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Design Principles of Phosphorylation- Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotic Circadian Clocks

Koji L. Ode1,2 and Hiroki R. Ueda1,2

1Department of Systems Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 2Laboratory for Synthetic Biology, RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center, 1-3 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan Correspondence: [email protected]

The circadian in cyanobacteria employs a posttranslational oscillator composed of a sequential phosphorylation–dephosphorylation of KaiC , in which the dynamics of protein structural changes driven by temperature-compensated KaiC’s ATPase activity are critical for determining the . On the other hand, circadian clocks in eukaryotes employ transcriptional loops as a core mechanism. In this system, the dynamics of protein accumulation and degradation affect the circadian period. However, recent studies of eu- karyotic circadian clocks reveal that the mechanism controlling the circadian period can be independent of the regulation of protein abundance. Instead, the circadian substrate is often phosphorylated at multiple sites at flexible protein regions to induce structural changes. The phosphorylation is catalyzed by that induce sequential multisite phosphorylation such as casein 1 (CK1) with temperature-compensated activity. We propose that the design principles of phosphorylation-dependent circadian-period determination in eukary- otes may share characteristics with the posttranslational oscillator in cyanobacteria.

he circadian clock produces near-24-h which strains with a circadian period matching Trhythms in physiological activities. From the light–dark cycle of their environment be- multicellular animals to plants, circadian clocks came dominant in the population (Woelfle regulate cellular metabolic pathways and other et al. 2004). This advantage should apply to physiological responses of the organism, such as many species; circadian rhythmicity of physio- sleep–wake cycles and immune responses (Levi logical activities is observed in evolutionarily and Schibler 2007; Bass and Takahashi 2010; distant species. Conserved features of the mo- Mohawk et al. 2012; Albrecht 2013; Greenham lecular mechanisms that drive circadian clocks and McClung 2015; Lu et al. 2017; Sanchez and in different phyla have been revealed through Kay 2017). The evolutionary advantage of a cir- studies in a variety of organisms, including con- cadian clock was demonstrated by coculture ex- ventional models such as rodents in mammals, periments with prokaryotic cyanobacteria, in in insects, Arabidopsis

Editors: Paolo Sassone-Corsi, Michael W. Young, and Akhilesh B. Reddy Additional Perspectives on Circadian Rhythms available at Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028357 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018;10:a028357

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K.L. Ode and H.R. Ueda

thaliana in higher plants, Neurospora crassa in NEGATIVE FEEDBACK IN fungi, and Synechococcus elongatus in cyano- EUKARYOTIC CIRCADIAN OSCILLATORS bacteria. In all organisms, circadian rhyth- micity is cell-autonomous. Even in mammals, Figure 1 summarizes the major molecular com- various cell types show robust circadian rhyth- ponents of circadian oscillators in different phy- micity in expression and physiological ac- la. Eukaryote oscillators have conserved negative tivity, even when cultured in vitro (Welsh et al. feedback loops in the transcription–translation 1995; Yagita et al. 2001; Nagoshi et al. 2004; network (Fig. 1A). The PERIOD protein (PER) Yoo et al. 2004). Cell-autonomous circadian is a key transcriptional repressor in mammals oscillation is produced by the system-level or- and Drosophila. PER binds and inhibits a basic chestration of transcription–translation feed- helix–loop–helix transcription-activator com- back and/or a posttranslational interaction net- plex consisting of CLOCK and BMAL1 in mam- work (Gallego and Virshup 2007; Ukai and mals (Fig. 1B). In Drosophila, PER inhibits a Ueda 2010; Millius and Ueda 2017), but the complex of CLOCK (CLK) and CYCLE (CYC), molecular components of the oscillators espe- a BMAL1 ortholog (Fig. 1C). The CLOCK– cially for transcriptional or translational regu- BMAL1 (CLK-CYC in Drosophila) complex ac- lators differ between species (Rosbash 2009; tivates Per transcription; thus, the overall tran- Brown et al. 2012; van Ooijen and Millar scription network creates a negative feedback 2012; Takahashi 2017). However, the question loop. PER binds other partners in various organ- arises whether a common design principle un- isms to act on transcription activators. In Dro- derlies the molecular components of circadian sophila, PER represses its own transcription by clocks in different organisms. binding (TIM), the vertebrate ho- In most organisms, circadian molecular os- molog of which maintains chromosomal integ- cillators seem to be based on transcription– rity (Chou and Elledge 2006; Tanaka et al. 2009). translation feedback loops (TTFLs). However, In contrast, mammalian PER forms a complex how circadian clocks maintain a robust 24-h with CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The crypto- oscillation is a mystery. The suprachiasmatic chrome superfamily is widely conserved from nucleus, a region of the brain central to circadi- bacteria to plants, but nonmammalian crypto- an rhythm in mammals, can sustain oscillating chrome functions as a blue-light receptor rather gene expression for years when cultured in vitro than as a circadian transcription repressor (Lin (Yamazaki and Takahashi 2005). However, the and Todo 2005; Ozturk et al. 2007). Phylogenet- periodic gene expression in artificial biological ically, the closest homolog of mammalian cryp- oscillators encoded as TTFLs is less stable when tochrome is 6–4 photolyase, which catalyzes the subjected to cell-intrinsic or cell-extrinsic repair of damaged DNA residues using energy changes (Elowitz and Leibler 2000; Danino from blue light. These functional divergence of et al. 2010). This observation suggests that an TIM and CRY in maintaining DNA integrity additional layer exists in the period-keeping and circadian rhythmicity may be related to mechanism of circadian cellular oscillators. the evolutionarily close relationship of DNA- Here, we review the circadian-clock features in damage responses and circadian clocks in an various organisms from the perspective of environment with daily oscillations in sunlight. TTFL-based design principles and posttransla- The molecular components of circadian tional modifications of oscillator components. negative feedback loops differ between fungi Through the comparison between a phosphor- and plants. White Collar complex (WCC) and ylation-based oscillator in cyanobacteria and FREQUENCY (FRQ) are the primary drivers of multisite phosphorylation of clock components Neurospora circadian clocks (Fig. 1D). WCC ac- that can regulate the circadian period in eukary- tivates FRQ transcription, which in turn inhibits otes, we propose that shared design principles WCC and creates the negative feedback loop. can be found in the circadian period-determi- The canonical core feedback architecture of nation mechanisms. the circadian clock in plants is more complex

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Phosphorylation-Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotes

ABCCanonical design principle Mammals Fruit fly


X gene BMAL1 Per gene CYC per gene CLOCK Cry gene CLK tim gene

DEFungi Higher plants




WC1 frq gene CCA1 gene WC2 LHY gene

Figure 1. Shared structure of transcription–translation feedback loop (TTFL)-based eukaryotic circadian clocks. (A) Diagram showing the basic structure of a circadian negative-feedback transcription oscillator. The transcrip- tion repressor is regulated by multisite phosphorylation and proteasome-mediated proteolysis. (B–E) Major components of the circadian TTFL-based oscillator in each species. Note that the indicated components and pathways were selected based on the context of this review; the actual circadian systems are far more complex reaction networks involving numerous gene products. EC (evening complex) composed of ELF4, LUX, and ELF3.

(Fig. 1E). In Arabidopsis, the canonical model period of TTFL-based oscillators is determined involves transcription feedback loops around through the dynamics of protein quantity: the two transcription repressors, CCA1 and LHY, repression phase is initiated by the accumula- which suppress the transcription of both activa- tion of transcription repressor(s) and ceases tors and inhibitors of CCA1/LHY expression, when the repressors have disappeared. Indeed, creating an architecture combining positive the circadian period is reported to be regulated and negative feedback. through the delayed timing (phase) of the accu- Theoretical studies emphasize the impor- mulation of mammalian transcriptional repres- tance of a negative feedback loop encoded as a sor Cry messenger RNA (mRNA) (Ukai-Tade- TTFL in autonomous oscillation (Novak and numa et al. 2011) or Per mRNA in mammals Tyson 2008; Kim 2016). In a general sense, the and Drosophila (Kadener et al. 2008; Fustin et al.

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K.L. Ode and H.R. Ueda

2013). These changes are regulated by the tim- Recent findings, however, indicate that peri- ing of transcription and the mRNA maturation od-determination processes can be independent process, independent of the biochemical char- of transcriptional-repressor clearance rates. De- acteristics of the CRY/PER themselves. leting a ubiquitin-ligase component leading to However, evidence suggests that the dynamics of the proteolysis of FRQ stabilized FRQ but, sur- mRNA abundance are less important in eliciting prisingly, had little effect on rhythmic FRQ ex- rhythmic transcription; noncircadian expres- pression (Larrondo et al. 2015). Several mutant sion of the per gene in Drosophila (Ewer et al. of mammalian CRY1 altered the circadi- 1988; Frisch et al. 1994; Vosshall and Young an period but had little effect on CRY1’s stability 1995; Yang and Sehgal 2001) and a constitutive (Ode et al. 2017). One chemical biology study supply of CRY protein in mammals can support designed a compound that stabilizes CRY1 and circadian oscillation (Fan et al. 2007; Ukai-Ta- shortens the circadian period (Oshima et al. denuma et al. 2011), indicating the importance 2015). These studies suggest that the regulation of protein-level dynamics in the regulation of of protein quantity (the rates of protein produc- circadian clocks. Consistent with this view, tion and degradation) does not tell the entire rhythmic changes in mammalian PER levels story of circadian-period determination, and a were observed when PER was expressed under question remains about the general applicability a constitutive promoter (Yamamoto et al. 2005; of the TTFL model in determining circadian Fujimoto et al. 2006; Nishii et al. 2006). periods (Gallego and Virshup 2007; Blau 2008). In protein-level regulation of the circadian period, several theoretical models predict the importance of transcriptional repressor degra- POSTTRANSLATIONAL CIRCADIAN OSCILLATOR DESIGN PRINCIPLES dation rates (Gerard et al. 2009). In a simplified IN CYANOBACTERIA negative feedback TTFL model such as the Goodwin model, accelerating the degradation The prokaryotic cyanobacterial circadian clock rate shortens the circadian period (Forger is an example of circadian-period determination 2011), and this relationship is observed in mod- independent of protein-quantity dynamics. This el organisms. The degradation rate of core clock is driven by the proteins KaiA, KaiB, and circadian components is fine-tuned by their KaiC (Ishiura et al. 1998). KaiC represses tran- phosphorylation and subsequent proteasome- scription, and its targets include KaiC itself. dependent degradation. In mammals and Dro- Thus, it was proposed that KaiC forms a TTFL sophila, the circadian period is shortened or (Fig. 2A). However, a subsequent study showed lengthened by that destabilize or sta- that the circadian clock in cyanobacteria can op- bilize PER, respectively (Vanselow et al. 2006; erate in the absence of global transcription and Chiu et al. 2008; Meng et al. 2008; Syed et al. translational activities (Tomita et al. 2005). In- 2011). Mammalian CRY also regulates the cir- deed, autonomous circadian rhythmicity in the cadian period; genetic and pharmacological phosphorylation status of purified KaiC can be perturbations that stabilize CRY lengthen the reconstituted by incubating a mixture of KaiC, period (Siepka et al. 2007; Hirota et al. 2012; KaiA, and KaiB with ATP in vitro (Nakajima Gao et al. 2013; Hirano et al. 2017), while de- et al. 2005). Thus, KaiC provides a posttransla- stabilizing CRY shortens it (Hirano et al. 2013, tional oscillator (PTO) as well as a TTFL-based 2016; Yoo et al. 2013). The causal relationship negative-feedback architecture. The coupling of between CRY degradation and a shorter period PTO and TTFL-based oscillators appears to be was demonstrated by tuning the period through important for cyanobacteria circadian clocks, CRY-specific artificial proteolysis (Ode et al. depending on growth conditions (Kitayama 2017). In Neurospora, FRQ stability is also et al. 2008; Teng et al. 2013). PTO rhythmicity well correlated with the circadian period (Liu requires fine-tuning the expression of KaiA, et al. 2000; Gorl et al. 2001; Baker et al. 2009; KaiB, and KaiC at specific ratios for oscillation Tang et al. 2009). in vitro (Nakajima et al. 2010). Their expression

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Phosphorylation-Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotes

AB P P P KaiC KaiC Autophosphorylation

P KaiC KaiC P

Auto-dephosphorylation Auto-dephosphorylation KaiC gene KaiC P



ATPase Sequential (de-)phosphorylation



ATP hydrolysis Local structural change Changes in protein–protein interactions and (temperature compensated) enzymatic activities

Figure 2. The KaiA/B/C-dependent posttranslational circadian oscillator in cyanobacteria. (A) KaiC represses its own transcription, and thus forms a transcriptional negative-feedback loop. Although every reaction should be reversible, biased reaction rates between antagonizing kinase/phosphatase reactions are required to create a posttranslational oscillator (PTO). (B) A mixture of KaiA/B/C with ATP can reconstitute a PTO in vitro. (C) The period-determining step of the KaiC oscillator is temperature-insensitive ATP hydrolysis, which induces a structural change in KaiC.

is also regulated by translational efficiency: non- mously switch between a “daytime” KaiC com- optimal codon usage in kaiBC tunes the plex with autophosphorylation activity and a amplitude of the circadian clock in response to “nighttime” complex with autodephosphoryla- growth conditions (Xu et al. 2013). However, tion activity. These switches include dynamic detailed analysis of a reconstituted KaiC oscilla- structural alterations in a flexible loop domain tor revealed a mechanism in which protein func- in KaiC (Chang et al. 2011; Tseng et al. 2014) tion itself creates the circadian oscillation and and a fold switch in the KaiB structure (Chang determines 24-h rhythmicity. et al. 2015). KaiC is biochemically unique. It functions as The force that drives KaiC status switching is a homohexamer and has autophosphorylation, provided through KaiC-intrinsic ATP hydroly- autodephosphorylation, and ATPase activities. sis and ADP/ATP exchange. The ATP-hydroly- KaiC has two sites that are autophosphorylated sis rate is relatively slow (∼10 ATP molecules per and autodephosphorylated in a defined order, day), is well correlated with the circadian period such that KaiC undergoes four distinct phos- in vivo for several period-modulating mutants phorylation states over the course of the circa- (Terauchi et al. 2007), and is unaffected by dian cycle (Fig. 2B) (Nishiwaki et al. 2007; Rust changes in incubation temperature (Terauchi et al. 2007). Each phosphorylation state has a et al. 2007; Murakami et al. 2008). Thus, in cy- distinct affinity to KaiA and KaiB. In turn, anobacteria, temperature-insensitive ATPase KaiA and KaiB regulate KaiC’s autophosphor- activity is proposed to support temperature ylation and autodephosphorylation to autono- compensation of the circadian period, a mech-

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anism for maintaining a constant circadian pe- nism to that proposed through the modeling of riod irrespective of environmental temperature. the KaiA/B/C oscillator (Fig. 3A) (Clodong et al. The crystal structure of KaiC reveals that the 2007;Rustetal.2007;vanZonetal.2007).APTO ATP-hydrolysis rate is determined by the posi- constructed with a kinase, phosphatase, and sub- tion of ATP’s phosphorus atom and a water strate protein (assuming that processes are cata- molecule (Abe et al. 2015). The unfavored posi- lyzed in the Michaelis–Menten scheme) must tion of the water molecule slows down ATP hy- use a substrate that is phosphorylated at multiple drolysis, which is coupled to an alternation of sites, because reversible phosphorylation at one KaiC’s structure at ATP-binding surfaces, fur- site alone cannot produce autonomous oscilla- ther slowing ATP hydrolysis (Abe et al. 2015) tion in the substrate’s phosphorylation states and driving a structural change in KaiC that (Angeli and Sontag 2008; Conradi and Shiu induces it to interact with KaiA/B (Snijder 2015). Interestingly, various lines of evidence et al. 2017; Tseng et al. 2017). show that several components of the eukaryotic Based on the KaiC oscillator mechanism, we circadian oscillators are also phosphorylated at can deduce an abstractive design principle of the multiple sites (Fig. 1), and that such multisite posttranslational circadian oscillator (Fig. 2C): phosphorylation is critical for determining the energy from temperature-compensated ATP oscillation period. Indeed, as discussed in the hydrolysis induces local structural alterations following sections, several features of design that induce biochemical changes in protein– principles found in cyanobacterial PTO can be protein interactions, enzymatic activities, and also found in the eukaryotic circadian substrates modification patterns. Transitions between pro- of the multisite phosphorylation and kinases cat- tein states have a significant energy barrier that alyzing the phosphorylation. determines the length of the circadian period. In this scenario, the circadian period is not deter- CK1, CK2, and Glycogen Synthase Kinase mined by the dynamics of protein quantity, but (GSK)3β rather by the dynamics of status change or the quality of each protein molecule. (CK1) is a conserved compo- nent that markedly regulates the circadian-clock period in mammals and Drosophila. CK1ε was MULTISITE PHOSPHORYLATION first characterized as a period-controlling kinase DETERMINES THE PERIOD OF EUKARYOTIC coded by the Drosophila gene doubletime, mu- CIRCADIAN CLOCKS tations of which shorten or lengthen the circa- Although transcription-independent circadian dian period (Kloss et al. 1998; Price et al. 1998). oscillation marked by cellular redox states has CK1ε was subsequently identified as the mole- been found in eukaryotic cells (O’Neill and cule responsible for the shorter circadian period Reddy 2011; O’Neill et al. 2011; Edgar et al. found in tau mutant hamsters (Lowrey et al. 2012; Reddy and Rey 2014), it is not known 2000). Another CK1 isoform, CK1δ, was iden- whether components in TTFL-based eukaryotic tified as a associated with a familial circadian oscillators can elicit posttranslational advanced sleep-phase syndrome (FASPS) pedi- oscillation. If you recall, however, that the cya- gree (Xu et al. 2005). The genetic evidence for nobacteria circadian clock adopts a combination CK1’s contribution to period determination was of PTO and TTFL-based oscillators, it may be further supported by high-throughput screen- useful to consider that some part of the design ing of small molecules or short interfering principles observed in the cyanobacteria circa- RNAs (siRNAs), which identified chemicals/ dian PTO might be also applicable to the regu- siRNAs that lengthen the circadian period by lation of eukaryotic circadian oscillators. inhibiting CK1δ/ε (Hirota et al. 2008, 2010; Iso- APTOcantheoreticallybeconstructedusing jima et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2009; Chen et al. a generic kinase, phosphatase, and substrate (Jol- 2012). Screening revealed that GSK3β, casein ley et al. 2012) with a similar oscillation mecha- kinase 2 (CK2), and CK1α also control the cir-

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Phosphorylation-Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotes

A C CK1 + nonphosphorylated substrate P Substrate Lower temperature Higher temperature

Kinase Kinase CK1 CK1 ATP ATP P Substrate Substrate Substrate P Substrate

Increase the Decrease the kinase-substrate affinity Phosphatase Phosphatase kinase-substrate affinity

Substrate P D CK1 + product with multisite phosphorylation

Lower temperature Higher temperature

B CK1 CK1 ADP CK1 ADP ADP P P Substrate ATP P P P P Substrate S Decrease the Increase the Amino terminal Carboxy terminal kinase-product affinity kinase-product affinity E GSK3β CK1 ADP ATP Lower temperature Higher temperature P P S

Amino terminal Carboxy terminal P P P P

P P P P PER CK2 PER ADP ATP P P P S Destabilizing PER Stabilizing PER

Amino terminal Carboxy terminal (accelerate the clock) (decelerate the clock)

Figure 3. Multisite phosphorylation is the core mechanism of period determination in eukaryotic circadian clocks. (A) Multisite phosphorylation is a prerequisite for forming a posttranslational oscillator (PTO) from a generic kinase, a phosphatase, and a substrate. (B) The kinases responsible for period determination preferen- tially promote sequential phosphorylation. “S” denotes the target residues for phosphorylation. (C–D) Ueda and his colleagues found that raising the temperature decreases casein kinase 1 (CK1)’saffinity for the substrate (Shinohara et al. 2017). Raising the temperature also prompts CK1 to bind the phosphorylated product. These effects decrease the turnover number and thus decelerate the enzyme’s reaction rate. (E) Virshup, Forger, and their colleagues (2015) found that raising the temperature promotes PERIOD protein (PER) phosphorylation by CK1, which stabilizes PER and thereby lengthens the period (Zhou et al. 2015).

cadian period (Hirota et al. 2008, 2010; Maier corporating various cellular and environmental et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2009). Although other signals (Gallego and Virshup 2007; Reischl and kinases such as AMP-activated protein kinase Kramer 2011), the importance of CK1, CK2, (AMPK), calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and GSK3β in period determination is high- II (CaMKII), and mitogen-activated protein ki- lighted both by screening studies and in the con- nase (MAPK) regulate circadian clocks by in- servation of their roles across species. Among

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K.L. Ode and H.R. Ueda

these kinases, CK1 may have one of the most mammalian PER sequence contains a repeat of prominent effects on the circadian period be- the CK1 motif. Once the amino-terminal side of cause the inhibition of CK1δ/ε can double the the S-X-X-S repeat is phosphorylated (i.e., prim- period up to 48 h (Isojima et al. 2009) and be- ing phosphorylation), CK1 can efficiently phos- cause CK1δ/ε-dependent phosphorylation in phorylate the downstream serine cluster (Vanse- vitro and CK1δ/ε-dependent degradation in cel- low et al. 2006). A mutation on the priming lulo are both temperature-compensated (Iso- phosphorylation site, found in a FASPS pedigree jima et al. 2009). (Toh et al. 2001), destabilizes the PER protein Kinases can phosphorylate multiple sites on (Vanselowet al. 2006), indicating thatphosphor- a substrate in a random manner, phosphorylat- ylationatthissitehelpsstabilizePERandregulate ing each site with a random access, or in a se- the circadian period. The kinase responsible for quential manner in which the kinase phosphor- the priming site is unclear, but CK1δ/ε may be ylates the target sites in a specific order (Yamada able to act on the nonphosphorylated PER-de- and Forger 2010). Intriguingly, CK1, GSK3β, rived sequence (Isojima et al. 2009). Another and CK2 undergo sequential phosphorylation PER phosphorylation domain is important for (Fig. 3B). CK1’s substrate consensus sequence proteasome-dependent PER degradation (Eide is pS/T-X-X-S/T (pS/T denotes phosphorylated et al. 2005; Shirogane et al. 2005; Shanware serine or threonine, X denotes any amino acids, et al. 2011; Zhou et al. 2015). CK2 also controls and S/T denotes the target residue). The CK1 the period of the mammalian circadian clock by kinase preferentially phosphorylates residues phosphorylating PER (Tsuchiya et al. 2009). In downstream of prephosphorylated residues Drosophila, DBT phosphorylates PER at multi- (Flotow et al. 1990). The consensus sequence ple sites (Chiu et al. 2008). DBT-dependent mul- of GSK3β is S/T-X-X-X-pS/T (Frame and Co- tisite phosphorylation is primed by NEMO ki- hen 2001), and that of CK2 is S/T-X-X-D/E, nase (Chiuetal. 2011;Yuet al.2011). Inaddition, where substituting pS into the +1 and +3 posi- CK2 (Lin et al. 2002; Akten et al. 2003; Nawa- tions optimize the phosphorylation efficiency thean and Rosbash 2004) and GSK3β (Martinek (St-Denis et al. 2015). Thus, all three of these et al. 2001; Fang et al. 2007; Ko et al. 2010; Hara important period-controlling kinases preferen- et al. 2011) regulatethe actionof Drosophila PER, tially phosphorylate residues near prephos- although the effect is probably mediated partly phorylated residues. When a kinase with this through the phosphorylation of TIM bound with property acts on multiple and clustered target PER (Top et al. 2016). residues, phosphorylation events preferentially follow a defined order. For instance, CK1 pref- CRY erentially phosphorylates sites sequentially, from the peptide amino terminus toward the Mammalian CRY also has multiple phosphory- carboxy terminus. This sequential phosphory- lation sites (Lamia et al. 2009; Gao et al. 2013; lation also makes it easy to enrich local protein Ode et al. 2017) targeted by various kinases, regions with phosphorylated residues. including CK1δ/ε (Eide et al. 2002; Qin et al. 2015; Ode et al. 2017) and GSK3β (Kurabayashi et al. 2010). The multisite phosphorylation of PER CRY plays a critical role in period determination Transcription repressors in the eukaryotic circa- since combinatorial mutations in the phosphor- dian oscillator are regulated through multisite ylation sites results in the twofold change of the phosphorylation, catalyzed at least partly by the period length from 19 to 38 h (Ode et al. 2017). above-mentioned kinases. PER in fly and mam- CRY phosphorylation sites appear to be concen- mals is among the best-understood substrates of trated in the P-loop and carboxy terminus, and CK1δ/ε (DBT in Drosophila). PER is progres- mutations in several phosphorylation sites in sively phosphorylated as the circadian cycle pro- these regions significantly affect the circadian gresses (Edery et al. 1994; Lee et al. 2001). The period (Gao et al. 2013; Liu and Zhang 2016;

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Phosphorylation-Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotes

Ode et al. 2017). Furthermore, a recent study serves the circadian period. Mammalian CK1 identified a FASPS pedigree CRY mutation in is linked to temperature compensation (Tosini which an alanine in the P-loop region is replaced and Menaker 1998; Isojima et al. 2009; Zhou by threonine (Hirano et al. 2016). This substitu- et al. 2015), and CK2 is at least partly responsible tion might create a de novo phosphorylation site for the temperature compensation in Neurospo- around the P-loop that modulates the circadian ra and higher plants (Mehra et al. 2009; Portoles period. Indeed, the threonine-substitution phe- and Mas 2010). notype can be recapitulated by aspartic-acid In general, increased temperature acceler- substitution, which mimics the phosphorylated ates biochemical reactions such as phosphory- residue (Hirano et al. 2016). lation and protein degradation, thus raising the temperature should accelerate clock speed. However, a previous study indicated that CK1δ/ FRQ ε kinase activity markedly influences the speed Like PER, FRQ is progressively phosphorylated of mammalian circadian clocks and is largely during the circadian cycle (Garceau et al. 1997) insensitive to temperature changes in vitro (Iso- at multiple sites, many of which are presumably jima et al. 2009). A subsequent study revealed phosphorylated by CK1 and CK2 (Baker et al. that temperature-insensitive kinase activity is 2009; Tang et al. 2009). CK1 stably binds FRQ achieved through CK1δ/ε’s ability to bind sub- and is responsible for its clustered phosphoryla- strate and phosphorylated products in a tem- tion (He et al. 2006; Baker et al. 2009; Querfurth perature-dependent manner (Shinohara et al. et al. 2011). CK2 also directly phosphorylates 2017). When CK1 acts on a substrate with a FRQ (Yang et al. 2003; Mehra et al. 2009). single phosphorylation site, which may be sim- ilar to the reaction step for catalyzing the prim- ing phosphorylation site, raising the tempera- CCA1 ture decreases the affinity between the kinase In Arabidopsis, CCA1 is phosphorylated by CK2 and the substrate to be phosphorylated (Fig. to obtain the proper circadian period (Sugano 3C). In addition, when CK1 acts on a substrate et al. 1998, 1999; Daniel et al. 2004). Depleting with multiple phosphorylation sites, raising the CK2 or increasing its activity lengthens or short- temperature increases the affinity between the ens the circadian period, respectively (Sugano kinase and the phosphorylated product at mul- et al. 1999; Lu et al. 2011). Although the kinases tiple sites in the presence of ADP, reducing the responsible for phosphorylating CCA1 are not as turnover number of CK1 action (Fig. 3D). These well understood as those in other conventional temperature-sensitive affinity alterations reduce model organisms, several circadian proteins ex- substrate binding and product release at higher hibit circadian variations in their phosphoryla- temperatures. Therefore, the net kinase-reaction tion state (Fujiwara et al. 2008), suggesting that rate stays nearly constant despite temperature multisite phosphorylation is critical in regulat- changes. Ueda and his colleagues successfully ing the circadian period in plants (Seo and Mas conferred temperature insensitivity on another 2014). A study using the unicellular plant Ostreo- temperature-sensitive kinase protein by intro- coccus tauri revealed that pharmacological inhi- ducing an evolutionarily conserved CK1-specif- bition of CK1 markedly lengthens the period ic domain that seems to bind to substrates and over 8 h, suggesting that the central role of CK1 phosphorylated product. in determining the circadian period is conserved The presence of a temperature-insensitive in the plant kingdom (van Ooijen et al. 2013). kinase such as CK1 can provide another layer of regulation to achieve the circadian tempera- ture compensation. Detailed analysis of the deg- Temperature Compensation radation kinetics of mammalian PER showed CK1 and CK2 and their substrates are important that raising the temperature stabilizes PER, for the temperature compensation that pre- which were proposed by the combination of

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temperature-insensitive and temperature-sensi- other systems to protect against environmental tive kinases (Zhou et al. 2015). At higher tem- temperature fluctuations. peratures, CK1δ/ε preferentially phosphorylates PER on the PER-stabilizing domain (which con- MULTISITE PHOSPHORYLATION AT tains the site of the mutation found in the FASPS FLEXIBLE PROTEIN REGIONS pedigree), while at lower temperatures, the CK1δ/ε preferentially phosphorylates PER on The multisite phosphorylation process itself the PER-destabilizing domain (Fig. 3E). Thus, may contribute to period determination inde- increasing the temperature decelerates the PER pendent of the regulation of protein degrada- degradation, slowing down the pace of the cir- tion. In a recent study in Neurospora, mutations cadian clock. The similar temperature-depen- in FRQ phosphorylation sites strongly affected dent stability mechanism was also proposed in the circadian period even in a genetic back- Neurospora FRQ. A study proposed that in- ground in which FRQ’s stability was unchanged creasing the temperature accelerates FRQ stabi- (Larrondo et al. 2015). In another study, a series lization and counteracts any temperature-de- of phosphorylation-site mutants of mammalian pendent acceleration of the circadian clock CRY severely affected the circadian period, even (Mehra et al. 2009). This balance can be modu- though CRY’s stability was only marginally af- lated by mutations of either CK2 or the CK2- fected (Ode et al. 2017). Furthermore, a dele- phophorylation site on FRQ. These studies in- tion-mutant CRY found in delayed sleep-phase dicated that temperature-dependent kinase ac- disorder extends the circadian period without a tivity counteracts the canonical acceleration of detectable change in the stability of the CRY clock speed in response to a rise in temperature protein (Patke et al. 2017). In plants, CK2 phos- by modulating the substrate degradation rate. phorylation regulates CCA1 transcription with- To summarize, the CK1δ/ε kinase reaction out affecting the amount of CCA1 protein (Por- itself can be insensitive to temperature changes, toles and Mas 2010). providing the mechanism of temperature com- KaiC studies strongly suggest that circadian pensation at the systems’ component level. This clock speed is encoded as the time necessary for temperature-insensitive kinase together with changes in protein structure. On the other hand, other temperature-sensitive kinases (or proba- a common feature of other circadian-period reg- bly phosphatases) may provide the system-level ulatory processes is that the period is largely tuning of FRQ/PER proteolysis, which further determined by multisite phosphorylation by ki- compensates the effect of temperature changes. nases that elicit clustered and sequential phos- These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive in phorylation, although the events downstream of circadian clocks (Hogenesch and Ueda 2011); the phosphorylation may vary among circadian however, the former model suggests that tem- systems. Are there any links connecting the de- perature-insensitive reactions are not exclusive sign principles of the KaiC oscillator and multi- to the circadian substrate. Rather, if the affinity site phosphorylation-based oscillation? Serial of CK1δ/ε for phosphorylated products is im- enzymatic reactions such as multisite phosphor- portant for temperature-insensitive kinase reac- ylation can produce cooperative responses and a tions, such temperature-compensated reactions sufficient delay to produce fully modified sub- may also function in other biological processes. strates, and can potentially determine period In a study of temperature-compensated budding length (Salazar and Hofer 2009; Salazar et al. yeast metabolic oscillation, the oscillation peri- 2010; Ferrell and Ha 2014). Studies suggest od was sensitive to CK1 and GSK3β (Causton that even apart from its time-related character- et al. 2015). Indeed, a budding yeast homologue istics, multisite and clustered phosphorylation of CK1 also preserves temperature-compensat- might be able to strongly modulate protein ed kinase activity (Shinohara et al. 2017). There- structure. fore, the CK1 enzyme might confer robust bio- Multisite phosphorylation often affects pro- chemical reaction rates on circadian clock and tein structure and function by acting on intrin-

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sically disordered regions (IDRs) of substrate protein interactions, such structural changes proteins (Valk et al. 2014; Wright and Dyson could affect binding affinity. 2015). In IDRs, the polypeptide structure is Multisite phosphorylations on IDRs may highly flexible, not rigid as in an α-helical con- have a critical role for circadian-period control. formation. IDRs tend to be located at the protein It has been suggested that FRQ is an intrinsically surface where they are accessible to kinases. In- disordered protein (IDP) (Hurley et al. 2013). deed, statistical analyses of proteomics data in- Multisite phosphorylation changes the structure dicated that phosphorylation sites and that IDRs of FRQ (Querfurth et al. 2011), and the non- are located close together (Iakoucheva et al. phosphorylated FRQ is proposed to have a com- 2004; Xie et al. 2007), and IDRs are often regu- pact form through an interaction between the lated by phosphorylation (Holt et al. 2009; Tya- basic amino-terminal domain and the acidic nova et al. 2013; Sharma et al. 2014). Multiple carboxy-terminal domain. Multisite phosphor- phosphorylations on IDRs dramatically alter the ylation of the amino-terminal domain loosens bulk electrostatic potential of the region and the interaction, and the FRQ becomes more may induce dynamic structural changes (Fig. sensitive to limited protease digestion. The mul- 4A) (Theillet et al. 2014). When the flexibility tisite phosphorylation on PER appears to be of an IDR strongly affects intramolecular inter- similar to FRQ. Although PER contains func- actions, multisite phosphorylation can change tionally important structured domains, such as the overall structure of the proteins themselves. Par-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domains and the CRY- If the IDR is located at the interface of protein– binding domain (Hennig et al. 2009; Kucera



Cooperative protein–protein interaction Modulating local protein structure Switching global protein structure B Kinase

ATP Kinase P S

2- 2- 2- 2- P Kinase Kinase P P P P P ADP P P P P S

Sequential phosphorylation Multisite phosphorylation changes Changes in protein–protein interactions and (temperature compensated?) the local electrostatic state enzymatic activities

Figure 4. Multisite phosphorylation affects protein structure and function. (A) Multisite phosphorylation, particularly around the flexible protein regions, affects protein–protein interactions and local/global protein structure. (B) The multisite phosphorylation process could be a period-determining step in eukaryotic circadian clocks. Reaction rates of the kinases responsible for these events can be temperature-insensitive. This abstractive principle may be compatible with the design principle of cyanobacterial circadian-period determination (see Fig. 2C).

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et al. 2012; Nangle et al. 2014), most of the other CONCLUDING REMARKS regions are predicted to be disordered (Gustaf- son and Partch 2015). In both mammalian and The importance of multisite phosphorylation Drosophila PER, phosphorylation states control and structural changes in eukaryotic circadian- the PER global structure, as indicated by an al- period control remind us of the unsolved ques- tered susceptibility to protease treatment (Chiu tions: What is the source of the 24-h period? et al. 2011; Zhou et al. 2015). In contrast to FRQ What are the rate-limiting steps? Why is the and PER, the structure of the photolyase homol- circadian period is so slow (a scale of minutes) ogy domain of cryptochrome superfamily pro- compared with biochemical events in general (a teins is well conserved, indicating that CRY is scale of seconds), but still accurate (Akiyama not an IDP. Nonetheless, clustered phosphory- 2012). Studies of the KaiC oscillator revealed a lation sites that are critical for controlling the structural basis for slow kinetics (Abe et al. circadian period are located near the flexible 2015). In contrast, a structural basis for its ac- P-loop (Hirano et al. 2016; Liu and Zhang curacy remains unknown. Although transcrip- 2016; Ode et al. 2017). Multisite phosphoryla- tion–translation dynamics are at the core of tion appears to additively regulate the circadian noncyanobacterial circadian clocks, we may period, and the number of phosphorylation sites well find phosphorylation-dependent structural around this loop domain may serve as a cumu- changes at the core of timekeeping mechanisms lative timer for the circadian period (Ode et al. in these organisms. In addition, a recent study 2017). These lines of evidence suggest that struc- proposed that the slow cis/trans isomerization of tural changes in flexible regions, elicited by mul- specific peptide bonding in BMAL1 is a time- tisite phosphorylation, are a critical step in de- keeping mechanism in mammalian circadian termining the circadian period. clocks (Gustafson et al. 2017). Such rate-limiting Although the detailed mechanisms of peri- events, encoded as protein structures, could be od-determination remain unknown, the out- induced directly (via control of the local electro- come of phosphorylation-dependent protein static state) or indirectly (via protein–protein structural change could be coupled to TTFL- interactions) through multisite phosphoryla- based architecture via proteolysis (Chiu et al. tion. Furthermore, the temperature-compensa- 2011; Zhou et al. 2015). Changes in the multiple tion property of reaction speed could be en- phosphorylation state would also affect the pro- coded via multisite phosphorylation by CK1 tein–protein interaction. We further point out (Isojima et al. 2009; Shinohara et al. 2017). that the substrate with multiple phosphorylation From this perspective, the circadian time- sites can reciprocally regulate the action of ki- keeping mechanism in the KaiC protein oscilla- nases such as CK1. For example, PER protein tor and eukaryotic circadian oscillator may con- alters the CK1’s substrate preference (Qin et al. verge as the progressive regulation of protein 2015). Anionic small molecules and phosphor- structure powered by temperature-compensated ylated peptides can bind to the allosteric site of enzymatic activities—KaiC’s ATPase activity CK1 and thereby modulate the CK1’s enzymatic and CK1’s phosphorylation activity (Fig. 4B), activity (Shinohara et al. 2017). These substrate– thus encoding circadian-period determination CK1 interactions may imply that phosphor- as a quality rather than quantity of protein dy- ylation events in a stable protein complex, namics (Larrondo et al. 2015; Ode et al. 2017). including CK1, PER, and CRY, should not be The rate-limiting step should be encoded as a interpreted as a simple mixture of kinases and protein structural property to keep the period substrates. Instead, the components in a kinase– length constant regardless of fluctuations in substrate complex cooperatively regulate the expression (Dibner et al. 2009), especially for process of multiple phosphorylation, providing low-abundance circadian-transcription factors the temperature-compensated and accurate pe- (Forger and Peskin 2005; Narumi et al. 2016). riod-determining information for the eukaryot- To evaluate this perspective, we must execute a ic circadian clocks. structure-based analysis of the clock proteins,

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Design Principles of Phosphorylation-Dependent Timekeeping in Eukaryotic Circadian Clocks

Koji L. Ode and Hiroki R. Ueda

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028357 originally published online October 16, 2017

Subject Collection Circadian Rhythms

Circadian Posttranscriptional Regulatory Coordination between Differentially Regulated Mechanisms in Mammals Circadian Clocks Generates Rhythmic Behavior Carla B. Green Deniz Top and Michael W. Young Design Principles of Phosphorylation-Dependent Introduction to Chronobiology Timekeeping in Eukaryotic Circadian Clocks Sandra J. Kuhlman, L. Michon Craig and Jeanne F. Koji L. Ode and Hiroki R. Ueda Duffy Interplay between Microbes and the Circadian Cellular Timekeeping: It's Redox o'Clock Clock Nikolay B. Milev, Sue-Goo Rhee and Akhilesh B. Paola Tognini, Mari Murakami and Paolo Reddy Sassone-Corsi A 50-Year Personal Journey: Location, Gene Molecular Mechanisms of Sleep Homeostasis in Expression, and Circadian Rhythms Flies and Mammals Michael Rosbash Ravi Allada, Chiara Cirelli and Amita Sehgal Regulating the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) Membrane Currents, Gene Expression, and Circadian Clockwork: Interplay between Circadian Clocks Cell-Autonomous and Circuit-Level Mechanisms Charles N. Allen, Michael N. Nitabach and Erik D. Herzog, Tracey Hermanstyne, Nicola J. Christopher S. Colwell Smyllie, et al. Systems Chronobiology: Global Analysis of Gene The Plant Circadian Clock: From a Simple Regulation in a 24-Hour Periodic World Timekeeper to a Complex Developmental Manager Jérôme Mermet, Jake Yeung and Felix Naef Sabrina E. Sanchez and Steve A. Kay

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