www.EDUCATIONUPDATE.com AwardAward Volume XII, No. 5 • New York City • JANUARY 2007 Winner FOR ParENTS, EDucaTORS & STUDENTS Lois Wadler Schilling/ New York Life Insurance U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE V P PRSRT STD. PRSRT OO ermit No.500 RH EES , NJ NY LIFE GIVES $10 M TO COLIN POWEll CENTER, CUNY EDUCATION UPDATE ■ FOR ParENTS, EDucaTORS & STUDENTS ■ JANUARY 2007 GUEST COMMENTARY Education updatE Mailing Address: 17 Lexington Avenue, A1207 “Racial Balance” Programs: The New Racism New York, NY 10010 By DEBI GHatE and relegated to “colored” institutions. This was potential. By decisively rejecting the claim that Email:
[email protected] Earlier this month the Supreme Court heard a monstrous injustice. It mattered not how intel- members of a racial group (who have nothing in www.EducationUpdate.com arguments by two public school boards seek- ligent or talented a student was, it mattered not common but a physiological attribute) are inter- Tel: 212-477-5600 Fax: 212-477-5893 ing its sanction of “racial balance” programs. where he lived or what his study interests were-- changeable. And by denouncing “diversity” as an If upheld, the boards will possess the power to he had black skin. anti-value—and as the new racism. PUBLISHER & EDITOR IN CHIEF: shuffle around students of various racial back- In the supposed name of correcting this wrong, A private school, such as the Kamehameha Pola Rosen, Ed.D. grounds in order to forcibly “integrate” them and today’s public school boards claim the need for School—which recently won its federal court ADVISORY COUNCIL: create a “diverse community.” “racial balance” programs.