Howard University Commencement Programs Howardiana

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Howard University Commencement Programs Howardiana Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University Howard University Commencement Programs Howardiana 5-12-1973 1973 - Howard University Commencement Program Howard University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University, Howard, "1973 - Howard University Commencement Program" (1973). Howard University Commencement Programs. 122. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Howardiana at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Howard University Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'he One I u Jred and Fi/th Convocation 1 or e Confemn of D r es D · t-· t f . olumbia I URD . M Y TH ,. ... TI--I ETEE HUI DR D SE ENTY-THREE 'CL,QCK IN THE MORNI G THE . 11 I TIIE BENEDICTION THE RIGIIT REVEREND CLINTON COLEMAN *THE RECESSIONAL (The Assembly standing until the Graduates have filled out) FESflVAL ENTRATA OP. 93 ........................................................ Flor Peeter MR <.LYDE PARKER, Org{Jlrist Bras., £n.umble, MR. LANGSTON FITZGERALD, Director **COMMISSIONS SECOND LI EUTENANTS, THE UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE Robert Ir. Alexander Leroy Davis, Jr. \\liJ Liam L. Weaver Gilbert F. Williams Walton M. Belle, Jr. Terrence A. Gardner James W. Wilson Verion J. Wood Roscoe W. Campbell Theron C. Houston Calvin 0. Culmer Michael E. Cutts Arthur B. Martin, Jr. SECOND LIEUTENANTS, T HE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE RESERVE Hudson N. J ackson Bruce A. Taylor Auburn F. Mann Walter G. WilLiams • Recorded in the School of Music, College of Fine Arts ••omccrs Commissioned at Separate Ceremony DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Robert N. Perry- Physics "The Determination of the Tempera­ B.A., Talladega College, 1964 ture Dependence of the Thermal Con­ M $., Howard Unjver\ity, 1966 ductivity of the Ferrogmagnetic in­ sulators by Green's Function Tech­ nique" L<,uis Howard Poru.:r- P~ychology "The Role of the Parietal Lobes in B.A., Ohio University, 1966 Cutaneous Temperature Discrimina­ M.S., Howard University, 1970 tion·• Robert L. Shepard ChcmiMry "Negative and Positive Ion Mass 8.S., St. Augustine•~ College, 1969 Spectrometry of Some Substituted M.S., Howard University, I 971 Diimides" .Richard H. Sullivan-Chemistry "Hindered Internal Rotation in Thiou­ U.S .. South Carolina State College, reas f. Steric Effects and Conforma­ 1963 tions" Olive A. Taylor-History "The Protestant Episcopal Church and 8.A., Howard University, 1955 the Negro in Washington, D. C.: A M.A., Howard University, 1963 History of tbc Protestant Episcopal ChL1rch and its Nexus to the Black PopulaLion from the Seventeenth through the Nineteenth Centuries" James !1. Tarver, Jr.-Pharmacology "Catecholamine Metabolism in Vascu­ B.A ., Talladega College , I 963 laturc" Russell J. Tearncy-Physiology "Left Ventricular Function in Con­ B.S., Virginin 'Onion University, scious Instrumented Dogs With Ex­ 196 1 perimental Renal Hypertension" M.S., lloward University, 1969 Joan Lorena Williams Thomas­ "Genetic Profile of Pigeons Susceptible Zoology and non-susceptible to atheroscle­ M.S., I loward University, 1964 rosis" Lydia W. Thom~Zoology "Ultrastructural Studies of Artemia 0.S., I loward University, 1965 Salina" M.S., American University, 1970 Curtis Ddano Turnage-Zoology "Melting Point Analysis of Total 13.S., Elizabeth State College, J 967 Extractable DNA f(Om strains of M.S., Virginia State College, 1971 Telotrochidium Hermeguyi" Enil Jacob Bambodt Tutuwan­ "Pbotoinhibi tory Effects of Arylphos­ Chcrnistry phines in the Benzopbenone Photo­ B.S., l loward University. 1969 reduction" M.S .. Hownrd University, 1971 DOCTOR OF PHCLOSOPHY Bassey Edet Umoh-Political Science "The Effect of Ethnic Plurality on B.A., Howard University, 1967 African Suite: Th.: Instance of the M.A., Howard Uoi,·ersity, 1969 IBIBIOS in Nigeria" D iploma in American Law, LaSalle Extension University, 1971 L.L.B., LaSalle Extension University, 1971 Fred Larry Yaffe-Psychology "The Decrement in Conditioned Adap­ B.S., University of Maryland, 1966 tation to Prismacic Displacement" M.S., Howard University, 1969 THE ALMA MATER R eared against the eastern sky Proudly there on hilltop high Far above the lake so blue Stands old Howard 6m1 and true. There she stands for truth and right, Sending forth her rays of light, Clad in robes of majesty; 0 Howard, we sing of thee Be thou stiU our guide and stay, Leading us from day to day: Make us true and teal and strong Ever bold to battle wrong. When from thee we've gone away, May we strive for thee each day As we sail life's rugged sea, 0 Howard, we'll sing of thee. - Words, J. H. flROOKS, '16 - Music, P. D. MALONI'!, ' 16 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Howard Stone Anderson Dr. Timothy L. Jenkins Dr. Ruth Harvey Charity Dr. Guy B. Johnson Dr. James E. Cheek Mr. Arthur F. Jones Dr. Kennelh W. Oemenl Dr. Harold 0. Lewis Dr. \ViJliam K. Collins Mr. Edward P. Morgan M,r. Ossie Davis Mrs. Esther Garland Pollard Mr. Edward Dixon The Honorable Scovel Richardson Dr. Dorothy Fosdick Mrs. Mary Clark Rockefeller Dr. W. Henry Greene Dr. Terry Sanford Dr. Richard W. Hale, Jr. D r. Asa T . Spaulding Dr. W. Lester Henry, Jr. D r. Herman B. Wells Mr. John E. Jacob Dr. Geraldine Pittman Woods TRUSTEES EMERITI Mr. Wnlter H. Dieringer Dr. Percy L. Julian Dr. Oscar L. Chapman Dr. William J. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. Lloyd K. Garrison Dr. Lorimer D . Milton Mrs. Sophia Yarnall Jacobs The Honorable Myles A. Paige Dr. Floyd W. Reeves PATRON EX-OFFICIO The Honorable Caspar W. Weinberger Secretary of Health, EducaJion, and Welfare " r of 1 or he of D . '1 k, P . , .H. .. LL. D. r. U_' Pr . id;, H PR 1 PR . Fk h f lb a h . h tin Om '1"' Pr . id nt o th H I IO 'H RIGH _ ·opal Di. trict African M 111 disc pi l ion Im h Ba/tin on Ma land TH 0 R. DO DD Der e ,in clwol of /Ju. ine. anti Public Administration J Bl AT 0 . Ox bridi 0 h'-• joyful i,1 tlie rd, all ye lands, Serve the Lord ith ,ladtl :r.r. ,• ALO, Dir ·t, r • R ecorded in the chool of Mu. i , ollege o/ Fin Arts THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES, HONORlS CAUSA For the Degree of Docror of Lirerature Mrss GWENDOLYN BROOKS The Candidate WiJI be Presented by Mr. John E. Jacob Member, Board or Trustees The work of Gwendolyn Brook• depicis her concern for lhe many honol"\, including her selection by the State of Illinois as libcr-alion of lll~ck people and her role a.. one or the mo,,t influen­ Poet Laureate. tial li11ure. ,n the Black Renaissance. She i~ an ou~tanding and Bc._\ide~ Annie A/Ju,, her PoCU'Y collections include: A Street nationully-:,ccl,umed J)OCt who,,e work ha, motivated and inspired in Br,mzevil/e, The Bean Eaters, and ill the Mecca. She also ha, a generation of young Black write~. In 1950, ~he became the first Dlacl: writer to win the Pulitzer wriuen ,\,Jaud Martha, a novel. and Report from Part One, an Pri,.e, the nalion'1 hla,oe.t literary award, for ber work Annie awobiograplly. A lier,. Born in Topeka, Kansas, she was reared in Chicago and gradu­ 1ler uut<,tanding creativity and litetary contributions have won ated from Wilson Junior College. For rhe Degree of Doctor of Literature MR. ALEX HALEY The Candidate Will be Presented by Attorney Ruth Harvey Charity Member, Board of Trustees One of the oountry's foremost authors, Alex Haley wrote Tire have been acquired by Columbia Pictures which plans to produce A11to/,iuJ1rt11.1hy /Jf Malcolm X , one of the ten best books wrillen a four-hour epic from it. in America in the I 960's. As a journaUst, Mr. Haley has published in the Nation's most Five yenrs of p.,instaking genealogical research have resulted in pre.stigious mag&i.ines, among them, Harpers, The Atlandc Month­ ly, The New York Times Magazine, and Playboy. /(mm, " hook wh.ich traces Mr. Haley's maternal ancestry 10 a Sorn in New York and reared in Tennessee, Mr. Haley finished village in Gambia, West Africa, from where his seventh generation high school at the age of 15, at.tended college for two years before forefa1her was transported to Colonial America as a slave in 1767. a 20-year career in the United States Coast Guard. He retired n,e b<>ok i, 10 be publi~hed t.his fall. Movie rights 10 the book from the Coast Guard in 1959 to continue bis writing career. For the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters DR. JEWEL STRADFORD LAFONTANT The Candidate Will be Presented by D r. Kenneth W. Clement Member, Board of Trustees Mr<t. Jewel Stradford Lafontant, Deputy Solici1or OcneraJ of the soclation, the American Bar Association, the Chicago Branch of Uniie<l Smtcs, is n former United States Representative 10 the the National Assoeia1ion for the Advancement of Colored People, Unite<l N11tions. Her impressive achievements as a lawyer. public the American Civil Liberties Union, the Illinois State Advisory \ervnnt. nnd e.rusnder for human rights have won her numerous C'ommitlec to 1he United States Commission on Civil Rights, and high uw1trds from institutions, and civic and professional organi­ 1he Advisory Board of the lllinois Fair Employment Practices z.tition~. Commis.sion. A~ a practicing uttorney in Chicago. Mrs. Lafontant has com­ Born in Chicago, Illinois, she received the Bachelor of Arts de­ bined law "it.h politie11 to destroy numerous barriers 10 socinl and gree from Oberlin College and the Doctor of Law degree from the civic 11rogress.
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