Meets Tomorrow

Five Peat* PCT Copy Y ELECTED PRESIDENTS 9 Bog Ettwt $ Orchestra Senior Head ^ins Close Race; *lay$ fi$r. Harvest Bait for Underclassmen Pile tfp Ffoci {list Gloria Bergman Sings M«fnOutlined Ballot Total At Hallowe'en Affair FltnetM ©iron By With a total number of ballots nearly double in number over last Atnlet department keek s voting for nominations, members of the various classes elected FoUoirihf? the auditioning jf several of the more prominent local Period Joseph Carroll, Senior in Education, as president of the Senior Class; bands, thejorcbestra coiiusitt*Jjfor the Harvest Ball has selected Bob <: Hptp:^ Kobert Hartle, Junior in the i'ollege. as president of the Junior Clans, and Charles Kelly. Sophomore In Business'Administration, aa presi­ Hliott and his orchestra to pUjffor the dancing on Friday, Octobe • 30. The «f Military Phys- "•I BHiott and his band hive toecently finished an engageraient at the dent of the Sophomore jbtaa.,-' "', ; ,-v i f\ ical Trgj , was outlined this L Baleonaoek, one of* the large dight clubs of the district. ' they have •' Th* vice president lane,: Senior* Class, Joseph Von, Horn/ week by *. f. J. Sullivan, vice Ad.; So,ih<)more Glassj James McCulloch, College-Junior Class,' also played the St. Clair Coutjjjiry Club for more than four months. president tl# University, The The orchestra has been a favdWte of Mt Mercy College, having play­ .Duffy, Aru and Stiences. ' ;, •- •-'•".• 'J. ' -i- } '- i i -; physical program is coot­ Elected ed for maiy of the dances there. |: i ' J. \ pulsory ie Freshmen and -* VocaUR with tie orchestra is Glo- '&• ^Sa£wh!S!Coeci Sponsors Sophomer**. University not en- ! ' Iria Bergman. ' Ipsa' Bergman 1 has rolled in Offlcers. Train- lior Class,! Batty Slpe.Educa- "- * • '"- " University Ball been with .the band for a considera­ Sophomore Class, • Raymond ing Corps. and Seniors will bach: Arts and Sciences. iNamedBykOTt ble length of time, the original group be exempt the course. Representing- the various classes i Flan Postponed haying been together for J-more than : The _ of the (M University Student Council are:' \ Frances Cunningham Leads four Tears. psysical fit ivoursc will be Senior Class, Hugh Daschbach ..and taken by Athletic Department George Gardner, both of Business As Coed Commander '• Substitute Affair May There will Administration; Junior Class, John] -_____» with Rev. Edward two hour periods the campus' lye days a week from 2 CBrien, Bus. Ad. and: Elizabeth Miss Francesfcunningham receives la Spring rveral committee Slagd, Science. the distinction of being selected as List Pal Jena % til i p. Freatimen and Sopho- UeaL-Cel. the belief that since Saph Biipifialslliai ; Honorary. Coed Lieutenant Colonel The University Ball, **ich in win be la ninniH of the entire hat- the course will be C—ragtiet waa / sbssaa by C*L was that of a harvest required Id two periods The Sophomore Class represents-: for the R. O. T. C. unit at the Bnir m» years lad become an araiuallaf- taltaa this year, saceeedbtg has knita- Sheridan far the anieaii at the bat- tivaa are Edward Winner and Lou versity and with Cadet Lieutenant ball and at the same time being part rr.U-Frmj.ct. r. Sheridan, wha serv­ a toti HIT hours. Ulio* asd wul assist aim with ass fair, ins ta an indefinitely Werbaneth. Colonel John T. Sheridan will lead of the Hallowe'en celebration, the ed hade la the aaaaa capacity. CM. Credit daring the Dean's Review. it was aaic today in a release Credit new program willj Canadagham wtll ak* .review the In the Senior Class race, Carroll fthe Corps at all military formations, entire theme should be carried out RlirHaa wUl give the mill lit M and Fitim battled evenly throughout j V** announcenknt of her rank, to- the Office *f the President . £ . •atserks si that thae. Ska realacea -Pass ba Eeview" at the Deaa*' Re- be given in] the balloting, but Carroll gained the \ gether with the name* of me other in the dance; It was therefore de­ , rliarn desjite „„ farmer eead C*L Betty, Malky. This affair; which wat begun two the ordinary: edge to win the presiikntial post of I girls selected ass sponsors for the Re- cided that this year the Harvest Ball years ago, j was prompted by 4eV. additional Completion ot the the class, winning by s scant margin, i sej-ve Officers Training Corp was is-' would break ;precedcat by making Military Educatlefa prsr Edward MiUoy, at that time Dirwitor Dr. Spiegel Leaves For vice president, Joe .Van Horn j sued^by the Military Department this the annual affair a barn dance mode gram will ipre-mjuiaunforgrad- won over Tom Perkins and Gil Hart.; morning. ' > of Use Sunlmer School, It was Tr uation. Eqj npht which the instruc- Glider! Malloy's. intention that the- Ball be "Until this year evnry large dance Soon; Reports For The voting for the secretary-tress- | Those Coeds to receive the rank of tor deems eaaary must be furnish- urer position was close with Jean Honorary Coed Captain and who wul sat aside etrery year as-a reception that has been held under the auspices ed by the Mr. Haller. Expert, Talks McCann and Ann Quinn running sec- sponsor Batteries A, B, and C re- for the president M the University. at the University, has been a dressy Duty At Ft. Meade, "the ' . , Pr*r ond to Claire White, who won the spectively are as follows: Miss Lor- affair." said Bob Miller, gtiii.nl pared tos be program in. full On Motorleas Craft elecuoh. Hugh Daschbach and aine Nilles. a sophomore'who Hope was expressed that a similar swing by chairman of the Ball. "For tbis Latest addition to the ranks of the Students must George Gardner were the two chosen j chosen by Cadet Captain Joseph j dance may be held in the spring of report any In Theater over Jack MoGrath and Fred Egler: roll. Miss Eiken' O'Kane. a jog son we thought that for pace armed forces from the University f in their ached- this year, [conditions permitting^: Jf uk tq4he for places or. the University Student dents could really let their faculty is Dr. Henry W. Spiegel who of their school im- ns the selection for tbk he it.were hekt, the affair, would prob- mediately. Thursday, October 13 wiB be a red Council. I • - Cadet Captain John McGrath; reports to Fort Meade October 27, [mores may abiy be a patriotic one with admis- ind have a good time. ihmen and Sophor letter day for all aviation enthusiasts Race Not Be Cleee „ Esther Wanner, a sophomore, Hwo days smn being [defense stamps or some­ Dr. Spiegel enlisted in the Army en. the course on any on the Bluff, Mr. A. C. Haller. at The totals in the!Junior Class vot­ lead the' Battery of Captain Hugh of the his birthday October 13 and will 'days-j the week. The choice present employed at the Heina plant ing-were not as close as in the Sen­ Daschbach., thing in that manner. - In discussing the new angle to the dean Who leave the University shortly. to be indicated to the in Pittsburgh, will speak and demon­ ior Class. Robert Hartle ended with jThk yeafr thei'Ball was to have dance, with several groups of men elected strate the brand new art of gliding. an edge over Bill Dixon and Jim Eg­ Mias ^Virginia Gloeckner a sopho­ been undejr the direction of Itr. and women on the campus the conv-\ Dr. Spiegel cam* to the University; as, possible. submit the names snd James Carioil. executive secretary; of to Mr. Conelli as sooh Perhaps the above statement .needs ler in the voting for president of the more and Mis* Kathryn Japjec, a mittee members learned that a wide fin the fall of IIS* and at present Tfaej slight clarifying. The science of soar­ junior, were made Hpnorary Coed the Alumni Federation. Last year militsry physical class. ! Clyde Duffy won over John j holds the position of Assistant Pro­ education ing and gliding, which we believe it Purceif and Robert Irr for vice presi­ Captains who, for the first time, will, Mr. John i>. Holahan was in charge majority of the student* were in fa- •W»* instituted at the and before; that, Fr.- Mailoy. of Economics. i Pi** to bis! University is termed, although not new to any­ dent, and Betty Sipe came out on top sponsor the band at all the military ' • Tttr-M**** -at, tba Ban 9 ot the one In the field of aeronautics; is some­ in th* race lor s*cretary4reaiurer formation* this year. This is a new decided that two orchestras be f Sd? S!^^3fSP9S^i& at Wisconsin University snd during !i4t tbe'nraa- thing a littk strange to I the I layman. John O'Brien and Betty {Stage! car­ arrangement which. w*S:'dohe for tiie fur.-We 'dabce. Following a poll: wear overalls or denim slacks, snd the summer was. a member of the no change in the Hence the visit of Mr. Haller to the ried many votes in winning'over Wil­ purpose of giving the band a military aspect. At the present time the band-. the studenjt body,; Lang Thi faculty at Michigan State College. Bluff. He will attempt I'M answer liam Vance and Charles Sweeney, for that women Wear gingham driaau, ation for women undes- is also receiving instructions-,in dis­ aad Mitchell Ayres were selectedi'to and unravel the mystery/ to the as­ Council places. ..'•'. .' • " pinafores,: or anything informal in An author of note, Dr Spiegel re­ mounted drill tronv members of the lrolled in the Enlisted sembly/ ' ' '*-*\l; i The Sophomore Class cast inore bal­ play- Law year the orchestras wire that line. • ..f. ]" cently published his latest work, Military OepartinaM Abe Lyma* and Bab AJtor. '<' "The Economics of Total War." He and not in the Re- Mr. Haller is extremely well Qual­ lots than each of the other I two class­ Arrangements are to be made The^ Honorary OBed Sponsors rep- For botttftheae also wrote 3 book on economics ti­ Training Corps will be ified in this regard for he is one of es, Charles Kelly received the highest resettt the; entire' Reserve: Officers seventeenth' floor whereby the orchestra will be wear­ tled "Land Tenure Policies — At' take the new course, the leading glider enthusisast in the number for president, and games Me­ Penn was kaken ing the same attire aa the rest of the Home and Abroad." Beside writing iors are not required country, and the first American to] Cullpch won over Betty tfcelly and j Training'Gbrp at all military feshui- - - - - 'tion* and all social affairs of the ot all kind* going several books, he also contributed tary Physical Educa- complete a course in a German flyW John Butch for vice president. Ray people at the dance. Johnny De- iv th ir in both thfc Main many articles to scientific journals' in school. , i \ Daschbach won over Marion Makr!"""- " ?**> .^«f • J * rank by Marco, chairman of the lull com­ e M d rtm< t but Urban Rook, the English^ French, and German. of die new program land Lon-aine Ndks for the position ' °^?! * ^te f?! ? :. tea entertained in mittee, and Pat McCullough, chair­ j ot,secretary-treasurer. Edward Win it is at the Deans Review which Professor' Spiegel received his. will be the (obstacle course recently At the present Mr. Haller devotes At the sajne tim man of the decorations committee, ner-and Lou Werbaneth received a held in tnid-Nbvemberi that they will ''Juris prudence" degree from the; built on ; the campus. It was de­ a large part of his time to the build­ tion Was are working ia conjunction and have highe^-liuaTberXof votes than their : be formally inducted into the Corps. University of Berlin. He also holds signed by Steve Sinko,. who spent ing, desigping and constructing of 1 lohorary Coed Lieutenant-Colonei daftgned a layout for the decoration some time daring the past summer at opponents' for Council, Samuel Haupt iaiPh. J>: fcw. vte University of Wrbvi gliders besides being active' in thean d Henry Wichmanowski. Fr inces Cunningham, a senior, is at- of'the Gym. f , \ '' . coasin. A list of the institutions of the Navy Fire-Flight. School at the actual flying of the motorleas air­ tatbed to \ Battalion Headquarters University df North Carolina, home craft. Meeting The (act that the Ball ia tradition­ higher learning which includes Uni­ of all obstacle courses. Battery; she succeeds Miss Betty ally held in the Gym has been cited versity of Heidelberg, Universities „ot He showed his keen interest in the Alumnus, Mailoy, a senior, who held the same : .night of (be as another treason tor the barn dance Berlin, Cologne, Zurich. The program of physical' fitness (Csattmnd an Page 4) „ Dies At Arizona Fort rank-last year, - Others, who held the I Pittsburgh! section jet the American arrangement. Students often com­ Cornell and Wisconsin. was added t)o the curriculum by the rank of Honorary Coed Captains last ' Cherniral Society, .will be held to­ plain about soiling their good clothes He is a member of the University t|> prepare: the undergrad­ year were: Miss Manoh Ziatecer, of uates for the rigors of military Ufa Pan-Hellenic Electa Lieutenant William < Marxakk, a night at 8.-00 at the Mellon Institute by wearing them to affairs in the Economic Association, the American' graduate of the University, died at Miss Gym. By employing farm-wear as 'for [which they all are destined. Officers At Noon gr««aui or m umvenav, coeo «| g^fZ ^ IZZ^^^'Ll The subjeot of the principal address 1 Farm Economic Association, Amer­ Fort Huachuca, Arixona last »^ : |at^ B, M« Dorc*y Madden ofNj,, will be "Chemistry in Crime Detec- the fad for tile evening' no one win" ican Academy of Political and So­ according to word received, .by his | anustT *" . - ., ' .. Munluii of the Pan-Hellenic tioo." Dufuesne students not mem­ need worry about their clothes. cial Sciences. brother, Edward, of Rillton, near | i I-' ' . ' ; ^. " istmeBte Council will elect officers st their bers of tbei local Student Affiliate are Claire White, head of the tick*: "There is no- doubt now but that a also invited to attend this' meeting. regular monthly meeting today at h-win. ''•'• Parade Winner committee, has placed tickets "tor the second - front will be . opened," Be Accepted noon in the Dean of Women's Office. He enlisted in the Army last Oc- j AD merobdrs of the Student Affiliate Ball on sale this;'week: The tickets Spiegel humorously remarked, "I ex- tober, shortly after he had gradu- The University received recogni­ nil meet. ft the Institute about »:00 ; The members of the Council consist 1 are priced at gl.lio per couple. ; that upon my entrance into the of represaaatives from die various a ted from' the University. tion in the "Women in War" Parade,' all classes of the En- which was held Monday this week. the opening of a new combat Corps are still; open women's fraternities of the Univer­ Lieutenant Marsakk k the first j will be but a matter of hours. sity; and the main purpose.' as stated Duquesne graduate to die while in The University had one of the wm- Obstacle Course Brings Pink I < i of th* University, ac- In their Constitution, "is to advance the armed forces. He was injured ning floats in the parade, according to the' interests of Duqueane by .action when the. jeep in which he was riding! the judges, who were judge W. Heber • overturned. These injuries later ' Dithrich, L. G. Barry and Ross E. • Detyrtment during in concert." The Constitution further ToCHeehsOf Sturdy Studes Former Instruelor In states in Article IV. that th* Council caused m» death, j . - I - ' Willis. •, • shall decide the following questions: , Army Air Force Now in the Corps may be .Shades af Sergeanantt York. any Firma is no reason to uke us as sn i Section I—To make them batter f student who pass the organisations aad to foster an in- 'Should by chance wander exampla. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ According to a ktter received at It's Open Season On Martyrs \M from the straight and narrow trait of the University, Captain Benjamin quirenienk^whlch in- terfraternity spirit of cooperation. t But just tc round out our little es­ everyday Wear and tear Ao oar htsar; say on the why and wherefore of the Grant, former instructor in the: physical examihaUon Section II—Questions involving He campui (this is a seatence not;:a Physical situation, let us tell you of Business: Administration, ^Old Post Office Building. the rekdons between sororities and // As Pirtictice Teachers Start diseoorse) [they might! be-slightly' ' what befell a former fellow inmate assumed duties with me Special sworn in to the E. R. Duqueane University. wiidertd si that pile of lumber - of OUT'S" a short time back. group of the Army Air force. k pkced in some Section Ill—The recognition of > Hats off to th* newest martyrs of and k on the verge of nervous pros­ Captain Grant k stationed at Miami the. University. This two for s nickel tration. Of course you realise the stu- ing the terka firma,' It seems that this unforti m)r which his educa- new sororities. To Mijufa who. baa Beach, Florida, and has been deliver­ Section IV—The rule* for rush­ beginning of what may turn out to denf body is very sympathetic and re­ character had a mania for d< ing lectures to various organisations lecms that he k best ing, pledging and initiation. I be nothing at all is a novel (say* frain from shooting paper wads load­ far, that iOe of lumber" is Oat his constitution. However the, sWcr to a sophomore's prayer di in that vicinity a* part of his duties, this set-up he may Section V—Assisting sororities to whoO manner of introducing the new­ ed with gunpowder in the approxi­ 1 ner that he undertook to Grant left the University Training when he est ,'ediuon of the practice teachers. mate direction of the slightly bewil­ •L initiation fee*. K ii the new end was ,to say the mast, become stronger organisation*, •' * dered exponents pf knowledge. stack course to increase the year to accent. * coram the army. ' Section Vl-Schokatic, athletic, It has often been said that!* year on k cular coordination of our male and, unfortunate. Arfay Air Corps. He •eking, information and __othe„r iatersororlty __„_acUvities_. Rftaaa k preferred to the opening However.', by thk thnc the principal , It* a ^Clrale" OfBrers' Training School at Mi- unit are urged to re- Dr. Kathryn B. Redman,~D*eA of Ihiirs of facing those expectant shin- baa been reoeiving anonymous reports . The aiM of those stalwarts j Archibaud, for so we shall call him. Bauch, Florida, for .six weeks, ary Office aa soon ai Women, strongly urge* the presence big kc*a which eharactaria* »—. «*_ on a junior riot in progress in one of ing, running, ant jumping want .-to a Well known gym" In his Wat sent, to the Intelligence th*y will receive pa' of au Pah-Helknk repr«»enUtiv*» at «e darltagsoB whotn the — the antichambert below. But having around, and on wffl be a sight horn* town. On the advice of the Training School st Harrisburg. Pa. aad all inform*-! thk important meeting. ««»"T0™" . J J— a few extr*; curricular activities like to be forgotten by the onlookers bead masseur (?) he enrolled in their Capta|n Grant asks to be remem­ the Enlisted Reserve »~ ..... j As the fufau* dean stands breaking up a game df chance in the bered to all his friends in the Uni­ m local saloon and the Uke keep* him partkipanth alike This outdoor clink. This consisted of a I open to students of all squatting position held Up have a twofold purpose,^ First aeries of hurdles and obstacles such versity and says that he will be on Blood Please! from investigating the setup. hand when the Dukes play in Miami r University. It is nec- too-fnendly desk his (or put the collective .piaysiaiier of as new grace our campus. The first b» enrolled in the ambitious students ia the pink, day Arehy fa* fuU of vim, vigor, and on Newl Year's Day. Whik at the begins to Sit by, a k * drowning man. By Ibis, thnc his presence would be T University i full time student Any staaeat at ta* Uatverstty second it haiB beast' the vitality. He accosted the first ob- University, Mr. Grant was an In a iligtkll ka* a M**d daaar Although the latter seems to have the highly superficial, anyway, for it Is Tbk doubtful if even General MncArthur Sparkies th a new high as tb^ stack as a Tarxan would bam dona. structo*) in esmmerc*. inaugurated Ml IWHl •• l|M 4MH1 •• better of the situation at th* moment To say that the result Was s Uttte less with Ik > of eneounuiiag rtu- And the nearest way out appears to hhneeH could break tap what k hap­ dent* to. pening at the prmnt time, At th* ' [rbaiwal Mind tcrrirk wculd be a mild unde.state- s their education and Thas card Is t* be nikd eat be joining the marines st the Soio- moment a alight pupil by. the name sient. Aiiyway he came down from obtain I Yours Wily was thinking seriously Stan's To Meet the student jmaintainIt a demandC a«rage.s tha: t ta the daaa's *Mee This is not the worst to come, how­ of Joe has taken escr and k busy af taking f crack at *e course tmol the obstack with malice toward some ever. Whan the victim opens his instructing the teacher-to-be in the be saw one catra alnhitious freshman (and seatkss,shorts. AU Mt* af the aewa atatf mourn to utter a few prophetic fine art of needlepoint. He was s kirk ke bandy witrt flat IJF Na.v*eg phrases in behalf *t mankind that! '^"-up, thke a l«jg cunning start, U the Duke eOke far to end thk sad discourse on the ttask. In this contest he not onl_,y __ _ - aelsag at »*»,«** will aaad th* assembly reeling in . ., _», higbast obstuela, add lost astonishment at the manktou* fort points of lik, we leave our lit­ soest ofaArchk's ' •J-*»toT*w. Any valid ****** asast graduates of the Uni- tk friend in th* midst of a dilemma I irrto tie Mooongahela river. If lr of knowledge slamming Men sad ao so asm* of Archie. A* the — *V *Wt**ra«. pasmaally ta fa* 1 of Nursing haw join- (That's a heck of a place). want t ay exattis* trom Twraa, drew to a dps* Were was one.; I Nurse ( young: a sound resembling the open­ ' Chrps aecarduig ta But please don't get the impression Witt t k* K specimen of a nhyskil wrack. t by me Dean of the ing of Fibber McGee's docks, results. . So you see yuu can not be too sure Now thk would undoubtedly be ta*tha t all practice sessions are like that. i a mil! t juUp. "W* dont mind the ay W. Tobin. The Of course they are not Soto* are fan but|w< are aBatiic to wato. Our of yourself whan up against the mien reewved th* eom- Watarku tor an ordinary person but not for lltes* intrepid*. Picking a few worse. So all practk* teachers be­ i itm dUal witt the vintage of gravjty and matter oear Th* ware and come to alt future westoni «o be- eaiwhal boy* when haw* tat* up from th* door, th* cua- . sd[ w*V* out ofi-practica. kataat k ready to conanu* with th* prepared. We ar* aaUtag Ught ma- " •'-»fratufc*. cwughwrr. By tbk tan* «w otBektmg chin* guns at fancy prices. AU who •i man, Marr^ at* mtaraswd look out tor tb* FJB.L bath Har* taachar ha* hiraad six dauctoa* colon RU$ not very often that this space is ,devotM~to elaborating on- tie Frnter- j Bored nity ojuestmii, but the war has changed | many j situations. !|it the present tbijte | on th« filuff there aire from ten jo fifteen Educdti Fraternities and Sororities. By Jack atoOrnth The ' Inter-Fraternity Council and The weekend w^tsfull of activity: Kansas the PanTHellenic Council have been in­ State game. tiie'Frqah-Soph dance, parades, and itiated by the Dearjfof Men and the Dean just stuff in general. Let's take a look at whit t4, WojiBen respectively and have been my Gestapo reported for this week.. on by these De*ns to aid the nil- Friday Night Special - dividual groups is. functioning correct­ The Freshthen and the Sophomores finally' buried the hatchet .j. . The old Duqaenie Spirit In au effort to clarify the use and need of (he Freshman Place ly |;Tlie Pan-Hellenic Council has cer­ was too much for anyone who wanted to hold ment Vests, which were given this year to first year students enrolling tainly done its job! Bii^t the Inter-Fra- a grudge . . . -Bob Seefieid, the freshman cheer­ at the University, The Duke will run a series of artieles-'fexplaining leader, lead the party for spirit, but had to run as fully as possible the different catagorical tests and their value in tefnit; Counetl is f$SAl) MESS! , i a close second to Bob Lawrence in the rug-cut tine aid to a better education. For the first time. Freshmen were, given a • Th i Council «as reorganised tw!p contest . . . Mary Alice* Petgen drew a lot of at­ complete testing to-discover their delinquencies, so that they, may he ytejars, igo by the jpean of Men[ andhe tention.. . • Al Lnt'aehajfc^and Regina Founts got told which fields they are' better suited for, and in what field-, they •back in tie old groove -i. . Kitty Streibick took should be aided to a greater extent, in. The series has been written tried a od he tried $> get the representar the night off from the hospital, to find herself by Dr. A Lester Pierce, Director of Admissions. tives o F the variouy|fratS into a.workinjg* still in demand.. . . Bernie Semes stopped by the The alma niate'r doors, to spend an evening, and look articles is to acquaint the Freshman dent who ranks in the upper mood. The point ilithat'the value of thie oyer the freshmen .'.. Jim Conrad wasTtbere with with the Placement Testing program. fourth of his high school class, suc­ was pointeid out to all, frat offi- his. somewhat corny humor . . . Jerry 'Unites led There.can be no good teaching with­ ceeded in college about M%\of the t the response was so poor that the boys from Varsity Hall . . .Gil Hltrt, paid a out testing. For this reason-instruc­ time, while the student who ranks in lot bf\at'tehtion to everyone .-.. . Sara Kearns-was tors sometimes give daily quizzes as the lower one-fourth falls in college well as tests at the end of quarters Council has lagged to a stop. It the most dut-in-on girl on the floor . .. Dick Lyon •()% "of the lime. Therefore, even *well crawf back into its shell seemed to knbw everyone there . i . Beitnie Rocks > The democratic ideal states that all colleges that dp not use placeihent, and Alma Adams made a nice two-fjbmle . . . Joe tests, limit taeir admission to stu­ it isn't appreciated by the Fraj- Carroll and Chick Yarsky upheld the reputation American boys snd girls are entitled to an education. All children, ex­ dents who rank: in the. upper-one, temitiis at Duquesne. of the Seniors ... George Hunter, chairman of the cept the mentally retarded, con mas­ two, or three-fifths of their high- dance says that they made so*much money, that Th« social calendar of the fraternity The University Library ter the subject matter of the Amer­ school classes. they should buy a., couple of war bonds. ican grade school. Nearly all chil­ as dra;»n up by the individual groups, dren with average intelligence can • JfcaMdMag ' '.•• -,'- .-". usually conflicts with -the calendars, of Congratulation* * ;!••; ' , Recent additions,, gifts of generous patrons of the University Li­ master the traditional program of Both methods of admission sre brary, shouldjarouse the interest of most students. Included among fairly reliable but when used jointly Paul M iller, a recent grad, waa married last subjects in a standard high school. Pother g roups. Necessarily then, there is this fine collection are: "Behind God's Back," N'egley Farson Har- they sre much more reliable in pre­ Wednesday. He's a firsti lieutenant in the,army As for college, however, only those need ol' a representative body to regu­ court, Brace * Co., 1941. • dicting the future success of the col­ . . . Congrats' to all those elected to class offices who have intelligence that it above lege studenj. late th s calendar so there will be no last week . . . Their work, arid particularly" that "It is generally conceded that this is am exceedingly timely, the average can profit from such ed­ particularly hi view of the emergence of Africa as the new theater ucation. Colleges never have and Each fMjknan at Duquesne will of. the student council, is important to every stu­ receive Jwrtly a report of' his per- '. conflict THE COtTNCm IS NECES- for the current war between the European powers ... In appreciation never can-serve the masses. If the dent. ". !' ' curriculum of the college can be mas­ centile rank on all of the Placement, - gARY of its sjnltzingf timeliness, however, one is'apt to lose sight of the more tests, Appearing at the top of the', Surprise tered by the youth of average or less The Council isjj necessary alsoi to permanent val* of the book. Oft ' "•" ^ ~ than average ability, then the cur­ lift Will be his percentile ran£ in his , Dick Korgette writes me the story of the week. more importance than the political it, perhaps, should be a duty; tor only riculum of that college is not col­ high school class. This so to speak bond between Jhe fraternities. by -reading such books may we in­ : measures bis habits' of scholastic in- ., Form' a While at Duquesne. Dick waa in Mr. Bennett's studies are the] background sketches legiate in character. , j - form ourselves of the true nature, of rrahlesns at Failare'i dustry. Below.will follow his rank During thI e last war there were about. 6? freshmen English class. Mr. Bennett went to of African L.ife,p Living Age, Ap.- *41. Nazihorror, whose menacing tentacles Notre Dame as- a. professor, Dick did the same Ton the American Council Psycholog-. aationa I Jraterniti^s in this country! "Vletory ough Air - Power," reach out toward all tree men.. This One of the. greatest problems of the ical Exam. This measures his schol­ las a student. Imagine their mutual surprise, to Alexander P. Severalty—Elinon It book is not a literary masterpiece, college has been to reduce the num­ astic aptitude. . ;--\ After;tfar, Ihere w^s ONE! find themselves in the same old role of teacher- ber of failures.. Some-colleges tried Schuster, 1(42. and it is something more than a mere These two rankings will be aver-/ 1 human document" N. Y. Times, Sp. to do this by reducing the size of the common bosd which must exist student', this time in Sophompre English, but five "Major s power of 'analy- tiger to give him his College Ability . hundred miles separate the old class-room from 2V-40. i classes, other- by providing, new fraternities and the common sis is -great, hi imagination it bold methods of college teaching, a nota­ Rating (C. A. R.) To illustrate: A \ the new." jid wfcieh must «s|r,ist between mem- and sweeping, is grasp of his sub- ble example of which were the pre­ student ranks in the first fifth of his' Orchid* Beside his vision Letter To The Editor ceptorial method instituted at prince high school class will be given a 90 individual groups is more im^ tat ton, the tutorial method at Harvard, percentile ranking. His rank on the of the future. air power, the con- The girls from Duquesne went to a parade on in charge' of our Editor, and Dr. Meikeljohn's Experimental ] scholastic aptitude test may be on noyrthafl it ever pajk, And that ceptions of th< College at Wisconsin to mention but the 40 percentile. The two^re add­ Monday. A parade that depicted women in war present sir strai seem earth bound Duquesne Duke ' ' • I being tested i to jits full endur^ work. Our girls did a lot of war work, and so they three. It was found that the stu­ ed together and divided by two. The and cautious t his enthusiasm Dear Sir: 7 • result which is OS. This gives! the I arranged to use one of the ROTC trucks to make him too fast and I think it proper' to ask if I am dents of large classes did lust 'as well sometimes carrii as those in smaller classes, and re­ student his C. A. R. or College Abil­ :'. ;' W \ 1 jC' \ ' a float and show their handiwork to the city . . . top far . . . Nevertheless, he has correct in my belief that section *f ity Rating. It means that 35 percent written a brilliant book. He show and 7 at Forbes Field are reserved gardless of the method of instruc­ Fraternities lose iinenjoers through Outcome: a twentyfive dollar, war bond was tion students continued to fail. of all thousands of the college Fresh­ . given as one of the prir.es. Orchids to pur women what might be wane in three-dimen­ for the students of the University for men .who have been so tested have" War* -Members of fraternities lose sional warfare, if we could only the football games. It is specifically A few college educators concluded for up-holding the, reputation of the school. ' that students fail in college for one ranked higher' than he, and 64 per­ break through (the crust of two- stated in our Activities Books that cent have rated lower. His- chances tjerest iq the activitlps^of their gfoup in dimensional thinking," Yale Review. these sections ere for the students. or possibly three reasons: first, many war time Summer, IM2. .] students enter college without a good of doing successful work in cofiege X j We are condemned constantly for' sre very good. Over 80* of the col­ You presidents, keep your group to- \Cayde Duffy and Betty SfcClements are more "Ambassador bodd's Diary," Wil­ our lack of cheering, but I can't see sound background in the fundament­ than, just friends . . J Jim Egler and' Jerry al subjects — mathematics, science, lege freshmen with his ability in ffether. It may be harder now than it liam E. Dodd, it-, -ed.—Harcourt, how we can be. expected to cooper­ the past have completed their col­ Broekett are a constant two-some .. . Marie Bun­ Brace, IM1. 1 ate with the cheer-leaders if we are grammer, v ocabulary—et.-.. secondly, some students are admitted to college lege and professional studies success­ eVer wis, but keep' the frats rolling,! ts k and her boy friend from Pitt, will bi celebrat­ "Ambassador Dodd is now silent. separated into four and five sections. fully, snd over 50* of the students ing anothetanniversary soon . ; Hugh Dasch- There are.always empty seats some­ who do not have the natural [inborn they art) needed. But Ids book, filled with shocking intelligence to master the subject with his' ability have done very baugh and Kjrther Winner can be seen together revelations speaks louder than he where in the stands, so I "can't see work meriting special commendation would possibly have dared. He v why our seats should be sold to out­ matter required in the specified time in .l.J.'s any day at noon . . Lorraine, Nilles allotted to the course;'' and lastly, Of course there nave been students. seemed happier last week,'when Lt Larry Orr' a sincere, noble [soul, nto a cunning siders with this score or higher who have diplomat or a fitting prophet It is When games are played at the Sta many com_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^e to college for Unsocial^. rvnlioii* Was home for a leave . . . Bill Lents, now sta­ and failed in college, but the. reasons Obse stilt not too late to listen to the truth dium. both Pitt and Tech have re-' extra-curricular activities found for failure were not lack of intelli­ tioned at Fort Bragg -as a lieutenant, spent u few as it shines out from a revealing doc served sections and, therefore, have on most campuses. Dean Max Mc- Conprajtulationongrajtulations are in order for the newly i days just loafing around our campus. Homesick­ gence or scholastic aptitude. Next . ument, a moving crusade against in­ an organized, cheering section.' it is Conn describes this later phase in bis week the Mental Maturity Test will elected presidents of the,three classes. Joe Car- ness he calls it. - \ ' , ternational intrigues, and a proud possible for us to receive the same book, "Studies Are Not Everything." nili. Bob- liartle. and OJhurk Kelly polled the confession of democratic cpirit writ­ consideration, and I think it Just that HIIISII AbUlty Cone Oft Along \ ten in simple and flawless style," Sat. hjgbest' nt tuber of votes from their' respective! we ask for it The American Council on Educa­ First big dance of the year-is about to open Rev. of Lit.. Mr.is-41. I , ' - Signed, Asset for the year. The best wishes of thi* pub­ tion appointed a committee to pre­ JOAN'S PLACE .its doors to all the Dukes snd Duchesses ... Twill "The Sword in .the'Stone." T. JackHickey. pare a test which would have for lication ate behind you officers, and you can be the night before Halloween, and invitations White—G P. Pufcaro's, 1938. its purpose the measurement of the —r ecjunt onV ull cooperation on any venture you have Ueen sent to all the Witches we^eould find "Utterly delightful book, lt i* the Women's Guild Holds student's ability to. succeed with col­ •e blade Sea lege study. Without going into toe -kii' •*— nijderUki I.. Master Wizard Bob Miller will lead the brew­ sort of wholly Individual tfook of Pure Beef Hsmburi ing of a good time for alt. . . And just by way which one can Hardly give an idea Card Party Monday details of the-procedure, It required SPAGHETTI nf special appeal. Bob Elliott and-his orchestra by any briefer process than reading it much thought, careful planning and VolXVlX aloud ... It would be hard to name The Women's Guild of the Univer­ a methodology that could be followed No. 3 will furnish the music . .1. So step right up and sity will hold s card party next Mon­ mqirmt* Sitk? a book so funnyj and ss erudite on f umformily in all colleges. get your tickets, folks, the're going mighty fast every page as thai one. And still the day at he former home of Mrs.' Red­ The original test' devised fee this to the service of the stadeaU and the man, 962 N. Negley avenue, i OanVjjestty" most important tiling about it has not purpose spas not perfect by any And So .,"",'- .i been skid, which] is simply that you The proceeds of toe card party will means; the present one a still being II br the students of Oaqoerae t'ni- be used to help furnish the Lounge exeebt daring examination weeks and school j < Tis the end of another sixty lines, and so the ought to get a copy and keep it; you revised. The prognostic value of the 410 MeKSWMA BULDC* end of this column ... by 'the\way, kids, if 1 can read it at any age and find it as into Units, tor the use of organiza­ test could not he verified for several tions and all students for social ac- First Avenue and Boss SO set didn't manage to mention your name this time old as you are, years. The test has now been in use Entered aa second-class matter in the Pittsburgh Post you may very tivities. •' I i PltlaUuigli, j>», y • •round, don"t fret, 'cause 111 get you yet ... . likely find that yc possess s classic." for since 1M8 and its reliability has Offlw under the Act' tot March 3. M79. Sat. Rev. of Lit., The assessment has been set at 75 been established. Originally It waa So be careful what you do from now til next cents,per person snd the party wit known as the Thomdyke Scholastic ^reek . . . until then]. . . S'long .... "Refugee,' tr, Pren- begin at 8:30 o'clock: rattional Admitting Service, Inc. Aptitude Test named for its author, lice-Hall, 1«4«. Mrs. Redmin, the Dean of Women, but today it is known as toe Amer­ •asihiis 11 A. M. to to* r. M. "It must have ken much courage and Mrs. Cavansugh. the President ican Psychological Examination. to write the for it doubtless of the Women's Guild, wish to ex­ Any one knows that there ait CENTRAL CAFETERIA IT *- ' Here And There meant the- re-liv B an experience tend an invitation to ell the priests, many very rnlslhjasnt people who In Fill laaiiai BkU„ 4th Ave. which most men land women' would- toe women students, snd their par- have no musical or artistic aptitude. D

•kaaw^HgSa^gBB ••geBBgaigBI -•*The Tarheel*

TAGZ IH1B AND BLUE MEET TARHEELS Actum As Donellimen Trampled Kama* State IB at tie Noinlx Caroling At Chapel Hill Saturday Blue Ami White UndefeiAed Btit Tied fr Qncip In Thipee Games To Date

, By John lussell North Carolina's Tarheel n 1 be.met by the Univenaty^gVidders at,Chapel Hill, North Carols ; • ' Sports Mitor /• ' • his Saturday lafternoai. Pinal ar- s rangements for this game were completed Tuesday evening when Something 'e- heard on the radio Monday set us to si Utile Athletic Director Aldo T. DoBell announced the contest. serious thinking:,, The subject discussed by the Sports cummen- The, Southerners were^ffginjilly scheduled to meet Rice UniveV tator tor the t>i«r store" was of particular interest b*cajjte:it,,con- sity, but the Texas scnodl 'was unable to make proper transportation cernedrour fav irite team. [Bob Prine*, a whale of** I reporter; was facilities and so they canceled. [This game; will be played, asr ttfe Homecoming Contest for North Carolina. '•'- racing the Du) es over the ashes wi^h| particular emphasis on their rfay Taturm, former Tarheel -ft-oss.* : Jrr r> '• ——i-i- inability, to ga n national recognition due to a lack,-of Ayjcnt coach is head mentor tor the pukes* I r Phfirtniir-V ed a tough one to the California Bears but they still are number Kiaiday, and Vat Jansante ends did two in that section on tha strength of their fins showing. ' , - good blocking tor the backfieW on \- the many end By Thursday The strongest team in New York City proper is Manhattan's The Dukes win another one in a a-Baugb but it •lasprr*. That'a[a tact W« pUy them m two Weeks and they walk and everyone minks that I because the Kan tan were « *** should be satisfied. But even win­ really dropped tough one to George town with a fumble and a fee simple power play*. \ Satcavag* ning thesquad left s few openings played good ball defensively toohu t blocked kicked king the locky difference. We beat the Jaspers for s little criticism. Pont get the my heart was. touched by the poor'' last year btit are pointing for this one and brother it bothers that I just like So be on some­ selecaon of plays and it made, the me.. body's baek\I dontf Maybe there Kansas line look tough when all that will be a week when everything win was needed was a little braiawork. Well ^at eivera. aearly evi tan is the bed in be perfect New Yorjt, St Mkrya is the tops on Holy Cross will prove Th« Held generalship will pick up in ' First on the _. is the first team, future games, no doubt but we will its power, Mississippi State ia a " V Villanova is num- wait before throwing any bouquets. U.T four or ire in the Bast,: ie more thing before I go (That is logioai)VT*e No. 1 alevion of Donelli dldnt make the proper home. That Western Conference, tfej* notable exceptions, is preparation for the Kansas State en­ In the past the numb** a teem ea " hot what it is cracked tip. to like Purdue, Indiana and counter and consequenUy the easy the Bluff ha* been used te provide Illinois can't draw flies outs' their home towns because they five man line that thhX . the flinch and at the same time hold have npt had a ntal football out there for a good wMe. on defense Was a litfle too tough to their own on defense. Last week the break up. The Dukes had the pifys second team had the punch but.that ] And then; ,tio that Methodist team, is • really poor to tear a lh« man line to Shreds but is about all because the first team hadU 'th«s year and' itf-'hasnY .good for a number of years, (bey just tried to tridt It Instead el to come in to stop Ot* Wildcat often..» Hid vou ever hear of ins College t Well, that school ripping it wide open. sive when they neared pay-off" gave the" Mustangs a good going, over but week and the Itettewte land. The second teste seems to /be victory at over the Methodists rtjrted quite a instead of using th stew rsuhding into shape with many (hat are cut out for s individuals retarding the progress by hit of _gopy. 'Tobgi, iaa't itt the opposition used, the Bed a lack ot the proper attitude. Thk little eiaay is not Afentpting ^o arouse Bob Prinoe be­ insisted on deception and complicated; The team that entered the game in cause we think Be »pptseiate» ike', greatnees of the Bed and Blue baa handling. < Their urates we* at the second quarter lacks the stiff de- but like we said before a ufluld have been better [left unsaid. and ball handling by me backs left . to head off an opponent so that What d» you th^k, Bobf wmethmg to be desired but s«Uj the euarterbeek kept calUng deceOtioB number one team can. b* rested- inS rnore of it. Poor quarterbackiag HUltoppera have used a two [Aside , always rouses me hecat "system for tee pest tew seesens A Word of aiprciation shojifld bV^tWed the downtown news- jusia^geodoneteniyjj the records.it i* sppareak 1 papers |or. fltew apeiidid su&r%1(malrare really I treating us 30* aeteweae hsndted th* baU mat the system ia etective bat it te right. John HofchimJeserjMS^^tJonjjpe baek too for his fine wed aad passed wsth tee *»*» el aupptagXttus/yeaT and tea badj too work and weifeft that tt may not ttjswsyain. Keep [it up, John. \ f PiiHIiuPa IW Top Hat Cit^ Oi**lJF*ffc ITiot Peppy Those Rallies Nedd Sumxtrt initiation i». legitimately a totisatoi, J to. ba trood off If you're afraid of becoming . At one time last meaner ever. When leans . are one* more an "filial itye- boar* b.s retting too much., stop to at* the Duke dent of toe University hied Ma H$- A. F. Biers prrvasaty1 . : body, we e*n torn oar minds {to OftVw. Theyfl be gtad to'apply some soothing uwv arotawtf—cadi wiry prt over Germany—and almost a* bot.-,. lotion.1 So well be looking for you at the next -am other setiritie* point on *rcu»d the Bluff. Alt the of said emotion AT. tisians aha rake to the cellar is put sororities snd frBternrttoa are going foil (team pep meeting. Be there! which crmtatoed the itirtlmg to work. Just when toe yard is spot- •hind with, their socials and the guy* and ggts The members of Gsjsuna Phi Ftoternity will hold tor "CoUe«e days are carefree day*: les* and a nans heap la collected one *ee*a to bri having loads ol fan with dinner parti**, their regular bi-mdnthly meeting tonight at eight his rake to adtoins huj o'clock in the Student Lounge. picnic* atj South Parte, stag amokert^etc. , Been being placated . . bring along your Iks—invariably—a ;wmdj dieses have alre».r ovr fomtotiona, congratulation*, Bourn of the Roosevelt Hotel. have been well taken care of, a* iar clutter up your yard of life and you j and beat wishes to^&ose Students who hare been Brother Bill Bodgera wishes to announce that as exercise is concerned, by the new set about to rake them- Just as *. ' s an advisory council of alumni members has been Military Physical Education course as you have it dean enough.to res: dalr »*eet«d-Tto~Bead their cUaw*—popular peo­ now being put into vogue. . The ple, .thoatii We know theyl! do their utmost to farmed and urges all brothers on the contact com­ equipment on the held looks psosd and admire, invariably, more troubles'' make ^each'class an asset to the university. We mittee to be at the meeting tonight in order to ! ing. But nothing out of toe ordmsry i'iiijisjJt*J;. fo-get either to'jay tribute to the coed complete arrangement! ' . v.. is being done for the girls—especial­ spiojrtl'f» w w lock just—usomm—in their uniform*. Brother Pavia, head of the correspondent com­ ly the residence students. Needliws The female mind is always dean— ^•jijrvuVstw fi^nre. do knoyf how to pick 'edL |. mittee which contacts member* in' the armed serv­ to say, something should be done. If I am one to judge it because ;i i ; N'ltl to . >e coBmeBded;. tu wce-cr, is the terrible ices, says that minutes of each: meeting together The answer lies in the W. A. A— changer! so frequenttly—There iso '. »S»«'in^*< odr JedVarWj lassies','*t that supposedly Willi a copy of the Duke will be mailed regularly Tatnburitxa To Appear which holds great possibilities. AU time to.smudg e it: • coniBioi; *o5 t.tet .ft* school*f ir|t,.ia*mely, the pel) to brothers Who are now helping Uncle Sam. He Designer In CaUMtrtoburg RefiUl those rumors of various recreatioc.il •__: i + . 1 requests that all Christmas gift packages be turned activities could materialize and each ^ ira^yc 'jWe all da plenjy "(^ falkjine about how wi be incorporated in this one organiza­ ».;*ani.i,jpiit i #6 atits, corner/li••eeao^a though we'r* All members of the dance committee are uked Theater buritia Orchestra is cheddled to ap­ group of girls to cooperate with tie Newman Clup Hop • Aofjig alrightH«;theselPisoi®feboot ike rest to attend a special meeting in Brother 'Matkin's pear at toe Canonsburg High School proper authorities and the thing can ' of us d.oing, something to make ourwity a thing ;room on Monday at 4 o'clock, j Tuesday evening, October 20. Al­ be put over ^with a bang. . The. Newman CJuh will hold iti new art by ; a school foe ghd- though this is not their first cngepr • If there isn't any . here in osr first- dance of the season [tomorrow . smoggy city by nature, what do you ing and soaring, here m Pittsburgh, meat of the current season, it win night instead jf the previously an­ Gamm^kMeet ...Phi Delta SigMa Phi Sets -, say to our making our own sunshine" nounced date of October 2d. at This-.. < Bailer and Birat Soaring School by mark toe initial Ahowing of toe new tie Hall on the Carnegie Tech Cam Meeting Dates Meeting Date program. prepared by Director Matt Remember* students: success is 4 pus Popular recordings will provide ' Mr. Bailer's Career among the air- Gouze. pet cent inspiration and 99 per cast toe musical entertainment of the eve- "'Its:" - of Gamma Phi! Fri- \ The Alpha Psi DelU Fraternity The Sigma" Phi Delta held its lanes, hasn't bein all beer snd ^skit­ Divided into two parts,' the routine perspiration . . .' For milli—is today, wiil ihoW their regular b»- bald a meeting last Thursday evening monthly meeting! in the Lounge of tles, however,' ar he met his Water­ has been completely altered to' in­ home means only a filling station by , Admission to toe dance will be the mohthxy *ie*ting tonight *t gs*M day and a narking place by night In the Isamge sad plans were mad* the Fitzsiroroons Building on Wed­ loo temporarily! while flying at El- clude a salute to the United Nation*: presentation of toe 1942-43 member­ o'clock m the Student Uiuuge*? . He's dame-dreaming abain ship card, or for those not member .'' Gen* Lang and Mike Marttes named tor some general 'business to be trans-' nesday. October'?. Plans for the so­ mira. Ney Yorsl when bis martttne This, toe second phase of toe anew, cial rulendsr tor the year were be­ (Duquesne student eh?) . . All we of the Newman Club a charge will be social, chairmen at to* last meeting soled ir} the near future. The meet­ crashed. But nithing ventured noth will feature toe native music of both nope is that the day will never earn*) made at toe door which wijl_be ap­ gun. It was decided to hold the reg- nsve sjinouaoed that * stag napy •lor ing hrtis /conducted by Anthony Ca- ing gained sasd] he gained • little the Russians and toe Chitiks. The When the Statue of Liberty puts up plicable to the dues for the year members and iheir'gBests watAe held puzzi, vice president of the organira- ulaar monthly meeting* on toe first both hands . . . Soldier at a USO st sigM-thirsy S*tfcd*y.nlg» in toe on the science of selections to be icadged in 'toe Students who attend this dance __^ **- .-Edward Oajpnrri and X. Giul- Wednesday of tie month from now paarty: I don't dance, but I'd love to will be placed on the mailing list bf Htwr* of the Boosetprlt Hotel. | gliding. bold you while you do . . . Almost ^•*o^era.w1iSe*'lio"sn-|lhml were^apfcoinitoto head a com- the organization arid will be notified . •• h 1! The art on wiuch Mr. HaUer Will aly! our faults are more pardonable of toe various activities of the chsb ,t ah-advtscry council o( mittee which wa*. to inquire about expound come next Thursday at high man the methods we think up to hide :"-i ahiifcrii mesnt^eers has been formed the possibilities of pilirchaamg sweat- during toe year. j Musicians Name noon has progressed tram a fad only them .... Definition of alimony: 1 Sitid urges alt brothers on the contact era for all ofKe members of the frs- a few years afoito an important cog the high cost df leaving . . . Children , tint ChapUin •' , \ ' <, committee to be at the meSjting to- terniry, • "*" '*» p i Heads For Year / in the war effort. The headlines-to .may tear up a house but they never Rev. Leo Kraus was recently ap­ night in order to complete -irtonge- a wiXato) ,,„& amj the frator- the cation's nenrspspers were full break up a home. pointed as the new chaplain of the - :':• "pT- .' I'. i" B ' nityti.-wai hold wfekly meetings Delta Mu Delta, Music Sorority, of toe importance of gliders in the club replacing Rev. .Bernard ' Rock • 1 Brother Patia. head of the ieorre-. every Thursday evening | at eight held its first .meeting of the year re- regular >air toree in tow-ng para­ Pittsburgh women.were at war last who died last year. Father Kraus is * aporident conirnittee which contacts o'clock in the Lounge from now onJ centtly. The foUowine officers were troops to their jdest mat ion. The** Monday. The parade staged by these now living at the' Chancellory , • -• Paul's Cathedral- \ . • members in the armed serviced, says All brothers are urged to attend reg-! elected: Ruth Desort, again unanim­ motorlem aircrai! are towed by reg­ feminine patriots ivas. meet impres­ that minutes o|f each meeting bpethex ularly. Jaames Monaco. John Qe-' ular machine* t ixl then released a sive. Marching military men cast The first o* s series of monthly . ously elected president; Dorothy Sny­ enough tension bu these' women in Wish} a copy [of The Duke Will he Marco, and Joseph Trapani fvere ap- few'miles from he destination from Communion Breakfast* will take ; maintain "a close collaboraSoo on all and Charlene Poagay, Pan-Hellenic tude and deposit the troops. This is wbo.dared to show his faace, . There sees be ttume* in as scon as possible, j events to be; sponsored by the three Council representative. \ only one of the many valuable uses would be haair on a second front All member* of the dance commit- groups throughout the entire year. of the glider, in fus day of nbvetties J. J. it\L\EIXI to attend a ispecial Tentative plans were then made A very appropriate song for the for the year's social program. and ingenuity. band to play immediately after the meeting m Brother Mackig's room o* I %Tmm—-±^ n;j Students Monday at * •(*>*«. If llUT$eS DUt President's stirring speech would have been "Kiss the Boys Goodbye.*' Farewell Sigma Lambda Girls Mr. Haller will explain all the Australia has a .name for, persons Alpha Omtcftm facta about gliding and soaring and who by. loose talk reveal military Hay-Ride Sunday IwHl make small]models during the secrets and for those - who spread^ i Last Tuesday the members of the Frtilic,tak jPark I ' lecture-, to, impreJjt his ideas on ithe unfounded rumors. It is charter-bug j Alpha -Tau Delta, honorary Nursing AU members are urgeo to be pres- ' audience. .His Enthusiasm on his Fair enough- Maybe we should 'add Th*i ftm social function of '.Alpha Fraternity. h*lo" a farewell party! for ent at the regular monthly meeting i-subject should! ffi ite it vastly Inter- it to our vocabulary. 'I I . of Sigma Lambda ;Phi Sorority which I «*tmg a»d-1t jwill M of immense ben Phi Omicren 1-as held last* Tuesday j four recent graduates of the Du- 6 t0 !! At this point each year fail brings even4g;at SileWtj Brook, South, Part 'j qdeane University Schpol of Nursing. will be held tonight at 7:io in the!" ' s who wi 1 attend. The sub- h a wiU *•,*. .^r •*!, * ClairThe eco-chairm(tr Whiteri oHelef .thne MeGJitaffiir .wer A^e : Thty eHartma girla. Bettn arye Weightmamembers nof antoed Betaor:- fl^d ^ "L&2 i^ ' H len^'ril^* * 'JSLZZ ^!* "l" member of Temburitz* sutin... g 1'th- e dVCTT: Srmenl , wer' e 111tvelyn. 'I oritt;^y_ _,.„_„_while th_e othe2ZZZTlzr (wo . iL.TT.Ethel He™n »rranged tor a combination hay-ride]oefore new and irobabry strange to Bue ipening part of the program are Townsend snd Virginia Walton, in nemouth and Amelia Eckert (aivnighj tweine at Soutr roash Parkt to . beBoot helds GloeckSunday- ,^e majoritwe are ysurelha of Jthet astudens soont abodys the. charge of refre hments.' Alma hdams - honor, guests St t.,e affair. \ oer is general chairman of the event i*t»fls are exph ined by one who those of the/Southern Slavs, the Cro­ made the necm airy arrangements for J ' Appointments for the, event were She is assisted by Jean Doyle and •* capable as Mi Haller there wiU atian*, the Slovenes and the Serb­ transportation. ,.V l\ • . , in the traditional red; white and blue Mary Lou McCuIlough, heading the **•* numerous addi ions to the growing ian* ..> , The memberf enjoyed the party and Refreshments were carried out in the refreshment committee. . isemhership of Aiding enthusiasts Last year the Tamburitsans were wish to thank 11* committee tor such same color scheme; i Margaret De- ——-—' 1— Lj -J thrpughout the co intry. a successful ataair: i , Sann*, Social Chainmm of the *f- heartily received lit Canonsburg. • Mr*. Kleyle. the Faculty AdiSer, fair, wishes! to thank the committee Debate Club AtsisU By the way, j ut for those who their splendid performance warrant­ •_ r _. o L « ""^ *"* to go he lecture will be Served as the ihaperon for ta»;eve^ member, who helped! to make this : ing a return engagement ^triis season- ,»'"«-• '.-. ' , -*^party In t ormmg S\mpO$Uim held in the can pus . theater, just scraps from Cannfta Hall. Tuesday's; show, however, is being Representing the University Debate Sorry we didn't (think of that: ahead 1 sponsored i for the Chinese Belief and the Right of Way! IJf THE SERVICE 1 Club, several students, met with de­ of time but we ci at think of every- al [proceeds thereof will he donated baters from four other institutions thing. Although i *ne might spy ot this worthy cause., of higher learning on the' city., on ought to think of i few things once in ; Tuesday on toe Mount Mercy Camp­ a while.) ~ BHHCaUB «w fsjVKCCWg* CMKfC, NCW us, plan* were made for the activi­ See you there tqday. V<3rt, have found in * survey that ties of the Pittsburgh College Sympo­ "the man in the street is both real­ sium during the coming year. istic and intelligent, and his morale Difficulties of transportation were ~lwVi*m,l\ factors in the decision to arrange a aeries of borne debates btilwmn the local collage*. Forums and discussion LiocrusE public opinion and international rela­ groups at the! various schools are also tion' in the period between the two Our list of hikliji tsmi of ou^men in the various camps is slowly grow­ [included in the plans of the organi­ BONDS world wars has been undertaken by zation. , . i 1 % ing, but growing too slowly! This Duke received only five new names to be STAMPS the history, department of Bryn Mawr pot on the mailing list this week. Perhaps you students do npt realize that At present toe members of toe Col­ college all the men to taanps tbrcoghout toe country want toe paper each week. lege Symposium are Mount Mercy Every letter which has been rent directly to The Duke has laqussfs* that College, Carnegie Institute of Tech­ nology, Uuiversitty of Pittsburgh, PEN REPAIR MATERIALS the publicatKin be sent every week. We even received a long distance, call Pennsylvania College for Women, snd : that ThelDuke be sent > a boy in'c.mp. fl - , * Duquesne Unrverstty Several other 1 GETTING SCARCE . . . MAY SOON lines are crowdcxj with The Duke hi having extra • of toe paper printed each week, to take district schools have been invited to care of the men in service, 1 the extras are costing us money; !so let's Join the group. Kj IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN I calls—sod many oi them are vi- ; have those names NOW! , The Debate Club at toe University it in need of new members. Anyone tally imryortant to the armed forces, the Here's a few mora address tor your interested should m£ Mr. Desmond may not book. Pvt Marty B. Moonaa, Co. 1. 10 or Pat CDonnell. 'Chairman of the •jovemment sad war industriea. (-secretary of' the Organisation Committee.* The De­ «. M. T R-, T SSl, Camp Lee, Vir­ bate Club offers unexcelled opportun­ He left'Du- ginia. Marty graduated free* Bus , To give war- calk a clear track aad: ^_ • ' •**» » cottoiMs- ities for the stnctoit to: it Ad last June. vocabulary, overcome stJf •aton as Second Ueutensnt M the Pvt Wtntoaa F. Cays*, Hatoaa N*. ness and facilitali ease of fmU speed mkemd,; adopt these I Coaat Aruneryj j He,is statimasi at Wa, Keeruat ISeaML. Parrai tsasad. A sair Mr. OTtfcrtoell. .< ' ,Fort Bustis. Virginia. U. Orr^took tactics for the George B. Kenny. Ph. M. i/C. Mor- foU Navy Yard Disp., Portsmouth, Va. Another one: Lieut. F: P. Sher- B. O C. No. gg. Fort Sffl, Ok- I wnhsa •*»• Mara, lew mop m .1 »»»•** 4*.'. >!.• ili i

A^V' TUtB OP Tat I>AT Afst) BtVOT A KXAL MBJL •jam Ttjai M •tftauaTsaV SHM. shj «e.k«*i •- JKAEK MAOg FROM PITSK WHOLB MILK FOE lOe **mm... ~*»« "W' EATADijlJCIUlJS •fsfariwhtoi. . T0A8TKD 8j(LND1»tlCa IN A UGHT AND AIRY • .•>TP • Til KLL TEIEPHOIIE COMPAMY «SW00DBTMSRodgerT s Dairy •.Store s m UBERTT A YgBXTK OF pitirsTiviinA -:{ ^a^ss^g*>«g>k(gami '. |i' * * * * * «j * « « 'SI