Palesllala: Tanks of Injustice Israeli Occupadon of Wast Bank Md Gaza Page 2-Revolutionary W>Rker-April 7, 2002
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l(EVOL·UTIONAl(Y WOl(l<EI( ):~~~~u~~~a~ Communis; Party, USA No. 1145 PaleSllala: Tanks of Injustice Israeli Occupadon of Wast Bank Md Gaza Page 2-Revolutionary W>rker-April 7, 2002 Now from Revolutionary Worker Online Complete text of the n~w Draft Programme of the RCP,USA Available on in both HTML and PDF formats including the complete appendices of Part 2 1 . The Party and the Masses 2. Revolution Means Waging People's War 3. Create Public Opinion, Seize Power! Prepare Minds and Organize Forces for Revolution. The Central Task of the RCP,USA 4. The United Front Under the Leadership of the Proletariat Part 1: Why · and How the Proletariat Builds and Leads the United Front 5. United Front Under the Leadership of the Proletariat Part 2: Who Are Our Friends, Who Are Our Enemies? A Brief Presentation of Classes in U.S. Society 6. The Party Under Socialism, and the Transition to Communism 7. Consolidating the New Proletarian Power, Developing Radically New Institutions 8. Proletarian Dictatorship, Democracy and the Rights of the People 9. Internationalism and International Relations 10. Uprooting National Oppression and White Supremacy 11 . Ending Discrimination Against Immigrants 12. The Proletarian Revolution and the Emancipation of Women 13. Art, Science, Education, Sports, and the Challenge of Creating a Whole New Superstructure in Socialist Society 14. The New Socialist Economy Part 1: Grasp Revolution, Promote Production 15. The New Socialist Economy Part 2: Agriculture, City and Countryside, Ecology, and Planning ..... - 16. Proletarian Morality- A Radical Rupture With Traditi~n·s Chains' GET THIS ISSUE OF THE RW OUT TO THE PEOPLE! 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I I 07129/0 t l·-·-----····---------·-·------·-···························--·------·-·······--·--··· .......................: ................j April 7, 2002-Revolutionary \l\brker-Page 3 On March 29, the Palestin ian people of = Ramallah fact:d the second invasion within a month by occupation forces, as 150 Israeli tanks rumbled into the West Bank town. Crushing cars and anything else in their way, many of the tanks headed to the offices of the Palestinian Authority (PA) located in a walled com pound. TI1e Israeli troops forced their way into the compound, smashing gaping holes in the walls as they fired tank shells and machine guns. Soon the Israeli milt tary had control of the compound, and PA head Yasser Arafat was holed up in a second-floor office~the electricity cut off, a cell phone his only means of com· munication to the outside world. S ince December, Arafat has been held a virtual prisoner in Ramallah, prevented from traveling outs ide of the town by Israeli troops. But this latest assault sig naled a new and very heavy intensification of Jsraeli military moves against the Some of the hundreds of Palestinians rounded up by Israeli troops in Ramallah for "questioning," Pa\est\nian areas. As we go to press, Israel March 30. continues to hold Arafat hostage - and it is unclear how things will develop. What basically recognized as a "head of state" schoolboy, saying that Arafat had not capital; and a solution to the situation of is certain is t.hat the new Israeli offensive by governments around the world. Yet, in " done enough" to shut down armed Palestinian refugees. Israeli officials in the West Bank and Gaza will mean fur Ramallah, Israel deployed its massive mil Palestinian groups, and refused to guaran called the proposal a "non-starter." And ther . death and destruction for the itary- bristling with powerful high-tech tee that Arafat would be allowed to return by the weekend, they were backing up that Palestinian people-more people cut weapons thanks to U.S. aid-to swoop if he traveled to the summit. The U.S. also stand with tanks aimed right at Arafat. down in tbe streets. by overwhelming down on the PA offices in a lightning scolded Arafat for "not doing enough" to The immediate justification used by Israeli firepower. more houses razed to the strike and utterly humiliate Arafat in front shut down the resistance and denied him a Israeli officials for this invasion was that ground by Israeli military bulldozers, of the world. It was a naked power move chance for a meeting with Vice President they were responding to a series of recent more fly-by murders by U.S.-supplied jet to deliver a gangster-like message: We are Dick Cheney. At the same time, Bush's Palestinian suicide bombings, especially fighters and helicopter gunships. the ones in charge here, we're the one~ special envoy to the Middle East, General one in the Mediterranean coast city of The scene in Ramallah- the tank inva that occupy this land, and we hold your Zinni, demanded that the Palestinians Netanya that ki lled more than 20 people sion of a town and the s iege of the PA fate in our hands. agree to a ceasefire which did not even attending a Passover celebration. But headquarters-pointed to the essence of There is another message that Israel's mention the Palestinian state. according to reports in the media, Israeli the two sides of conflict in Palestine: Zionist rulers are delivering: If there are to TI1e Arab League summit endorsed a Premier Ariel Sharon and his generals had occupier vs. occupied, justice vs. injus be any "truces" or " peace agreements," it proposal from the Saudi crown prince been discussing possible " broad military tice, Z ionism and imperialism vs.