Resume: Milton E. Denny,PLS 3001,Inc. the spatial data company P O Box 2242 Tuscaloosa,Alabama 35403 205t 507 0552
[email protected] Milton E. Denny is a registered surveyor in six states, and a veteran of surveying,mapping and GIS. His specialinterest has always been in project development and managementof firms. He is a past president of the Alabama Sociefy of ProfessionalLand Surveyors,a Fellow in the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and served for many years on the Board of Direction. Mr. Denny is the author of many manualsdealing with surveying, mapping and GIS. He is a nationally known speakerand lecturer "The on thesesubjects and writes a column called BusinessSide" for a trade magazine.He was instrumental in the starting of a new member organrzation in the American Congresson Surveyingand Mapping called the Geographic and Land Information Society.He servedas the first president. Mr. Denny has been providing training for surveyors and engineers throughout the United Statessince 1979. The seminarsinclude training in "Construction Surveying",Management and Marketing of the Surveyingand EngineeringFirm","Land Boundariesand Legal DescriptionWriting", and "Modern Survey Technology".He is consideredan expertin the field of new technologyas it appliesto surveying.Milton is also a sfudentof the history of surveying and the only manufacturerof antiquereproduction survey chain equipment. He is a leading authority on the survey chain as used in surveying for over three hundred years. He also does a first person presentationof the colonial surveyorAndrew Ellicott. Milton is Vice Presidentfor project developmentwith the finn 3001, Inc. This firm is a major provider of PhotogralnmetricMapping and Geographic Information Systems.