Readings, Writings, and Rings
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Educational Product Educators and Grades 1–2 Students EG-2004-03-012-JPL JPL 400-1139 3/04 Mission to Saturn Educator Guide Reading, Writing & Rings! Grades 1–2 Foreword Lesson List What Do You Know About Saturn? 1 This lesson starts students thinking about Saturn. They draw and write to express their knowledge of Saturn and the rings and moons. • Language Arts Focus — Descriptive Writing • Science Focus — Assessment through Writing and Illustration Where Is Saturn in the Solar System? Where am I in the Solar System? 2 This lesson introduces students to Saturn and its place in the solar sys tem. Students participate in a whole-class read-aloud and participate in a structured writing activity. • Language Arts Focus — Nonfiction Texts: Listening and Structured Writing • Science Focus — Learning About the Structure of the Solar System Wow, Saturn Is Much Bigger than Earth! 3 Students explore the comparative sizes of Saturn and Earth; they make to-scale illustrations and caption their illustrations using scientific language. • Language Arts Focus — Scientific Captions and Labels • Science Focus — Creating an Earth–Saturn Model Amazing — Saturn Is So Far, Far Away! 4 Students create an outdoor, to-scale model of the distances between the Sun, Earth, and Saturn to get a glimpse of the vastness of space. • Language Arts Focus — Writing an Informational Postcard • Science Focus — Using a Playground Model to Explore Distance My Spacecraft Model 5 Students engage in basic problem-solving as they design and construct a model of a spacecraft, document their work, and complete a Design Review Summary. • Language Arts Focus — Written Reporting and Oral Peer Presentations • Science Focus — Planning, Building, and Explaining a Spacecraft Model Reading,Writing & Rings! • Cassini Program website — • EG-2004-03-012-JPL 2 Foreword Earth to Saturn, Earth to Saturn! 6 In this lesson, students use drawing and writing to explore the compara tive features of Saturn and Earth. • Language Arts Focus — Descriptive Analogies • Science Focus — Understanding the Attributes of Earth and Saturn Rotating Rings of Ice 7 Students create a three-dimensional model of Saturn and its rings and write about the model; students draft and write a paragraph explaining what they know about the ring system. • Language Arts Focus — Drafting and Writing a Paragraph • Science Focus — Modeling Saturn’s Icy Ring System Titan and the Other Moons of Saturn 8 Students learn that Saturn has many moons and that the Cassini– Huygens mission may discover more moons; they examine characteris tics of Saturn’s moons and sort the moons by attributes, then write about the moons and explain how they sorted them. • Language Arts Focus — Descriptive Scientific Language • Science Focus — Sorting by Scientific Attributes Focus on Saturn’s Fascinating Features 9 In this lesson, students create a multilayered book showing Saturn’s layers, ring system, and moons; then develop their own texts to explain their Saturn diagrams. • Language Arts Focus — Writing and Illustrating Expository Texts • Science Focus — Creating Saturn Books: Rings, Moons, and Other Features Awesome Saturn 10 Students generate a word list, then create one or more poems about Saturn. • Language Arts Focus — Using Poetry to Describe Saturn • Science Focus — Summative Reflections on Saturn Reading,Writing & Rings! • Cassini Program website — • EG-2004-03-012-JPL 3 Foreword Foreword hildren begin rudimentary scientific thinking from the time they are c born as they explore their natural environment and seek to make sense of it. When they acquire language, they begin asking questions about what they experience, observe, and think. Once they are in school, children’s natural curios ity links closely with science learning, which offers an ideal opportunity to help young students expand their budding knowledge about the world. Science learn ing is also an ideal opportunity to involve students in rich reading and writing activities that not only help improve the quality of their learning but also help make them better readers and writers — a key goal in the elementary years. The sets of lessons you are about to encounter purposefully bring together read ing, writing, and science in ways that underscore the belief that scientific thinking and the intelligent use of language go hand-in-hand. These lessons build good language use into the science curriculum, helping students use reading and writ ing to learn. In doing so, the lessons also help spur students’ growth in vocabulary A Saturn storm as seen as they acquire new words through their engagement in authentic learning experi by the Hubble Space ences. Telescope. While the lessons are grouped for grades 1/2 and 3/4, they can readily be used interchangeably as needed. Older students with little space science background might benefit from the grades 1/2 lessons. English learners might benefit from the early grades’ reading and writing activities, too, finding them more accessible. The upper-grade lessons can also be used for enrichment for younger students who are ready for further study. We encourage teachers to look at the lessons as a whole and use them as best suits their teaching context. Most important, the lessons open up the world of Saturn and emerging data about this planet to young children, and invite them to be part of space explora A view of Saturn’s rings tion. The scientific concepts, language, and content have been reviewed for accu by Voyager 2. racy by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory staff. Connecting Theory and Practice Common to the reading and writing activities found in the lessons is an underly ing belief that metacognitive skills practiced in socially interactive situations can contribute to young children’s capacity to think scientifically. The lessons aim to improve science learning by enhancing metacognitive skills. For example, in science notebooks and logs, students are asked to think about what they have learned and think about how they have learned, both key compo nents of metacognition, which concerns the ability to reflect on our own cogni tive processes (the process of knowing) and knowledge about when, how, and why to engage in various cognitive activities (Flavell, 1981). A number of key sci- Reading,Writing & Rings! • Cassini Program website — • EG-2004-03-012-JPL 4 Fo reword ence process skills are metacognitive in nature and have close correspondence with the skills of reading and writing. The skills of observing, classifying, com paring, predicting, describing, inferring, communicating, interpreting data, or ganizing information, and drawing conclusions are among the skills young chil dren engage in as they explore a scientific concept, read a text, draw a picture, or compose a piece of writing. The lessons seamlessly integrate and reinforce these important skills. The instructional activities enable students to be active learners and take respon sibility for their own learning. Children first learn how to engage in various problem-solving tasks such as those listed above through social interaction with others (Vygotsky, 1978). The lessons highlight social interaction through explor atory talk (Barnes, 1976) with teachers, partners, and in small groups, and the use of expressive language (Britton, 1990) in talk and writing. This kind of lan guage use among adults and peers helps students clarify ideas and work through new concepts. Little by little, students begin to internalize these new skills and processes. Connecting Reading, Writing, and Science Learning Reading and writing are central activities in each lesson. The lessons focus mainly on expository (explanatory) reading and writing. This kind of reading and writing tends to take a back seat to personal narration in the early grades. As a result, young students become very familiar with structure of a story but less familiar with the structure of expository and informational texts, even though learning how to read and write to explain, analyze, and report are essential skills for students as they move through the grades. Through engaging reading and writing activities, the lessons enable deeper learning by involving students in us ing writing to help organize and clarify their thinking. Writing is essential to learning both the content and the processes of science. Langer and Applebee (1987) have identified three important teaching functions of writing that can scaffold students’ learning of new content (see table at end of Foreword that relates functions to writing activities in the lessons): Teaching Functions 1. To draw on relevant knowledge and experience as preparation for new activities To To foster 2. To consolidate and review ideas evaluate new and experiences knowledge learning and skills 3. To reformulate and extend knowledge Reading,Writing & Rings! • Cassini Program website — • EG-2004-03-012-JPL 5 Fo reword Writing encourages active engagement in learning and helps students activate their schema for the concepts to be explored. Expressive writing in notebooks and logs in children’s own everyday language is their thinking written down, made permanent so that students can revisit their first impressions and revise their thinking as their understanding deepens. Writing helps students gain awareness of their developing knowledge and helps teachers to assess what stu dents are learning and not learning, what they are interested in, and what diffi culties they are experiencing. Further, research has shown that the more that sci entific content is manipulated through analytic writing tasks, the better it is re called (Langer, 1986, Wotring, and Tierney, 1981). Reading also encourages active learning by students and has much in common with science process skills. Whether exploring a new area of science or reading a text connected to science, students are engaged in several of the same problem- solving processes. The reading skills of visualizing, questioning, determining im portant ideas, and understanding text structures resonate with the science pro- cess skills of making inferences, making predictions, and drawing conclusions.