560000 570000 580000 590000 600000 610000 620000 3°50'0"E 3°55'0"E 4°0'0"E 4°5'0"E 4°10'0"E 4°15'0"E 4°20'0"E 4°25'0"E 4°30'0"E 4°35'0"E 4°40'0"E

GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR265 Product N.: 15EPERNAY, v1, English N

" Eperna y - 0 ' 0 1



£ 4 Flood - Situa tion a s of 25/01/2018

N " " £ 0 '

0 ! ! ! 1 Villers-Allera nd ! ° Mon tc h enot ! Ba c onnes Delineation Map 9 " !

4 Verzena y Ma rfa ux ! Jonc h ery-sur-Su ippe

! Rilly-la -Mo nta g ne ! Prov. Bitburg-Prum Kob lenz ! ! Nord - Pa s-de-Ca la is ! £ S Nord o Luxem b ou rg Pourc y Serm iers Ma illy-Ch a m p a g ne ! m ure me nd, Oise (BE) S Ch ig n y-les-Roses Ludes Sept-Sa u"lx la Arr. G Luxem b ourg Trier ! Somme , Neufchateau d Luxembourg n a Arr. Verzy Pic a rdie l Ardennes Virton La S G e Courta g non u it l i t l ! ! pp e re, Aisne, ! e P Aisne i O e Sa a rla n d Les Petites-Log es Mou rm elon-le-Gra nd A s Villers-Ma rm ery i s o ! ! Oise e M

M United , ! e e Belgium Germany Suipp es Kuingdom t s t ! o Épernay Enge lish l Na nteuil-la -Forêt Mou rm elon-le-Petit e MoPsaerilsle Val-d'Oise Channel s

! !( o

M Bas-Rhin S

Ville-en-Selve £ Som m e-Suippe 14 15 ^ 04 a

Belva l-sou s-Ch âtillon £ ! Yvelines 03 ! £ 05 " ^ r

Livry-Louverc y Paris Ile de re

" ! 06 Ma Fra nc e Switzerland "£ r ! Fra nc e be, Se n Au ine e Bay of M eurthe -e t-M os elle 0 0 -et-Marne S ,

Sa in t-Im og es 07 S

0 ! ! " Som m e-Tourb e 0 e Biscay 17 18 e Italy

0 Germ a ine ! 0 16 in Corm oyeux Trép a il Essonne i 0 ! ! 0 08 e n 4 4

Billy-le-Gra nd 09 e O Lorra ine 4 4 20

5 5 19

u 10 ! Louvois a Ch a m pa g ne-A rdenne n

Loiret n 11 Aube 21 Spain VosgMeesditerranHeanut-Rhin ! £ e, Haute-Marne Sea ! Rom ery Lo Lo N i 12 Alsa c e Ta uxières-Mutry Va udem a n g e " ire n

0 g ! ! " ' Fleury-la -Rivière 5 Yonne Haute-Saone ° 13 l ! 9 I l Bouy 4 Bourg o g ne

N Fra n c h e-Com te

" ! 50 0 ' ! ! Bouzy e 5 ! Centre n km

° Jura Ha utvillers Cote-d'Or o Doubs 9 a

4 Ch a m pillon ! Espa c e Am b o nna y Nievre S

Fonta ine-sur-Ay Cher Mittella nd

! La Croix-en-Ch a m pa g ne

Cum ières £ Les ! £ ! ! Va dena y ! Aven a y-Va l-d'O r ! Bussy-le-Ch âtea u " Isse Gra ndes-Log es ! ! Cuperly

" Mutig ny !

Da m ery ! Ca rtog ra ph ic Inform a tion

Dizy£ ! ! £ ! "£ ! ! L " Sa in t-Hila ire-a u-Tem ple a Nob Sa in t-Rem y-sur-Bussy La Ch a ussée " Ay lette ! 1:100000 Full color ISO A1, low resolution (100 dpi)

Ma rdeu il !

de Da m ery ! £ ! Da m pierre-a u -Tem ple La Ch eppe

£ !

£ To urs-sur-Ma rne Condé-sur-Ma rne 0 2.25 4.5 9 ! " £

! Ma reuil-£ su r-Ay Bisseuil !

Va uc iennes ! ! £ £

" £ " " km

Épern a y ! Ma g enta " " " " £ Aig ny Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31N map coordinate system ! " ! Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system La Veu ve ! ± Vra u x ! Sa in t-Étienne-a u -Tem ple

Ch ouilly ! £ Tilloy-et-Bella y O iry ! Leg end ! Juvig ny 0 Pierry " ! 0

0 ! Ch erville 0

0 Plivot ! 0

0 ! 0

Ath is £ L Crisis Inform a tion Tra nsporta tion 3 £ 3

! £

4 a 4

5 5

Mou ssy Jâlons £ " Flooded Area ! !" V Bridge and elevated highway £ " N ! Vina y e " (25/01/2018 05:59 UTC)

! 0 " ' !

s 0 " °

Aulna y-sur-Ma rn e l 9

Sa in t-Ma rtin -d'Ab lois e 4 Genera l Inform a tion Highway


N Ch a vot-Co urc o urt £

" e

0 ' d 0 ! £ Area of Interest

° u Primary Road "! 9 ! o 4 Brug ny-Va uda nc ourt Cuis S " Rec y - Ma toug ues ! !

! Les e ! Pla c ena m es Secondary Road

Mon th elon Cra m a nt m

! Istres-et-Bury £ Courtisols Som m e-Vesle ! ! m £ Placename ! ! o " L'Épin e Local Road Ma nc y S Sa in t-Ma rtin -sur-le-"Pré !

Mora ng is a Hydrog ra ph y ! ! L ! £ Urban railway ! ! Sa in t-Gib rien Moslins Gra uves ! Fla vig ny Ch a m pig neul-Ch a m p a g ne " Poix River ! ! Avize ! Fa g nières


Villers-le-Ch âtea u u

a ! £ Ch âlons-en-Ch a m pa g ne £ !

O g er N

! " Reservoir " e


L £ Sa in t-Mem m ie Poc a nc y £ ! Sa in t-Pierre "" Le Mesnil-sur-O g er ! ! Sa in t-Ma rd-lès-Rouffy Com p ertrix ! ! L


! M £

Giong es Th ib ie a 0 0 Villers-a ux-Bois Rouffy £

! ! ! Moivre

0 Ch a ltra it rn "! 0 0 ! 0 0 £ e 0 N

Coolu s " "

2 2

! 0


4 ! 4

Sa rry 5 5 £ 5 ! 5 " £ °


Villen euve-Renneville-Ch evig ny Vou zy 4 " £ Le Fresne ! " Coupéville ! N " ! ! 0 '

5 " 5

° Mon c etz-Long eva s Consequences within the AOI

8 ! Ma rson 4 Sa in t-Jea n -sur-Moivre Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Voipreux £ !


Flooded area ha 5683.7

! Soulières £

! ! " Ch epy Vertus Ch a intrix Sog ny-a ux-Moulins ! Estimated population No. of people 0 227619 ! £ " Da m pierre-su r-Mo ivre Transportation Bridge and elevated highway No. 0 69 "! Highway km 0.1 83.7 ! Fra n c h eville Éc ury-su r-Coole ! Primary Road km 1.2 394.3 Givry-lès-Loisy Secondary Road km 2.4 512.4

s ! Vélye Ch eniers Sa in t-Germ a in-la -Ville Local Road km 3.2 1565.9

e ! ! Ma iry-sur-Ma rn e £ !

v ! Urban railways km 0.3 558.4 u Bea una y ! £ " o ! Loisy-en-Brie Étréc h y

! Nuisem ent-sur-Co ole

D ! "


Berg ères-lès-Vertus Germ inon £ Vésig neul-sur-Ma rn e

! ! !

Étog es £ £

" £ Tréc on " " £ Ma p Inform a tio n

! Fèreb ria ng es ! "" Bad weather conditions are affecting Paris and North East part of France. The River Seine in

Paris is breaching its banks in several areas after weeks of heavy rain in and around the £ Breuvery-sur-Coole £ ! French capital, rising more than 4.3 metres in parts of the city. Other parts of France were La ! Pog ny " S To g ny-a ux-Bœ u fs " also bracing themselves for flooding, with rivers including the Rhine in the east also

ou Sa in t-Quentin-sur-Co ole ! threatening to overflow. Thirty regions across the country have been placed on flood alert,

d ! e ! with some towns and villages already reporting homes and shops being filled with muddy £ O m ey water.

! " The present map shows the flood delineation in the area of Epernay (France). The thematic Cerno n Vitry-la -Ville N Vert-To ulon Va l-des-Ma ra is ! "

! ! 0

Villeseneux ' 0 0 layer has been derived from post-event satellite image using a semi-automatic approach. The ! La Ch a ussée-sur-Ma rne 0 0 0

! 5

! °

0 0 estimated geometric accuracy is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the 8 0 0

4 1 1 Pierre-Mora in s Soudro n ! £ background satellite image. Ch eppes-la -Pra irie L 4 ! 4 N " 5 a 5

0 '

0 " G 5 £ Releva n t da te rec o rds °

8 Cla m a n g es Sa in t-Ma rtin -a ux-Ch a m p s ! u 4 Coiza rd-Joc h es ! ! ! " e Event 22/01/2018 Situation as of 25/01/2018 ! n Aulna y-l'Aître Va try ! e Lisse-en-Ch a m pa g ne Activation 23/01/2018 Map production 26/01/2018 ! Coupetz l l e ! Ab la nc ourt ! Sa in t-Am a nd-sur-Fion Da ta Sou rc es Song y Pre-event image: Sentinel 2A/B (2017) (acquired on 29/08/2017 at 10:50 UTC, GSD 10 m, Éc ury-le-Repos ! ! ! ! approx. 0% cloud coverage in AoI, 0° off-nadir angle) provided under COPERNICUS by the Sa in t-Lum ier-en-Ch a m pa g ne European Union and ESA.

Ba nnes Bussy-Lettrée !

! Ba ssuet Post-event image: Sentinel-1A/B (2018) (acquired on 25/01/2018 at 05:59 UTC, GSD 10 m) £ provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union and ESA.

" Soula ng es ! £ Sa in t-Quentin-les-Ma ra is Base vector layers: OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, Wikimapia.org, " ! GeoNames 2015, refined by the producer. Broussy-le-Gra nd Inset maps: JRC 2013, © EuroGeographics, Natural Earth 2012, CCM River DB © ! Fa ux-Vésig neul Pring y ! ! EUJRC2007, GeoNames 2013.

Lenh a rrée ! Population data: Landscan 2010 © UT BATTELLE, LLC

! Digital Elevation Model: SRTM (30 m) (NASA/USGS) Drouilly £

Dom m a rtin-Lettrée

! " Va ssim ont-et-Ch a pela ine £ Merla ut ! Disc la im er ! ! Loisy-sur-Ma rn"e ! Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping activity are realized to the best N Couvrot " of our ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All 0 '

5 geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the 4

° 8 £ original sources. The map and the information content are derived from satellite data without

! Fère-Ch a m penoise ! ulx 4 0 a 0 in situ validation. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the ! a S N £

0 L 0 " Ha ussim ont Ma iso ns-en-Ch a m pa g ne Vitry-en-Perth ois" 0

0 0 producer and by the European Union. ' ! 5 0 Conna ntra y-Va urefroy 0

4 ! 0 0

° " Please be aware that the thematic accuracy might be lower in urban and forested areas due

8 £ 4 ! 4

4 !

5 Soudé Coole £ 5 to inherent limitations of the SAR analysis technique.


" £ Map produced by GAF AG released by e-GEOS (ODO).

Som m esous ! " £ " £ " For the latest version of this map and related products visit ! " Bla c y" ! Vitry-le-Fra nçois http://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMSR265 ! Linth es Conna ntre [email protected] ! © European Union For full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite-copernicus- ems-mapping-portal

3°50'0"E 3°55'0"E 4°0'0"E 4°5'0"E 4°10'0"E 4°15'0"E 4°20'0"E 4°25'0"E 4°30'0"E 4°35'0"E 4°40'0"E 560000 570000 580000 590000 600000 610000 620000