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THERE ARE BARGAINS GAWRE IN OUR CLASSIFIED PAGES! SEE 4B. •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 85th Year, Issue 24 <!:) 1995 July 7, 1995 Newark, Del. • 35o: THis WEEK New zonin In Sports eyed by ci NEWARK TFAMS By MARY PETZAK to garages behin I res idences. parking behind businesses, bike NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER and pedestrian paths, ADVANCE town/neighborhood ·•squares" Neo-traditional land use reg or other open space, front porch ulations will be presented for a es and street trees. IN THE possible vo le at th e Newark city Business establi hments counci l meeting on Monday wh ich would be permitted in ni ght. residential areas are nursing SENIOR According to the city plan homes, profess ional and ad min ning department. neo-tradition istrati ve offices. personal ser alism is "a series of ideas and vice establishments, re taurants, AND JUNIOR concepts intended to create a retail stores, studios, and bank feeling of old -fashioned com and loan institutions without munity" that is believed to be drive-in window . LmlE lackin g in modern subdivision Residential dwellings of all development. types would be permitted in Some characteristi cs of neo each zoning di stri ct. LFAGUE traditionalland u e identified by Mayor Ronald Gardner, who lB the planning department for has attended meetings in recent TOURNEYS. application in Newark are: re i months to familiarize himself dences above commercial estab with th e conc ept, said, "One li hment ·, affordable housing problem with neo-traditional cattered throughout the devel developments is th at you need In the news opment, grid design of narrow more th an just the immediate streets, on-street parking, alleys See COUNCIL , 2A .... WATER RESOURCES ARE PRESERVED Parkland to THANKS TO SEVERAL be annexed LOCAL By MARY PETZAK "We have gotten some inquiries fro m Paper Mil l NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Farms, Creek Bend. and RESIDENTS. Ridgewood Glen asking the 3A Annexation of the 12.27 acre Parks Director when Karpinski "Moore" property off Paper Mill Park is going to be developed," Road is likely at the nex t city said Lopata. ''People are inter council meeting. ested in more acti ve types of According to Roy Lopata, facilities." YOUNG SWIMMER city planning director. alth ough The acquisition also furthers the land is t he zoned for sin th e city's longstanding goal to gle-famil y detached dwellings. acquire floodplain properties NEARLY the land wil l only be used for along th e White C lay and park s. recreation . and green Christina reeks accord in g 1 DROWNS. space. the planning commission. 2A "Every property has to be Planning commission chair zoned for something and we man Jim Smith sa id that a major don' t have a parkland category." part of the park wo uld not be ex plained Lopata. developed in order to protect the In Lifestyle Lopata sa id city parks direc floodplain. tor James Hall ha. indi cated th e At least one-th ird or up to property wi ll ventua ll y be used five acre of the property cannot DANCERS LFARN to provide acti ve recreational be deve loped becau se "th<.t is facilities, such as tenni s courts th e floodplai n area," Smith said. and ball fields, for the commu ABOUT THEIR CULTURE nity. NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTOS WHILE BY KELLY BENNETT, GAYLE K. HART AND DAVID G. W. SCOTT TFACHING 76ers bring OTHERS. 6A show to town In The Arts By RON PORTER Del aware invo lved and get the NEWARK POST STAFF WRITm kids involved." Philadelphia is moving to · PLAN SUMMER University of Delaware head Delaware after spending the last coach Mike Brey ha igned hi s 16 years at Franklin & Marshall AROUND best recruit since taking the job which i. located in Lancaster, Pa. a couple of months ago. Luca , who became interest Brey and the Philadelphia ed in Delaware's facilities after AHOST OF 7 6 e r s speaking at thi years Delaware announced Hoop Club Thur s da y Banquet, . aid OUTDOOR that the th at it wa. n' t 76ers will th e arena that ho ld their The people attracted him to De laware MUSIC tr ai nin g toppled her set more than once while she was enter are•• the best thing." but the peopl e. HE ANNUAL Liberty Day Festival drew camp at the taining parents and children alike with her puppet "The people between five and six thousand people from the uni vers ity T area to White Clay Creek. On a day that threat and si nging show. Aero the parking lot, the are the best CONCERTS. 7A on Oct. 6- JOHN LUCAS ened rain, the skies were dry and the good times were Juggling Hoffmans juggled anything they could get thing. When I 12. The HEAD COACH/GENERAL MANAGER PHI LADELP HIA7 6ERS their hands on to the delight of the crowd. came here to plentiful, as shown in this photographic sampling. arr<lnge If there wa~ a hungry or thirsty person left at the Index speak. it was The day began with a visit from Wilmington ment i, for park, they were difficult to find. Several food tent~ th e kind of Blue Rocks mascot Rocky Blucwinkle. There wa. one season served everything from hot dogs to funnel cake to a tm osphere plenty to ing and shout about as well. On the and may be cotton candy. The thirsty and the over-heated revel NEWS 1-12A that I liked,'' ~i nging side, the Newark Community Band played ex tended for the additional sea- some numbers and folk inger Christina Harrison er could treat themselve to snow cone. or a 2A sons if both partie. agree. aid Luca . POLICE Brey said that he began trilled some beautiful notes. On the shouting side, Strawberry Smoothie from Strawberry Dan' . Sixers head coach and gener- The bubble machine ran all day. filling the air 9A recruiting th e ixers when everallocal politicians took the stump and bent the DIVERSIONS al manager John Lu as however with glistening fun, and the pony rides provided Luca. mentioned t him and eaJ'll of P.,Bssersby at the popular "soap box.'' said that they wish to expand the children with a taste of wild-west adventure. OPINION 4A university president David But tf there was 11 focal point to the busy day of fan base and may move orne- What pervaded the air IT1Qre than the cent of &A Rosell e about a po sible change activity, it was children. LIFESTYLE where el se next year. Stevie and Petey Bruehl, II month and four roa ting hot dog and sun tan lotion, wa the sense Lucas said that Philadelphi a in camps during the banquet. OBITUARIES 8, 12A From and economic view. years old, respectively, took first place in the first of freedotn. There was the usual freedom from work i looking t develop a relation- Baby B11ggy Parade and Contest. Stevie and Petey's and the drudgery of the work week. but there wa. ARTS SA ship wi th the Delaware and the Rosell e said that the community of Newark . hould ben fit from did, Pete, pushed a brilliantly decorated red. white also the sen!le of how American in small towns Newark community. and blue buggy around the park to th winner's cir around thi. country . pend a day ~t a!iiide to think SPORTS 1-38 "We plan on making our- the amounts of people that the Sixers organization wi ll attract. cle. Lois young braved the whipping winds which about our liberty. In Newark, they even called It CLASSIFIEDS 5-88 . e~ves available to the public," Liberty Day. sa1d Lucas. "We want to g t PAGE 2 EWt\RK P ~"T • j L\' 7, 1995 .Police beat ., ......... ....... ..................... .. ................................................................. ............. ........................ .... .......... 7-year old swimmer nearly • Police Beat is compiled each Taken were a 14K goiJ wedding dt: il. The 19 year-o ld man was not week fi'om the Jiles of the NewarJ.. ring engraved wi th KAW 'L LJ arre ted. Police Deparrme111 by staff writers and a 14K go ld nava l academy ring Poli ce called an ambul ance that Mary E. Petzak and Ron Porter. with a cracked blue stone from the drowns, saved by CPR transported him to Chri sti ana clas:-. of 1985. Emergency where he was later By MARY E. PETZAK the child. We would like to clarify Services, bystanders administered ~ Burger joint entered The rings are va lu ed at $800 picked up by a family member. .................... ............... .............. this and know who to thank," said mouth -to-mouth resuscitation until each. Pol ice have no . suspects. To NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER Seuing. he resumed breathing on hi s own. ewark poli e report that some report infom1ati on to the ewa rk New Castl e County paramedics County paramedics transported the rime between 9: 15 p.m. on Jul I Police ca ll 366-7 11 I. Firebird stolen 7- YEA R OLD CHILD who and Ae tna Hose, Hook and Ladder child to Christiana Hospital. and 2: I0 a.m. on July 2 unknown nearl y drowned in the pool at Company were called to the com The New Castle ,...,o uniy A Strawb rry Run Apartment Department of Public Safety per on or per ons ent ered Buck's On June 30 a resident on Thom plex at 2:32 p.m . on Sunday after Burger. and Bar-8-Q on lk to n Car shot with BB gun Lane reported to ewark police that complex in Newark, was released James Lones los t hi s grip on the side reminds adults that it takes just a Road.