EO/S2/05/01/A EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE AGENDA 1st Meeting, 2005 (Session 2) Tuesday 11 January 2005 The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1. 1. Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will hear evidence at Stage 1 from— Councillor Irene Graham, Moira McKinnon, Ann Marie Mullaney and Jean Murphy, Glasgow City Council 2. Proposed Commissioner for Older People (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a statement of reasons for not consulting on the draft proposal and will take evidence from— Alex Neil MSP; and Claire Menzies Smith, Non-Executive Bills Unit. 3. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— the Race Relations Act 1976 (Statutory Duties) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2004, (SSI 2004/521). ****** The following papers are attached: Agenda Item 1 EO.S2.05.01.01(P) - Private briefing paper EO.S2.05.01.02 - Submission from Glasgow City Council to the Scottish Executive Agenda Item 2 EO.S2.05.01.03(P) - Private briefing paper EO.S2.05.01.04 - Paper on the proposed Commissioner for Older People (Scotland) Bill Agenda Item 3 EO.S2.05.01.05 - Paper on SSI 2004/521 Race Relations Act 1976 (Statutory Duties) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2004 Steve Farrell Clerk to the Committee Tel: 0131 348 5211 email:
[email protected] EO.S2.05.01.02 SUBMISSION FROM GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL TO THE SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE Female Genital Mutilation – Draft Bill 1. Glasgow City Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Female Genital Mutilation (Scotland) Bill which will close the current gap in Scots Law and align the legal position in Scotland with that of England and Wales.