Iranian Dual-Use Nuclear Technology Iranian Dual-Use Science and Technology Bibliography Volume I: Nuclear Science Related Research Compiled By Mark Gorwitz November 2010 pg. 1 Iranian Dual-Use Nuclear Technology Introduction This is the first volume of a planned multivolume bibliography on Iranian research in the dual-use engineering and scientific related areas. Each volume in the series contains references from books, conference proceedings, documents, journal articles, patents and thesis obtained from open sources. Sources used include Iranian databases, INIS, ScienceDirect, and various nuclear and engineering databases. Any questions or comments regarding this bibliography should be directed to the author at
[email protected] pg. 2 Iranian Dual-Use Nuclear Technology Nuclear Physics Research Documents/Reports: Tech. Rept. No. 17 NRC Preparation of Am-241 Source for Smoke Detector H. rachehforuian 1982 Tech. Rept. No. 58 NRC Preparation of Am-241 Source for Lightening System H. Ghafourian 1985 Thesis: R. Koohi-Fayegh, Thesis (M.S.), 1977, University of Birmingham, UK Implementation of the Unfolding Code FERDOR R. Koohi-Fayegh, Thesis (PhD), 1980, University of Birmingham, UK Neutron Spectrum Measurement in a LiF-Be Assembly Using a Miniature NE-213 Spectrometer H. Afarideh, Thesis (M.S.), University of Birmingham, UK, 1985 Development of New Techniques for Automatic Track Counting H. Afarideh, Thesis (PhD), University of Birmingham, UK, 1988 Investigation of Light Particles in Ternary and Binary Fission of 251Cf and 238U G.R. Raisali, Thesis (PhD.), AmirKabir University, Department of Physics, January 1992 Radiation Transport Simulation in Gamma Irradiator Systems using EGS4 Monte Carlo Code and Dose Mapping Calculations Based on Point Kernel Technique K.