42198 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 134 / Wednesday, July 14, 2004 / Notices Grants; 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant System. HUD also uses the information (1) Evaluate whether the proposed Program.) for quarterly reports to Congress. collection of information is necessary DATES: Comments Due Date: August 13, for the proper performance of the Michael D. Brown, 2004. functions of the agency, including Under Secretary, Emergency Preparedness ADDRESSES: Interested persons are whether the information will have and Response, Department of Homeland practical utility; (2) Evaluate the Security. invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the [FR Doc. 04–15908 Filed 7–13–04; 8:45 am] the proposal by name and/or OMB burden of the proposed collection of BILLING CODE 9110–10–P approval Number (2506–0165) and information; (3) Enhance the quality, should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, utility, and clarity of the information to Office of Management and Budget, New be collected; and (4) Minimize the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND Executive Office Building, Washington, burden of the collection of information URBAN DEVELOPMENT DC 20503; fax: 202–395–6974. on those who are to respond; including [Docket No. FR–4903–N–48] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: through the use of appropriate Wayne Eddins, Reports Management automated collection techniques or Notice of Submission of Proposed Officer, AYO, Department of Housing other forms of information technology, Information Collection to OMB; and Urban Development, 451 Seventh e.g., permitting electronic submission of Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410; e- responses. System mail [email protected]; This Notice also lists the following AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information telephone (202) 708–2374. This is not a information: Officer, HUD. toll-free number. Copies of available Title of Proposal: Disaster Recovery documents submitted to OMB may be ACTION: Notice. Grant Reporting System. obtained from Mr. Eddins and at HUD’s OMB Approval Number: 2506–0165. SUMMARY: The proposed information Web site at http://www5.hud.gov:63001/ Form Numbers: None. collection requirement described below po/i/icbts/collectionsearch.cfm has been submitted to the Office of SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This Description of the Need for the Management and Budget (OMB) for Notice informs the public that the U.S. Information and Its Proposed Use: HUD review, as required by the Paperwork Department of Housing and Urban is requesting renewal of approval to Reduction Act. The Department is Development (HUD) has submitted to collect information from cities, counties, soliciting public comments on the OMB, for emergency processing, a and states that have received program subject proposal. survey instrument to obtain information grants. Grantees describe their recovery HUD is requesting renewal of from faith based and community needs, develop action plans, and report approval to collect information from organizations on their likelihood and performance on a Disaster Recovery cities, counties, and states that have success at applying for various funding Grant Reporting System. HUD also uses received program grants. Grantees programs. This Notice is soliciting the information for quarterly reports to describe their recovery needs, develop comments from members of the public Congress. action plans, and report performance on and affecting agencies concerning the Frequency of Submission: Quarterly, a Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting proposed collection of information to: Annually. Number of Annual × Hours per respondents responses response = Burden hours Reporting Burden .............................................................................. 82 4 33.41 10,960 Total Estimated Burden Hours: 10,960 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Actions needed for recovery of the Status: Extension of a currently Higgins eye pearlymussel include Fish and Wildlife Service approved collection. alleviating threats posed by exotic species, especially zebra mussels Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Approved Recovery Plan for the (Dreissena polymorpha), protecting Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 35, as Higgins Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis remaining populations, and amended. higginsii). reintroducing the species into habitats Dated: July 7, 2004. AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, that it historically occupied. Wayne Eddins, Interior. ADDRESSES: This recovery plan is Departmental Reports Management Officer, ACTION: Notice of document availability. available from the following addresses: Office of the Chief Information Officer. 1. Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and [FR Doc. 04–16008 Filed 7–13–04; 8:45 am] SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Wildlife Service, Twin Cities Field Service (Service) announces the BILLING CODE 4210–72–P Office, 4101 East 80th Street, availability of the approved recovery Bloomington, MN 55425. plan for the Higgins eye pearlymussel 2. The World Wide Web at: http:// (Lampsilis higginsii). This species is endangered.fws.gov/recovery/ federally listed as endangered under the index.html#plans. Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.); it FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. occurs in the Mississippi River and Phil Delphey, Twin Cities Field Office, tributaries to the Mississippi River in (see ADDRESSES section No. 1 above), Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and telephone (612) 725–3548 ext. 206. TTY Wisconsin. users may contact Mr. Delphey through VerDate jul<14>2003 17:35 Jul 13, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\14JYN1.SGM 14JYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 134 / Wednesday, July 14, 2004 / Notices 42199 the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877– River in which it historically occurred. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 8339. This revised plan recommends that SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: surveys be conducted in several specific Fish and Wildlife Service areas to better describe other potentially Background U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and important habitats. Recovery of endangered or threatened Confederated Salish and Kootenai animals or plants is a primary goal of The objective of the recovery plan is Tribes Draft Annual Funding the Service’s endangered species to provide a framework for the recovery Agreement of Higgins eye pearlymussel so that program. A species is considered AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, protection by the Act is no longer recovered when its status has been Interior. necessary. Higgins eye may be improved to the point at which listing ACTION: Notice of availability. is no longer appropriate under the considered for reclassification from criteria set out in section 4(a)(1) of the Endangered to Threatened when the SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Act. Recovery plans describe actions following occurs: (1) At least five Service (Service) is making available for considered necessary for the identified Essential Habitat Areas public review a draft annual funding conservation of the species, establish contain reproducing, self-sustaining agreement (draft AFA or draft criteria for delisting species, and populations of L. higginsii that are not agreement) with the Confederated Salish provide estimates of the time and cost threatened by zebra mussels; (2) a and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) under the for implementing the measures needed freshwater mussel toxicity database is Indian Self-Determination and for recovery. completed, and specific sediment and Education Assistance Act, as amended The Act requires the development of water quality parameters in Essential by the Tribal Self-Governance Act of recovery plans for listed species unless Habitat Areas and reestablishment areas 1994. This action is taken at the such a plan would not promote the have been characterized; and (3) harvest discretion of the Service to provide conservation of a particular species. of freshwater mussels is prohibited by public review opportunity and solicit Section 4(f) of the Act, as amended in comments from the public for a 90-day 1988, requires that public notice and the law or regulation in Essential Habitat Areas. period. opportunity for public review and DATES: Written comments should be comment be provided during recovery Recovery will be achieved and the received by October 12, 2004. plan development. Information species removed from the list of ADDRESSES: You may submit written presented during the comment period Threatened and Endangered Wildlife comments and information to the U.S. has been considered in the preparation (50 CFR part 17) when the following Fish and Wildlife Service, National of the approved recovery plan and is criteria are met: (1) Populations in at Bison Range, 132 Bison Range Road, summarized in an appendix to the least five Essential Habitat Areas are Moiese, Montana 59824 or by facsimile recovery plan. We will forward reproducing, self-sustaining, not to (406) 644–2661. You may hand- substantive comments regarding threatened by zebra mussels, and are deliver written comments to the recovery plan implementation to sufficiently secure to assure long-term National Bison Range at the address appropriate Federal agencies and other viability of the species; (2) zebra given above. You may send comments entities so that they can take these mussels are not present in locations by electronic mail (e-mail) to comments into account during the where they or their offspring are likely [email protected]. All course of implementing recovery comments provided
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