SIXTy-MINUTf SUAK[SP£AR£ TW{lfTH NIGHT by (ass ~oster • from TWELFTH NIGHT by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE © Copyright 2003 published by Five Star Publications, Inc. Chandler, Arizona SIXTY MINUTf S"AK~SPiAR[ TW{L~T" NIG~T by Cass Foster First Edition 1990. Second Edition 1997. Third Edition 199&. Fourth Edition 2000. Fifth Edition 200] . Sixth Edition 2003. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Shakespeare, Wi] liam. 1564-1616. Twelfth Night J (abridged) by Cass Foster. - 1st ed. p. em. - (Classics for all ages) (The Slxty-Minute Shakespeare) Summary: An abridged version of Shakespeare~s comedy about love at first sight. dtsguises~ twins. and practical jokes. ISBN: ]-877749-39-7 1. Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc.-juvenile drama. 2. Brothers and sisters-Illyria-juvenile drama. 3. Twins-l1lyria-juvenile drama. 4. Children's plays. English [1. Plays.] 1. Shakespeare. William. 1564-1616. Twelfth Night. PS2837.A25 1997 8221.914--dc21 97-28896 CIP l\l'o part of this publication Inay be reproduced~ stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means, eJectronic~ mechanical, photocopying, recording\ or otherwise, without the prior ,vritten permission of the publisher, except to quote a brief passage In connection wnth a review written for broadcast or for the inclusion in a magazine or a newspaper. Book Design by Barbara Kordesh Paul M. Howey. Copy Editor Sixth Edition edited by Gary E. Anderson © 1990, 1997,1998.2000.2001 and 2003 by cass Foster Five Star Publications, lncorporated P.O. Box 6698 Chandler, AZ 85246-6698 website: www.FiveStarPublications.comlbooksJ60MinuteShakespeare e-mail;
[email protected] To Linda and Lowell TWELFTH NIGHT INTRODUCTION W.I(om.