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"••" 117*1 "*• * r~£ ™w -1WI|I '"• Property of the Watertown Historical Society STAY ACCIDENwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgT FREE IN "73 ., " ' •' . ^ The Waiertown-OakvillZEimee Weekly ' e. Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County "VOL. H NO. M22 Subscription Price, $5.00 Per Year PRICE 15 CENTS MAY 10, 1973 Watertown's Elder Statesman High. School Pool To Be Dedicated To Frank Reimhold 'Frank Reinhold 'has spent bis Manager Told To Igwmre 64 years in. Watertown "being a. 'part of 'what's going on..." D.E.P. Abatement Order .And. that Ms meant serving as "Just, ignore them," Town ed that if the money to abide by a state legislator. Town Coun- - Manager Paul. F. Smith was told 'the D.E.P. order at 'the' dump is cilman, Chairman of 'the Board Monday when be informed 'the' put into the landfill budget. of Education., as a member of Town 'Council of new* pollution "-we'll be up to $100,000 there. 'the first Board of Finance, and abatement .orders " from ..'the Let's slow down and. 'take a. good the Connecticut 'Transportation Department, of Environmental clean look and see what's 'the' Authority. , Protection which .could cost 'the' .best'course'to'take." He has witnessed tbe growth of town, some JMMMO. Mr. Smith said if 'tie dump "Watertown from, a family 'village 'This was the advice of Council. were to be shut down, tomorrow, , to a .community of more than. 20,- Vice-Chairman James Mullen "We'll still have the same ' NCI people. who flared 'that be thought it problem for- several yean," of For playing a major role in "time: the administration stops dirty .water ' seeping from the that development, Mr. Reinhold jumping through' hoops every - face of 'the .landfill area. will te honored on Sunday, .May 'time' D.E.P. speaks.."". "If you. know bow we .can get a 20, when tbe Watertown High Mr. Smith had just outlined an (Continued .on Page 20) Fraafc M. ReiafcoM 'Order from, the D.E.P. to clean School swimming pool 'will be up 'dirty water which is seeping dedicated in bis name. out from, under 'the 'landfill.-area, Testimonial Sitting back, in a 300-year old 13th Annual Christ Church, and another aimed at ending the Pilgrim, chair in. the library of infiltration,. ex filtration For Wallace .bis two-century old. home, be Country Fair' Slated June 2 problems in 'the 'town's sanitary detailed Us long anil interesting Slated May 19 life history. Christ Episcopal Church will L uo c h e o n, Mrs. G e o r g e sewer lines... hold its 13th Annual Country Fair JfcQeary; Publicity, Mrs. John. He..sought authorization to The Sixth District American Where 'would a man active in and Auction on Saturday^June 2., B r ad y; R ides, K e n n e t h proceed, with the: dump problem Legion and Ladies Auxiliary will 'the efforts to save Connecticut's from' 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 'Hie LaVigne; Sidewalk Cafe, lira. at a cost not 'to exceed $30,000, honor District Commander railraod transportation be ton? and gave |22,000 .as. .an. "outside George Wallace, of Oakville, and Green in Watertown. Charles Judd Jr.; Snack 'Bar. 1 District President Mrs. Phyllis In a railroad station, of course. Mr. and Mrs, George Wilber Mr. and. .'Mrs.. Clayton Spencer; figure*'* for the study to deter- mine what 'the problem." is with Bailey, of Torrington, at a. The .son. of a Pennsylvania :are' General Chairmen in 'Charge' Portraits, Mrs. Bert rand testimonial dinner on; Saturday, Dutch 'railroad man, Mr. of arrangements for the second Bisson; .Soda, Robert Jessell; 'the sewer, Mr. Mullen proposed, that the May 1.9, at 7 p.m.. at 'the Post Reinhold was born in the year. They will be assisted by Telephone, Mrs. Glenn. Wayne; Home, Bunker Hill. Ed.., Glenolden, Pennsylvania, station tbe following committee .'Treasurer,. Ralph. Colter; First two requests 'be turned over to tbe Budget. Committee for study. Oakville. of 'tbe Baltimore-Ohio in. 1.896. members: Auction: Mrs... Glenn Aid Station, Grounds .and: .Securi- Mr. Wallace was born in Back then, stations housed Jackson; Balloons, Thomas ty, Ronald Jones and Boy "If we're lucky," he said, "we'll get to. them 'by Sept. 1." He add- Ogdensburg, N.Y., and is 'the son railroad employees. Wilber; 'Books, Mrs. Daniel 'Scouts.; Parade, Richard; Gar- of Mrs. Ralph Wallace, of A. 'photograph of the Reinhold Comiskey; Clothing, Mrs. .'Brace side, 'Queen, of tbe Fair, Mrs. Ogdensburg, He resides at 40 Innes; Country 'Store, Mrs. Richard Garside; Auction Pkfc- Ninth Annual family posing in front of tbe 19th. William Owen; Games, Bruce ts, Arrangements made by Baldwin-Judson - (Continued on Page 201 (Continued on PagaJ7) Moulfhrop; Garden Table, Mr. Srs, G Jackson and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Copeland; Nicholas. Preston. PTA Fair' May 22 Grounds, 'Craig Lamphier; Han- The' highlight of the Fair is The ninth annual Baldwin- dicraft, Mrs. .Alfred. Morency; always its' annual Auction, .and Judson P.T.A. Fair' will 'be held Jewelry, Mrs. 'Craig Lamphier; tbe committee' is anxious to' ob- 'Tuesday, May 22, from 4 to 7 tain .as .many interesting and old p.m. at the Baldwin school. 'Rain, - Students Sponsor items as possible to please those .date is Wednesday, 'May 23. 'Mrs... who look forward to his. popular David Alexander and. Mrs. Roger May 17 Visit event each;.year. A new addition Deschesnes are co-chairmen of • this, year wilLbe a Beef Barbeque • the event, which will feature' Of Bloodmobile .under tbe 'direction of Richard games, prizes, refreshments, .and Next. Thursday's ./visit of 'Ibe Clark, an intra-scbool .art 'exhibit with 'Red Cross Bloodmobile will be awards. sponsored by "students from -Bell Ringers The children in. the fourth 'three' secondary schools, con- grades at 'the schools 'Currently tinuing an annual practice Mental Health are engaged, in a poster contest started several yean ago.., **•- March May 13-20 with 'the Mr .as its theme. Win- Students ' from Taft, Water- ning posters will be' displayed 'in town High, and Kaynor 'Tech, of Robert. Morton, Watertown- local, stores.. ' Waterbury, will join together to Oakville campaign chairman for Aides listed for 'the fair .are as 'work as volunteers, .and to' give the .annual fund drive, has an- follows.: Mrs. 'Donald Byrnes, 'blood, when the unit sets up shop nounced 'that 'the1 Bell Ringers food.; .Mrs. .'Robert. Sbuhart and May 1? from. 11:15 a.m. to 4:45 march for mental health will Mrs. James -Tirrell, games; p.m. -at Taft School. Regular 'tale place between. May 13 and: 'Mrs. Richard Domsten .and Mrs. MRS, ERIC' KUEGLER, center, was. installed as President of the' 'donors wiD be welcome as usual. May 20. During this period John Endler, prizes; .Mrs. Karl Junior Woman's Club for the coming year at 'the .annual, installa- Last year's drive was. very. volunteers will be Kuegler, Country Kitchen; Mrs/ tion, banquet Monday. Mrs... Robert Bongiolotti, right, of jt1 3H HBA IA 'ILI Walter Ackermann, Country Litchfield, District ID, representative, was. installing' .officer. At collected, making that par- funds to support the vital work of Store; .Mrs. David Poirier and. left, is. Mrs. Walter Fisher, Vice-President; Other officers are the mental health Mrs. Frank Barone, tickets; Mrs. Keith Osborn, Treasurer'; 'Mrs.. Kenneth I, Secretary"; ticular visit one of the most ' 1 successful in some' .years. The local campaign is being con- Mrs John Robb publicity; Mrs. and. 'Mrs... .'Fred. Carosella, Recording Secretary. Mm- 'honored, at i Walk-ins .are welcome, accor- ducted by . the Wa tertown- 'Charles Dixon, .newsletter; the' the. banquet 'were the dub's two scholarship winners, .and then- ding to Chapter Chairman Philip . kindergarteQ mothers will share' mothers. Mrs. Lawrence Bader, Scholarship Chairman, in- * iCootinoedonPaiem ... the cake-walk concession. • • - - troduced tbe winner*, -Gail Johnson, and •Kathf LeBiaoc.. • i • t "Page 2-TownftmM (Watertown, Conn.), .Mitt' Kalenaoskas Ending Term As (Wectlevt State: SNEAPropertyC President of theJuticef iWatertownaf ANNUA HistoricalL OPE NSociety HOUS E | current will aatomatically the ^ AFRICAN VIOLET SI of' the Oa rtk watertownhistoricalsociety.orgpreadeacy of tbe oa Jtily .(CEA), to ceroed with the Daring the meeting as meU .at the rights JAMES S. HOSKING NURSERY Speaking recently at the ao- former advisor to the group who • '• • SAT. MAY 12 9:30 a.m. - 5 pj|ti... • • noil meetin* of the Student, a professor at 'Western. National Education Attociatiaa SUN,' MAY 13 9:30- a.m. - 7. plm.. _ • • - of Coemectjcut, the student arm given to Maareeo Azxaro .and. ruyuts ijoue 01 aotniKni mmuM,.* of the CEA, Mr. NNMHB told 'UK' delegates 'that, when they tkut .State College by Karen RED BARN GIFT SHOPPE become teacben they sboaJd 'make every 'effort to belong to annual meeting. ' Miss KaUnauskas, , at AFRICAN VIOLET DISPLAY .and take part in the activities of Western Connecticut State CORA MALLETTE - noted authority will be here tcj answer ymir the group if they want to College, is the outgoing presi- dent .and is. a resident of Water- 'questions and make suggestions. PLANTS and CUTTINGS .•tan. town. .. AVAILABLE for PURCHASE, • . ... -|' . Other speakers included Thomas. P.' Moodani, 'CEA. ex- Weekend demonstration on " Results tn the Tuesday, May 1, legislation .affecting teachers session of the Ash worth l tit He covered the fair Duplicate Bridge Club are as CHARMGLOW GAS law, . certification, follows. North and Sooth: 'James. and many other laws, McCrackan and Byron 'Barclay, BARBEQUES 'dtrootly affect teacher* i«i, Mrs. .fidwara i^iwwrff ana Ntnct of their duties Peter Amodeo, 123; Mrs. and. responsibilities. Anthony Criscuoli and. .Allan. the finest in outdoor Newly elected officers, of the Root, 120, and Mrs.