
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. DOI 10.1007/s00018-016-2326-7 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences


Immunological properties of -transport : , and hemerythrin

1 2 Christopher J. Coates • Heinz Decker

Received: 31 May 2016 / Revised: 17 July 2016 / Accepted: 3 August 2016 Ó The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract It is now well documented that peptides with Abbreviations enhanced or alternative functionality (termed cryptides) AMP Antimicrobial peptide can be liberated from larger, and sometimes inactive, 2-DIGE 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis proteins. A primary example of this phenomenon is the GE-Hb Giant extracellular hemoglobin oxygen-transport hemoglobin. Aside from respira- Hp Haptoglobin tion, hemoglobin and hemoglobin-derived peptides have Hb Hemoglobin been associated with immune modulation, hematopoiesis, Hc Hemocyanin signal transduction and microbicidal activities in meta- Hr Hemerythrin zoans. Likewise, the functional equivalents to hemoglobin IFN Interferon in invertebrates, namely hemocyanin and hemerythrin, act LPS Lipopolysaccharide as potent immune effectors under certain physiological LTA Lipoteichoic acid conditions. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the metHb Methemoglobin true extent of oxygen-transport protein dynamics in innate Mb immunity, and to impress upon the reader the multi-func- PRR Pathogen recognition receptor tionality of these ancient proteins on the basis of their PAMP Pathogen associated molecular pattern structures. In this context, erythrocyte–pathogen antibiosis PGN Peptidoglycan and the immune competences of various erythroid cells are PO Phenoloxidase compared across diverse taxa. RBCs Red cells RNS Reactive nitrogen Keywords Antimicrobial peptides Á Innate immunity Á ROS Reactive oxygen species Myoglobin Á Phenoloxidase Á Erythrocytes Á SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate Enzyme promiscuity Á Metabolism Á Redox SNPs Single nucleotide polymorphisms TLR Toll-like receptor WBCs White blood cells

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00018-016-2326-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Introduction

& Christopher J. Coates [email protected] Maintaining immunity-related proteostasis in metazoans is crucial to survival and recovery from biotic (pathogenic) 1 Department of Biosciences, College of Science, Swansea and abiotic (environmental) traumas. Enlisting oxygen- University, Singleton Park, Swansea, Wales SA2 8PP, UK transport proteins (OTPs: hemoglobin and hemocyanin) to 2 Institut fu¨r Molekulare Biophysik, Johannes Gutenberg- directly combat microbes as well as to supply the O2 Universita¨t Mainz, Jakob Welder-Weg 28, 55128 Mainz, necessary to fuel the costly immuno-metabolome is both Germany 123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker resourceful and economical. The concentration of oxygen a protoporphyrin ring and a single in the centre that within wounds determines a hosts’ ability to heal and to is coordinated by the proximal of a- F. At the resist microbial colonisation [1, 2]. and inade- other side of the , oxygen binds reversibly to the iron quate oxygen tension within tissues can compromise in an ‘‘end on’’ coordination (Fig. 1). Binding of oxygen to immune cell functionality, e.g. restricting neutrophil res- Hb induces a conformational rotation (15°)ofoneab- piratory burst [3]. dimer against the other, thus switching from a tense With representatives in almost every known taxon, (T) deoxygenated state to a relaxed (R) oxygenated state. hemoglobin (Hb), hemocyanin (Hc) and hemerythrin (Hr) Cooperative oxygen binding can be modulated by an are metallated proteins responsible primarily for the sens- allosteric effector such as 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in human ing, transport and/or storage of O2 [4]. Hb and Hr are Hb along the symmetry axis of the tetramer [12]. Verte- located within the corpuscles (erythrocytes) of vertebrate brate myoglobins (Mbs) are oxygen storage proteins in red blood and specialised immune cells (hemerythrocytes) of muscle (e.g. cardiac) and other tissues, working to build up 1 invertebrate coelomic fluid , respectively [5]. Conversely, apO2 gradient from blood vessels to mitochondria for ATP Hcs are freely dissolved within the hemolymph plasma of synthesis [13]. some molluscs and arthropods. Although present in fewer Extracellular Hbs (or ) are mostly large, species, it must be noted that two other forms of heme- oligomeric proteins with molecular masses up to 3.6 MDa. based OTPs exist, namely chlorocruorin and Vinogradov (1985) classified them into four separate from (often referred to as giant extracellular groups: (a) single-domain, single-subunit Hbs (*16 kDa) : GE-Hbs) [6–8]. found in trematodes and some insects, (b) two-domain, Reports of Hb’s involvement in anti-infective defences multi-subunit Hbs in branchiopod crustaceans such as have existed since the late 1950s [9], yet only in the last Daphnia and Triops, (c) multi-domain, multi-subunit Hbs two decades has it become evident that Hb, Hc, and to a in carapace-free crustaceans, the planorbid lesser extent Hr, contribute to various innate immune and some (*1.7 MDa) and (d) single-domain, mechanisms. Generation of bioactive peptides (cryptides), multi-subunit Hb aggregates ca. 3.6 MDa in annelids [14]. enzyme promiscuity and pro-inflammatory signalling are The first resolved structure of a GE-Hb was from the but some of the many functions attributed to OTPs, which earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris [6]. This mega-molecule are expanded upon herein. consisted of 144 Hbs and 36 linker subunits assembled to form a core complex with D6 symmetry. Recently, the quaternary structure of Glossoscolex paulistus plasma Hb The oxygen-transport proteins was presented with a resolution of 3.2 A˚ , which is the highest resolution reported for a hexagonal bilayer Hb with Hemoglobins 12 protomers [15].

The presence and diversity of hemoglobins (Hbs) have been confirmed in metazoans, prokaryotes, fungi and flora, with a notable absence in icefish. A common ancestor for Although strikingly different in structural appearance, both -related respiratory proteins existed over 1.5 billion arthropod and mollusc Hcs contain dicupric (histidine years ago [reviewed by 10]. In excess of 250 million Hb coordinated) groups that reversibly bind molecular oxygen molecules are packaged tightly within each human ery- in a side on (l - g2:g2) bridging coordination [16] throcyte, guaranteeing their stability against proteolysis, a (Fig. 1). Arthropod Hc is composed of kidney-shaped low colloid osmotic pressure, and preventing loss by fil- subunits (*72 kDa, each with an oxygen binding site) tration in the kidneys. Hb concentration within healthy arranged into hexamers (Fig. 1)[17]. Hexamers are formed adults ranges from 120 to 160 mg mL-1 [11]. when three subunits assemble back to back and dimerize Vertebrate Hb consists of two identical a-chains and two isologously with a second trimer along the rotational axis identical b-chains with molecular masses of *16 kDa (but are twisted against each other by 60°). Individual each. Two ab-dimers assemble in C2 symmetry to form the hexamers or multiples of hexamers have been observed Hb tetramer (*64 kDa) (Fig. 1). Individual subunits are in vitro, the largest of these is an 8 9 6 mer (*3.4 MDa) comparable to monomeric myoglobin (Mb), and in all purified from horseshoe crab genera Limulus and Tachy- cases, Hb and Mb fold into a nest of a-helices [12]. Heme pleus. Invertebrate Hcs and GE-Hbs show strong prosthetic groups are present in each subunit, consisting of hierarchies in structural organisation corresponding to hierarchical allosteric interactions (‘nesting’) [18, 19]. 1 Hemolymph and coelomic fluid are the invertebrate equivalents to Hc concentration in the hemolymph varies greatly blood. depending on the species, *20–80 mg mL-1. In extreme 123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin

Fig. 1 Three major classes of oxygen-transport proteins. Each of the Hemerythrin (and myo-hemerythrin) secure O2 between two iron 4 subunits (a1, a2, b1, b2) making up human Hb (and monomeric atoms (Fe1 and Fe2) which are held in place by five myoglobin) contain heme cofactors (Fe2?—protoporphyrin IX) that residues, one and one . In the process, a bind O2. Each heme group is indicated by an arrow head. The hydroperoxide (OOH–) complex is formed. Images were produced proximal histidine forms a direct bond with the iron atom, while the using UCSF Chimera [202] and crystal structures from the Protein distal histidine is suggested to form a hydrogen bond with O2. The Data Bank: human hemoglobin tetramer 1GZX (a2b2, *64 kDa), distal His hinders the energetically favoured straight binding of O–O. arthropod hemocyanin subunit 1OXY (*72 kDa), mollusc hemo- Arthropod hemocyanin subunits consist of three domains (green, cyanin functional unit 1JS8 (*50 kDa) and sipunculid hemerythrin blue, orange) and mollusc hemocyanin FUs consist of two domains homo-octamer 1I4Y (*108 kDa). Inset oxygen is coloured grey; iron (blue, orange). The blue domains possess two copper atoms, each is is coloured red; copper is coloured orange; histidines are coloured coordinated by three highly conserved histidine residues. O2 is bound blue: aspartic acid is pink and glutamic acid is green in a ‘side on’ (l–g2:g2) bridging formation between CuA and CuB. cases, Hc content has been calculated in excess of associate along the rotational axis to form di-decamers as 140 mg mL-1 in the chelicerate, Limulus polyphemus observed in marine gastropods [33]. The largest known [16, 20]. Accumulating evidence suggests that Hc is an mollusc Hc is a 13.5 MDa tri-decamer discovered in sev- integral component of biological defence systems within eral species of , e.g. Melanoides tuberculata and arthropods [reviewed by 21]. Oxygen-carrying Hc can be Terebralia palustris [36]. Renewed interests in Hc struc- activated by host (clotting proteins, phospholipids, AMPs, tural complexities and the assemblages of associated proteases, lipoproteins) and microbial (proteases, mem- and lipids aim to exploit the vast therapeutic potential of brane ) factors to combat infection, parasitism, these megamolecules (Table 1). Especially from molluscs, viremia and physical damages [22–32]. Hcs are tested for application as bio-adjuvants (viral and Mollusc Hcs are extremely large protein complexes bacterial antigens/haptens), immune-stimulants for treat- dissolved in the hemolymph of gastropods and ment of cancers such as melanoma, and carrier molecules [33, 34]. Typically, subunit molecular masses range from for vaccines (Table 1)[37–40]. 330 to 450 kDa depending on the species. Subunits are composed of 7 or 8 (50 kDa) functional units (FU; Fig. 1), Hemerythrins designated FU-a to FU-h. Ten of these subunits form a hollow cylinder with a diameter of *310 A˚ and a height of Hemerythrins (Hr) are relatively rare, non-heme, di-iron, *160 A˚ . Decameric Hcs are found in cephalopods such as dioxygen-binding proteins present in specialised coelo- pompilius [35]. Two of these cylinders can mocytes (hemerythrocytes) of , priapulids,

123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker

Table 1 Recent examples of hemocyanin-based therapeutics Source Chemical modification Adjuvancy, immune-stimulatory References and anti-cancer properties

Blacklip () Native Antiviral: herpes simplex virus-1 [41] Chilean abalone (Concholepas Native B16F10 melanoma model (IFN-c [42] concholepas) Oxidation of using secretion) [37] sodium periodate Mouse bladder carcinoma model Giant Keyhole (Megathura Rindopepimuta conjugated to KLH Glioblastoma multiforme (brain) [43–45] crenulata) Heptavalent KLH and QS-21b Epithelia ovarian, fallopian tube and Sialyl-Tn KLH peritoneal cancer Metastatic breast cancer Limpet (Fissurella latimarginata) Native Melanoma (B16F10 cells) [38] Oxidation of carbohydrates using sodium periodate Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Native HeLa cells (cervical cancer) [46] Snails (Helix aspersa) () Native Bladder cancer cell lines (T-24 and [47–49] () CAL-29) Ovarian carcinoma (FraWu¨) Acute monocytic leukaemia (THP-1) Human malignant glioma (LN-18) Human Burkitt’s lymphoma (Daudi) cell lines Colon carcinoma (murine model) Adjuvant for microbial and viral antigens (Rapana thomasiana) Choline amino acid salts Human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) [39, 40] Imidazolium-based amino acid ionic liquids a Epidermal growth factor-related peptide b Synthetic saponin adjuvant sipunculids and annelids [50–53]. Most often viewed as an metazoans, microbes must circumvent the many iron- octamer of molecular mass *108 kDa (Fig. 1), dimeric, withholding mechanisms of the innate immune response trimeric and tetrameric isoforms of Hr have also been [reviewed by 60]. During infection, hemolytic bacteria observed. These homo- or hetero-octamers are made up of (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes) a- and b-type subunits, each *13–14 kDa in size [54]. will lyse erythrocytes to exploit the iron stored within. The Subunits consist of a four-a-helix motif that houses the two extra-erythrocytic Hb is detected and sequestered by the iron , one being hexa-coordinated and the other penta- glycoproteins, haptoglobin (Hp) and , and the coordinated (bridged by a hydroxyl ion). Between the lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I, all of these are freely dis- hydroxyl group and a single iron ion, oxygen is bound solved in the plasma [60–63]. Binding of Hp to Hb restricts reversibly in an ‘end on’ position (Fig. 1)[55]. To date, Hr access to the iron centre, thereby neutralising Hb’s pro- has not been detected in a deuterostome, whereas many oxidative potential and avoiding damage to vasculatures bacteria, fungi and archaea contain Hr-like domains that [64]. Macrophages recognise the Hp/Hb complex via the are seemingly involved in chemotaxis [56]. Muscle-speci- CD163 receptor and internalise the proteins to prevent fic hemerythrin (myoHr), which is functionally equivalent further inflammation (Fig. 2)[65]. The parasite Try- to Mb, has been observed in polychaete and sipunculid panosoma brucei uses a glycoprotein receptor to consume tissues [57, 58]. Uniquely, the Annelida contains Hp/Hb complexes for iron removal and recycling. Humans isoforms of all known iron-based OTPs [5, 51]. take advantage of this trypanosome receptor by associating lytic molecules (high-density lipoproteins) with Hp-related Hemoglobin and erythrocytes contribute proteins; tricking the parasite into ingesting the try- to mammalian innate immunity panolytic substance [66]. In severe cases of hemolysis (called hemoglobinemia), Iron is a precious commodity utilised by microbes for the excess concentration of Hb overwhelms the scavenging growth and pathogenicity. To colonise and persist in responses and can cause potentially fatal blockages in the

123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of hemoglobin functionality beyond inflammatory responses. Chemical (glutathione) and enzymatic oxygen transport. Hemolysis, whether it is caused by microbes or antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase) are recruited also. physical trauma, leads to the uncontrolled release of hemoglobins Anti-infective responses are triggered when Hb binds to PAMPs/ (Hbs). Extracellular Hb inflicts damages by producing reactive DAMPs (3). Microbial (PAMPs)–Hb complexes are recog- oxygen/nitrogen species (1) and interfering with hepatic, splenic nised by immune cells whereupon pro-inflammatory molecules are and renal physiologies (2). Inflammation can be avoided/controlled by released, and Hb is converted into a pseudoperoxidase (POX). If Hb Hb-scavenging glycoproteins [haptoglobin (Hp), hemopexin (Hx) and has been enzymatically processed prior to erythrocyte rupture, then apoplipoprotein A-I (apoAI)] and soluble receptors (CD163). These hemocidins (antimicrobial peptides) will also been disseminated (4). proteins intercept Hb, neutralise its oxidant properties, and direct it This scheme was produced by summarising information presented in towards immune cells for degradation and to promote anti- the following manuscripts: [61, 62, 64, 68, 80] kidneys [see review 62]. Extracellular Hb is a redox-sen- release of Hb could regulate biological defences targeting sitive molecule with the potential to generate reactive Schistosoma and Plasmodium species [73]. The digestion oxygen species (ROS) [67]. The ferrous (Fe2?) form can of blood by these hematophagous parasites yields an convert hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into hydroxyl radicals insoluble, crystalline Hb-derived product called hemozoin (OH.) and anions (OH-) via Fenton’s reaction. Such ROS [74]. If hemozoin is not removed from circulation by the disrupt tissue and cellular integrity via the peroxidation of spleen and liver, it can be phagocytosed by circulating lipids and the oxidation of nucleic and amino acids [68]. leukocytes. Accumulation of hemozoin in monocytes is Moreover, plasma oxy-Hb can bind to, and react with, said to interfere with key immune molecules such as pro- (NO) to produce peroxynitrite (ONOO-) and tein kinase C and major histocompatibility complex II [75]. ferric (Fe3?) oxidised Hb (methemoglobin) [64, 69, 70] Traditionally, pro-inflammatory responses are mediated (Fig. 2). NO is an essential antioxidant and plays key roles through the binding of pathogen-associated molecular in immunity, neurotransmission and signalling. In mice and patterns (PAMPs) by soluble and cell-associated pathogen snails (Biomphalaria glabrata), resistance to Schistosoma recognition receptors (PRRs) [76]. PAMPs tend to be mansoni is dependent on the production of NO by mac- extracellular microbial cell wall components (LPS, LTA rophages and hemocytes, respectively [71, 72]. NO and b-glucans) and their degenerated membrane fragments. possesses distinct anti-parasitic properties; therefore, the Cell-free Hb is categorised as a damage/danger-associated

123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker molecular pattern (DAMP) because it is perceived as an Beyond immune cell communication and hemostasis, intracellular-derived indicator of pathological traumas such Hb participates in host defences by releasing AMPs [87], as malaria, sepsis and sickle-cell anaemia [77]. Not only is discharging ROS locally [24], and functioning as a the Hb oligomer/dimer considered a DAMP, but the heme microbiostatic molecule (Table 2). The earliest record of group (protoporphyrin ring) is recognised independently as Hb’s immune competence was reported over 55 years ago an ‘alarmin’ [reviewed by 78]. Proteolytic digestion of [9]. Hb prepared from human tissue extracts was inhibitory extracellular Hb enhances the dissemination of labile heme to several enteric bacteria (listed in Table 2), with maxi- within the blood, a physiological indicator of cystic fibrosis mum activity occurring at 37 °C under acidic conditions [68]. The control and removal of naked heme (hemin) from (pH \5.5) and low salt concentrations (\0.2 M). Bovine, circulation is addressed by the protein hemopexin [62]. equine, murine and rabbit Hbs were similarly antiseptic. Several studies have noted Hb’s ability to interact with Hb tetramers (*64 kDa) are probably too large to pene- microbial ligands (PAMPs), Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and trate the bacterial membrane directly. The basic charge of other DAMP molecules (e.g. heat-shock protein HMGB1) Hb would promote non-specific electrostatic interactions [24, 61, 68, 79–81]. Surface plasmon resonance revealed with the acidic moieties of microbial polysaccharides, LPS binding sites are present on both the a and b globin proceeding to immobilise the cells and prohibit replication. chains of Hb [82]. Synthetic peptides representative of Two consecutive studies by Mak et al. [88] and Parish these putative ligand-binding regions targeted the lipid A et al. [89] provided detailed accounts on the conversion of moiety of LPS in vitro, and in doing so, disarmed the Hbs, Mb and c into antimicrobials. Intact Hb endotoxicity. Binding of LPS and/or LTA induces a con- and Mb were moderately effective at killing bacteria such formational switch in Hb that causes the structure to loosen as E. coli until the removal of the heme cofactors and somewhat and enable peroxidase activity [24, 82]. partial unfolding of the proteins resulted in a broader

Methemoglobin (metHb) alone and in combination with spectrum of microbicidal properties and LD50 (lM) values LTA can be recognised by TLR-2 on the neutrophil plasma comparable to conventional AMPs. By treating apomyo- membrane [81]. Such interactions enhance neutrophil globin and apohemoglobin with cyanogen bromide, the function, initiating an NF-jB signal transduction cascade globin chains were deconstructed into AMPs ca. 50 amino that culminates in the synthesis of cytokines and other pro- acids in length (Table 2; Supp. Table 1; Fig. 3). This inflammatory agents. Endothelial cells can also detect family of Hb-derived AMPs was referred to as ‘hemo- extracellular Hb via a TLR-4 pathway [83] (Fig. 2). cidins’ [88]. Prior to the discovery of hemocidins, human Many studies (mentioned above) categorised extracel- Hb was already known to be a rich source of over 150 lular Hb as harmful to the host and should be removed from regulatory peptides, e.g. hemorphins with opioid-like ten- circulation before noxious radicals are dispersed. Having dencies [90]. In fact, the first Hb-derived AMP was said that, plasma Hb is an important warning to white blood removed from the gut of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus cells (WBCs) that homeostasis has been compromised, and (Boophilus) microplus [91]. This 3.2 kDa AMP was recently, Bahl et al. outlined a novel role for Hb in blood identical to residues 33–61 (FLSFPTTKTYFPH-FDL coagulation [84]. Macrophages responded to the presence SHGSAQVKGHGAK) of bovine a-Hb (Supp. Figure 1), of cell-free Hb by triggering the expression of the vertebrate and targeted Gram-positive bacteria, filamentous fungi and pro-clotting initiator, tissue factor. Binding of Hb to tissue yeast [91]. A second tick species, Ornithodoros moubata, factor provided it with protection against antioxidants (e.g. contained two anti-Staphylococcal peptides in its midgut glutathione), and reciprocally, the pro-oxidative potential of after a blood meal [92]. Edman degradation verified the Hb was suppressed to mitigate collateral damage to the origin of these peptides to be overlapping fragments host’s cells. Infection-induced hemolysis and the liberation (residues 1–11; 3–19) from rabbit aHb. When in solution, of Hb promote downstream pro-inflammatory and pro- the bovine peptides Hb33-61 and Hb1-23 do not form clotting reactions [84] (Fig. 2). Remarkably, Hb gene distinct secondary structures, i.e. they are unfolded. Upon expression and protein synthesis were recorded in cytokine insertion of Hb33-61 into anionic detergent micelles, the (IFNc) and LPS-stimulated murine macrophages [85] and cationic peptide establishes an N-terminal b-turn and a surfactant-producing human alveolar type II epithelial cells C-terminal a-helical arrangement [93]. A flexible region, [86]. The biological function of Hb production outside of Pro44-Leu48, forms between the two structural motifs and erythroid tissues remains unclear. It is postulated, however, may act like a hinge to help the peptide penetrate/rupture Hb may enable these particular cells to cope with nitrosa- the lipid bilayers of microbes. tive/oxidative imbalances as macrophages produce excess To date, natural sources of human hemocidins include, NO when presented with microbes, and alveolar epithelia but may not be limited to, placental tissue, erythrocytes and are subjected to high levels of CO2 during gas exchange, menstrual vaginal secretions [87]. Liepke et al. observed which may affect cytosolic pH. two AMPs from placental tissue, one from c-Hb (130–146) 123 muooia rpriso xgntasotpoen:hmgoi,hmcai n hemerythrin and hemocyanin hemoglobin, proteins: oxygen-transport of properties Immunological Table 2 Anti-infective activity of hemoglobins and myoglobin (including cryptides)

Organism Conformational state Size Charge Activity range References (kDa) (MIC or LD50)*


Alligator (Alligator Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2), a-chain, b-chain *68 Antibacterial: Gram- [89, 133] mississippiensis) Escherichia coli (25–100 lgml-1 ) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25–350 lgml-1 ) Antifungal: Candida albicans (20–150 lgml-1 ) Blood cockles Hemoglobin dimer and tetramer \60 Neutral Antibacterial: Gram ?/- [139–141, 144, (clams) (Scapharca Microbial challenge leads to substantial 1.6 Neutral E. coli 145] kagoshimensis) expression of Hb mRNA, peaking at 12 h. -1 ( granosa) 1.1 Neutral Vibrio parahaemolyticus (11–100 lgml ) PSVQDAAAQISADVKK 0.8 Anionic Vibrio alginolyticus (12–200 lgml-1 ) VLASLNFGDR 1.5 Anionic Vibrio harveyi (1–200 lgml-1 ) ISAAEFGK 2.4 Anionic Bacillus subtilis (\180 lgml-1 ) ISAEAFGAINEPMK 2.5 Anionic Bacillus firmus GHAITLTYALNNFVDSLDDPSR 3.5 Staphylococcus aureus ([370 lgml-1 ) MGSYYSDECAAAWAA Micrococcus tetragenus (\47 lgml-1 ) LVAVVQAAL Ligand binding: LNGHGLTLWYGIQNFVDQ LDNADDLEDVARK Lipopolysaccharide and peptidoglycan Catfish (Ictalurus HbbP-1: AAKFGPSVFTPEVH 3.7 Cationic Anti-parasitic: [119, 120] punctatus) ETWQKFLNVVVAALGKQYH pI = 9.22 Amyloodinium ocellatum (54 lM) The Hb-AMP was expressed in skin and gill Ichthyophthirius multifiliis trophont (1.7 lM) epithelium when challenged with I. multifiliis Tetrahymena pyriformis (6.8 lM) Antibacterial: Gram- Escherichia coli (3.4 lM) Vibrio alginolyticus (13.5 lM) Aeromonas hydrophila (3.4 lM) a Cow (Bos taurus) Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Cationic Antibacterial: Gram ?/- [9, 91, 93, FLSFPTTKTYFPHFDLSHG 3.2 pI = 10.12 Micrococcus luteus (5–671 lM) 100–105, 148–150] SAQVKGHGAK (aHb: 33-61) 2.2 Cationic Staphylococcus epidermidis (21 lM) Found in stomach of cattle tick (Rhipicephalus -1 *2 pI = 9.44 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.1 lgml ) microplus)b 2.4 Cationic Antifungal: FLSFPTT pI = 9.69 Candida albicans (5 lM) KTYFPHFDLSHGSAQVKGHGAK-NH2 VLSAADKGNVKAAWGK Cationic Aspergillus nidulans (1.3 lM) VGGHAAE (aHb: 1-23) pI = 10.12 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (11 lM) (a–Helix and unordered structures) VNFKLLSHSLLVTLASHL (aHb)

123 Hb40-61a: KTYFPHFDLSHG SAQVKGHGAK 123 Table 2 continued

Organism Conformational state Size Charge Activity range References (kDa) (MIC or LD50)*

a Crocodile (Crocodylus Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2), a-chain *68 Cationic Antibacterial: Gram ? [130, 131] siamensis) VLSSDDKCNVKAVW 2 Neutral Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CKVAG 1.2 Cationic Bacillus subtilis KVAGHLEEYGA *1 Cationic Bacillus pumilus WHKVDVAH 0.7 Neutral Bacillus megaterium HEAVNH 1 Cationic ASFGEAVKHLDSIR 2.35 Cationic VVVAIHHPGSLTPEV 2.2 Cationic HASLDKF 1.1 AIHHPGSLTPEVHAS LDKFL AAHYPKDFGL

Guinea pig (Cavia Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Antibacterial: Gram - [9] porcellus) -1 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.02 lgml ) a Human Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2), monomers (a & Cationic Antibacterial: Gram ?/- [9, 80, 88, 94–99] b), and apoglobins pI = 7.54 Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Salmonella HbA1-29 (12–29): VLSPADKTNVK Neutral spp. (LD50 = *5 lM), Staphylococcus aureus AAWGKVGAHAG (LD50 = *7 lM), Staphylococcus carnosus, EYGAEAL pI = 6.23 Escherichia coli (1–20 lgml-1 ), Shigella sonnei, HbB1-21 (9–21); VHLTPEEKSAVTALWG Cationic Micrococcus luteus, Enterococcus faecalis KVNVD pI = 9.26 (LD50 = 6.5–8 lM), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (LD50 = 4.4–6.7 lM) and Klebsiella spp. hHEM-b (111–145): Cationic (LD50 = 5.8–8.3 lM) VCVLAHHFGKEFTPPVQ pI = 10.45 AAYQKVVAGVANALA Antifungal: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans HKYH (LD50 = 6.25–14 lM), Candida parapsilosis (LD50 = 6.25–12 lM), Candida krusei (Present in erythrocytes and in placental blood) (LD50 = 12.5–25 lM) Foetal Hb-c: WQKMVTAV Ligand binding: lipopolysaccharides ASALSSRYH

Horse (Equus ferus Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Antibacterial: Gram- [9, 89] caballus) -1 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.4–2 lgml ) Antifungal: Candida albicans (MIC = 250 lgml-1 ) Indian major carp Hemoglobin monomers (a & b), *16 Antibacterial: Gram- [127] (Cirrhinus mrigala) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella

paratyphi and Vibrio cholera Decker H. Coates, J. C. Japanese eel (Anguilla FAHWPDLGPGSPS 2.4 Cationic Antibacterial: Gram ?/- (10.5–84 lM) [124] japonica) VKKHGKVIM pI = 10.3 Edwardsiella tarda, Aeromonas sp., Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio alginolyticus,, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Micrococcus luteus and Staphylococcus aureus

Mouse Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Antibacterial: Gram- [9] -1 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.1 lgml ) muooia rpriso xgntasotpoen:hmgoi,hmcai n hemerythrin and hemocyanin hemoglobin, proteins: oxygen-transport of properties Immunological Table 2 continued

Organism Conformational state Size Charge Activity range References (kDa) (MIC or LD50)*

Rabbit (Oryctolagus Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Cationic Antibacterial: Gram ?/- [9, 92] cunniculus) -1 VLSPADKTNIK 1.2 pI = 9.53 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.02 lgml ) SPADKTNIKTAWEKIGS 1.9 Cationic Staphylococcus aureus Peptides were found the in stomach of soft tick pI = 9.45 (Ornithodoros moubata)

Rat Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Antibacterial: Gram- [9] -1 Escherichia coli (IC50 = 0.02 lgml ) Sea bass Hemoglobin-like protein (mRNA expression) Antibacterial: Gram- [122] (Dicentrarchus Vibrio anguillarum labrax)

Snake (Thamnophis Hemoglobin tetramer (a2b2) *68 Antibacterial: Gram ?/- [89, 133] sirtalis) Streptococcus faecalis (15 lgml-1 ) Escherichia coli (10 lgml-1 ) Antifungal: Candida albicans (C100 lgml-1 ) Stingray b-Globin chain *16 Antibacterial: Gram?/- [126] (Potamotrygon Escherichia coli (MIC; 12 lM) henlei) Micrococcus luteus (MIC; 4 lM) Antifungal: Candida tropicalis (MIC; 4 lM) Tuna (Katsuwonus TQQAFQKFLAA 2.3 Cationic Antibacterial: Gram?/- [125] pelamis) VTSALGKQYH pI = 9.7 Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus iniae (MEC: 6.5–57 lgml-1 ), Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Shigella sonnei, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Escherichia coli (MEC: 2–19 lgml-1 ) Antifungal: Candida albicans (MEC: 12 lgml-1 ) Myoglobina Horse Mb 56–131 *17 Antibacterial: Gram?/- [88, 151]

Whale Apomyoglobin Escherichia coli (LD50 = 3.1 lM), Salmonella serotype (Physeter catodon) Myoglobin fragments: 1–55, 56–131 and Krefeld (LD50 = 4.7 lM), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 132–153c (LD50 = 7.9 lM), Klebsiella oxytoca (LD50 = 4.2 lM), Enterococcus faecalis (LD50 = 7.9 lM), Staphylococcus aureus (LD50 = 2.6 lM)

Antifungal: Candida albicans (LD50 = 11 lM)

* Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) or LD50 values were not available for all (poly)peptides listed a An extended list of hemoglobin/myoglobin-derived peptides is available as supplementary material, Table S1 b Formerly Boophilus microplus c Cyanogen bromide treatment 123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker

Fig. 3 Hemoglobins and the locations of hemocidins. a Human (PDB were used to highlight the location of various antimicrobial peptides 1GZX red), rabbit (PDB 2RAO grey), fish (PDB 3BJ2 blue) and (black arrows). The a-chain peptides consist of residues 1–29 (red), mollusc (PDB 4HRR brown) b-globin structures have been aligned 12–29 (red), 33–76 (yellow) and 77–141 (purple). The b-chain and superimposed to highlight the conserved helical structures. The peptides consist of residues 1–21 (blue), 9–21(blue), 56–72 (orange) protoporphyrin ring is coloured black. B Secondary structural features and 111–146 (green). It is worth noting that the Hb-b peptide of the oxy-hemoglobin tetramer (PDB 1GZX) are presented as 111–146 was detected in the placenta and in the cytosol of ribbons. Alpha and beta chains are coloured light yellow and grey, erythrocytes [94] respectively. Coils are coloured black. The space-filling models of Hb and a second from b-Hb (111–146). The latter bHb peptide the Hb oligomers enough to allow endo/exo-peptidases and was present in large amounts, *360 mg kg-1 tissue, pre- neutrophil-derived matrix metalloproteases to separate the processed from the Hb tetramer within the cytosol of ery- peptides in a step-wise manner. throcytes, and could bind to endotoxins [94]. The most The laboratory of J.L. Ding in Singapore has provided convincing evidence for hemocidins functioning in vivo unequivocal evidence to support a role for Hb in innate comes from vaginal blood [95–99]. Initial screenings immunity. Damage to, and lysis of erythrocytes, by identified 44 hemocidins, most of them originating from hemolytic bacteria guides the release of pro-oxidative Hb the N-terminus of aHb. Two synthetic peptides, Hba 35–56 into the surrounding milieu. The more virulent pathogens and Hbb115–146, identical to natural peptides purified continue to secrete proteases for digesting Hb. Microbial previously showed preferential activity towards Gram- ligands and proteases act in synergy and amplify the negative bacteria, less activity toward Gram-positives, and pseudoperoxidase (POX) activity of Hb. Concurrently, the no effect on fungal growth/reproduction [95]. Hbb115–146 pathogen is bombarded with a battery of ‘dual-active’ Hb is an acidophilic, halo-tolerant peptide that potentiates the congeners/peptides that bind to exoplasmic membrane microbicidal effects of common neutrophil-derived structures and inflict localised cytotoxic radicals to immune effectors such as a/b-defensins and lysozyme, weaken/kill the pathogen in situ [24, 80, 82]. Hb-PAMP which are found in the female urogenital tract [97]. aggregates are inflammatory agonists (mentioned above), Hemocidins present in the vagina act as bacterial deterrents stimulating the expression of cytokines before being and assist immune defences during times of intense phys- recycled by proteasomes and heme-oxygenase within cir- iological strain, such as menstruation and childbirth culating phagocytes (Fig. 2). [87, 96]. It remains unclear how hemocidins are formed Functionally versatile hemocidins have been retrieved and deposited into the vagina. The acidic pH may denature from endogenous sources (erythrocytes, ticks, uterine

123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin secretions) and by in vitro chemical/enzymatic manipula- bacterium may survive within the cytosol. HbN acts as a tion (e.g. amidation) of commercially sourced NO dioxygenase despite the absence of a true reductase (listed in Table 2; Supp. Table 1). Synthetic analogues of domain [115]. HbN expression intensifies once the bac- bovine and human Hb peptides are now screened routinely terium enters the WBC. Subsequently, the protein is for therapeutic potential, e.g. anti-HIV-1 [94, 100–106]. glycosylated post-translationally and localised to the cell Peptide release from larger ‘maternal’ proteins is more membrane/wall. The expression of CD80/86 co-stimula- widespread than once thought. Indeed, the ‘cryptome’ tory surface receptors on the phagocyte cell surface is refers to the entire subset of proteins/peptides released suppressed during M. tuberculosis occupancy, linked to an from maternal sources, which have alternative or height- increase in HbN concentration [114]. It appears that HbN ened activities [107–109]. Human [110, 111], not only protects the bacterium from the cytosolic defences lysozyme [112] and cathepsin G [113] are more examples of WBCs, but also modulates the expression of host of macromolecules containing encrypted peptides. immune factors. The causative agent of thrush, Candida albicans, secretes up to ten acid hydrolases (aspartic peptidases) Use of hemoglobin by microbes when attempting to colonise the vagina. These enzymes attack the host’s defences, and are capable of using the Certain pathogens adapted for intracellular life enlist their existing Hb as a substrate for peptide production. These Hb own heme containing globins to combat the harsh internal hydrolysates are effective bactericidals, especially in the environment of leukocytes. A truncated Hb produced by presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus [99]. Intriguingly, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (HbN) is necessary for these observations imply that C. albicans exploits human infectivity [114]. The microbe-derived HbN decomposes Hb to antagonise bacteria and reduce competition within NO produced by macrophages and neutrophils so the the vagina.

Fig. 4 Hemoglobin-derived antimicrobial peptides from fish. The of each peptide are presented as ribbons, and their locations are overlapping encrypted peptides (HbbP-1, 2 and 3) of fish (Ictalurus indicated by black arrows. It has not been confirmed whether the punctatus; GI:318171215) hemoglobin are presented using the crystal peptides retain these structural features upon detachment from the Hb structure of rainbow trout hemoglobin (3BOM). The helical structures

123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker

Fish hemoglobin and erythrocytes following that, a b-Hb peptide was removed from the liver of Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis [125]). Peptides from each Functional plasticity of erythrocytes from non-mammalian fish were \2.5 kDa in size, positively charged and com- vertebrates such as trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and posed of a-helices. Antimicrobial activity of the tuna Hb chickens has been confirmed in vitro [116]. Aside from peptide (SHbAP) was heat stable and pH resistant, but was links to reproductive and endocrine physiologies, these non-functional in the presence of chymotrypsin and trypsin nucleated erythrocytes employ common PRRs (e.g. TLR 3) [125]. C-terminal amidation of SHbAP enhanced its to detect PAMPs (LPS, PGN) and respond by synthesising activity, perhaps by altering the electrostatic interactions a plethora of immune-related mRNAs (chemokine CCL4, with the anionic bacterial membranes. Generally, post- IFNa). These erythrocytes are further capable of commu- translational modification of peptides increases their nicating the presence of viral mimics (polyinosinic: metabolic stability against endogenous peptidases. polycytidylic acid) to macrophages via a type-1 IFN The biomolecular composition of stingray (Potamotry- response [116]. Erythrocyte–pathogen antibiosis is fre- gon henlei) mucus was interrogated for the presence of quently encountered across the literature, yet critically, antimicrobials, wherein a b-Hb polypeptide (*16 kDa) there is now sufficient evidence for erythrocyte-specific was classified [126]. In vitro assays revealed non-specific roles in fish, reptile and bird innate immunity [reviewed by microbicidal actions of this b-Hb monomer in the presence 117]. First, in 2004, antibacterial proteins were recovered of bacterial and fungal targets (Table 2). The stingray Hb from ruptured erythrocytes of rainbow trout [118]. These did not show any adverse cytotoxicity upon exposure to cationic proteins targeted Planococcus citreus and E. coli mammalian cells, and injection of the protein (10 lM) into with MIC values in the sub-micromolar range. Although the cremaster venule of mice induced an ephemeral the authors did not purify individual compounds, they response in leukocyte rolling behaviour (visualised using speculated (based on size) that histone H2A was involved. intravital microscopy). These data suggest b-Hb is a It is highly likely some Hb found its way into the final putative immune bioactive from stingray mucus and has protein extract, regardless of the ‘harsh’ extraction proce- potential therapeutic applications in humans. The Indian dure used and the loss of Hb via precipitation [118]. Lately, major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala, also contains biologically piscine Hb subunit chains (a & b) and peptides of various active a- and b-Hb chains in skin mucus, as well as his- sizes have been reported acting in an anti-infective manner tones H2A, H3 and H4 [127]. The immune activity of Hbs (listed in Table 2). in fish mucus and skin epithelia serves as a first-line In catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) infected with the ciliate defence against parasites and pathogens. parasite ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis), variants of the b- Hb gene were transcribed and translated in epithelial sur- Reptile hemoglobin faces of the skin and gills, as well as in erythrocytes [119]. In total, three cationic Hb-derived peptides were identified, Despite crocodiles spending most of their lives in dirty, HbbP-1 to HbbP-3. These peptides emerged from both the microbiologically hazardous waters, they show few signs C- and N-termini of the b-globin monomer (Fig. 4). The of severe infection even when seriously wounded extra-erythrocytic peptide, HbbP-1 (3.7 kDa), was lethal to [128, 129]. This resistance is due, in part, to the multi- eukaryotic and prokaryotic fish ectoparasites: Amylood- functionality of Hb. Irrespective of the presence or absence inium ocellatum, I. multifiliis and Tetrahymena pyriformis of the heme prosthetic group, crocodile (Crocodylus sia- [119, 120]. In vivo concentrations of HbbP-1 increased mensis) Hb tetramers, various degenerated fragments (\21 under immune challenge and were selectively toxic to the amino acids), individual globin units (a and b), and syn- trophont stage of the parasites. Unlike many of the human thetic a-Hb monomers were all capable of killing Gram- hemocidins discussed previously, antimicrobial properties positive bacteria (four species of Bacilli) but appeared of HbbP-1 were limited to a few Gram-negative bacterial ineffective against Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) pathogens (Table 2). [130, 131]. Electron micrographs taken of B. subtilis Significant increases in Hb mRNAs were detected in [ATCC 6633] cultured in the presence of purified Hb several tissues (gill, skin and spleen) of European sea bass, fractions depicted cell membrane irregularities within 2 h. Dicentrarchus labrax, resulting from exposure to acute Many of these crocodile hemocidins share typical features physical stress (crowding) and pathogenic challenge (Vib- of AMPs: net-positive charge,[30 % hydrophobic content rio anguillarum)[121, 122]. This study mirrored patterns and their predicted secondary structural motifs are domi- of Hc up-regulation in the hepatopancreas of shrimp (L. nated by a-helices (Table 2; Table S1). The latter is not vannamei) subjected to microbial and thermal stresses entirely surprising considering the conserved helical [21, 123]. The first fish a-Hb peptide was extracted from arrangement of all known Hbs (Fig. 3). Crocodile Hb is a the liver of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica [124]), and potent scavenger of oxygenic radicals in vitro, albeit the 123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin significance of this antioxidant role in vivo has yet to be [141]. Polymorphic loci at exon2–146 (serine to proline explored [132]. switch) and exon2–23 (alanine to threonine switch) on The antimicrobial features of ectotherm Hbs are not HbII-A and HbII-B, respectively, were recovered from restricted to Gram-positive bacteria, as snake (Thamnophis clams having survived heavy V. parahaemolyticus loads. sirtalis) and alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Hbs can These amino acid substitutions likely confer alternate inhibit the growth of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and functionality to newly synthesised Hbs. Similarly, 13 Hc- the pathogenic yeast, C. albicans [89, 133] (Table 2). associated SNPs have been identified in shrimp (L. van- Alligator Hb failed to suppress Gram-positive bacteria, namei) infected with the same pathogens [142, 143]. These Streptococcus faecalis and S. aureus, using a disc diffusion molecular alterations were located in the immunoglobulin- approach [89]. The potency of alligator Hb differs between like domain and C-terminal region of the shrimp Hc each globin subunit, e.g. up to fivefold less aHb resulting in improved microbial agglutination properties. (MIC = 30 lgmL-1) was needed to inhibit yeast com- Positive microbicidal activities of intact T. granosa HbI pared to bHb (MIC = 150 lgmL-1)[133]. and HbII were observed in the presence of E. coli and several Gram-positive bacteria. Seven Hb-derived peptides ranging in size from 0.8 to 3.5 kDa (Table 2) were effec- An emerging role for invertebrate (bivalve) tive against Gram-negative bacteria only, verified using hemoglobin in innate immunity live/dead cellular staining [144]. These bivalve hemocidins were removed from the Hb protomers via trypsin digestion Almost all cephalopods and gastropods utilise Hc to dis- and purified to homogeneity. The aquatic pathogen, Vibrio pense dioxygen to metabolically active tissues; an harveyi, was particularly sensitive to the neutral Hb peptide exception being freshwater snails. Species such as the 1 (PSVQDAAAAQISADVKK), with an MIC value of planorbid snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, use giant extra- 1 lgmL-1. Each Hb-derived peptide demonstrated cellular Hbs (1.44 MDa) to meet their respiratory needs in antibacterial potential (Table 2). Additionally, Hb oligo- what is considered to be an evolutionary abandonment of mers from S. kagoshimensis proved efficient at killing Hc [134, 135]. In blue-blooded (Cu) and red-blooded (Fe) Gram-positive bacteria, yet had no measureable effect on snails, Hc and Hb are synthesised inside specialist rhogo- fungal moulds (Aspergillus niger, Penicillium glaucum)or cytes (pore cells) and then released into the plasma any Gram-negative bacteria tested [145]. The authors of [136, 137]. Bivalves lack Hc, instead they utilise cell- these studies considered ROS production by peroxidase bound Hbs which are structurally similar to vertebrate Hbs and PO-like activities of Hb were likely contributing fac- [5, 138]. Analogous to fish and reptiles, bivalves store their tors to the antimicrobial mechanism. The use of POs to Hb within nucleated erythroid-like cells. Trematode produce ROS and melanins is a conserved defence strategy infestation of the Sydney , trapezia, amongst flora and fauna. PO activities of bivalve hemo- induced measureable increases in circulating erythrocyte cytes and proPO within the haemolymph have received numbers, over double compared to non-parasitised much attention [146, 147]. Conversely, studies focussing [138]. These data add support to earlier findings demon- on Hb-derived PO activities are relatively unheard-of strating the immune competence of erythrocytes [117]. (discussed below). The cDNA (748 bp) of an intracellular homo-dimeric HbI (*31 kDa) from the blood was cloned and sequenced to reveal *82 % similarity with Inducible phenoloxidase and (pseudo)peroxidase Hbs from Scapharca kagoshimensis and Scapharca inae- activities of hemocyanins and hemoglobins quivalvis [139]. Messenger RNAs of HbI were expressed constitutively in the hemocytes, adductor muscle, foot, Both arthropod and mollusc Hcs can be converted into PO- gills, gastrointestinal tract and mantle. When clams were like enzymes upon physical disruption of the structural injected with LPS, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and/or PGN, motifs in and around the dicopper centres. It is most HbI mRNA transcript numbers increased significantly. The important to open the entrance to the active site, yet such highest levels of expression were detected in the hemo- invasive structural alterations will eventually destroy the cytes, with an 800-fold increase at 12 h post-infection PO activity. Either through proteolysis or interactions with (h.p.i.) compared to the control groups. Differential tem- endogenous cofactors, placeholder residues (usually with poral expression patterns of T. granosa HbII-A and -B aliphatic or aromatic chemistry) occluding the active sites genes in hemocytes were also detected in the presence of are dislodged, thus permitting phenolic compounds to be microbial ligands (LPS and PGN) and intact bacteria processed into melanin precursors [21, 152]. The POs play [140, 141]. Over 20 individual nucleotide polymorphisms vital roles in invertebrate development and contribute to have been identified across all three T. granosa Hb genes counter-measures targeted towards infectious agents, e.g. 123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker hemocyte encapsulation/nodulation and using toxic qui- known tyrosinase inhibitors (e.g.1-phenyl, 2-thiourea), nones to kill pathogens [153]. POs (tyrosinases [EC standard metal chelators (EDTA, DETC) and antioxidants 1.14.18.] and catecholoxidases [EC]) and Hc-d (ascorbic acid) in a similar way to POs [145]. The question

POs catalyse the ortho-hydroxylation of monophenols (L- remains, however, is Hb a latent PO or simply able to tyrosine) into diphenols and subsequently oxidise the o- oxidise phenols non-specifically due to the presence of a diphenols (L-dihydroxphenylalanine) into quinones (dopa- transient metal ion within the heme cofactor? chrome) [154–157]. Arthropod Hc-d PO can convert 5,6- In 2007, a seminal paper published by Jiang and co- dihydroxyindole directly into melanin, a very resistant workers described the pseudoperoxidase activity of human polymer net which invaders cannot penetrate [158]. Not all metHb and the PO activity of horseshoe crab Hc in the Hcs or POs can carry out the hydroxylation step. Recent presence of extracellular proteases released by bacteria and data imply that an asparagine residue and a glutamate fungi [24]. Hb and Hc were ‘switched on’ upon binding to residue located near the CuB binding site are essential for bacterial ligands, LPS (Gram-) and LTA (Gram?), but tyrosinase activity. These residues fix a conserved water were unaffected by laminarin. The generation of superox- - molecule and lower its pK value to disrupt the hydrogen ide anions (O2 ) by metHb correlated positively with from the monophenols (i.e. deprotonate), so the resulting concentrations of microbial stimulants, and equally, was phenolate can bind to CuA to initiate the enzymatic cycle suppressed by the addition of superoxide dismutase. Fur- [159–161]. The proton will be bound by this water mole- thermore, increases in metHb ROS production were ? cule to form a hydronium ion (H3O ). After release of the recorded inside erythrocytes exposed to different strains of final product, namely o-quinone, a hydroxyl group bridges S. aureus, highlighting the significance of this activity the two copper ions but will be discarded as a water in vivo [24]. The peroxidase potential of Hb appears to be molecule after obtaining a hydrogen back from the conserved amongst metazoans. Clam Hb can oxidise gua- hydronium ion. Upon replacing either the asparagine or iacol (a methylated derivative of catechol) in the presence glutamine residues with different amino acids only cate- of H2O2 [144]. The catalytic turnover of phenols into choloxidase activity is possible [161]. In the absence of a quinones, whether it is by Hc, PO or Hb, generates volatile true PO, chelicerates rely on the inducible PO activity of by-products [21, 24, 144, 145]. These oxidase-related Hc as a substitute [28, 30, 162, 163, 203, 204]. Lately, Hc enzymatic by-products boast significant broad-spectrum was found to be a major component of clots formed during antimicrobial properties [171] evidenced by mollusc Hb’s hemostasis in the spider, Acanthoscurria geniculata.Itis inability to kill microbes in the presence of the ion scav- postulated that Hc, like PO, enables protein cross-linking enger, glutathione [144]. ROS formation by OTPs arises and sclerotisation of the cuticle post-moulting [32]. These independently of immune signalling cascades and, there- findings are supported by earlier studies where Hc was fore, provides an instantaneous assault on pathogens. present in abundance throughout the cuticles of shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) and tarantula (Eurypelma califor- nicum) exoskeletons [164, 165]. Hemocyanin-derived cryptides Both mono-dimeric (31.2 kDa) and hetero-tetrameric (*60 kDa) conformational states of blood clam (S. Hcs are acute phase proteins contributing to host recogni- kagoshimensis) Hb were found to possess PO-like activity. tion of non-self, pathogen opsonisation and agglutination,

In vitro, Hbs could oxidise diphenols (catechol and L- hemolysis, melanin biogenesis and virustasis, all of which DOPA; Table 3) to quinones (dopachrome) but were have been reviewed in detail by Coates and Nairn (2014) unable to carry out the initial hydroxylation reaction on [21]. The following section, however, is concerned pri- monophenols [145]. Catalytic turnover was enhanced marily with the encrypted AMPs of Hc. *20 % by the polar solvent isopropanol, although expo- Hc-derived peptides were first isolated from hemolymph sure to SDS and trypsin led to a 75 % reduction in activity. plasma of commercially relevant shellfish species, one SDS and ionic liquids are known to induce transient from Litopenaeus vannamei (PvHCt) and two from Pe- activity in many enzymes, including POs and Hc-d POs naeus stylirostris (Table 4)[177]. PvHCt failed to inhibit [155, 166, 167]. Bivalve Hb may be particularly sensitive the growth of 17 bacterial species (both Gram ?/-), yet to SDS-driven denaturation and tryptic digestion. Thermal revealed its exclusive antifungal activity at concentrations and pH ranges of Hb-d PO as well as kinetic parameters ranging from 3 to 50 lM (Table 4). Most recently, the 1 such as substrate binding efficiencies (Km) for catechol and structure of PvHCt was solved using a combination of H L-DOPA are similar to arthropod and mollusc Hc-d POs, NMR and circular dichroism (Fig. 5). PvHCt is present in notably cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), snails (Helix pomatia) an unordered state in solution, and when incorporated into and crabs (Charybdis japonicus) (Table 3) zwitterionic (DPC) micelles this histidine-rich peptide [144, 145, 168–170]. Hb-d PO activity can be inhibited by folds into a linear, amphipathic, a-helical structure with an 123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin

Table 3 Inducible o-diphenoloxidase activity in hemoglobin versus hemocyanin Substrate kinetics References

Catechol Dopamine L-Dopa


Scapharca kagoshimensis HbI—Km = 5.7 mM – HbI—Km = 2.0 mM [145]

HbII—Km = 2.71 mM HbII—Km = 1.22 mM

Tegillarca granosa Km = 0.097 mM – Km = 1.44 mM [144] Hemocyanins

Charybdis japonica (A) – – Km = 2.9 mM [172] . -1 -1 . -1 Eurypelma californicum Kcat/Km = 0.20 ± 0.03 mM s Vmax = 5.5 ± 0.4 lM.s Kcat/Km = 0.59 ± 0.08 mM s [168] (A) Km = 1.45 ± 0.16 mM . -1 Kcat/Km = 3.91 ± 0.55 mM s

Helix pomatia (M) Km = 2.6 mM – – [173] -1 -1 Helix vulgaris (M) Vmax = 0.137 mM min Vmax = 0.018 mM min [25]

Km = 2.86 mM Km = 0.77 mM -1 Limulus polyphemus (A) – Vmax = 4.7 ± 0.2 lmol min –[170]

Km = 1.3 ± 0.1 mM -1 -1 Nephrops norvegicus (A) Vmax = 5.84 ± 0.24 lmol min Vmax = 2.4 ± 0.07 lmol min –[174]

Km = 9.85 ± 0.89 mM Km = 0.431 ± 0.04 mM [4-methylcatechol]

Panulirus argus (A) Vmax = 0.161 ± 0.005 DAbs Vmax = 0.143 ± 0.003 DAbs Vmax = 0.112 ± 0.002 DAbs [175] min-1 min-1 min-1

Km = 7.174 ± 0.487 mM Km = 0.181 ± 0.001 mM Km = 2.565 ± 0.115 mM

Rapana venosa FU-a (M) – Km = 6.53 mM Km = 2.0 mM [176]

Sepia officinalis (M) Km = 4.2 mM – Km = 2.4 mM [173] A arthropod, M mollusc overall net-negative charge (pI = 6.16) (Fig. 5)[178]. stimulated crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus [180]) and Amphipathicity is a key feature of most pore-forming spiders (Acanthoscurria rondoniae [181]), respectively. In AMPs. Hyphae and spores of F. oxysporum were damaged solution, astacidin1 forms a b-sheet structure and is active irreversibly within 90 min of PvHCt (20 lM) treatment against many bacteria [180] and fungi [182] (Table 4). due to its gross accumulation on the exoplasmic side of the These peptides are located on the surface of the Hcs and, fungal cell wall, but were not dependent on interactions therefore, exposed to the environment (Fig. 5 [21, 183]). with ergosterol. Cellular pathologies included ‘leakiness’ Characterisations of truncated astacidin 1 variants revealed (4 kDa flux), plasma membrane deterioration, fewer lipid a dependency on the N-terminal residues bodies and effete mitochondria. A cationic peptide, termed (FKVQNQHGQVVKIFHH-COOH) for effective microbe FCHc-C2, was manufactured recombinantly from the killing. Similar to PvHCt, astacidin 1 functions optimally at cDNA of shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis)Hc[179]. acidic pH and causes injury to the external membranes of FCHc-C2 and PvHCt share high sequence homology fungi, creating trans-bilayer pores with radii *2 nm. [90 %, the only differences being an aspartate is substi- Rondonin, PvHCt and astacidin 1 all originated from the tuted with valine and a glycine is substituted with lysine C-terminal domains (III) of their precursor Hcs, a struc- (Table 4). Amphipathicity does not appear to differ sig- turally conserved region organised into a seven-stranded nificantly between these two peptides (Supp. Figure 2), yet anti-parallel b-barrel (Figs. 1 and 5). Each peptide is likely unlike PvHCt, FCHc-C2 was active against Gram ?/- detached from Hc via directed proteolysis. Aspartyl (pep- bacteria as well as fungi. The (conventional) basic charge statin) and cysteine (E-64) protease inhibitors impeded the of FCHc-C2 (aided by an additional histidine on the production of astacidin 1 in crayfish, indicating the peptide hydrophilic side of the helix) might permit non-selective may be cleaved from Hc by cysteine-like proteases electrostatic interactions with a broader range of microbes. released by lysosomes [180]. Concentrations of Hc-derived Other Hc-derived peptides, namely astacidin 1 and AMPs in the hemolymph of shrimp and crayfish increased rondonin, were recovered from the hemolymph of immune- significantly in the presence of microbial ligands, LPS and

123 123 Table 4 Anti-infective activity of hemocyanin-derived cryptides, and hemerythrin

Organism Conformational state Size Charge Activity (MIC or LD50)* References

Hemerythrin Medicinal Leech (Hirudo Octamer *108 kDa Antibacterial: Gram?/- [189] medicinalis) Up-regulation of Hr confirmed via 2D SDS-PAGE, protein accumulation Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus occurred in tissues of the CNS Rag (sand) worm (Hediste MPII, 13.7 kDa Antibacterial: Gram?/- [192] diversicolor) 119 amino acids Kocuria kristinae, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus Hemocyanin Abalone (Haliotis YKKFGYRYDSLELEGRSISRIDELIQQRQEKDRTFAGFLLKGF 5.2 kDa Cationic Antibacterial: Gram?/- [187] tuberculata) (linear a-helix, termed haliotisin) pI = 9.66 Bacillus subtilis (0.3–3 lM) Erwinia carotovora (0.8–2.6 lM) Crayfish (Pacifastacus FKVQNQHGQVVKIFHH (termed astacidin 1) 1.9 kDa Cationic Antibacterial: Gram?/- [180, 182] leniusculus) (b-sheet at pH 4) pI = 10.6 Bacillus megaterium (1.9 lM) Bacillus subtilis (15 lM) Staphylococcus aureus ([20 lM) Micrococcus luteus (12.8 lM) Pseudomonas aeruginosa ([20 lM) Escherichia coli (15 lM) Proteus vulgaris ([20 lM) Shigella flexneri (15 lM) Antifungal: Candida albicans (6.3 lM) Trichosporon beigelii (6.3 lM) Malassezia furfur (12.5 lM) Trichophyton rubrum (25 lM) Shrimp (Fenneropenaeus FEVLPNFKHIQVKVFNHGEHIHHH (termed FCHc-C2) 4.9 kDa Cationic Antibacterial: Gram?/- [179] chinensis) LVVAVTDGEADAAVEGLHDNTDFIHYGSHGKYPDNRPHGYPLD *8 kDa pI = 7.98 Micrococcus luteus (1.3–13 lM) Anionic Aeromonas hydrophila (10.6–26 lM) pI = 4.4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13–26 lM) Vibrio anguillarum (13–26 lM) Antifungal: Botrytis cinerea (1.3–21.2 lM)

Colletotrichum orbiculare (1.1–2.6 lM) Decker H. Coates, J. C. Fusarium oxysporum (10.6–26 lM) Pestalotia diospyri ([21.2 lM) Pythium ultimum ([21.2 lM) Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ([21.2 lM) muooia rpriso xgntasotpoen:hmgoi,hmcai n hemerythrin and hemocyanin hemoglobin, proteins: oxygen-transport of properties Immunological Table 4 continued

Organism Conformational state Size Charge Activity (MIC or LD50)* References

Shrimp (Litopenaeus FEDLPNFGHIQVKVFNHGEHIHH (termed PvHCt) 2.76 kDa Anionic Antifungal: [177, 178] vannamei) (PDB; 2N1C) pI = 6.1 Alternaria brassicola (3.2–6.3 lM) Fusarium culmorum (6.3–12.5 lM) Fusarium oxysporum (6.3–12.5 lM) Nectria hematococca (3.2–6.3 lM) Neurospora crassa (25–50 lM) Tricoderma viridae (3.2–6.3 lM) Shrimp (Penaeus LVVAVTDGDADSAVPNLHENTEYNHYGSHGVY 8.3 kDa Anionic Antifungal: [177] stylirostris) VTDGDADSAVPNLHENTEYNHYGSHGVYPDK 7.9 kDa pI = 4.22 Fusarium oxysporum Anionic pI = 4.32 Snail (Helix aspersa) Functional Unit-H *60 kDa Antibacterial: Gram?/- [186] Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus epidermidis Escherichia coli Spider (Acanthoscurria IIIQYEGHKH (termed rondonin) 1.2 kDa Cationic Antifungal: [181] rondoniae) pI = 7.9 Beauveria bassiana (1.1 lM) Candida albicans (8.4–16.8 lM) Candida krusei (16.8 lM) Candida glabrata (8.4 lM) Candida parapsilosis (16.8 lM) Candida tropicalis (8.8 lM) Candida guilliermondii (16.8 lM) Whelk (Rapana venosa) Functional Units B and E *50 kDa Anionic Antibacterial: Gram ? [185] ELVRKNVDHLSTPDVLELV 2.2 kDa pI = 4.54 Staphylococcus aureus 94 % coverage and 72 % identity with Helix lucorum Hc 73 % coverage and 70 % identity with Rapana venosa Hc2 FU-e;

* Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) or LD50 values were not available for all (poly) peptides listed 123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker

Fig. 5 Arthropod hemocyanin-derived antimicrobial peptides. The the C-terminal subunit (III) of the hemocyanin where they can be crystal structure of Panulirus interruptus hemocyanin (PDB 1HC1) is liberated through proteolysis. The shrimp peptide (PvHCt) is linear, used to illustrate the location of the encrypted peptides: PvHCt a-helical and amphipathic, with an overall net-negative charge (FEDLPNFGHIQVKVFNHGEHIHH: blue), astacidin 1 (theoretical pI = 6.1) as revealed by NMR. The electrostatic surface (FKVQNQHGQVVKIFHH: blue) from crayfish, and PsHCt2 potential was calculated using UCSF Chimera [202]. PvHCt was (LVVAVTDGDADSAVPNLHENTEYNHYGSHGVY: orange) from isolated from Litopenaeus vannamei hemolymph and displays strict shrimp on the hemocyanin hexamer (*420 kDa) and corresponding fungicidal activity. Both peptides are exposed to the environment subunit (*70 kDa). Hemocyanin subunit domains I and II are even in the hexameric aggregation state. See also [21, 183] coloured green and purple, respectively. Both peptides are located on b-glucan [177, 180]. Therefore, Hc circulating freely in the carotovora and B. subtilis in vitro (Table 4). Membrane haemolymph is an immediate source of immune mediators. perturbations visible in electron micrographs of Hc-treated Although diverse antimicrobial and antiviral properties bacteria suggested the amphipathic peptide may act as a of mollusc Hc oligomers and several FUs have been noted pore former. Predictive modelling of the strongest bioac- [21, 184–186], mollusc Hc-derived peptides have received tive peptide (termed haliotisin; Table 4) revealed a linear, little attention. An interrogation of whelk (Rapana venosa) a-helical structural conformation. Moreover, the peptide is hemolymph led to the identification of a peptide with positioned at the surface of the Hc protomer and is flanked sequence similarities to a conserved motif at the N-termi- by a series of trypsin and chymotrypsin cleavage sites, nus of many Hc FUs [185]. This whelk Hc-derived peptide making it highly accessible during sepsis [187]. did not inhibit the growth of S. aureus or Klebsiella So far, no cysteine residues or disulphide bridges were pneumoniae; therefore, its physiological function is a found within any known Hc-derived AMP. This may be mystery. An in silico study performed on abalone (Haliotis advantageous since the peptides can bind more easily to tuberculata) Hc indicated the region between the a-helical pathogens and be transported more readily through a and b-sandwich domains of FU-e contained encrypted membrane into the interior, rather than a stiff peptide. Each AMPs [187]. A number of synthetic polypeptides resem- peptide contains at least three (up to eight) positively bling this region were antagonistic towards Erwinia charged residues (H, R, K) and differ substantially in their

123 Immunological properties of oxygen-transport proteins: hemoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin net electrical charges, pI = 4–11 (Table 4; Fig. 5). The salivary complex of the hematophagous leech, Haemente- mode of action of Hc-derived AMPs may not be restricted ria depressa, and during anterior tissue regeneration of the to pore formation, as evidence discussed here hints to a earthworm, Perionyx excavatus [197, 198]. These data possible role interfering with subcellular organelles. signify Hr is a multi-functional protein extending beyond its traditional role as a vehicle for molecular oxygen. In 2011, a 10-kDa polypeptide was extracted from the Hemerythrin and innate immunity exoskeleton of a baculovirus-infected crustacean, Pleu- roncodes planipes [199]. Protein extracts were capable of Hr functionality is poorly characterised when compared inhibiting up to 99.5 % of polyhedrosis nuclear virus to Hb and Hc. Nevertheless, members of the Hr gene replication. An acidic region of this polypeptide, family, including myoHr, participate in respiration, heavy VFYANLDEEHK, shared 100 % coverage and 91–100 % metal detoxification and aspects of innate immunity amino acid sequence identity with Hr-like protein subunits [188]. Responding to septic shock caused by E. coli and from annelids, Scoloplos armiger (Accession no. Micrococcus luteus, Hr expression increased significantly XP_013415662) and H. medicinalis (Accession no. in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis [189]. Using a 2-DIGE Q674M7), and a brachiopod, Lingula anatina (Accession approach, newly synthesised Hr accumulated within tis- no. CAP08294). The authors compared their polypeptide to sues of the central nervous system, referred to as neuro- myoHr, yet in the absence of a known Hr within the hemerythrin. Hr expression was also spatially distributed Crustacea, caution and further information are required in peripheral tissues such as muscle, the walls of blood before categorising this protein as an immune effector. vessels and nephridia (an excretory organ analogous to The use of Hr as a defence strategy is not only employed vertebrate kidneys). The dual functionality of Hr in leech by metazoan hosts. The aquatic pathogen, Aeromonas immunity was contemplated; provision of oxygen to fuel hydrophila, produces a single-domain Hr when inside the the metabolic costs of immune activity, and the cytosol of Japanese eel macrophages to sense O2 and sequestration of iron needed by microbes to grow [189]. detoxify ROS [200]. Differential expression of Hr under

Metalloprotein II (MPII) is an antibacterial protein extreme O2 conditions (hypoxic, hyperoxic) was recorded found in the coelomic fluid of Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor in wild-type A. hydrophila. The bacterium was also able to and other polychaetes [190–192]. It is a cadmium binding cope with high-level exposure to H2O2. Disruption of the protein related to the Hr family, *81 % similar to myoHr Hr gene in A. hydrophila mutants (M85) led to a 77 % [193, 194], and can be produced within specialised coelo- reduction in survival when incubated with macrophages. mocytes (granulocytes type I), somatic muscle cells and the Virulence of A. hydrophila is dependent on its ability to lining of the gut [188, 195]. MPII and myoHr are mono- escape phagosomes using flagellar movements [201]. No meric isoforms of Hr subunits, displaying almost identical differences in motility were found between the wild-type structural architecture (four a-helix bundle). Upon immune and Hr mutants; therefore, Hr is an important factor in A. stimulation with intact microbes (Vibrio alginolyticus, hydrophila pathogenesis. E. coli and M. luteus) or endotoxins, MPII is expelled into the coelomic fluid by granulocytes type I [192]. Concur- rently, the enzyme PO is released by granulocytes type II. MPII likely provides the oxygen needed to catalyse phenol Further considerations hydroxylation/oxidation, thereby facilitating the eventual biogenesis of melanin. This is quite interesting as Hc and In many vertebrate and invertebrate systems, the presence Hb are also involved in converting phenols into (semi)- of pathogens and parasites in the blood/hemolymph can quinone derivatives (see previous sections). The lead to the de novo synthesis of OTPs (Hb, Hc and Hr). antibacterial properties of MPII are disrupted in the pres- Extracellular proteases that are secreted by microbes target ence of iron or when the coelomic fluid is pre-treated with Hb and Hc, leading to the production of ROS/RNS, the specific antibodies raised against MPII [192]. Certain conversion of phenolic substrates and release of encrypted sipunculids contain differential coelomocytes (pink blood immune peptides. The activities of OTP cryptides do not cells) that express variants of Hr [5, 196]. Depending on depend on their respective metal prosthetic groups. Hb in their location within the body, cell-specific Hrs bind oxy- the absence of the heme cofactor retains its antimicrobial gen with varying affinities: low, moderate and high. potency, and likewise, all Hc-derived AMPs originate from Coelomocyte hematopoiesis following severe blood loss the C-terminal domains of arthropod Hc subunits and (exsanguination) in the peanut worm, Phascolosoma mollusc Hc functional units where they are not influenced esculenta, accompanies the de novo synthesis of Hr [53]. by the distant dicopper centres located within the a-helical Isoforms of Hr and myoHr have also been found in the structural domain. 123 C. J. Coates, H. Decker

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