WANTED TO BUY 53 FOR SALE—FARM LANDS 62 HOUSES—FOR BALE 63 HOUSES—FOB. SALE 63 FOB SALE—LOTS 64 AUTOMOTIVE 74 AUTOMOTIVE 74 AUTOMOTIVE 74 WANTED TO BUY—Upright piano. Not ROOM—Year around, aims*, high lot on BY OWNER—6 rooms and bath lVa acres; over 43 ladies high. Call Rock Island 40 Acre Faism 3 ACRE LOT—An South Stewart 8t, Gen- 1941 —Master deluxe tordor; 1935 CHEVROLET—Tudor. WU1 seU to 0063 Rock river. • , located la Happy Homes addition, $6,500. eseo. HI. 165 foot frontage. CaU MoUne first class condition; 4 new tires; $1,076. Possession at Once UPLEX—In East Mollni; .5 rooms and Call Mollne 1123 ring 13. 8249-L or write L P. Taylor, 3902 River Phone MoUne 1693 ring 13. highest bidder 1315 16th street. Moline. HIOHE8T PRICES—Paid (or good, used | bath on either side. Partitioned base­ Drive, Mollne. Located In Blackhawk towfothjp, south­ BRISCRETE '41 NASH—Ambassador. Good condition. furniture. We buy by piece or houseful. west of Milan. You can haye a successful ment with 3 furnaces, double garage. Ideal Furniture Exchange, 1933 3d ave- $3,000 down, World's Most Modern Masonry NICE 70x423 FOOT LOT—With 3 ga- $900. Rock Island 4634-3L — ' IT'LL BE future on this farm. Has a Urge 8 room 4617 4th AveM Mollne 7497 rage. CaU MoUne 5455. nue Rocfc Island 3387 house. A large 30x40 bam* 30x40 chicken •VICE 4 ROOM HOUSE—On Route 80 near 1938 "«"—In good shape. Highest Prices Paid tor - house, brooder house and' several other dam, with 3 room house to back. With BARGAIN LOT FOR SALE—Good location In Roi Inquire 4X6 46th street. Rock Island, or without furniture. Island; basement excavated; priced rei after 4 p.ft>. BRAND NEW MAGAZINES— PAPER ' small sheds Bouse equipped with good 8ft room modern home located near "SPRING AGAIN" hot air furnace, electricity tad water to AUTO PARTB—STORE —And garage. In sonable. inquire 3418 4th Ajre.. Moline. 1947 NASH—4 door; fully equipped 3 tone Scrap Iron, Rags, Batteries back. Interested is selling building with business district In Rock Island. Well 1948 SU?ER the house and barns. or without stock. built. Large basement and good beating REAL ESTATE WANTED 66 paint; low mileage. CaU Rock Island Etc. HARLEY D. MOOEHUSEN » ROOM - Modern bouse > tn Garden plant Price at only $7,000. 988-L after 5SJ0 p.m Open Eundays nil Noon Tracks. 4. 6 OR 6 ROOM ^HOUSE - Or bungalow 1937 FORD—Pickup for sale, new tires; Will Sell Today for Cash CAMPBELL AGENCY tor cash. In d « MoUne. Call SOON HARRY GORENSrEIN & SON Realtor ' 6 ROOM HOUSE—New Shop* addition. Rock Island gas heater; la good condition 1545 35tb Mollne 731, 7)3' East Mollne. . . , Phone Mollne 6038 or' 6369 Ave.. Mollne. EAST MOLINE 31R SCRAP IRON and METAL Evenings, call Rock Island 3580-L or WANTED Evenings or Sunday 34 ROOM HOTEL—Fully' furnished; din­ Bast Moline 2563-R-2 1935—Standar^dtfd Chevrolet, new tires, ra«H UP 191ft Street Moune llU MR. SWAN SON. M. 3371 ing room and well equipped kitchen. 4, e or 6-room Bungalow diator; Just overhauled. $335. B. Wheat- MR. RICE. M. 8078 Beneca. W, Will take 4 or 5 room Mollne 6038 or RJL 3580-L. - ley. Phone Erie 346-R8. 1 house in trade. ' v . 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Time to Think of SLEEPING BOOMS 54 One 160 acre farm neat Carthage, Hi. WANTED* TO BUY—From owner; 4 or 6 1941 FORD — A-l condition; radio and JTJST A FEW MCE CLEAN. W^RM—Sleeping room. In- $10,400. 4 ROOM HOUSE—On Bdnte 8 neat Mo­ Immediate Possession room Bungalow, with gas beat in good heater. See between 3.30 and 6*00 p.m. nersprtng mattress: tor 1 gentleman. No One 160 acre farm -wear Clayton, llne airport, new. Price! $4,700. An attractive home where nothing has bill location, MoUne or Rock Island. at 624 43d St.. Rock Island. SUNDAY TRIPS— day sleeper 116 9th Bt.. BDvls. $13,000; $8,000 down, i NEARLY NEW—Solid brl£k e room nouse been slighted. Best of workmanship. Walls, Write Box C-48, care Dispatch Of The Other Homes, Farms and> Real Estate. and garage on 17to Bt, East Moline. WANT TO TRADE—1938 Ford deluxe 3 LARGE SLEEPINO ROOM — In modern Price $18,OQ0. floors and' trim right Up to 'the minute, PRIVATE PARTY—Would like to buy 5 door for late model light car. Will pay VACATIONS— home, gentleman preferred 1630 3d PAUL CUERDEN WEST HJXL LOCATION—In Mollne, $124 copper screens. Full storm windows; in­ or 6 room bungalow or building lot In reasonable difference. Call MoUne 8544. GOOD #UYS avenue, Mollne. ' laid linoleum in kitchen and bath; 3 Moline from owner. Write Box M-60, REAL ESTATE BROKER a month lneotne. 8- nice rooms to lire in. compartment built-in sink; and automat­ care Dispatch. 1938 CHEVROLET—Coach. Cheap If sold SLEEPINO ROOM FOR RENT East Mollne 2800 Price $13,600. i , ic spray: linoleum counter. Kitchen and at once. East Mollne 944-R-3, after 4 • BED ROOM HOUSE—On 17th Ave., East FARMS WANTED — Wo have several cash P-i At M10 7th Avenue. Mollne D. J. ORIPPIN Mollne. Price Ill.ROOf basement stairway completely enameled. buyers desiring from 80 to 160 acres. If 3 ROOMS FOR RENT i- To a couple or 3 Automatlo hot water heater; extra shpwer Interested in selling .see the J. J. WHEN READY TO FINANCE YOUR NEXT Sure, a new car is the answer—but East Mollne 38SI-R1 REX MeQEHEB 1 girls 2105 14th street. Mollne. In basement Garage If you'd like to see QRUBKE AGENCY, 385 18th street. CAR PURCHASE—Phone Archie C. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION— 7 miles east 801 10th St.. 811 »U i Tpftona Btrrts 831-W this over the weekend please call —everyone can't have one at once. 26TH ST A, 1171—Comfortable room for of 811 vis on Route 93 and % miles north 8tics Undquist j p.T Anderson Rock Island. Phone Rook Island 883. Calkins at MoUne 8090. after 6 pjn. REYNOLDS 3 private entrance, automatic hot wa- on good gravel road; 83 acres, 43 under Phone B M 1033 hione'K M 060-We HARLEY D. MOORHUSEN IS YOUR* BOMB FOR SALET-U It Is. phone MoUne 6145. Allstate Insurance So look at these extra value used ter and heat Mollne 64M. cultivation. Including 13 .alfalfa, bal­ 1 let N Cabnr get the nest cash price for Co agent (One of the lowest finance ance timber and pasture. Nearly new 5 FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW Realtor It. Swift clean deals, i have buyers for rates in the United 8tates.» we have: APARTMENTS. FLATS 56 room all modern bungalow: full set of REASONABLY! PRICED Molina, 731—732 aU types of property POT best service, MOTOR CO. 2 ROOM APARTMENT—With refrigerator, out-buildlngs. This is a very good farm MR. RICE. MOL. 8076 contact N Cabry. 616 ITtb Ave. East REBUILT ENGINES close In. Priced at I18.86D. We nave an exceptionally fine bungs- MR. SWANSON. MOL. 3271 Moline Phone East Moline 11 1946 DeSoto 4-door sedan; radio, downstairs, private entrance, working low on Rock river Yeir around home 1942 Tudor. Heat­ couple. Inquire 1718 10th Ave., East LAWRENCE D. BOBB NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW—Modem «x- EXCHANGE heater, fluid drive; low mile­ with a large glassed-in porch Large 20 1 PENNISTON Ford V-8. Plymouth. Dodge; er, runs good. fjn nnc _ Mollne REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE foot living room: attractive kitchen, and cept bath fixtures. Price $4,950 24th Can Sell if our Home for Cash Chevrolet or age; very clean. 308 9th Street Phone Bllvis 838 3 bed rooms: > 'block foundation; 3 ear Ave.. 48th 8t., MoUne 1083 ring I. 3801 Blackhawk Road. Rock Island Full price . , vplUCJU WANTED TO RENT 50A garage; nicely landscaped, 200 foot lot; Phone Rock Island 8-2376 WE WILL REBUILD $365 DOWN HOUSE TRAILER—For the summer To HOUSES—FOR SALE 63 good gravel road. 8mall down payment, New 4-Room Bungalow YOUR OWN SNGINF 1942 Ford Tudor; heater, new tires; be used at the building site of a new NEW LARGE 4, ROOM HOUSE—Bathroom. balance on contract. , Dining space, fully Insulated. Oak floors, AUTOS WANTED 70A < >tck Service Lowest Prices 1942 Ford Deluxe HTudor. Radio, a nice one. _ home. Phone Mollne 4996 Closets, cabinets, broom closet, oak inlaid linoleum, built-in kitchen cabinets, See Oa First HARLEY D. MOORHUSEN, plenty of space. Oil heat, air conditioned. CARS AND TRUCKS—Wanted for salvage: heater. Reconditioned motor, YOUNG VETERAN!—Just graduated from floors. Immediate possession, inquire wrecked, burned or any condition J with MOLINE AIR SERVICE 1941 Chevrolet Club ; radio, college desires furnished or unfurnished V.L. Weldon, 1 block south'of Lone Oak REALTOR Located in east end of Moline. About 100 or without tires; we caU for them. Tri- new brakes ana <£ ] fiQC feet from bus line. i Automotive Dept. j heater, spotlight; all the ex­ house or apartment. Call Mollne 6274. Grocery Store in Reese Gardens. Mollne 131—732 City Auto Parts. MoUne 1019. 1633 Ave. MoUne 6137 clutch. Full price S> J- LUTHERAN PASTOR—And family desires 5 ROOM MODERN HOME—Complete with Evenings: iMR. SWAN SON, M, 1271 N. CABRY $366 DOWN tras; a real nice car priced house 6 or more rooms, preferrably in furnishings if desired. Good hill loca­ TRUCKS FOB SALE 71 Auto Glass Installed tion; close to schools. 8toker, automatic 616 17th Ave. East Mollne 11 right. west end of Mollne Will arrange lease 4 ROOM COTTAGE VERY NICE 6 ROOM ALL MODERN—High 1941 INTERNATIONAL—% ton panel. Me­ 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor. Ra­ If desired Call Mollne 3509. hot water heater Hardwood floors, dou­ with garage and wdrk shop. Block off chanically good, body work needed. Rea- While You Wait ble garage. Shown anytime after 7 p.m. grade stucco home on 1\4 acre of 1941 DeSoto 4-door; radio, heater, WANTED—3 or 4 room unfurnished house Route I50,fnear Rock river No overflow. ground: oak floors down; vestibule; sonable. Village Dairy, Cambridge, PI. TRI-CITY AUTO PARTS dio, heater, looks and (TiQQC For appointment phone Mollne 8129-L. 6950. or camp on Rock river. Call Rock Is- guest closet; hot air heat; full base­ 1939 — 114-ton ; excellent 1639 3d Ave Mollne 1019 runs good. Full price $330 fluid drive,; has had excellent )»nd 3723 daytimes. SIX ROOMS, MODERN 4 bed room briek home. Double garage; ment; hot water heater, lots of closet condition. Inquire 1111 15th St., East care. WANTED — 4 of 5 roam unfurnished on 80x150