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Resistance Management Fact Sheet Resistance Management Resistance, Mode of Action, and Pesticide Rotation Resistance management is a strategy designed to preserve generation time and high female fecundity, which is the or sustain pesticide effectiveness. Although the concept of ability to produce large numbers of offspring in a single resistance usually is associated with arthropod (insect and generation. In addition, some arthropod pests, including mite) pests, there are a number of plant pathogens that the twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and have demonstrated resistance (e.g., Botrytis cinerea or gray western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), have mold) to certain fungicide classes. In addition, many weed haplo-diploid breeding systems that accelerate the rate of species are resistant to pre- and postemergence herbicides. resistance development. Genes associated with resistance This fact sheet focuses on resistance management of plant- are fully expressed in haploid (single set of chromosomes) feeding arthropods. Avoiding resistance in disease and males in haplo-diploid species. With entirely diploid weed management is equally important. (double set of Arthropod pests in greenhouses and nurseries are chromosomes) principally managed with pesticides (insecticides and species, resistance miticides). These pests possess the inherent ability to adapt may be partially to various environmental and human disturbance factors hidden as such as pesticide applications. Continual reliance on recessive or pesticides leads to resistance, which is the genetic ability co-dominant of some individuals in a population to survive exposure. traits. In other words, the pesticide no longer kills a sufficient Genes for number of individuals to be considered effective. resistance Resistance is an international concern with expanding typically occur at Twospotted spider mite (above) and global trade. Plant material can spread arthropod pests a low frequency western flower thrips (below). as well as resistant genes associated with those pests. in an arthropod Resistance is an inherited trait. Evolution of resistance in pest population a population depends on existing genetic variability that before a pesticide permits some individuals to survive exposure to a pesticide. is applied. An Surviving individuals transfer traits to the next generation, individual does enriching the gene pool with resistant genes. The “selection not become pressure,” or proportion of the population killed by a resistant, pesticide, is the main factor that influences resistance. but frequent Genetic variation related to pesticide susceptibility also is applications of a important. given pesticide over multiple Every time an arthropod pest population is exposed to a generations remove susceptible individuals, leaving pesticide, there is potential selection for resistance, which resistant individuals to reproduce. The result is a pest increases the frequency or proportion of resistant genes population that can no longer be controlled with a given within that population. Traits providing adaptive advantage pesticide. include rare versions of genes that diminish sensitivity to a particular pesticide, or altered gene expression that Resistance also may develop as arthropod pests move results from amplification of commonly existing genes. In within and between greenhouses and nurseries. Pest rare instances, no genetic variation exists that would block immigration enhances resistance in several ways. Migration resistance development. Resistance to horticultural oil, for from other crops within the greenhouse or nursery, or example, would require a defense against suffocation. between greenhouses and nursery blocks, increases the chance that the pest population has been exposed to The speed of resistance developing in the population additional pesticide applications. Receiving plants from a depends primarily on two biological factors: short distributor with pests that have been exposed to pesticides Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service may increase the liklihood of resistance because a large be difficult for a pesticide to penetrate. Another behavior is percentage of those pests may already possess genes for loss of a leg that has contacted insecticide residues. Altered resistance. Arthropod pests that enter greenhouses or behaviors may allow arthropod pests to avoid contact and nurseries from field or vegetable crops may have been exposure to pesticides. exposed to agricultural pesticides similar to those used in Natural resistance is a term used to describe a pre-existing greenhouses and nurseries. lack of susceptibility to a toxin that does not result from Different mechanisms can confer resistance in various repeated exposure to a pesticide. This may be due to any of populations of the same species, and multiple resistance the previously described metabolic, physical, physiological, mechanisms may coexist in the population. This is known or behavioral traits, and includes life stages not susceptible as “polyfactorial resistance.” The five resistance mechanisms to a pesticide. For example, most contact and systemic are metabolic, physical, physiological, behavioral, and insecticides and miticides are not effective against the egg natural. and pupae stages. Metabolic resistance is the breakdown of the active Two additional terms associated with resistance are ingredient by the arthropod pest. When the pesticide cross and multiple resistance. Cross resistance involves enters the body, enzymes attack and detoxify or convert insensitivity to pesticides with similar modes of action or the active ingredient into a nontoxic form. Detoxifying in the same chemical class. Multiple resistance is when enzymes convert insecticides that are hydrophobic (water- an arthropod pest population is resistant to pesticides hating) to more hydrophilic (water-loving) and less with different modes of action or across chemical classes. biologically active compounds that are excreted. Multiple resistance is a consequence of the arthropod pest A number of enzymes may be involved, including large population possessing more than one defense mechanism families of enzymes capable of metabolizing unusual plant against a particular class or mode of action, or one chemicals, insect hormones, and pesticides. The levels mechanism coping with unrelated pesticides. of these enzymes are not static in arthropod pests. They Because resistance often involves more than one adaptive change during development, making some life stages more mechanism and often several detoxification enzymes, susceptible to a pesticide than others. intensive selection with any pesticide can result in Physical resistance is a change or alteration in the adaptations that make cross resistance more likely and cuticle (skin) that reduces or delays pesticide penetration. increase the risk of multiple resistance. Delayed penetration through the cuticle reduces insecticide Factors that may influence the rate of resistance concentration at the target site and prevents overloading development can be divided into operational factors that the insect’s detoxification system. are under the control of greenhouse or nursery managers or Physiological resistance is also known as target site biological factors, which are intrinsic to the arthropod pest insensitivity. The interaction between the pesticide and population. its target is similar to a key (the toxin) fitting into a Operational factors: lock (the target site). Decreased binding associated with • Length of exposure to a single pesticide and pesticide physiological resistance is analogous to the lock having residue characteristics been changed so the key no longer fits and thus the pesticide is no longer effective. Examples of this kind of • Frequency of pesticide application resistance occur in the organophosphate, carbamate, and • Pesticide dosage (use rate) pyrethroid chemical classes. Insects may evolve different • Spray coverage, specifically, non-uniform deposition on means to decrease susceptibility to organophosphate and leaves or in growing medium carbamate insecticides, including reduced sensitivity of central nervous system enzymes that disrupt nerve signal • Mortality or proportion of arthropod pest population transmission. killed Some insects may possess knockdown resistance that • Timing – applying pesticides when the most susceptible makes them less sensitive to pyrethroid-based insecticides life stage(s) such as larva, nymph, and adult are absent (e.g., bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, fenpropathrin, • Previous pesticide use fluvalinate, and lambda-cyhalothrin) due to modified • Relationship of a pesticide to those previously applied sodium channels of nerve axons, which are the target site for these insecticides. • Presence or absence of refuge sites or hiding places Behavioral resistance is when arthropod pests avoid Biological factors: contact with a pesticide. One behavior is hiding in • Time to complete one generation from egg to adult locations such as the terminal growing points, which may 2 • Fecundity or number of offspring produced per Below are guidelines for minimizing the prospect of generation arthropod pest populations developing resistance: • Arthropod pest mobility – the ability of winged adults • Scout crops regularly and time pesticide applications to disperse, to mate, or feed in protected habitats to target the most susceptible life stages – larvae and • Host range – a wide range enhances the ability of adults. arthropod
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