WHO IS GOD?) “Sound Doctrine, in Accordance with the Gospel.” (1Tim1:10-11) by Steven Rodrigue Section 2 - the Trinity and the Hypostatic Union
THE GOSPEL STUDY (PART 1 - WHO IS GOD?) “Sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel.” (1Tim1:10-11) by Steven Rodrigue Section 2 - The Trinity and The Hypostatic Union - THE TRINITY: While the word Trinity is not found in the Bible, it was first used by Tertullian (c.155-230), an early church father, to express the Scriptural truth that God exists as One, in essence, yet also as Three, in persons. This truth, while impossible for any finite man to fully comprehend, must be nonetheless accepted and embraced, because Scripture affirms it. - There is only one true God: Scripture teaches that the God of the Bible is not only “the true God,” (Jer10:10) but “the only true God.” (Jn17:3) Any other supposed gods, are not really gods at all, but false gods. OT & NT agree: - Old Testament: “I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God.” (Isa45:5) “The Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.” (Deut4:39) - New Testament: “There is no God but one.” (1Cor8:4) “There is one God.” (1Tim2:5) “There is one God, and there is no other but He.” (Mk12:32NKJV) - Other so-called gods: All other powerful beings (angels, demons, etc.), while they may be supernatural, are merely the result of God’s creation, not other gods. In fact, these so-called gods which other nations worship, are actually demons, deceiving men to believe that they are true gods. “The things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God.” (1Cor10:20NKJV) Satan himself, while greatly powerful, when compared to God, is like holding a burning matchstick next to the sun.
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