Playing Pitch Strategy: Section 6: Final Action Plans ______
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Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy: Section 6: Final Action Plans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy SECTION 6 – FINAL ACTION PLANS May 2018 Full set of documents comprise: Chichester PPS Stage B Appendix 1E Final May 2018 Chichester PPS Stage C Needs Assessment Report Final May 2018 Chichester PPS Stage C Key Findings and Issues Report plus Final Strategy documents: Final Strategy Chichester PPS May 2018 Final Action Plans Section 6 Chichester PPS May 2018 (this document) 1 Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy: Section 6: Final Action Plans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 6: ACTION PLANS Section 6 sets out action plans as follows: 6A Action Plans by Site: 6B Action Plan by Strategic Themes (General, District Wide) Actions are given priorities and relevant potential delivery partners are highlighted. Progress towards delivering against the action plans and the potential for additional actions will be considered at annual meetings of the Playing Pitch Strategy Working Group as detailed in Section 5. Indicative time frames and/or priorities are given as follows (although it is recognised that many actions will run concurrently and/or take advantage of opportunities arising): 1 Ongoing and very important; to be addressed in short term (within 2 years) 2 Important: to be addressed in medium term (3-5 years) 3 During the remainder of the life of the Strategy (6 – 10 years) Priority Projects are denoted accordingly Partners to deliver action and other acronyms used are as follows: (3G) AGP Football Turf Pitch NTW Non Turf Wicket AGP Artificial Grass Pitch PC Parish Council ECB England Cricket Board/ RFU Rugby Football Union Sussex Cricket Board EH England Hockey AS Active Sussex FA Football Association/Sussex FA SE Sport England FF Football Foundation CDC Chichester District Council MUGA Multi Use Games Area SDNP South Downs National park NGBs National Governing Bodies TC Town Council Comm. Org. Community Organisation CUA Community Use Agreement Timescale S - Short (1-2 years); M - Medium (3 - 5 years) and L - Long (5+ years) O – Ongoing Cost Estimates L – Low (<£50k); M – Medium (£50k-250k) and H - High (£250k+) Cost estimates are taken from the latest version (2nd quarter 2017) of the Facilities Costs Datasheet provided by Sport England. Sport England states: ‘These rounded costs are based on typical schemes funded through the Lottery. Tender prices are currently forecast to stagnate nationally to December 2017 and through to 4Q18 although this will be subject to regional variation’. Costs are capital costs for new provision but exclude specific project details (e.g. difficult access); costs for site remodelling (natural turf pitches); inflation; VAT and land acquisition costs. Costs for enhancement works and drainage have been estimated; these will often be subject to existing budgets and schemes tailored accordingly, 2 Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy: Section 6: Final Action Plans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6A CHICHESTER PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY: ACTION PLANS BY SITE AND SUB AREA Site –sport; pitches; quality Partners to rating (NMP = no marked deliver Site ref Site Name pitches) Sport/Issue Options/Action Priority action Timescale Band Cost costs Estimated EAST WEST CORRIDOR CEWC.01 Bishop Luffa CE School, Shared site: 1 1. Pitches are available for community use; rugby 1. Would meet unmet need identified in Priority Site/ M CDC, School, H 3G AGP Chichester adult rugby; 1 pitch sometimes used for overflow and good Chichester for rugby and football AGP. Project 1 FA/FF, RFC, SE, Football adult & 2x9v9 links between school and CRFC. Lease expires Remodelling of site to include: developers, and/or rugby football; share: £890k – shortly on Oliver Whitby playing field (rugby) AGP to include appropriate changing room Chichester Artificial cricket 2. Site will be reconfigured through West of RFC, other £1.2m wicket provision and coaching facilities depending on Chichester Housing Proposals. School is keen to clubs 2. Consideration given to provision of shared surface/size. enhance and develop sports facilities with facility for football and rugby i.e. World Changing community use. Aspiration for 3G AGP on site. Rugby compliant AGP surface. This proposal facilities is not currently within the public domain; it £645k (4 teams): is suggested that discussions take place (already between the RFU, Bishop Luffa School, covered under Chichester RFC and other appropriate clubs. S106) 1. Artificial cricket in poor condition; no recorded 1. Further assess and keep in mind for future 3 L School, ECB L c£20k for new use replacement/upgrade strip 1. Health hub linking indoor and outdoor facilities, M N/A health advice and treatment CEWC.02 Bosham Recreation Ground, Single sport: 1 1. Site not suitable for upgrade of facilities 2. New site urgently required either: Priority Site/ M CDC, PC, H New grass Walton Lane adult football, necessary if club is to progress (enhanced stand, In association with new housing: Project 12 Bosham FC pitch £85k + 4 rated floodlights etc) groundshare with another club team changing facilities – 2. Ground also restricts number of youth sides to 2 Considering AGP plus another grass pitch. 3. Move to another site supported by PC. £645k. AGP - £890k+ CEWC.03 Bourne Community College, Shared site: 1 1. Aspirations for AGP on site, involving integrated 1. Review developing proposal to ensure fits within Priority Site/ M CDC, School, H 3G AGP – Southbourne adult football, 1 development with Age Concern/youth club and PPS framework and includes appropriate Project 2 FA/FF, SE, £890k+ x youth, 1 x existing dual use sports centre, currently changing and coaching provision developers, Upgrade of rugby, cricket, managed by Everyone Active. Various 2. Ensure development of whole site dealt with Everyone grass pitches muga, indoor landowners. Proposal still developing under one proposal, to include community use Active, other and artificial sports centre wicket – up to 2. Standard rated grass pitches. Not generally used of all grass and artificial pitches on site and clubs c£50k by the community. Artificial wicket in poor enhanced facilities where possible. Ideally link condition. with enhancement/use of Southbourne Recreation Ground (CEWC.21) CEWC.04 Chichester College Sports Shared site: 1 1. Community use of grass pitches. 1. Protect community use of grass pitches and 1 O College, CDC, L N/A Centre adult rugby; 1 x 2. Key site for hockey: Sand hybrid AGP under other sports facilities on site NGBs, Chi HC 9v9 football leasing arrangement with Chichester Hockey 2. Protect and maintain AGP as principal site for Club for Saturdays and part/Sundays. Fully used hockey and as valued football facility 3 Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy: Section 6: Final Action Plans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Site –sport; pitches; quality Partners to rating (NMP = no marked deliver Site Name pitches) Priority Site ref Sport/Issue Options/Action Timescale action Band Cost costs Estimated for football training and Powerplay during week. 1. Pavilion part funded by Chi Hockey Club and used as clubhouse 1. Cannot meet demand for football; Chichester 1. Would meet unmet need for AGP facilities for 2 M College, CDC, H £405k College aspiration for new 3G 9v9. junior football identified in Chichester. Support for 3G 9v9 pitch to replace existing 9v9 grass pitch. CEWC.05 Chichester FC, Oaklands Park Single sport: 1 1. Pitch becomes very waterlogged quickly and 1. Would meet unmet need for AGP surface for Priority Site/ S CDC, FA/FF, H 3G AGP – adult football, cannot accommodate required number of football identified in Chichester. Progress Project 4 SE, University £890k – £955k stadia, floodlit, matches proposals for floodlit 3G AGP with FA of Chichester depending on enclosed, 2. Aspirations for 3G AGP from clubs assignment with: developers, spec rated good. (Chichester FC and Chi Ladies FC). Chichester FC Chichester FC 3. Aspiration from University of Chichester for Chichester Ladies FC & other clubs the same facilities – in close proximity to site University of Chichester With appropriate changing & coaching provision CEWC.06 Chichester Free School (new 1 Currently school is using North Mundham 1. Negotiate secure community use agreement for 3 S CDC, SE, L N/A site) Playing Field and will continue to do so any new pitch (grass and AGP) facilities School even when new site available.. 2 New site is understood to be accommodating a small AGP and possibly a grass area CEWC.07 Chichester High Shared site: 1. Large flat well drained site gives flexibility to 1. Enhancements on this site desired: 2 M CDC, FA/FF, Toilets School/Southern Gateway youth & mini number and size of pitches: currently range of provision of toilet facilities for youth teams clubs, school (minimum of football; 1 x junior and mini pitches improved maintenance two