
The Treaties, 1919-1920

After the First World War there were a series of treaties which dealt with each of the defeated countries. The following table shows you the main terms of these treaties. 1. What are the main themes across the peace treaties? 2. How do the peace treaties compare with ’s 14-Point plan for ?

Country Bulgaria (Turkey) Title of Treaty Treaty of St Germain Treaty of Neuilly Treaty of Sevres General Establishment of Establishment of League Establishment of League Establishment of Establishment of Clauses of Nations of Nations League of Nations League of Nations Article 231: War Guilt Clause – Germany forced to accept blame for starting the War Railways could not be built with more than one track Financial Germany to pay reparation of £6,600 million to Austria was to pay Hungary was to pay Bulgaria to pay Clauses pay for war damages reparations but went reparations of 200 million reparation of £100 bankrupt before the gold crowns million to pay for amount was agreed war damages Military Army reduced to 100,000 men Army reduced to 30,000 Army reduced to 35,000 Army reduced to Amy reduced to Clauses men men 20,000 men 50,000 men Navy limited to six ships and no submarines Air Force was not allowed Air Force was not allowed Navy limited to 13 Air Force was not allowed ships Territorial to be de-militarised (kept free of Austro-Hungarian Empire Land lost to Austria, Lost land to Greece, Ottoman Empire Clauses German military) disbanded , Romania and disbanded and Serbia No (union) allowed with Austria Land lost to Italy, Land lost to Greece Czechoslovakia and Serbia and Italy Land lost around the borders such as - Loraine lost to and land lost to No Anschluss (union) Britain and France Czechoslovakia and allowed with Germany take control of the Middle East Loss of overseas Empire