Article 10 Landmark Case Report Initiation of Designation HEARING DATE: SEPTEMBER, 18 2013 Date: September 11, 2013 Case No.: 2011.0687L Project Address: 1712-1716 Fillmore Street Zoning: (NC-3) Neighborhood Commercial Block/Lot: 0684/020 Property Owner: Nishan and Suhaila Sweis Staff Contact: Mary Brown – (415) 575-9074
[email protected] Reviewed By: Tim Frye – (415) 575-6822
[email protected] PROJECT DESCRIPTION The case before the Historic Preservation Commission is the consideration to initiate the landmark designation process of 1712-1716 Fillmore Street as an Article 10 landmark pursuant to Section 1004.1 of the Planning Code. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION & SURROUNDING LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT 1712-1716 Fillmore Street, historically known as Jimbo’s Bop City and Marcus Books, is located on the east side of Fillmore Street, between Post and Sutter Streets, in San Francisco’s Western Addition neighborhood. The two-story-over-raised-basement, rectangular-plan, residential-over-commercial building was designed in the Stick Eastlake style. It was constructed c.1893 at 1686-1690 Post Street and moved in 1978 to its current location on Fillmore Street. The building is set back approximately 15 ft. from the sidewalk and its footprint occupies most of its 2,557 sq. ft. lot. There is a commercial storefront at the raised basement and residential units at the first and second stories. The building is clad in horizontal channel drop wood siding and is capped with a gable roof obscured by a paneled parapet. The attached draft Landmark Designation Report contains a detailed building description on pages 2-5.