Systematic Theology—Christology i Systematic Theology: The Doctrine of Christ Christ’s Community Study Center Mbarara, Uganda Donald F. McNeill i Christ’s Community Study Center—Mbarara, Uganda—
[email protected] Systematic Theology—Christology ii The Doctrine of Christ—Table of Contents I. Introduction 215 II. Names of Christ 215 A. Son of Man 215 B. Son of God 216 C. Lord 216 III. Prologue of the Gospel of John 216 IV. The Kenosis Passage: Philippians 2: 5-11 219 V. The Incarnation of Christ in Human Flesh 220 VI. Human and Divine Natures in the One Person of Christ 221 A. Historical Development of this Doctrine 221 1. The Council of Nicaea—AD 325 221 2. The Council of Constantinople—AD 381 221 3. The Council of Ephesus—AD 431 221 4. The Council of Chalcedon—AD 451 221 5. The Council of Constantinople—AD 680 222 6. The Reformation (16th Century) 222 B. The Effects of the Two Natures in One Person 222 C. A Human Analogy of the Two Natures of Christ in One Person 223 VII. The Virgin Birth 224 VIII. The States of Christ 224 A. Christ’s Humiliation 224 1. His Incarnation 225 2. His Poverty 225 3. His Suffering 226 4. His Subjection to the Law—Its Conditions and Curse 226 5. His Death 227 6. His “Descent into Hell” 227 B. Christ’s Exaltation 228 1. The Resurrection of Christ 228 a. Evidence of the Resurrection 228 b. Continuity and Discontinuity in the Resurrected Body of Christ 230 c. Agents of the Resurrection 230 2.