Microbiology Research 2013; volume 4:e4 Antibacterial activities Introduction Correspondence: Mark Merchant, DEof Bioche - of serum from the Komodo mistry, McNeese State University Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) Lake Charles, LA 70609, USA. Tel. +1.337.4755773 is an endangered species of monitor lizard E-mail:
[email protected] Mark Merchant,1 Danyell Henry,1 indigenous to only five islands in the Lesser Key words: innate immunity, lizard, reptile, Rodolfo Falconi,1 Becky Muscher,2 Sunda region of southeast Indonesia.1 It is the serum complement, varanid. Judith Bryja3 largest lizard in the world, reaching lengths of 2 1Department of Chemistry, McNeese more than 3 meters. These reptiles primarily Acknowledgements: the authors wish to acknowl- State University, Lake Charles, LA; inhabit the tropical savannahs, and their edge the help of San Antonio Zoo employees: J. 2Department of Herpetology, San boundary woodlands, of these islands. They Stephen McCusker (Director), Alan Kardon 3 (Curator of Herpetology and Aquarium), and Rob Antonio Zoo, TX; 3Department of feed as both scavenger and predators, eating a broad spectrum of food items. Coke and Jenny Nollman (Veterinarians), and Herpetology, Houston Zoo, TX, USA Komodo dragons kill prey items with a lethal Houston Zoo employees Rick Barongi (Director), bite that is believed to inject toxic bacteria into Stan Mays (Director of Herpetology), and Maryanne Tocidlowski (Veterinarian), for per- the blood stream of these animals.4-5 However, mission to