Camp Ceremonies in Belton
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Volume 15 No. 11 April, 2003 C ONFEDERATE GAZETTE Meeting Set For April 15th DINNER MEETING SET FOR LITTLE RIVER A new dinner meeting side). Baptist University in Bris- location and a different The speaker for the tol, Tennessee. He travels Confederate day of the week will be the dinner meeting is Dr. Ed- several thousand miles order of the day for the ward R. Devries from each year speaking at ral- Gazette Camp’s dinner meeting in Waller, Texas. Dr. DeViries lies, conferences, semi- April. The event will be is the author of sixteen nars, camps, conventions, held on Tuesday evening books and many published civic functions, and in local Is a monthly publication at 7:00 P.M. on April 15th. articles. His topic is “The churches across the North of the Destruction of Southern The location of the dinner American continent. meeting will be the Fire- Churches and Desecration The camp has reserved Major Robert M. White House Ranch in Little of Cemeteries by Union the entire FireHouse Camp #1250 River. Troops.” Ranch facility and mem- Sons of Confederate The FireHouse Ranch is Dr. DeViries holds five bers can order either steak Veterans the old Maggie’s Restau- earned college degrees or catfish for $15.00 The Temple, Texas rant just by the railroad and seminary degrees, in- FireHouse Ranch is well tracks in Little River, off cluding a Doctor of Theol- known for serving one of East Main (see maps in- ogy degree from Landmark the best steaks in Texas. Web Site: Confederate Heritage To Be Honored April 6th Steve Wooley Camp Commander Camp Ceremonies In Belton 14280 Sutton Loop In honor of April being march to the South Belton will have a dinner, fellow- Temple, TX 76504 Confederate History Month Cemetery a few blocks ship, and social. The ap- in Texas, The Major Robert away, where at 1:30 PM or proximate time for the din- M. White Camp #1250 will so there will be a marker ner will be 2:30 PM. Con- John C. Perry hold special ceremonies in dedication. The South Bel- federate Park is named for Belton on Sunday, April 6, ton Cemetery is the final the property that Confeder- Newsletter Editor 2003. resting place for a number ate Veterans once used as P.O. Box 794 The event will kick off of Confederate soldiers, a reunion site. Salado, TX 76571 at 1:00 PM at the Bell including the Camp’s All camp members, County Courthouse. A namesake, Major Robert and friends of the camp wreath will be laid at the M. White. are invited to this impor- © 2003, Major Robert M. White Confederate Soldier’s Following the ceremo- tant event. Show your Camp #1250 statue at the northwest nies at the South Belton pride in your Confederate Sons of Confederate Veterans corner of the courthouse Cemetery the proceedings heritage by helping Confed- Temple, Texas grounds. will reconvene at Confeder- erate History Month be From the courthouse ate Park in Belton. At Con- celebrated in Bell County. those that are able will federate Park the camp Page 2 Volume 15 Issue 11 C ONFEDERATE PROFILE BEN MCCULLOCH e knew Sam He recovered in time to for reelection in 1842 and Houston and offer his services to his spent the next several H Davy Crockett former neighbor, Sam years, surveying, and fight- in his home state of Ten- Houston. Houston put Ben ing Indians and against nessee. Like his friends, in charge of one of the two Mexican incursions into who would earn fame in “Twin Sisters” cannons. Texas. Ben returned to the Texas, he too felt the allure He participated in the Bat- Texas legislature after of Texas and at age 24 tle of San Jacinto, and per- Texas was annexed by the made the journey to the formed so well that Hous- United States. Lone Star state. ton promoted him to 1st When war began with Benjamin McCulloch Mexico he raised a com- was born in Rutherford mand of Texas Rangers A friend of Davy County, Tennessee, on No- that became part of Jack vember 11, 1811. He was Hays's 1st Regiment, Texas Crockett and Sam the fourth son of Alexan- Mounted Volunteers. Ben der and Frances had an excellent record Houston, he McCulloch. Ben’s mother during the war, including journeyed to was the daughter of a some exceptional efforts prominent Virginia family. at the Battle of Buena Tex a s at a g e 2 4 His father, who was a Vista. By war’s end he graduate of Yale College, had been promoted to ma- was a major during An- jor of United States volun- drew Jackson's campaign teers. against the Creek Indians. After the Mexican War, Ben’s younger brother was Ben traveled to the gold Henry E. McCulloch. fields of California before As a teenager Ben returning to Texas and be- moved with his family to coming a U.S. Marshal for western Tennessee. He the eastern district of became well know for his Benjamin McCulloch Texas. He also served as prowess as a bear killer. one of two peace commis- He is credited with killing Lieutenant on the field of sioners in the Mormon hos- 80 bears in one year, a battle. tilities in Utah in 1858. feat that rivaled friend, Post war Ben became Ben is given credit for help- Davy Crockett. In one bear a Texas Ranger and an ex- ing prevent bloodshed in fight young Ben killed a perienced Indian fighter. the dispute. bear by stabbing the bear He settled in Seguin and After Texas left the Un- in his heart as the bear was elected to the Repub- ion, he was commissioned held Ben’s other arm in its lic of Texas’ House of Rep- a colonel and was given mouth. resentatives in 1839. Dur- the responsibility to de- By 1835 the lure of ing the election a dual with mand the surrender of all Texas caught hold of Ben. a political rival resulted in federal posts in Texas. On He journeyed to Texas in Ben being wounded in his February 16, 1861, an effort to join with Davy right arm. Ben never fully McCulloch received the Crockett and his men. Af- regained complete use of surrender of the federal ter he reached Texas, he his arm. The man that had arsenal in San Antonio. On became quite ill with the wounded him was later May 11, 1861, Confeder- measles and was unable killed in a subsequent ate President Jefferson to join with Crockett and dual. Davis appointed Ben a his men, thus missing out Ben chose not to run brigadier general. He was on the fight at the Alamo. (Continued on page 6) Confederate Gazette Page 3 Division Convention Set Camp Schedule For Brazos Valley April 6th: Confederate His- tory Month Ceremonies in The Sul Ross Camp tas buffet with cash bar Belton: #1457 of Bryan will host will be available. The buf- 1:00PM Courthouse the 106th Texas Division fet will be open from 7:00 Square Convention-Reunion on p.m. to 8:00 p.m. only. Mr. 1:30 South Belton June 6th and 7th. The Joe Walker will be on hand Cemetery events will take place at with his banjo sharing 2:30 Confederate the College Station Hilton some period music and Park—Camp Dinner and and Conference Center, laughter. Social located in College Station. Registration will open (Note: The 1:30 and 2:30 Registration will begin Saturday morning, June times are only approximate start times) promptly at 2:00 p.m. on 7th at 7:00 a.m. Conven- Friday, June 6th and will tion’s Opening Ceremonies April 15th: Quarterly Dinner continue until 6:00 p.m. will be preceded by a Me- Meeting. 7:00 P.M., Fire- that evening. A reception morial service beginning at House Ranch Restaurant, and social will follow in the 8:30 a.m. in the main hall Little River, Texas. Oakwood Room where a of the Conference Center. Speaker: Dr. Edward R. full chicken and beef faji- (Continued on page 6) Devries Next Camp Directions to April Dinner Meeting May 13th: Regular Camp Meeting: Meeting, 7:00 P.M., TBA April 15th June 6-7th: Texas Division 7:00 P.M. at Convention, College Sta- tion Hilton Hotel, College FireHouse Ranch Station, Texas Little River, TX June 10th: Regular Camp Meeting, 7:00 P.M., TBA Map A shows the general location of Little River. Lit- tle River is located just west of Academy on Farm to Market Road 436. Map B shows a closer view of Little River. The Fire- House Ranch is a two story Above: building just off FM 436 by Map A the railroad tracks. Directions from Killeen Left: area: Go east on US190 Map B to Belton and then go north on I-35. From I-35 take a right (east) on FM 436 in Belton. Take 436 to Little River. From Temple Take High- way 95 south to Academy. At Academy take a right (west) on FM 436. Page 4 Volume 15 Issue 11 “THE BOOK BIN” When in the Course of Human Events Editor’s Note: Almost all of us read books on the War Between the States. Please share your thoughts on a book with your fellow camp members. The book can be old or new just write something up and send it to the editor. By: John C. Perry stand” Adams brings vari- Another interesting ous parities to “testify” as part of the book is when When in the Course of Human Events by Charles Adams, to the cause of the war.