Harvey T. Newell, Jr
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THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY I I I I • • • DECEMBER , 1952 ARCHITECT'S MODEL VOL. LXII , N0.2 OKLAHOMA A & M CHAPTER HOUSE Your Jeweled Sweetheart Pin Will Be Her Most Treasured Gift Your sweetheart will always treasure and cherish a beautiful 1eweled pin. Whether it is se t with rubies or emeralds from Burma and India, diamonds from South Africa or genuine Ori ental pearls from India, it will be a beautiful symbol of your Jove and regard. Many chap ters present a jeweled pin to their IIKA "Dream Girl" a t the annual winter formal or "Dream Girl Dance." The No. 0 size is the most popular Sweetheart pin size. Send Your Order T oday! PRICE LIST No. 0 No . I No . 2 No. 3 Plain border badge ············-············-········· $ 5.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.75 $ _ Nugget, chased or engraved border badge ································-············ 5.75 6.75 7.25 C lose set pea rl badge -········-··--·····-·········· 10.00 10 .50 11.50 19.00 CROWN SET JEWELED BADG ES All-pearl ············-······························-·············- 13 .00 15 .00 17.50 24.00 Pe a rl with ruby or sapphire points .............._ 14 .00 16.25 /9.00 26.00 Pearl with emera ld points .............................. 16.00 18 .00 21.50 30.00 Altern ate pearl a nd ruby or sapphire........ 15.00 17.50 20. 75 28.00 Alternate pea rl and emerald ........................ 19.00 21 .00 25.50 36 .00 All-ruby or sapphire ........................................ 17.00 19.75 24.00 32.00 Ruby or sapphire with diamond points........ 30.5C 38.50 50.75 78.75 All -emerald -··- ··--···················-························ 25.00 27.00 33.50 48.00 Pledge button -····················································································- $ .50 Large pledge button .......................................................................... .50 Official recogni tio n button (lette r Pi). sterling ......... ·-·······-·· .50 Official recognition button (letter Pi). /OK gold .................... .75 Coat of arms recognitio n button, gold plated........................ 1.00 Coat of a rms re cognition button with enamel. ....................... _ 1.25 Monogram recogn ition but ton ····································-·············--... 1.50 Send fo r complete illustrated price list. TAXES : Add 20% Federal Tax and a ny sta te taxes in effect. HOW TO ORDER : All badge orders must come in on officio! orde r blanks signed by an officer of the r.h a pter. 1952 BLUE BOOK ENGRAVED STATIONERY A 64-page ca talog of beautiful fraternity jewelry for Your crest on beautiful vellum papers expresses the dignity and prestige of your chapter. Small notes gifts and personal accessor ies. Rings, compacts, for hand-written invitations and large, man-size jewel cases, billfolds, silver wedding and baby gifts. sheets- all engraved with your crest. Mail post card for FREE COPY ! Write for Free samples. Official Jeweler to Pi Kappa Alpha L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY Factories m Attleboro, M assachusetts "The Heart of the Fine Jewelry Industry" GUE T EDJTORJAL "/Je Warg- IH~ AND JJow 7}e r}uJl}e" ~HI~1D DIAM~ND By Richard L. Evans, AT OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY From a new book, T ouic for Our T;mes Founded at the University of Virginia, March l, 1868, by Julian Edward Cop) right, H arper and Brothel , New York Wood, Litlleton Waller Tazewell, James Benjamin Sclater, J r., Frederick As to the difficultie of arriving a t ju - Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. tice and fa ir judgment, one phi losopher This magazi ne is primed by observed: "\ ,\ e mu t remember that we Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas. have to make judge o ut of men, and that Life subscriptions are $ 10.00 fo r members initiated before September I, by beina made judges their prejudices ar 1927. ubscription rate per year for these alumni is 1.00, for non members, $2.00. All members initiated since September I, 1927, have life not dimin i heel and their intell igence i subscriptions- Please promptly report changes of addres - include both not increa ed." 1 1t i high tribute to a , old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy of an y man that he is just in all hi judg prints) are cordiall y invited. men ts. And it i higher tribute to be able Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, to say tha t h e i generou as we ll a just The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis 4, Tenn. in judgment. ngenerou judgm em i an unfortuna te haracter fa ul t, and per Volume LXII, No.2 DECEMBER, 1952 haps no one i ever inno ent wh en an TH E SHIELD AND DI MIOND is published four times a year at I 14 Ea t eco nd t., Li ttle Rock , ungenerous per on i hi judge. It ome Ark., in September, December, i\larch and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered times seems that there is nothi ng men do as second cla ss matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of quite o much as misjudge other men. March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 191 8. \ Vh ether knowingly or not. it i a peren niall y prevalent fau lt to permit p rso nali ti es or prejudi ces to enter into the judg CONTENTS ments of others. There isn 't anything that an )•one could do tha t couldn't be PAGE + Features mi sjudged by o ne who wanted to mi - H arvey T. N ewell, Jr.-Mr. President ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 judge. There was never a mo n a! man in Supreme Cou nci 1- 1952-54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 whom faul t could not be found by one District Presicl en ts A ppo inted ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 who wanted to fi nd fa ul t. There is no D elta-Iota, Ma rshall Coll ege, pictorial feature ------------------------------------------ 12 act or gesture that could not be mi inter Natio nal Leader hip School-University of Missouri -------------------------------------- 19 preted by someone who e mind wa so Con ven ti o n Spot! igh t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 set. There i no uttered word to which Dreams o[ 1952 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 so meone could not give a cliff rent mea n Smythe pea k to the Convention ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 ing from what wa intended. 'o sen Ta ti o na I wa rei \ 1\1 inn ers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 tence is ever written that coul d not be ongs of Pi Kappa A ljJha -------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 read in d ifferent ways. T here is no o ne who co uld no t in some respects be pre + Departments se nted in a bad li ght by a prejudiced per Chapter E ternal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 son. I n other words, either we can decide Directo ry -·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 to see the best side of a man or we can Perm a nen tl y Pin ned -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 decide to see his worst ide-and we see Precio u Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 the side we want to see. Perhap this i in some degree inevitable so lo ng a peo + Chapter News p le are imperfect- and that seems likely to be for a lo ng time. But th fervent Ka ppa 17, Alpha-Eta I I , Alpha-Xi 36, lpha-T au 15, Beta-Gamma 13, Beta petition o[ olomon coul d well be the Upsil o n 30, Gamma-A lpha 34, Gamma-Delta 34, Gamma-Th eta 29, Gamma ea rnest plea and prayer of each of us: Lambda 29, Gamma- Mu 31, Gamma-Rho 15, Gamma-Tau 16, Gamma-U psil on 30, "Give therefore thy serva nt an under D elta-Beta 15, D elta-Gamma 29, Delta-Delta 14 , Delta-Zeta 29, D elta-Eta 14, D elta tanding heart ... that I may el i cern be- T heta 16, D elta-Iota 12, Delta-Lambda 35, D elta-N u 14, D elta-Tau 15, D el ta tween good and bad : fo r who is able to Upsilo n 16, D elta-Chi 17, D elta-Psi 35. judge . .. ?" 2 \1\l hether i be amo ng o ur fri ends or fami ly, among our own inti mate associates or abso lute strangers, o ne line, D ecem ber 3 1, 1952. Several thou of the greate t quali tie of character is tO Cover and dollar must be raised in o rder to be ju t and generous in judgment. And G a mm a-C hi (Okl a h o m a A.&: M.) begin constructio n o n the , 11 5,000 proj with a p lea from Pamdiso aga in we could alumni and acti ve chapter member have e t. Contributions ho uld be sent to well let Dante g ive us thee word of con plans and specifica tio ns for their new Claude Driever, H ouse orporatio n tant warning: " 0 mortal men, be wary chapter house-a model of which appears Treasurer, 2 15 Knoblock t., Still water, how ye judge." u on o ur cover. District President]. Lewi e Okla. Sander o n a nd Alumnu Coun se l or The student members o[ Gamma-Chi " R evised. Claude Driever are sparkplugging the Cha pter are contributing their utmost to 1 R . G. Ingersoll , Speech in Washing drive amo ng alumni. They are soliciting the project. Tom I eleher, Gamma-Chi ton, October 22, 1883. 100% support in order to take advantage architectural tuclent, constructed this 2 I Kings , 3:9.