Ann Druyan Talks About Science
THE SKEPTIC'S DICTIONARY • BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ON EVOLUTION • GHOST TOWN CURSE * • • Ann Druyan Talks About Science. Religion, Wonder, Awe...and Carl Sagan Art and Science (Larry) King of the Paranormal Intelligent Design * « Neither Intelligent Sylvia Browne Nor Designed Nor Designed TV Psychic Fellowship Sidesteps of the Rings lest Challenges UFO Rings and Fairy Rings Published by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal THE COMMITTEE FOR THE SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION off Claims off the Paranormal AT THE CENTER FOR INQUIRY-INTERNATIONAL (ADJACENT TO THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO) • AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Paul Kurtz, Chairman; professor emeritus of philosophy. State University of New York at Buffalo Barry Karr, Executive Director Joe Nickell, Senior Research Fellow Massimo Polidoro. Research Fellow Richard Wiseman, Research Fellow Lee Nisbet, Special Projects Director FELLOWS James E. Alcock,* psychologist, York Univ., Toronto Saul Green. PhD. biochemist, president of ZOL James E. Oberg. science writer Jerry Andrus, magician and inventor, Albany, Consultants, New York, NY Irmgard Oepen, professor of medicine (retired), Oregon Susan Haack, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts Marburg, Germany Marcia Angell, M.D.. former editor-in-chief, New and Sciences, prof, of philosophy. University Loren Pankratz, psychologist, Oregon Health England Journal of Medicine of Miami Sciences Univ. Robert A. Baker, psychologist, Univ. of Kentucky C. E. M. Hansel, psychologist, Univ. of Wales John Paulos. mathematician, Temple Univ. Stephen Barrett, M.D., psychiatrist, author, Al Hibbs, scientist. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Steven Pinker, cognitive scientist. MIT consumer advocate, Allentown, Pa. Douglas Hofstadter, professor of human Massimo Polidoro, science writer, author, execu Barry Beyerstein,* biopsychologist, Simon Fraser understanding and cognitive science, tive director CICAP, Italy Univ.
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