Iowa City, Iowa
... - .- , -· -0 .., 01 0 w n. Servil1g The State lliversity of lou; 1 and the People otlC!wa City Men. r of Associated Pn- - AP Lea!lCd Wire and F-bolo Sen'lCf" Iowa City. Iowa, Friday. AUJUSt It, 18 , Baby Was. Buried Next Day- • erger eln , naper aug . Grave Found 'GOP Party o/ l,Future: I~e After Short SAN FRANCJSCO (of! - Pre ident Eisenhower "humbly but eonndcnl'j 13" accepted lh RepubUcan pre i· dential nomination Thursday night Ike Spends Police Search' with a promJ 10 strive with the ' GOP toward th "dr am of a brave MINEOLA, N. Y. III - A st· and shinlnc new world." year-old father of two children was "The Republican party," Mr. Ei· seized ThurS<t.y and pollee IBid· he senhower declared, "Is the party IBuSY Day admLtted kldnapln, a.nd kilHng one· of the future." I month-old Peter Weinberger. Mr. El enhower and Vlce·Presi· Angolo J. LaMarca, a dark· dent Richard M. Nixon Ume be· Campaigning haired, stocky taxi cab driver wlth fore the final se· Ion of l/Ie Re· a small moustache, wu quoted by publican centennial convention to SAN FRANCISCO (of! - Pre idcnt police L~ sa.ylng he tried to collect accept their nominations lor sec· 1 Eisenhow r. rcnomJnated for a ICC' a f2,ooo ransom July 5, the morn· ond terms. ond term and ready to accept, Ing after the kidnaping of the chUd Mr. Eisenhower's appearance on lellped Thursday into the batUe to \ .... Wlr.,boIO) from its nearby Westbul')', N. Y., th plaHorm set off a wlld 18-min· ~~~g~~e .GOP back in control of ARRESTED 'n tfIe W.I ...,...,.
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