Journal of , published on July 11, 2012 as doi:10.2967/jnumed.112.105148

The SNM Practice Guideline for of Disease with 131I 3.0*

Edward B. Silberstein1 (Chair), Abass Alavi2, Helena R. Balon3,SusanE.M.Clarke4, Chaitanya Divgi5,MichaelJ.Gelfand6, Stanley J. Goldsmith7, Hossein Jadvar8, Carol S. Marcus9, William H. Martin10, J. Anthony Parker11, Henry D. Royal12, Salil D. Sarkar13, Michael Stabin14, and Alan D. Waxman15

1UC Health University Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; 2Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 3Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, Michigan; 4Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 5Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York; 6Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; 7New York–Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York; 8University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California; 9University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; 10Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 11Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; 12Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri; 13Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, New York; 14Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; and 15Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 3. Information required by the physician performing the procedure: blood tests . . .10 INDEX 4. Selection of activity...... 11 Preamble ...... 1 5. Therapeutic procedure for administration I. Introduction: patient management, licensure. .... 2 of 131I...... 12 II. Goals...... 2 6. Follow-up...... 12 III. Definitions: risk levels...... 2 C. safety issues, patient discharge, IV. Common clinical indications ...... 3 home instructions ...... 12 V. Qualifications and responsibilities of personnel D. Interactions of 131I with other forms of (in the United States)...... 3 diagnosis or treatment ...... 14 VI. Procedure/specifications of the examination ..... 4 E. ...... 15 A. Therapy of Graves disease, toxic nodules, F. Issues requiring further clarification...... 15 and nontoxic nodular goiter ...... 4 VII. Documentation/reporting ...... 15 1. Goals...... 4 VIII. Equipment specification...... 16 2. Patient preparation: thionamides, consent IX. Quality control and improvement ...... 16 form, rhTSH use...... 4 X. Safety, control, and patient 3. Information required by the physician education concerns...... 16 performing the procedure; ; XI. Radiation ...... 16 pregnancy and lactation ...... 5 XII. Acknowledgments...... 16 4. Selection of administered activity ...... 6 XIII. References ...... 16 5. Therapeutic procedure for administration XIV. Approval ...... 19 of 131I...... 6 6. Follow-up...... 6 B. 131I therapy of thyroid to ablate post- PREAMBLE thyroidectomy remnants and destroy residual The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) is an interna- or recurrent tumor...... 7 tional scientific and professional organization founded in 1. Indications for treatment with 131I: 1954 to promote the science, technology, and practical relationship to staging ...... 7 application of nuclear medicine. Its 16,000 members are 2. Patient preparation and information physicians, technologists, and scientists specializing in the the patient needs: diet, TSH level, research and practice of nuclear medicine. In addition to informed consent, side effects...... 8 publishing journals, newsletters, and books, the SNM also sponsors international meetings and workshops designed to Received Feb. 27, 2012; accepted Feb. 27, 2012. For correspondence or reprints contact Edward B. Silberstein, Department increase the competencies of nuclear medicine practitioners of Nuclear Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 234 Goodman and to promote new advances in the science of nuclear St., Room G026, Mont Reid Pavilion, Cincinnati, OH 45219. E-mail: [email protected] medicine. *NOTE: YOU CAN ACCESS THIS GUIDELINE THROUGH THE SNM The SNM will periodically define new guidelines for WEBSITE ( COPYRIGHT ª 2012 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. nuclear medicine practice to help advance the science of DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.112.105148 nuclear medicine and to improve the quality of service to

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 1

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 Copyright 2012 by Society of Nuclear Medicine. patients throughout the United States. Existing practice with other physicians involved in the management of the guidelines will be reviewed for revision or renewal, as patient’s condition. The treating physician should either see appropriate, on their fifth anniversary or sooner, if indicated. patients in consultation with the physician assuming overall Each practice guideline, representing a policy statement management of the patient’s condition or be prepared by the SNM, has undergone a thorough consensus process to assume that role. In the United States, the treating physi- in which it has been subjected to extensive review, cian should be board-certified in nuclear medicine or be able requiring the approval of the Committee on Guidelines to document equivalent training, competency, and experience and SNM Board of Directors. The SNM recognizes that the in the safe use and administration of therapeutic 131I. safe and effective use of diagnostic nuclear medicine Licensure to possess 131I and regulations regarding the imaging requires specific training, skills, and techniques, release of patients treated with radioiodine vary from juris- as described in each document. Reproduction or modifica- diction to jurisdiction. Physicians engaged in therapy with tion of the published practice guideline by those entities not 131I must be knowledgeable about, and in compliance with, providing these services is not authorized. all applicable laws and regulations. The facility in which These guidelines are an educational tool designed to treatment is performed must have appropriate personnel, assist practitioners in providing appropriate care for radiation safety equipment, and procedures available for patients. They are not inflexible rules or requirements of waste handling and disposal, monitoring personnel for ac- practice and are not intended, nor should they be used, to cidental , and controlling spread of 131Ito establish a legal standard of care. For these reasons and conform to state and federal regulations. All physicians those set forth below, the SNM cautions against the use of engaged in therapy have a duty to ensure that their knowl- these guidelines in litigation in which the clinical decisions edge and competencies are up to date. of a practitioner are called into question. The ultimate judgment regarding the propriety of any II. GOALS specific procedure or course of action must be made by the The purpose of this guideline is to assist trained physician or medical physicist in of all the circum- practitioners in evaluating patients for therapy with 131I stances presented. Thus, there is no implication that an () for benign or malignant diseases of the approach differing from the guidelines, standing alone, was thyroid gland, performing this treatment in a safe and ap- below the standard of care. To the contrary, a conscientious propriate manner, understanding and evaluating the se- practitioner may responsibly adopt a course of action quelae of therapy, and reporting the results of therapy. different from that set forth in the guidelines when, in the reasonable judgment of the practitioner, such course of action is indicated by the condition of the patient, limitations III. DEFINITIONS of available resources, or advances in knowledge or See also the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. technology subsequent to publication of the guidelines. 131Iisab-emitting with a physical half-life The practice of medicine involves not only the science, but of 8.1 d; a principal g-ray of 364 keV; and a principal also the art, of dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, b- with a maximum energy of 0.61 MeV, an average alleviation, and treatment of disease. The variety and energy of 0.192 MeV, and a mean range in tissue of 0.4 mm complexity of human conditions make it impossible to always (1,2). Therapy means the oral administration of 131I as so- reach the most appropriate diagnosis or to predict with dium iodide to treat papillary and follicular thyroid cancer, certainty a particular response to treatment. Therefore, it , or nontoxic nodular goiter, in contrast to should be recognized that adherence to these guidelines will the diagnostic use of radioiodine to detect functioning thy- not ensure an accurate diagnosis or a successful outcome. All roid tissue. Benign diseases include Graves disease (toxic that should be expected is that the practitioner will follow diffuse goiter) and toxic or nontoxic nodular goiter. Ma- a reasonable course of action based on current knowledge, lignant diseases in this guideline indicate papillary and available resources, and the needs of the patient to deliver follicular types of thyroid cancer that are sufficiently dif- effective and safe medical care. The sole purpose of these ferentiated to be able to synthesize thyroglobulin and, in guidelines is to assist practitioners in achieving this objective. most cases, accumulate radioiodine. Ablation refers to the use of 131I to eliminate residual normal thyroid tissue detected after thyroidectomy. I. INTRODUCTION The risk to the thyroid cancer patient of recurrence and Oral administration of 131I has been a commonly ac- death varies from very low to high (3,4). Classifying the cepted procedure for treatment of benign and malignant prognosis for the risk of recurrence and dying from thy- disorders of the thyroid since the 1940s. Physicians respon- roid cancer has also been performed by the American Joint sible for treating such patients should have an understand- Committee on Cancer (AJCC), in detailed stages I–IV (5). ing of the clinical pathophysiology and natural history of The following systems of risk evaluation are similar to one the disease processes, should be familiar with alternative another but not identical, indicating our lack of precise forms of therapy, and should be able to collaborate closely long-term outcome data for all the variables. They remain

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jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 valuable for prognostic purposes and in considering ther- variation from AJCC (T1–3 N1b M0) (3); and tumors apeutic options. with a MACIS score of more than 6 (7). In patients over the age of 45 y this category includes tumors with A. Very low risk an aggressive histologic type (as listed above), with The very-low-risk category excludes with a minimally (i.e., microscopic) invasive follicular car- high-risk histopathology (e.g., tall cell, insular, colum- cinoma smaller than 4 cm (3), with AJCC stage III (T3 nar, diffuse sclerosing, trabecular, solid, poorly differ- N0 M0 or T1–T3 N1a M0) (5)), or with a MACIS entiated papillary carcinoma, and the Hu¨rthle cell score of more than 6 (7). variant of follicular carcinoma) and cancers with vas- According to Cooper et al. (4), patients are in the cular invasion (3). intermediate-risk category if they have microscopic In patients under the age of 45 y, this category invasion of tumor into the perithyroidal soft tissues includes unifocal or multicentric microcarcinoma at initial surgery or a tumor with aggressive histology (,1.0 cm), tumors smaller than 4 cm confined to the or vascular invasion. thyroid (3) (tumors . 1.0 cm are seen by some as more risky (6)), a stage I variation from AJCC (T1– D. High risk 2 N0 M0) (2), and tumors with a MACIS (metastases, Patients under the age of 45 y are in the high-risk age, completeness of resection, invasiveness, and size) category if they have distant metastases; extension to score of less than 6 (7). In patients over the age of 45 muscle; invasion of prevertebral fascia, subcutaneous y, this category includes unifocal or multicentric soft tissues, the larynx, the trachea, the esophagus, or microcarcinomas, a stage I variation from AJCC recurrent laryngeal nerve; encasement of the carotid (T1–2 N0 M0) (3), and tumors with a MACIS score artery or mediastinal vessels; a stage I variation from of less than 6 (7). AJCC (T4a or T4b any N M0) (3); AJCC stage II (any TanyNM1)(5); or a MACIS score of more than 6 (7). B. Low risk Patient over the age of 45 y are in the high-risk There are 2 definitions for the low-risk category category if they have tumor extension to muscle; in- (3,4). vasion of subcutaneous soft tissues, the larynx, the According to Sacks et al. (3), in patients under the trachea, the esophagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve; age of 45 y this category includes tumors smaller than invasion of prevertebral fascia or encasement of the 4 cm with or without microscopic central-compart- carotid artery or mediastinal vessels; central- or lat- ment lymph node metastases but no distant metastases eral-compartment lymph node metastases; distant me- (3); a stage I variation from AJCC (T1–T2 N0–N1a tastases; macroscopic invasive follicular carcinoma or M0) (3); AJCC stage I (any T any N M0) (5); tumors a follicular carcinoma larger than 4 cm (3); AJCC with a MACIS score of less than 6 (7). In patients over stage IVA (T4a any N M0 or T1–T3 N1b M0), IVB the age of 45 y this category includes tumors smaller (T4b any N M0), or IVC (any T any N M1) (5); or than 4 cm confined to the thyroid with no node in- a MACIS score of more than 6 (7). volvement (3) (i.e., AJCC stage II [T2 N0 M0] (5)) and tumors with a MACIS score of less than 6 (7). IV. COMMON CLINICAL INDICATIONS 4 According to Cooper et al. ( ), patients are in the Common indications for therapy of thyroid diseases with low-risk category if they have no local or distant me- 131I include, but are not limited to, benign diseases such as tastases after thyroidectomy and remnant ablation, if certain types of hyperthyroidism (131I may be indicated for all macroscopic tumor was resected, and if there is no the treatment of Graves disease and toxic nodular [uninod- tumor invasion of locoregional tissues or structures, no ular or multinodular] disease (8)) and nontoxic nodular 131I aggressive histology, no vascular invasion, and, if goiter (131I therapy may be used successfully to diminish is given, no 131I uptake outside the thyroid bed on the the size of nontoxic nodular goiters, especially when sur- posttreatment whole-body scan. gery is contraindicated or refused (9,10)), and differentiated C. Moderate risk papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (131I therapy is the There are 2 definitions for the moderate-risk cate- principal treatment of residual thyroid tissue after thyroid- gory (3,4). ectomy [thyroid remnant ablation], of residual or recurrent According to Sacks et al. (3), in patients under the thyroid cancer, and of metastatic disease after near-total age of 45 y this category includes tumors larger than 4 thyroidectomy). cm; macroscopic (.1 cm) central-compartment or lat- eral lymph node metastases; an aggressive histologic V. QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF type; a minimally invasive (i.e., microscopic capsular, PERSONNEL (IN THE UNITED STATES) but not vascular, invasion) follicular carcinoma See also the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. smaller than 4 cm (minimally invasive follicular car- The SNM believes that training and experience accord- cinoma is seen by some as low risk) (3); a stage I ing to the nuclear medicine program requirements of the

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 3

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 TABLE 1 Pharmaceuticals Blocking Radioiodine Uptake

Type of Recommended time of withdrawal

Thionamide (e.g., propylthiouracil, 3d methimazole carbimazole) Multivitamins containing iodide 7–10 d Natural or synthetic thyroid hormones 10–14 d for triiodothyronine 3–4 wk for thyroxine Kelp, agar, carrageenan, Lugol solution 2–3 wk, depending on iodide content Saturated solution of iodide 2–3wk Topical (e.g., surgical skin preparation) 2–3wk Intravenous radiographic contrast agents soluble 6–8 wk, assuming normal renal function Lipophilic 1–6mo Amiodarone 3–6 mo or longer (100)

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education icity (13). 131I therapy can cause radiation-induced (11), or the equivalent, are necessary for physicians to pro- thyroiditis with release of stored thyroid hormone vide appropriate and effective therapy with unsealed radio- into the circulation, resulting in occasional transient pharmaceuticals. These requirements go beyond those of worsening of hyperthyroidism and, rarely, precipi- the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for autho- tation of thyroid storm. This is more likely to occur rized users, which provide only for the safe handling and in patients with a large, iodine-avid thyroid gland delivery of radiopharmaceuticals. The minimum requirements who are given higher activities of 131I. Accordingly, for supervision and administration of radiopharmaceuti- elderly patients and patients with significant pre- cals (12) include the supervised, independent evaluation existing heart disease, severe systemic illness, or and treatment with 131Iofaminimumof10patientsfor debility may benefit from pretreatment with thion- hyperthyroidism and a minimum of 5 patients for thyroid amides. The thionamide should be discontinued for carcinoma. 3–5 d before the radioiodine therapy is given and can be resumed 2–3 d afterward. Some experts recom- 131 VI. PROCEDURE/SPECIFICATIONS OF mend administering a higher activity of Iin THE EXAMINATION patients who have been pretreated with a thionamide. Although some studies suggest that radioresistance See also the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. is more likely with propylthiouracil than methima- A. Therapy of Graves disease, toxic nodules, and zole, the issue remains unsettled (14,15). A random- nontoxic nodular goiter ized study found no effect of pretreatment of Graves 1. Goals disease with methimazole on outcome (16). In an- The goal of therapy for hyperthyroidism is to other study, thionamides had no effect on the out- achieve a nonhyperthyroid status—either a euthy- come of Graves disease, but the outcome of roid state or iatrogenic hypothyroidism that has radioiodine therapy for toxic nodular goiter was ad- been completely compensated to the euthyroid state versely affected. Large goiters and severe hyperthy- with oral levothyroxine. The goal of therapy for roidism may also be associated with radioresistance a large nontoxic nodular goiter is the reduction of and require a higher 131I administered activity (15). thyroid volume to relieve symptoms caused by Other groups of patients for whom a higher activity compression of the goiter on structures in the neck. (kBq [mCi]/g) has been recommended include pedi- 2. Patient preparation atric patients and patients with rapid turnover, such For a sufficient time before therapy, patients as when the radioiodine uptake at 4 h exceeds that at must discontinue use of iodide-containing medica- 24 h. Treatment with b-blockers can be helpful for tions and preparations that could potentially affect symptomatic control. b-blockers need not be discon- the ability of thyroid tissue to accumulate iodide tinued before treatment with 131I. ½Table 1 (Table 1). The treating physician must explain the proce- Pretreatment of selected patients with thion- dure, treatment, complications, side effects, thera- amides (methimazole [Tapazole; Eli Lilly and Co.] peutic alternatives, and expected outcome to the or propylthiouracil) to deplete thyroid hormone patient. Written information must be provided to stores may be helpful, although there must be the patient according to the NRC (17). The treating awareness of uncommon adverse reactions to thio- physician should obtain written informed consent namides, including agranulocytosis and hepatotox- before therapy. The consent form should include

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jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 several items specific to the therapy of hyperthy- use) in patients with nontoxic or toxic nodular goi- roidism. The form should state that more than one ter with low iodine uptake to maximize thyroid 131I treatment may be necessary and that long-term gland uptake and minimize the radiation dose to follow-up is necessary, that recurrent laryngeal the rest of the body. An effective rhTSH dose to nerve palsy and dysgeusia (altered or distorted stimulate uptake and not increase circulating thy- sense of taste) are very uncommon side effects, roid hormone has been reported as 0.03 mg given and that there is a small (1%–5%) chance of once or twice (21,22). a mildly painful radiation thyroiditis after treatment 3. Information required by the physician performing but that acetaminophen or other nonnarcotic anal- the procedure gesic therapy usually suffices and corticosteroids The treating physician should obtain the patient’s are rarely required. The form should also explain thyroid-related medical history and perform a di- that the likelihood of eventual hypothyroidism is rected physical examination. The cumulative admin- high in Graves disease and somewhat lower with istered activity of 131Ishouldbereviewedand nodular goiters. It can occur within the first few entered in the patient’s record. The patient’s iden- months after therapy or even decades later, with tity must be confirmed in accordance with institu- a small, ongoing annual incidence. Lifelong thyroid tional policy before administration of 131I. For hormone supplementation would then become nec- patients with a history of renal disease or diabetes, essary. renal function should be assessed. Peritoneal or he- Other information to be included on the con- modialysis is not a contraindication to 131Itherapy sent form is that ophthalmopathy may worsen or (32), and dosimetry should be helpful to determine develop after 131I therapy for Graves’ disease, the maximum tolerated dose. especially in smokers. High levels of pretreatment The results from recent measurements of thy- serum triiodothyronine, posttherapy hypothy- roid hormone levels (free T4, total or free T3) roidism, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and TSH should be available and reviewed. The receptor antibody are also associated with an in- avidity of the thyroid gland for iodide must be creased risk of the development or progression of established. This should be accomplished quanti- ophthalmopathy (18). In addition, the form should tatively using a recent radioiodine uptake mea- state that patients with severe hyperthyroidism surement with 123Ior131I, combined with may occasionally experience an exacerbation of a thyroid scan (especially in the presence of a nod- symptoms within the first 2 wk after 131I therapy. ule) or a stimulating TSH receptor antibody study, These symptoms usually respond to short-term either of which usually can distinguish between b-blocker therapy and a thionamide but rarely Graves disease, a toxic multinodular goiter, and may progress to frank thyroid storm. Patients a uninodular adenoma. These procedures will also should be instructed to seek immediate medical differentiate silent thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis care should such symptoms occur. The consent factitia from other forms of hyperthyroidism. If form should also mention that, on the basis of radioiodine is unavailable for scintigraphy, previous multicenter trials, there is no evidence 99mTc-pertechnetate is an option and 99mTc uptake of an increased risk of thyroid carcinoma or other can be determined quantitatively (23,24), although malignancy, an increased risk of infertility, or an the correlation of 99mTc-pertechnetate uptake with increased incidence of birth defects caused by 131I 123I uptake is not perfect since the former is not therapy for hyperthyroidism. There does exist organified. In the presence of an elevated level of a small risk of preexisting or coexisting thyroid anti-TSH receptor antibody, orbitopathy, and pre- cancer in patients with toxic nodular goiter and tibial myxedema, a thyroid scan may be unneces- Graves disease unrelated to 131I therapy (19,20). sary, and an uptake measurement with 185–370 A final item to consider including on the informed kBq (5–10 mCi) of 131I may suffice. Ultrasonogra- consent form is that most experts recommend phy generally does not contribute to the differen- waiting 6–12 mo after 131I therapy before trying tial diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis (25). to conceive a child (although there are no scien- 131I therapy is always contraindicated in preg- tific data on the subject). nant women. The fetal thyroid gland concentrates The patient’s ability to comply with the pre- iodine by weeks 10–13 (26). Female patients who scribed radiation precautions should be ascertained, have the potential to be pregnant must always be and travel precautions should be reviewed and tested for pregnancy using a urine or serum a card or letter documenting the therapy should b–human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test, ide- be provided to the patient. ally within 24 h of treatment, as the pregnancy test Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH; Thyrogen may remain negative for up to 7–10 d after fertil- [Genzyme Corp.]) has been used (in an off-label ization (27). The urine b-hCG test can rarely detect

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 5

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 hormone levels less than 20–25 mIU/mL, whereas 4. Selection of administered activity serum testing is sensitive to 10 mIU/mL or lower. A variety of methods has been used to select the Caution is therefore advised in treating patients amount of administered activity (33–35). The thy- who have had unprotected intercourse in the 10 d roid radiation dose depends on the radioiodine up- before treatment, and the treating physician should take measurement, gland size, and biologic half-life consider discussing the limitation of the pregnancy of the radioiodine in the thyroid gland, which can test with the patient, which could include consider- vary widely. Although it is reasonable to base 131I ation of delaying the therapy until the beginning of activity on the radiation dose delivered to the thyroid the next cycle. gland rather than administered activity, there are few Before omitting a pregnancy test in women of publications documenting or confirming this un- childbearing age, some institutions may require equivocally (34,36). Dosimetry for the 131Itreatment written historical confirmation of hysterectomy (a of thyrotoxicosis has not been standardized. pregnancy test is still required in some institutions One nondosimetric method is to use the estimated despite a history of tubal ligation). In some cases in thyroid gland size and the results of a 24-h radio- which the patient has declared that pregnancy is iodine uptake measurement to calculate the thera- impossible and the b-hCG test is consequently peutic activity of 131I in order to achieve a desired omitted, the patient has in fact been pregnant concentration of 131I in the thyroid gland. A de- (27,28). If inadvertent administration of 131Ito livered activity of 3–8 MBq (80–220 mCi)/g of a pregnant patient does occur, information on coun- thyroid tissue has been used (15,16,37,38), al- seling patients about the significance of accidental though 3 MBq/g is rather low to have an accept- administrations of 131I is available from the able cure rate if correctable hypothyroidism is the patient’s obstetrician and a reference provided at goal. Although some treating physicians choose to the end of this guideline (29). aim for a euthyroid state using an activity toward All potentially breastfeeding or lactating women the lower end of this range, decreasing the admin- must be asked if they are lactating. If so, they must istered therapeutic activity in an effort to achieve be advised to stop breastfeeding, and therapy must a euthyroid state can to prolongation of hy- be delayed until lactation ceases, in order perthyroidism with adverse clinical sequelae. The to minimize the radiation dose to the breast (30). 131I activity used in children in MBq/g of thyroid Lactation (and the ability of the breast to concen- tissue is similar to that used in adults. trate large amounts of iodine) usually ceases 4–6 An administered 131I activity toward the upper wk after birth (with no breastfeeding) or 4–6 wk end of this range or even higher is especially suitable after breastfeeding stops. Documentation in the for patients with nodular goiters, very large toxic patient’s record that the patient denies breastfeed- diffuse goiters, and repeated (8), as well ing is suggested. If there is uncertainty as to as for patients with rapid iodine turnover, such as whether the previously lactating breasts still con- when 4-h iodine uptake exceeds 24-h uptake. centrate iodine, this may be assessed by noting the Empiric rather than calculated dosage strategies absence of uptake on pretherapy scintigraphy are also used for Graves disease, toxic multinodular (28,31) with 123Ior99mTc-pertechnetate. Several goiter, and solitary toxic nodules. For example, 550 approaches are available to speed the cessation of MBq (15 mCi) may be used for the usual-size solitary lactation, but these are beyond the scope of this nodule (;1.5–3 cm in diameter) and higher doses for guideline. The patient may not resume breastfeed- larger nodules (37,38). The same approach could be ing for that child. Nursing may resume with the applied to therapy of diffuse toxic goiter or Graves birth of another child. disease depending on the size and activity of the gland. If the patient’s mental status prevents the sign- 5. Therapeutic procedure for administration of 131I ing of an informed consent form, a guardian or The procedure for administration of 131I for close family member can sign the form and should Graves disease, toxic nodules, and nontoxic nodular be present during 131I therapy. Some patients with goiter is the same as described below for 131I ther- cognitive impairment may not be able to tolerate apy of thyroid cancer. admission and isolation in a hospital or to follow 6. Follow-up instructions necessary to allow the patient to be trea- The treated thyrotoxic patient must be closely ted at home with 131I. Treatment in these cases must followed, as 131I-induced hypothyroidism may oc- be carefully individualized. With incontinence, dia- cur within 2–3 mo of therapy. Levothyroxine re- pering the patient and bagging the contaminated ma- placement therapy should be started when TSH terial may be necessary, but waste disposal must be elevation is detected and should have as its goal a eu- done in cooperation with relevant local authorities so thyroid, symptom-free state. Many experts consider as not to set off alarms at waste facilities. hypothyroidism after a single dose of 131I a desired

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jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 outcome of 131I therapy because it avoids frequent of therapeutic 131I to be administered. SPECT/CT office visits and laboratory testing to detect the late now has the capability of distinguishing thyroid onset of hypothyroidism and decreases the risk of remnants from regional nodal metastases. Distant untreated, persistent, or recurrent hyperthyroidism. metastases in the lung, bone, or brain may be These patients should be followed for many years detected on planar imaging and more accurately to maintain the euthyroid state. localized with SPECT/CT, not only causing The patient treated for compressive symptoms a reevaluation of the use or dosage of 131I(45– for an enlarged nontoxic goiter should be followed 47) but also, with brain metastases, bringing about closely, as swelling of the gland may worsen symp- consideration of whether corticosteroid administra- toms and signs. tion is required (48,49). Some experts believe this happens too infrequently to justify the time and cost B. 131I therapy of thyroid cancer to ablate of routine SPECT/CT required for preablation scan- postthyroidectomy remnants and destroy residual ning, raising the as yet unanswered question of or recurrent tumor whether routine preablation SPECT/CT will in- 1. Indications for treatment with 131I: relationship to crease the rates of both complete remission and staging survival. Those centers that do not perform preabla- 131I ablative or tumoricidal treatment of differen- tion scans also raise concerns that the diagnostic tiated thyroid cancer with radioiodine should be administered activity of 131I may possibly stun the considered in the postsurgical management of pa- thyroid remnant, causing lower uptake of the ther- tients with a maximum tumor diameter greater than apeutic dosage of 131I in subsequent ablative ther- 1.0 cm or with a maximum tumor diameter less apy. The likelihood and clinical relevance of than 1.0 cm in the presence of high-risk features stunning with low-activity (37–111 MBq [1–3 such as aggressive histology (Hu¨rthle cell, insular, mCi]) diagnostic imaging is also controversial. diffuse sclerosing, tall cell, columnar cell, trabecu- Some investigators feel that the therapeutic 131I ac- lar, solid, and poorly differentiated subtypes of pap- tivity given within 3 d after the diagnostic activity illary carcinoma), lymphatic or vascular invasion, reduces the probability of stunning. Others see the lymph node or distant metastases, multifocal dis- reported decrease in uptake of therapeutic 131I ac- ease, capsular invasion or penetration, perithyroidal tivity after the administration of a low diagnostic soft-tissue involvement (39–42), or an elevated an- activity of 131I as caused by the cytocidal effect of tithyroglobulin antibody level after thyroidectomy the latter. A randomized study of preablation imag- (so that scintigraphy can be used for surveillance). ing with 14.8 MBq (0.4 mCi) of 123I versus 74 MBq The treatment of very low and low-risk thyroid (2 mCi) of 131I showed no difference in the ablation cancers with 131I is controversial, as most data sug- rate (81% vs. 74%, P . 0.05) (50). Since 123I pro- gest no statistically significant improvements in dis- duces Auger and at least one report of 123I ease-specific survival, although the recurrence rates stunning exists (albeit to a lesser degree than with may decrease (3,43). 131I) (51), it is possible that both activities of these Because treatment choices depend, among other radiopharmaceuticals cause stunning, but the abla- factors, on the pathology, location, and size of thy- tion rates from both are comparable to those in the roid cancer, preablation staging must be considered. literature. Studies of patients receiving 111- to 185- The presence or absence of iodine-accumulating thy- MBq (3–5 mCi) doses of 131I versus no 131I pre- roid tissue before ablation should be documented by ablation diagnostic scintigraphy also showed no uptake measurement and imaging (see SNM Guideline differences in percentage ablation: 65% for scanned for Scintigraphy for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer). patients and 67% for unscanned patients (52). Routine preablation planar scintigraphy can be Further staging studies should be used depend- useful in guiding 131I therapy. A small minority ing on the level of risk of the cancer, as defined of patients will need no 131I ablative therapy be- above, and on any specific clinical suspicion of cause there is no remnant or because an area that metastatic disease. If metastatic disease in the cer- seemed to concentrate iodine was a physiologic vical lymph nodes is suspected, ultrasonography variant such as thymus, dental inflammation, or (for preoperative staging and biopsy) is less ex- asymmetric salivary gland uptake (44). Other pa- pensive and more widely used than MRI or CT tients may have too much residual tissue to be able but is operator-dependent; there do not appear to to receive 131I safely, as the risk of symptomatic be documented differences in sensitivity. Low-risk radiation thyroiditis becomes significant. A comple- cancers may simply need a baseline ultrasound tion thyroidectomy may be required in such cases. examination of the neck postoperatively. If lung The preablation scan may alter staging when thy- metastases are suspected, CT (without contrast me- roid cancer is present and hence change the activity dium) is far more sensitive than chest ;

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 7

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 MRI is not recommended. If bone metastases are instructions to assist patients in complying with suspected, especially in the presence of musculo- the low-iodine diet (61). Although the 24-h urinary skeletal symptoms, preablative therapy 99mTc- iodine excretion is not routinely measured in most bisphosphonate (diphosphonate) bone scans or institutions, this information can be useful if patient bone radiographs are needed (bone scan, 75%– compliance with the low-iodine diet is uncertain, if 78% sensitive) (53,54); 18F-fluoride bone PET/CT there has been administration of amiodarone within may be more sensitive than 99mTc-bisphosphonate a year or iodinated contrast agents within 2–3 mo, (diphosphonate) skeletal imaging (55). or if there is concurrent renal insufficiency. Urinary 18F-FDG PET may be helpful in detecting me- iodine should optimally be below 50 mg/24 h (60). tastases when used in follow-up imaging if the Pharmaceuticals blocking iodine uptake are listed radioiodine study is negative and the serum thy- in Table 1. A list of foods containing a significant roglobulin is rising or elevated. The presence of amount of iodine appears in Table 2 and on the ½Table 2 18F-FDG–avid disease, especially high-volume Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association Web site 18F-FDG–avid disease, indicates a relatively poor (62). Because there are no studies on whether re- prognosis compared with patients with no 18F-FDG suming a normal diet 24, 48, or 72 h after 131I uptake in viable tumor (56,57). 124I PET/CT has therapy yields any difference in ablation or success- a higher spatial resolution and image contrast than ful therapy rates, no data-based recommendation planar imaging or SPECT with 131I but has yet to be can be provided. shown to make a clinical impact (58). 124Imayhave It must be emphasized to the patient that this is a role in improving lesion dosimetry (59). However, not a low-salt or low-sodium diet but a low-iodine 124IisapprovedbytheFoodandDrugAdministra- diet (50 mg/d) and that noniodized salt is allowed tion only for investigational use at this time. and widely available. Red dye 40 (Food, Drug, and Postthyroidectomy 131I therapy is indicated for Cosmetic [FD&C] Act dye 40), an azo dye, is io- metastases of functioning thyroid carcinoma to dine-free. FD&C red dyes 3 and 28 contain up to 8 lymph nodes, lung, bone, and, less often, brain, of iodine per molecule and must be excluded , skin, and other sites. from any low-iodine diet. Thyroid hormone con- 2. Patient preparation and information the patient tains iodine, and some clinicians stop thyroid hor- needs mones for about 4 d before administration of 131I A state of iodine deficiency should be induced to therapy if rhTSH is used. This period will not in- increase 131I uptake. For a sufficient time before the duce a hypothyroid state. Outcome studies on this contemplated therapy, patients must discontinue approach are unavailable, and the half-life of thy- use of iodide-containing preparations and other roxine, about 7 d in a euthyroid patient, makes this medications that could potentially affect the ability recommendation of uncertain value. The use of a di- of the thyroid tissue to accumulate iodide. Water- uretic to reduce body iodine content is not advised soluble iodinated contrast medium should not have because of the side effects of hypokalemia and hy- been administered for at least 6–8 wk (Table 1). potension and because furosemide causes a decrease Most experts recommend a low-iodine diet for 7– in urinary iodide excretion and higher blood con- 14 d before administration of therapy, in order to centration (63). increase radioiodine uptake and improve the abla- The serum TSH should exceed about 30 mIU/mL tion rate (60). Institutions should develop written to maximize 131I uptake. The data to support 30

TABLE 2 Dietary Sources of Significant Amounts of Iodine

Source Examples/comments

Iodized salt Dairy products Milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream Egg yolks Not egg whites or egg substitutes Seafood Crustaceans and fish, except tuna Turkey and liver Seaweed and kelp products Carrageenan, alginate Commercial bread When made with iodide conditioners Milk chocolate Iodide-containing multivitamins FD&C red dyes 3 and 28 Grains Small portions only, e.g., one fourth of a plate Soy proteins Goitrogens in humans so fortified with iodine (101)

8 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 53 • No. 10 • October 2012

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 mIU/mL as a number representing the threshold of roid tissue and presumed remaining cancerous optimal stimulation is more a matter of consensus thyroid tissue. Other normal tissues may also be af- than the result of detailed scientific study (64). This fected. More than one 131Itreatmentmaybeneces- may be achieved in 1 of 2 ways. First, thyroid sary. Early side effects may include oral mucositis, hormones may be withheld for a time sufficient to nausea, occasional vomiting, sialadenitis, loss of permit an adequate rise in TSH (.30 mIU/mL). taste, or unusual, often metal-like, alterations in taste. This is at least 10–14 d for triiodothyronine (T3) Painful thyroiditis is more likely to occur if there is and usually 3 wk for thyroxine (T4) (61). TSH may a sizeable postsurgical remnant present and may be not rise to this level if a large volume of functioning associated with neck swelling, impingement on the tissue remains or if hypopituitarism is present. Sec- trachea, and, rarely, recurrent laryngeal nerve paral- ond, thyrotropin-a (rhTSH) may be used. The man- ysis. There is no significant literature that documents ufacturer’s suggested dosage of rhTSH is 0.9 mg the incidence, complications, and severity of radia- injected intramuscularly in the buttock on 2 consec- tion thyroiditis after 131I therapy for large fragments. utive days. In data on file with the Food and Drug To address sialadenitis, measures should be Administration, the manufacturer, Genzyme Corp., taken to maintain a high level of hydration and, has shown a 148-MBq (4 mCi) 131I dose for the possibly, stimulate salivary flow after therapy by whole-body scan to be more effective than lower administration of a sialagogue (e.g., sugar-free activities in the diagnostic use of rhTSH after thy- candy, pilocarpine, and ascorbic acid), and consid- roidectomy. rhTSH is approved in the United States eration may be given to administering dexameth- and Europe for use in diagnostic testing and for asone or amifostine. These efforts have, however, ablation of thyroid remnants (65–67). Randomized shown mixed results in preventing swollen, pain- double-blind prospective studies showing the ful salivary glands (69,70). A regimen involving equivalence of rhTSH and thyroid hormone with- the constant use of candy and gum beginning 2 h drawal for the successful therapy of distant meta- after 131I therapy during waking hours and every 3 static disease have not been published, but hfor4nightsaftertreatment,plus4dofanoral a retrospective study has indicated similar 5-y sur- serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3 receptor vival in thyroid cancer patients with distant meta- antagonist and dexamethasone every 8–12 h, has static disease prepared for 131I therapy with either eliminated acute radiation sialadenitis in a series thyroid hormone withdrawal or rhTSH (68). Data (71), contradicting a report about lemon candy in- on follow-up of such patients for longer than 5 y creasing the salivary radiation dose and symptoms have not yet been published as of early 2012. The (72). This observation needs to be duplicated. use of rhTSH requires a larger therapeutic activity Nausea and, rarely, vomiting may occur about 2– of 131I than thyroid hormone withdrawal, and the 8 h after 131I administration and resolve within 24– helpfulness of dosimetric studies in this area has 72 h. Vomiting can be prevented by prophylactic been suggested. Whole-body is administration of oral antiemetics, including phe- less than that after thyroid hormone withdrawal for nothiazines or selective serotonin 5-hydroxytrypta- an equal administered activity of 131I because of the mine receptor 3 antagonists. Corticosteroids have preservation of glomerular filtration rate in the eu- been successfully used to potentiate the antiemetic thyroid state. effect of these drugs when high dosages of 131I are The treating physician must explain the diet, pre- used. paratory procedures, treatment, potential side effects, Neck pain and swelling can occur if a sizeable therapeutic alternatives, radiation precautions, and thyroid remnant remains after surgery, especially probability of expected outcome to the patient or when the postoperative, preablative 123I, or 131I up- the patient’s representative. Written material con- take is found to be close to the reference range. taining this information should be provided to the With 131I activity in excess of 5.55–7.4 GBq patient or the patient’s representative (17). (150–200 mCi), a transient decrease in white blood The treating physician must obtain signed in- cell and platelet counts may occur for up to 6–10 formed consent before therapy, and the consent wk and occasionally results in increased suscepti- form should include items specific to the therapy bility to infection or bleeding if the marrow dose of thyroid cancer and also should include possible exceeds about 2 Sv (200 rem) (73). A normal pre- adverse reactions. Information about posttherapy therapy complete blood count and renal profile actions to reduce or prevent adverse reactions make these side effects unlikely. If these blood test may be incorporated into the consent form or be results are abnormal, dosimetry is advised to de- placed on a separate patient information form. The termine the highest safe 131I activity while deliver- consent from should state that the purpose of abla- ing less than 2 Sv (200 rem) to the blood and bone tive treatment is to destroy remnants of normal thy- marrow (74).

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 9

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 Oral mucositis with small, painful mouth ulcer- for cancer occurrence in the United States (men, ations may often be prevented by gentle brushing of 42%; women, 38% (84)) would be difficult to de- the entire oral mucosa with a soft toothbrush about tect. During the informed consent process it is im- every 3–4 h for 4–7 d while awake; this can be portant to emphasize to the patient that these late extended to every 3 h at night for the first 4 d after side effects are rarely seen and should not deter the treatment. The issue deserves further formal study. patient from receiving131I for treatment of thyroid Dysgeusia is uncommon, transient, and usually cancer when the benefits of ablation or therapy of mild, if acute salivary inflammation is avoided. metastatic or recurrent cancer clearly outweigh the Uncommon side effects can result from rhTSH- risks. induced edema of metastases in bone (pain), brain Information on pregnancy testing and on breast or spinal cord (neurologic symptoms), or lung feeding and lactation is the same as given above for (dyspnea). Graves disease, toxic nodules, and nontoxic nodular Late side effects may include fertility issues. goiter. Increases in gonadotropins (serum follicle-stimulat- Good hydration of the patient is required (daily, ing hormone level) and presumably any degree of about 2,500–3,000 mL of any liquid except milk in diminished spermatogenesis are usually transient the average-sized adult patient with normal renal except in men receiving high therapeutic doses of function), with instructions urging frequent (about 131I, for whom permanent infertility is possible as hourly) urination for several days to a week to re- administered activities progressively exceed 7.4– duce radiation exposure to the bladder and salivary 11.1 GBq (200–300 mCi) (75). The level of admin- glands. For renal insufficiency, the rhTSH dose may istered activity above which azoospermia occurs is be reduced by 50% or more (85). Hemodialysis is not clear since infertility has been described in not a contraindication to 131I therapy (32). The pa- a most unusual patient who received 3.33 GBq tient should have at least one bowel movement (90 mCi) of 131I(76). Nevertheless, in one of the a day to reduce colon exposure. Laxatives (but largest prospective studies, the radiation dose from not stool softeners which do not stimulate the a single ablative therapy with 131I was well below bowel) may be necessary in constipated patients. that associated with permanent damage to the male 3. Information required by the physician performing germinal epithelium, but patients requiring multiple the procedure radioiodine administrations may be at higher risk, The treating physician must obtain the patient’s although no infertility was found in the group stud- thyroid-related medical history, including all areas ied (77). The radiation dose to the testes can be in which adverse reactions are possible, and per- reduced by frequent voiding. Sperm storage before form a directed physical examination. Pretherapy high-dose 131I therapy may be considered, since the imaging should be reviewed to aid in determination posttherapy sperm count may not return to normal of the activity to be administered. The cumulative when higher doses of 131I are administered. Impair- lifetime administered activity of 131I should be ment of female fertility by 131I therapy or increased reviewed and entered in the patient’s record. The risk of miscarriage has not been described (78,79). operative and, especially, pathology reports should The available data are insufficient to suggest be reviewed, as well as prior images. The patient a threshold. No effect on birth weight or prematu- must not be lactating or nursing. rity in subsequent pregnancies after 131I therapy has Information required by the physician regarding been reported (80). the patient’s mental status is the same as described Other late side effects include permanent damage above for Graves disease, toxic nodules, and non- to the salivary glands resulting in xerostomia, si- toxic nodular goiter. alolithiasis, excessive dental caries, and dysgeusia, The treating physician must confirm that appro- and, uncommonly, 131I-induced xerophthalmia or priate laboratory testing has been performed and epiphora. No threshold for radiation-induced carci- must review the results of these tests. The TSH nogenesis has been firmly established (81). After level should be elevated to about 30 mIU/mL before high doses of 131I therapy, the uncommon develop- the pretherapy diagnostic scan for those medical ment of other malignancies has been reported, in- centers performing this study or when a pretreat- cluding carcinoma of the stomach, bladder, colon, ment scan is not performed. Serum thyroglobulin and salivary glands; melanoma; and leukemia should be obtained, if possible, under TSH suppres- (82,83). Reported usually occur after sion and again at the time of maximal TSH stimu- more than one therapeutic dose. A causative role lation; for rhTSH, this occurs 3 d after the last for 131I in carcinogenesis, other than for thyroid rhTSH injection. The postthyroidectomy serum cal- cancer in children at Chernobyl, is difficult to es- cium level should be determined to exclude hypo- tablish since a small increase over the baseline rate parathyroidism, if not already available. A complete

10 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 53 • No. 10 • October 2012

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 blood count should be obtained within about a month ces in patient size—for example, children versus of therapy. A renal profile should be obtained within adults (94). about a month of therapy and a b-hCG pregnancy In the absence of antithyroglobulin antibodies, an test obtained, as described above for Graves disease, elevated or rising serum thyroglobulin level is a use- toxic nodules, and nontoxic nodular goiter. The pa- ful indicator of residual or recurrent thyroid cancer tient should not be nauseated before administration and may be an indication for empiric radioiodine of 131I. therapy, using 5.55–7.40 GBq (150–200 mCi) with The authorized user or supervised user (technol- marrow dosimetry if indicated, even in the absence ogist) administering 131I should identify the patient of discernible activity on the diagnostic radioiodine and the proper activity of the prescribed radiophar- scan (95). An elevated serum thyroglobulin level maceutical according to institutional policy, and the does not imply iodine avidity of the tumor. If the physician should confirm that the patient has not thyroglobulin level is elevated but no discernible received iodinated contrast medium within the pre- activity is seen on the diagnostic 123Ior131I scan, vious 2 mo (86). Any uncertainty may be reduced thyroid tissue may still be visualized on a postther- by measuring urinary iodine excretion. apy scan, and the serum thyroglobulin level may 4. Selection of activity fall after empiric 131I therapy. However, with con- In general, the greater the risk of metastases or tinuous TSH suppression, the serum thyroglobulin recurrent tumor and the more extensive the in- level may fall even without 131I therapy in some vasiveness or dissemination of the cancer at the patients. Because there are no double-blind stud- time of therapy, the higher the 131I activity required. ies demonstrating that recurrence rates and prog- In the selection of the administered activity, there nosis are altered by empiric 131I therapy under are a variety of approaches relating to the risk of these circumstances, this remains a controversial cancer recurrence or death, as described above in issue. Risks from radioiodine administration must the definitions section (3,4). be weighed against uncertain benefits in this situ- For postoperative ablation of thyroid bed rem- ation, although such empiric 131I therapy often nants, activity in the range of 1.11–3.7 GBq (30– causes a decrease in thyroglobulin levels, presum- 100 mCi) is typically prescribed, depending on the ably reflecting a cytocidal effect (96). Besides radioiodine uptake measurement and amount of re- empiric 131I therapy, surgery is a consideration sidual functioning tissue present (87,88). if focal resectable tumor can be located. Both For treatment of thyroid cancer in the cervical or 18F-FDG PET (more sensitive after TSH stimula- mediastinal lymph nodes, activity in the range of tion) and thyroid ultrasound may be helpful in 5.55–7.4 GBq (150–200 mCi) is typically adminis- identifying thyroid cancer metastases when the tered. Patients with advanced local or regional dis- 131I scan findings are negative but the stimulated ease may be treated first with surgical debulking, serum thyroglobulin level is elevated. Older data then with 131I and, if clinically indicated, external- indicate that when 18F-FDG is unavailable, 99mTc- beam radiation (89). sestamibi and 201Tl scintigraphy may detect met- For treatment of distant metastases, an activity of astatic thyroid cancer with reasonable sensitivity 7.4 GBq (200 mCi) or more is often given. The (53,97). radiation dose to the bone marrow is typically the If a level of uptake close to the reference range is limiting factor. It is recommended that the esti- observed, further cytoreductive surgery may be ad- mated radiation dose to the bone marrow be less visable to avoid symptomatic radiation thyroiditis than 2 Sv (200 rem) (73) Blood and whole-body and increase the probability of complete ablation. dosimetry may be indicated when a high activity of For lower-risk patients with iodine uptake levels in 131I is planned to treat metastatic disease (90,91). the 8%–10% range, a decrease in administered ac- Dosimetry will determine the maximum safe activ- tivity is often sufficient. ity of 131I and is recommended for all such patients Patients whose TSH failed to rise on a withdrawal over 50–55 y old, especially in the presence of a re- protocol have been successfully treated with approx- duced glomerular filtration rate and when lung me- imately 1.11 GBq (30 mCi) of 131I and retreated tastases may concentrate a large amount of 131I later, at about 90 d when the TSH rose over 30 (92,93). To reduce the risk of significant myelosup- mIU/mL, with a higher activity. In general 131Ither- pression, retention of 131I in the body at 48 h should apy is less effective in bulky disease with a diameter be less than 4.44 GBq (120 mCi), or less than 2.96 greater than 1–2 cm, and surgical excision before GBq (80 mCi) if diffuse lung metastases are pres- radioiodine may yield better results. In renal insuf- ent, to reduce the risk of radiation pneumonitis as ficiency, the rhTSH dose may be reduced by 50% or well. An adaptation of the 2.96-GBq (80-mCi) more (85). Hemodialysis is not a contraindication to method has been published to correct for differen- 131I therapy (32).

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 11

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 For children, most pediatric nuclear physicians 131I therapy, the dose rate from the patient at 1 m modify the activity to be administered on a weight should be recorded as required by the relevant re- basis so that the pediatric activity equals the adult gulatory authority or institutional policy. The pa- activity that would be given under the same clinical tient should be informed of any prolongation of circumstances multiplied by the patient weight in the home radiation safety plan if a higher dose rate kilograms and divided by 70. There is no consensus than anticipated is measured. on modifying the dose of rhTSH for children at the 6. Follow-up time of the writing of this guideline in 2012. For staging purposes, patients should undergo A short intrathyroidal or body effective 131I half- whole-body scintigraphy approximately 3–7 d af- life can be a source of failure of 131I therapy in ter treatment. SPECT/CT often has incremental metastatic lesions. Oral administration of value for staging, patient management, and pre- carbonate inhibits the liberation of thyroidal thy- diction of the response to 131I therapy (100–104). roxine and thus prolongs the intrathyroidal biologic The serum TSH level should be checked about 6– half-life of administered 131I and occasionally may 8wkaftertreatmenttoconfirmthatthelevelis be useful in patients who have a rapid turnover of within the desired therapeutic limits. Since the radioactive iodine. Serum lithium levels should be overall recurrence rate for thyroid cancer ap- monitored to avoid toxicity. There are no double- proaches 20%, and up to 10% of recurrences blind outcome studies on lithium, and its use adds may occur after 20 y, long-term follow-up of the another layer of complexity to the therapeutic pro- patient is required, both to maintain appropriate cedure. It is infrequently used at this time (98,99). serum TSH levels and to detect recurrence of dis- 5. Therapeutic procedure for administration of 131I ease. The details of clinical follow-up, including The patient should take no food or water by TSH suppression, thyroglobulin assessment (sup- mouth for approximately 2 h before and after the pressed and stimulated), and subsequent imaging, oral administration of 131I. The prophylactic admin- are beyond the scope of this guideline. istration of oral antiemetics should be considered before starting 131I therapy (except for thyrotoxico- C. Radiation safety issues sis therapy). The individual administering the 131I For pregnancy, breast feeding, and lactation, see should have the signed consent form and, for fe- “Information required by the physician performing male patients of child-bearing age, the printed re- the procedure” in section VI, part A. sult of the b-hCG test before giving the patient the Regulatory requirements for hospitalization and other . The identity and activity of vary among states and countries, the radiopharmaceutical to be administered should with many guidelines being more stringent than those be documented in writing on the appropriate form. of the NRC. The NRC has 3 alternate criteria allowing The patient identity should be checked as required patient release from the hospital after 131Itherapy: by institutional policy. The patient may be pro- 1. When no individual member of the public is likely vided with a copy of the signed consent form. After to receive more than 5 mSv (500 mrem) from that

TABLE 3 Radiation Absorbed Dose from 131I (NaI)

Organ mGy/MBq rad/mCi

Assuming no thyroid uptake (athyrotic) Bladder wall 0.610 2.3 Lower colon wall 0.043 0.16 Kidneys 0.065 0.24 Ovaries 0.042 0.16 Testes 0.037 0.14 Stomach 0.034 0.13 Assuming 55% thyroid uptake and 20-g gland (hyperthyroid) Thyroid 790 2.920 Bladder wall 0.290 1.1 Breast 0.091 0.34 Upper colon wall 0.058 0.21 Ovaries 0.041 0.15 Testes 0.026 0.10

Dose may vary depending on whole-body effective half-life of 131I. Data are from ICRP 53 (119).

12 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 53 • No. 10 • October 2012

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 TABLE 4 3. When the administered activity is 1.22 GBq (33 Radiation Dose to Red Marrow for 74–7,400 MBq mCi) or less. (2–200 mCi) 131I If the patient is to be treated as an inpatient, nurs- Adult Child (10 y old) ing personnel must be instructed in all relevant radi- Thyroid ation safety procedures. Selected nursing personnel uptake (%) mGy/MBq rad/mCi mGy/MBq rad/mCi should be provided with appropriate radiation mon- 0 0.035 0.13 0.065 0.25 itors (film badge, direct-reading dosimeters, etc.). 5 0.038 0.14 0.070 0.26 Nurses who are or may be pregnant are excluded 35 0.086 0.32 0.160 0.59 45 0.100 0.37 0.190 0.70 from direct patient care. Any significant medical 55 0.120 0.44 0.220 0.81 conditions should be noted and contingency plans made in case radiation precautions must be breached for a medical emergency, as concern about radiation Dose may vary depending on whole-body effective half-life of 131I. Data are from ICRP 53 (119). exposure should not interfere with prompt, appropri- ate medical treatment of the patient should an acute medical problem develop. patient, assuming all other regulatory requirements Written instructions describing methods to limit for patient instructions and record keeping are met. the dose to others must be given to the patient if an NUREG-1556, volume 9, “Consolidated Guidance individual member of the public is likely to receive about Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guid- a radiation dose exceeding 1 mSv (100 mrem) from ance about Medical Use Licenses,” describes meth- that patient, and if the administered dosage is greater ods for calculating doses to other individuals and than 0.26 GBq (7 mCi) (17). Individual Agreement contains tables of activities not likely to cause States may have specific rules and regulations re- doses exceeding 5 mSv (500 mrem). This guidance garding the release of patients with significant re- is not a regulation. Realistic and scientifically valid, sidual activity. Details on the relevant federal less conservative calculations on patient release, regulations can be obtained at the NRC Web site based on the realities of patient life at home, have ( or by telephone (301-415-7000). been published (105–107). As a precaution, before releasing the patient the 2. When the survey meter reading is less than 0.07 mSv/ licensee should instruct the patient on how to reduce h (7.0 mrem/h) at 1 m. Some radiation meters mea- unnecessary radiation exposure to family members sure exposure rates in milliroentgens per hour, but and members of the public. Written instructions for low–linear energy transfer radiation (including must be provided to reduce the radiation dose both b- and most x-rays and g-rays), the exposure to the patient and to members of the public and may rate at 7 mR/h will be equivalent to the dose rate be required in some jurisdictions (109). With simple at 0.07 mSv/h (7 mrem/h) (108). precautions, the radiation dose to family members is

TABLE 5 Red Marrow Dose and Receiving Highest Dose from 131I

Maximum thyroid Largest radiation dose Red marrow dose Patient uptake (%) Organ mGy/MBq rad/mCi mGy/MBq rad/mCi

Adult 0 Bladder 0.61 2.3 0.035 0.13 5 Thyroid 72 270 0.038 0.14 15 Thyroid 210 780 0.054 0.20 25 Thyroid 360 1,300 0.070 0.26 35 Thyroid 500 1,850 0.086 0.32 45 Thyroid 640 2,400 0.10 0.37 55 Thyroid 790 2,900 0.12 0.44 Child (5 y old) 0 Bladder 1.8 6.7 0.10 0.37 5 Thyroid 370 1,370 0.10 0.37 15 Thyroid 1,100 4,100 0.14 0.52 25 Thyroid 1,900 7,000 0.18 0.67 35 Thyroid 2,600 9,600 0.22 0.81 45 Thyroid 3,300 12,000 0.26 0.96 55 Thyroid 4,100 15,000 0.29 1.1

In situations involving , it is inappropriate to use the quantity “effective dose,” as this quantity relates to risk of stochastic effects from low-dose procedure. In this application, dose to red marrow is of more clinical interest, as clinically significant pancytopenia could occur with 131I therapy.

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 13

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 Dose Estimates to Fetus from 131I Estimated Doses to Fetal Thyroid

131 Stage of Fetal dose Dose from I gestation mGy/MBq rad/mCi Gestational mGy to fetal thyroid/MBq rad/ age (mo) administered to mother mCi Early 0.072 0.27 3 mo 0.068 0.25 3 230 850 6 mo 0.23 0.85 4 260 960 9 mo 0.27 1.0 5 580 2,150 6 550 2,000 7 390 1,400 Data are from Russell et al. (120). Information about possible pla- 8 350 1,300 cental crossover of this compound was included in the calculations. 9 270 1,000

Data (mGy/MBq administered to the mother) are from Watson low (considerably less than the NRC upper limit of 5 (121). mSv [500 mrem]) even when patients are not admit- ted to a hospital (110). In a study where the patients were to sleep alone and avoid prolonged personal Prolonged use of public transportation is discour- contact for 2 d after therapy, 65 household members aged for the first 24 h after 131I therapy. Although received a mean dose of 0.24 mSv (24 mrem) (range, title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations part 35.75 0.01–1.09 mSv [1–109 mrem]) (111). does not expressly prohibit the release of a radioac- The patient must sleep alone and should abstain tive patient to a location other than a private resi- from intercourse for approximately 1 wk after ther- dence, such as a hotel, the NRC strongly discourages apy (a conservative estimate) unless patient-specific this practice because it can result in radiation expo- calculations, using several assumptions, indicate that sure to members of the public for which the licensee this period can be shortened. Pregnant women and may not be able to assess full compliance with title children may have about 10 min of zero distance per 10 of Code of Federal Regulations part 35.75(a) and day from the patient but otherwise should maintain may result in doses that are not as low as reasonably a distance of about 0.9–1.8 m (3–6 ft), as if the achievable (112). patient had a bad cold. There are no other restric- Most experts recommend that both men and tions on the patient being with other adults. Infants women wait 6–12 mo after 131I therapy before trying and small children requiring feeding, changes of to conceive a child, although there are no reliable clothing, and similar care from the treated parent data on the validity of this suggested interval. A 12- will require another caregiver for up to a week. mo interval also allows for follow-up imaging to There is no hazard to any member of the family evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment (113) arising from sites where the patient sits, what the and for retreatment if deemed appropriate. patient has touched, or what the patient cooks. In- Patient-specific calculations of radiation exposure ternal exposure of family members from items con- to others can be performed, using several assump- taminated by patient saliva or urine must be tions, and specific recommendations given to each prevented. Although telephone mouthpieces and patient about the time and distance to stay away other devices touched frequently may have minimal from others. Radiation surveys of the thyroid gland 131I contamination detected on them, this is not a on personnel administering 131I are performed peri- health hazard because of the minute amount of ra- odically, depending on local regulations and institu- diation present compared with ambient background tional policy. Patients must be provided with radiation. Disposable plates and utensils are not a written document stating they have been given only unnecessary but, if used, can trigger sensitive a radioactive substance, the date of administration, waste facility alarms; dishes and utensils should the name of the radiopharmaceutical, and the activ- not be shared before washing. It is unnecessary to ity administered in the event that it is detected by wash the patient’s laundry separately. Patients monitoring devices during travel. should flush the toilet twice after use and wash their hands for 20 s. Men should urinate sitting D. Interactions of 131I with other forms of diagnosis down to avoid contamination in the toilet area. or treatment Although certain proprietary products are adver- Patients with advanced local or regional recurrent tised for specifically decontaminating 131Iinthe disease or distant metastases, especially those with home, such products are not necessary in the typ- involvement of the aerodigestive tract, brain, or spinal ical home situation. cord, may be treated with both 131I and external-beam

14 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 53 • No. 10 • October 2012

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 radiation postoperatively. Corticosteroids to prevent F. Issues requiring further clarification swelling may be required if central nervous system Several issues require further clarification: metastases are to be irradiated. The use of external- 1. The utility of routine 123Ior131I whole-body beam radiation beforehand, or alternating with 131I imaging, especially SPECT/CT, in patients af- treatment, has not been documented to be associated ter total thyroidectomy before initial 131I abla- with a subsequent reduction in tumor uptake of radio- tive therapy for thyroid cancer, not only to active iodine. Therefore, external-beam radiation, if determine the need for a change in patient man- clinically and emergently indicated, need not be agement but also to determine whether these delayed. The toxicity, acute and late, is likely to be preablation and pretherapy imaging techniques additive within the field of . Dosimetry cal- lead to better outcomes (e.g., more complete culations are especially important if 131I therapy and remissions or improved survival). external-beam radiotherapy are both being considered, 2. The pathophysiologic and prognostic signifi- or have previously been performed in patients with cance of stunning of the thyroid remnant and spinal metastases, to avoid potential radiation-induced metastatic deposits. spinal cord damage. A treatment planning method for 3. The diagnostic role of alternative imaging agents combination external-beam therapy with radiopharma- for thyroid cancer, such as 123I, 124I, and 99mTc. ceutical therapy is available (114). 4.Theroleof124I in thyroid dosimetry, and the Skeletal metastases that are painful or are a threat to efficacy of lesion dosimetric planning (116–118). life or function may, in addition to being treated with 5. The necessity of 131I therapy for low-risk papillary 131I, be treated with bone-seeking b-emitting radio- cancers less than 1.0 cm in diameter if there is an pharmaceuticals (e.g., 89Sr or 153Sm-lexidronam) if unfavorable molecular assessment (e.g., BRAF ex- the bone scan is positive at the painful site, although pression [a protooncogene encoding a serine/ these carry a greater risk of myelosuppression than threonine protein kinase called B-Raf]), unfavorable 131I, external radiotherapy, or surgery. histology, and no evidence of distant metastases. Other scintigraphic studies may be performed 6. The equivalence between rhTSH as an adjunct a week or more after therapy, but the patient should to 131I therapy of metastatic thyroid carcinoma first be checked under the g-camera for residual ac- and 131I therapy after endogenous TSH eleva- tivity from 131I. The posttherapy time when scanning tion from thyroid hormone withdrawal. with other radiopharmaceuticals becomes possible 7. The frequency and length of long-term follow- will vary with the effective half-life and administered up after 131I therapy for thyroid cancer in a va- activity of the therapeutic 131I. riety of clinical situations. 8. Prediction of the time required for the TSH to E. Radiopharmaceuticals rise sufficiently in individual patients after thy- See section VI for guidance on selection of the roid hormone withdrawal before 131I therapy. administered activity for the treatment of hyperthy- 9. The need to attain a serum TSH level of at least roidism and thyroid cancer. 30 mU/mL before therapy versus lower or Therapeutic 131I can be administered in liquid or higher degrees of elevation. capsule form. If a capsule or a liquid form is used, 10. Standardization of 131I dosimetry to deliver strategies for minimizing volatilization or inhalation a therapeutic dose to hyperfunctioning thyroid of volatilized iodine during dosage preparation and glands or ablative radiation doses to thyroid administration should be used—for example, venting remnants after thyroidectomy. the dose into a filtering system, such as a fume hood, 11. The actual benefits and risks of empiric high- maintaining alkaline pH, and administering the dose to activity 131I therapy (e.g., .9.25 GBq [250 the patient shortly thereafter. Stabilized forms of ra- mCi]) for patients with serum thyroglobulin dioactive iodine, in wide use in the United States, elevation but negative iodine scintigraphy should not require these precautions, which remain a results. condition of many licenses. 12. The therapeutic benefit of administered activi- The prescribed activity of 131Imustbeverified, ties in excess of, for example, 9.25 GBq (250 ideally by 2 observers, in a dose calibrator before mCi), in iodine-avid metastatic disease, relative administration. to lower activities of 131I. All radiopharmaceuticals mentioned in this guide- 13. Determination of whether external-beam radio- line either should have been approved by the Food and therapy delivered to regional neck metastases Drug Administration (115)orshouldfollowtheSNM before therapeutic 131I decreases the subsequent position statement on the use of compounded prepara- 131I therapeutic effect. tions and comply with the Medication Management 14. The effectiveness of suggested protocols in pre- Standards of the Joint Commission. venting radiation sialadenitis and oral mucositis.

THERAPY OF THYROID DISEASE WITH 131I • Silberstein et al. 15

jnm105148-sn n 7/11/12 VII. DOCUMENTATION/REPORTING mation on follow-up of 131I therapy of thyroid cancer in For the goals of a nuclear medicine report, see the SNM section VI above. Guideline for General Imaging. For information on direct Other special cases of dosimetry for the potentially communication, see the SNM Guideline for General pregnant patient, including dosimetry for hyperthyroid Imaging and the ACR Practice Guideline for Communica- patients, athyreotic patients, and the unique case in which tion: Diagnostic Radiology. conception occurs some days or weeks after administration 131 The report to the referring physician should include the of I, can be found on the RADAR Web site (http://www. indication for therapy, the 131I administered activity, a nota- under the tion that informed consent was obtained (including mention heading “The Pregnant Patient.” of all possible side effects), the results of a urine or serum pregnancy test, a statement that the patient was informed in XII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS writing of home radiation safety precautions, and a notation The Committee on SNM Guidelines consists of the that travel precautions were discussed and a relevant card or following individuals: Kevin J. Donohoe, MD (Chair) letter provided. (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA); See the SNM Guideline for General Imaging for the Sue Abreu, MD (Sue Abreu Consulting, Nichols Hills, content of each section of the report: study identification, OK); Helena Balon, MD (William Beaumont Hospital, patient demographics, clinical information, procedure de- Royal Oak, MI); Twyla Bartel, DO (UAMS, Little Rock, scription, description of therapeutic administration includ- AR); Paul E. Christian, CNMT, BS, PET (Huntsman ing premedication details, mention of absence of pregnancy Cancer Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT); and lactation in women of childbearing age, recommenda- Dominique Delbeke, MD (Vanderbilt University Medical tions for follow-up, and comments. Center, Nashville, TN); Vasken Dilsizian, MD (University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD); Kent VIII. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Friedman, MD (NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY); James R. Galt, PhD (Emory University Hospital, See the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. Atlanta, GA); Jay A. Harolds, MD (OUHSC–Department IX. QUALITY CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT of Radiologic Science, Edmond, OK); Aaron Jessop, MD (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX); David H. See the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. Lewis, MD (Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA); J. Anthony Parker, MD, PhD (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical X. SAFETY, INFECTION CONTROL, AND PATIENT EDUCATION CONCERNS Center, Boston, MA); James A. Ponto, RPh, BCNP (Uni- versity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA); Lynn See the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. T. Roy, CNMT (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA); Heiko Schoder, MD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can- XI. RADIATION DOSIMETRY cer Center, New York, NY); Barry L. Shulkin, MD, MBA (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN); See also the SNM Guideline for General Imaging. Michael G. Stabin, PhD (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, ½Table 3 Radiation dosimetry data are presented in Tables 3–7. TN); and Mark Tulchinsky, MD (Milton S. Hershey Med- ½Table 4 It is the position of the SNM that patient exposure to ical Center, Hershey, PA) ½Table 5 should be at the minimum level consis- ½Table 6 tent with obtaining a diagnostic examination or performing ½Table 7 effective therapeutic procedures. Patient radiation exposure XIII. 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