International Journal of Agricultural Science Research Vol. 3(2), pp. 019-024, February 2014 Available online at ISSN 2327-3321 ©2014 Academe Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Abundance of vulnerable ray undulata in the Bay of Bengal

Bikram Jit Roy*, Nripendra Kumar Singha, S.M. Hasan Ali, Gaziur Rhaman and Fokhrul Alam

Marine Survey Management Unit, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Accepted 30 October, 2013

This study was carried out during July, 2009 to June, 2013 continually on the vulnerable ray species, whipray - Himantura undulata (Bleeker, 1852), and its total landing, total landed number and parentage contribution were recorded from the selected two fish landing centers at BFDC Fish Harbour, Cox’s Bazar and ghat fish landing center, Chittagong District. The highest landing volume was recorded as 0.420 MT in the month of March, 2010 and the lowest was 0.112 MT in August, 2011 period. The average highest and lowest landing of H. undulata were 52.5 and 2.88 kg in the months of November, 2012 and March, 2009 period respectively. During 2009-2010, H. undulata contributed only 0.560 MT (0.33%) followed by 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 periods, where it contributed 0.893 MT (0.28%), 0.882 MT (0.23% ) and 0.434 MT (0.12%) of the year wise total landing volume of sharks and rays respectively. Month wise maximum and minimum recorded numbers of landed H. undulata were 59 and 4 in the month of November, 2012 and July, 2009 respectively. The highest and lowest percentage contribution were analyzed as 2.54% and 0.28% in July, 2009 and March, 2013 respectively in the month wise total landing amounts of sharks and rays. However, its commercial importance and fishing pressure is now in a vulnerable position by The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Key words: Abundance, total landing, percentage contribution, commercial importance, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


The shark fisheries (shark and ray species) in Rays are caught and sold at a reasonable price; they Bangladesh are mostly artisanal. Sharks are harvested appear predominantly in the shallower strata up to 50 m as target species mainly by shark net (modified gill net) depth (Malaysia, NOPA-Shark, 2006). Rays are not and hook and lines, and as a by catch in other homogeneously distributed over the whole area but are commercial fishing; whereas rays are captured only as by mainly found in two zones, one of which is near Elephant catch in hook and lines and sometimes exploits in point and the other in the center of the middle ground trammel net and set bag net as well (Roy et al., 2007). area (near Mohipur) (Lamboeuf, 1987). Only 80-100 numbers of mechanized boats are engaged In Bangladesh, there are only a few small shark in commercial fishing for sharks and rays at Cox’s Bazar fisheries processing plants in the form of cottage industry and Chittagong districts. The fishing took place in the operated mostly by fisher flocks due to the irregular eastern and western part of the Bay of Bengal in supply of shark and ray species (Roy et al., 2007). Rays Bangladesh region. Large numbers of small size are mostly consumed as a fresh meat, while some are juveniles or new born sharks and rays are caught by processed as salted fish and in dried form. During 2011- shrimp and fish trawlers, which were not recorded or 2012, the total marine fish production was 578,620 MT of reported for small size and low market value, and which shark fishery contributed only 0.80% (4205 MT) thereafter discarded as a trash (Roy et al., 2007). (DOF, 2011-2012). The International Union for The multi species coastal fisheries, at both artisanal and commercial levels, comprise 56 species of sharks and rays (Day, 1969), though Roy et al. (2011) recorded 35 species for both sharks (11 species) and rays (24 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. species) in our marine territory. Tel: 00 88 01815509464. Roy et al. 020

Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (2009) has assessed the study period, the recorded highest length and weight of Leopard whipray as vulnerable, as it faces heavy fishing H. undulata were 110 cm (DW) and 55.0 kg respectively. pressure and degradation across much of its During these periods, newly born H. undulata (small size) range (Internet, July, 2011). So this study was was recorded as 22 cm (DW) and the weight was 170 undertaken to know the present status of the species in gm, whereas the mother’s body weight was 0.132 kg and Bangladesh. the DW was 110 cm in the month of March, 2010 which is nearly similar to the report of White et al. (2006). During MATERIALS AND METHODS the study period, abundance of H. undulata was very rare. It was found only in 12 months out of 60 months (5 The field study was conducted from July, 2009 to June, years study period) from the selected two landing centers 2013 in two shark and ray fish landing centers at BFDC and it contributed less than 3.0% of the total month wise Fish Harbour, Cox’s Bazar and Fishery ghat fish landing catch of sharks and rays landing volumes. So, for the center, Chittagong district. These sampling centers were vulnerable elasmobranches species, there is need for selected in order to cover a wide range of the landing proper management plan. Roy et al. (2011) reported that centers, retail and whole sale markets, target and the very rare ray species of H. undulata contributed 1.54 incidental catches of the species, from the Bay of Bengal and 2.17% abundance, which was observed in the month of Bangladesh region. of July, 2009 and March, 2010 respectively. In the study The total numbers of month wise landing data were period, it was observed that in the immature stage of the recorded at the two landing stations and a formal face to species, H. undulata was seen to have many black spots face interview of boat owners/divers of commercial from the dorsal view of the whole body and in the virtual fishing vessels was conducted by a scientific officer (total side, dark line was present in the anterior lobe, whereas of five) and field officer (ten) alternately. The data were in the mature stage of the species, reticulate dark brown collected in new-moon, full-moon, first quarter, last rings were present in the dorsal side of the body (Figure quarter and other days of the moon month from the 1). landing centers. Sampling days are 8 in each month of Most rays are viviparous, bearing live young “litters” of the year continuously by the Marine Fisheries Survey five to ten. It is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List Management Unit, Chittagong. Data processing and due to over harvesting and loss of its preferred shallow analysis were done manually and with the use of water inshore near mangrove (Wild Fact Sheet, computer. 2013).


Species description and distribution Year wise

The Leopard whipray - Himantura undulata (Bleeker, In the year 2009-2010, a total of 172.266 MT of exploiting 1852) is a species of in the family Dasyatidae, sharks and rays were recorded, among which H. distributed widely in the shallow waters near the shore, undulata contributed only 0.33% (0.560 MT). During close to land than the breaking waves and in Indo-pacific 2010-2011, the total landing of H. undulata was recorded region from Bay of Bengal to Northern . It is not as 0.893 MT (0.28%), where the landing volume of total found at all in the western (Internet, July, sharks and rays was 314.367 MT. In 2011-2012 periods, 2011). Distribution by depth strata rays ranges as follows: H. undulata contributed 0.23% (0.882 MT) of the total 10-20 m-899, 20-50 m-71, 50-80 m 08, 80-100 m-2, Av landed (382.670 MT) shark and ray species. During 10-100-214. According to the F/V Jalwa survey, the 2012-2013, the total landing of sharks and rays was highest however was not confirmed by any of the other 362.406 MT, on which landing amounts of H. undulata surveys (Lambeouf, 1987). was 0.434 MT or 0.12% (Table 1). The species has a disc width of 140 cm, while its size at birth is 20 cm DW (White et al., 2006); however, it has Month wise a diamond-shaped disc with rounded corners and a projecting, pointed snout. Its tail is long and whip like During July, 2009 to June, 2010, the month wise total without fin folds. Adults have a striking dorsal color landing volume of H. undulata was recorded as 0.140 MT pattern consisting of large, dark brown rings and in the month of July, 2009 and in March, 2010 the total reticulations delineated by thin yellow lines, while landing was 0.420 MT. In July, 2010 to June, 2011 juveniles have a pattern of large dark spots. Mating period, the total landing amount was 0.218 MT in the season occurs in the winter. In the years 2009-2010, month of November, 2010 followed by 0.400 MT in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, a total number of January, 2011 and 0.275 MT in May, 2011. During July, 158 H. undulata were landed and their total weight were 2011 to June, 2012, the total landing was 0.350 MT in the recorded as 2769.0 kg from these landing centers. In this month of July, 2011 followed by 0.112 MT in August, Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res. 021

H. undulata (Dorsal view-Immature stage) H. undulata (Ventral view-Immature stage)

H. undulata (Dorsal view-Mature stage H. undulata (Ventral view-Mature stage)

Figure 1. Immature and mature stages of Himautura undulate .

2011, 0.195 MT in April, 2012 and 0.225 MT in May, Percentage contribution 2012 respectively. In July, 2012 to June, 2013, the total catch was 0.170 MT in the month of November, 2012, Month wise percentage contribution by weight of H. 0.141 MT in March, 2013 and 0.123 MT in May, 2013 undulata was analyzed during the period of July, 2009 to (Table 1 and Figure 2). June, 2010 and it was observed that the percentage composition of H. undulata was 2.54% in the month of Total numbers July, 2009 and 2.17% in March, 2010. In July, 2010 to June, 2011 period, the total percentage contribution was Month wise total landed numbers of H. undulata were found as 1.15% in the month of November, 2010 followed recorded during the study period during July, 2009 to by 0.91% in the month of January, 2011 and 1.80% in June, 2010. A total of 12 numbers were landed, of which May, 2011. 4 numbers were landed in the month of July, 2009 and 8 During July, 2011 to June, 2012, the percentage were landed in March, 2010 period. contribution was analyzed as 2.35% in the month of July, In July, 2010 to June, 2011, a total of 6 numbers were 2011 followed by 0.63% in August, 2011, 0.84% in April, recorded in November, 2010, followed by 8 in January, 2012 and 1.76% in May, 2012. In July, 2012 to June, 2011 and 13 in May, 2011. During July, 2011 to June, 2013 period, the percentage composition was found as 2012, a total of 10 numbers were landed in July, 2011, 0.41% in the month of November, 2012, 0.28% in March, followed by 14 in August 2011, 12 in April, 2012 and 9 in 2013 and 0.59% in May, 2013 for the month wise total May, 2012. catch of shark and ray species (Table 1). In the period of July, 2012 to June, 2013, a total of 71 Rays contribute approximately 1% (22,204.80 tons) of number of species were recorded, among which 59 of the the total marine landing in , most of which are species were landed in the month of November, 2012, 5 stingray. The following stingray species are available in in March, 2013 and 10 in May, 2013 (Table 1). Parangipettai coast, Tamil Nadu, India - Dasatis sephen, Roy et al. 022

Table 1. Month wise and year wise total landing, percentage contribution and total number of H. undulate.

July,09- June,10 July,10-June,11 July,11- June,12 July,12- June,13 Month TL (MT) HU(MT) % TN TL(MT) HU(MT) % TN TL(MT) HU(MT) % TN TL(MT) HU(MT) % TN July 0.140 2.54 4 - - - 0.350 2.35 10 - - - August ------0.112 0.63 14 - - - September ------October ------November - - - 0.218 1.15 6 - - - 0.170 0.41 59 December 172.266 - - - 314.367 382.670 - - - 362.406 - - - January MT - - - MT 0.400 0.91 8 MT - - - MT - - - February ------March 0.420 2.17 8 ------0.141 0.28 5 April ------0.195 0.84 12 - - - May - - - 0.275 1.80 13 0.225 1.76 9 0.123 0.59 10 June ------

# TL= Year wise Total landing of shark and rays; HU =Total landing of H. undulata; TN= Total number; %= Percentage contribution.

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 0.450 0.400 0.350 0.300 0.250

MT 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Figure 2. Month and year wise total landing (MT) of H. undulate. Fig.01 Month & Yearwise total landing (MT) of H. undulata

Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res. 023

D. imbricata, D. benneti, D. jenkensi, Himantura walga, and Global Shark Conservation. Link: http// H. uarnak, H. bleekeri, H. undulata, H. gerradi, Mobula and diabolus, Aetabatus narinari and A. flagellum, but H. undulata are rare in the same coast (Rojesh et al., 2010). Bleeker P (1852). “Bijdrege tot de kennis der Plagiostomen van den Indischen Archipel”. Utilization Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van kunsten en Wetenschappen, 24(12): 1-92. Small sizes of shark and ray are used to produce fish Compagno LJV (1984). FAO species catalogue, Vol.4: meal and fertilizer if markets of human consumption are Shark of the world; Part 2 Carcharhiniformis. Food and not available (Compagno, 1984). In Bangladesh, it is Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, observed that small sizes of H. undulate (with less Italy. 655 p. weight) are used as dried form for human consumption, Day F (1969). The fishes of India Being a natural /history whereas they are used as fish meal for fish cultural pond of the fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Fresh and as poultry feed in poultry industries. This observation water of India, Burma and Ceylon Vol-1, Text New is related to that of Compagno (1984). The flesh of H. Delhi, pp. 730-740. undulata is used in the local market by some non-Muslim DOF (2011-2012) Fisheries Statistical Year Book of people, the tail is used locally as whip, the bones are Bangladesh, Department of Fisheries, Matshya used in medicine and cosmetics industry, and dorsal view Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 33 p. part of the skin is exported in dried form in China, Korea, IUCN (2009). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. Hong Kong, Singapore, UAE and Dubai to make ladies’ 2009.2). Available at: (Accessed: bags, money bags and ladies’ shoes. This species is 3 November 2009). commercially valuable, with most specimens caught as Lamboeuf M (1987). Bangladesh by catch landed and sold thereafter. Bleeker’s variegated Resources of the continental shelf, R/V. Ansandhani whipray is important in the gill and tangle net fisheries in Survey results, September, 1984-June, 1986. Food Indonesian waters, which likely also includes adjacent Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. waters (White et al., 2006; Last et al., 2010). Last PR, White WT, Caire JN, Dharmade F, Jensen K, The exploitation of vulnerable ray species H. undulata Lim APF, Mabel B, Matsumoto, Naylor GJP, Pogonoski was rare and was seen as by catch; its abundance of JJ, Stevens JD, Yearsley GK (2010). Sharks and Rays small sizes increased with the decrease of large sizes, of Borneo. CSIRO. Publishing, pp. 216-217. ISBN 978- which is now in vulnerable position by the IUCN for its 1-921605-59-8. economic importance. The threats to Bleeker’s Malaysia, NPOA-SHARK (2006). National Plan of Action variegated whipray are many of those faced by other for the Conservation and Management of Shark, Himantura species within its range. Bleeker’s variegated Department of Fisheries. Ministry of Agriculture and whipray may be more vulnerable than some of its Agro-Based Industry, Malaysia. congeners due to its large size at maturity and maximum Manijaji BM, White WT (2004). “Himantura undulata” size and its preference for inshore coastal waters that are IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version, 2010. heavily fished and degraded in many parts of its range 2. International Union for conservation of Nature. (Manijaji and White, 2004). It was observed that during 2009-2010, the total landed Retrieved September 10, 2010. numbers of H. undulata was 12 and its average landing Rojesh KR, Vennila, Damotharan P, Kanchana S, weight was 46.66 kg, this was followed by 27 landed Arumugam M, Balasubramanian T (2010). CAS in numbers and 33.07 kg, 45 landed numbers and 19.60 kg Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science, Annamalai and 74 landed numbers and 5.86 kg in the year 2010- University, Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu, India. 2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 respectively. It was International Journal of Recent Scientific Research analyzed that the total landed numbers of H. undulata URSR, October, 2010, Link at: http:// www. gradually increased, but the average landing weight gradually decreased. So it is clear that previous Roy BJ, Alam FM, Rhaman GM, Singha NK, Akhtar A exploitation of Leopard whipray showed that they were (2011). Landing trends, Species Composition and large in size and weight, but nowadays they are captured Percentage contribution of sharks and rays in as small in size and weight. For the fishing pressure, it is Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Bangladesh now in a vulnerable position, same as that captured by Journal of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Chittagong the report of IUCN (2009). University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Vol-2. Roy BJ, Dey MP, Alam MF, Singha NK (2007). Present REFERENCES status of shark fishing in the Marine water Bangladesh, Presented in the Convention on the Conservation of ALONE, INTERNET, July, 2011, Shark catches data. Migratory Species (CMS)1st Meeting in Seychelles. Link, http// salughter, December, 2007. Link: www.UNEP/CMS/MS/Inf/10.4p. Roy et al. 024

White WT, Last PR, Stevens JD, Yearsley GK, Fahmi, Wild Fact Sheets Home Page (2013). Wild shores of Dharmadi (2006). Economically Important Sharks and Singapore, biog. Link at: file://C:/ Document and Rays of . Australian Centre for International. setting/Administrator. MFSMU- Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. pp. 238- 552EE3947/Desktop/Leopard. 239. ISBN 1-86320-517-9.