1921-10-29 [P 3]

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1921-10-29 [P 3] LOUISIAPA SCH(OL VALUE $26,278,15 iAuction Sal HARRIS GIV ES STATISTICS SHOWING CENSUS AND ENROLLMENT . Baton Rouge, La., OCt. 24.-Statis- p 1 ,ead 50 tics showing the number of whiterand negro children e r.,.-B~;~g~I~" that are being educat- ed in the schools of the state, 4 'salue of school property, the sperat. ing expenses of schools and the sal- Sfarmi Mares, Mules, Saddle aries cf teachers were given to the and legislature in a tabulated statement iMonday by Thomas H. Harris, state silperintendeant of, education. The statement follows: r White schools, 2920-21: Ohildren of Fast Buggy Horses ai~~ school age, 6 to 18 years, 335,864. One for mildnes, Children enrolled: Public schools, ---: AT-- 238,117; paroczhial schools, 25,000. Total enrollment, 263,117. Average nmnber of days schools Imw~aftn~ pew6ct j were in session, 164. Total value of all school prdPerty $23,813,917.23. Operatinfi expenses of schools, $10,- 398,661,24. achere &Bauhlid Stable Cost of new buildings and equip- m•ent, $2;604,945.09. Number. of teachers employed; Men SOpelotssas, La. 912, women, 6844. Total :number of teachers, 7756. -ON-- Average annual salaries of teach- Average annual salaries of- ers: Men, $1375.13; women $991.08. Number of state apprdved (four years) high schools, S6. 7 - NOTICE. Enrollment in high school el-ases of state approved, 19,562. The Opelousa. National Bank,I Negro schools, 1920-21; Number Qf cated at Oplousas, In the Btatte "f Sonday,Nov. Ith, LARGE CROWDS ATTEND his own -accompaniment in. a very children of school age (8 to 18) years Louisanaa, is cosing ita af~lrv~. 9 1921, at- THE BAPTIST REVIVAL large Gothic. harp. His singing and 228,'39. nbte4iolrsm and other ereUtowa playing are Immensely enjoyed by all Nurmer of children enrolled -n fpb. gsciation therefortye h ,reby..~ The revival which was begun ot who hear him. lic schools,-2"1247. fled . present the notes and otber clasin at 1 P. M. Sharp the Baptist church last Sunday is The .Pastorof the church, Rev. D. R. Average -sumsberof days "schools fora Ipapment. 19, 19~1. drawing large congregations and is Pevoto is doing the preaching in the were in session, 111. October - B. DU8T1;wom , growing in interest daily. No meeting meeting, and he is being ably as- TCotal valte of all school property,' sale consist of Horses, Farm Mares, Mules, Saddle and fast Poesi e, ever held in Opelousas has had such sisted in the work by a large number $2,464a 9.98. Get. 22-9t Operating enpem s of 41gy Horses-in fact horses and mules suitable for all pur- a promising start. The singing is oi woeders. ecbooh, $1, Crswley • ,, 077,920.08. cayde Bergin of being conducted by Prof. J. A. Grown, Services Saturday evening at 7:15, town Monday vis•tfing at the !ho " from 4 to 8 years old and in weight from 800 to 1400 hun- a singer with nation- Sunday at a. m. and 7:16, and Cost of new buildings and eqlip- who is not only 11 hies tatblnw,• L. Veltin. al reputation, but is a composer and thron•h the week. You will want a anent, $23, 773.43 Owtold friand eaom ' Wrorteo( Spounds. writer of music. His songs are in front seat, so come early, says the Number ot teachers employed: Men ;aowley was Iprago writh hris mna 374: women, 1726. great demand every where. He plays pastor. iends here the fort, part' of ta - Don't miss this sale for they will be sold regardless of cost Totl nu•ber oa teachers, 2100. w. • .eek m . all stock guaranteed as represented on day of sale. The grandeur and beauty of the them. The ancient chapel. located church grows on the spectator contlar at the head of these stairs. is only used .by the Pobe to say mass. It rally, and the effect of the great ea- EXPERT AUTOMOBILE PAINTING : Come and look this stock over before day of sale. contbita• portrait of Christ said to pola when seen from within is one have been begun by St. Luke and tim We are prepared to paint your car, now that the of the most striking nd most charm- Ished by an Angel, by reason of which winter season is on you will want your car protecteis4 ing pieces of architectural decorative itis known as the picture made with" from, dust and dirt• work in existence. The church is out handa. OUR PRICES ARE FROM THIRTY TO SEVjENT 'hachere & Bauhard filled with altars, tombs of the popeas 'he locaiion of St. John Lateran shrines dedicated to the raints, sta- is very fine .and the outside is quite IOOLLARS tues of the doctors of the cturch, imposing. The interior is beautful- We are in a positrio to paint your car equafy as S•l BERT EDWARDS HOSTESS . Henry Lastrappe, Harvey Weir, F. J. fonts and other works of art, so that ly decorated, the mosaic ceilings and good as the factory--usin the same paint and pr. TO STOCKING CLUB Dfetlein, H. Callaban, Misses Mary O. it is in reality a museum -'f Hgious walls being truly wonderful. In this cess. Littell, and Matbhilde Estorge. architecture, sculpture 4 leerative church are buried the bodies of St, For further information apply, A TOUR most q 6•a pleasant evening was speq lMrs. H. U. Callahan proved to be OF ITALY art of three centuries. The Petei and St. Paul, their henda being struc- m-ay when Mrs. Edwards en. the lucky winner and was awarded a prominent of the accessory irnrred in St. Paul's church. A de- MAIN MOTOR CO., PAINT DEPARMET the earlpfon ;i .the Stocking Club at her beaulful pair of silk hose. tures inside the edifice is treat of this magnificent edifice Austin Sylvester, Manager. bropze Baldacchino, as lofty and w4i be given in the next article. oouall South Union street. Delicious refreshments were serv- The Magnificent Churches of Rome grand as most church tow3rs and Thee were: Mesdames, ed by the hostess. Saint Peter's \present and St. John Lateran covering the main altar. Beneath Stewart, Jno. W. Lewis, Isaac Mrs. H. U. uallakan is to be the hos- Z 1. this -is the shrine of St. Peter, the 91iWSkhey tess at the next meeting of the club. By W. J. SANDOZ .Brown,. J. W. Jordan, crypt having been guarded through all Near the bank of the historic Tiber these centuries, and contains many i in Rome stands the largdEt and precious monuments and fragments of the original Basilica of St. Peter. A grandest Christian place of worship in visit to this sacred shrine is ode of the world--St. Peter's church. To the most interesting experiences. attempt a description of this wonder- The services of a guide are neeess- ful structure and its marvellous in- ary to properly see and understand terior requires some courage, for much of the wonders of this truly there is so much that challenges one's marvellous structure. A visit to each admiration and attention that it Is of the numerous chapels, each with its THE UNIVERSAL1 CAR difficult to decide even where to be- history and possessing some of the gin. The reader will understand that many treasures, sculpture and other it is not intended that this article works of art, required considerable November First. should be in any wise complete, for a time, but one can not tire of. the proper treatment of the subject would sights and marvels of this truly won- require much more space than it at derful church. the writer's disposal and would take The first in dignity of all the Ro- a great deal of time. man churches is St. John Laterae, b• St. Peter's is closely connected ing styled "the mother and head .of with the Vatican, and it has always all the churches of the city and of been used for the great festivities the world." It is built on the site of All Saints Day of the church. The present edifice the ancient palace of Plautins Late- succeeded the iwsiliea of St. Peter, ranus; which was confiscate& by the the plan of the old beasica being pre- pnnperor Nero and later - occupied as served. The first pope to take up the his residence and by other emper- work of the present edifice was ore, but was given 'by the. m'peror Julius 11 in the year of 1503, who em- Constantine to Pope Melchiades in ployed Bramante to make an en- 312. The first basilisc was built there tirely new design for the chupah. by Pope Sylvester I, in 3 After his death Raphiel became the fragments remaining of it. This was chief architect, and finally, in 1546, idestroyed by an earthquake' in 894; plete. the work was placed in the hands oj the second church was burned in 1308 Michael Angelo, who followed Bra- and the third church to be erected on oia F. O. B. Da mantt's main lines, building In the this site also burned, in 1340. It With Sshrtrwlddi u IAbi form of a Greek cross upon- the great was again restored by Pape UThban in piers of the earlier architect. He Genuine carried up the vaults and all that now The solemn entrance of the Popes exists leading up to the great cupo- into office is celebrated by their la. Until his death in 1564, Micheal taking formal possesion of this lhurch CommonSense Angelo controlled the weok, but the every pope having been` inducted into actual model since it became the of- Many Ford owners can afford to own and oper- cupola made from the office there of Michell Angelo, was not complet- ficial hurchk in 1184, and here is ate any car they may choose, but they prefer a which the .
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