2019 Project Abstract For the Period Ending June 30, 2019 PROJECT TITLE: Restoring Native Mussels in Streams and Lakes PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Davis AFFILIATION: MN DNR MAILING ADDRESS: 2109 North Lakeshore Drive CITY/STATE/ZIP: Lake City, MN 55041 PHONE: (651) 314-6302 E-MAIL:
[email protected] FUNDING SOURCE: Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund LEGAL CITATION: M.L. 2016, Chp. 186, Sec. 2, Subd. 04c APPROPRIATION AMOUNT: $600,000 AMOUNT SPENT: $600,000 AMOUNT REMAINING: $0 Sound bite of Project Outcomes and Results Reestablishing historical mussel assemblages through laboratory propagation began in 2016 at the MNDNR Center for Aquatic Mollusk Programs (CAMP). Since then, CAMP has produced 1,332,592 juvenile mussels from 11 species in three watersheds. Now thousands of sub-adult mussels are awaiting their release to restore and enhance our native rivers. Overall Project Outcome and Results Minnesota’s native mussels are critically important to aquatic ecosystems, but have been lost or diminished in many water bodies. Harvest for pearls and buttons, pollution, dams, and destabilized waterways have caused mussel populations to decline dramatically, 80% of Minnesota’s species are effected. Improvements from Clean Water Act implementation and stream restoration work are creating opportunities to reverse this trend. Mussel dependence on fish hosting their larval stage, and dams blocking fish movement can prevent populations from recovering limiting ecosystem recovery. Laboratory propagation began in 2016 as a means to reestablish mussel assemblages and the ecosystem services mussels provide. Three watersheds were selected for reintroduction efforts based on historical mussel records, habitat type and fish communities.