Input wanted Plan Aledo kicks off, page 3

July 31-August 6, 2020 · · 75 cents The Community News Serving Aledo · the Annettas · Hudson Oaks · Willow Park, Texas WILLOW PARK BUSINESS Reaching Coming Up! New retail Out space added in Council votes to contact Hudson Oaks neighboring communities Nothing Bundt Cake, R&K Cafe By Randy Keck The Community News among new tenants After a lengthy public comment session, By Rebecca Lu The Community News the Willow Park City Council continued its process in developing a new wastewater As walls go up and vendors prepare to treatment facility for the city at its regular move in, Hudson Oaks is getting ready to meeting on Tuesday, July 28. welcome a new development located between At its last meeting, the council voted Fort Worth Hwy. and Interstate 20 that will to authorize City Manager Bryan Grimes include approximately 17,000 square feet of to negotiate an option on property south retail space. The majority of the space has of Interstate 20, with a discharge point in already been leased out and, despite the pan- Annetta North. demic taking its toll during the past few Several residents of Annetta North, months, those leases have stayed intact. as well as some Willow Park residents, All original tenants are still planning to appeared in person or expressed opinions open once the new Hudson Oaks shopping primarily opposed to that location. area is complete. Nothing Bundt Cake, HO One speaker asked that the Clear Fork Nail Bar, the Resale Secret, and Orange Theory of the Trinity River be re-tested for oxygen- are just a few of the shops that residents can ation levels. She said the last assessment expect soon in addition to R&K Café, which was done 17 years ago. Oxygenation level plans to relocate from its current Hudson is one of the reasons given for the plant’s Oaks location to the new development. location. Lynch Legacy Real Estate agents Stacy “In particular, I don’t see any mon- Lynch and Stephanie Rich recently shared itoring in the area where this drainage their excitement and expectations for this pump is supposed to go to the south of project as they are busy making sure every- I-20. There’s there’s not a single monitor- thing goes smoothly. ing mark, according to the TCEQ (Texas “As far as available spaces we have 1,441 Commission on Environmental Quality) square feet, 1,000 square feet, and 3,000 on their website,” she said. She added that square feet available,” Lynch said. “We will be her children play in the area where the delivering the spaces to the tenants for their discharge from the plant is expected to be. finish out approximately at the end of August Christian Ellis, an attorney from so I would say they will be opening during the Annetta North who spoke at the last meet- fourth quarter of 2020.” ing, urged Willow Park to reach out to its Looking forward, this development is sure neighbors to work on a common solution. to have its effects on Hudson Oaks. With the “I’m not here to hurl accusations make, pandemic bringing many projects to a halt you know, conspiracy statements or any- and the uncertainty of the future, the city is thing else,” Ellis said. “I’d rather have excited to see this plan continue to be put into peace. Let’s talk it out. Let’s get a few action. engineers together. Let’s talk to other com- “In the midst of COVID-19 and the uncer- munities,” Ellis said. tainties of the marketplace, it will give stability and strength to the city of Hudson Oaks, show Grimes told the council that the agen- REBECCA LU/THE COMMUNITY NEWS a new growth during these uncertain times, da item they were voting on (accepting Defying the pandemic, Parker County growth continues. Another 17,000 square feet of retail space is going up in Hudson Oaks. Committed tenants include Nothing Bundt Cakes and Turn to WILLOW PARK, page 2 R&K Café. Turn to RETAIL, page 2

ALEDO City moves forward with master plan New school zone As part of the process, Kimley- service, the community engagement Horn has developed a website process through the interactive established on Bailey ( to receive commu- website.” Ranch Road nity engagement. Lonberger said part of the pro- Brad Lonberger, senior project cess would be to determine why a By Randy Keck manager for Kimley Horn, told the group of residents opposed the pro- The Community News council “what we’re looking at is six posed Taco Bell in Aledo. different projects, all being done at The additional fee for Kimley The Aledo City Council took a the exact same time. If you took each Horn’s work will be $244,000. major step forward in developing of these and put them sequentially, Mayor Kit Marshall also updated a master plan when it approved an one after the other, it would take the council on the 90-day commer- amended agreement with Kimley- you about three years to get through cial moratorium that was passed at Horn and Associates to provide each process, and an engagement the council’s previous meeting. engineering services to update the process for every single one of them. city’s comprehensive plan and to “What we’re proposing is that we Citizens on Patrol, design a plan for Pine Street and pull together all six, we’ll do them downtown. The firm will also pro- sequentially and also comprehen- School Zone vide final plans for the project. sively, feeding one into the other The council approved taking SPECIAL TO THE COMMUNITY NEWS the first steps toward establishing The council took the action at its over a six-month process that will It is now undisputedly legal to have a chicken coop, such as the one pic- July 23 meeting. allow us to share the community Turn to ALEDO, page 3 tured at the home of Summer Jones, in Aledo residential neighborhoods.

PT at D1 Know your rights Summer work extended Baylor Scott & White opens rehab facility The first amendment explained. Bearcats continue sport-specific workouts. in Aledo.

Volume 30, Number 31 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 Published Weekly

Copyright 2020, The Community News 2 July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS

that’s more promising that can satis- The council also heard from Aaron WILLOW PARK fy the needs of Willow Park, we will Farmer of The Retail Coach, a com- from page one absolutely entertain it.” pany the city utilizes to attract retail Council member Eric Contreras development to the area. Jacob and Martin’s recommendation presented the idea of creating “a Farmer said the city had weath- to build a sewer treatment plant) was working group that would have an ered the COVID-19 pandemic well so a preliminary feasibility report. He ultimate goal of working with our far — sales tax revenues were actually said it would take 18 months to two school districts, our community rep- up. He said that information would years, and was subject to change. resentatives and our surrounding be helpful in attracting business to Grimes pointed out that the City of neighboring cities to devise a com- the city. He said his company is seek- Willow Park has been discharging efflu- mon sense solution for all for all of our ing to attract family entertainment, ent into the Clear Fork since 1995 to the future needs. a regional barbecue restaurant, fast tune of about 250,000 gallons a day. “We want to be proactive and com- food, and a travel center to the city. “And it’s not just Willow Park put- ing up with the solution by engaging ting it in there,” Grimes said. “There’s Willow Park’s Communications our neighbors and to offer solutions to other entities doing it as well.” and Marketing Specialist Rose Kertok address these needs,” Contreras said. Pointing to two jars of clear liq- updated the council on the progress At the end of the discussion, the uid, Grimes said one contained the of the city’s new website. She said one council voted 4-1 to proceed with the discharge from Willow Park’s sewer feature she thinks users will be excited Jacob and Martin plan, and to form treatment plant and the other con- about is the ability to sign up for email the working group. Council member tained tap water. updates on various topics. Amy Fennell voted against the mea- “But the point is, this is what’s Jacob and Martin engineer Derek sure. Fennell said she liked the idea of SPECIAL TO THE COMMUNITY NEWS going into the river.,” Grimes said. Turner briefed the council on the the working group. Lauren Glass’ third-grade class at TCA authored the book, “Tales from “There have been some incredibly wastewater impact fees the city is “However, it seems like that’s just a the 3rd Grade.” Shown are (front row, from left) Eisley Snow, Patricia ill-advised discussions on social media considering. little accessory bow on it,” Fennell said. Collett, Hadlee Carter, Isla Southworth, and Chaney Rowe; (middle sites about raw sewer pumping into “What would make more sense if we are row) Hallee Carter, Parker Kuykendall, Aiden Utley, Jayton Garrett, and the river. I think that was done to truly in good faith wanting to reach out Closing remarks Grace Garnett; and (back row) Paul Crane, Eli Needham, Mac McClure, probably alarm and scare and perhaps to our neighbors, offer education for In asking for comments from Waverly Baker, and Liam Sims. alert some of you folks. them, work with them, then the more council members, Mayor Moss said, “This is not something that we’ve logical thing to do would be to table that “I’m looking forward to reaching out TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY done at the drop of a hat. We have been item tonight until we can have those to our neighbors to the south. We’re trying to figure out the best solution discussions with the neighboring cities, going to talk. We’ve talked to people, for our rate payers, the best solution that would be more of a good faith.” we’re going to talk to them again. And Third-grade book awarded that’s making us a good neighbor, to What may not have been made there’s some we haven’t — we will, and our community to the other commu- Published authors from a third- “I’m so proud of my third-grade clear in sewer plant discussions, and hopefully, six, eight months or what- nities. We’ve talked to Aledo numerous grade class at Trinity Christian students,” teacher Lauren Glass said. pointed out by Grimes in the ensuing ever, hopefully before that, we’ll have times. We’ve had conversations with Academy recently received noti- “They were asked to write a fic- discussion, is that Willow Park actual- something firm that we can move on.” Hudson Oaks. We had a discussion fication that the book they wrote tional short story about a day in ly has four potential wastewater sites. with Weatherford. That was two years Council member Greg Runnebaum received a $100 grant from School third grade. We got everything from He said the city owns two of the sites, ago. And that was 30 million bucks said he was not happy with this Mate® Publishing. The book was one stories about substitute teachers to a third site is designated for wastewa- and it hadn’t got any cheaper.” newspaper. of 15 selected from schools across the undercover third-grade superheroes. ter treatment. Therefore, he said, the Grimes said Fort Worth built a “Yes, I want to express my disap- United States. Short stories written Their and hard work on site south of I-20 was the only site the $130 million plant at Mary’s Creek. He pointment in The Community News city needed to get an option on. by each student are included in the these stories show.” Mrs. Glass said said Fort Worth was excited about the for not following up on allegations In a separate item, the city also book titled, “Tales from the Third the grant will be used for classroom prospect until it found out the volume made by Ms. Fennell, wrongdoing by acted on professional services agree- Grade.” supplies. that would come from Willow Park. this council. I think that’s just a sham. ments with Jacob and Martin for “We were going to take up 10 per- And it seems like sensational news engineering, Hilltop Securities for cent of their capacity,” Grimes said. and fake news. So I’m truly disap- look forward to several new develop- financial services, and Norton, Rose, “The idea that we’ve done this at the pointed in The Community News for ments in the months to come such as Fulbright for legal services. RETAIL drop of a hat and we’ve done it without not doing their due diligence, pick- from page one a steak house across the street on a thinking this through is flat wrong.” ing up the phone and calling council currently designated site. Agents are Mayor Doyle Moss acknowledged Updates members or the mayor’s to get confir- and demonstrate how businesses continuing to look into various inter- that he did not originally reach out Assistant City Manager Bernie mation and clarification,” Runnebaum still believe in the economic growth ested steak houses in order to select to Annetta North Mayor Robert Parker gave an update on the devel- said. of Hudson Oaks for the short term one they believe will be the right fit Schmidt, but that he had spoken to opment of Cross Timbers Park, which In a follow-up phone call, he and the long term,” Lynch and Rich for the community. Aledo and Annetta when the planning will be located at the site of the old said The Community News’ coverage shared. “We are continuing to see the “The area right there is very fam- started. public safety building. “seems to be slanted toward publish- positives with these large commer- ily-oriented, so we feel like it’s a “So, the action we’re taking tonight He said the request for bids from ing people who have some sort of cial tenants locating in this area. It’s perfect fit for anything that has to is not final,” Moss said. “And what we contractors would be sent out Aug. 4 reason to put out false information truly shows that Parker County has do with families, Lynch said. “We’re hope and plan to do in the coming and opened on Aug. 25. The projected like Marce Galle and Amy Fennell as seen less negative effect than some of excited to be able to keep that feel months is to reach out again to Aledo, start date of work on the park would opposed to getting reliable informa- the larger surrounding cities.” there and bring in tenants and activ- to the Annettas, to Weatherford, and be in October, with expected comple- tion from Bryan (Grimes) and Doyle In addition to this development, ities that we feel like families would if there’s something that comes up tion in January or February of 2021. (Moss).” residents of Hudson Oaks can also participate in.”

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Support services generously provided Supportby Servicesthe Careity Foundationprovided by the Careity Foundation THE COMMUNITY NEWS July 31, 2020 3

1. The birds must be kept in ALEDO a manner that does not create a PLAN ALEDO from page one nuisance; WEBSITE a Citizens on Patrol and a Citizens 2. Residential lots of one acre Police Academy for the city. or smaller may keep no more than The City of Aledo launched the Council member Clint Robinson six birds (fowl); Plan Aledo interactive web- walked the council through the 3. Residential lots larger than site on July 24. The website is a collaboration tool that will necessary steps to establish the one acre may keep 10 birds (fowl) be used for several visioning academy. Robinson told the coun- per acre, with no more than 50 and planning efforts underway cil he would volunteer to spearhead birds (fowl) permitted; within the city. Visioning and and kickstart the program. 4. Agricultural properties may planning will include Downtown, The council approved a request keep no more than 10 birds (fowl) commercial frontages, the Pine from the Aledo Independent per acre, with no more than 150 Street Trailhead and the Aledo School District to place flashing birds (fowl) permitted ; Commons area. These initiatives school zone signs on Bailey Ranch 5. It shall be prohibited to keep are designed to allow Aledo Road. The west-bound sign will to take actions to protect the or harbor a rooster; be placed about 348’ west of Point small-town charm, while creating Vista Drive/Champions Drive. The 6. Birds (fowl) shall be kept attractive and lively amenities, east-bound sign will be placed within pens, coops or hutches high quality development, and about 450’ west of the Aledo which meet the requirements of improvements that the communi- Learning Center. this section. A fenced yard shall not ty identifies as important. qualify as a pen, coop, or hutch; The city is taking steps to ensure 7. All pens, coops, or hutches Residential Development that Aledo grows in a planned for the keeping of birds (fowl) shall and strategic way, with character The council approved a pre- be maintained a minimum of 50 liminary plat for Aledo River, a and with purpose. The website feet from any residence or com- provides collaboration opportuni- development located off Jenkins mercial building, excluding the Road in the city’s extraterritorial ties in identifying the strengths, residence or commercial building weaknesses, opportunities, and jurisdiction. of the person keeping the birds challenges of certain areas of Access to the development (fowl); and Aledo, in addition to hosting a would be via Jenkins Road. 8. A person who keeps, harbors survey regarding Aledo’s future The developer plans to sub- RANDY KECK/THE COMMUNITY NEWS or maintains birds (fowl) in the commercial buildings. The survey divide the property into two-acre Aledo Mayor Kit Marshall presented a commendation to the East Parker city shall ensure that the animal(s) will have qualifying questions in lots. The first tract of 44.4 acres County Chamber of Commerce at the city’s regular council meeting on in their care are treated humane- order to differentiate between residents in city limits, those out- would have 19 residential lots. Two July 23. The commendation was to recognize the chamber’s Five-Star ly by, at a minimum, providing side city limits, business owners, additional tracts totaling about 18 Accreditation with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Shown are Director sufficient food, potable water, ade- of Membership and Events Judy Jordan Giles, Aledo Mayor Kit Marshall, and developers. Engagements on acres would have seven lots. quate shelter, and protection from President and CEO Lisa Flowers, and Board Member Kelli Stumbo. the site will be changing through- The development will not be weather. All pens, coops, hutches annexed into the City of Aledo. out the process. said she could, and another said The now-modified ordinance and exercise runs shall be com- pletely enclosed. The pen, coop, Users can visit the site to provide she could not. says A maximum combination Birds hutch or exercise run may not be feedback and also to subscribe Jones said her homeowners’ of birds (fowl) may be kept on with email addresses to stay The council corrected a prob- placed in the front or side yard of association was okay with the posted on developments and lem for new resident Summer single-family residentially and any property. chickens. opportunities. Jones, who approached the city in agriculturally zoned property Jones told The Community June to clear up a problem with News she was pleased with the After a public hearing at its in the city if the owner of the Visit or send ques- chicken coops. last meeting, the council voted to outcome. tions to [email protected]. Jones wanted to keep chickens approve an amendment to its ordi- birds complies with the following “I was thankful for the coopera- at her home, and one city ordinance nances to allow for the chickens. restrictions: tion of the city,” she said.

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The Community News (USPS 005-341) is published each week by Community Ventures Inc., at 203 Pecan Dr., Aledo, TX 76008. Periodical rate postage paid at Aledo, Texas 76008.

Serving Eastern Parker County, Texas: Aledo · the Annettas · Hudson Oaks · Willow Park POSTMASTER: Send address changes to : The Community News, P.O. Box 1031, Aledo, Texas 76008 4 July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS Business Cards

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By Rebecca Lu The Community News Toward the end of July, Baylor Scott & White opened a rehabili- tation facility just off Bailey Ranch Road in the same development that holds Aledo’s D1 Athletic Training Facility. Managing the entire oper- ation is Joe Bryant, who has been a physical therapist for nearly two decades and has been with Baylor for seven years. Bryant said he is thrilled to be able to take advantage of this unique partnership with D1 SPECIAL TO THE COMMUNITY NEWS as well as provide care for residents “Joe Bailey’s Place,” by Bary Selman, won the adult People’s Choice Award. in Parker County from right within their own community. As the facility serves to get peo- ple back to normal function after Peach Festival Art injuries or other medical issues, it has the potential for an incredibly complimentary relationship with awards presented D1. Recovering athletes can transi- tion from physical therapy into the Prizes total $2,475 his work on paper of “Joe Bailey’s athletic facility’s group fitness class- Place.” es and conditioning in order to build The Weatherford Art REBECCA LU/THE COMMUNITY NEWS The next big open compe- strength and prevent recurring inju- Association in coordination with Joe Bryant manages the new Baylor Rehab in Aledo. tition will be the “Spirit of the ry. Athletes suffering from pain in the Doss Heritage and Culture West,” a juried show requesting art the midst of training programs can Center hosted the annual Peach from around the metroplex. The go next door to the rehab center and Festival Art Competition during be treated conveniently and thor- June and July. The oughly. In addition, therapists and awards ceremonies patients are able to use the field for took place on July 16 exercises requiring more space. It is at the Doss where rib- all a team effort, and Bryant is excit- bons and checks were ed to be a part of it. given to the winners. “We are about community and Donations and entry customer service,” Bryant said. “We fees allowed the priz- serve as that last step of therapy es to total $2,475. before a patient goes back to normal Students received life, so we want to make sure they $575 of the cash priz- are ready to get back to doing what es to encourage their they do.” endeavors in fine arts. This new rehabilitation facility More than 72 art- also has become one of the many ists entered, 13 of ways Baylor Medicine is rapidly whom were students. expanding west. For people who Categories for students were K-3, focus of this show is to capture require therapy three times a week 4-6 grades, 7-9 grades, and 10-12 art that celebrates the heritage for eight or nine weeks or more, the grades. of the American west and cap- commute to Fort Worth becomes tures not only landscapes but the tedious quickly. As the population Sarah Willoughby won the rugged independence and tena- has grown in Parker County, a great- People’s Choice award in the stu- cious adventures of the majestic er need has risen for healthcare dent division for her work “A Pretty west. The show will run from Oct. facilities locally. Face.” 3-Nov. 13. Bryant hopes to additional- Adult categories included ly offer opportunities for students Works on Canvas, Works on Paper, Art from members of the interested in the field of rehabilita- 3-D & Sculpture, Experimental & Weatherford Art Association tive medicine to be able to observe Mixed Media, and Photography. will hang at the Doss from July and get a first-hand taste of what the The People’s Choice Award for the 30-Sept. 28. For more informa- field is like. Adult entries was Barry Selman for tion, visit

State of the Art Sterilization Room Proud to Support the Aledo Invisalign and Zoom! Whitening Matt Morris Bearcats Massage Chairs and HDTV Water Purification System 817-529-5325 [email protected] 817-732-4419 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, PROPERTY & CASUALTY, RETIREMENT PLAN SERVICES 2551 River Park Dr. Suite 201 · Fort Worth, TX 76116 Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Kestra FAMILY DENTISTRY WHERE HONESTY & INTEGRITY MATTER! Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affi liate of Kestra IS. Kestra IS and Kestra AS are not affi liated with Gus Bates Insurance “Serving& Investments. every family as part of our own for over 60 years” “Serving every family as part of our own for over 60 years” “Serving every family as part of our own for over 60 years” M Metal Mart • MProudly serving the great 16250 Old Weatherford Road Aledo, Texas 913 N. Elm St., Weatherford, TX 76086 Mass Times: 5:30 pm – Saturday ‧ 8:00 am & 10:30 am – Sunday Southwest for 2528 years! 817-594-2747913 N. Elm St., Weatherford, | 800-593-2747 TX 76086 Easter Vigil - March 31 at 8:30 pm ‧ Easter Sunday - Mass at 8 & 10:30 am THE TRUSTED SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR For more information contact the Parish Offi ce at 817-441-3500 Our newest817-594-2747 additional location Galbreaith| 800-593-2747 Pickard Hilltop Chapel or visit our website METAL BUILDING COMPONENT NEEDS! James4941 I-20 R. Frontage Plowman Road - [email protected] | Willow Park, TX 76087 James R. Plowman - [email protected] � RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL STEEL ROOFING Misty Engel – [email protected][email protected] I-20 ANIMAL HOSPITAL CUSTOM TRIM AND FLASHING PURLIN & TUBING Misty Engel – [email protected] � � Norma Plowman – [email protected][email protected] 817-341-3331 � EASY BOLT PRE-FABRICATED STEEL BUILDINGS Norma Plowman � MINI STORAGE SYSTEMS � POWER TOOLS Our newest additional location VENTS & SKYLIGHTS HARDWARE & ACCESSORIES OurGalbreaith newest Pickard additional Hilltop location Chapel � � Galbreaith Pickard Hilltop Chapel SYNTHETIC UNDERLAYMENT INSULATION 4941 I-20 Frontage Road | Willow Park, TX 76087 � � 4941 I-20 Frontage Road | Willow Park, TX 76087 � SEALANTS & CLOSURES � CARPORT PACKAGES GOING GREEN with COOL ROOFING

ENERGY EFFICIENT OPEN 24 HOURS & LOOKS GREAT! WIND & FIRE RESISTANT GENERAL PET WELLNESSDAILY • EMERGENCY & CRITICAL HEALTH CARE CARE • INTERNAL MEDICINE • COMPLETE IN-HOUSE � • SURGERY LABORATORY General and Advanced • DENTAL CARE STEEL BUILDINGS • RADIOLOGY General and Advanced Digital including dental • ULTRASONOGRAPHY AVAILABLE IN • LASER THERAPY • ONCOLOGY MULTIPLE SIZES • Computed Tomography • ENDOSCOPY (CT scan)-NEW! 3713 Fort Worth Hwy Between Exits 415 and 414 � Hudson Oaks, TX 76087 817-599-4186 • Fax: 817-599-3326 2100 Burton Street • Weatherford, Texas 76087 Awesomeness. Joy. Community. • 817-441-8700 • Aledo & Willow Park 6 July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS Obituaries PARKER COUNTY Maintenance Director for a new nursing and rehabilita- Deen issues fourth tion facility. Lance always had a special place in his heart for the elderly since his grand- amended order parents played a large role in his upbringing after his father passed. for long-term care Lance married the love of David Pettyjohn Lance Turner his life, Christine, in August Karl Williams of 2003. He loved becoming facility protection an instant father to her young David Ray Pettyjohn Lance Edwin Turner Karl Alapaki Williams Nursing Homes Any facility accept- son, Jonathan, and they even- David Ray Pettyjohn Lance Turner passed Karl Alapaki Williams, age 55, and Assisted Living ing new residents shall tually added another son, Jett, passed away on June 27, 2020, at his passed away on Sunday, July away unexpectedly on July Facilities have been isolate the new resident to the family in 2008. His residence in Aledo. 19, 2020. 23, 2020, while vacation- severely impacted for a period of no less wife and sons were Lance’s Karl was born in Honolulu, David was born November ing with family and friends by COVID-19 across than 14 days. This iso- greatest pride. on May 3, 1965 and was adopted when 4, 1962. in Colorado. Lance was born Parker County. To lation shall ensure that He will be deeply missed he was a baby by his parents, Albert David was a wonderful March 10, 1969 in Dallas, help with the spread the new resident does by his family, friends, and all and JoAnn Williams. Karl was a craps husband, father, and Bumpy. Texas to James Thomas of COVID-19 to these not come into contact who knew him. dealer, a member of the Society for He loved and lived life large Turner and Lana Lynch high risk populations, with other residents. Lance was preceded in and to the fullest. David knew Turner. Creative Anachronism, and part of County Judge Pat Deen, death by his father, James the 114 MP Battalion. He loved ani- in his heart that honesty to At age ten, his dad died in coordination with If a resident is trans- Thomas Turner, and step-fa- mals and wanted to rescue them all, himself and others, hard work, unexpectedly, changing his the local health author- ported to the emergency ther, Ronald Joe Andrus. and loved watching deer and being family, friends, and God were family dynamic. He dropped ity, Dr. Steven Welch, room (no matter the Survivors include his outdoors. of paramount importance. out of high school to go to has issued an order for reason or symptoms), wife, Christine Turner; sons, Karl served in both the Gulf War A Memorial Service was work full time in order to all Parker County long- or is out of the facili- Jonathan Salley and Jett and the US Invasion of Panama. scheduled Thursday, July 30, help his mom make the bills term care facilities. ty overnight (no matter Turner, all of Aledo; moth- In 2008, Karl played Roller Derby 2020 in White’s Chapel of each month. He never com- the reason or symp- er Lana Andrus of Maypearl; for the Biloxi Roller Derby Team and The following direc- Memories. plained. His loyalty was to his toms), the resident brother, Layne Turner and was named “Father Time” due to his tives have been put into Memorials: In lieu of mother and little brother. He shall be isolated for a wife, Stephanie; nephew, long white beard. Karl married his place in an effort to pro- flowers the family suggests obtained his GED and started period of no less than Jacob Turner; niece, Rachel wife, Joanna Kszyminski Williams, on tect the health of all of that donations may be made college with his peers. 14 days upon return to Turner all of Maypearl; hon- December 27, 1991, and they lived in Parker County: in David’s memory to Folds Lance began his profes- the facility. This isola- orary brother, Jon McPike Biloxi, Mississippi prior to moving to All long-term care of Honor, Department #13, sional career in sales for Sears tion ensures that the and wife, Laurie Beth of Texas. facilities in Parker Tulsa, Oklahoma 74182; 918- Automotive. Through hard resident does not come Southlake. He is survived by his wife, Joanna County shall adhere to 274-4700; www.foldsofhonor. work and a demonstration of into contact with other A celebration of life was Williams; mother, JoAnn Williams the Centers for Medicare org. leadership qualities, he was residents. held Thursday, July 30, at of Clinton, Mississippi; broth- and Medicaid Services The Community News promoted to a management July 31, 2020 the First Baptist Church of er Albert Sidney Williams, brother (CMS) Opening Up position. During his tenure Any resident found Maypearl. A graveside service in law, Michael Kszyminski (Pam) American Guidance – to have COVID-19 shall there, he managed three dif- followed at Laurel Land in of Weatherford, Glenn Kszyminski Phase I. be isolated away from ferent locations including Fort Worth. In lieu of flow- (Kari) of Aledo, and numerous nieces SEND NEWS other residents for a the highest volume location ers, donations may be made and nephews. Facilities will have in Texas. After fifteen years, to conduct full decon- period of no less than to the Aledo Educational A memorial Service was held on ITEMS TO: Lance decided to make a tamination after 2 10 days in keeping with Foundation (www.aledoef. Monday, July 27, 2020 at Galbreaith news@ career change and transi- COVID-19 positive per- current guidance from org). Pickard Hilltop Chapel in Willow Park. tioned to a position as the The Community News The Community News sons or more have been the Centers for Disease Environmental Service and July 31, 2020 July 31, 2020 identified. Control.

B A W L A G E E P C O T S C A L S S ` A T A P L O T B O N E HE L O N E O A K N O F U S S T A N D R E W S T W I T T Y B U G Y O U S A M E I T S A A T Y O U R N O T R E City of Aledo M U T E T R A F F I C K E R S A F A N C Y T O N I E T O T OMMUNITY L I T E A E R O B I G G E R ORDINANCE NO. 2020-124 C L T E D N I C K O F H I M N E T L E T S C M O P E E B O N N E N AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF N T R Y NEWS S-1490 ALEDO, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 87-11 OF THE CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REVISING SUBSECTION 10.2.2 OF SECTION 10 “R-1 V & V MACHINE SHOP AUCTION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT” TO ALLOW 2915 S. ZARZAMORA ST. BUILDING N FOWL TO BE MAINTAINED IN AN R1–SINGLE FAMILY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78225 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 6-88 OF THE MUNICIPAL SATURDAY, AUGUST 8TH, 2020 - 12 NOON KIMBERLY MEYER, ABR, CRS, GRI REALTOR® CODE OF THE CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS; PROVIDING VIEWING: SATURDAY, SALE DAY 9AM -12 NOON THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING THIS MACHINE SHOP WILL OFFER THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF Cell (817) 929-0347 A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; MACHINES & INVENTORY IN THE BUILDING IN ONE LOT [email protected] PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS 4500 Hartwood Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76109-1840 PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WWW.SISKAUCTION.COM 10% BUYERS PREMIUM Operated by a subsidary JOHN SISK AUCTIONEERS, INC PH: 361-456-7771 TXS#7425 of NRT, LLC Global Luxury Specialist SECTION 3. That any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, OIL, GAS, & omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or who resists the City of Aledo enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined WE BUY MINERAL RIGHTS not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. ORDINANCE NO. 2020-123 Both non-producing and producing including Non-Participating Royalty Interest (NPRI) SECTION 7. Provide us your desired price for an offer evaluation. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A 90-DAY MORATORIUM ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS FOR That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and CALL TODAY: 806.620.1422 THE ISSUANCE OR RENEWAL OF PERMITS FOR after its date of passage and publication as provided by aw, and LLC NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELING ON it is so ordained. LOBO MINERALS, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FM 1187 PO Box 1800 • Lubbock, TX 79408-1800 CORRIDOR; DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO CONSIDER [email protected] PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, APPROPRIATE ZONING AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT 2020. REGULATIONS FOR SUCH DEVELOPMENT AND City of Aledo CONSTRUCTION IN THE CORRIDOR GIVEN THE ANTICIPATED DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL OCCUR ORDINANCE NO. 2020-122 ADJACENT TO FM 1187; PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR A VARIANCE FROM THIS MORATORIUM; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALEDO AMENDING TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE. ORDINANCE NO. B-2008-03, THE ALEDO ZONING SECTION 10. ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY REZONING TexSCAN Week of INTERNET CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS July 26, 2020 AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo OF THE CITY OF ALEDO; REVISING THE OFFICIAL ACREAGE agmt. Includes 1 TB of data per month. Get More For Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, Your High-Speed Internet Thing. Ask us how to bundle ZONING MAP TO REFLECT SUCH CHANGES; neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforce- Hunting/investment/recreational property. We and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE have some of the best in Texas! From Country 1-855-439-5457. ment of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde County, free CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING OIL AND GAS RIGHTS no more than Two Thousand Dollars and no cents ($2,000.00) ranging exotics) to South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Large or small acreage. We buy oil, gas & mineral rights. Both non- producing for each violation of this Ordinance. Each day that a viola- 30-year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. and producing including non-Participating Royalty VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; tion is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Call toll-free or email for individual prices and terms, Interest (NPRI). Provide us your desired price for an PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL, 800-876-9720. offer evaluation. 806-620-1422, LoboMineralsLLC@ Lobo Minerals, LLC, PO Box 1800, NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION 12. AUCTION Lubbock, TX 79408-1800. This moratorium shall remain in effect until such time as the V & V Machine Shop Auction – Sat., Aug. 8, 2020, REAL ESTATE Noon – 2915 S. Zarzamora St. Building N, San City Council has had a reasonable opportunity to consider and Bankruptcy Sale: Offer Deadline Aug. 5. – SECTION 7. Antonio, TX 78225. Viewing: Sat., Sale Day 9 a.m. act upon appropriate regulations governing the development of - Noon. This machine shop will offer the entire contents Surplus Industrial Sites in Dallas and Frisco. 3030 of machines & inventory in the building in one lot. McGowan St., Dallas, TX – 13.8± acres. 7471 South commercial properties within the FM 1187 Corridor. Upon final, 10% buyers premium. John Sisk 5th St., Frisco, TX – 102.5± acres. 877-933-7779, Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, adoption of an ordinance or ordinances adopting appropriate Auctioneers, Inc., 361-456-7771, TXS#7425. MEDICAL neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of development standards or regulations, or upon a determination HUNTING Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by by the City Council that such development standards or reg- Lease Your Land for Hunting. Prepaid annual any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined not more than Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the lease payments. $5M liability insurance. We handle ulations are not necessary, this moratorium shall expire. This compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that everything for you. Base Camp Leasing, 866-309-1507, Free information kit! Call 866-747-9983. a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. moratorium shall automatically expire ninety (90) days from the Promo Code 304 date of its adoption, unless it is specifically extended by additional Life Alert. One press of a button sends help FAST, GENERATORS 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pendant with City Council action for an additional period of time in accordance GENERAC Standby Generators. The weather is GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL SECTION 10. with Section 212.1362 of the Texas Local Government Code. increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power 844-831-1525. FREE Brochure. outages. FREE 7-year extended warranty ($695 DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual value!). Schedule your FREE in-home assessment Insurance Company. NOT just a discount plan, REAL today. Call 1-855-704-8579. Special financing for coverage for 350 procedures. Call 1-855-901-0467 for This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 7th qualified customers. details. 6118-0219... from and after its passage, and it is so ordained. Passed day of July, 2020. Texas Press Statewide Classified Network and approved this the 28th day of May 2020. 273 Participating Texas Newspapers • Regional Ads Start At $250 • Email [email protected] PASSED, APPROVED, AND EFFECTIVE ON SECOND NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We READING THIS 16th day of July, 2020. urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is 7

July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS Commentary


Happy about Taco Bell as well as Brookshire’s and other Now that I learned a new Taco businesses, for being patient and Bell may be coming to Aledo after accommodating to give so many all I can’t wait to be there for their of our Aledo High School students grand opening week. I’m going to their very first jobs over the years. order a Fiesta Taco Salad with those Thank you also for your generos- crispy Cinnamon Twists and sit out- ity with our peewee sports, clubs, side on that nice patio. Thank you bands, and field trip fundraisers. Taco Bell and the other fast food — Christopher Amos restraints in Aledo and Willow Park, Aledo Capital Highlights Pandemic dominates July news you can still receive benefits even if you stop paying for this policy?” The coronavirus outbreak has spotlighted potential confusion and costly legal fallout caused by bewil- dering insurance policy language, Sullivan said. “We need a coordinat- ed effort to strengthen and enforce Cris Cobler plain language requirements in [email protected] state laws,” he added.

The pandemic remained the Guest Column theme of the news in July, much ADA turns 30 of it centering on the economy and July 26 marked the 30th anni- education. The week opened with versary of the Americans with Do you know what the First Comptroller Glenn Hegar’s fore- Disabilities Act. The U.S. Census cast that Texas faces a $ 4.6 billion Bureau estimates that one in four budget deficit and closed with the Americans, or 61 million adults, Amendment says? first hurricane of the season, Hanna, have a disability. making landfall Saturday night near The Governor’s Committee on the Third Amendment says that even if that expression is critical Port Mansfield. People with Disabilities was sched- no one can force you to quarter of the government. Freedom of uled to have its quarterly business British soldiers inside your home. the press guarantees your right to Electric news meeting on July 31 on Zoom. The issue doesn’t come up much uncensored information about the these days.) world around you and especial- for the economy One agenda item: How edu- cators wearing face masks affects But First Amendment issues ly information about what your A jolt of good news came late in students who are deaf or who have do come up a lot (just look at government is doing. And if you the week when Tesla announced it hearing loss. The full agenda and the number of First Amendment- don’t like what the government is would build an electric-vehicle man- Zoom meeting information may be Lata Nott related decisions the Supreme doing — if its actions contradict ufacturing plant in Travis County, found at [email protected] Court made this term). And the the values you cherish — you have bringing at least 5,000 jobs and $ 1 The majority of Americans are fact that Americans are generally the freedom of petition, which is billion in capital investments. supportive of the rights guaran- aware that the First Amendment the freedom to ask for the laws you Austin, offering about $60 mil- Looking ahead teed by the First Amendment, but gives them the right to express want, and the freedom to assem- lion in local tax breaks, beat out to tax savings are also unaware of exactly what themselves but are pretty fuzzy on ble a group of like-minded people Tulsa and other American cities Texas’ annual sales tax holiday is those rights are, according to the its actual details is problematic. to give that request some political vying for the prize. The factory will Aug. 7-9. The holiday exempts sales recently released 2018 State of the As any teacher can tell you, a little heft. We need all five of these free- produce Tesla’s Cybertruck, Semi tax on qualified items — such as First Amendment survey by the knowledge can be more doms to have a democracy that and Models 3 and Y and be built clothing, footwear, school supplies First Amendment Center of the than no knowledge at all. In this ensures comprehensive protection on 2,000 acres near the Austin- and backpacks — priced less than Freedom Forum Institute. case, it leads to people passionately of the American citizenry. Bergstrom International Airport $100, saving shoppers about $8 on When asked if the First invoking the First Amendment in As a country, we’ll proba- “We’re going to make it a fac- every $100 they spend. Qualifying Amendment goes too far in the some circumstances and ignoring bly always disagree about what tory that is going to be stunning,” items are listed at TexasTaxHoliday. rights that it protects, more than its existence in others. the precise limits of the First Tesla top executive Elon Musk said. org. three-fourths of Americans dis- So, for a quick review, the Amendment should be. People will “It’s right on the Colorado River. So “Even though significant uncer- agree. That’s fairly good news, but First Amendment grants us five certainly always invoke the First we’re actually going to have to have tainty remains for our public and it’s somewhat tempered by the fact freedoms: religion, speech, press, Amendment in a self-serving man- a boardwalk over you, hiking, biking private schools as a result of the that a third of Americans cannot assembly and petition. All of these ner, championing some of these trail. It’s going to basically be an COVID-19 pandemic, the sales tax name a single freedom guaranteed freedoms are interconnected. The freedoms while discounting oth- ecological paradise.” holiday is a perfect opportunity by the First Amendment. Another freedom of religion prevents the ers — think of Milo Yiannopoulos to save money on school supplies third can only name one. Only one government from establishing its presenting himself as a defender of Getting rid and other tax-free items at a time survey respondent out of a sample own religion, and from favoring free speech but calling for vigilante when many Texans are carefully of 1,009 could name all five. And 9 of gobbledygook one religion over another. It also squads to target journalists. Yes, it’s monitoring their family finances,” percent of Americans think that the Jargon isn’t just hard on readers. keeps the government from inter- his First Amendment right to make Comptroller Hegar said. “Online First Amendment guarantees the It also can be bad for business, Texas’ fering with the way people practice tasteless comments. But hopefully shopping is covered, so I encourage right to bear arms. (For the record, insurance commissioner wrote in a their religious beliefs. Religious one day Americans will understand all Texans to shop online or prac- that’s the Second Amendment.) column last week. freedom is a powerful thing, even the First Amendment well enough tice social distancing when making Sullivan said he has been But does it really matter that if you yourself are not religious. It to recognize how disingenuous it is in-store purchases. We want folks to promoting plain language since Americans don’t know exactly what essentially grants each individual to treat it like an a la carte menu. becoming insurance commissioner stay safe while saving money. ” the First Amendment says? After the freedom to develop their own three years ago. One example of all, while no one’s done a survey on conscience and their own values. Lata Nott is executive director of policy legalese he noted: “You may Chris Cobler is a board member the state of the Third Amendment, The government doesn’t get to tell the First Amendment Center of the qualify for a contingent non-forfei- and past president of the Freedom I’d wager that most Americans have you what your values should be — Freedom Forum Institute. Contact ture benefit.” of Information Foundation of Texas. no clue what rights that one guar- that’s for you to decide. her via email at lnott@freedomfo- Instead of this gobbledygook, He welcomes email at ccobler@texas- antees and I’m not losing any sleep Freedom of speech protects, or follow her on at Sullivan wrote, “Why not just say over that. (In case you’re curious, your right to express those values, @LataNott. The Community News

Mail: PUBLISHER/EDITOR News Coverage SUBSCRIBE submissions to the newspaper should Mail subscriptions are $29 per year include a telephone number in case P.O. Box 1031, Aledo, TX 76008 Randy Keck in Parker and Tarrant Counties; $37 we have questions. Letters are due Colton Hard [email protected] per year elsewhere. Subscribe at by Monday at noon for that week’s Physical: paper. Community announcements, 1015 Champions Drive, Aledo, TX Nicole Hawkins Receive our e-version, print version, achievements and obituaries are OFFICE MANAGER or both all for the same price. due by noon Friday for the following week’s paper. Send submissions to Phone: Connor Schmid News/Photography [email protected]. 817-441-7661 • (Fax) 817-441-5419 [email protected] Christopher Amos SUBMIT STORIES, Photos submitted should include Web: PHOTOS OR IDEAS names of the people in the photo- SPORTS EDITOR We’re always on the lookout for story graph. For ease in submitting photo- Photography ideas. To share one, call Randy Keck graphs electronically, visit our con- Tony Eierdam at 817-441-7661, ext. 207 or email tact form at Affiliations: [email protected] [email protected]. Please contacts. • National Newspaper Kathy Chruscielski provide the basic story information The Community News does not charge Association as well as contact information in case OFFICE ASSISTANT for timely wedding, engagement and birth • Texas Press Association Howard Hurd we have questions. • North and East Texas Press Thomas Bolf announcements provided they are of rea- We welcome letters, articles and Association sonable length. Lengthy announcements CONTRIBUTORS Cynthia Llewellyn guest opinions from our readers. will either be edited to a reasonable length • West Texas Press Association Opinions expressed in this newspaper or, at the discretion of the person submit- • East Parker County Chamber will be labeled as opinions, editorials of Commerce Features or letters, and do not necessarily ting the announcement, be charged a fee. Sports The deadline for submitting announce- • Weatherford Chamber of Aleshia Howe reflect the opinions of the ownership. Commerce Letters should be signed, and limit- ments is noon Friday for the following Jeri Petersen Bobby Simons ed to approximately 300 words. All week’s paper. 8

July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS Sports FOOTBALL Bulletin board material Texas Football magazine Another familiar playoff foe, by the popular magazine in recent Valuable Player is Aledo quarter- Lubbock Cooper, is ranked third, years. back/receiver Jo Jo Earle, and its TEXAS FOOTBALL ranks Bearcats No. 2 in Defensive MVP is linebacker Raam and Fort Bend Marshall — who “I will say the same thing I say PREDICTIONS 5A, Division II; predicts the Bearcats defeated in the 2018 when we are ranked No. 1 — you Stevenson of Mansfield Timberview. and 2019 state championship games don’t win a (state championship) The magazine also recognizes Earle UIL District 5-5A, D-II loss in fourth round of — is ranked fourth. Texas Football ring for being ranked,” Buchanan as its Class 5A overall preseason 1 — Aledo playoffs magazine has A&M Consolidated said. “You have to play the games. We Offensive MVP. 2 — Mansfield Timberview at No. 5. have won nine state championships, However, its bold predic- 3 — Everman By Tony Eierdam and I think we have been ranked No. tion lands in the playoffs. Texas Rounding out the Top 10 are 4 — Burleson The Community News 1 going into the season four times. Football magazine predicts the Wichita Falls Rider at No. 6, fol- 5 — Cleburne Although its annual publication lowed by Mansfield Timberview “In 1998 (Aledo’s first state Bearcats will fall to Ennis in the 6 — Joshua came out later than usual due to — Aledo’s District 5-5A opponent championship) we were picked sixth Region II final (fourth round, the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas — Frisco High School, Barber’s Hill in our district (by Texas Football state quarterfinals), and has 7 — Arl. Seguin Football magazine has arrived and and Crosby. magazine). Ennis as its state champion with 8 — Waco University “We weren’t ranked No. 1 in ’09 a victory over Fort Bend Marshall with a bold prediction for the two- But as an annual rite of passage, TAPPS District I (Con. III/IV) (Aledo’s second state champion- in the title game. time defending state champion of Texas Football magazine has pre- 1 — Colleyville Covenant ship), and I don’t think we were The magazine was not as kind to Class 5A, Division II. dicted the Bearcats winning District 2 — Lubbock Christian ranked No. 1 in 2010. Trinity Christian Academy, a Texas Texas Football magazine 5-5A, Division II. 3 — FW Lake Country ranks the two-time, state-cham- “Having said that, it doesn’t Association of Private and Parochial Aledo is currently on a 91-win 4 — Lubbock Trinity Christian pion Bearcats No. 2 in Class 5A, matter. But it is nice to be recog- Schools (TAPPS) state champion in consecutive district games winning Division II behind No. 1 Ennis. nized and nice to be ranked. Texas 2018. 5 — Muenster Sacred Heart streak, an ongoing state record, Aledo defeated Ennis in overtime Football magazine has shown a lot The magazine predicts the 6 — WP Trinity Christian and has won 12 straight district last year during the fourth round of respect for our program, and any- Eagles will finish sixth in District 1, Academy championships. of the playoffs (Region II finals, time you are ranked in the Top 5 of Conference III/IV. 7 — FW Calvary Academy state quarterfinals) en route to the Buchanan downplayed the No. 2 the state it is impressive.” Texas Football magazine predicts 8 — FW Temple Christian school’s 11-man state record ninth state ranking just as he has down- Texas Football magazine’s District Colleyville Covenant Christian as 9 — Weatherford Christian state football championship. played the Bearcats’ No. 1 ranking 5-5A, D-II preseason Offensive Most the District 1 winner.

FOOTBALL As I See It Summer work extended Bearcats will continue sport-specific football work until regular Tony Eierdam practice begins Sept. 7 [email protected] By Tony Eierdam The Community News

Different classes playing On July 21, the University at different times; UIL Interscholastic League came up with a new plan that will allow all decisions helps all to get classifications to play full football in full seasons schedules in 2020. About two weeks ago as I sat with However, only the four smaller Bearcats head coach Tim Buchanan classifications — 1A, 2A, 3A and in his office I could see a look of dis- 4A — will get to start on time on couragement on his countenance, the scheduled starting practice date almost a look of depression. of Aug. 3. The UIL issued another “I just hope we can play,” he said mandate concerning football-play- to me, and with that I got depressed ing schools in Classes 5A and 6A thinking that fall sports might be which affects Aledo High School, a canceled. Class 5A school. On July 21, the governing body The two largest classifications of Texas public schools’ extracur- in Texas cannot begin regular, ricular activities — the University full-padded practices until Sept. 7, Interscholastic League — set new with games beginning no earlier schedules for fall sports in all classes, than Sept. 24. Aledo will play at but in an uncharacteristic decision, Weatherford at 7:30 p.m. Friday, The League announced that classi- Sept. 25, in the season opener. fications 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A would In between, Aledo will host start August “two a day” practices North Forney in a Sept. 17 scrim- on time on Aug. 3, which means mage at Bearcat Stadium, with start the four smaller classifications can times for the freshman, junior var- start playing football and volley- sity and varsity scrimmages TBA. ball games and matches as regularly scheduled. Head coach Tim Buchanan said I say “uncharacteristic” because the Bearcats will be on the same the UIL mantra in making state- conditioning and sport-specific wide decisions is “if one can’t do it, workout schedule they have had none can,” to paraphrase. For exam- this summer for this week and next, ple, high school ice hockey exists in but until the school sets dates for Texas. teacher in-service he will not know But because it is only being played when the workouts will be in early in the Metroplex and Houston, the August. UIL says it cannot sanction a “UIL” And with Performance Course state championship because it is a weight lifting and conditioning TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS sport that cannot be played every- completed (July 30 was the final During sport-specific football practices the Aledo Bearcats coaches have put some players in different posi- where in the state. day of PC) the AHS and AMS tions on the opposite side of the ball. Above, starting safety B.J. Allen elevates for a catch while playing wide receiver. The Bearcats will begin regular football practice on Sept. 7. The season opener is Sept. 25 at I guess with COVID things coaches will take over conditioning Weatherford. change, but changing on the fly is and weight lifting sessions. what these times are now about. “We know we are going to work Although still limited in prac- linemen on both sides of the ball by muscle memory. The more we But after allowing the smaller out in August; the same stuff we tice sessions, Buchanan does have reviewing line calls and techniques get to work with them the more schools to start sports on time, have been doing,” Buchanan said. one priority for August workouts. will continue with plenty of mental likely that is going to happen.” the UIL said “no, no, no, no, no” “We will do strength and condition- “The most important thing right work included. to Classes 5A — Aledo’s classifica- Despite the limits, Buchanan ing up to an hour and a half each now is for the players to get physi- “We can’t advance much more tion — and 6A, which Aledo’s first and staff feel they are getting a day with an hour of football a day. cally fit,” he said. “From an injury than at the point we are at right football opponent, Weatherford, decent evaluations of players with But once (Sept. 7 arrives) we can prevention standpoint, we want to now,” Buchanan said. “We can resides. the short practices. Some areas, he put pads on and begin (physical) make sure our kids are as fit as pos- do more repetitions and the kids Hmmmmm. At first I didn’t said, cannot receive proper evalu- football practices.” sible before we start practice. will be able to learn the plays and get why. I asked myself, “why can ation until the players put on the Before school starts — which “We honestly believe our defenses and such much better. We Brock be playing on Aug. 28, and pads. is scheduled to begin Aug. 19 — strength and conditioning program want, through constant repetition, just 10 miles down the road the Buchanan will put the Bearcats keeps kids healthy.” that the plays will become more “We are able to evaluate a lot of Austin bureaucrats say Aledo and though four one-hour practic- As far as August practices are of a reaction for the players as things right now,” he said. “What Weatherford can’t play each other es each week, Monday through concerned, Buchanan said — since opposed to having to think about it. we don’t know is if a receiver can on the same night?” Thursday, to resemble the July the teams are limited by UIL rule “We want the kids to be able to make a catch with somebody hit- Before I go on allow me to back schedule. When school starts he in what they can do — that con- line up and play a coverage, run a ting him. We know if a defender track. In that meeting with Buc said he would have to schedule stant repetitions with quarterbacks route, run a play or play a defense can react to get to the correct loca- practices around the academic throwing to receivers, defen- without having to think. We want tion, but can they finish the play by Turn to TONY, page 9 schedule. sive backs covering receivers and everyone to be able to run anything Turn to BEARCATS page 11 THE COMMUNITY NEWS July 31, 2020 9

meets/matches beginning TONY play on Aug. 17. from page 8 Aledo ISD Athletic two weeks ago he predict- Director Steve Wood feels ed a scenario — again, the UIL did a good job of predicted, he said he had making everybody happy. not heard anything from anybody — that involved “I am just glad that we a short season where only have a plan and that it looks district games are played like we have an opportu- in football. nity to play,” Wood said. The scenario involved “Hopefully, it will work out keeping the playoff sched- that way. I sure do not want ule on time so that the their (UIL) job — it is kind state championship games of like being the President would be played the week or a superintendent with before Christmas like they tough decisions they have do every year. I thought it to make. was a sound prediction, as “I am excited that we both of us never consid- have a plan, and our kids ered that football would be and coaches are excited to played after Christmas and get to play. We just got to into January. keep everybody safe. The Personally, this is the hope is that we get a full way I would have done it, season, but yes, we are but after some thought pleased to have a chance I now think maybe that to play a full schedule in would not have been the football. CYNTHIA LLEWELLYN/THE COMMUNITY NEWS best way. Aledo senior quarterback/wide receiver Jo Jo Earle (1) was selected by Texas Football Magazine as its Class 5A preseason “Now there will be The reason for the Offensive Most Valuable Player for 2020. The magazine also chose Earle for its District 5-5A, Division II preseason Offensive some problems come up change of mind? This way, MVP. The two-time all-state receiver has committed to defending national champion LSU. scheduling-wise and those 5A and 6A football teams things — issues along the get to have a full schedule, way — but it is different like their 1A through 4A because we also have to counterparts. Now the sea- follow local and state gov- son in 5A and 6A will begin ernment rules as well. But the last week in September, we are going to make the with a full playoff sched- best of it. We are excited.” ule to follow beginning in December and into After initially decrying January, although the UIL the UIL decision, I am on has yet to release a playoff board and am looking for- schedule. ward to a “full” Bearcats Volleyball is also regular season, sans involved here as 5A and the annual game with a 6A schools have a new team from Mexico. But practice start date (Sept. nine games is enough to 7) although volleyball can prepare for a full playoff begin playing matches schedule, and nine games on Sept. 14, meaning the certainly beats a shortened, Ladycats’ dates on the dis- district-only season or no trict schedule will change season at all. as will the playoffs. The Having said that, I am state tournament will be ready for some football, played three weeks later but understand why I (we) than usual (Dec. 11-12). have to wait. Incidentally, cross country and fall team ten- Tony Eierdam is the sports nis in 5A and 6A can start editor of The Community workouts Aug. 3 with its News.

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CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS C Ad taLLons ORDINANCE NO 2020-126 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-125 S AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III “SPEED AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS A•C REGULATIONS” OF CHAPTER 77 “TRAFFIC” OF THE AMENDING SECTION 6- “FOWL AND BIRDS” OF ARTICLE IV “LIVESTOC AND FOWL” OF CHAPTER 6 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 77-51 TO PROVIDE “ANIMALS” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF ALEDO, TEXAS BY REVISING THE REGULATIONS wwwtallonacco FOR A SCHOOL CROSSING ZONE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL RELATED TO EEPING FOWL IN A RESIDENTIAL We install new systems, interet or DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; service and repair of onth CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS all makes & With roed redit SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; models. Locally owned VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; and operated PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commercial & NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Residential SECTION 4. PENALTY CLAUSE SECTION 5. TACL191C That any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, Any person convicted of violating this Ordinance shall omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, and shall be fined a the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Ordinance sum of not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor exceed- shall be fined no more than ive undred ollars ($00.00) ing two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. for all violations of this Ordinance. ach day that a viola- tion is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect form and after This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect form and after its its passage and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. passage and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. 817. 4 41.1298 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, Serving Parker County/Tarrant County PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF JULY, 2020. 2020. 10 July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS

in different positions or a second BEARCATS position. from page 8 “Once we put pads on some of making a tackle? That’s what you our defensive linemen may come learn when the pads are on. over and play some offensive posi- tions,” Buchanan said. “And some of “A lineman may know who to our offensive linemen will go over block, but can they actually phys- and learn defensive positions.” ically block them? That’s what we will learn once we put pads on. But Although the mental part of the from now until then it will be con- game is being stressed in August, tinual learning, physical fitness and it will not be until full-pad work- mental repetition.” outs begin that Buchanan and the Bearcats coaching staff can get a Buchanan has said he is treat- true look at the players, including ing the workouts this summer as the quarterbacks in a competition a replacement for spring football that should bring out the best with which was canceled in May, and has all involved. been switching some players to dif- ferent positions. He stated earlier that he was BEARCATS KEY pleased with how starting safety DATES B.J. Allen looked at receiver and that starting cornerback DeMarco Sept. 7 — full pad practices Roberts looked good at tailback, begin a spot he played in frequently in Sept. 17 — home scrimmage 2019. (North Forney) TBA And of course, the Jo Jo Earle Sept. 25 — season opener at to quarterback experiment is still Weatherford, 7:30 p.m. ongoing. Earle is a two-time all- Oct. 2 — home opener (Frisco state wide receiver. The quarterback Lone Star), 7 p.m. race, according to Buchanan, “is Oct. 9 — Open wide open and Jo Jo is in the mix.” Oct. 16 — Open But with practices limited with- Oct. 23 — Burleson, Bearcat out pads, Buchanan feels he won’t Stadium, 7 p.m.* get a true look at others and will *- District 5-5A opener TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS wait until they can work out in Aledo quarterback Brant Hayden unleashes a deep pass during practice Monday morning. pads to possibly put other players

TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS Wide receiver Logan Flinta grabs a deep pass. Tailback Jeremiah James circles out of the backfield on a pass route.

NOTICE FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS FOR GROUP HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION AND LIFE INSURANCE FOR CITY OF WILLOW PARK 46 diet food designation AROSS 1 234 EMPLOYEES AND DEPENDENTS 1 TXism: “catterwall” 47 USAF predecessor was TEAS 5 this Tommie was TX First ____ Squadron 5 an Astro in 1973 49 TXism: “the ______they The City of Willow Park is seeking competitive sealed proposals for group health, dental, vision 6 camping beds are, the harder they fall” 6 ROSSORD and life insurance coverage, for City employees and their dependents. Proposals shall be submit- 50 TX Freeman was __ __ 7 TX Boys Ranch by Charley & Guy Orbison ted in accordance with the Proposal Specifications. Proposal specifications may be picked up from founder, Farley, and Hall on “One Life to Live” 7 Copyright 2020 by Orbison Bros. baseballer Ripken 51 this Nolte starred with Tommy Morris Agency LLC, P.O. Box 365, Abilene, TX 79604, or by contacting the Tommy Morris 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 “__ _ loss for TX JoBeth in “Teachers” Agency, LLC at 325-673-4289. All sealed proposals must be marked Attn: Health Bid Proposal and 52 TXism: “can’t fi nd hide words” (baffl ed) 17 18 19 20 addressed to The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Willow Park, 516 9 Palestinian org. nor hair __ ___” 12 beef steak from 53 Gulf shrimp catcher 21 22 Ranch House Road, Willow Park, Texas 76087 and may be delivered by hand, U.S. Mail or other the short loin courier service to that address. All proposals must be received by the City Secretary’s Office on or 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 17 in Hunt County before 5:00 P.M. on August 28, 2020. Sealed proposals received after the due date and time shall on U.S. 69 30 31 32 33 34 19 TXism: “no muss, not be considered by the City Council. Sealed proposals will then be opened by the City Secretary ______” 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 at 10:00 A.M. on September 3, 2020 at the Willow Park City Council Chambers, 516 Ranch House 21 county directly south of Gaines County Road, Willow Park, Texas, and read aloud at the bid opening. Bids will then be analyzed by the 54 Nocona 42 43 44 45 22 this country singer Tommy Morris Agency who will make their recommendations to the City Council. Boots slogan: Conway got last 46 47 48 49 “____ Rodeo!” name from TX town 55 brood or sulk 23 “don’t let ‘em ___ 50 51 52 The City Council retains the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to waive any irregu- 57 Texans just ___” (stay calm) larities in the proposals. The City Council may award the proposal to the proposal that presents the call it black 53 54 28 TXism: “she has to P-1490 58 this Robb was best value for the City. In determining the best value for the City, the City Council shall consider: stand in the ____ 11 short approvals once a TX Ranger 55 56 place twice to cast 12 explosive initials (1) the purchase price; (2) the reputation of the proposer and of the proposer’s services; (3) the pitching prospect a shadow” (thin) 13 famous TX blade 57 36 best little puzzle quality of the proposer’s services; (4) the extent to which the services meet the City’s needs; (5) the 59 TXism: “___ your 29 TX Tanya Tucker’s (2 wds.) in TX (abbr.) hand at it” proposer’s past relationship with the City; and (6) the total long-term cost to the City to acquire the “___ _ Cowboy- 14 TXism: “got the hang 58 37 TX pitcher Nolan Lovin’ Night” DON __ __” (learned) 38 dined at home proposer’s services. For additional information, interested providers should contact Tommy Morris 59 30 “enter ______1 undergrad degree 15 Spanish meaning 39 rodeo cowboys bull Agency at 325-673-4289. own risk” at a Texas university of TX river Nueces ride time in seconds 31 Rockne, TX was 2 TXism: “hungry as 16 TXism: “como ____” 40 “Millionaire” Philbin named for a famous ______a (How are you?) 26 northerners think 41 TXism: “a ______Dame coach concrete pasture” 18 stat. for Ranger Texans say this winder” (exciting) 35 unable to speak 3 parts of Caddo Mike Minor (2 wds.) 43 Jim ___ Creek 36 they bring in illegal Lake area in Texas 20 49er QB Steve who 27 a TX ranch or a 45 TXism: “it’s root drugs through Texas 4 smaller amount didn’t win much cowboy’s garb hog __ die” Signed 42 TXism: “took _ 9 Ima Hogg was against ‘Boys (init.) 32 TXism: “mighty 48 Fredericksburg Alicia Smith ______” (like) named after the 23 see 1-down (abbr.) fond __” event: ______fest 44 state representative heroine in a ____ 24 Bevo’s sch. 33 TX electronics co. 49 FW mayor Bob City Secretary from Uvalde, Pete 10 TX DPS trooper’s 25 high school sports 34 winningest Aggie (1982-1991) City of Willow Park (1993-95) concern (2 wds.) building coach, Slocum 56 little horse THE COMMUNITY NEWS July 31, 2020 11 SOFTBALL Despite chances to play in fewer tournaments, Ladycats carry on in local competition By Tony Eierdam The Community News For most of the Aledo Ladycats softball players, the summer months in “select” or “travel ball” of June and July represent travel to competitive national tournaments in California, Colorado, Florida, and Kansas City, just to name a few. But with the COVID-19 pan- demic still ongoing, many of these national tournaments have suc- cumbed to just local or area teams, and the select teams in Texas are no different. This past weekend in Plano, six varsity Ladycats played in the same tournament. Another Ladycat, starting shortstop Macy Graf, has been able to play in a national tour- nament, the Top Club National Tournament in June at Tulsa, but mainly Graf has played within state and area confines. Most of the Ladycats interviewed for this article at the Plano facili- ty expressed displeasure that they would not get to compete in nation- al tournaments across the country but at the same time were grateful for just being able to play. The Plano tournament ran July 23-26, but since it was played at a TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS five-field complex without lights, the Six Aledo Ladycats played in a 16-under select tournament July 23-26 in Plano. Shown (from left) are Kaylee Lucas, Kayleigh Smith, Madysen Boutwell, tournament stretched for four days Hannah Pack, and Rhett Gabbert. Not pictured is Texas Ray. to ensure each team played twice each day. “We have not played in any “These (local) tournaments are Smith still has opportunities to requirements of softball coaches that Ladycats third baseman Madysen national tournaments because of better than nothing, but I would pitch in games, and she said her restrict traveling to tournaments Boutwell, who with Ladycats pitcher COVID; we would be in California much rather be playing in big tour- team has tried to play as often as this summer — the summer ball Kayleigh Smith play for Texas Blaze right now,” Boutwell said. “We would naments (across the country,)” possible. She said that she doesn’t coaches have devised a way to let the NTX Premier 16-U, said because of be playing five games a day for five Smith said. “There is better com- feel she is where she wants to be, college coaches see their players in the COVID-19 pandemic that her straights days in California. I am petition and the college coaches are pitching wise, and that missing the game action, and it’s live. travel team has not traveled out of upset; actually, I am kind of mad.” there. And it is just more fun to regular softball season at Aledo Kayleigh’s father, Chris Smith, the state this season. Smith also misses the compe- travel to such nice places.” in the spring has hampered her sets up an iPad on the backstop Normally, softball players on tition and exposure gained from progress. each game for a remote and live upper-level select teams travel out playing in “big” tournaments. Her “This year,” Boutwell said, “ we “I am not pitching that bad,” she broadcast stream that is fed to a of state for national tournaments team recently played in a small tour- have missed going to tournaments said. “We all missed a lot of practice website where college coaches can at least two or three times each nament in Plano, but because the in Florida, Colorado, Kansas City, when we could not play at school.” watch live. These “game films” stay summer. National tournaments are fields do not have lights the teams California — we have missed the big Boutwell has also played at online to give college coaches access also where many top colleges scout could only play a limited amount of travel tournaments we are used to catcher in the summer, actually to the video to keep up with scouting players. games. playing in.” splitting time between the hot cor- players. ner and catcher. The streaming service is called “I like catcher, but I also like “Athletes Go Live” for live streaming third base,” Boutwell said when or on “On demand” streams after asked which of the two positions she games are completed. prefers. “But that is a great ques- “Division I coaches, because of tion. I really think…I like them both COVID, are restricted from going equally. But I do enjoy the every- off campus to travel to tournaments pitch action of being a catcher. to scout players this summer, so this “Hitting wise, I have been work- is what they came up with,” Chris ing hard every day and have been Smith said. “It is free for the coach- satisfied (with her summer) at the es, and each team has an assigned plate.” number so college coaches can log Another Aledo varsity starter, in and watch the games live or after sophomore-to-be Texas Ray, was they have been recorded. also playing at the Plano tourna- “The games are filmed on an iPad ment, but with another team. Two and it uploads the games through other Ladycats — Kaylee Lucas and streaming. And when a coach logs in Rhett Gabbert — were playing in we can see who is watching.” the same tournament in Plano (July Smith’s Ladycats’ catcher, 23-26) on a separate team that actu- Morgan Brown, is not only frustrat- ally lost to Boutwell’s and Smith’s ed that her team, Texas Blaze Red team during the second day of the 18-U, could not travel to national tournament. tournaments, but said staying local- “Our team has played in a lim- ly to play has a huge drawback. ited amount of tournaments this Brown will be a senior next year. summer just like all the others,” Ray, “There is not as much competi- a starter her freshman season on tion locally as there are at national varsity last year, said. “But any time tournaments,” she said. “There are my team is off I have been picking seven (graduated) seniors on my up with another team, so I am get- team and they all have to report ting my reps. to their colleges two weeks early “I have been playing every week- because of coronavirus. Because of end, just not with the same team. I TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS that we had to readjust our (sum- like the way I have been hitting late- mer) schedule and have just played Ladycats starting third baseman Madysen Boutwell rips a pitch during a tournament game July 23 at Archgate ly and am just happy to be playing.” Park in Plano. Boutwell’s AHS teammate, Kayleigh Smith, also plays on the Texas Blaze NTX Premier 16-U. The in four tournaments this summer.” As Smith and Boutwell men- team finished fifth at the four-day tournament. tioned — and because of NCAA Turn to SOFTBALL, page 12 CLEAR FORK MATERIALS Residential & Commercial “Are you growing with us?” • Topsoils & Custom Soil Blends • Compost & Mulches • Rock & Sand Products HIGHHIGH SPEED SPEED INTERNET INTERNET SPEEDING IS ENCOURAGED Serving North Texas SPEEDING IS ENCOURAGED since l986 CALLCALL CIRRA CIRRA NETWORKS NETWORKS TODAY TODAY Pick up or Delivery Available (817) 259-1100 | 800 OLD ANNETTA ROAD (817) 259-1100 | ALEDO, TEXAS 817-441-7777 HOURS: M-F 8-5 •SAT 8-2 WWW.CLEARFORKMATERIALS.COM 12 July 31, 2020 THE COMMUNITY NEWS

summers, albeit the lack of national competition and exposure. “I feel like my hitting is doing well,” Graf said. “Like everyone else I have my ups and downs, but for the most part I am pleased with my hitting. We rotate defensively on my team, and I have played shortstop, second base, and outfield this summer.” Another Ladycats’ sopho- more-to-be, Nathalie Touchet, also has found time to excel in sum- mer tournaments. Playing for the Tennessee Mojo along with Aledo teammates Maddy Jarvis and Reagan Davis, the team won a national tournament played last weekend in McKinney and Touchet was named MVP of the tournament. Although the Ladycats and other softball players across the state have TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS been limited to the number of tour- Ladycats pitcher Kayleigh Smith fires a pitch during a July 24 game for the naments they can play and where Texas Blaze NTX Premier 16-U team. they can play, all agree that getting in repetitions while playing actual While Graf had the opportunity games are better than not playing TONY EIERDAM/THE COMMUNITY NEWS SOFTBALL to play in one national tournament, at all. First baseman Rhett Gabbert of Aledo stretches for the put out. from page 11 she has also played quite a bit local- ly. Her team was set to play in Despite the lack of travel and national tournaments in California, having to stay close to home — Colorado, and Kansas City as they Brown’s team did get to play at Tulsa have in past. Graf did play in three (Top Club National Tournament) tournaments out of the area, one in — the catcher said she has been cre- Playing for Austin and two “big” tournaments ative in personal training. Normally, Tennessee in Houston. Brown will go to a weekly catching Mojo, Ladycats Nathalie clinic and take hitting lessons but Like her teammates stated, the competition in and around the Touchet, Maddy the novel virus has interrupted those Jarvis, and Metroplex is not as tough as the plans. Reagan Davis national tournaments. won a national “I have been putting in the work, “The local tournaments aren’t as championship but I did not participate in any clin- competitive as California, but it is at a tournament ics,” Brown said. “I have done a lot 100 percent better than not playing last weekend in on my own, and I have been hitting at all, and we still get in good reps,” McKinney. with (Aledo) teammates at batting Graf said. “The Houston tourna- cages. But as far as playing tourna- ment was very competitive; there ments, although I am disappointed are some really good teams from in the schedule, at least I have been Houston.” able to play. Graf said she feels lucky to have SPECIAL TO THE “That is better than not getting a gotten the opportunity to play COMMUNITY NEWS chance to play at all.” almost as many weekends as in past

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