Nmentgazettelaw Ue I Published by Autbority
; + hae at . Bape gaat. Opet——24 COVE] NMENTGAZETTELaw Ue i Published by Autbority ‘Vol. LXMI, No. 1. ist MARCH, 1985 Price 30c > General Notice 144 of 1985. P, Hall and Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. ge97184 Permit: 12579. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPT.ER 262] Route: Gweru - Guinea' Fowl - Shurugwi - Donga Farm - Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits Matsa Kraal - Dombwe School - Chief Nhema -’Machacha. By: . : IN terms’ of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor + (a) Deviationand extension of route: Route to be: Gweru - Transportation Act [Chapter 262}, notice is hereby given that Shurugwi - Donga - Mashava ~ King’s Mine - Masvingo - the applications. detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or Negundu Halt - Mwenezi Camp - Chikombedzi - Mali- amendment of road service permits, have been received for pate - Chikwarakwara. the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transporta-. (b)- Increase in passenger capacity to 71, tion, (c) Alteration to times. - Any person wishing to object to any such application must (d) Deletion of the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Saturday outward service and Tuesday, Thursday, ° Box 8332, Causeway— Saturday and Sunday inward service. ~ (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to The service operates as follows— ‘ reach the Controller’s Office not later than the 22nd (a) depart Gweru Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.01 March, 1985; oe p.m., arrive Machacha 3.40 p.m.; (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. ' (b) depart Gweru Tuesday 1 p.m., arrive Machacha 4.40 ' 24, together with two: copies thereof, so as to reach p-m.; : thescontroller’s office not.
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