Named after a world-renowned Italianist and historic Secretary General of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture is a new international resource for humanities studies. It is also the principal means of implementing a strategy to open up and make good use of the great store of art and intellectual treasures housed in the Giorgio Cini Foundation on the Island of in .

The Vittore Branca Center has been designed to host an international, interdisciplinary academic community. The residential facilities on the Island provide scholars and researchers with the opportunity to work and stay, often at length, in Venice at economically reasonable conditions in a setting conducive to reflection and intellectual exchanges. Since it opened in June 2010, the Center has not only been attended by expert scholars and young researchers from major institutions in various countries but also by writers and artists interested in studying Italian culture.

Being a resident is an essential requisite for studying at the Vittore Branca Center. Only through the physical and emotional involvement of prolonged immersion in the context of San Giorgio Maggiore will it be possible to take full advantage of the countless opportunities offered. Moreover, only in this way will young researchers and expert scholars be able to enjoy the mutual benefits of working side by side.


Residence at the Vittore Branca Center can be applied for not only by young researchers, such as postgraduate students (studying for a masters degree, doctorate or specialization) and Ph.D. graduates but also by expert scholars, such as university lecturers, senior researchers, directors of research centers, writers or artists. All such researchers will share an interest in furthering their knowledge in a field of Italian culture (especially that of the Veneto) – the visual arts, history, music, literature and drama – from an interdisciplinary point of view.


The Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture offers the opportunity to enhance individual studies through interdisciplinary exchanges with fellow scholars attending the Center as well as with the academic and professional community at the Giorgio Cini Foundation. Facilities and benefits include:

a) The residence is situated in the grounds of the island and can accommodate around 90 scholars in self- catering mini-apartments with a telephone, Internet connection and shared laundry services. The cooking facilities enable residents to economize on food expenses. The residence is also equipped with reception, surveillance and cleaning services and food and pharmacy dispensers. To encourage social life and exchanges of ideas, there are a number of shared spaces for use by all guests, such as the common rooms, the music room and fitness area.

b) The Giorgio Cini Foundation’s libraries are specialized in the fields of art history, Venetian history, literature, music, dance and drama. The Foundation also boasts a photo library and antique book collections, while its literary, art, drama and music bequests contain vital documents related to the activities of leading figures in Italian culture (to mention but a few: , Giuseppe Fiocco, Rodolfo Pallucchini, Arrigo Boito, Alfredo Casella, , Aurel Milloss, , Nino Rota, Diego Valeri and Antonio Vivaldi).

The current document is valid for applications received from 15 October 2010 to 31 May 2011. The Fondazione Giorgio Cini reserves the right to make changes to the regulations.

c) Cultural events (courses, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, etc.) organized by the Giorgio Cini Foundation. Thus, for example, musicologists can attend seminars of historical studies, while art historians can sit in on seminars on early music: both thus have the opportunity to explore the broader cultural background to their own work.

d) Young researchers can benefit from the presence of a tutor who will assist them in becoming familiar with the cultural services of the Giorgio Cini Foundation and the city. Tutors will also suggest which of the Foundation’s directors and collaborators may be able to help them with their research projects.

e) various other services, such as: - a work station with an Internet connection, printer and scanner in the Nuova Manica Lunga, the Foundation’s main documentary center, with Internet connection, printer and scanner; - an international newspaper library; - cultural initiatives for residents; - advice and information about libraries and archives in the main Venetian institutions.


Applications for admission must be filled out according to the form downloadable at and sent by registered mail or courier at least 30 days before the desired period of residence to:

Fondazione Giorgio Cini onlus Segreteria del Centro Internazionale di Studi della Civiltà Italiana “Vittore Branca” Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore 30124 Venezia

Applications must be accompanied by a description of the research project (including a reference to the status of ongoing or completed research on the topic and the main documents to be consulted) as well as a curriculum vitae, including a list of main publications.

Applications for admissions will be assessed by the Giorgio Cini Foundation and selected, with no right to appeal, on the basis of the quality of the proposed project and its relevance to the Foundation’s cultural programs. The outcome of the application will be communicated within 30 days.


The individual daily rate for use of the Vittore Branca Center facilities, including lodgings in the residence, is 50.00 euros (VAT incl.), a price subsided by the Giorgio Cini Foundation.

For research projects that are particularly relevant to the Giorgio Cini Foundation cultural strategies, the Foundation provides a further subsidy to reduce the daily cost to 35.00 euros (VAT incl.).

Venice, 15 October 2010 Pasquale Gagliardi Secretary General

For information please contact the Secretariat at: +39 041 2710253 - centrobranca@