The Railway Age in the Carpathian Forests: a Study of Romania

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The Railway Age in the Carpathian Forests: a Study of Romania pzc GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA No7; p 9-20 tions with particular reference to industri- al railway building in Romania. The study The Railway Age in the deals with the country’s present territory and uses Romanian names for the sake of simplicity despite the history of Hungari- Carpathian Forests: an administration in Transylvania before 1918 and the continuing Hungarian major- A Study of Romania ity in some of the areas investigated, espe- cially Covasna and Comandau (Figure 1). Many details of the history are still obscure and some outstanding problems will be al- luded to. Muica, N, Turnock, D.* The Pre-war Era his paper examines the changing ge- Scattered water-powered sawmills (‘joa- Abstract Commercial wood exploitation has ography of wood exploitation in the gare de apa’) worked by peasant commu- been a major industry in the Carpathians TCarpathians: a heavily forested re- nities from the 17th century were being since the late 19th century but its spatial gion where commercial pressures spread joined by the steam-powered installations progress has been influenced not only by from northwest to southeast as the rail of the capitalists producing sawn tim- the distribution of species (particularly network widened access to Central Euro- ber (‘cherestea’) for export: also by wood- fir and spruce that were highly valued in pean markets and the abolition of feudal- using industries concerned with furniture the early years) but by the possibilities ism eliminated customary rights in favour (for which some small towns like Pancota for efficient transport. Initial use of the of private ownership (Plate 1). The revalu- enjoyed a high reputation) and papermills rivers gradually gave way to rail transport, ation of woodlands brought an end to inex- such as those of Letea (Bacau) and Piat- including not only the main lines but many orable clearances by ‘Wallachian’ pastoral- ra Neamt in Moldavia, Busteni in Walla- purpose-built narrow-gauge branches ists over several centuries had substantially chia and Petresti and Prundul Bargaului in connecting sawmills with their catchment lowered the timberline substantially in Transylvania. Forestry codes were drawn areas. With particular reference to Ro- many areas. A new generation of factories up but they were only weakly enforced on mania, the paper examines the growth of was created on the edge of the forests in the margins of European capitalism so forest railways to their maximum extent in the early part of the 19th century in the that sustainable yield forestry in the Euro- the 1950s, including some continued use of northeast: for example the Harmanec pa- pean core contrasted with clear-felling on the rivers as well as specially-built inclines perworks was opened by F.S.Leicht on the the periphery wherever access to the val- and funiculars to reach the more inacces- edge of Banska Bystrica in 1829 but it was uable spruce-fir forests could be secured. sible areas. Although road transport has massively expanded by the Huttner family The sustainable option of felling small par- taken over increasingly over the last half during 1892-5 when railway access enabled cels in succession and leaving each to re- century, the forest railway still has some 600 wagonloads each year to be despatched generate was often ignored in favour of commercial viability for the timber busi- from the factory’s three papermaking ma- rapid clearance of a large concession, al- ness quite apart from niche tourism linked chines. At this time railways were pene- though this caused considerable erosion with industrial heritage. trating the eastern Carpathians and Hun- and prevented long term use of the trans- garian capitalists were moving across the port infrastructure. Although the Roma- Key words Carpathians, forests, narrow- border into Romania. Moreover, Romani- nian state became a large landowner after gauge, railways, roads, Romania, wood an legislation in 1901 gave a boost to wood the secularisation of monastic lands in processing processing and the number of sawmills dou- 1863 and organised a forest service (with a bled from 45 in 1900 to over 90 in 1910; ex- ‘Cod Silvic’ enacted in 1881) woodland was ceeding the annual timber increment. This often sold cheaply because the state lacked paper examines the local transport implica- the means to invest in its own transport * Nicolae Muica, Geography Institute, Str. Dimitrie Racovita 12, 70307 Bucuresti 20, Romania ** David Turnock, Geography Department, The Plate 1 The Carpathian forest: a forest railway train climbing the Vasar valley in University, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK Maramures (1981).1 9 GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA pzc A Study of Romania of A Study The Railway in Age Carpathianthe Forests: Figure 1 Forest railway systems in the Romanian Carpathians systems. The rivers were often very useful With a few notable exceptions, long-dis- was reduced while equipment and work- for transporting raw timber. tance railways reduced the transport prob- ers could be transported as well as timber. Although there might be rapids in the lems for the timber companies to the local And as long as there was a gentle down val- upper reaches (the Vah above Zilina for ex- scale: moving logs to the sawmills that ley gradient, timber could move largely by ample) the Slovak rivers provided a useful were built at strategic points on the net- gravity with locomotives of only modest contact with the Danube and rafters from work. Some rivers continued to be used, be- power required (indeed some early railways Kralovany (at the Orava-Vah confluence) cause although beechwood was too heavy worked by gravity with loaded trains con- would work through to the Black Sea until to float there was little demand for this trolled by brakesmen and with horses to the 1870s when the railways captured the type of wood before 1918. Thus the Vaser return empty wagons). They proved to be long-distance traffic. Meanwhile the Bistri- was used to supply the Viseu de Sus factory quite adaptable with a minimum curvature ta, Mures, Olt and Tisa were among those after long distance rafting in the Tisa basin of only 30m and scope for horseshoe bends used in the southeastern part of the Car- was stopped by the arrival of the railway in in tributary valleys to moderate gradient. pathian Basin where the timber industry Sighet in 1872; also on the Sebes from Bis- Various gauges were used and although the has been seen as a civilising force in the re- tra and Oasa to the Petresti papermill after Bosnian gauge of 76cms became the most moter areas (Turnock 1991). A detailed his- railways put an end to extensive use of the widely used standardisation was long de- tory of the Lotru valley refers to the develop- Mures. But narrow-gauge railways were layed and there was great variety within ment of capitalist logging companies in the widely adopted by the 1890s. They could be the range of 60cms and one meter, includ- 1850s and 1860s through the acquisition of used in valleys unsuitable for floating and ing several unique cases e.g. 630, 790 and watermills and forest concessions from the were in any case superior because waste 980mm. local peasant community (‘obst’). Timber was first rafted down the Lotru and Olt and some salt was carried from Raureni to the Danube at Turnu Magurele in this way. Local sawmilling increased in 1873 through the factory at Brezoi (near the Lotru-Olt con- fluence) and transport on the Lotru was im- proved by dams (‘opusturi’) as far upstream as Vidra - capable of releasing an extra boost of water to cope with shallow depth - al- though disputes arose with farmers if flood- ing occurred. By the 1890s there were over a thousand workers employed in the valley by Austrian capital during the peak season producing 100,000cu.m of sawn timber. The industry brought settled life to villages like Voineasa where the companies had to pro- vide some of the local services although the work was hard with virtually no proper med- ical assistance until a road through the Lotru valley established a tourist industry (Moga Plate 2 Mixed gauge still survives at the Orastie woodyard so it possible for a narrow and Stanciu 2002). gauge locomotive to shunt a standard gauge wagon (1987) 10 pzc GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA Turnock, D. Muica, N. The earliest railways used wooden rails (with a gauge as narrow of 60cms) and animal traction, as at Finis near Beius in Transylvania. But those that became inte- grated with the developing main line sys- tem were laid with a stable permanent way using transverse sleepers that were suit- able for locomotives. Some interchange areas had mixed gauge (Plate 2). A good many examples have been researched in the Eastern Carpathians of Romania. Fol- lowing the arrival of the CFR (Romanian state railway) at Piatra Neamt in 1885, for- est railways were built at Tarcau in 1899 and Valea Cuejdiului after 1908. Further north in what was then Austrian territory the ‘Bukowiner Lokalbahn (to Vama and Moldovita in 1889; and Putna and Nisip- itu in 1898) was the trigger for the Or- thodox Church estate (‘Religionsfonds’) to expand logging and gradually to create a system under their own control which comprised 1,200kms of roads and 228kms of railways (by 1910) in the Falcau, Fra- sin, Gura Humorului, Moldovita, Nisip- itul, Paltinoasa, Putna and Voronet areas. Some lines were isolated from public rail- ways like the Gainesti system west of Fal- ticeni, which nevertheless included the Malini inclined plane (1892) to connect two levels. The upper Bistrita was remark- able for the retention of rafting above Pi- atra Neamt (Anania 1910) which gave rise to a number of isolated forest railway feed- ers at Borca in 1890 and Crucea in 1909 (and there is also a reference to use of in- clines into the Bistricioara Valley until the Figure 2 Forest railway networks in the Eastern Carpathians between the Trotus and system was destroyed by fire in 1906).
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