September 2002 $2.50 Beaver Beacon T h e I s l a n d M o n t h l y S i n c e 1 9 5 5 CMU Art Show Eco-Tourism comes to Beaver Island News from the Townships August Election Results Music at the Library Spinning Yarns Jeff Powers throws a Great Party Welcome to Ted Nicholas The Queen of North Manitou visits Beaver Island Homecoming, Island News, Features, and Lots More Contents 3. McDonough's Market Eco-tourism comes to Beaver Island ................................................ 4. Spinning Yarns .................................................................................. 5. Beaver Beacon Since 1933 the Island Monthly since 1955 Behind the scene: Dueling Tail-spinners raise money for PABI ...... 6. Published by On America's Beautiful "Emerald Isle" Hospice News Update ....................................................................... 7. Paradise Bay Press 38240 Michigan Avenue At the Library ................................................................................... 7. Utilizing Public Land ........................................................................ 8. Beaver Beacon Beaver Island, MI 49782 P.O. Box 254 PABI hosts Sunset Picnic fundraiser ................................................. 8. Beaver Island, MI 49782 (231) 448-2733 The Queen of North Manitou visits Beaver Island ........................... 9. phone: (231) 448-2476 The Homecoming Softball Tournament ............................................10. Full line of groceries. Custom cut meat. Fresh email:
[email protected] CMU Art Class immortalizes