Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2003 No. 50 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. Spirit. May it be said that the world is spiring and mentoring her students. It Sister Benedict Kesock, O.S.B., Prin- a better place because we are here. has been a labor of love the entire cipal, St. Charles School, Arlington, Amen. time, and it has been reciprocated. Virginia, offered the following prayer: f In 1999, we thought we were going to Lord God, what a great idea to make lose Sister. She went to Arlington Hos- THE JOURNAL us all different. pital. They would not operate; they did May we come to know one another The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- not think it was worth it. So she went and the ministry to which we have ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- to Washington Hospital Center and got been called, especially those who meet ceedings and announces to the House a six-way heart bypass in 1999, a six- within these great walls. You have his approval thereof. way bypass. And she is still ticking, as asked us to be leaders, caretakers, role Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- you can see. She believes there must models. Be with us as our counselor nal stands approved. have been some reason that God saw to and our support as we continue the journey of ministering to others and to f keep her with us. one another in a world of turbulence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE This institution is terribly proud to have had Sister Benedict give us the All that lies ahead of us is yet unseen. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman We pray for our President and his ad- invocation today. Her life is a testa- from Georgia (Mr. BURNS) come for- visors, for all those who make deci- ment to her faith. ward and lead the House in the Pledge sions which affect our lives on a daily of Allegiance. She gave us one little story that I basis. We pray, especially, for our mili- Mr. BURNS led the Pledge of Alle- think some of you who may have been tary families, those who are separated giance as follows: educated in Catholic schools might re- at this time, for those who have lost late to. A former male student of hers their lives, and for their families; for I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the was driving by the school where there the people of Iraq, for their suffering United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, is a lot of new construction going on. homeland. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. They were building a new center. There We are a family of nations. Experi- was an enormous construction hole in f ence and history has taught that com- the ground. So one of the thousands of munity formed out of diversity is dy- WELCOMING SISTER BENEDICT boys she straightened out, after seeing namic and beautiful. Lord, keep us mo- KESOCK, O.S.B., PRINCIPAL, ST. it, called her on his car phone to tell tivated and challenged that we may CHARLES SCHOOL, ARLINGTON, her, ‘‘Sister, I didn’t do it.’’ Those of gain an ability to listen to one another VIRGINIA you who are listening may be able to and to grow. There can be unity and (Mr. MORAN of Virginia asked and relate to that feeling. strength in our diversity. May our dif- was given permission to address the The fact is, Sister Benedict did do it. ferences be stepping-stones to a lasting House for 1 minute and to revise and She has helped build a school, the new peace and to a new tomorrow. We ask You, Lord, to renew our hu- extend his remarks.) St. Charles Center and a community of manity in Your image and likeness and Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speak- faith in Northern Virginia. She has to introduce us into a world where all er, the invocation, the prayer for taught and inspired hundreds of stu- hostile forces are overcome. We pray today, was delivered by Sister Benedict dents every year for nearly 30 years. for those who need to have a change of Kesock. Sister Benedict is a Bene- She is what makes this country run so heart, for a world where we commu- dictine Sister. She entered the Order in well. nicate in love, joy and peace, for and 1954, and for the last 29 years she has Sister Benedict, thank you for every- with the people of our universe. been at St. Charles School in Arling- thing you have contributed throughout Father, fill our hearts, our homes, ton, Virginia, 27 of those years as prin- your life; and thank you for giving us our Nation, our world with peace, and cipal. She has served under nine pas- the prayer this morning. let it begin with each one of us. tors and three bishops. She has trained We especially remember this morn- all of them and probably outlived most f ing our dear friend and colleague Sen- of them all. Sister Benedict is an institution at ator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and his ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER family. St. Charles and in Arlington County, Feel the Spirit. Live the Spirit. Virginia. She has dedicated her life to The SPEAKER. There will be five 1- Spread the Spirit. Lord, we are the God and served God by teaching and in- minutes per side. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2403 . VerDate Dec 13 2002 00:56 Mar 28, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27MR7.000 H27PT1 H2404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 27, 2003 VOICES OF CRITICISM HONORING CRAIG DURFEY FOR their families, their safety and their (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- HIS FIGHT AGAINST AUTISM rapid return. mission to address the House for 1 (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- f minute and to revise and extend his re- fornia asked and was given permission b 1015 marks.) to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.) SUPREME COURT TO RULE ON Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, this week AFFIRMATIVE ACTION has reminded us that war is serious Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- business. Each day we see our brave fornia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked soldiers on TV making great progress honor Craig Durfey for his tireless and was given permission to address against Saddam Hussein and his brutal work in the fight against autism. the House for 1 minute and to revise regime. Now, more than ever, the Craig is the founder of Parents for and extend her remarks.) troops need our support and encourage- the Rights of Developmentally Dis- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. ment. abled Children. As a father of children Speaker, there is not a morning or a Mr. Speaker, we should stay united with autism, he knows firsthand the day, in light of the raging winds of war behind our troops. Our troops do not difficulties that come with dealing that our young men and women are need to hear criticism of their mission with this dreaded disease. facing in faraway places, that one from this body or this Capitol. When Today autism is a national crisis sometimes may wonder about the im- their Nation’s leaders question their that affects nearly 1.5 million children. portance of the work of this body. So I mission, I can tell you, as a combat According to recent studies, as many rise this morning to again ask our Na- veteran, it is discouraging. It is tough as one in every 250 children born today tion to be reminded of those brave to stay focused when the leaders you will be diagnosed with autism. Autism young men and women, those who are look to for strength are not in your costs the Nation between $20 billion fighting, as well as those who trag- corner. and $60 billion annually, and the pro- ically have now lost their lives and their mourning families and, as well, Most people disregard professional jection for the next 10 years will be the POWs who are waiting to return protestors, especially when they see that it will cost $400 billion. home to their loved ones. their placards saying ‘‘capitalism is Autistic children go to doctors three times more often than normal children, It seems almost that we should step the problem.’’ But when they hear aside from issues dealing with ordinary their leaders criticizing their mission and many times families must travel hundreds of miles to see a knowledge- life. But I might ask, Mr. Speaker, that to liberate the people of Iraq from a as our brave troops are fighting for brutal tyrant and his thugs who rule by able doctor that understands autism. Craig has been working tirelessly to freedom, and we respect and honor terror, that is disheartening. them, that on April 1, 2003, the Su- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to provide funding for programs in my community and in the Nation that preme Court will hear what I believe stop making our Capitol building a will be the most challenging civil platform to criticize the war and our would train social service and law en- forcement personnel on how to identify rights argument in the last 50 years.
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