie and Stephen Lekson. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez CO. 2006 Robert J. Braidwood Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America, Kansas City MO and Lincoln NE. 2006 Aztec Ruins and the Aztecs? Summer Lecture Series, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, NM. 2006 Mesa Verde and Aztlan: The Mexican Southwest. Mesa Verde National Park Centennial Symposium, Towaoc, CO. 2006 Cliff Dwellings: Hard Times in the Ancient Southwest. Archaeological Institute of America lecture program, Palo Alto and Santa Rosa, CA. 2006 CU Solves the “Mystery of the Anasazi”? Directors Club Winter Gala, CU-Boulder Alumni Association, Boulder, CO. 2006 The University of Colorado Textile Collection. Boulder Handweavers Guild, Boulder, CO 2005-7 Santa Fe Institute working group: Cognition and Cosmology: New Models for Understanding Mesoamerican, Southwestern and Southeastern Relations, Santa Fe, NM. 2005 The Post-Classic Southwest. Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder, CO. 2005 Ancient Mimbres Pottery: Art, Patrimony or Data? University of Colorado “ArtsWeek,” University Museum, Boulder, CO. 2005 Chaco in Depth. Archaeological Conservancy tour, Farmington, NM. 2005 Southwest, Southeast and Mesoamerica: Chaco and Aztec in Continental Context. Windows to the Past Series, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, NM. 2005 Architecture: Chaco’s Central Matter. Spring Archaeology Lecture Series, Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City. 2005 New Views of Chaco Canyon. Anthropology Club, University of Colorado, Colorado

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Springs. 2005 Think Tank: Archaeology. Discover 26(3). 2005 Chaco Meridian. Radio interview, Glenn Mitchell Show, KERA, Dallas, TX 2005 New Views of Chaco Canyon. Denver Museum of Nature and Science Adult Lecture Series, Denver CO. 2005 Cliff Dwellings and Troubled Times in the Ancient Southwest. University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Bolder CO. 2004 Chaco & CU. Boulder Valley Rotary Club, Boulder CO. 2004 A History of the Ancient Southwest. Archaeological Institute of America and Colorado Archaeological Society (combined meeting), Denver CO. 2004 Mimbres. Southwest Seminars, Santa Fe, NM. 2003 Ancient Traces in the Wilderness: The Pleasure of Ruins. “Healing the West” Lecture Series, Center of the American West & Chancellor’s Community Lecture Series, University of Colorado, Boulder CO. 2003 Southwest, Southeast, and Mexico. Southwest Seminars, Santa Fe NM. 2003 CU Solves “The Mystery of the Anasazi”? Human Systems Research Quarterly Lecture Series. Las Cruces, NM. 2003 CU Solves “The Mystery of the Anasazi”? Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder CO. 2002 Roads Through the Ancient Southwest. CU Mini-College, Fort Lewis College, Durango CO. (University of Colorado President’s Community Tour). 2002 A New History of the Ancient Southwest. Mesa Verde National Park Special Events Lecture Series, Mesa Verde CO. 2002 CU Solves “The Mystery of the Anasazi?” Town and Gown, Boulder CO. 2002 After Mesa Verde: The Archaeology of the 14th Century Southern Southwest. Centennial Lecture Series, University Museum of Natural History, Boulder CO. 2002 The “New” Ancient Southwest. Cynthia Irwin-Williams Memorial Lecture, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales NM. 2002 “Cannibalism: The Last Taboo” (video interview) Discovery Channel. 2002 Native American Scholarship Committee, Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Denver, CO. 2002 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, review committee. 2001 The “New” Ancient Southwest. Estes Park Historical Museum, Estes Park CO. 2001 Chaco: Evil Empire or Shangri-La? “2001 – A Chaco Odyssey” Annual Seminar, Pre- Columbian Society, Washington DC 2001 Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Appleton WI, St Louis MO, Cleveland OH. 2001 The “New” Ancient Southwest. Banquet Speaker, Colorado Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO. 2001 The “New” Ancient Southwest. Taos Archaeological Society, Taos NM. 2001 A History of the Ancient Southwest. Museum of New Mexico, Friends of Archaeology Annual Lecture Series, Santa Fe NM.

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2001 Society for American Archaeology, Annual Meeting Program Committee. 2001 Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Executive Board. 2001 Chaco, Aztec, and Paquime; Chaco, Hohokam and Mimbres; and The 14th Century Southwest. Idyllwild School of Arts Native American Week, Idyllwild, CA. 2001 The Southwest and Mexico. Los Angeles County Museum of Arts, Los Angeles CA. 2001 Casas Grandes: The Southwest Meets Mexico. Alianza de las Artes Americanas, Denver Art Museum, Denver CO. 2001 Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Asheville NC, Atlanta GA, Miami FL. 2001 “Ancient Anasazis: What Really Happened at Mesa Verde?” (video interview) Grizzly Adams Productions, PAX network. 2001 “In Search of Aztlan” (video interview) Carmona Productions. 2000 CU Solves the ‘Mystery of the Anasazi’? University of Colorado Chancellor's Community Lecture Series, Boulder CO. 2000 Anasazi: Recent CU Research. South Denver Optimists Club, Denver CO. 2000 Cannibalism in the Prehistoric Southwest. Explorers Club, Boulder CO. 2000 “Cannibalism in the Southwest” (radio interview) The Public Affairs Hour, KCPW (Salt Lake City NPR) 2000 Landscapes in Motion: Place and Polity in the Ancient Southwest. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 2000 “Strange Disappearance of the Anasazi” (video interview), The History Channel. 2000 “Anasazi” (radio interview), Millennium Series, KQED (San Franciso NPR). 2000 AmericaQuest distance-learning expert, Classroom Connect and American Museum of Natural History. 2000 The New Ancient Southwest. Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Honolulu. 2000 Chaco Meridian: Astronomy and Power in the Ancient Southwest. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 2000 Panel member, “Combining Traditional and Archaeological Knowledge”, Annual Meeting of the Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Denver CO. 2000 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, review committee. 1999 Worlds in Collision. American West Series, Daily Camera October 24. (With Richard Wilshusen.) 1999 Consultant, “Millennium” video, Jeremy Isaacs Productions, London. 1999 Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Athens GA, Gainsville FL, New Orleans LA. 1999 The Political History of the Ancient Southwest. Colorado Archaeological Society, Denver Museum of Natural History, Denver CO. 1999 Chaco, Aztec, and Paquime. “Best of the Southwest Series”, El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso TX. 1999 Lead scholar, Eiteljorg Museum Four Corners Field Seminar, Cortez CO. 1999 Archaeology for the Masses: Workshop in publishing and presenting archaeology in the public domain. Panelist. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting,

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Chicago IL. 1998 Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Oberlin OH, Penn State U PA, New Haven CN. 1998 New Views of Mesa Verde. University Museum, University of Colorado, Boulder CO. 1998 The Bluff Great House and The Chacoan World. Utah State-wide Archaeological Conference, Blanding UT. 1998 Nana’s Raid. Boulder Corral of Westerners, Boulder CO. 1998 CU Research at the Bluff Great House. Rotary Club, Boulder CO. 1997 Archaeological Institute of America lecture program. Kansas City KA, Lincoln NE, Monmouth WI. 1997 “Those Who Came Before” (video interview). Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, Tucson AZ. 1997 Chaco, Aztec and Paquime. Explorers' Club, Boulder CO. 1997 Mimbres. Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder CO. 1997 The Bluff Great House Project. Edge-of-the-Cedars State Museum, Blanding UT. 1997 Chaco, Aztec and Paquime. Rocky Mountain Skeptics, Boulder CO. 1997 Mimbres and the Greater Southwest. Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. 1997 Anasazi Archaeology and the University of Colorado. CU Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder. 1996 Chaco and Cahokia. Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder CO. 1995 Renewing Our National Archaeological Program, invited panelist. Society for American Archaeology and National Park Service, Tempe, AZ. 1994 Anasazi: Archaeology of the Pueblo Peoples. Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. 1994 Mimbres in Context. Museum of Indian Art and Culture, Santa Fe NM. 1994 Chaco Canyon. Colorado Archaeological Society, Denver CO. 1993 Ritual Landscapes in the American Southwest. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA. 1993 The Chacoan Regional System. Colorado Archaeological Society, Boulder, CO. 1992 Monumental Architecture in the American Southwest. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 1992 The Chacoan World and Its Transformations. University of New Mexico Southwest Institute, Albuquerque, NM. 1992 The World Before Bahana. Museum of Indian Art and Culture, Santa Fe, NM. 1992 The Chacoan World. Smithsonian Institution Tours, Santa Fe, NM. 1992 Amateurs and Professionals in Southwestern Archaeology. Albuquerque Archaeological Society, Albuquerque, NM. 1992 Southwestern Archaeology. University of New Mexico Continuing Education, Taos, NM. 1992 Repatriation at the Museum of New Mexico. Invited Panelist, New Mexico Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Silver City, NM. 1992 Chaco Canyon. Taos Archaeological Society, Taos, NM. 1992 New Mexico Archaeological Council, Public Education Committee. 1992 The Chacoan World and Its Transformations; and Anasazi Architectural Evolution. University of New Mexico Southwest Institute, Albuquerque NM.

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1991-93 Central Arizona Project, Bureau of Reclamation, peer review board. 1991 The Prehistoric Southwest. University of New Mexico Graduate Center, Santa Fe, NM. 1991 National Park Service Workshop on Cross-Cultural interpretation, Chaco Canyon, NM. 1991 Chaco Mini-Seminar. Museum of New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe, NM. 1991 The Classic Southwest--the 11th and 12th Centuries. Archaeological Society of New Mexico Las Cruces Chapter, Las Cruces, NM. 1991 New Views of Chaco Canyon. Archaeological Institute of America, Santa Fe, NM. 1991 New Mexico's Prehistory. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Santa Fe, NM. 1991 We Get the Southwest We Deserve. Colloquium Series, Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos NM. 1991 Mogollon Ceramics: More Than Mimbres. Pottery of the Southwest Lecture Series, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe, NM. 1991 Mimbres: More Than an Art Style. Southwestern Archaeology Lecture Series, Maxwell Museum, Albuquerque, NM. 1991 Life After Mimbres. New Mexico Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, keynote speech, Deming, NM. 1991 Archaeological Advisor, Nature Conservancy Gray Ranch, Santa Fe, NM. 1990 Pueblo Archaeology. Plaza del Monte Elderhostel, Santa Fe, NM. 1989 New Views of the Mimbres. Annual Banquet, El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso, TX. 1989 Bandelier National Monument and the Archaeology of the Northern Rio Grande. Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, Tucson, AZ. 1989 Great Kivas. Colloquium Series, Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, NM. 1989 Apache Lifeways. Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society Archaeology Week, Tucson, AZ. 1988 Prehistory of the International Four Corners. Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, Tucson, AZ. 1988 Seasonal training in archaeology, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, NM. 1988 Anasazi Architecture. Southwest Institute, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 1988 Chaco Canyon: the Big Picture. Arizona Archaeological Week, Tucson, AZ. 1987 Research Designs and Mogollon Archaeology. Yavapai Chapter, Arizona Archeological Society, Prescott, AZ. 1987 Perceptions of Mimbres. Arizona Archeological and Historical Society, Tucson, AZ. 1987 Archaeology of Chaco Canyon. Arizona Archaeological Society, Safford, AZ. 1986 Prehistoric Southwestern Architecture. Pueblo Indian Culture Center Continuing Education Program, Albuquerque, NM. 1985 Archaeology of Southern New Mexico. Albuquerque Archaeological Society, NM. 1985 The Prehistory and History of Sierra County, New Mexico. Sierra County Historical Society, Truth or Consequences, NM. 1984 Chaco Canyon and Its Prehistory. Colloquium Series, Fort Burgwin Research Center, Taos, NM.

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Childs, Craig. 2007 House of Rain: Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the American Southwest. Little, Brown. (Chapter 35: "The City: Paquimé") Croy, Anita. 2007. Ancient Pueblo: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of America's Past. National Geographic Society. ("Meet an Archaeologist") Roberts, David. 2005 "Stephen Lekson Has a Theory…And He's Sticking With It." National Geographic Adventure, Vol 7, No 2. Russell, Sharman Apt. 1996. When the Land Was Young: Reflections on American Archaeology. Addison-Wesley. (Chapter 6: "Bright Lights, Big City")