WEATHER FORECAST LIGHTING-UP TIME Light Southerly wind, becoming moderate later. Fine 7.13 Wilt -Emjal (gazrtfr atti GtoUmiat Hailjj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE COLONIST (Established 1866)


INTERNATIONAL TEAM WIFE DISMISSED FROM AN HAREM SCAREMS SCORE THEY SAY GOVERNMENT TROOPS TURN RACES A Column for UNUSUAL ACTION HUGE SUCCESS BERMUDA VISITORS That the CouncU is to tackle the BACK ATTACKERS ON TORTOSA Time Robs American Team Court Finds She Was Not a Record Crowd Enjoys Pensions BUl. Quaint Bits about Present-Day Partner in Husband's Shop Sparkling Revue That members are asked to study it FLUKY GOING MAKES Bermuda You may wish to first. EXCITING RACE A CLAIM FOR £118 RENT Surely a record crowd at the Co­ * * * r Write Home About lonial Opera House on Tuesday eve­ That this is taking a privUege. rench Political Battle Gives Blum ning greeted the rising curtain on the * * * The Intern aticnal One Design Team An unusual action was heard in 1938 Harem Scarem Revue, a surefire That some legislators feel compe­ races got off to a poor start yesterday Tri-Weekly by ERNEST C. RIEDEL the Supreme Court yesterday morn­ travesty of vexatious questions which tent to debate a measure without Slight Lead, Which Senate May Annul afternoon since the leading boat ing when Percy Andrew Dodwell have confronted Bermuda for some previous study. brought suit against The Somers El Salan sailed by Herbert Hanan ONTTNUTNG our search for un­ years; indeed, some of these ques­ * * * Shop for the balance of rent due in was still some half hour away from usual Bermudian epitaphs, we tions were so thoroughly elucidated, That France went one better than respect of shop premises at Reid HENDAYE, Apr. 6. (CP)—A furious battle for possession of the finish line at the expiration of C find a lengthy naive poem both with dialogue and senic effects, England. Street, Hamilton, under an inden­ Sf Sf Sf Tortosa increased today as the heavily reinforced armies on both the 3J time Umit for the race. upon a grave stone erected by the that the most stubborn-hearted mem­ ture dated March 1, 1937, excuted by Sailed in very Ught conditions, the "loving companions" of a "school­ ber of the audience was perforce That she staged a wholef-ale fight in sides pounded each other in the third day of the Spanish insur­ Edgar Chase Swainson. The suit was tluky airs gave plenty of thrills to boy who got drownded" which adds, obUged to capitulate in a storm of parUament instead of a soUtary slap. gents' attempt to take Ebro, a River Delta town. The stubborn unusual in that the man who exe­ competitors and spectators alike as "as young as we he dide." Just as laughter and own up to the fact * * * cuted the lease, Edgar Chase Swain­ Government resistance in the last scrap of territory barring the first one boat then another changed the boys made it. No schoolmaster­ that at last this talented company That the footbaU games are being son, has left the Colony and his ad­ Franco soldiers from the Mediterranean coast surprised the in­ from first to last position and back ly interference. Here also Ues a had brought forward and solved the enjoyed. dress is not known, and his wife, again. sailor who is "one who exchanged current burning colonial problems. * * * surgent command which hurried new motorized divisions from Frances, was named as a defendant Jim Pearman sailing Zephyr got time for eternity, and is safely an­ So great has been the demand for That they deserve bigger crowds. Alcaniz and Gandesa. During the night when insurgent bombers in the suit, the plaintiff alleging that the best of the start, forcing Herbert chored in the harbor of rest." Cut­ tickets that many who left ticket- * * * were unable to see their objective, the Government militiamen there was a partnership between Hanan's El Salan the wrong side of ting words cut in stone in 1813 by a buying until too late were unable That the yachtsmen are aU keyed up. Mr. and Mrs. Swainson. counter-attacked and drove the insurgents from several positions the mark and causing him to be weU husband who disclaims the dead to secure seats. However, a fourth * * * conquered in yesterday's hand-to-hand fighting. The insurgents' late. BiU Cox in Feather was to child form part of a long poem: This Mrs. Swainson denied—a showing is being considered for to­ That a yacht race is Uke a goU game. denial upheld by the Court, which morrow night at the Colonial Opera usual manoeuvre of surrounding a city before capturing it was leeward, while Bayard DiU's Coquette * * * started cn Zephar's weather quarter. "Bold infidelity tarn pale and die found that there was no evidence of a House. If this is found to be pos­ That it can be contested a dozen times wrecked during the night when a wave of militiamen, throwing Beneath this stone an infant's ashes lie. Both the Bermuda boats went weU partnership and dismissed Mrs. sible, an announcement wul be made after it is over. light flares and then hand grenades, drove back the insurgent The knot's untied, it died through Adam's for a while after the start and seemed sin." Swainson from the action. Judg­ in tomorrow's issue. * * * units which yesterday reported that they "were at the gates" to be working out a bit on Feather, ment was given, however, against To enumerate the scenes and the That a post-mortem at bridge is but then BiU Cox get her going and Another states: The Somers Shop in the amount exceUent acting, singing and dancing tame compared with the resailing of Tortosa. claimed, £118. 18. 6. No order was began to show them his heels. "Dangers stand thick through all the would be some task, indeed, from the of a race. LONDON, April 6. (CP)—The The first leg at this -point seemed ground. made as to costs. -ery opening, showing the strcnie * * # Spanish Government protested to to be a reach instead of a beat as ail To push us to the tomb. landing of certain Spaniards in 1543— That the column cn epitaphs contain­ And fierce diseases wait around PARTNERSHIP ALLEGED Trance and Great Britain yesterday PREMIER BLUM'S FIGHT the boats were holding high of the To hurry mortals home/* a prologue of fine creative spirit— ed some interesting information. tlie continuation of their mark and Cox immediately started to the final repUca of this scene hang­ n~n-intervention policy with its Small Majority Passes Bill team tactics by forcing Pearman Note the spelling Ucense in: Mi. D. C. Smith, for the plaintiff, ing in the new Town HaU, the sure That searching graveyards is a strange "appalling and dangerous injustice." to tack and working himseU into a said that in accordance with tbe succession of incidents and their "Let every act controul pastime. position where he could hold DiU directions of the Chief Justice (there splendid handling, aU 'these gave vernmenf s note recalled After Bitter Debate And bend thy stubborn soul." * * * Spain's message of March 22nd back and allow Hanan to come up. was a hearing in Chambers) the such pleasure to the huge audience That more candidates are promised the renewal of German and AU the boats were by now very Upon another stone in the same statement of claim had been amended that there is Uttle need for exhaustive for the general election. PARIS. April 6. (CP)—-Premier aid to the Insurgent armies high cf the mark and the three lead­ churchyard and the plaintiff was definitely al­ comment. What is more to the point * * * Blum's fight for decree powers over which have now split Catalonia from ers slacked sheets and started to leging a partnership between the de­ is the hard work put in on this pro­ finances aroused parliamentary "If gold, the tyrant of mankind. That one candidate is said to have the-rest of Government Spain. reach. Pearman was n_.w ahead fendant, Frances Swainson, and the duction, caUed (before we forget it) speculation last night whether his Does try to divert thy mind. three quarters of a century service giew within the past again and it looked as if the raca Prefer the frugal crust. of the premises, Edgar Chase "The StiU Vex'd Bermoothes," and regime might be succeeded by a is friendly Society work. in some quarters of Wales was in Bermuda's pocket since DiU Condemn the guilty dust." Swainson, Frances Swainson being the fine costumes which dressed the strong Government with dictorial national coal strike as a demand was also weU ahead cf El Salan, but served as the person in charge of the entire show. A thread of continuity economic and financial powers. While Through the centre of the stone That he ought to be valuable in the Government tc drop its hardly had the boats gone a hundred business and also as a partner. The runs through the various scenes, the Rightist Deputies in the Chamber cover of a child's tomb, dated 1833, House. ; off Spain" policy and allow yards before they were almost taken defendant Frances Swainson did not aU working up to a definite climax, called "Robber" at the Premier dui a lily is growing. The hole is not a enter an appearance under protest, Spanish Government to buy aback and the leg turned into a beat returning again to the first -scene— That he might be able to put an end ing the chaotic debate on his propos half inch in diameter. The stone of which was taken as an admission of i munitions. The movement again. this time in picture form on the Town to the exchange of unpleasant per­ als, the senators showed by their two infants states as part of a partnership. Subsequently sha de­ by a number cf Welsh El Salan who had hald well up was HaU waU—quite logical and im­ sonalities. quiet vote how little chance Blum's poem: "Prepare yourselves to follow nied there was partnership. pressive. the Spanish Government's Bill had in the Upper House. The now the favoured one and picking up we." * * * Outlining the facts, Mr. Smith mternational brigade who returned democratic Left, which controls the the freshening breeze first, worked In the St. George's Parish church After the Prologue the scene shifts That the foreign news is much quieter said that the defendant, Edgar Chase wounded fri m Spain. Senate, voted 46 to 3 in a caucus tj cut a big lead. (St. Peter's) a doctor's epitaph of to sailing day for Bermuda in New tcday, thank you. Swainson, and his wife intended to The Spanish Government's last reject Blum's demands for decree Her triumph was short lived, Continued on Page 6 about 200 words, some quaintly spell­ open a shop at St. Geoige's. Finally desperate appeal fcr arms will be re­ powers. Evr.n as Blum struggled however, foi Zephyr fluking nicely That with members of parUament ed, is a literary gem referring to his they opened a shop in part cf the fused by tbe Chamberlain Govern­ for his Bill, thousands of new striksrs caught her at the mark which they fighting among themselves war "virtues tho' not enregistered on plaintiff's premises on Reid Street, ment, it is intimated, as he doesn't joined the thirty thousand clready rounded overlapped, closely followed newspales into insignUicance. this marble, are for ever engraven Hamilton, Edgar Chase Swainson intend to depart from his policy of out. The huge metal workers strike by the other pair who had als j caught BERMUDA HISTORICAL * * * on the memorie of his furviving taking a two-year lease from the non-intervention in Sptin. spread to new plants in the Paris up weU. That an assassins revolver is described friends." In the churchyard of this plaintiff under date of March 1,1937. SOCIETY In the face of the Prime Minister's district. At the Chausscn metal The next two legs were a veritable ancient church, the oldest EngUsh as an historic weapon. £30 per month was reserved as rent. Sf Sf Sf adherence to ncn-interventicn, the works in Asnieres 1,800 employees dog fight as first one then the other Church in the Western Hemisphere, The defendants opened up their Amalgamated Engineers TJnion ap­ struck and occupied tbe plant, in team seemed to have the advantage Afternoon Lecture - Tea That it has been presented to General poet Tom Moore's famous "Nea" is business in the premises immediately pealed to their workers today to con­ protest i gainst a reduction in the till in the final reaching leg the two Franco. buried. (Hester Louise Tucker). and carried on until October, 1937. Arranged for April 14th at tribute voluntary overtime tc the force. Eed flags hung from factory Amaricans definitely gained th9 lead * # * Her son was rector for many years. The business was carried on by windows. The Roscngart automobile at the mark. Tucker's Town That one wonders whether he knows Continued on Page 6 Here evidence can be seen upon the Frances Swainson, and Mr. Smith factory was occupied by pickets and what to do with it. They opened up stiU further up understood that her husband had 2,200 workers quit. They demanded Continued on Page 3 The afternoon Tea-Lecture series wind and rounded with a substantial very Uttle to do with it. About CANADJAITLAWS MAY salary increases and that a new col­ of the Bermuda Historical Society, lead for the final run down wind. August the defendants were consider­ lective contract be signed. -o- known under the group title of "Yes- UNDERGO CHANGE BiU Cox was now flrst and Hanan ably ir arr. ar in rent, and the plaint­ Bermudian Gains Honours second and it was obvious that only TERDAY IN OLD BERMUDA," is Premier Blum's demand for powers I. 0. D. E. iff interviewed them. proving a most attractive draw this OTTAWA, Apr. 6 (CP)—Sweeping Coatinued on Page 12 wa£ a copy of President Roosevelt's Mr. Swainson told the plaintiff season, enjoyed by both visitors and at Oxford changes in the Canadian electcral experiment which failed. The cen­ The Imperial Order Daughters of that the business belonged to bim residents alike. One of the pleasant- laws, possibly the most far-reaching trist leader declared that the Ameri­ the Empire is planning to hold a and his wife. About this time Mr. est afternoons of its kind is being Congratulations to Mr. H. J. L. revisions since wcmen were given the c can experiment was bound to show May Day Fete on Wednesday, May 4 Smith's firm was engaged by the arranged fcr Thursday of next week Marriott, son of the Ven. Archdeacon vote, were proposed in the House cf CHORAL SOCIETY AT THE Continued on Page 12 at Bermudiana Waterfront, kindly plaintiff to try and ccUect the money. when Mrs. J. J. Storrow is making and Mrs. Marriott, whc has just Commons yesterday by Health Min­ WESLEY CHURCH, loaned by the management. Further In the middle of October the defen­ members and friends welcome in the gained second-class honours in ister Power. The changes are design­ MONDAY particulars wiU be advertised later dants suddenly moved out of the beautiful gardens of her home, "Mods," at Oxford. |? §Ss4*W«-- ed to provide a public record of poli­ but in the meantime members and plaintiff's premises, without any "Fairwinds," at Tucker's Town. Mr. Marriott is the Bermuda tical contributions, limit the elec­ BRITAIN'S COAL BILL Next Monday night at 8 o'clock the friends are asked to bear the date in indication that they were going to Rhodes Scholar and proceeded to toral expenditures by candidates and Mrs. A. B. Smith wul, appropriata- Bermuda Choral Society wiU sing mind. more. One Thursday afternoon, Brasenose College after a successful generally overhaul the law dealing GOES TO LORDS ately, give a paper she has written on Brahms' "Requiem" at Wesley The foUowing sub-committee have when no-one was about, they moved career at Haileybury. We wish him with the franchise. Two Govern­ "Tales of Tucker's Town," whUe the Church, Hamilton. Mr. John R. now been appointed for this year: Continued on Page 12 furtherjsuccess in his finals next ment Bills were proposed with the LONDON, Apr. 6 (CP)—The House President of the Bermuda Historical Bridge, Cathedral organist and choir­ Emma Darrell Scholarship Com­ immediate blessing of all parties in of Commons last night approved and Society will explain something cf the year-k___.lfe !* I Ui i Uk k t k.. — master, wiU conduct, Mrs. Bridge is mittee: Mrs. Allan Smith, Miss Rose -o- s the House of C jmmons. Under these sent to the House of Lords the Gov­ history of the Seacbest and Lodestone . i *: o J* 3 W is the soprano soloist, and the ac­ Gosling, M_BX, Mrs. C. G. G. GU­ Bills expenditure in the future will ernment Bill calliBg for public con­ of the Founder of this Colony, both companist is Mr. Norman Parker, bert, Mrs. Clarence Masters, Mrs. BERMUDA ON THE AIR be made only by special corporate trol of Great Britain's coal industry. Seac hest and Lodestone being on HORSE LOVERS' LEAGUE organist of Wesley Church. W. E. Tucker. bodies constituted by mere request The measure provides that eventually exhibition at "Fairwinds" for the and without cost; secondly, political the Government will assume owner­ The "Requiem," whilst not entirely Silver Jubilee Educational Fund: Featured in "Magic Key" afternoon. Further Subscriptions contributions will be confined to ship of all coal resources in Great new to music lovers here, is a work of Mrs. R. J- Tucker, M.B.E., Mrs. Programme on Easter Day Visitors wiB have an opportunity exquisite beauty, and the augmented Philip "iard, Mrs. Frank Hollis, these corporations and must be de­ Britain through the purchase of pri­ to see the gardens, enjoy the wonder­ The Bermuda Horse Levers' League chorus of the Society, whose presi­ Mrs. Leon PoweU, Miss Grace Galway. posited in the bank with a duplicate vately owned coal royalties and the Perhaps the most popular number ful view from Mrs. Storrow's new asks us to acknowledge, with many dent is the Hon. John TTimingham, Distinguished Visitors Reception deposit slip, and cheques must be vcluntaiy and compulsory -amalgama­ on the Sunday programmes of the, Lookout Tower and have tea before thanks, the further subscription of are prepared to give a fine present­ Committee: Mrs. Greet, Mrs. Reid sent to a new Federal officer, an in­ tion of collieries. There are between NBC is the "Magic Key," of RCA, the second part of the programme, £25 from the Founder, Mrs. Carlisle- ation. Trott, Mrs. W. E. Tucker, Mrs. —the reading of Mr. Hereward Wat­ spector-general of elections. A limit four and five thousand owners of broadcast aU over the world on the Crowe, and $10 from a visitor, Mrs. Penboss (former Regent of Southern lington' s play dealing with the poet will be set on the amount a candidate coal royalty rights, coUecting a fee short wave system to the larges Ravenscroft.^tL teS.fe.fe. L._ may spend in an election based on on each ton of coal produced. Some Cross Chapter of the Daughters of audience known. Tom Moore's Bermuda Idyll. the number of votes in his consti­ rights are a hundred years old and the British Empire, N.Y., and a On Easter Day, Bermuda wiU be Admission tickets for this deUght­ CAROLS AND SING-SONG member of King George V. Chapter, tuency. sold with the land, while others are featured in this programme when ful afternoon are priced at four AT SALTUS ON TUESDAY N.Y.). shiUings and wiU be on sale at the CONTENTS o separate and change hands much Mr. Linton Wells, the popular NBC like securities. Sick Visiting Committee: Mrs. "roving reporter," wiU conduct Little Green Shep, Queen Street, RCA's Sale An event of unusual interest wiU Reid Trott, Mrs. Eldon Beek. a two-way Interview witb Mr. A. M. Hamilton. The entertainment wUl Page take place at On Friday evening last a very PurceU, managing editor of The not begin tUl 3.45 p.m. to suit those They Say 1 NEW YORK, April 6. (CP)—Presi­ Anglo-Italian Terms next Tuesday, April 12th., preceding interesting iUustrated talk was gi.en Royal Gazette and Colonist DaUy, members and friends who plan to Cable News. 1 dent Sarnoff of tha Radio Corporation the close-down for the Easter hoU­ by Mrs. Caruth of Southampton and who will doubtless answer questions travel by the 2.53 p.m. train from Par­ British Official Press 1 of America, announced that the ROME, Apr. 6 (CP)—The proposed days. There wiU be a concert given her daughter. The audience was put to him relative to the beauty and liament Street, alight at Aquarium Column for Visitors 1 company sold in February its holdings Anglo-ItaUan friendship treaty wiU by the School Choir, foUowed by a taken to Orkney, the Faroe Islands, attraction of the island. Station at 3.22 p.m. and driva to Harem Scarem Revue 1 in the Canadian Marconi Company bind Italy to withdraw her troops school "sing-song." Iceland, Norway and Sweden and to Particulars of the exact time when Tucker's Town from there. Arrange­ International Yachting 1 for $1,750,000 cash to British Cable from Spain after, but not before, the Both the carol concert and the Germany and a deUghtful descriptive this valuable broadcast wiU be given ments are being made for a 'bus Supreme Court 1 and Wireless Ltd. It was announced civil war is over, informed quarters sing-song wiU take place in the commentary was given by Miss wiU appear in these columns later. to meet the train at the Aquarium Editorial —$ 1 at th.3 general meeting yesterday said last night. Italy has agreed to School HaU, and the performance Caruth which amplified the interest­ o Station and those visiters who intend Letters to the Editor 2 tbat the sale was in accord with the retire her troops also from the stra­ starts at 3.30 p.m. Under the tutelage ing pictures shown by Mrs. Caruth. to use tins 'bus to drive on to "Fair- Diary of S.P.T. 2 B-C-A/s policy of concentrating its tegically important Balearic Islands of Mr. John R. Bridge, musical direc The grateful thanks of the Order E.S.U. winds" are asked to sc advise the Crossword Puzzle 3 interest within the United States. in the western Mediterranean at the tor at the school, the choir have made were expressed by the President and Secretary, Mrs. RusseU (Dial 2577) This World of Ours 5 The stock, Sarnoff noted, represented same time, these sources said, after exceUent progress. Mr. Bridge wiU were heartily endorsed by the appre­ Monday next April llth falling in so that enough transportation may Sporting News 7 an original investment of $1,560,000. another meeting between tha Earl conduct, and a most enjoyable con­ ciative audience present. The Holy Week there wiU be no enter­ be provided. Radio. _ 8 The sale contributed $719,000 to the of Perth and Count Ciano, Foreign cert is anticipated. AU Saltan Boys amounts rece'ved in the sUver coir tainment of the English-speaking AU proceeds wiU go to the funds According to Culbertson. 9 Corporation's earned surplus account, Minister. These and the reduction of (present as weU as "Old,") together lection taken during the evening wiU Union. The Terrace Rooms wUl, of the Bermuda Historical Society. Serial Story. 10 consisting of profits plus $150,000 Italy's forces in Libya are regarded with relatives and friends, are cor­ be devoted to the educational schemes however be open to visitors and Steamship,Mail,Plane 3,4,10 set aside as a reserve. as the major Italian concessions. dially invited to attend. of the Order. I members as usual. T.T. HotelNews... 12 Page 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, APRIL 7 1938.

SOLDIERS IMPRISONED It?? ftngal <&tz?lt? ^he IDiary OTHER NEWS IN FOR THEFTS AT BEACH You'll Enjoy "VICTORIA" more the second time- LET'S GO! %nb (Eolimtjst Batty BRIEF Bring friends and loved ones along! PICTURES at the J^* Matinee Only ^vl MI ROYAL OAZETTC (ESTAB. I«28) r*m COLONIST ANO DAILT NSW* IE«T«B. tBO«l SAMUEL PEPYS TEUCER They Admit Stealing PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAI ST. VINCENT, Apr. 6 (CP)—Gov­ ernor H. Popham of the Windward Bathers' Belongings at n^r'oLoniAL THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD Islands and Mrs. Popham arrived by { » » X-/ 0PER* HOUSE REID STREET. HAMILTON the "Lady Nelson" this week after a Grape Bay * The Playhouse * visit to St. Lucia and were given a TODAY at 245 p.m. April 6th. A. M. PURCEU. welcome by Brigadier Howlett and Presents a Dual Programme of MANAOIMO Borroit Romance Drama-Marlene Major Appletcn. They landed and ABBHTAMT IDITORI C T. SAYER A great honour come to me this Two privates of the Sherwood Rare Excellence ASSISTANT MANAGER. ERNEST J. BELL inspected the defence force. Dietrich, Herbert Marshall day when I am invited to appear Foresters' Regiment stationed at •avssrnsitM MANAGER, M. M. HANSFORD "on the air" in a two-way interview Prospect went to prison for three BY POPULAR DEMAND in "Angel" Miss It Not! SUBSCRIPTION RATES OTTAWA, Apr. 6 (CP)—The Prime with one of the modern dictators months at hard labour in Hamilton At 4 p,m. Wm. Boyd ia "Par's" LOCALI — ON« TEAR *or_. an MONTHS SO.. Minister yesterday gave notice in the of the world, a radio "roving report­ PoUce Court yesterday morning, when HOREISN. — TO UNITBO siwrmj ANO CANAO_. House of Commons that the votes and J^* At 4.05 8.35 <^Z Quality Outdoor Film •1_kM> MB VEASJ. TO XMW BRITAm. BO/. er," on Easter Day. they admitted stealing money and proceedings of resolution will give smB *BA» other articles from various bathers "Rustler's Valley" But Lord! how strange a thing it precedence next Friday to the second Anna Neagle—Anton Walbrook ALL jiusscmpn^w» AR__ PREPAYABLS at Grape Bay, Paget, the proceeding is that L who never yet did discover reading of the Bill by the Hon. C. H. ITS A HOLIDAY SHOW! how to turn the dial of a radio, how day. They were Roland Church H. B. Warner in -BIT- BOTTORIAL IOSS. f OVIST. SING. CI»CUL» Cahan tc abolish Canadian appeals Moulds and Reginald Arthur Jackson, HON. ETC.. IOBI. WORKROOM AMD NIAHT CALL. to eliminate noises or regulate vol­ to the Judicial Ccmmittee to Privy BBI i Jos wiuaumm toss. and they faced four charges before ume, should have this greatness Council. thrust on me. the Worshipful H. Martin Godet. * "VICTORIA THE GREAT" Coming Events in the I am told, too, that the interview The soldiers were charged with WASHINGTON, Apr. 6 (CP)—Re­ Bermuda Picture 8S6I '2. TIHJV 'AvasanHi will be broadcast all over the world stealing a compact and a c omb, valued The stirring romance of a thrilling princess V . .. presentatives of the U.S. paper indus­ and that only those who are hiding at 5/9, the property of Marjorie Wat­ World try opposed further tariff concessions flaming from a canvas of speechless grandeur in a gas-proof cellar will be unable to lington; stealing one hogskin belt TWO KINDS-THE to Canada yesterday, contending that hear it. valued at 8/-, the property of EUen l. any reduction in duties would bene­ Added Attraction at 2.45 7.30 10.25 Parker; stealing a pencfl, valued at PREMIERE EASTER WEEK BAD AND THE WORSE I do pray that I be not tongue- fit competing countries more than 2/-, and about $48.00 in American tied or guilty of any Spoonerism. the DiTn-iiT.-l.i-n. Paramount^ "HOLD 'EM NAVY" of Irene Dunne in Propagandism, defined by lexico­ It was Spooner who once declaim­ currency, the property of Lewis R. graphers as the art cf propagating ed to a congregation: "Who hath Parker; and stealing a $5 biU and With Lew Ayres—Mary Carlisle—Benny Baker "The Awful Truth" NEW YORK, Apr. 6 (CP)—Frankie tenets, beliefs, or opinions, is prcb- not felt some half-warmed fish rise about $1 ta smaU change and a neck­ Shirley Temple in Giordano, the convicted head of a ably as old or very nearly as old in his breast," when he really meant tie, the property of HoweU Kenton "Wee Willie Winkle" as the human race, in spite of the gen­ to say: "Who hath not felt some $3,000,000 bootleg ring, and twenty- Newlta, at Grape Bay on Tuesday eral tendency to fix its birthday half-formed wish rise in his breast." eight others, including three New afternoon at 3.30. and Fred Astaire in York City policemen and a veteran sometime in the early part of the But bis congregation numbered Moulds at first pleaded not guUty, alcohol tax unit inspector were sen­ "Damsel in Distress" World War, and to give it Teutonic but a few score whereas I am de­ late reversing his plea, while Jackson tenced yesterday by Federal Judge parentage. Its beginning is undoubt­ vastated by the thought that on admitted aU offences fiom the begin­ edly buried in antiquity, but its end, John C. Knox. Giordano was given Yacht Races PREMIERE OF Easter Day my congregation will ning. Mr. NewUn related that he if it is ever to have an end, is unfor­ number miUions. two years and fined $2,000. went to the beach with Miss Watling­ "King Solomon's tunately nowhere in sight. ton and they changed into their 1 VIENNA, Apr. 6 (CP)—Monseig- International One Design Class Mines ' Benign propaganda—malignant bathing suits at two separate caves, neur Oisenigo, Papal Nuncio in Ger­ later joining one another on the beach. THIS FRIDAY at propaganda—thus do the savants A lovely letter from the .founder many, armed today from BerUn to A Mr. Parker came down and reported THE PLAYHOUSE classify it, unconscously using the of the Horse Lovers' League, Mrs confer conceining the dissolution of that something of his was missing, April 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th same terms as dc medical men when Carlisle-Crowe, now residing in they differentiate between tunuurs. the Papal Nuncio's officer here, which and the witness and Miss Watlington %* BIG NAVY STAGE SHOW Malta for the winter, who has just becomes superfluous since Ger­ hurried back to their own belongings NEXT TUESDAY EVENING There is grave reason to doubt if received the reports of the Horse The M.B. "CORALITA there is such a thing as benign pro­ many's annexation of Austria. to find some cf their things missing. Parade, a project on which she set with Premiere of Zane Gray's paganda, a doubt that has latterly Mr. Newlin said he missed a $5 bill will leave TRANSPORTATION DOCK, her heart and for which she opened grown to be a conviction in the CAIRO, Apr. 6 (CP)—The Cabinet and about $1 in smaU change, and a "Folorn River" her purse. Hamilton, at 2.00 p.m. to follow the above minds of many. There is such a headed by Mchamed Mahmoud necktie. At the OPERA HOUSE But Lord! how foolish is the Pasha, which won a sweeping victory Races in the Great Sound. Calls will be made glut of it going through the world Det.-Officer WiUiams stated that 4. today that some of us are beginning woman! For she thanks me warmly in last week's parUamentary elec­ at the PRINCESS, INVERURIE, and for what she described as my splen­ he found the two accused with P.C. Soothol tc think benign and malignant are tions, was confirmed in office today Correira on the Pcnd Road, and the BELMONT Hotels enroute. BATHING BEAUTY STAGE unsuitable adjectives, and to substi­ did work and she vows eternal grati­ by King Farouk. tude to me for my interest in the constable told him the accused had SHOW AT OPERA HOUSE tute for them the terms "bad" and handed the money and other articles welfare of the horses. with Monty Ward Orchestra "worse." JOHANNESBURG, Apr. 6 (CP)— over. When the detective charged Complete Trip $1.00 Now, though I am poor, I am hon­ 5. Increased facilities for communica­ The death Ust ta Monday's train col­ Moulds he said "I know it is stolen, est. So I do have to disclaim any Children's Showing of tion, especially during the past two Usion south of Bulawayc expanded but from whom I do not know." THE BERMUDA TRANSPORTATION CO., LTD. splendid work on my part. decades, have made prcpagandism today to twenty-six when three "Victoria the Great" Instead, it was done by the de­ The stolen goods, except the neck­ Pearman, Watlington &. Co., Managers force, and a potential world others succumbed to their injuries. tie which was not recovered, were at OPERA HOUSE voted secretary, my old friend£. menace. 'Tut it and keep it in the Twelve of the remaining thirty are put ta as evidence. P.C. Correira SATURDAY AFTERNOON Catherine Crawley, and a group of right hands, and it might do a world ta a grave condition. told how he accosted the two accused enthusiastic horsemen. of gcod," has been suggested. It on the Middle Road, Devonshire, may te said to the credit of some But right glad I am that the CAIRO, Apr. 6 (CP)—Sources close and they took him ta the bushes, nations that they are trying to do that founder is pleased for, thanks to to the royal family today said that where they had hidden the stolen SOUVENIRS her and the interest she aroused very ~ hing. Unfortunately, how­ King Farouk and Quesn Farida were articles and money. Coral - Ivory - Jade - Amber here, the improvement in our horses ever, they may be congratulated only expecting a chUd ta NOT. ember. Jackson told the Ccurt that they is nothing short of marvellous, THE BERMUDA JOCKEY CLUB Novelties • courage to experiment, saw the goods and the temptation not upon their sue cess - Power cannct LONDON, Apr. 6 (CP)—The Minis­ was too much. They later wanted tc Linens - Sweaters - Gloves be put and kept in the right hands -0- try of Agriculture today pushed its take them back, but were unable Bermuda Scarves v any more safely and surely drive to end the epidemic of foot-and- to do so. Films - Post Cards - Toys i the days of the Caesars or the mouth disease, as the newspapers Moulds later decided to change Borgias. VIEWS AND RE-VIEWS generaUy rejected the possibUity ad- his plea and admitted all charges. you have been trained to sepa­ j vanced by the Daily Herald that for­ Each ct the accused was sentenced YANKEE STORE rate the wheat from the chaff in eign agents were spreading the dis­ to three months' hard labour on each Horse Races 2831-qCtu.e-tp. NEWS, in other words to recognize VISITORS EXPRESS ease as an act of sabotage. A new c ut- charge, the sentences to run con­ the difference between news and pro­ | break of the disease was reported yes- currently. paganda, turn on your radio and lis­ day. TODAY ten to what the air waves, particular­ APPRECIATION ly those wafted from Europe, are say­ ing. The gentleman in Rome is SHANGHAI, Apr. 6 (CP)—Business THE BERMUDA POOL AFTERNOON MEET T telling you how nice he and his coun­ April 6th., 1938. in the war areas has slumped. Trade O&fuiman, trymen are and how nasty are cer­ by foreign firms receded sharply First Race Punctually at 2.30 p.m. FEI'I") tain of his neighbours. Russia is To the Editor, and Japanese business in occupied indulging in some self-praise in con­ Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily. areas is reported less than normal. 1937-1938 junction with some deprecation of Special train will leave Hamilton at 2 p.m. direct Dear Sir, less virtuous peoples. Germany is to the course, fare each way 1/- or 25 cents. extolling her superior culture and LONDON, Apr. 6 (CP)—The King Under the Auspices of the exposing the evil machinations cf Mrs. Gaskin and I wiU sail for our yesterday approved the appointment uncouth outlanders. Now listen in home in Newton, Mass., on the S.s. of Admiral Sir Roger Backhouse to Bermuda Chamber of 2904ts.tu.tli. all directions, and you find that "Lady Drake", April 8th., but we the post of principal A.D.C. to the Commerce virtually Everybody has something cannot leave this beautiful ISLE King, replacing Admiral the Earl of to tell you because there is something without expressing our heartfelt Cork and Orrery. The appointment to be sure of profits they want to "sell" you, whether thanks to the good people of, as weU becomes effective July 1. Sir Roger £ s d that something b? an "ism" or a as to the visitors to Bermuda, for the wUl succeed Admiral Lord Chatfield Nicholl & Ashton 8 0 0 mechanism. unfailing kindness shown us during as First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval E. & O. F. Tucker 8 0 0 HAMILTON GRILL Mrs. Gaskta's enforced stay at the Bank of Bermuda, Ltd _. 100 0 0 Th printed press, whilst less sus- Staff next September. &Adtt tatv "King Edward VII Memorial Hos­ J. B. Astwood & Son 12 0 0 DINING AND DANCING RED^ROSE ce tible to propagandism than the pital." H. P. Motyer „. 4 0 0 press over the air, enjoys no immun­ The Bermuda Cigar Store _ 10 0 0 LAYING MASH ity. In some countries it is govern­ BIO DE JANEIRO, Apr. C (CP)— Eddie Wittstein's Yale Prom Orchestra To Doctors Curtis and Butler of the M. A. Gibbons _.„ 6 0 0 ment controlled or "influenced," Ninety-five Germans and eight Aus­ With Cod Liver OU Hospital staff go our special thanks as Bermuda Trading Ccmpany... 8 0 0 Nightly at 9 so that is no more than an organ of trians boarded the steamship "Ciry- Help your hens get back the weU as to Miss Siggins and the other W. S. Purvis & Co. Ltd 8 0 0 or vehicle for propaganda. And in tyba" yesterday and saUed five miled nutrients that eggs absorb. Con­ nurses who have given their devoted Bda. General Theatres 10 0 0 NO COVER NO MINIMUM tains milk, meat scrap, and fish countries where the freedom of offshore and cast a unanimous vote attention to Mrs. Gaskin. Beimuda Railway Co.,Ltd.„... 20 0 0 meal, which supply the animal the press still prevails (as in our own for the union of Austiia and Ger­ W. H. Heyl & Co „ 8 0 0 proteins necessary to heavy egg great Empire and our good neigh­ We can never forget the kindness many. One vote was annulled be­ Amateurs Every Tuesday production. Red Rose Laying bour land, the United States) eternal of Mr. and Mrs. Tworoger of "The cause "the legal formaUties were not Bermuda Hotel Association, Mash is unexcelled for increasing vigilance is the price of freedom Princess" as weU as the guests and fulfflled." Advertisement ta Booklet $250.00 Come to Our Saturday Nite Treasure Party the quantity of your eggs. Re­ from propagandism. Ev_n in this staff of that delightful place. Jane Tucker, Jean Cookson, member, it's those extra eggs that bring you extra dollars. tranquil little island—lut wait! 0 Real Estate. $20.00 Perhaps we can give you a partial To Mr. Arthur L. Norton of Bel­ John S. DarreU & Co.,. 8 0 0 HAMILTON HOTEL pen picture of a mail day's accumula­ mont Manor, whom we had never AUSTRIAN CARDINAL Cambridge 5 0 0 2938tw.ei~p. W. H. R.& J. H, COOPER tion here:— met, but who is a good friend of a Bda. Electric Light Co.,Ltd.... 60 0 0 Very dear friend of ours, is due our ISSUES STATEMENT Gibbons Ccmpany. 50 0 0 Letters, circulars, pamphlets, everlasting thanks for his many Gosling Bros., Ltd 40 0 0 booklets from all parts of the world! kindnesses and in supplying beautiful VATICAN CITY, April 6. (OP)— Bank of N. T. Butterfield & A foreign "News Service" offers a flowers and dainty fruit. Pop Pius today received first-hand Son _. 100 0 0 series of articles out of the goodness reports of the events ta Austria from Trirningharn Bros., Ltd. 60 0 0 HAREM ~ SCAREM of their hearts, for us to publish, We must not forget the Agents of Theodore Caidtaal Innitzer, the Peniston Brcwn Co., Ltd.. 800 KEILLER'S absolutely free of cost. A foreign the Canadian National Steamships, Church's prtaiate there. The Car­ West India Oil Oo 16 0 0 "Association" has a philthropic on one of whose boats the unfor- dinal had arr audience of seventy-five A. S. Cooper & Sons 8 0 0 Famous Dundee Marmalade message, a foreign "Bureau" has a tXinate accident occurred, and to Mr. minutes. Official and diplomatic Astwood Dickinson & Co $50.00 TONIGHT ~ 8.30 p.m. scientific message, a foreign "News Percy T. Tucker, Manager, go our circles Waited anxiously tor some in­ Butterfield &Oo.„ „ 8 0 0 Agency" has an enhghtenfiag and grateful thanks for his kindness and dication of the Church's future Bda. Fire & Marine Ins. Co., uplifting message, a ~F«&eign "Cor­ Gallery 2/- courtesy. poUcy toward the Nazis ta Austria, Ltd~„..„ „.. 16 0 0 respondent" has 8, message whose but the Vatican was silent, for the Pearman, Watlington & Co 60 0 0 publication will make our readers The Godsiff family, wfea Uve near moment at least. After leaving the Patrons Not Seated During Prologue the hospital, have kept -Mrs. Gaskin Hand, Arnold, Ltd.. 5 0 0 happy and ourselves wealthy Pope, the Cardinal visited Cardinal suppUed with beautiful roses for' Ingham & Wilkinson,Ltd...... 24 0 0 Cleverly put together, too. The PacelU. which we can never adequately A. I. Grocery Co.,Ltd...... 10 0 0 propaganda racket, whether its pur­ thank them. I have been stopped "L'OsservaiJOre Romano," the J. A. P. Pitt &Co._ 10 0 0 pose is to convert you to communism many times on my *?ay to the hos­ Vatican newspaper, today pubUshed Geiald Gray, Real Estate.. 10 0 or vegetarianism, employs the best Mexican Oil Outlet Will Germany Pay? pital fey people whom I did not know a statement signed by Cardinal In­ Bda. Telephone Co., Ltd™ 15 0 0 of brains. Why not? Money is no who inquired -ktadly about Mrs. nitzer Interpreting the declaration H. A. &E. Smith, Ltd 60 0 0 object to the propagandist. The Gaskin. made last month by the Austrian Curtis & Barnard. „„ 8 0 C MEXICO CITY, April 6. (CP)— WASHINGTON, April 6. (CP)— Now available from your poor, deluded public always pay! bishops. The statement said that A. J. Gorham 8 0 0 Francis W. Pickett, tlie British pro­ The United States today recognized But we still maintain that there is We hope to visit Bermuda again the declaration "must not be inter­ Mrs. R. G. Robinson 2 0 0 moter, and Bernard E. Smith, New Austria's absorption into Germany grocer in the one pound old no such thing as benign propaganda, tinder different conditions. That preted by state and party as an Real Estate York broker, are here to discuss and and called upon Germany to pay no matter how seemingly or actually fashioned stone jars Cod may bless you all is our fervent obligation of conscience, nor must it, J. S. VaUis 10 0 0 purchase large quantitieF of oil from Austria's debt to tlie United States. well intentioned the propagandists, prayer. be used for propaganda.'' The state­ Watlington & Conyers- 2© 0 0 the new Government-controlled ex­ America made this decision known or how apparently innocuous thO ment today was issued after the O. R. Lcblein.._ £10 0 0 port company. It was reported that through notes presented to the tenets, beliefs or opinions they seek JOB '*. CiASKIN, Cardinal's interview with the Pjpe. T. J.WadsoD andSon. 16 0 0 they were interested in buying German Government by the United to propagate. There are but two Princess Hotel, Cardinal Innitzer left for Vienna tills Chesley E.White.... 8 0 0 25,000,000 barrels of oil which is States Ambassador in Berlin, Hugh JOHNSON & COOPER LIMITED kinds—the bad, and the worse. Bermuda,. afternoon. Masters Hardware.. 8 0 0 choking the Mexican storage tanks. ' Wilson. Sole Distributors THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938. Page 3

Crossword Puzzle u . •By LABS MORRIS; ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE DOWN A Wonderful ANSWER TO 1—Frightens 1—Increase by 2—Detract 4—Flavoring olant In 3—Hushed beer 4—Drags into court 8—Malt beverage " IFIO|R|EO|P 6—Electrified oxygen 12—Small OBESE 1PM*5 > 6—Play on words 13—District ID Argentina D i _= T ^ __Pr t—Pullman 14—Crippled I 8—Censured pick-me-up 15—Period oi time HSnSiSS. BS___a.il__.i_iS 9—Simplicity 16—Solitary u fc: U N 10— Issue forth Men's Polo Shirts 17—Continent |P|R|E|TER 1 11—Turmerics 18—Soaked r_N\. JTATNTTI 19—Scotch river StO—Ants anaaE annas aan 21—Style Children and adults alike require at 22—Fowl IA V ErlRI Iv ,\ u i ol |£» H O F 24—Total 23—American poet IT E N >ANE L mtTH E -~~> F 25—Delicacy i some time or other just such a pick- 24—In possession of IE N T Rt .P •5 ARSE. N E T 26- District in French senses border me-up as RADIO-MALT. A daily 25—Wandering trades. n-n N (.OAJ!^ 37- -Hermits man IR A F TER ED ART 1 <">T 28—Radical (slang) By Allen Solly ... 27/6 spoonful of this remarkable tonic food 29— Western Indian IE C R U E. W ~.R 6 i D 1 O 30—Co by water 30—Steeple N E R EM i T E V R F 31— Alexandrian astron* will provide the necessary vitamins to 32- Raw metal E E.SL i P omer 33—Act as arbitrator JM s s l_ E D 34—Pressed , restore lost vitality, also it will build up 35—Grew animals 35—Saloon counter 36- Brazilian city icoLI 37—Ornament 3 37 Terroi resistance against infection and bring 48 -City tn Pennsylvania 38—Fasting periods IH 39 Rolled document 49 Market 39 -Killed 42 Throw from trac__s 50 Novel 40—Seal witb wax back the joy of robust health. 44- List 51 -Proceed on 41—Falling water 45- Kind oi jacket 52—Japanese coins 43—Moos Allen Solly is England's foremost hosiery 47 Janane.«e prince 53- -Small worm 46—Opposite oi ir.her manufacturer, and these shirts bearing the Allen Solly label are the finest wool polo shirts to be found. Men like them because they are the best of their kind, made of pure botany wool, and because they offer protection after exercising. Buttonholes are made by hand, shirts are hand-finished In white, navy, burgundy, blue, and yellow.

In thousands of homes the inclusion of RADIO MALT in the dietary is a matter of every-day routine; indeed, TZUIMINGM Radio-Malt is regarded as the family Established 1844 stand-by. If you have not tried Radio- Malt in your household buy a jar today.

Oar. 1935 bv United Feature Syndicate. IM- in ALT iStandardised Vitamins A B, B2 and D) Mail Notices For The Week Ending Saturday 9th AprU 1938 "To follow you I'm not content. 3 Ib. JAR 3/- Until I know which way you went." Another states: 2 Ib, JAR 5/- Registered and Parcel Post Mails are closed 30 minutes earlier than the time given below unless otherwise stated, and where mails are advertised "Physicians were in vain to close at or before 9 a.m., registered and parcel post mails are closed at God freed her from her pain." 5.00 p.m. tbe previous day. And another: I./1- OUTWARD MAILS "Who plucked this flower? "I", said the master, o|.iiSlu^4jii h m_uk And the gardener held his peace." U ¥ __£==_ =gj^_-HHi!iK -f REIIXASTRJEET Probable Connec­ Another asks: Ship or Closing at tion from New Destination Aircraft G.P.O. HamUton York to England "Why weep for joy like this?" sssssswt93[\\m^~mmmT~: In the St. David's Chapel of Ease, les men irts THURSDAY, April 7th one stone tells us: "Millions will wish their lives below had been as From 25/' U.S.A., Etc. Bermuda Clipper 8.05 a.m. Paris, April 8th. short as mine." And adds: "To Of Genuine Irish Round Thread Linen Great Britain, earth his body's lent." Another con­ Canada and 12 Noon (Late Fee) fidently states: "Prepare for heaven, U.S.A .Georgic.. 12Noon to 1.00 p.m. Paris, April 8tb. there to meet me." But another They are cut and tailored with the flare stone doubtingly states: "In heaven of a short skirt. An excellent outfit when FRIDAY, April 8th every soul shall lie I hope." And an­ worn for Sports wear at the season of the other states with finality: "She shall year. never die." U.S.A., Etc.. Cavalier 8.05 a.m. Britannic, April lltb. One Bermudian (Jack Martin) was In Turquoise, Dusty Pink, White, Egg Great Britain, 12 Noon (Late Fee) saved from burial in 1863, by dark­ Malure Figores Canada and 12 Neon to 1.00 p.m. Britannic, April ness. They decided to wait until Shell and in Grey Flannel. U.S.A Queen of Bda at Dock 2-2.55 p.m. llth. morning to bury him. When they with returned he was alive,—and he lived Canada Lady Drake 12 Noon (Late Fee) 53 years more! J 12 Noon to 1.00 p.m. An inscription that almost all Ber­ mudians know, yet none knows its Youthful Curves •• SUNDAY, April 10th location: Gtye

U.S.A.,Etc Bermuda Clipper 8.05 a.m. Britannic •Things do not always please us Our Willie's gone to Jesus." jEngitelj §>poztB l_Mf0p INWARD MAILS Someone added more specifically: Pitts Bay Road — Queen St. "You cannot always tell Here's an underbelt He may have gone to—." garment that takes a From Per Due 2957Q«ith. While there are olde_.- stones (in St. definite stand against Great Britain, Canada andU.S~&... Monarch of Bermuda April 4th Georges,) the earUest legible date those mature abdom­ Canada and U.S.A _... Lady Somers _... April 4th the writer has found is upon the inal bulges. Jamaica, B.W.I., and Bahamas Lady R~jdney April 4th stone of "Mars, 1668" (Southampton Great Britain, Canada and U.S-A... Queen of Bermuda April 8th Parish Churchyard). Also "1712" Designed to do more B.WJC Lady Drake... April 8tb (Hamilton Parish churchyard) and than achieve a firm "MD. 1737." ( Airmails arrive on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from churchyard). flatness—it supports U.S.A. THE PHOENIX LUNCHEONETTE the relaxed abdominal muscles in place. A COLUMN FOR each covered with wind-resisting One of Bermuda's most massive globes, and the candle-snuffers. monuments is of a dog. Atop a huge For Cakes, Pies and You'll find it most BERMUDA VISITORS Note the old remnant of a house, | pedestal in the Inverurie grounds comfortable — and — still occupied, which adjoins the rests the Ufe-size sphinx-like statue Pastries a very satisfactory way churchyard. It has two huge chim­ of "a noble EngUsh mastiff—Sphinx." IncidentaUy, at this hotel at the to assure the youth­ Continued from Page 1 neys only about a foot apart. A That mother bakes double fireplace. water's edge, the famous Aquarium ful curves of Fashion! rugged old cedar tree where the The stones surrounding Christ cocktail must have been so named The bust section is of church-bell hung in 1612. Also an Church, the oldest Presbyterian because it makes you want to drink soft rayon jersey. . . . infant's gravestone,—a realistic church in British colonies have prac­ them Uke a fish. But "Inverurie" crib. And the 1783 tablet of a 17 tically no inscriptions and very few is Scotch meaning "head of the year old mother and two children names. Perhaps because it is a Scot­ water." all of whom died within one month. tish Church? Breakfast Also the two stones so close to the In Southampton's Methodist Jparrt er's church that the walls were built churchyard: "Having not seen me,— Crawling on our hands and knees around them. Some were buried yet He loves me." When Sandy's ever graves to trace inscriptions, the under the floor of the church, for Methodist church started a grave­ missus and I feel we have "covered" At This Popular Eating Spot No. WBl67 which a charge of £5 was made. See yard recently a bean field had to be aU of them. the quaint three-deck pulpit, one of dug up. The first person to be bur­ JA7* WITH THE COFFEE ^ 12/6 the world's few remaining ones. ied there was named "Bean." But Some buried here long ago, are still there haven's been any beans since. You Cannot Forget -A|§b>.. remembered by their descendents in all corners of the earch. Decoration In the CathoUc cemetery near the Day services have been yearly held Dockyard lies the man who died for an American Lieutenant and a twice. Midshipman with the accompanying The Naval cemetery proves that Asthma Cause Other Warner's for all figures from 10/6. flag and floral tributes. See the an­ many seamen cannot swim. Here cient service set comprised of gifts one notices that dozens drowned Killed in 24 Hours while bathing. Upon a wife's stone Thanks to the discovery of an American from King Charles I and King Wil­ physician, it now is possible to get rid of liam III some dating as far back as appears this last-order to her sailor those terrible spells of choking, gasping, husband • "See that my grave is kept coughing and wheezing Asthma by killing 1625, and still in use. A value of the true cause which is Germs in the blood. THE DRESS SHOP green." No more burning of powders, no more hy­ The ancient altar built of red cedar podermic injections. This new discovery, is never too ff tiveneSs. in 1624 is still in use. No nails but Here's a choice inscription in the Mendaco, starts to work in 3 minutes, kill­ ing the Germ cause of Asthma, also puri­ Never too^fo^ ^ Reid Street wooden pegs were used throughout. same cemetery: fying the blood and restoring vitality so LlS £45,000 has been placed upon them. that you can sleep soundly all night, eat Insist oPon "" ^p-^ "Behold the grave where now I anything and work and enjoy life. Mendaco Note the hand-hewn floor-boards, lie. is so successful it is guaranteed to give you ff<^___lff/__ As you are now, so once was I. free, easy breathing in. 24 hours and to stop and some of the pews whose seats do As I am now, so yon must be, your Asthma completely in 8 days or money H E So just prepare to follow me." back on return of empty package. Get not face the altar. And the chan­ Mendaco from your chemist today. The LISTERINE SA r E ANTISEPTIC deliers with their many candles, guarantee protects you. Someone added: Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938.

STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Bending Exercises Give Duodenal Ulcer Special tourist M.s. Georgic sails on return trip Bodily Grace and Health today April 7th. Agents, Watlington 1 GALLON CASES & Conyers. • » • By JACQUELINE HUNT (In Bond) reappeared! HERE is more than one reason for slimming and firming every S. S. Acadia (Eastern Steamship why doctors and Beauticians line in the body. Lines) sails on return trip tomorrow T say that every woman needs exer­ It uses every muscle; works off Including " I fierce known such AprU 8th. Agents, J. S. Darrell & Oo. cise. It is a splendid method of re­ the fatty pad that bas a way of * » • ducing if vou are overweight But appearing at the back of tbe neck agony - • this cure S.s. Lafayette (French Line) is due more than when you get older; takes inches that, exercise HAIG WHISKY to arrive from Nassau and Havana on from the Upline; arouses the cir­ is marvellous" is an aid to culation generally and coordinates Saturday, April 16., at Grassy Bay easy, light, the muscles that give grace and CUTTY SARK Whether your own stomach trouble sailing the same day for New York graceful move- litheness to the entire body. Sup­ is due to simple but troublesome indi­ Agents, Watlington & Conyers. ment. Even plement this general exercise with gestion, or is as painful and serious as when vou are any special exercise yoa need to KING'S RANSOM Mrs. Viffiers', whose letter >*ppears not overweight correct any specific figure defect. unused muscles below, you should take the original may become Make a conscious effort to keep Maclean Brand Stomach Powder with­ S.s. Hie de France (French Line) vour posture good. The old idea of HOUSE OF LORDS is due to arrive from New York on f I a b b v and out delay. soft fattv de- head thrown back, shoulders April22nd. at Kve Fathom Hole sailing strained and rigid, is wrong. If vou " I am sending you this testimonial," posits mav want to stand correctly, here's how HENNESSY BRANDY writes Mrs. Sybil Villiers, " in the the same day for Nassau and Jamaica. form in cfrt^ip vou find the right position: Re­ interest of those who have suffered as Agents, Watlington & Conyers. a r f a s of thp move vour shoes and stand against I have done for the last thret years. body. " I went to the doctors and then a * * * a wall with head, shoulder blades, COURVOISIER specialist, who, after X-ray found a MISS MINI You must hins and heels touching ii Push S. S. Lady Drake (C.N.S.) is due to ex°rcise if vou with the small of the back as if Duodenal Ulcer. I spent pounds on rant to ln"k 'rim. slprHer ai-d at­ you were trying to touch the wall. various prescriptions but nothing co anc arrive from the West Indies tomor­ tractive. Th-""-e p-«>rri .s n»»rl not This will give vou an excellent seemed to reUeve me until I started row. April 8th, sailing the same day taking Maclean Brand Stomach >e complicated. When you wpke up standing posture, and makr a BURROWS BARBADOS RUM for Halifax via Boston. Agents, J. S. n the morning after a refrpshins great difference in your general Powder. The original Maclean Brand apo°arance •' After persevering with it I felt a Stomach Powder clears out tlie Darrell & Co. a-sht bourr of sleep, remove your different woman and now, after an Mllow and wiggle down in vour This method of standing lifts destructive acid that ulcerates the * * * )ed. Or lie crisscross. Tako X-ray three weeks ago, they say the stomach lining and keeps your T.E. V. Queen of Bermuda (Furness- the head, straightens the shoul­ ulcer has absolutely disappeared. digestive system clean and healthy, jreat, long, leisurely strefchp.s ders, lifts the bust. It gives you a tfohn 3. 3$urrows & Go., £td. Beimuda Line) is due to arrive folding tbe stretch a second and I have known such agony that this free from every sign of indigestion. p straight back, slims the waist cure js marvellous. I can now eat from New York tomoorrw, April 8th, '.hen relaxin°- You wi" f p' a onli and strengthens the abdominal Front St. Queen St. almost anything." sailing the same day at 3.00 p.m. on in the arm, waist and lesrmu'-cles muscles. Keep this posture when Beware of cheap imitations Breathe deeply as TOU stretch, in­ vou walk. 2980ftk.f_p. There are many imitations of the return trip. Agents, Watlington & haling through the nose, exhalin? Try to avoid slumping when you original MACLEAN BRAND Stomach Conyers. through the mouth. After three Powder so be careful when buying. sit. bv pushing the small of your Insist on seeing the signature ** Alex. Sf Sf Sf "lays of this exercise, try following back against the back of your G. Maclean ** on both the bottle and •3 up with some floor exercises. chair. This position not only looks carton. Then you are sure of quicf S. S. Pilsudski (Gadenia-American relief from pain and you are safe lie flat on the floor legs to­ better, but vou will find it less tir­ guarded against disappointment. Line) is due to arrive from New gether, arms stretched above the ing when vou must sit at a desk York on Sunday, April 10th, at St. head, backs of the hands on the for hours at a time. Sit on the Look for tbe signature George's sailing on return trip on floor. Try to bring yourself UD and underthighs—not the small of the Tuesday, April 12th. Agents, J. S. forward without the help of your b?ck. The chair edge should come hands, until vour head touches the just under the knpe bend. The hip­ Darrell & Co. door back of vour head Lower the bones should support the upper New J tegs and repeat. weight. £0&£> This exercise Is not as difficult Practice these postures for sev­ M.s. "Georgic" is due to arrive as it sounds but you should begin eral days and you will find them so much more comfortable Vc\t\Z fri_m New York on Monday, April gradually, doing it only two or Humber three times at first. Increase the you will resist the tendency to llth, sailing on return trip the same number of times one count each slump forward when you sit. They The original Maclean day. Agents, Watlington & Conyers. day until you can do it twenty will become easy graceful habits Brand Stomach Powder times without too much effort and you will appear younger, more is never sold loose, but MAC LEAM * * * This is tbe best exercise 1 know alert a nd more interest "nr/ only in ottles in cartons. T.E.V. Monarch cr Bermuda (Furn­ Bicycles-* It is obtainable from all ess-Bermuda Line) is due to arrive chemists and stores. Brand from New York on Monday, April Sales Representatives: llth, sailing on return trip at 3.00 YOUR GOOD HEALTH Nicholl & Ashton, P.O. Box 529, Hamilton Stomach Powder p.m. on Wednesday, April 13th. Agents, Watlington and Conyers. Feeding Baby Scientific Food Makes Him Bigger, •* * * Healthier and Happier S. S. Lady Hawkins (CN.S.) is due to airive from Halifax via Boston cn By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, M.D. ASTWOODS Mcnday, April llth, sailing tha fol­ IF YOU have ever wondered why youngster who is perhaps toe ** young people today are so tall, j scientifically fed. lowing day for the West Indies. let's ask Dr. Agnes Fay Morgan, of \ The first requisite seems to be a Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. the University of California, who •greate r intelligence in the selection A* S* Cooper & Sons can tell us about our towering j of food since some low-priced foods 2846C;-?w.eitp. youngs tors |I are just as nutritive as higher- T.E.V. Queen of Bermuda (Furn­ She suggests I priced foods. Some of the recent Dealers in Fine comparing any : feeding studies have revamped ess-Bermuda Line) is due to arrivs current group ; our ideas of what foods best stim- frcm New York cn Thursday, April of high school 1 ulate weight and height. The in- ENGLISH CHINA and CRYSTAL 14th, sailing at 3.00 pjn. the same or college stu- | creased calories of sugar crackers. day on return trip. Agents, Wat­ dents with for instance, seemed to meet the similar groups i same requirement as extra milk WEDGWOOD lington & Conyers. of fifteen j and did even better than oranges SPODE * * * twenty or even That is. the -protective" foods did BRONCHIAL COUGHS... thirty years • not provide the needed improve- ROYAL DOULTON S. S. Bayano (Elders & Fyffes Line) | ment unless the total amount of is due to arrive from Avonmouth It's easy to j food could be made adequate. MINTON England cn Thursday, April 14th note the in­ The next important question will ovtt 9 mum eonus SOLD - A SINCU SIP TELLS WHY CROWN STAFFORDSHIRE sailing the same day for Jamaica. creased stature, 1 be to decide just what rate of gain better figure, ; in growth shall be considered nor­ To Canada's large BELLEEK and ADAMS Agents, Watlington & Conyers. OR. CHRISMAN healthier coloi mal UCKLEY selling cough and * * * and skin of the This research work is of vital MIXTURE cold remedy. iverage modern youngster. P.eli- i importance, according to a recent B REFUSE SUBSTITUTES S Also exclusive agents for M.s. Georgic (is due to arrive from ible figures support the claim for statement by a life insurance com­ Writt to W. K. Buckley Limited, 559 College Street, Toronto. Can­ greater stature and weight, but ada, amd receive . copy of our fascinating little book, "Mysteries of N6w York on Saturday, April 16th, pany. For instance, in one year Lock" which telle how to obtain FREE our lucky charm—"Ru- ORR EFORS—LALIQUE some data are yet lacking to prove nearly one million lives were saved sailing on return trip the same day. some of their other contentions Dio-Bua"—ud lit. ture describing Buckley"! Proven Method For and Agents, Watlington & Conyeis. I as a result of modern improve­ FREE Greater Freedom From Coughs and Colda. We'll admit that longer and ments in medical and health fa­ * * Sf stronger bones and more pound- cilities. Milk, rated the most im- JENSEN SILVER »ge could be due to a better un­ | portant single food, is provided by FROM YOUR DEALER S.S. Acadia (Eatern Steamship derstanding of nutrition and more j clipper service between the Pacific (AGENTS: BERMUDA GENERAL AGENCY) Lines) is due to arrive cn Sunday, are in providing their diet. And Coast and China. Beginning at April 17th, at St. George's, sailing cn .t follows that we could expect Honolulu and ending at Guam. -letter blood, bones, skin and hair. return trip on Thursday, April 21st, and stopping at islands where We need no other reason for this I there is no pasturage, this milk Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. anatomical increase than the rapid route is 4,200 miles long, and was idvance in our knowledge of nu- established to provide the passen­ Efficient and COOK—The Hotpoint Way a-itive values. gers with fresh milk throughout The Finest Bee£ S. S. Saint John (Eastern Steamship A more important survey is the the journey. Economical— The Hotpoint Ranges, completely equipped with Lines) is due to arrive on Sunday, :omparison between favored chil- Beyond the value of milk as an SAUSAGES automatic oven temperature control and the inde­ iren and those of the under­ article of sustaining diet, tt is April 17th, at St. George's, sailing on privileged groups and the difo-r- known that the lactose, or milk Florence structible Calrod element, will introduce a new, simple return trip cn Thursday, April 2nce poverty makes in general sugar, influences favorably the re­ OU Stoves and easy method of cooking. The Calrod element, 21st. Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. development. We are met by a tention and assimilation of calcium built to last a lifetime, provides a cheaper, faster, possible complication created by and phosphorus from other sources. and Ranges * * * the wide differences in the growth This is most important in the l/x per lb. and cleaner method of cooking. rate of these two groups. In mak­ S. S. Pilsudski (Gadenia-American young animal since the supply of ing standards there must be an j bone making material must be Can be bought on con Line) is due tc arrive fi _.m New York idjustment between the slower adequate for both growth and re­ Robert D. Aitken on Sunday, April 17th, at St. George's, frowth of the family of a working pair while the adult needs only venient payment terms. Queen Street Hamilton sailing the same day on return trip. nan witi^iimited means and tbe enough for maintenance and for Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. capid up of the privileged the replacement of waste. <•* S.P.Q.R. STORE Bermuda BENNY Trading Co. SLOPPO- Somerset—Hamilton—St. George -REMOVES DIRT WITHOUT WORK~^£ Bermuda S. P. C. A. Waiting For COL. R. J. TUCKER Results SECRETARY PEMBROKE SIDNEY O. SIMS INSPECTOR C*^^^^^=, PHONE I7SS





Commend me to the Bishop of Chelmsford for straaightforward language. This Is what I read from his Pastoral letter:—'A civilization which can give birth to the shame­ ful persecution of the Jews, the spraying of mustard gas upon Aby- Alpaca Sweater Sets sinian viUages, the lying and dis­ honesty which make a mock of treaties and agreements is not worth preserving." Then the Bishop goes on to say:—"This evil spirit of for Children hatred and distrust can only be exercised by the appUcation of Christain principles."

Quite right from first to last! But what one wants to know is what are Boys and girls alike wear these little alpaca Christain principles Christendom under the name has now been before pullover and cardigan sets from England. the world for just upon 2,000 years. For at least 1200 to 1500 of those They're especially nice right now for your years it has dominated the Western world and has also made many mis­ youngsters to wear over their first cotton sionary efforts everywhere. clothes, because they pull on and off so Now if one of the bishops of easily and aren't the least bit scratchy. Christendom declares that civili­ zation as we have it to-day is not In pink, blue, green, cherry, yellow, and worth preserving, the outside looker- on may weU suggest that there must white. Sizes 3 to 12 years. have been something wrong hither­ to in the teaching of the Cult. StiU the Bishop proclaimes it is the only chance we have of getting the hu­ man race into that decent state Pullovers start at 17/6 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT of Ufe known by the name of CiviU- zation. THE PATIO RESTAURANT As the secretary of every debating Cardigans start at 27/6 society kncws, corporal punishment Where Life Begins at Noon is a subject that may be guarantesd If even after aU the years, Popes, WITH COCKTAILS AND LUNCHEON to provoke adequate controversy. Cardinals, Luthers, and protestants BERMUDA LOBSTERS :: OTRTLJE SOUP :: TURTLE STEAKS & FINS He knows also that the reason he may in general have not succeeded, what _RMUDA FRESH FISH :: NATIVE & UNUSUAL DELICACIES iely on it so confidently is that the becomes of the idea that Christi­ TEMPTING SALADS, OR THE WINDSOR PLATE LUNCHEON fight is sustained not only by a log­ anity is the way out? THE TROPICAL GRILL ical but by a sentimental antagon­ Where you Dine and Dance from 7 p.m. ism. The sentimental attitude has Two thousand years is a fairly TABLE DE HOTE or A LA CARTE SERVICE "unfortunately found, its expression in long time to give anything a triaL TRIMINGHAM the satute law. So far as adult offenders If in spite of the fact that a certain THE PALM GARDEN were concerned, the lash had been system has been the dominant Established 1844 Dance in a Tropical Garden to the strains of a Native Orchestra practicaUyeliminated fromour system power through aU that long period Directed by Berrie Brown of punishment by the yeai 1861, with the object of making mankind THAT WILL TEMPT YOU. WINES FOR THE DISCRIMINATING. although its tenrors were retained, into a happy famUy and the end of SERVICE TO PLEASE YOU. as they still are, for one or two very- it aU is, what is described by the rare forms of depravity, such as that Bishop, then after granting aU THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL credit to good intentions clearly EUROPEAN OB AMERICAN PLAN of the solicitor who serves a writ on a member of the Diplomatic Corps. the resultant activities do look like To-day, however, a number of much faUure. commoner offences are punishable by CHURCHES OF CHRIST, whipping. The reason for each suc­ Let us however be merciful in our SCIENTIST cessive addition to the list has been criticisms and say that it is the predominantly sentimental, a wave unmitigated wickedness of human-1 cf popular temper or panic, caused ity that has prevented Christanity "Are Sin, Disease, and Death by an unusual outbreak cf some par­ achheiving its object. But then Real?" is the subject of the Lesson- ticular type of crime. Characteris­ there stiU remains the fact that as Sermon which wiU be read in tic instances have been the Acts ;_f practice it has not been strong Churches of Christ, Scientist, 1862, which followed the epidemic of enough to attain the object of mak­ throughout the world, on Sunday, garrotting, and the Criminal Law PAGET ing a human world as pleasant to April 10. Amendment Act of 1912, passed to Uve in as heaven itself is fabled to The Golden Text is: "The Ught of plete Hotel Resort operated in the manner of a Smart check an alleged wholesale trepan­ be although undoubtedly that is the moon shah be as the light of the Club ning of respectable young EngUsh what it set out to do. sun, and the light of the sun shaU cility concentrated in one great estate on the lovely wcmen into the brothels of foreign be sevenfold, as the light of seven Shore — One of Bermuda's finest beaches, restricted to lands. s of the Hotel and their friends — Golf Course - Tennis So we come back to the Bishop's days, in the day that the Lord blind- Court — Stables The subject being one that engen­ final appeal that the application of eth up the breach of his people, and And, at night, dancing with HOWARD LANIN'S popular ders so much heat and so httle Ught, Christain principles wUl alone suc­ healeth the stroke of thdr wound" orchestra, HILBERT SERBIK, director it is a gratifying surprise to find that ceed in getting us out of our pre­ (Isaiah 30:26). A PLEASANT RENDEZVOUS FOR COCKTAILS, the Departmental Committee ap­ sent unbrotherly mess. DINNER & DANCE Among the citations which com­ pointed, last year, and chosen from prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol­ ted Clientele. Fresh water throughout the entire house. men and women of no declared views Once more then one is driven to lowing from the Bible: "Say to them on corporal punishment, are able to ask what are Christain principles?! that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, make a unanimous report. They those hitherto exercised seem to be fear not: behold, your God will come have attained this success because a clear faUure or we would be Usten­ with vengeance, ever. God they have scrupulously excluded all ing to this honest Bishop's out­ recompence; wiU c_me and save sentimental considerations from their burst. So if we are stiU to rely on you. Then the eyes of ths blind shaU view. They have refused to be influ­ Christianity to remedy matters its [ be opened, and the ears of the deaf enced by the retributive theory of principles must somehow of neces­ shaU be unstopped. Then shaU the punishment, which indeed in sity be amended. [lame man leap as an hart, and the EngUsh law is dead and damned. tongue of the dumb sing" (Isaiah Punishment today is a part of edu­ Far be it from this humble writer 35:4-6). cation. The experience of it may ed­ to suggest fuUy effective world-sav­ The Lesson-Sermon also includes smart folks will be found ucate the criminal towards a better ing efforts, but one thing does seem the foUowing passage from the life; the threat of it may guide and clear. That is more and more aU Christian Science textbook, "Science At ten with their friends at the blue tiled pool, confirm the wavering in the paths depends on man himself to make and Health with Key to the Scrip­ of virtue. But the former is the first The INVERURIE The popular morning meeting place. his Ufe worth Uving on earth. To tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The At Cocktail hour in the room consideration. Now the physical pain do this with any hope of universal calm, strcng currents of true spir- Open only from five to nine. of a flogging (the Committee, by the peace and happiness we must adopt ituaUty, the manifestations of which way, make it quite plain that, al­ in every aspect of Society the Chris­ are health, purity, and seU-immol- At night, dancing to the incomparable music of though a severe punishment, it does Bob McGrew's Orchestra in the Marine Room. tain caU of the Sermon on the ation, must deepen human experience Marine Terrace not amount to a "torture") is cer­ Mount, the same by the way, is in­ untU the beUefs of material existence Conventional Evening Dress Required. tainly not a constructive aid to the cluded in almost aU reUgions, to do are seen to be bald Imposition, and building up of character, and may at to others as we would be done by, sin, disease, and death give ever­ 'Venice in Bermuda" the outset of a prison sentence em­ that is the axiom creed by the name lasting place to the scientific demon­ bitter the convict's mind into resis­ of the Golden Rule. stration of divine Spirit and to God's tance to all effoits for his reform. spiritual, perfect men" (p.99.i. It can therefore only be justified Now Open for the Season on the giound of necessity for the If humanity would only ask it­ deterrence either of the same crim­ self the plain question of what inal or of others who might be tempted would be left of our perpetual talk to commit the Uke offence. ThJ only of sins against God especiaUy per­ x LDancing Slightly relevant question therefore is whether sistant in our pulphs, were the Gol­ X c the supposed deterrent does in fact den Rule kept unbroken between X LCnder the Stars deter: more exactly, whether it de­ man and man, then progress to per­ X ters in such an exceptional degree as fection would surely be more rapid X to outweigh the obvious objections to seeing it would turn aU reUgions WW it. The considered conclusion of the from talk to action in a way the. X ANDY CAPP Departmental Committee, after simplest could foUow. X thorough analysis of the results of x and his Serenaders experience, is that it does not. Since writing the above I notice x that two of our leading miUion-cir- (owuui ^ The Committee conclude that cor- x culation papers have been down on poial punishment imposed by judicial the Bishop for his daring to think X "^Different S)ance fflfusic" sertence is neither necessary nor very this is not the best of aU possible X effective, and shculd be wholly abol­ worlds. WeU, there is no doubt X ished. The birching of beys, though those papers and their proprietors 2963tth.eitp. as administered by the poUce it is X Dancing every Evening find it is so. Where would their cir­ found to be more often too Ught culations be without fodder for than too severe a punishment, is at 930 their daUy reports of human crimes condemned for some cf the same and some special reasons. In only one le­ and human miseries? gal sphere would the Committee al­ H. W. low the lash to be retained. Those ENVELOPES CANDIDATE—Judge Ralph H. who have the charge of convicts are circumstances lend it adventitious Smith of Pittsburgh, candidate Blue and White MURRAY GRISS practicaUy unanimous that the weight. Certain recent sentences of for lieutenant governor of Pean« immunity of prison officers from corporal punishment have given oc­ sylvania and running mate of mutiny or physical assault can be present Lieutenant Governor and his casion for the wanton and mercenary Thomas Kennedy, endorsed for secured only by the fear of corporal incitement cf the pubUc appetite governor by John L. Lewis. 3d. pkg. punishment. The exception is not for the most morbid details of the Belmont Manor Orchestra made because men capable of vio­ physical process—an appetite suppUed lence are found only in prison, but with as Uttle regard for truth as for because men in prison behave dif­ decency. When an institution may ferently from the same men outside. expose the mind of the people to a re­ Kill Your Pltei The sober empirical argument of petition of such a nauseous assault, Oon-t let itching, blMdlnfelntar-Ml «* there should be a double welcome for protruding plle*piiea repW '"Ei'rWjrJ, *S™Sl,f2™_iK.? Special ferry leaves Belmont at 12.55 ajn. the Committee is Ukely to carry con­ Sausa an axpenaiva. P*1"*"* °!£!»S?,-i viction with most of those who are the proof that we can do without it. £ lt minute* you ean •*«Jft* --*__£ The Bermuda Press, Ltd. capable of setting sentimental consid­ If it be argued that this latter line tion. Chlna-Rold. «•« *«a*wtM« «• flg Reid Street erations aside. It happens to be pub­ of thought has its bearing also on you up ta 10 day* « •SyJSHWffl Ushed at a moment when special the problem.—TTMES. your cfcemtat tor gwnlM GUM-Bct*


NEW YORK STOCK MONTREAL STOCK HAREM SCAREMS SCORE MARKET MARKET Russians Rescued After 19000-M He Drift HUGE SUCCESS Yesterday's Gosing Prices Yesterday's Closing Prices Continued from Page 1

AlUs Chalm. Mfg. 361 Sterling 4.991 York, and later the dock scene dis­ Am. Car & Foundry 161 Bell Telephone _. IS solves into the first chorus and dance, Am. & For. Pow. ..______. 3 Braz. Tract 8} "You're Needing Rest," sung by Mr. Am & For Pow. pf 16 B.C. Pow. A 28 Arthur Cooper. The presumed tourist Am. Locomotive . 141 Bathurst Paper A. Unq. Am. Power & ___ft. .... 41 BuUd. Prod. Unq. then arrives in Bermuda and a laugh­ Am. Radiator 101 Can. Bronze Unq able hotel lobby scene greets the eye, Am. Rolling Mtn 151 Can Car 8} dominated by Miss Queenie Penboss, Am. Smelt. & Ref. 33 Con. Paper Com. 41 as the telephone girl, Beatrice Am. Sugar TJnq Cons. Smelt. 50 Trimingham and Evie Evans as two Am. TeL & Tel 124 Dom Bridge 241 Am. Water Works , 71 Donnaconna Paper 41 hilarious elderly women puzzled by Anaconda Copper 34 Ford Can. 151 the money, prices and various cus­ Assoc. Dry Goods 51 Gypsum 51 toms of Bermuda. Certain wise Atchison 25% Hirman Walker 371 cracks about outstanding traditions Atlantic Refining 181 Imperial Ofl —_____ 16 in local circles brought outbursts Auburn 31 Intl. Nickel . 41f Baldwin Loco. 61 Intl. Power 1st pf. Unq. of laughter from the appreciative Baltimore & Ohio 5^ Massey-Harris 51 audience on Tuesday evening. In Barnsdall Cp. A. 12 McCoL Front. 12 this scene are also introduced the Bendix Avia...... 9i Montreal Pow 28i two English scientists sent here Betbelhem Steel . 43 Natl. Brew. 36 Boeing Plane 231 Natl. Steel Car 351 to rid the colony of insects pests, Borg Warner 181 Power Corp ______101 and they were greeted by applause. CaterpiUar Tractor 35i Price Bros. _—_. 10 Eccrentric and pompous in their Celanese lli Price Bros. pf. ______Unq. respective coUege degrees, these two Ches. & Ohio 261 St. Law Cp. pf 10 carried fun throughout the show. Chrysler Corp. 40 Shawinigan 181 Columbia Gas & Elec 61 Steel of Canada. 59} Dr. Heebe begins to make his presence Com. & Southern 11 Can. Bank Com. Unq. tn the island felt, and a prospective Congoleum Unq Bank of Can. 581 descent in his bathysphere is the sub­ Consol Edison 19 Bank Mont. 200 ject of conversation, and a little later Bank of N.S „ Unq Consol. Oil _ 71 the undersea scene becomes another Cont. Corp 111 Royal Bank of Can 1711 Contl. Can 41 high Ught in the fun, with its un­ Contl. OU of D 24 0 dulating mermaid (played in fine Corn Prod. Ref 585 style by Burton Stone) Doctor Heebe's Crown ZeU 8! TORONTO MINING broadcast (GUbert Cooper) from the Curtis-Wright „ 4 Curtis-Wright "A" 141 bottom of the ocean, some ten mUes Delaware & Hudson 9 QUOTATIONS down! This scene culminates in Del Lack. & West 51 the appearance of rare and beautiful Douglas Air .____ K>! Aldermac .44 fish, aptly described by the Doctor Elec. Auto-Lite 151 Bankfield .90 as they gUde by his window. Rare Elec. Power & Lt. 71 Beattie 1.12 Erie R.R 21 indeed, for they do not hesitate to Bidgood Kirk. 315 take part in the conversation. The Elec Boat 7 Big Missouri Unq. Foster Wheeler ____ 131 Bralorne 8.55 giant electric eel climaxed a weU Gen. Electric 301 Buff. Ankerite 1325 planned fantasy. A Marsh FoUy Gen. Foods Corp. 25 Can. Malartic .87 Gen. Motors 281 landscape astonished the audience Cent. Patricia 2.47 by its reaUsm and accompanying Goodrich Rub. ... 12 Chibougamau Unq. Goodyear Rub. ... 161 Chrom. Smelt. ______J5 dialogue, carried by the two scientists Granby 31 Conarium _____„_. Unq. who slept "on the spot," and gave a Great North, pf. 141 turn to the "sunken" treasure con­ Gt .West Sugar 241 Darkwater „ ______Unq. Houston OU 51 Dome 19.25" cealed in the salty depths. So many Eldorado 1.35 good things greeted the eye on the Hudson Motor Car 6 East Malartic 2.45 Hupp Motor Car _. 1 Fal. Bridge Unq. opening night that space forbids Indus. Rayon 161 Francoeur , • •• 32 special mention of each: the Wings Ins. Copper 8| Godslake ______„ ST over Beimada, Little Coral Cottage, Intl. Harvester 551 Gunnar Gold _____.„. .78 Intl. Nickel (Can.: 415 this perhi ps the most beautiful of aU, Hardrock 2.12 danced by Don Evans and Eleanor Intl Paper 51 Harker .11 Intl Paper pfd 22 Hughes as the Bermuda honeymoon Intl Tel. & Tel.. HolUnger 13.00 Hudson Bay 23.00 couple; the famous Gombey Dance, Kennecott Cop. 301 Lambert Tellicoe .62 Arthur Cooper and chorus of dancers, 91 Kerr-Addison 1.65 Loews, Inc 36 thrilling in its reaUsm—and it's Mack Truck 17 Kirk Lake 1 05 Lake Shore 50.50 doubtful if Smith's HiU could ap­ Macy 27 proximate it. Yet as a grand climax Math Alk 22 Lit. Long Lac. 4.10 Mid-Con. Pet 14 Mclntyre 38.15 to the whole show came the "Puffin" Montgomery Ward 27 Mack Red Lake .93 Fanny" scene, a ferry to Somerset, Motor Products 12 McWatters .63 ARCTIC RESCUE—WhUe the world waited for news, a dramatic with its strangely assorted crew Macassa 4.00 Here are rescue scenes. Top. the camp on the floe Center Murray Corp 4 battle was fought with Arctic currents, winds and storms to left, Leader Papanin, right, meets Gennady Vlasov first aviator eager to get home after a shopping Nash-Kelvinator . MacLeod-Cockshutt 3.40 rescue the four Russian scientists, Ivan Papanin, Ernest Krenkel, 81 Mining Corp. 1.70 from the icebreakers to reach the camp. Center right Krenkel tour in Hamilton. It would be giving Natl. Cash Register 131 Eugene Federoff and Pytor Shirshoff, from their perilous position Moneta 1.87 sends- the camp's radio equipment over the ice to a rescue ship away this scene to describe the dia­ Natl Dairy Prod 131 on a drifting ice floe. EventuaUy the icebreakers Murman and Lower left, digging equipment out of the deep snow Lower NatL Dist Noranda 53.00 Taimyr succeeded in reaching them and they and their scientific logue which kept the house in an 19'. O'Brien 3.10 right, planes of the Taimyr being assembled on the ice prepara­ Natl. Power & Lt. ... 6 records and equipment were saved. During eight months of work tory to scouting trips to locate the party. The furious gale on uproar untU the curtain. A final Natl Steel Omega .36} and three weeks of danger, the party drifted 1,000 mUes. 471 Pam. Porco 3.30 Jan. 21 broke the floe, leaving the camp on a smaU ice island. scene in the new Town Hall brought New Haven II N.Y. Central _ u_ Paymaster , .45 the Revue to a fitting close, with the North Amer. Co. 15J Pend OreUle .... „. 1.53 full cast appearing in the weU known Perron 125 North. Pacific „ Z 71 LONDON, April 6. (CP)—Prices BgjSgjjS song, "Harem Scarem Days." Ohio Oil _. Unq Pickle Crow 4.15 mm Omnibus 8:; Pioneer 3.00 closed gsneraUy higher in today's mi Packard Motor Car Preston Dome .85 market. GUtedgeds were in good BiUy Adderley's music is his best, 41 Read Authier . Unq Paramount Pic 61 demand and industrials as well. the orchestra under Anthony Ferraz Paramount Pic. pf. Red Lake Gold 21 gave a fine support to all the seelec- RoyaUte Oil 37.50 Tobaccos, irons, steels and rubbers Penn RR 161 tions, the sets constructed by Stan­ PhilUp Morris San Antonio 1.38 improved, and foreign bonds moved 80 ley Feakins and Mr. George Smith PhiUips Petrol 31 Shawky 20 upward, especiaUy Austrian and Plymouth OU 161 Sherritt-Gordon 1.07 German Uens. Transatlantics re­ after designs by Arthur Cooper, the Siscoe 2.35 Pressed Steel 6 mained steady. lighting by Walter Rutherford and Pub. Serv. of N.J 28.. Sladen-Malarctic , 1.02 Stadacona .60 Harry Monks, and in fact aU who Pure OU g| assisted on the stage, these deserve Purity Bakeries 7} Sudbury Basin _ 2.30 Quotations SuUivan Cons. 96 you the congratulations of the audience. Radio Corp ___ 5a Sylvanite 3.00 Radio-Keith-Orph „.. Unq LONDON, April 6. (CP)—Cable Last night's house was completely Remington-Rand __ 103 Tech-Hughes 455 sold out, as is tonight's. Altogether Thompson CadUlac 27 and Wireless £62J. Bonds—British Repub. Steel Corp 13] the very best Harem Scarem show Seaboard OU (DeL) _ 17| Ventures 4.85 2|% Conscls f74-3 8; British 3|% ever attempted. Further comment Sears Roebuck „ 5i| Waite Amulet ,,, . \25 War Loan £102-3/8; British Funding Shell Union Oil ZZ 12} Wood Cadillac „„ 25 4's, 1960-90, £112; BrazU Funding want to know wiU appear later. Wright Hargreaves 650 Simmons Co. , 15" 5's £26}; French War 5's £101; German Socony-Vac. Oil 121 Lapa Cadillac AS Southern Pacific . JOJ Cal. and Ed. . .. 2.03 7*S, 1924, £54. Southern RaUway . 7J the best places to buy Sperry Corp ZZZZZZZ 17J Standard Brands 7| U.S. PACIFIC POUCY Stand. Oil of N.J. ZZZZZ. 431 HEAVY LOSSES ON FRUIT Stewart-Warner _ 7J New York Stocks Suffer Mild WASHINGTON, Apr. 6. (CP)—Pre­ Stone Webster 6j sident Roosevelt in consultation with CLOTHING Studebaker Corp 43 Superior OU ZZZ... gl Setback Yesterday the PhUippine Commonwealth agreed "Desperate Position" of Texas Corp 36 to postpone the island's independence Texas Gulf Suph ZZ 282 until the end cf 1960. The State FURNITURE The foUowing report cf yesterday's Tidewater Assd _ 12 Department made pubUc an outline Industry activities on the New York stock Tunken _ 35J of the programme providing for the Read the Union Pacifiic ._ 62 exchange is pubUshed by courtesy gradual elimination oi trade prefer­ FOOD PRODUCTS United Aircraft 21J of Thatcher and Co., kcal corres­ United Airlines 6 pondents for Paine, Webber & Co., ences now existing between tho CAPETOWN.-Mere f thr. 1,000 United Corp ...... 21 cf New York: islands and the United States. The deciduous fruit exjerterf in the United Corp. pf 25 HARDWARE programme does not change the data advertising Western F10vin.ce aie to-cYj~ con- There was a mUd setback in stocks United Drug _ 53 of July 4, 1946, but provides that United Gas Imp „ gj tcday (Wednesday), on small volume. ironed with a serious fin* r.ciEl posi­ economic ties shaU not be severed & U.S. Indus. Alco 153 Closing levels were about the same BEVERAGES tion. Heavy losses have tun tsieri- U.S. Pipe & Fdy 23J until nearly fifteen years after that as noon prices. The average net enced cn the export[ of s


HORSE RACES AT SHELLY MARINE BALL Linfield Defeats Glentoran METEOROLOGICAL NOTES BAY TRACK TODAY 4-1 in Belfast Cup Soccer With flags flying the good ship AprU 6th. Local and Foreign Sporting News "HamUton" sailed into poit, an­ The SheUy Bay race track tbis after­ BELFAST, April 6. (CP)—Linfield Barometer— noon wiU be the scene of an afternoon chored and is now the center of defeated Glentoran 4-1 in a Belfast 8.00 a.m 1025.3 milUbars of Bermuda horse racing. The Ber­ interest as aU hands join in to make FootbaU Cup game played today. 30.28 Inches muda Jockey Club is staging the the "Marine BaU" the great event 8.00 p.n> 1025 4 n i flltbara back and were twice aU but over. meet, which is scheduled to start at of the season. H.M.S. ORION CAPTURES CROWDS PAY TRIBUTE AT 30 28 inches Again Morris crossed the ApoUo Une 2.30 p.m. Tc take racing fans to the There is extra incentive for aU Wind— NICHOLL RUGBY SHIELD CRICKETER'S FUNERAL track, a special train is being run concerned in the knowledge that the almost In the corner and gave the taken of the sick or troubled members 1 8.0cam N.W.byN. 9ml perhr. from Hamilton at two o'clock, and proceeds wUl be turned over to the Orion a 9-5 lead, the try being "un­ of their famiUes. Noon W.N.W 5mi.p«rhr. will deUver its passengers almost at SaUors' Home, a most wcrthy enter­ converted. Death of Cyril Christiani Loss The staff of the Hamilton are as 8.0op in calm ApoUo Lose 9-5 in Naval the gate. prise. Many a stcry could be told of In the final minutes of the game usual co-operating whole-heartedly Max Teni,> for 24 hrs™. ... 71 to West Indian Cricket the fine things done for the seamen Trophy Final Yesterday the ApcUo worked their way into with Jenny Lee in making the "Ma­ Mtn Temp for 24 hrs— ....57 enemy ground, but when the final -o- who have come to lock upon the rine BaU" a success. Entertainments GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, Rainfall for 24 hrs _. _\ whistle blew the Orion were back Home as a very real refuge in time of of a high Cider—refreshments—danc­ PRINCETON-YALE VARSITY April 6. (CP)—Huge crowds stood in Sunshine for24 hrs. ^.11 hrs.30 min. on the offensive. Morris crossed the tiouble and a real home in moments ing to the Yale Prom Orchestra, the rain at the funeral yesterday to RUGBY NIGHT TONIGHT FOREIGN REPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP TODAY Une a fourth time, but the linesman of loneliness. Mr. Tucker, who so conducted by Eddie Wittstein. and pay a last tribute to Cyril Marcel signaUed that he had I een forced cut. ably conducts this splendid work, tables for bridge are among the fea­ Christiani, the briUiant 25-year-old An elaborate dinner for the Yale- The teams were: Orion:- Snook; has endeared himself to the families' tures planned. A Spot Waltz prize H.M.S. Orion captured the NichoU British Guiana wicket keeper whc Piinceton rugby players and their Morris, Biookbanks, Jones, Hughes; of many saUors by the care he has and a doer prize wffl be given. Rugby Shield yesterday by defeating died on Monday night after an Ul friends numbering almost one hun­ Sturdy, Davis; Hodges (capt), Smith 1 H.M.S. ApoUo 9-5 on the Bermuda ness of only nine days. His death dred and fifty, wUl take place to­ DATE a-""- Gould, Nettleton, Shephard, CrcxtaU, Athletic Association field before a came as a shock to the general com night at the Hamilton HoteL April 6th. -~4> Ratcliffe, Tarr. •S-e violently enthusiastic crowd com­ munity, which was unaware that he This annual affair has been ar­ o a posed mainly of officers «md men ApoUo:- Westaway; J. S. Smith, was even Ul. Experts regard his ranged by Mr. A. E. Nichr.U who I* frcm the two rival ships. A briUiant Perring, Nawton (capt), Bainett; death as a loss to West Indian has been instrumantal and untiring second-half offensive that sei/t Mor­ Neal, Sayer; McCaUum, Rennie, A- cricket, almost on the eve of the in his efforts to make lugby weel CANADA ris over for three unconverted tries Smith, Pidd, Rotherham, Atherton, tour of England next summer. He a success. 1 atar in the evening then Montreal 28 b brought the OriDn their weU-deserved Btdst, Worthington. was soon to have been married to wiU be dancing and entartainment Ottawa. 24 b in a fast and open game. The Miss Louie Davis. in the spacious Grill to the music o. Toronto 20 be opening strongly, led 5-0 Eddie Wittstein and his Yale Prom U.S.A. time, Neal's try being conver­ Orchestra. Entertainment of an Boston 30 b ted by Field. ON THE SIDELINES Liverpc and Manchester Informal«haracter is also anticipated iSIew Yoib .... 34 c The captains of the ApcUv. and the from some cf the guests. Phfladeipbia ... 32 b Oricn attended the game, occupying City W League Matches There is no minimum oi cover Atlantic City... 36 be the ser.~~s ;f honour with Mr. W. E. Yesterday's game was the best charge and tbe griU is open to tha Washington 38 be trace , president of the Beimuda exhibition of rugger football seen in LONDON April 6. (CP)—Liverpool general pubhc. BERMUDA Association, ar.d Dr. W. E. Bermuda for some time. Speed, com­ edged oui; i. 3-2 decision over Birm- Other attractions planned fcr this St. George'e 62 Captain de Meric of the bination and long punting made the ingham ar L Manchester City drove night under the patroraga cf Vice- ;tnted the Shield and med- game most interesting for the large in five gci s to Charlton Athletic's Admiral Sidney JuUus Meyrick and NOTE:—b—blue sky, be lartly e victorious Orion XV after crowd whc attended. three in fi st division EngUsh Foot- Mrs. Meyrick, proceeds to the Ber­ cloudy, c—cloudy, o—overcast, r— ib. Introduced by Mr. A. E. * * * baU Leagu matches played today. muda Sailors' Home, and the treasure rain, p—passing showers, a--snow, Snor of the Shield and or- Oricn's scrum though much lighter party Saturday night. Sunday eve­ f—fog, t—trace, bf—blue sky and f Rugby Week, Captain de than ApoUo's did remaikably good ning there wiU be the usual Sunday fog, rs—sleet, z—hazy. d that as yesterday was the work and Davis fed his three-quarters night concert featuring Miss Jenny Newcastle Winner in Rugby 0- last appearance in the Shield to perfection all afternoon. Lee, concert soprano. icn he wanted to thank Mr. * Sf Sf League Game Yesterday for fostering rugby in Ber­ ApoUo le oked Uke potential winners CUST 0MS HO'JSt muda. in the first hah, especiaUy during LONDON, AprU 6. (CP)—Newcastle ;by Week concludes today with the first ten minutes, when they had defeated Featherstone 6-4 today in Rate of Exchaosr* the pi; .ying of tha feature match complete control of the play. How­ an English Rugby League game. SCOTTISH CU? SEMI­ rogramme, the Inter-Vaisity ever, the speed of the Orion players Up between Princeton was too much for them and in the FINAL REPLAY DRAWN Th6 following rate? ex- Princeton are the present last "half the game was aU Orion'.. cha age w TM tn fore the the title, having defeated * * * St. Bernard's-East Fife Customs House on Wedes day. : year. Yale did not take Oricn's three quarter line wcik April 6th. shy Week last year. The with clock-like precision and all trys Second Meeting Ends 1-1 U.S.A.. 1.96 lieh wiU be played on the resulted from beautiful baU handling Canada t.99 B.A.A. field, starts at 3.15p.m. and accurate passing. EDINFrrCK, i.jiJ 6. (CP)—Extra Belgium *• 2*'.4 7 merican college sides wiU * * * time failed to settle the sen.i-fin-?l (Photo—Bermuda News J_ . France 161 play great rugby today tc Korris, outside quarter for Orion of the Scottish FootbaU dp today YACHT3XJAN AT GOLF.—Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith, the famous EngUsh yachts­ Germany equ eon in yesterday's match, scored all three trie... Hodges was between East rife.end ft. Eemard's. man, an I his wife, photographed at the Mid-Ocean Golf Club. Mr. and 12 37 Holland teams were fast, weU- unable to^convert, having to taka the Playing their second game at lyn.e- Mrs. Sopwith arrived on Monday in the motor-yacht Philante with a party H 97 castli Pt.rk in en effort to determine Hong Konfr 1 3 balan and showed splendid kicks from different angles. of guests, en route to England from an extensive cruise which has taken that resulted in a number which vul n.eet Kiln.£.__nock ir. the the Philante out into the Pacific. Italy 91 teair.-" Japan passing n_cv_.ii_e.r_ts. It Apollo looked as though they were 23, tl tv, • XiC-. •r.d cm-is- (Plioto by Knudsen' 1 2 st as though the ApoUo, away to the races with a clear field ittlod tc £, 1- 1 drew aft! r cs, would have things ahead cf them shortly before the over eit her te n had scored i way. but throughout the close of the game. However, a costly at t; the result; icn 90 min - the Giioii dominated the tumble by Newton disaster. utes Apollo's outstanding * * * al, was carefully watched Neal scored for Apollo ea -ly in th ad scored and in the game and Pidd successfully kicked .rid he was never able to the ball over the bar foi the extra two second ay. Beautiful combination points. There was no other scoring break ; FOREIGN ire ie Orion's three-quarters in the first half. among inneis a decided superiority half and Morris' three J. S. Smith, Neal and V erthmgfe (>'3:;~ time and forced a "safety." Lr._ke away, however, and a s by the Oricn aUowed KJUO to work their way once int j enemy ground. The iad a chance t_> score a pen­ alty goal, but Neal's kick failed. a briei raUy, the Orion ick into ApoUo territory but ground as the ApoUo foiwaids dribbled back. Just before hah time Neal got away to touch down just i the posts and Pidd converted ie ApoUo a 5-0 lead. second period the Orion their efforts and then ters broke away more and ;en. A chance to score a al came early, and althc ugh j ick failed, the Orion were 3 denied, and Morris finaUy r in the corner. Hodges was ;o convert from the difficult angle an . the score stood at 5-3 for the Apollo. Attacking in fast and furious fashion, the Orion brcught their supporters cheering to their feet as a brUhant passing movement ended with lv_.on.-is scoring again in almost the same spot. Although the try was ne t converted, the Orion led by a point ,6-5. Morris was injured, but he continued to play. The Orion at this point were de­ (_.- 1 .to by Knud. finitely the superior team and for­ ONE DESIGNS START RACES.—The two Royal Bermuda Yacht Club One Designs and the two Long Iland (Photo by Knudsen) Sound One Designs which have come down to give them battle, shown at the start of yesterday's ced the play constantly. A long kick ~iich NICHOLL SHIELD WINNERS.—The H.M.S. Orion rugby XV which yesterday captured the Nicholl Rugby was declared no race when the leading boat tailed to finish within the stipulated time limit oV by Sturdy sent the baU deep into and Shield by defeating H.M.S. Apollo 9-5 in the final on the Bermuda Athletic Association field. Trailing 5-0 at a half hours. As a result, two races wffl be sailed today' In this picture, ~EI~Salan , saUeVbv Herb rt"-/ ApoUo territory, and although New­ is in half time, the Orion dominated the play in the second period and Morris scored three unconverted tries, the lead at the extreme right, foUowed by Zephyr, sailed by J. E. Pearman Coquette "ail F ton gamed ground fcr the ApoUo sd by N On the B.A.A. field today the feature match of Rugby Week wffl be played, Princeton meeting Yale for the Feather, sailed by Bffl Cox. Feather was forced off the mark by Coauette and eo and with a fine run, the Orion rushea iy well a- Inter-Varsity Championship. loth-- '-oats. the


Cuban Station to Re-Broad­ from the famed California track on HANDS OFF AMERI­ ALL SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS IN U.S. AND February 22, 1939, and the Santa COLUMBIA PLANS GREATEST SPORTS cast Concerts by tbe NBC Anita Handicap, fcr the world's CAN RADIO BROAD­ Symphony ABROAD COVERED BY NBC richest stakes on March 4, 1939. COVERAGE IN NETWORK'S HISTORY CASTING In addition to the opening basebaU Three nations heraafter wiU re­ games, NBC wUl broadcast the an­ A crack array of sport broadcasters led by Ted Husing wiU foUow ceive the NBO Symphcny Orchestra With the crack of baU against bat re-echoing throughout the nation nual AU-Star Game which this year the sports traU aU over the United States this year to bring WABC-Colum­ concerts direct from the studio in as radio attends the opening Major League basebaU games on AprU 18, the wiU be played in the home park oi Reporting at the same time to the bia network Usteners vivid and accurate eye-witness stories of the deeds Radio City, it was announced today National Broadcasting Company wUl inaugurate one of the most impressive the Cincinnati Reds on July 6; and stockholders of his company and to of the world's greatest athletes, according- to a preliminary schedule recently. RCA facittties wffl carry microphone sports parades ever scheduled. Outlining the year's calendar the World Series games scheduled the Ustening pubUc, William S. to begin on or about October 7. released today by Columbia's Department of Sports. Paley, President of the Columbia the programme to Station CMQ, of sports for the networks, NBC officials announced a programme widened Havana, for rebroadcast in Cuba Broadcasting System, Tuesday night in scope to include aU major events in Europe and America. Track meets scheduled for NBC Encouraged by the enthusiastic each Saturday at 1:00 pjn., Bermu­ advocated greater pubUc Interest network broadcasts include the Bos­ response accorded the sports broad­ da-time. NBC's sport coverage will take 27, February 3. February 10, February the Poughkeepsie Regatta on the in ah proposals tending toward cen­ ton A_A.U. Marathon, yearly a Pat­ casts of 1937, Columbia plans even Julian Muriel, Spanish speaking Usteners to the Penn Relays in 24, March 3, March 10, March 17, Hudson, on June 27; the Washington- sorship of broadcasting, the vesting riots' Day feature in the Bay State, broader coverage this year with ex­ announcer on the staff of the NBC Philadelphia; to England tor descrip­ March 24 and May 12. CaUfornia Crew Race from Seattle of programme cantrol in any regu­ on April 19; the Penn Relays from clusive word pictures of leading International Division, wffl handle tion of the exciting tennis matches on AprU 16; the Mid-Continent Re­ lating authority, or undermining Horse races scheduled for broad­ Franklin Field in PhUadelphia on events of the United States Lawn the broadcasts exclusively for Cuban at Wimbledon; to the fight ringside gatta from Marietta, Ohio, on July the American, system of private com­ cast over NBC networks foUow: from Drake University, Des Moines, Tennis Association, including the UstersEas. Senor Muriel, who is an for blow-by-blow reports of the thrUl- 2; the International Fisherman's petitive operation. The Chesaoeaka Stakes, feature Iowa, on April 30; the Yale-Haivard Davis Cup finals; the United States Argentinian, wUl be at the micro­ packed heavyweight boxing bouts; Race off the Grand Banks of New­ of the Havre de Grace track season, track meet from the Harvard Sta­ Golf Association; the United States ~M> Paley, who broadcast bis report phone each week to make necessary to America's leading tracks and pad­ foundland on August 1. on AprU 23; the Maryland Hunt dium, Cambridge, Mass., on May Polo Association; the Poughkeepsie over the Cclumbia network, said the announcements in Spanish. docks for eyewitnesses accounts of GoU tournaments which wffl be broad casters had been at fault for not Cup Race from Glyndon, Maryland, 14; the IC4A Track Meet from Ran- Regatta; the Kentucky Derby and Beth the United States and Canada outstanding horse races, and to all reported for NBC network audiences participating more fuUy in pubUc on April 30; the Dixie Handicap cUU's Island Stadium in New York every importance stake race of the have heard the performances regu­ important footbaU and basebaU wiU include the Walker Cup matches discussions of the use of the medium, from the PimUco track on May 11, on June 3 and June 4; the National New York Jockey Club. AU these larly on Saturday evenings from games and golf matches. from the famous St. Andrew's Course suggested that the industry unite on a and the famous Preakness from the CoUegiate A.A. Track Meet frcm the events wUl be presented exclusively 1 -00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Bermuda time, in Scotland cn July 3 and 4; the programme of progress, pubUc and Many of thesa events wiU be broad­ same track thtee days later on May University of Minnesota Stadium over the Columbia network during over the NBC networks and the chain National Amateur GoU Tournament protection and said that the newly cast exclusively over Natic .rial Bioad- 14; the King's Plate Race, major event in Minneapolis on June 18; the 1938. of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpo- from the Oakmont Country Club reorganized National Association of casting Company networks. These of the Canadian racing season at Princeton Invitation Track Meet from In addition to these events, Col­ ticn. But Cuba and the rest of the in Oakmont, Pennsylvania, from Broadcasters weU might be the in­ include, especially aU boxing cham­ Toronto, Ontario, on May 21; the Palmer Stadium, Princeton, on June umbia wiU broadcast at the scene, world, except for occasional special September 12 to September 17; the strument for forming and promoting pionship fights during 1938 and 1939, EngUsh Derby, from Epsom Downs, 18; the National Amateur Athletic accounts of many other outstanding •arrangements, got the broadcast Women's Amateur GoU Champion­ such a programme. He added that and featuring the Max SchmeUng- England, in an international broad­ Union Championships from Buffalo, sporting spectacles, such as the by short wave, Cuba receiving that ships from tbe Westmoreland Coun­ he beUeved that the broadcasters, Joe Louis outdoor heavyweight cast on June 1; the Wilmington New York, en July 2, 3 and 4; and the world famous IndianapoUs auto be__med to South America. try Club, WUmette, Illinois, fixm ^nce a programme had been formed, championship bout on June 22; Handicap, opening day event at the World Labour Track Meet from Ran- September 19 to 24; the National race, track and field meets, and base­ should ask for the support of aU By means of the new channel Cu­ all Amateur Athletic Union Track Delaware Track at Wilmington on daU's Island Stadium on July 9. Open GoU Tournament frcm the baU classics. poUtical parties and aU, pubUc spirit­ ban music lovers wiU be able to hear Meets; aU IntercoUegiate A.A.A.A. June 8; the HoUywood Opening Tennis matches which wiU be de­ Cherry Hills Club, Englewood, Colo­ Ted Husing wUl describe the play ed men and wcmen. the concerts as a regular CMQ feature. track meets; the Preakness, one of Horse Race from Inglewood Park, scribed or summarized in NBC Net­ rado, on June 9, 10 and 11; and the in the final round of the Davis Cup Though strongly and forcefully America's classic events of the turf; California, on June 10; the Massa­ work broadcasts, depending on the International $10,000 Open GcU Tour­ matches when the survivor of the ie, the radio official's address the Indianapolis AutomobUe Races chusetts Handicap from the Suffolk Ust of stars include the Wight- nament from the Belmont GoU Club, world-wide eliminations meets the showed that considerable apprehen­ and the International Fisherman's Downs in Boston, on June 29; the man Cup Matches from Winbledon, Belmont, Massachusetts, in Septem­ US. team, over the Labour Day sion of Government interference is Race off the Grand Banks. Kent Handicap from the Delaware England on June 10 and June 11; the ber. Weekend. He wiU also be at the being felt by broadcasting companies. Park Track, Wilmington, on July National Clay Court Tennis Finals With additional programme yet Other broadcasts arranged by NBC microphone for the North Ameri­ The CBS president's remarks clearly 2; the Stars and Stripes Handicap, from Chicago, June 18 to June 26; to be booked, NBO's sports calendar for radio sports fans wiU include a can Zone finals, August 11, 12, 13, indicated that there is a group in annual hoUday race at the Arling­ the Wimbledon Tournament from | from now until, May 12, 1939, in- report of the Soap Box Derby from and the inter-Zone finals, August e United States who new regard ton Park Track in Chicago, on July England, June 20 to July 2; the North i eludes 24 horse races, 20 boxing, Akton, Ohio, August 14; the Chicago 18, 19, 20. The Germantown Cricket American broadcasting as among 4; the Sussex Handicap from Dela­ American Zone Davis Cup Finals, bouts, nine track and field meets- AU Star FootbaU Game from Sol­ Club wUl probably be the scene of the -'big business" of the land, and ware Park on July 9; the HoUywood from Germantown, Pennsylvania; seven tennis matches, five gcU match­ diers' Field on September 1; the all three matches. Columbia wiU consequently in Une for certain re­ Horse Race frcm HoUy­ August 11, 12 and 13; the Interzone es and other summaries, five ciew New York AU Star FootbaU Game also cover the National Doubles striction and uncertain regulation. wood Park on July 16; the Classic Davis Cup Finals, probably from j and boat races, and numerous other from the Polo Grcunds on Septem­ championship play at Chestnut Badio broadcasting would not bethe Stakes from Arlington Park, Chicago, Germantown, on August 18, 19 and j broadcasts of football games, soft- ber 7; aU outstanding coUege foot­ Hills, Mass., August 22,-27, and the first big business to suffer from on July 23, the Arlington Park Fu­ 20; National Doubles Tennis Matches I ball tournaments, the International baU games of the season, including mens and women's singles at For­ America's recent wave of "mono­ turity and the ArUngton Park Handi­ for Men and Women frcm the Long- j Dog Derby, National Cornhuskers the Army-Navy Game from PhUa­ est HUls, N. Y., September 7-17. poly phobia." cap, both cn July 30; the Ladies' Cup wood Tennis Club, Boston, August Derby and the National Air Races, Other exclusive broadcasts include Race for Trotters on August 16, and 22 through to the finish of the tourney delphia on November 26; the Rose The Ust of NBC's championship the big three matches of golfdom— Mr. Pealy said that Federal regula- the Hamblstonian Stakes on August the Davis Cup Finals, from German- Bowl footbaU game from Pasadena, boxing broadcasts foUows: National Open at Denver, June 9, 10 lon arose originaUy out of the fact 17, both from Good Time in Goshen, town on September 3, 4 and 5; the and the Sugar Bowl game from 11; the P. G. A. at Shawneee-on-Dela- that stations had to be poUced in The European and American Gold­ New York; the Narragansett Special, National Singles Tennis Matches Tulane Stadium, New Orleans on ware, July 10-16, and the National hat their broadcasts shquld en Gloves Finals in New York in from Narragansatt Park, Pawtucket, for Men and Women from Forest New Year's Day, 1939; the Corn- Ameteur at Oakmont C. C, Pitts­ ere with each other, since June; the Schmeling -Louis cham­ Park, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, on HUls, New York, September 8 tc husker's Derby from Lincoln, Ne­ burg. Sept. 12-17. Also the Kentucky such interference marred the listen- pionship bout on June 22; the Car­ September 10; the Foxcatcher Grand September 17. braska, in September, 1938; the Inter­ ? reception. Were it net for this nival of Champions in September; National Steeplechase from Fair Hills, national Dogsled Derby from Quebec, Derby, May 7 the Poughkeepsie Re­ limitation, he declared that there and championship fights, the cards Maryland, on September 10; the Crew and boat races scheduled Canada, on February 18, 1939; the gatta, June 27, and championship would be no more reason for special for which are not yet drawn, on Oc­ Hawthorne Gold Cup Horse Race by NBC will feature eyewitness re­ National Soft BaU Finals from Chic­ matches being presented under the n of broadcasting than there tober 5, November 2, November 18. from Hawthorne Park, Chicago, on ports of the Harvard-Yale crews in ago on September 12, 1938, and the auspices of the United States Polo igalating newspapers or November 25, December 16, and in Octcber 1; the Santa Anita Derby action on the Thames River in New National Air Races frcm Cleveland, Association. hardware stores, and urged that 1939, January 6, January 13, January London, Connecticut, on June 24; Ohio, on September 5, 1938. Husing will start his sports parade therefore, should be lim- Saturday. April 23. when he clambers e bare necessities cf the to the top of the water tower at eass." West 165th St. in New York City to Ju t who are making the proposal cover the mile and a half race be­ = not been made clear. Frank Parker joined the "HoUy­ tween the crews of Navy and Colum­ they are being made to wood Hotel" cast as featured male bia. This race will be rowed on the : by tl e Federal Communi- singer began with the programme Harlem River between 300 and 3.30 Cimiiissioi-, the Govern- last Friday, April 1, broadcast over p.m., Bermuda time. The contest t bocrd which licences tbeAmeri- the WABC-Columbia nationwide net­ is of particular interest as both s to broadcast "in the work from 10.00 to 11.00 p.m., Ber­ eights are Poughkeepsie starters ist, convenience andne- muda time... During the past several and experts give Navy a fine chance months the tenor has been study­ TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES to snap Washington's two year mas­ 117. Paley mentioned the frees _i_~iit- ing operatic roles, and only recently tery of the Hudson. 1 as yet unsettled question maae his debut in Washington, D.C, WEAF WLW WJZ WABC GSO, F, D, B & B Track dates arranged at the mom­ my broadcasting stations in Verdi's "La Traviata." He w be 660 kilocycles 700 kUocycles 760 kilocycles 8S0 flocycles 15.18,15.14,11.75 & 9.51 Mc/s. ent include the Penn. Relays in NEW YORK CINCINNATI NEW YORK DAVENTRY, ENGLAND ?rk shoul -lowed to own featured in duets with Ann Jami­ NEW YORK Philadelphia April 29, 30; the Prince­ haps the most son, soprano star of the programme, Lorenzo Jones—comedy Dan Harding's Wife Club Matinee—variety Adventures in Science Interval ton Heptagonal, May 21; and the 5.00 sketch redic ileus part of the argument who just made a successful Newl show Princeton Invitation Meet, June IS. in wl- i 2 Mr. Paley rightfully defends York concert debut; and with the The Story of Mary Marlin, Life of Marv Sotheri University of Micigan Glee The news and announce­ Because of heavy sectional inter­ roadcaster, the question of the other stars on the programme, in­ 5.15 sketch Club ments est in baseball many Columbia out­ lets throughout the country wiU >aid for stations. It has cluding Frances Langford, Ken NUes, The Hughes Reel, with HeUo Peggy The Goldbergs—sketch that the purchasing Raymond Paige's Orchestra and Ken Rush Hughes 5.35—Music by Chopir carry play-by-play accounts of the stations be governed Murray and "Oswald," as weU as the j activities of teams in their vicinity. The Road of Life—sketch Same as WEAF Current Questions before The network plans include the by the F.C.C.! leading motion picture guest stars. the House i years American radio has annual All-Star which wiU be played Glee Club programme 5.50— "Food for Thought " develoj 3 a point of sufficiency Dick Tracey—sketch Junior Nurse Corp. Lets Pretend talks in Cincinnati this year, and the 6.00 Press Radio News. World Series classic next fall. Open­ far in nxe of most fcieign coon- 6.10—"Take Your Choice." So far the Government, Oberlin CoUege A CapeUa Jack Armstrong—sketch Don Winslow of the Navy ing day arrangements are not com­ tries, of 43 voices weekly entertainment throng the F.C.C, have been con- —dramatic sketch feature pleted, except for the preview, Mon­ day, April 18, from 5.00 to 6.00 pjn., tent t ;ulate only the' station Jack Armstrong—drama­ Same as WJZ The Singing Lady Stepmother dramatic its. New it is suggested that tic sketch sketch Bermuda time, when experts in the eight cities playing host to inaugu­ .C. should encroach upon little Orphan Annie- HUltop House Washington Calling—or­ HiUtop House—Bess John­ ral day games, wiU be heard discus­ what has become a "big business," childhood playlet chestra and vocaUsts son a private, competitive business, and sing the basebaU prospects of the George R. Holmes, I.N.S. The Editor's Daughters News Reporter. Rakov's Press Radio News. George Close Down season. control to the point of dictating the speaker Orchestra Hall's Orchestra : will pay for its stationr. GSP, 15.31; GSD, 11.75; —0 CONSTIPATION Teddy Hill and his Orches­ Tunes for Two Howard Phillips, songs s wanted is less government tra GSC, 9.58; & GSB 9.51 mc s. in business, not more. Hands off By arousing the torpid, sluggish NATIONAL & COLUMBIA liver to healthful action, you eliminate 20—Medvedeff's Balalaika the;sting companies, so long Fress Radio News AUan Franklyn, sports Organist and Pianist Boake Carter, news com­ Orchestra NETWORK ACTIVITIES as they adhere to the ordinary laws the_ cause of constipation and chronic 7.30 mentator indigestion. You can depend on Gulden Serenaders of the land. It is better that Ameri­ this time-proven treatment, loan Edwards, contralto can broadcasting remain as it is DR. CHASE'S 7.35 Secretary Hull on NBC and than for it tc become Europeanized id 'AUen Criminals in Amer­ CBS with Pan-American j much Government control. K »«Y-Liver Pills 7.45 Same as WJZ LoweU Thomas, news com Doris Rhodes, songs. Press ica", talk mentator Radio News Day Address 8.00 Amos *n Andy—sketch Same as WEAF Easy Aces—Comedy sketch Just Entertainment—or­ 'Monkey Wrenches in the chestra and vocalists "Monkey Wrenches in th An address by Secretary of State BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Cordell HuU, and music by the Unit­ VV-tcal Varieties; Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost HoUywood Screenscoops, 8.15 Recital of French-Canad­ ed Service Orchestra, composed of Persons—drama by George McCaU ian Folk-songs Shaefer Kevue—Leo Reis- members of the three U.S. Service .30 Headline Heroes Elvira Rios, Mexican We, the People—Gabriel Bands, will feature a Pan-American WSWAM man and Company, with singer Heatter, director; Mark ELLINGTON Ray Heatherton Warnow's Orch;. dra­ 8.40—The news and an­ Day concert to be presentad ever the Henry Burbig—Cheer Up Steinie Bottle Boys matizations nouncements National Broadcasting Company KBC'S GLAMOUR GIRL SINGER 1 8.45 America ACCIBENTALLYlLOSTHEB SH0BSK* and Cclumbia Broadcasting System _gJ5HIW6 ~ft>|Hf|! FlRlsS BIG SHI3W- Rudy VaUee and his Con­ The March of Tune- news networks tonight. OM&t A'Blfj _ HmANp fow < 9.00 necticut Yankees: guest, Same as WEAF Kate Smith Hour—Jack Big Ben, Sea Shanties. The S artists dramatization Miller's Orchestra; BBC Men's Chorus. An­ Secretary HuU's talk wiU be heard T_OT%I/1T dramas and guest artist!: nouncements in EngUsh, between 10.30 and ll.CO p.m., Bsr- 9.15 Spanish and Portuguese muda time, over both networks and iO[ S, i. r Barry McKinley, baritone Close Down of Empire will be shortwaved over W3XAL, 9.30 Programmes. Beginning W2XAF and W8XK for the National Eastman School Sym­ of South American Broadcasting Company and over phony Orchestra—Dr. transmission on GSB. 1^45 Howard Hanson, con­ W2XE for Columbia. The United ductor GSD, 11.75; GSC, 9.58; Service Orchestia will be heard ever Good News of 1938—Varie­ Same a? WEAF Major Bowes' Amateur and GSB 9.51 mc/s. the NBC stations while W2XE will 10.00 ty programme with Hour MGM Stars; Robert 10.20-'Food For Thought," rebroadcast HuU's speech in Spanish Taylor, m.c; Fannie talks and Portuguese for South America WON AN AUDITION AT STATION i 9 TOOK SAVINGS AMD CAME TO MEM VOBF 10.15 Brice & "Baby Snooks"; before and after the programme. IN SAH F1?ANCI5C0-WAS SRiSfflOtij -SIINJip^EJ!Siaj~".T0 KEERG0|.N_____I Vodi's Orchestra tra 12.20—Close Down Continued on Pafe tl THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938. Page 9

MR. ABERHART'S APPEAL Whole Wheat Bread todfagflQJLBERlSON Mr. Aberhart's endeavour to intro­ duce tlie system of social credit into THE EXTRA CHANCE. The East-West hands shown above Alberta bas added a new compli­ [Copyright: 1938: By .] were not given in the original setup. We have tried many cation to tbe constitutional question A hand reported and analyzed in They are advanced by me as a possi­ London Apparel in Canada. Three Acts passed last grades of Whole an English offers an ble distribution. The point I wish to Wheat Flour but not interesting problem of play. It ap­ bring out is that declarer should not autumn by tbe Provincial Legis­ pears to me that the English author depend entirely on a 4-2 or better lature in furtberance of tbis policy one is so satisfactory overlooked a rather important safety split of the spade suit. Nothing can were disallowed by tbe Governor factor in his analysis. be lost by attempting to guard on tbe instructions of tbe -Federal For a Young Man as our "Special" against a 5-1 spade break. South, dealer. Government, wbose nominee be is. Whole Wheat Flour. Neither side vulnerable. Declarer's proper course is to lead one diamond to dummy's ten, then to As tbe result of an exchange of ar­ (3 to 20 Years) No other produces NORTH cash his spade ace and lead a second guments between Ottawa and Ed­ 4.KQ64S spade. If both opponents follow, ob­ monton tbe Supreme Court of Can­ that delicious nutty VNone viously there is no play to the hand. ada was asked to decide whether • Q J 10 7 5 The outstanding is drawn and tbe Acts in question were within tbe In our entirely new department for Boys and flavour so appreci­ *10 6 2 thirteen tricks become a laydown. It, constitutional powers of the Province, ated by Whole Wheat WEST EAST however, one of the opponents fails A J 9 8 7 8 A 10 to follow to the second spade lead, and whether tbe Federal Govern­ Young Men, we have assembled a complete stock Bread enthusiasts. If VJ75 VAQ86S2 which means that the spade suit ment were acting within their powers • 94 48 could not have been established and in_disallowing them. The Court was of fine English clothes for boys of 3 years to young you are not getting *KQ J *9 7543 that drawing two rounds of trumps unanimous in upholding tbe view of men of 20. Displayed for your convenient this Whole Wheat SOUTH would have been fatal, declarer still tbe^JFederal Government on both AA 5 may win out, if the defender who these questions, though the different Bread you are missing V K 10 9 4 now is out of spades also is ont of selection are a really good thing. • A K 6 3 2 trumps. Judges composing the Court gave *A8 Since the play I recommend cannot different reasons for their decisions. In the main judgment the Chief The remedy is simple South is asked to bring home all lose, and may gain, it automatically —Your grocer sells it. thirteen tricks, with diamonds as becomes the correct plan, because Justice, Sir Lyman Duff, went into JUNIOR SIZES trump. The bidding was not reported, this is the very definition of a safety tbe whole question "of social credit It is made as follows: but the grand slam might be reached play. legislation in Alberta, ruling that it as follows: exceeded the legal powers of a Can­ In Pyjamas and Dressing Gowns . . . Tomorrow's Hand, adian Provincial Legislature as de­ SMALL LOAF 4d South West North East North, dealer. 1 diamond Pass 1 spade Pass fined in the British North America London tailored Suits and Sport Jackets. LARGE LOAF 8d 2 hearts Pass 4 diamonds Pass Neither side vulnerable. / Match-point duplicate. Act. Mr. Aberhart has now an­ 4no trump Pass 5 hearts Pass nounced his intention to appeal to Shorts, Socks, Ties . . Camel Hair and SANDWICH LOAF 1/- 7 diamonds Pass Pass Pass NORTH / A J 8 2 tlie Judicial Committee of the Privy Harris Tweed Topcoats . . and the ever In this sequence North's five heart V75 Council against this judgment. bid would be the key bid. Since BERMUDA BAKERY, Ltd. 4 10 8 4 Of the three measures upon the popular English Blazers. North had failed to support hearts *KQ 10 6 3 validity of which the Privy Council Telephone 1080 previously, indeed, since he had given WEST EAST a jump preference for the , AH 6 AAQ10959 will be asked to decide, the most he easily could be read for either the V A 16 S V 6 4 startling is the Accurate News and PRICES OF THIS TOP QUALITY APPAREL ARE ace of hearts or a . If he had IL • Q963 +AKJ2 , Information Act claimed at securing the ace he certainly would be short in the suit and South need not fear *A852 + 7 the full statement of Government ABOUT WHAT YOU WOULD PAY IN LONDON. EXHIBITION OF BERMUDA losing any heart tricks. SOUTH views in the Press and checking pro­ A'4 paganda on the other side. It gave WATERCOLOURS The English analysis of the correct V K Q J 9 8 2 play against West's of the chairman of the Social Credit • 7S the club king was for declarer to by *J94 authority to order newspapers draw two rounds of trumps, and as­ MABEL RAINSFORD Mr. Culbertson will discuss tbis to publish propaganda statements MAIN STORE suming that these accounted for the issued under bis authority, and also Sketching Classes outstanding trumps, that he then hand in tomorrow's article. Weather Cards should depend on no worse than a 4-2 tbe right to compel newspapers to Handpainted Easter Cards spade break, which would permit him Write yonr bridge troubles and reveal "every source from which any to discard his losing club and one problems to Ely Culbertson. care "information emanated as to any THE ART STUDIO (SHOP) heart, and which then would leave oi this paper, inclosing a self- "statement contained in any issue him with sufficient trumps in both Next to Princess Hotel addressed, stamped envelope. "published within sixty days, and the hands for a perfect cross-. "names, addresses, and occupations TELEPHONE 1878 "of all persons by whom such in- 2431ftu. th. s. to 30-4-38 «'formation was furnished, and tbe "name and address of the writer of "any editorial, article, or news item 17 10.09 10.33 4J8 4.10 5.48 6.50 TIDE TABLE FOR APRIL "contained in such issue." Heavy POSTAGE STAMPS 18 10.47 1IJ2 457 4.48 5.47 6.50 penalties were prescribed, and tbe 19 1157 11.54 5.37 556 5.46 6.51 High Water Low Water Sun­ Sun­ chairman of the Social Credit Board Date A.M PJtt. A.M. P.M. rise set 20 12.00 12.11 651 6.10 5.45 6.52 was empowered to prohibit the publi­ For Collections 1.31 2.01 7.58 8.07 6.00 6.43 21 12.39 1.05 7.08 7.04 5.44 6.53 cation of any article written or inform­ 8 2.40 3.15 907 9.21 5.59 6.43 22 1.31 204 8.02 8.00 5.42 6.53 ation suppUed by persons he specified. BERMUDA 9 3.50 456 10.13 10.34 558 6.44 23 259 3.10 8.56 9.07 5.41 6.54 Naturally the whole Canadian Press 10 4.55 5.27 11.14 11.39 557 6.45 24 3.30 4.08 9.53 10.13 5.4/ 6.54 and has protested vigorously against this mean the end of malaria, but as that 11 5.54 6.22 12.00 12.07 5.55 6.45 25 458 5.03 10.45 11.12 5.39 655 assault upon its traditional liberties. is impossible to achieve, the only BRITISH WEST INDIES 13 6.45 7.11 12.38 12.55 5.54 6.46 26 5.21 5.52 11.31 12.00 5.38 6.56 The other Acts gave the Govern­ I way to do away with malaria is to 13 7.30 7.56 1.29 1.38 5.52 6.47 27 6.08 6.37 12.07 5.37 6.57 Don't say "Corn" — say 12.16 ment drastic powers to regulate tako quinine regularly. Quinine is 14 8.13 8.36 2.19 5.51 66.47 28 6.55 753 12.56 5.36 6.57 RNEST J. BELL 2.15 1.00 banking and other business under a always the best medicine for malaria. "Niblets Corn." Deliri­ 15 8.55 9.16 2.56 550 6.48 29 7.39 8.07 5.35 6.58 2.57 1.43 1.44 licensing system. In a recent case For prophylaxis tho Malaria Com­ ously tender, with none Tiuda Press, Hamilton 16 9.32 9.55 3.34 5.49 6.49 30 8.52 5.34 659 3.38 8.25 2.30 2.26 the Privy Council, broadly speaking, mission of the League of Nations of the tough cob fibres. .. upheld the judgments of the Can­ recin mends a daily dose of 6 grains during the whole malarial A plumper kerneled adian Supreme Court invalidating variety of corn, sliced Mr. Bennett's "New Deal" legis­ season, and for treatment a daily CORN dose of 15-20 grains during 5-7 from the cob, and sealed lation. It will now again have the CORN-ON-THE-COB invidious task of determining the days. Aftei-treatments are omitted, in vacuum . . . There is frontiers between Federal and Pro­ but all relapses are treated in the WITHOUT-THE-COB only one Niblets Brand ' same way. vincial powers in the Dominion. It Corn—Del Maiz. is common ground between all par­ o ties in Canada that these frontiers J^raemar Sweaters must be revised to enable the Do­ THE PLAYHOUSE Look Sor the GREEN GIANT minion Government and Parliament to deal adequately with problems Last Showing of "Hold 'Em Navy" on the label affecting tbe Dominion as a whole. W. S. PURVIS & CO. LTD. $or Uiim and ZHer Queer things continue to happen Sole Distributors —Times. in the movies. Nearly every day some strange or unusual circum­ stance that makes news come to Whether you are a college man going out for light. football, or a compus miss majoring in glamour, Those last three words are par­ Dents' Ladies' English ticularly fitting in tbe case of Archie you will find that these soft sweaters by the leading Twitchell, who, after working four Washable Doeskin Gloves Scotch manufacturer have the fit and appearance THE ANNIVERSARY OF A years in the pitch darkness of a la- | boratory developing room, suddenly White and Eggshell $1-00 you know is right. BENEFACTOR I found himself facing the blinding glare of a battery of huge arc lamps on the set of "Hold 'Em Navy," Disease is much more deadly now at the Playhouse, and in which THE BERMUDA SPORTS SHOP Indian Cashmere Sweaters than dynamite, and moreover there he is importantly cast. Front Street Near Burnaby Corner is a great Qeai mere disease than While working in the "lab," Twit- Wtu.' COLLEGE MEN—Braemar pullovers with Crew or dynamite in the world. Fcr reasons cnell joined the Paramount dramatic best known to ourselves, we attach club and, while appearing in one of "V" neck, with sleeves from 40/- . . Sleeveless much more importance to the dis­ its plays, was spotted by a studio coverer of dynamite than to the anni­ executive and given an acting con­ from 32/6. versary of May 13th., which is quite tract. inexplicable, for that was the day Twitchell came to Hollywood near­ PERFECT COMFORT! when Sir RONALD ROSS was born, ly five years ago from his home in COLLEGE MISSES—The famous Cobweb Twins of a man to whom all the woiM should Pendleton, Ore., nursing the hope When it's cold use one of our whisper weight- cashmere. Pullovers 37/6 bow with the deepest respect. that he could get work in pictures. ELECTRIC or OIL HEATERS In the eyes of science and humanity He finally reached the goal of his Cardigans, buttoned to the neck, 50/-. he was a very great investigator. His ambition, but not until he had See Our Display or Phone 1192 discoveries were carried out very quiet­ groped in the inky darkness of a In White and Pastel Shades. ly in a hospital laboratory. Very developing room for close to fifty few people are aware of all that this months! MASTERS HARDWARE silent Englishman discovered about • » » 2719^§ta. malaria, mosquitoes and quinine, N.Y. Press Pays Glowing Tribute To BRAEMAR although thesj discoveries tians- British Film "Victoria The Great" formed half the world. One would think a mosquito's stomach is too Fine end impressive drama of Eng­ small a place in which tc find out land's iamouf queen done with feel­ CORAL ISLAND GOLF CLUB many things, yet RONALD ROSS ing and sincerity. .. a picture which found out quite a number of most is grand in its conception, lavish in important things. its production and for the most pa rt Mixed Foursome Tournament A mosquito that has stung a ma­ emotionally moving. Interpreting Exclusive With Smith's larial subject, introduced a tiny its various roles is a cast which is Thursday, AprU 7th chop of infscted blocd into its stom­ extremely competent. Anna Neagle Morning and Afternoon ach. During the digestion of this gives a sincere, believable perform­ blood, tbe malaria germs preserved ance which is matched by Antcn Wal • Visitors Welcome by the stomach increase, and then brook as her lover husband, Albert. MAIN STORE directly contaminate the person who Phone 7270 The most ambitious production 2989*th. is stung lataroB. In other words, ever turned out by Herbert Wilcox the mosquito's body is a small ma­ and a piece tbat locks set for sturdy laria factory and an efficient diffuser business . . . Miss Neagle's trouping of this terrible malady. is thorough, and the character cred­ Sir RONALD ROSS was fully alive ible always and, at times, superbly to the fact that mosquito bites are projected. Antcn Walbrook is su­ V6ry frequent and create great dan­ perb. gers of contamination. RONALD "Victoria the Great" is several of its ROSS'S discovery—even if this scien­ aspects is tbe most emphatically sig­ tist had done nothing more—was nificant motion picture that has been important enough. But he went con­ producted in Britain .... Will convey siderably further. He wrote his book entertainment in terms of glamcur, on: "The prevention of malaria," splendour, majesty, with many in­ in which he stated that the dis­ terludes of intensity.—MOTION PIC­ appearance of all mosquitoes would TURE HERALD.



M A R Y K E AS Ih-e heot>. CMft. H-Slr IMbi tmsmn mwsstsss. tm. Peggy OToole, whose parents ten." she said, "when 1 was a little died after migrating from Dub­ girl, i used to be afraid of storms, it'sasure sign that you urgently need some­ lin to New York, bas grown np too—until mv mother told me it thing to help you resist the trying effects of under tbe wing of an elderly was only the little angels rolling a difficult climate. That "something" is widow. Mis. Burke. Wbile a barrels up in heaven that made Phosferine Health Salt! just a tumblerful salesgirl in Meredith's Depart­ the thunder." every morning when you rise will rid your ment Store, sbe becomes ac­ The child lifted hei face and system of clogging impurities, fill you with quainted with the store owner's st-red at Peggy. vital energy and put a sparkle in your eye! spoiled little granddaughter. "But — but the lightning?" she Make your glass of Phosferine Health Salt Janice Meredith. The child takes faltered. \ a daily habit and life will look good ! a great fancy to ber witb tbe Peggy smiled. "That's when two result that old Mr. Meredith and Uttle angels bump their iron bar- > Janice's mother engage Peggy as rels against each other—sparks fly , JKS governess. Peggy learns that ofl." Janice's father is dead, but that Janice became more interested.'. PHOSFERINE Mr. Meredith has another son. Peggy elaborated on her theme. By 1 George, who quarreled witb bis slow decrees she calmed the child.. father and left borne several Janice instead of screaming at' Does YOUR BABY Cry? months ago. Meanwhile, she has everv clan of thunder began to' fallen in love with a young taxi- listen for each one witb expec­ HEALTH SALT Your baby does not cry for fun. It is his only way of driver. Jimmie Butler, who has tancy The nicture of rolling bar­ asked her to marry him. telling you that something is wrong. Colic, indiges­ rels totngued her iras~^mMJe____^_—~^ssa tion, sour stomach, diarrhea and constipation are a few of die minor ailments that may upset your child's CHAPTER XIV 'HEN she was Anally quieted, DEGGY tossed restlessly, un- they left the maid to sit with system and spoil his disposition. Castoria is the medi­ her until she was asleep, to make cine prepared especially for these simple children's able to sleep. Outside, a sure the hysterics would not re­ ailments, so do not experiment with strong, harsh thunderstorm was raging. The turn. j-^0*^ remedies intended for adults. Use only Cas- rain beat against the windows, Outside in the hall. Mrs Mere­ jagged streaks of lightning lit dith and her father-in-law '<0£M\, toria. Your child will love its pleasant taste thanked Peggy orofusely. some­ .5?!§^tt and there are no harmful after-effects. up the room every lew sec­ what to her embarrassment The Famous onds, and the thunder roared The doctor mopped his orow —great, deafening claps oi it "Whew! What a session we had In the mist of this turmoil the before vou came voung lady! But ZASTORIA telephone suddenly rang—its 1an- it's a lucky thing for my practice > gl; faint against th roar oi the that all my patients can't be cured s& The medicine made especially for chUdren storm. so easily!" Peggy sat up. Who on earth Mr Meredith laughed and could be calling at this hour? It clapped bim on the back. must be all of one o'clock! "I think Miss O'Toole is the one 1 lb—H lb.—YA lb. Boxes She slipped into her kimono who's earned the fee for this even­ stumbled out into the hall, and ing's work eh Doc?" groped in the darkness for the Doctor Maynard agreed and phone turned to pick up his bag. "Hello . . . yes. this is she. . . "Can I drive vou home. Miss are again on sale at What's that? . . . yes. of course 111 O'Toole?" he offered. come. "Why. ves—thank vou." Peggy r\ "What is tt. Peggy?" Grandma accepted. •^ I_jid< Cassell's Tablets Burke called from her room as She had told Grandma Burke Peggy hung up. she might stay bere. but she de­ "It was Mrs. Meredith. The cided she would rather go home e storm lias scared Janice into hys­ as long as the doctor could give terics. She's terrified of thunder­ her a lift- The smart two-piece dress loola storms. They want me to come and As they started down the stairs, like a suit. Linton's soft grege mix- see what I can do with ber." the doctor turned to Mr. Meredith. tare of linen and wool is the fabric "At this hour of the night!" "By the way. wasn't that voung used here. The gilet and pancake Grandma protested. George I was talking to on the You will soon hat are of white pique. "They're sending the car for phone earlier this evening?" me." Peggy explained. "I'll bave to Peggy pricked up her ears. be needing — go. It seems Janice bas been Young George? Had the prodigal screaming for me—and no one else son finally come home? seems to be able to do anything EP!" Mr. Meredith said gruff­ Ice il#i-slHlw I with ber " She sighed. Yly, but there was a pleased She dressed hurriedly, and wasnot e beneath his gruffness. "The LOS On ber bed Janice lay kicking his old tricks already, is he?" \ N Vital Power — bringing to your )? and screaming. At everv roll of "Well Fathei after -"01 " SUCCESSOR TO G. A. DENMAN f Nerves and Body the " fire " and enth thunder ber shrieks increased ta "But he ought to oe borne by J siasm of Youth! They do this becau PAINS,WEAKNE35 shrillness. now! It's after two o'clock If he's GENERAL PLUMBING AND HE ING \ th-L-y c lain 19 different heai.h inerediem < Bending over ber. trying vainly f ' - rv i,:irt and function of your bodv feels t to get her to take some kind of ever going to mend his ways, as he AND \ In a few days you leel a differe IIKDI&ESTION, AM*Mi medicine, was the family physi­ promised he'd better start! Stay­ rely ! Get your supply TO-DAY! cian. Dr. Maynard On the other ing out until all hours, probably PLUMBING SUPPLIES Read This Letter! side of the bed Janice's mother getting drunk on his first night I.yf, SLEEPLESSNESS home!" The old man was working anxiously hovered. At the foot PHONE 1990 • dee i^-i_f*" stood old Mr. Meredith, his face himself up into a fury. "Nice how- LI do-you-do! I'll give him a piece of 2900ts. ei. to s!>. eray. my mind. "Oh. thank you. Miss O'Toole r_ "Would you like for me to stop by_ALL_CHEMiSTS & STORES for coming!" Mrs. MereditL said, \mmm\imm\ with relief. "We've been distract­ at the Blanes' on my way." the _s^sss.*=s®^^sssa^irs3^ai ed! Perhaps vou can calm her " doctor suggested, "and tell him "Here, bere now!" Peggy scold­ he's wanted?" ed, sitting down on the bed and "Yes!" Mr Meredith said quick­ gathering the frightened child ta ly. "Do that!" THE LINEN SHOP t her arms "Why are you afraid of "All right." The doctor reached )s^a^^S^Sp^STBfb^^ a sillv old storm?" the front door and. with his hand St. George's The Nerve _r____t_js_«itJ- .»_fc_>_ j^..'.A__m "I f-'-dont know-w-w!" Janice on the knob, turned and grinned wailed, clinging to her. at Peggy. "Well send the wander­ "Because of the thunder? It's ing boy home, wont we. Miss only a noise. Janice." O'Toole? Come along. . ." Guaranteed English Doeskin "Yes — no — oh. I dont know!" The tittle girl hid her face against (To be continued) 25 Choice shades in Aqua, Honeydew, Cherry, Rose, -*?-Tg~"'s shoulder. (The characters tn this serial are Peeev oatted ber gently. *T_is- fictitious) Grey, Brown, Navy, etc. $6.50 YARD 60 inches wide HigMaiad Tartan

Linen Playing Cards PLANE MOVEMENTS 19.20 tomorrow, April 8th. for Bermuda. Gold Edges MEM OR I Air—This beautiful B.m.a. "Cavalier" (Imperial-Air­ R.m.a. ' 'Cavalier'' (Imperial -Air­ Use 2/« pk. memorial shaft, 564 feet tall, ways, Ltd.) is due to Isav; Baltimore ways, Ltd.) is due to leave Baltimore has been erected on the San via Port Washington, at 11.30 via Port Washington 11.30 a.m. Jacinto battlefield, about 20 on Saturday, April9th. for Bermuda. miles from Houston, Texas, to today April 7th for Bermuda. mark General Sam Houston's %* * * * * * Electricity victory over the Mexican army, "Bermuda Clipper" is due to leave "Bermuda Clipper" is due tc leave irsify Playisag Cards in 1836, and Texas indepen­ dence. The star at top symbol­ Darrcll's Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. Darrell's Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. izes the lone star on the state's today April 7th. for Baltimore. on Sunday April 10th. for Baltimore. Linen Finish coat of arms. * * * And Live R.m.a. "Cavalier" (Imperial-Ail- 1/- pk. R.m.a. "Cavalier," (Imperial-Air­ ways, Ltd.) is due tc leave Darrell's with a INSTANT ways, Ltd.) is due to leave Dairell's Island airbase at 9.30 a.m. cn Wed­ POSTUM Island aiibase at 9.30 a.m. tomorrow nesday, April 13th. for Baltimore. April 8th for Baltimore. Smile Don't let it go until it twice a oay "Bermuda Clipper" is due to leave develops intosomething The Bermuda Press, Ltd. RESTS YOUR Baltimore at 9.30 a.m. via Port Wash­ much more serious. NERVES "Bermuda Clipper" is due to leave ington, on Wednesday, April 13th. There is no better Baltimore via Port Washintgon. at fcr Bermuda. Bermuda Electric Light Co. remedy f



LIST OF UNCLAIMED CARTER-WARREN WIN VIEWS AND RE-VIEWS LETTERS MEr OPERA CONTRACTS iL I Under this heaoO ne we Intend publishing the views and re-views ot onr readers. Pub­ Two artistic products of radio lication does not imply that these views are ta accord with oat editorial policy and we reserve the right to refuse publication should a communication not be of genera] Mr. Ernest Adams, Mrs. Joh became the latest "finds" tt the interest or be couched in improper or discourteous language. All communications Aellgaert, N.P. 6. Y.B. Amateur, Mrs. MetropcUtan Opera Company yes­ should be accompanied by the name and address of writer though not necessarily for FOUND miracle publication. A. Y. Atwell, Miss Jean Arend, Mrs. terday when John Carter, tenor, Louise Arrudo, and Leonard Warren, turitone, were being self-supporting as is currently The ideal place to leave your Easter Lily Ma Hollis L. Barnard, Miss Jane Bar­ presented to the American radio BEFORE—OR AFTER! aUeged, and addition of wives and nard, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baldwin, Mrs. audience as the newest members of orders. We have large fields of lilies and chUdren as weU as schcol teachers Gwendoline Bascombe, Miss Gladys the opera company in the season's HamUton made the situation hopeless in this years of experience in handling them. Onr E. Baker, Wm. W. Bagley, Miss Ma­ final MetropoUtan Auditions of the AprU 6. 1938. respect, although the market value rion Bate, Miss Helen L. Beede, Mr. Air programme, heard over the Blue prices are, we believe, lower than those of of the Superannuation Fund (all Bernard Belinky, Mis. Dorcas Bethel, Network of the National Broadcast­ To the Editor, except £10,000 being withheld salar­ others. Our quality and service are of the Mr. G. P. Bissell, Mrs. E. T. Black- ing Company. Royal Gazette & Colonist Daily, ies) is now £75,927 and last year the bourn, Miss Helen Bodine, Mrs. highest. Carter and Warren ware the win­ Colony received £2,735 from it in Alice Brine, Mrs. H. E. Brown, Mr. ners in a competition of more than Sir: interest. I am by no means good at Sanford Brown, Mr. George Brand- 700 singers for the coveted contracts With your kind permission, it is arithmetic, Mr. Editor, but even I Compare these prices, which include ford, Mrs. Blanche Brown, Mrs. with the MetropoUtan. Sixty of of the Pensions BiU that I would can figure that at, at say 5 per cent, James F. Brine, Mr. Leonard Brown, duty and expressage to your door: those auditioned by a MetropcUtan write, being compeUed thereto hy the the Fund would have to amount to Miss Beverly Bridges, Miss Nancy board of judges were heard in the extraordinary scarcity cf information over a quarter of a miUion pcunds Bumpus, Mr. S. McLean Bucking­ NBC series. Edward Johnson, gen­ for benefit of the pubttc with respect to provide even the above £12,555 ham, Mrs. Burant, Mr. R. J. Bur- eral manager of the MetropoUtan to this highly important measure, annuaUy for pensions, besides de­ Large box 4S Buds $5.00 meister, Mr. Geo. Burgess, Mr. Geo. Opera, made the announcement of whose successful steering through priving the Colony of lucrative re­ R. Burgess, Miss Muriel H. Burns, the winners and tcld the ycung the House of Assembly should at venue, and this cost of pensions must Miss Violet Burchell, Mr. Webster singers, both New Yorkers, that they least bring to Mr. John W. Cox fav­ go cn increasing for the next 20 years. Half " 24 Buds $3.00 Burcher, Mr. Melvin K. Burgess, would make their MetropoUtan de­ ourable mention in despatches to the To bring this long letter to a close, Mr. Edwin Burchall, Miss Margaret buts, the goal of thousands of singers Colonial Office, if not eventuaUy a Mr. Editor, I might only mention Petite " 15 Buds $2.00 Burgess, Mrs. J. F. Burrows. the world over, during the next regu­ knighthood. And richly would this that such pension abuses as the above Mr. Tamar Cains, Mr. Doemar lar Winter season. George A. Martin, comparatively young Bermudian are perpetuated under Clause 55 of Any part of the V. S. or Canada Cannore, William O. Cannoer, Mr. president of the Sherwin-WiUiams reserve such an honour fcr handling the re-printed BiU, passed without Kenneth Campbell, Mrs. E. Christo­ Company, presented a rUver plaque a BUl which one prominent member comment by the House, and there is pher, Cleveland, Mrs. J. H. Clarke, and a check tor $1,000 to both Carter of the Assembly confessed gave him stUl another thing which tendp to Important Motlee Mr. Edward P. Clark, Mrs. James and Warren. three separate and distinct headache s show that this measure (whether Clarke, Mr. Frank Coston, Mr. H. F. when he tried to study and under­ because of headaches n otherwise) Last shipment for Canada closes Thursday, Colt, Mr. Edward Carrington. Guest stand it, since he alone cut cf aU the has not received as much attention House Comfort, Mrs. Edard Cross- 36 members of the Assembly appeared April 7 th also last shipment for Chicago as its importance required, in spite of more. to comprehend its meaning, after ex­ hard work on the part of individuals. and points West. pending upon this compUcated BiU SIX OUT OF Mrs. William Davis, Miss Janet This it Clause 4 sub-clause (c), which an amount of close study, hard work Davies, Mr. Jaffery Davis, Mr. Chas. allows a pension to be granted to Last shipment for Eastern States closes Sat­ and inexhaustible patience which lix PERFECT DarreU, Mr. W. H. Davis, Mrs. Chase any public officer except police and can only be dascribed as extrao.-- urday, April 9th. Davis. Mr. Edward L. Dame, Mr. attendants at the Lunatic Asylum dinaiy. F. J. G FOOTE Agent Fred DeSilva. "on or before" attaining the age of Mr. Joseph DeCosemo, Mr. Joseph The result, arrived at without the 60 years. Desmarais, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. aid of any Assistant Clerk to the The Pensions BUl has only been j Deadman, Mr. John DeSilva, Mrs. House tc attend to clerical details, Robert Dickson, Mrs. R. B. Dixon, before the House of Assembly from Fairy Isle Flower Shop is that with the exception of original December 8th, 1937, to April 1st, 1938, R. Dickinson, ErmaJJonaldson, Miss clauses 48 to 55, dealing with the Walker Arcade Jean Donnelly, Miss Margaret E. and the latter date wculd seem most proposed pensioning of Extra Revenue appropriate for perpetrating such Hamilton. Phone 3060. Drew, Mrs. Henry Drewry, Mrs. E. B. Officers, the BiU has passed the As­ Duncan, Mr. Wm. E. Easton, Mr. an "AprU Fools' Day" joke on this Bonded Members, Florist Telegraph sembly practicaUy in the form ap­ Colony. Under such a provision su­ Leonard Easton, Mr. Joseph B. proved by the Colonial Office and laid Delivery Service. Edness. Mr. Thomas Elliott, Mr. perannuation could take place as before the House as long ago as Dec- early as 28 or 30, with pensions for Ellis, Mr. Donald E. Elliot, Emman­ cember 8th, 1937. This was not FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. uel's, Miss Nellie Enis, Mr. Chas. remainder of Ufe, and Beimuda has achieved without many long and reason to be thankful to a watchful W. Endel, Miss Eliz. Fenno, Mrs. wearisome discussions, instigated Wm. B. Fish, Mrs. J. Leslie Flegle, Upper House, which might have hes­ 278»tstp. mainly by members from St. George's itated to amend such a "money Mr. Geo. Fletcher, Mr. Kenneth L. and Mr. Vesey of Southampton, but Fleming, Rfn. E. Flood, Mr. Ernest BUl" as the Pensions Act appears to Mr. Cox calmly and patiently be. Flood, Mrs. Follett, Mr. Lloyd Fox, tri-umphed over aU obstacles, not Mrs. Sarah Fox, Mr. Alfred Fox. being stumped even by the fact of Yours very truly, Mrs. F. W. Ford, Miss Jane Frye, Paula "PeeGee" Gayle is heard their being at one rime no less than WATCHFUL. Mr. J. Francis, Miss S. E. Fusshe, with Ben Pollack's Orchestra on three Clauses 34 before the House, CHANGE IN TIME TABLE Mrs. Curtis Gorger. ihe Joe Penner broadcast over or Col. DiU's dramatic disclosure of NATIONAL AND COLUMBIA Mr. E. E. GUbert, Mrs. Benson, the WABC-Columbia network the BUl's violation of the Act of IRELAND ISLAND and SOMERSET FERRY Gibson, Mrs. CyrU H. GUbert, Mrs. Sundays from 7.00 to 7.30 p.m., Ber­ Settlement as per original Clause 6. NETWORK ACTIVITIES Louis F. Gibson, Mr. WiUis C. Gcss. muda time. She's a 23-year-old Los Clause 6, incidentaUy, was not en­ F. Goheny, Mr. Geo. T. Gretton. Angeles girl, educated at the UCLA, dorsed by the Colonial Office. has sung in night clubs on the Continued from page 8 Commencing Monday, April llth atisfactory substitut< John W. Graham. In spite cf the dramatic setting Coast for the past three years and roles will be a guest performer on ous British prepars_.t_.o_ Mrs. David Harvey, Capt. and Mrs. | of the occasion when the ex-Attor­ Departure from cut steps will be at 4.45 p.m. Hamilton, John & Co Haddon, Miss is a close friend and protege of Kate Smith's "Variety Hour" over Martha Raye. Talks the "jive" ney General arose and made tlie the WABC-Columbia network tonight 10LL & ASHTON Dorothy S. Halle, Mr. Sydney Har­ startling disclosure that Clause G each week day except Friday, on Friday at 1.15 p.m. wood, Mr. WilUam Hayden, Mrs. language known only to musicians from 9.00 to 10.00 p.m., Bermuda P.O. Box 533, Hamilton. and "cats", and has to explain her­ violated the ancient principle that the time. Hamilton, Mrs. F. W. Hart, Mr. J. I judiciary must be entirely indepen- Messrs. Butterfield & Co., Henri y, Mrs. A. W. Hendrickson, self when speaking to "ickys." "Pee­ ident of the Executive, and a Chief Profits Tax to be Argued Mr. Anthony Hernandey, Mr. Harry Gee" is 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighs The Bermuda Transportation Co., Ltd. 120 pounds, has brown eyes and Justice of Bermuda, if he so chooses, Hennessay, Mr. D. S. Hill, Miss Betty The current controversy raging Pearman, Watlington &_ Co., Managers. auburn hair. Jam Sessions are her may remain In office until he reaches Honnold, Mr. J. L. Hodgson, Mr. over the Capital Gains and Undis­ hobby and swimming her favourite the ripe eld age of 70 unless removed Bernard F. Hogan, Mrs. H. H. Howe, puted Profits taxes will be argued 2958tth. sport for due cause by a joint address cf Miss Florence Hopkmson, Mr. Ar­ both Houses of Colonial ParUament. before America's Town Meeting of thur HxUis, Miss Margaret Hudson, Mr. Cox calmly had the offending the Air audience tonight from 10.30 VISITORS Miss M. Peggy Hudson, Mr. Samuel protision for removal after 65 (orig- to 11.30 p.m., Bermuda time, over Hyles. Miss Belknap M. Sererance, Mr. ' inaUy 60) by the Executive wiped out, the coast-to-coast Blue Network of Miss Frances Isenstaat, Mr. Wal­ Robert Sinthean, Mr. S. Sheppard, and the BUl proceeded on its inexor­ the National Broadcasting Company. J SAVE 20% ter Jackson, Mr. Joseph Jackson, Miss Bernice Sheppard, Miss Bernice able progress towards enactment. WRITING PADS Mrs. Marcten Jenckes, Miss M. Lee Shepard, Mr. Frank E. Sheai- This in spite of his plainly stating Anniversary Fete Broadcast To clear for new stock ] ON BICYCLE Johnson, Mr. W. E. Jones,Mentworth man, Mr. Shoe, Miss Gladys Simons, that costs of pensions must continue Johnston, J. J. Johnson. Mrs. B. Sherlock, Miss D. Simmons. to rise for the next 20 years or so, The National Broadcasting Com­ HIRES Mr. and Mrs. John V. Kelleher, Miss Anna Shea, Evelyn R. Smith, after whichsome sUght reUef maybe pany wiU salute the Northwest Ter­ Mrs. Walter Kline. Miss Smith, Mr. John James Smith, expected. ritory in a special broadcast tonight Large size 7d. each Mr. Stiles Lambe, Mr. John W. Mrs. A. H. Smith, Miss Lurline I am weU aware, Mr. Editor, of with descriptions direct from the Leggett, Miss Emily Lee, Mrs. Ibbob- Small size 4d. each OUT Rate Only Smith, Miss Jane Spieker, Mon. your sentiments that pensions are scene of the pageant, a re-ereatien of Sv.n Leonard, Miss Rosie Lindo, Miss Peter Spoerry, Mrs. Mary Spiex, Miss merely "deferred pay" for deserving the original pioneer trek from Ips­ Snappy Notepaper 1/6 box Betty Lloyd, Mrs. Louis Long, Capt. Kate Stevenson, Mr. Ned Steeley. civil servants, but I am also aware wich, Mass., to Marietta, Ohio, which $4 Per Week John E. Lowery, Miss Janet Martin. Mr. John Talbot, Mrs. T. Thomas, of the magnitude of this "dragon" is the most spectacular phrase of the Mr. Melville A. Martin, Mr. Bill | H. B. Thomas, Mr. C. T. Thomas, of a Pension Scheme which has been Northwest Territory 150th anniver­ 12 Per Month Marshall, Professor MaksoUy, Mr. Mr. J. Coard Tayloi, Mrs. Ethel created for the Colony of Bermuda sary celebration. George McGowan, Miss Katheiyn Trimingham, Miss Ann Trott, Miss and of some of the glaring abuses The programme will be heard ovsr The Bermuda Press, Ltd* McDon, ugh. Miss Bessie McNicholas, Eva Tucker, Capt. Tuke. which have already taken place in the NBC-Red Network from 3:45 Mrs. Leena McCaleb, Mr. Mike Mc­ Mrs. Arthur S. Underhill. connection with it. No sane Hcuse to 4.00 p.m., Bermuda time, when Reid Street BURNABY CYCLES Gowan, Mai tin J. McNaUy, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Vallis of Assembly ever intended, for in­ the party lands on the Ohio River Manuel MeUo, Miss Janet E. Minor, Mrs. E. N. Vallandigham, Mrs stance, that a young woman should at Marietta. irnaby St. Dial 1513 Miss E. Minchan, Mrs. Louis Millar, George C. Vaughan, Mr?. Bertha be superannuated at some £140 a Mrs. C. Y. Morse, Mr. James Moore, We Deliver Fully Equipped Verbeke, Miss Dorothy Vierra. year (evei since 1928) net because she Miss E. Moore, Mr. WiUiam Musson, Miss Dorothy S. Walsh, Mrs. Laura had reached the age cf 60 or 65, with I 2594C«3m.eitp. Mrs. W. Murray, Mrs. Daniel R. W. Warner, Mrs. Walter, Mr. L. Waithe, comparatively few years more to Uve, We Guarantee to help you get Murdeok. Mr. Henry Wengel, Miss Betty White- but merely on account of her Mrs. J. S. Newlands, Mr. W. S. man, Mrs. Harriet WUe, Mr. Alex marriage to another civU servant, Better Snapshots Nicholas. Mrs. E. L. Norville, Mr. WiUiams, Mrs. Albert B. WiUiams, nor that supei annuation should Tom Nooian. Mr. Reg. WUUams, Mr. Leonard be offered to another pubUc servant, Miss Marin H. Ogilvie, Mr. Allen White, Miss CecUy WiUiams, Mis. M. long before he reached the above Osborne, Mr. J. P. Osbourn, Mrs. L. Whitfield, Miss Betty Whipple, Mrs. age, and he be paid £466 a year since Otley. T. H. Wilson. some time in 1937; calculation of how AGFA FILMS Ask for Super Plcnachromc or Super Pan. They're Making a Hit Miss Betty Park, Mr. Frank Peter­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yealing. much such incidents are likely even­ son, Miss Marjorie Perrin, Mr. J. Mr. Bernard ZuiU. tuaUy to cost the Colony is respect­ Price Phelps, Mrs. Henry Pouloit, fully recommended as an exercise for Our Expert Photofinishing Department guarantees you Everywhere— These letters wUl be held at the Prompt, High Quality Service Mr. Manuel Preado. General Post Office, HamUton, Ber­ leisure tame, coupled with the fact Miss Jean RandaU, Miss J. Roth- muda, until Wednesday the 13th. that cost cf pensions is steadily ris­ TRY US — TODAY bone, Mrs. William E. Reed, Mr. April, after which date they wUl ing and actuaiialfigures aieconspicu- James A. Richardson, Mr. Richards, be rsturned to their office of origin. ous by their absence in connection Mr. Arnold Robinson, Chester La- with Bermuda's Pension Scheme. A large shipment of the latest type Cameras has just Roche, Mrs. J. D. Roberts, Miss Fior­ In 1936, for instance, pensions arrived from Europe. ina Rukes, Mrs. B. B. Ruddick, Mas­ amounted to $11,339, whUe in 1937 ter J. P. Ruddick, Mr. Harvey Rubin, .THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. they came to $12,555, but even on the Mr. H. Rutherford. THERAPION No 1 eve of a General Election the House THE CAMERA STORE wisely refused to extend the scheme Mr. Percy Saints, Mr. Manuel THERAPION No.2 stiU further to include an indefinite DAVID KNUDSEN, PROPRIETOR Saints, Mr. £ Gaston Saillant, Mr. THERAPION No 3 number of Extra Revenue Officers Queen St. Opposite New Windsor Hotel. DEEF-BEOWN Lawrence Saunders, Miss Margaret Ho. 1 Coras Dlschartfu. No. 9 Omyp Blood Polfon, No. 3 Cures Chronlo WeakauaM. and their wives and minor chUdren. Phone 2301. Sawyer, J. W. Schlegel, KynU Scher- English Price 3s. Chemists. 3r either No. return Mall, DR. LE CLE I. c Med.Co. H ave r stock Rd, N. W.5. Londoo. Moieover, it is now stated that the baton, Miss Marcella Scully, Mr. _ DR. LE OLERC'S PILLS for tha Uver BEAMS Pension Scheme never came as near REMEMBER your film can only be Developed correctly ONCE Robert Seymour, The Misses Sefton, 4tKidneys—weakk.dnV'B-bbladdor.

Richer flavour—all the way through—produced way through—produced by a new method of FURNITURE cooking. Tou Can Furnish Tour Home Economically

Buy Libby's Let Us Help At Your Grocer**. «371

INTERNATIONAL TEAM OCEAN DOMINION LINE RACES Classified Advertisements CANADA—BERMUDA- Continued from Page 1 w WEST INDIES- FATES:—Minimum 3 lines equal approxi­ X**-*tK&a&i£.* WEST & PASCHAL, Agents at 10 and 2.45. Brown leather Wallet containing supplied with cycles _ The warning guns will be at 9.45 money and cards, Tuesday. Notify Front Street Hamilton and 2.30. Mrs. Harry N. Guterm-an, c/o Telephone 2981 Archie Brown, Hamilton. 2966*tl~. Lady's geld WRIST WATCH near Wadson & Son naval base, Somerset, Tuesday. Rich, Tasty Dutch Dishes Gland Discovery Reward if returned to H. A. Allen, Rowleys, Paget. 2970*th. 1545-^^m.eitp. Hit the Spot on Cold Days Restores Youth By JUDITH WILSON OEFORE May bursts upon us the pot roast for you at the mar­ WIFE DISMISSED FROM AN •"* with all its glory, there will be In 24 Hours IS RUSSIA HELPING? ket Soak in clear vinegar to cover Su-!f»r*#n from loss of vigour, ner- HELP WANTED some chilly, rainy days in some for 2 days. Remove, wipe dry and vousiU/fj, weak body, impure blood, UNUSUAL ACTION parts of this big country of ours. sear on all sides in hot fat in a falling liamory, and who are old and SfTOKIO, April 6. (CP)—Authorita­ So, while we are striving in every heavy pot. Now add a mixture ol worn-ou- before their time will be tive quarters here and in Manchoukuo way to make our menus tempting half water and half vinegar tc delighted to learn of a new gland dis­ TYPIST needed temporary, for and springlike, it is a good plan to covery by an America; Eoctor. Continued from Page 1 today expressed the belief that Russia u i cover and the spices, cover tightls This new discovery makes it possible author's manuscript. Write, giving be armed for the cold days with and simmer slowly like a pot roast to quickly and easily restore vigour to was not only lending military aid to some recipes for steaming hot and your glands and body, to build rich, particulars to Box 2964, Bermuda When you When tha meat is tender, measure pure blood, to strengthen .'our mind their stock to the present China but was also preparing to re- savory dishes. the remsinin-: liquid and for eacfc and memory and feel like s. new man Press. premises occupied by The Somers captuie the disputed islands in the want to cup of liquid allow 1 tablespoon in only 8 days. In fact, 3_j_n 'liscovery 2964*th. Amur River, seized by the Japanese flour mixed to a paste with a small -which Is a home medi_in' a pleasant, Shop in the Walker Arcade. Aftsr DINNERS easy-to-take tablet form, •'-fcs «,way forces last June. Dispatches from amount of cold water. Season tc with gland operations a.___~ .•..•e.*__e to that the plaintiff was put off with cal! the — Sauerkraut Juice taste with salt and sugar, and cools build new vigour and *ncr»y *.n i; Hsinking, Manchoukuo, said that the Sanerbraten with KartofTel hours, yet Is absolutely .CL'.tltv s-si promises; then soon afterwards Edgar until the gravy is smooth anc natural in action. Chase Swains-n lsft the Colony by Manchoukuo Government was watch­ Kloesse (Potato Dumplings) thickened. Return to the pot roasl The success of this amazing Zx-.czv- FOR SALE ing the movements of the Soviet PRESS Buttered Green Cabbage and continue cooking until the ery, called Dr. Nixon's Vi-T~Vbs has aeroplane and had not returned. Molasses Crumb Pie been DO great in America that lt Is now army along the Amur. Tokio au­ meat is very tender. Just before being distributed by all chemists here Frances Swainson had since carried Coffee serving, thin the gravy with aboul under a guarantee of complete satis­ on the business. thorities said they doubted the re­ The Royal Gazette 1 cup of cream. Serve with potate faction or money back. In other words*. PITISPOURI Plants, 2, 3 and 4 years cent reports from Moscow, that the Schnitz on Kncpp dumplings. Dr. Nixon's Vi-Tabs must make yo growth. 1 3, 2 6, 5/- each. Seedlings iHam and Apples with Dumplings) feel full of vigour and energy and fro: "FIFTY-FIFTY AFFAIR" Russian Government rejected the KARTOFFEL KLOESSE 10 to 20 years younger, or you men 10 - hundred. Ring 1515. appeals by Dr. Sun Fo, China's special & Colonist Daily Cole Slaw return the empty package and get yo. Steamed Carrot Padding witb (Potato Dumplings) money back. A special, double-strenp ? bottle of 48 Dr. Nixon's Vl-Tab._»rn Mr. Dodwell's evidence concerned envoy, for help to China. They said Whipped Cream r it was camouflage for the fact that 6 medium sized potatoes, llttle^and the guarantee protects j ' principally conversations he had Here are the Dial Coffee boiled SAIL BOAT, 16 ft. long, copper fas­ with the defendants. Ht said that the Russia was supplying arms, airplanes 2 eggs ti ned, good condition, newly paint­ first time he heard there was a and pilots to China. Numbers — The following recipes are favor­ W< teaspoons salt ed, cheap for cash. 'Phone 2563. hip was when he interviewed ites among the hard - working Vz cap floor 2956*th. Edgar Chase Swainson in August, Pennsylvania Dutch who like rich Boil the potatoes until tenda HANKOW, AprU 6. (CP)—Belated tasty and thrifty food. and chill for 12 hours or more Gentleman's fine riding, good, used and the defendant told him that it reports told today of the escape of SAUERBRATEN Press through a ricer. Add the BICYCLE, "basket, 2 brakes, was a fifty-fifty affair. 5 pound pot roast the Methodist Mission on April 3 beaten eggs, salt and flour and /IHenbuiys £4. 3. 0. (S20.75), at Hamilton After the defendants suddenly Cider vinegar to cover beat the batter with a fork untfl in a heavy Japanese air attack on 2 bay leaves Hotel Bicycle Garage. left his premises without any warning, 1053 light and fluffy. Flour your hands Chengchow. 7 whole allspice berries and roll lightly into balls about \fe-PASTILLES 2965*th. Mr. Dcdwell stated, he talked to Mr. Editorial Dept. 1 cap cream 1-inch in diameter. Drop into Swainscn. who told him that he had -0- Floor, salt, sugar gently boiling, salted water and Three Guernsey COWS, flush, with some property he was going to sell Have the butcher bone and roll cook covered for 10 minutes. FOR calves, heavy milkers. 'Phone at St. George's, and that out of th» 1943. he wculd pay the plaintiff. RAVELLO GARDENS SORE 2968*th.f.s. . Dcdwell said he tried to be 105 it with the defendants becauss he knew they were in difficulties. Job Printing Dept. Obtainable from all chemists, Windsor House rang with Yale stores, etc, throughout B.W.I link you were quite lenient, yells when Mr. Willifrr Barnes en­ FOR RENT Mr. Dcdwell," commented the Chief tertained at a jolly cocktail party in see why you did I - team-mates cn the honGur of ais SINGLE EOOMS. Double Looms and -train instead of bringing this Yale rugby team. Over 50 bicycles r complicated action, which is Apartments. Furnished or unfur­ cluttered up the driveway and yachts nished. Apply telephone 3299. difficult to prove." zoomed up to the dock delivering a Adveitisi'.ig, Subscrip­ COUGHS, DISTEMPER, •937"f ei to m.ll. Mrs. Swainson toldj . The sun-room, beTy cf guests BROKEN WIND e was not liable iiTirig_rc.oin and study were bedecked tion, Stationery, • i KNISHED FLAT, York House. have met their master in sha bought the wit]l bowls Gf flowers and among the Bookkeeping ZEV—made by the maW- Two double bedrooms, verandah. borrowed money and she ero of Buckley's Mixtura. i guests welcomed by Mrs. Barnes were Stockmen, poultry breed- Beautiful view. Ring 1515. was not going to pay her husband's Miss Phyllis Tichard, Miss Alice en, etc., who have ut«d debts. ZEV say it is positively Truesdale, Miss Barbara Wall, Miss "sure fire** relief for all respiratory ioffed his wig and robe j Jean Lyons, Barbara Trombridge, g* §E$ diseases in horses, cattle, sheep, pies, Ctir.pletely furnished, nine iuom poultry and dogs. It is amazing bov HOUSE, near Ir.vernrio, four bed- and entered the witness box to give I Jane Will, Oatucia Morrow, Bunny quickly it gets results in the most stab- )f an interview he had with I jORes> jean Baldridge, Evelyn Beard, born cases. In fact, we guarantee ZSV n.. n-.s. two baths. £40 per month. to do in a day or two what it took old- • Joan Burshoch, Athea Pardee, Caro- fashioned remedies a month to do. Pat Write Bex 2962, Bermuda Press. Mr. Swainson told Mr. Smith that his1 Una Denham, Hope Knowles, Midi Work Room J size 50c. Stock size $1.00. Get ZEV aft wife h:\d a half share in the business, Warren, and Baibara Van Dyke cf and Night Calls | THE PHOENIX DRUG STORE said that the retail value cf New York and Misses Elizabeth Houses and Cottages .ck was about £2,000. He Pearman and Eleanor Pearman of for RENT and for SALE further admitted the amount then Bermuda- We suggest that you GERALD GRAY claimed -£176. 11. 0. Mr. James Butler, Jr., Mr. Jc m keep this notice for MRS. CHAMPNESS This concluded the case for the Graham, William Starbuck and NEW MANSION HOTELS York House, Front St. West I Frederick R. Blair, members of the future reference. Dial 2715. Cables "Houses" The Chief Justice remarked that|Yal€ rugby team are house guests 38, 39, 40, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W.2. the burden of proof lay with the Facing beautiful Kensington Gardens. of Mr. William Barnes, Windsor Hot and cold running water in every plaintiff, and it s_.erned to him that Cottage, Ravello. room night and day. it had not been proved that Mrs. Central heating, gas fires. Exceptional JANE TUCKER Swainscn was a partner in any sense. Bermuda value. The interview Mr. Smith had with Direct P.O. *Phones in every bed room. JEAN COOKSCN the missing partner, or the missing ONLY BEST ENGLISH POULTRY AND MEAT SERVED. owner, was not evidence that Mrs. AMERICAN HOUSE NOTES Bed room, breakfabt, bath, boots FURNISHED COTTAGES Swainson was a partner, because it Press attendance. was behind her back. In November Prom 6s. 6d. Per Day and HOUSES she denied that there was partner­ Guests to arrive on Apr. 4th in­ Inclusive terms, 4 meals daily. Actually FOR RENT cludes a party of six from Harvard worth 5gns. ship and she said that she would not Royal Gazette & PROPERTIES FOR SALE be liable for her husband's debts. University, Cambridge, Mass., Mes­ ;- _ / S FROM £2. 12s. 6d. WEEKLY And furthermore, the lease—signed sers. Wm. H. Ferrell., John L. Bagg., Colonist Daily BUSINESS OF NAZIFICATION — Hardly had ChanceUor Hitler Bermuda Fire & Morine Bid Chas. L. Buileigh., Richard A. Jack­ entered Austria and announced annexation of the country by DOUBLE ROOMS for 2 persons from 4~2gns. only by Edgar Chase Swainson— Tariff and "Guide of London" from offices i Dia' 3108 Cable: Tuckstote son, Russell O. Bsnnett., and James Germany, before pro-Nazis began tearing down Austrian symbols. would have t J be seriously considered. of Royal Gazette & Colonist Daily S7Z2T__- m sis, W. Jones. Here a fireman in Vienna hacks away tbe "cratch cross" of tlie Special Terms Families. 'Phone Padd. 4421. The Chief Justice could see no evi­ Fatherland Front tbat hung over tbe party's headquarters. Later From Wellesley College came three dence entitling Mrs. Swainson to be lt was replaced with the Nazi swastika. charming young ladies, Misses Camil­ sued as a partner, but that did not la G. Daines, Louise Stewart, and alter the fact that the plaintiff could Ellen Libby. pursue his remedy against The Miss Polly Clark is a student of Somers Shop. "This man owned Radcliffe College. sjm_ property, you say. Perhaps some cf the proceeds can be attach­ Frcm Canada came Mr. John F. ed," said Hi? Honour. Lacey, of Montreal, Mr. H. Earlston and Mr. Bornston. of Ottawa, Ont. Mr. J. Cardie Mosse appeared fcr Misses Charlotte and Muriel Murphy Mrs. Swainscn. Sitting with the are visitors from New York City, Chief Justice was the Assistant N. Y. Justice, the Eon. R. C. Hollis Hallett. Mr. Fred W. Tilton comes from Pittsfield, N. H. Miss M. A. Bartley, and Miss M. PREMIER BLUM'S FIGHT Dillon are other visitors to arrive this week from New York eity for a three weeks stay. Continued from Page 1 Thank Ycu. us tr it a controlled economy as pro- HEP. POECC by the President will not work. Bli! r.'s demand passed the first ciuci 1 tost today when the Deputies passe the Bill after a bitter debate by a: mall majority of 61. The small­ ness er" th3 majority, howe~.• pillars of the Popular Front coaUtion views 3 in political circles as en- to support Blum's bill, lod ths Pre­ cGU_._-.gmg the Ser.-3.te to proceed mier and his Socialist minister to with the rejection of the Bill when it consider resigning. votes or. Friday. However, there was Deputies, however, said that Jou- haux promised Blum "full support" an apparent vote of confidence. for his general confederation cf lab­ PARIS, April 6. (CP)—Premier our and urged him tc go on with his Blum, despite the split in the Popular battle as far as the Senate. Jouha Front majority whan his financial is secretary of a labour confederation bill passed the Chamber cf Deputies claiming 5,0CO,00O followers. Blum > ) today, resolved tonight to carry his will take his demand' ox power to IT'S MAPLE SUGAR TIME AGAIN—Maple sap is running in New England—a sure sign Of spring. At right is John E. Wyman of West Keene, N. BU who has collected sap like this for more than SO FEEDS THE MULTITUDE—Observing tbe Feast of St. Joseph fight to tbe Senate. The failure the Senate on Friday, although he years, an the farm that has been in his family for five generations, since 1777. Covered pails ex­ Jean Cardinal Verdier, Archbishop of Paris, dons an apron -and of nearly half the members of the serves food to the elderly needy of Levallois. at the hostelry of knows that he faces almost certain clude rain. Sap is later boiled down s form syrup and sugar. the Little Sisters at tha Pe*-- ^^ uw»w«y tu j Radical-Socialist Party, one^of the defeat.
