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April 11, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9699 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ILLEGAL ALIENS AT THE WIDTE oppose the Carter immigration plan. They felin, Woodard, Allshouse, Anderson HOUSE called for a general amnesty, Carter is ask Decker, L. Fowler, Harding, McCormick, ing amnesty for those who have lived here Phelps, Plock, Smedley, and Wham; since before 1970, a restricted 5-year amnesty also Representatives Kramer, Durham, HON. JOHN M. ASHBROOK for those here since Jan. 1, 1977, and sanc Becker, Bledsoe, Dittemore, Eckelberry, Gor such, Hayes, Hefley, Hilsmeier, Lillpop, Mc OF OHIO tions against employers of undocumented workers. Elderry, Neale, Reeves, Schaefer, Showalter, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "We are punished by that (proposed) law Swaim, Tancredo, Waldow, Winkler, Yost, Tuesday, April 11, 1978 very much," said Manuel Maria Bernal, who, Barnhill, DeNier, Dodge, Herzberger, Jones, like several of the others at the White Spano, Younglund and Zakhem. e Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, to House, came to work in the citrus groves of Whereas, with each passing year this na day's Washington Post carries a very the Southwest because he could not support tion becomes more deeply in debt as its ex interesting article entitled "Illegal his family in Mexico. Bernal told Costanza he penditures grossly and repeatedly exceed Aliens Received on Visit at White hoped the government would grant visas to available revenues so that the public debt House." Not unusual for Margaret Con workers so they may come and go as their now exceeds hundreds of billions of dollars; stanza to host them. She has been in work demands. and Other members of the conference criti Whereas, The annual federal budget con charge of the delegations of homosex cized the Carter plan's sanctions against em tinually demonstrates an unwillingness or uals, radicals, misfits, and any other ployers of illegal aliens because they believe inability of both the legislative and execu group that feels the liberals have not such measures-already in effect in Virginia tive branches of the federal government to liberalized the laws enough so far to and about 20 other states, and under con curtail spending to conform to available suit them. sideration in the District of Columbia-lead revenues; and I include the article with these re to discrimination against all workers with Whereas, Convinced that fiscal irresponsi foreign-seeming features or accents. bility at the federal level, with the inflation marks. If read closely it reveals some which results from this policy, is the greatest interesting facts. Of course, this admin Costanza was told that foreign nationals would prefer unionization of workers rather threat which faces our nation, we firmly be istration has created a new phony term than the Carter proposal. lieve that constitutional restraint is vital to to designate the illegals. They have be Though some labor groups have blamed bring the fiscal discipline needed to restore come "undocumented aliens." Not il illegal aliens for failure of some efforts to financial responsibility; and legal, just undocumented. The article unionize workers, because with the threat Whereas, under article V of the consti refers to one of the aliens as having been of deportation they are reluctant to oppose tution of the United States, amendments to their employers, there recently have been the federal constitution may be proposed deported four times. by the congress whenever two-thirds of both As I read the United States Code that successful strikes of undocumented workers in Arizona citrus groves. houses deem it necessary or on the applica makes him guilty of criminal violation tion of the legislatures of two-thirds of the of the law. Not just an illegal alien but a Lupe Sanchez, who helped organize those several states that the congress shall call person who has criminally flaunted our strikers, told a reporter that his workers won a constitutional convention for the purpose the right to blankets and bathroom facilities, of proposing amendments which shall be laws. a minimum wage, and warnings before the Five of the illegals were picked up by valid to all intents and purposes when rati trees under which they sleep are sprayed fied by the legislatures of three-fourths of the border patrol on their way to the with pesticide, "It is obscene," said Sanchez, the several states; now, therefore, White House Conference. Imagine that, "to have to negotiate such things." Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Fifty arresting them. Maybe the White House Costanza said she would visit the groves first General Assembly of the State of Colo can reprimand those poor people who soon. After hearing repeated charges of har rado, the House of Representatives concur try to enforce the law at the local level assment and brutality against Immigration ring herein: while it is being flaunted at the White Service agents and local police, she said she That the Congress of the United States is House by those who encourage the il would send a report of the meeting to the hereby memorialized to call a constitu legals to come into the country. Attorney General. tional convention pursuant to article V o! A spokesman for the Immigration and the constitution of the United States for Here is the article. Read it and weep: Naturalization Service said it takes "maxi the specific and exclusive purpose of pro ILLEGAL ALIENS RECEIVED ON VISIT AT mum steps to minimize brutality. But we posing an amendment to the federal con WHITE HOUSE can't control what the local police forces do. stitution prohibiting deficit spending ex (By Christopher Dickey) We don't encourage them, we discourage cept under conditions specified in such Fourteen Latin Americans were invited to them."e amendment. the White House yesterday to talk with presi Be It Further Resolved, that this applica dential assistant Margaret Costanza. tion and request be deemed null and void, Several of them had trouble identifying FIGHTING INFLATION rescinded, and of no effect in the event that themselves to get past White House security such convention not be limited to such spe because they are illegal aliens, without any cific and exclusive purpose. documentation that allows them to live and HON. WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG Be It Further Resolved, that copies of this work in the United States. One said he has memorial be sent to the secretary of state been deported four times. OF COLORADO and presiding officers of both houses of the The issue of documentation is what IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legislatures of each of the several states in brought them there in the first place. Grape Tuesday, April 11, 1978 the union, the clerk of the United States fruit pickers from Arizona, sugar cane work house of representatives, the secretary of ers from Louisiana, domestics and dishwash e Mr. ARMSTRONG. Mr. Speaker, the the United States senate, and to each mem ers from the District of Columbia and their Colorado General Assembly has adopted ber of the Colorado congressional delegation. representatives have been gathering since and forwarded to us a joint memorial FRED E. ANDERSON, Friday in Mt. Pleasant for a conference of calling for an amendment to the U.S. President of the Senate. the National Workers Project. Constitution to prohibit deficit spending. RONALD H. STRAHLE, Those who spoke yesterday with Costanza Speaker of the House of Representatives. vehemently attacked President Carter's pro As huge Federal budget deficits con MARJORIE L. RUTENBECK, posed immigration legislation. They also tinue and inflation lowers everyone's Secretary of the Senate. protested what they called the brutality and standard of living, this action by the LORRAINE F. LOMBARDI, harassment of the Border Patrol and police Colorado Legislature is very timely. Chief Clerk of the House of Representa forces in the Southwest that have been I urge my colleagues to take time to tive~. rounding up illegal aliens. read Colorado Senate Joint Memorial Five people on their way to the conference TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COLORADO GENERAL No. 1 and consider the wisdom of this ASSEMBLY from Phoenix last week were picked up by proposal. the Border Patrol in Arizona, according to a Thank you for sending me a copy of Senate spokesman for Immigration and Naturaliza The memorial follows: Joint Memorial No. 1 recently adopted by tion Service and members of the Project. SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL No. 1 the Colorado General Assembly. Five more, who made it into the White By Senators Strickland, Hughes, H. Fow Your Joint Memorial could not have been House yesterday, told Costanza. that they ler, Kinnie, MacManus, Meiklejohn, Schie!- more timely. In recent months, the spectre of Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • 9700 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 11, 1978 double digit inflation has reared its ugly head to an all-time high. The rate of capital in ernment regulations, this is an important once again. Decisive action must be taken vestment dropped to the lowest among all subject. I hope that these dynamic busi now if we are to prevent a repetition of the industrial nations. stagnation and recession which devastated It is clear that unless something is done to nessmen will have as great an impact on our economy in the early 1970's. halt the federal government's wild spending Government as they have had on the Professional economists and private citizens s,pree, our economy will once again be suffer metals industry. It is only through the alike recognize that inflation is the greatest ing from stagfiation-double digit inflation informed action of business that the danger to our economy.