Power Processing, Part 1. Electric Machinery Analysis
DOCONEIT MORE BD 179 391 SE 029 295,. a 'AUTHOR Hamilton, Howard B. :TITLE Power Processing, Part 1.Electic Machinery Analyiis. ) INSTITUTION Pittsburgh Onii., Pa. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washingtcn, PUB DATE 70 GRANT NSF-GY-4138 NOTE 4913.; For related documents, see SE 029 296-298 n EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 PusiPostage. DESCRIPTORS *College Science; Ciirriculum Develoiment; ElectricityrFlectrOmechanical lechnology: Electronics; *Fagineering.Education; Higher Education;,Instructional'Materials; *Science Courses; Science Curiiculum:.*Science Education; *Science Materials; SCientific Concepts ABSTRACT A This publication was developed as aportion of a two-semester sequence commeicing ateither the sixth cr'seventh term of,the undergraduate program inelectrical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. The materials of thetwo courses, produced by a ional Science Foundation grant, are concernedwith power convrs systems comprising power electronicdevices, electrouthchanical energy converters, and associated,logic Configurations necessary to cause the system to behave in a prescribed fashion. The emphisis in this portionof the two course sequence (Part 1)is on electric machinery analysis. lechnigues app;icable'to electric machines under dynamicconditions are anallzed. This publication consists of sevenchapters which cW-al with: (1) basic principles: (2) elementary concept of torqueand geherated voltage; (3)tile generalized machine;(4i direct current (7) macrimes; (5) cross field machines;(6),synchronous machines; and polyphase
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