PROJECT INFORMATION DOCUMENT (PID) APPRAISAL STAGE Report No.: AB2974 Niger Basin Water Resources Development and Sustainable Project Name Ecosystems Management Project Public Disclosure Authorized Region AFRICA Sector General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (70%);Central government administration (30%) Project ID P093806 Borrower(s) Benin, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Nigeria Implementing Agency NIGER BASIN AUTHORITY (NBA) Niger Basin Authority (NBA) B.P. 729 Niger Tel: (227) 72-45-95 Public Disclosure Authorized
[email protected] Environment Category [X] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] Date PID Prepared March 28, 2007 Date of Appraisal April 12, 2007 Authorization Date of Board Approval June 28, 2007 1. Country and Sector Background Regional context and key development issues. The Niger River provides the economic mainstay for its nine riparian countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Public Disclosure Authorized Guinea, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. It is the continent’s third longest river (4,200 km) with a basin covering a surface area of nearly 1.5 million km2. Notwithstanding the Basin’s tremendous potential for development and investment, it still remains under-developed, thus limiting economic growth and means to improve the livelihoods of the Basin population. The potential to harness the river for hydropower, irrigable lands and agricultural productivity, and improved waterways to promote flow of goods and people across borders, remains under-developed. To date, seven out of the nine Basin countries are among the bottom 20 poorest countries in the world1. Close to 75 percent of the Basin population lives in rural areas where food security and social well-being are directly dependent on the river and the existing water infrastructure.