SCOTTISH ART Wednesday 16 September 2015 Edinburgh SCOTTISH ART | Edinburgh | Wednesday 16 September 2015 | Edinburgh Wednesday 22763 SCOTTISH ART Wednesday 16 September 2015 at 14.00 22 Queen Street, Edinburgh BONHAMS BIDS EnQUiriES CUstomER SERVicES 22 Queen Street +44 (0) 20 7447 7447 Chris Brickley Monday to Friday 8.30 to 18.00 Edinburgh EH2 1JX +44 (0) 20 7447 7401 fax +44 (0) 131 240 2297 +44 (0) 20 7447 7447 +44 (0) 131 225 2266 To bid via the internet please
[email protected] +44 (0) 131 220 2547 fax visit Please see back of catalogue Iain Byatt-Smith for important notice to TELEPhonE BIDDING +44 (0) 131 240 0913 bidders SELECTED HIGHLIGhts on Bidding by telephone will only be
[email protected] VIEW accepted on lots with a low ILLUstrations New Bond Street, London estimate in excess of £500.00 Areti Chavale Front cover: Lot 60 Tuesday 1 September +44 (0) 131 240 2292 Back cover: Lot 50 09.00-16.30 Please note that bids should be
[email protected] Inside front cover: Lot 44 Wednesday 2 September submitted no later than 24 hours Inside back cover: Lot 22 09.00-16.30 prior to the sale. Saskia Robertson Facing page: Lot 37 +44 (0) 131 240 2632 Last page: Lot 69 Blythswood Hotel, Glasgow New bidders must also provide
[email protected] Tuesday 8 September proof of identity when submitting IMPORTANT INFORMATION 10.00-16.00 The United States bids. Failure to do this may London Government has banned the result in your bids not being Chris Dawson FULL saLE on VIEW: import of ivory into the USA.