Guidance on EPA Participation in Bankruptcy Cases
. 'I.'. I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONAGENCY WASHINGTON, D:C. 20460 -i .. -. ... .. SEP 3.0 !397 MEMORANDUM' . ' SUBJECT: .I Guidance.on t.ion in Bankruptcy Cases ' FROM: ' ..Steven A:H Assistant A TO: Addressees '.listedbelow This memorandum transmits guidance entitled "EPA Participation in Bankruptcy Cases."'This guidance'supersedes the "Guidance Regarding CERCLA Enforcement.AgainstBankrupt Parties," OSWER Directive #9832.7 (May 24, 1.984)and the "Revised Hazardous Waste Bankruptcy Guidance," 0SWER.Directive#9832.8 '(May 23, 1986). This guidance identifies the factors to be considered by EPA . in determining whether to participate in a bankruptcy case, including whether to pursue-collectionof costs o'r penalties against debtors who have liability under' CERCLA or other environmental statutes. 1 ,. This guidance was prepared with the assistance of EPA's National B@crupfcy Lead"Region Work,Groupand the Department of' Justice. If-youhave-questions about this guidance, you may contact Andrea'Madiganof.Region'IV,chair of the bankruptcy work. group; ,at, (404) 562-9518; ' . Attachment' . ,. .. , .. -, . .. .. ,. .. .. Addressees: Regional Counsel, Regions'I-X, EPA Director, Office of'.SiteRemediation & Restorati,on, Region I, EPA Director, Emergency & Remedial Response Division, Region 11, EPA Director',Hazardous Waste Management Division, Regions I11 & IX, EPA Director, Waste Management Division, Region IV, EPA Director, Superfund Divisions, Regions.V, VI E VII, EPA Assistant Regional Administrator, Office of Ecosystems J .. Protection and Remediation, Region VIII, EPA Director, Environment'al Cleanup Office, Region X, EPA . , . .. .cc: Work .Group.Members . Barry Breen, OSRE .. Eric Schaeffer, ORE ' . Linda Boornazian, OSRE Sandra Connors, OSRE Charles Breece, OSRE Lori Boughton, OSRE Joel Gross, DOJ '. Assistant Section Chiefs, Environmental Enforcement Section, DOJ Alan Tennenbaum, DOJ Earl Salo, OGC ,.
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